한국 추석 선물세트 처음 받아본 영국 부모님들의 반응!? (급 문화충격!!!)

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[Music] socks it's not it's another type of song no it's basically korean thanksgiving in terms of how they celebrate it's almost like korean christmas is a big deal okay and traditionally around chuseok you give elderly members of your family castle no you give your parents gift sets i'm warming to this idea so do we have to give you a gift no no no you're fine i wanted to use this opportunity to introduce you to some of the most popular korean chuseok gift sets i don't like the idea of that knowing yeah yeah first up packaged food gift sets i was thinking of like a hamper with wine in there okay that's a little different yeah we grew up on spa actually it's really nice for cheese is it the kind of thing that comes to mind when you think of premium gift sets so we didn't get you spam but we did get you some packaged food this is hangwa much better than spam thank you john very welcome [Music] that's not what i was expecting oh it's light as a feather yeah i thought it would be the heavy rice thingy i've never had anything like this before no it's like candy floss without sweetness more like prawn cracker no it's not wrong okay okay yeah yeah they make it especially soft so that all the people who are older but we're not there no not exclusively not excited with no teeth it's inclusive let's try one of the other ones shall we yeah this is a personal favorite of mine i reckon you should do that i love the way they're packaged [Music] yeah i could eat more of them yes this just feels more classy and special very presentable as opposed to the spam thing okay yeah yeah pre-packaged foods is the fourth most popular type of chuseok gift set so not yet in a medal winning position not you not yet the third most popular is from we're not doing that [Laughter] you're not going to try and say that again beautifully packed beautifully packaged this looks like it's more you than me look like all sorts of things that you wash yourself with their nutrition products so i think that's probably for both of us watch our health and make sure that we have the right vitamins and supplements i'm okay with spam i think collagen is this to eat or put on your face that is actually collagen that you can eat and it's it's really good for your skin collagen gummy it's diet gummy stop hanging over [Laughter] i'm hoping that i won't need that okay yeah give that a try mum scientifically proven apparently to uh what it's just like a gumdrop isn't that yeah oh that's quite nice oh why not they also have cognac which i know people use in diet as well because it is very filling and it's quite low calories konjac i think it's cognac oh that's what we like it's cognac alcohol it's a different cognac with that hangover one i tried it just pop that in your pocket for later stop it radiola and vitamin b it's called hong kong tongue and it's scientifically proven to reduce stress levels oh i needed that yeah how many can you take in one go i think just one at a time and they also help fatigue recovery as well you need that more than me i'll stop i'll give you that one how will you go for it and and how long does it take before i react i love the pictures they're almost like for children so these are some very popular characters in korea normally it's younger people giving it to older people but this is the sort of thing that nowadays especially young people are going to be given more than ever i think it's actually a really touching gift because it sort of says you care about someone's well-being it's like when you get deodorant for christmas it feels like you're speaking from experience i really like that idea well on that note this is actually uh our sponsor for today's episode so thank you very much for the kind words it wasn't scripted that wasn't planned well well done sponsor because it's a it's it's a good thing it's really nice good responsible gifting that's what we'd like to see shout out to you don't mini they are a pharmaceutical company been making medicines and health supplements for over 80 years wow wouldn't have been possible without them thank you next up are you ready for number two second most popular chuseok gift okay fresh food oh my goodness it looks expensive look at those flowers what's the little green things those are grapes they're grapes they're great about that baby great very sweet i think the fruit in this case has been taking the health supplement unfortunately i can't really import fruit from korea it's quite difficult however i could find a dried fruit one two three korea dried persimmon persimmon which is a fruit i feel like we don't really have in the uk oh oh gosh they're sort of like mini cakes or donuts oh it's very moist oh my goodness oh it's squishy oh wow look are they sweet are they sour have you ever had a persimmon before i'm not sure [Music] oh wow [Music] wow that's nice that's really nice what do you think that's really nice not good it is it's quite big as well it's quite a unique flavor right it's yummy it's not really very dry does it it's a bit like a cross between an apricot and a fig that would make lovely jam wouldn't it makes a lovely thing to just eat who finished it now oh yeah i like that that was nice i love the bit in the middle as well there's a little sort of chewy jelly bit it's really really nice it's good right i told you you don't like dried fruit but yeah this is i mean that's not dried it's like wetter than most fruits i actually went to a farm once in the in the countryside where the guy was growing them and he would hang them all out to dry i mean he like stored them in this building and then kept them frozen yeah it's quite precise the way they make them but i mean if it was easy to do we would have had it fine now that's right that's right because these are too nice to have missed out on wow we're getting more than one game the most popular gift given at korean chuseok is which is oh four i love this one thank you very much so they give money it is the most popular gift yeah in korean is that right is this a more recent thing because convenience people are busy i think in korea the connotations are very different especially with family there's quite a big culture of like giving back to your parents showing gratitude to the sacrifice that older generations have made in order for us to even be alive be where we are that's actually something i really like about korean culture is the emphasis they've done on respecting elders it is interesting isn't it because i feel like in england you would give money to your kids but you wouldn't expect your kids to give you money the idea of your children giving money to you i mean i quite like it but it's it's very kind of counter cultural for us it's really touching particularly you're giving at a time in your life when actually probably your need for money is greater than ours in the sense that we don't have children to look after anymore we don't need a big house or anything i really do love that i mean i'm getting to see with ollie now how much work he and lizzie put into raising huge amount of work i'm expecting some money from her at some point i remember being a little kid being very active and loud and thinking how the heck did you guys raise me i don't know really where are those stressed tablets i can feel something coming on happy truck thank you you know how you wrap up this episode honoring yogi catching [Laughter] thank you so much for you guys put it in there classic mom having said that she likes it it's like no no i'm not keeping the money what should we do yeah do something special buy some spam you
Channel: 영국남자 Korean Englishman
Views: 3,423,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Korean, 영국남자, 영국, 조쉬, 올리, Josh, Ollie, KoreanEnglish, English, Man, englishman, food, 음식, 외국인, 반응, 영상, 웃긴, 남자, 외국, 도전, 매운, 조니, 조엘, 신부님, 크리스, 올리아빠, 해물, 치킨, 삼겹살, korean, BBQ, fried, chicken, 라면, 불닭볶음면, 미친남자, 추석, 추석선물, 부모님
Id: gYF74qfoqtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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