British guitarist reacts to the LEGEND that is DIO! With Vivian Campbell melting faces!

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hello Phil here from wings of pegasus and welcome to another analysis video on the agenda tonight we have Vivian Campbell and do of course and this is gonna be coming from 1985 live from Japan so let's get these guys up on screen and see how they get on I've cued it forward so that we get Vivian's solo in and this is the solo for last in line and then they're going to go into Holy Diver but then we'll have a little word on do afterwards as well so just gonna quickly get into that lead there was so much going on there as we know Vivian such great players loads of techniques alternative picking there lots of hammer-ons and pull-offs I love the way that he gets such a great legato sound with those hammer-ons and pull-offs a lot of whammy bar action here as well as everyone will know back in the 80s especially that's when people I was used so much especially when the locking nuts came in on the guitars so it meant that they could really go crazy doing dive bombs and all that kind of stuff and the strings were then popped back straight back into tune so really did get a bit crazy the 80s with the whammy bar of course Van Halen was one of those guys they would always to pull off to open strings and do a dive bomb or pull off to an open string hit harmonic and do a dive bomb that's one of the things that if you don't know hockey you want to sound 80s just do that just do a run pull off to an open string harmonic dive bomb and that's pretty much 80s tick but you cannot underestimate the mana technique that Vivian's got in his plane it's perfect for do this sound it just really suits with Dios tracks they always need something in there that's gonna be as big and as great sounding as do because dears voice not only his voice but his whole personality on stage he's one of those guys that when you watch him on stage he is different he's in a different league to everyone else and you can't really put your finger on what it is it's like a whole package and when you see a live performance from do it is like going to a play he is acting out the lyrics and he's one of those guys it's just in total control of not only that performance not only has that aura around him when he's performing but his vocal is absolutely insane in terms of how good it is I don't think I've heard any other vocalists that can do do because it is so unique there's loads of other guys that try to but there's something about when you put together that voice with the personality with the showmanship and with this almost acting ability that dio's got to tell the story through a song it's just an unbeatable combination and he's one of those rare people that when you see them for some reason they are just better than everybody else you can't really put your finger on it it's it's so many different elements that come together to make that full package of as an ultimate frontman when it then goes to the solo that solo has got to try and be as big and as entertaining as that frontman as the whole performance and the composition and Vivian was perfect for that because he really threw in loads of techniques he would do harmonics squeals harmonic pinches squeals we kind of caught them in the 80s community but classic sound and those dive-bombs is just making a really big lead sound obviously in the 80s the addition of delay overdrive would really help to fill out that sound but in order to really hold your own just in a guitar solo with do you had to be totally on top of all your techniques and get that solo to stand out within the composition of the track which is already just stolen the show stolen already by do so be able to play a lead that stands up well to that is really a massive achievement and Vivian did that let's get into it a little bit more this is going to be Holy Diver now I think they've been playing into [Music] [Applause] [Applause] just going to jump in here even though I want to stop it because a do is just there's no words that you could say to describe how great he was when he sang it's almost like having a classically trained singer or opera singer at the top of their game but do is doing all with a heavy rock vocal grey vibrato but you can see especially in that last little section the amount of acting and portraying of the lyrics of a song that do put into every performance this is now great we're now going insert last in line again that classic synth some of the synth in the 80s was just unbeatable just such a great full sound great riffs really added something to every track and when you've got great riffs and great lines like you do with do especially Holy Diver it's just a classic riff that everyone knows you play just a few bars and bang everyone knows it's Holy Diver but just the addition of synth just feels out the sound amazingly well and we'll just listen to a little bit more because it's hard not to want to just hear all of this and there we go this what a great performance what a gig this must have been to actually attend and see it live but such a great life sound guitar work like I said just faultless and DA's performance is just crazy good all the time he's just all over it but I've run out of things I can say about do obviously if you look at me with my hair this is my kind of stuff it's right up my street so do one of the absolute legends of heavy metal and just such a great voice but Vivienne Campbell's playing as well really it's got all of the techniques that you want in a lead guitarist and here really tough job to play something that's gonna stand up to DA's voice but Vivienne absolutely does it and he had that whole 80s sound all the tapping all those hammer-ons pull-offs all the alternate picking occasional little bits of sweeping as well yet all of those bases covered so it means that playing for do is one hell of a band to have to play for but then if he was there moving over to another band for example Def Leppard he had all of that experience and all those techniques just to seamlessly slot in to another really top 80s band but thank you so much for suggesting this video for me to take a look at and keep those suggestions coming in the comments below let me know what you guys think and if you like this video please give it a thumbs up and subscribe and I'll see you guys at the next one rock
Channel: Wings of Pegasus
Views: 16,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dio, live, super, rock, japan, ronnie, james, rainbow, black, sabbath, elf, elves, dio holy diver, dio live with vivian campbell, dio live, vivian campbell, vivian campbell solo, vivian campbell guitar solo, vivian campbell dio, British guitarist reacts to the LEGEND that is DIO! With Vivian Campbell melting faces!, wings of pegasus, wingsofpegasus, last in line dio, last in line live, last in line dio live, holy diver, last in line
Id: hv2HxjP6P0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 08 2018
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