Britain Passes Rwanda Bill | Deportation to Begin in July? | Vantage with Palki Sharma

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our next story is from the UK where prime minister Rishi sunak has won a major battle the British Parliament has finally passed the Rwanda bill it's a controversial law it allows the UK to deport Asylum Seekers packing them off to Rwanda a country in East Central Africa the British Parliament has passed this law now it awaits the Monarch's approval when King Charles III signs it the law will come in into Force so what does this this really mean what is this Rwanda Bill why is it controversial how will it work and will it really help Rishi sonak to make sense of this bill we'll use a metaphor do you know what a scarecrow is it's usually a figure or model made of straw shaped like a human and put up on a farm what is the scarecrow's purpose as the name suggests it is to scare away crows it looks like a human being the hope is that crows will think it is a person believe it is dangerous and stay away the straw figure acts as a deterrent it deters or discourages crows from Landing in the farm and that is exactly what the UK's Rwanda bill is a deterrent with no real power but something they hope will keep immigrants away and here's how it works the Rwanda bill says that immigrants can be deported not all illegal immigrants just people who arrive from a safe country like France migrants often enter the UK via France after crossing the English Channel on small boats now everyone who has entered the UK this way from France is eligible for deportation illegal immigrants that's about 52,000 people they can be sent to Rwanda without having their cases heard in court so far these refugees got to approach British courts they could ask the court for Asylum but not anymore even if a refugee's case is genuine it will be rwanda's call to make the UK is washing its hands off the matter now on the surface this law sounds like it has teeth everyone who entered illegally will be kicked out no court hearings no exceptions but think about it for a moment 52,000 people is no joke imagine having to R up that many immigrants then putting them on flights without hurting them in the process and making sure they're medically fit to fly also simultaneously fighting off legal challenges from lawyers representing these migrants how fast do you think the UK can accomplish that for 52,000 people let me show you some figures in fact the maximum number of people that Briton deported in one year was about 15,000 15,000 people in a year deported this was way back in the the year 2012 since then the number has decreased to about 5,000 a year that's how many people they're able to deport even if Rishi sonak manages to bring deportations back up to 15,000 it would take him three and a half years to send the migrants to Rwanda and these are the 52,000 presently in Britain it'll take him 3 and a half years meanwhile more of them keep coming last year almost 30,000 migrants came via the English Channel so if you do the math the Randa plan doesn't really work unless of course the people stop coming if they're too scared to come to the UK in the first place if the channel Crossing stop if the inflow is lower than the deportations only then will the UK's illegal immigration problem end and that you could say is the real purpose of the Rwanda bill it is not so much about sending people to the African country it is about scaring people who are thinking about entering the UK as sonak has been given permission morning to put up a scarecrow and his plan is already in motion but we are ready the first flight will leave in 10 to 12 weeks now of course that is later than we wanted but we have always been clear that processing will take time soak says the first flight will leave in 10 to 12 weeks which means July it's still a few months away but look at the impact if you know before I came here he said that you know they send to me in Randa I I never come here would you have come to the UK if you'd have known you could end up in Rwanda no never do you think it will stop other people coming now yeah yeah I say to all as them don't come into UK so it seems to be working already acting as a deterent if this continues then sonak may actually bring immigration numbers down but we will not know for sure until the first flights take off until July at least so we have to wait and watch but Rishi sunak did win something yesterday he won a major political battle his Flagship immigration law has passed and this has happened just before the election now we know that sonak is deeply unpopular his party is set to lose the next election so if he can get even one symbolic flight off the ground to Rwanda he might win back some votes for his Party politics after all is more about emotions and messaging than facts or Effectiveness so sonak has a new election gimmick what about the other side of the story what about Rwanda well they're getting Millions to take in the refugees they've already received 290 million they'll get another 100 million at least plus 20,000 for each migrant they' taken and10 million after just 300 migrants reach Rwanda sonar's office has refused to make the final bill public but Rwanda is is definitely making a fortune thanks to British taxpayers so the African country might be the only real winner in this story
Channel: Firstpost
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Keywords: firstpost, vantage, palki sharma, vantage palki sharma, first post, firstpost palki sharma, britain rwanda refugee, britain rwanda bill, rishi sunak rwanda plan, rwanda policy uk, rwanda policy sunak, rwanda migrant plan, rwanda migrants uk, rwanda migrants, rwanda plan rishi sunak, rishi sunak rwanda, rishi sunak uk parliament, rishi sunak migrants, rishi sunak migration bill, sunak rwanda bill, rwanda bill, rwanda deportation bill, rwanda deportation uk, rwanda deportation
Id: V1uZJdec2A4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 29sec (389 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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