BRINGING MY MAINE COON KITTENS HOME *VLOG & KITTEN HAUL* ft. Pets at Home, Homesense & The Range 😻

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guys today is such an exciting day i'm getting a couple of fur babies i can't wait i'm gonna go and pick them up now i've just been getting ready i've been rushing you know how it is but um yeah we're getting two maine kittens they're boys we chose them out a couple of weeks ago like i went round different breeders and everything settled on a couple that i just absolutely love and the breeders are amazing and everything thoroughly check them out all the rest of it um they're actually my first two pedigree cats i've always had rescue cats before this and they've always been amazing but i've had a dream since i was a little girl of having maine coons i just absolutely love them i think they look so majestic and these two boys are amazing i'm not gonna bore you too much right now but i thought that i would just take you along on their first days i'm gonna go and pick them up now and then i thought i'd show you how they settle in and stuff i might not film much of them today we'll see how they get on but i thought i would film a bit of them during the week and stuff show you how they settle in introduce you to the boys because they're part of our farm now and also i've got quite a few little bits for them so i thought i'd do a little haul for you guys i've got some stuff from pets at home the range and home sense as well so we'll add that in here as well but let's go and pick up the boys i'm so excited they're being so good in the car aren't you yeah that paw is the best thing i've ever seen shall we explore your new home can mommy get you out yes you're gonna come out and have a little look so are we gonna do a name reveal so the one with the orange color is phoenix phoenix i'm not sure he knows his name yet and then the one with no color because he used to be green color but he managed to get his color off is oscar and he's on his way under the sofa and they are silver cream maine coons hello love phoenix has gone straight in his cat scratching barrel do you like it in there hey do you like it so this is basically a scratching barrel hi and it's got three bed areas so there's another one in there and they can kind of if you can see they can like climb up inside and then the top is a bed i've got some toys in there as well do you love your scratchy barrel this is from katri king they really kindly sent me it and it's absolutely amazing i'm gonna link it down below they climb up the sizal and you love it don't you and we've got a cat tree from them as well i'm gonna put that together in a bit you love it in here don't you they've literally been playing like this for so long they're so cute okay so it is a few days later and the boys are settling in so well they're having a nap at the moment so i thought that i would just do a little haul for you guys of the stuff that i got for them shall we start with pets at home and then i'm to give you a little update as well once they've woken up and you can see them right first up toys they love their toys so much i'm so happy you know how sometimes you get toys for your cats and they just don't care about them they literally use all their toys so i'm buzzing about that first off i just got them this little fish on a stick thing they love these they've got a few of these and they're actually really good if you've got two kittens you'll know what i mean by when they play fight i mean obviously they're supposed to play a fight it's how they learn how to be gentle with each other and they just learn skills through doing that but sometimes it does get a little bit rough so i just introduce one of these each and i kind of like have one chasing one one chasing the other it's amazing i don't know how i would cope without these oh my god from pets at home as well i got this packet of three mice i've lost one of them all the boys have lost one of them they love these so much guys i can't even tell you oscar no phoenix is in love with this little white one he carries it around everywhere with him and it's just the cutest thing ever he like hides it behind the curtains and stuff i'm gonna go back and get them some more of these because they just absolutely love them and this is kind of i don't know if i got this more from me than the cat but this little rabbit it like makes a crinkly sound this was a dog toy but i saw it in the store and i just kind of needed it like i just thought it was really really cute they do like it they kind of play with it a little bit they don't play with it as much as their other toys but they do like it he hasn't been named actually shall we name him leave your suggestions down below of what we should name this little rabbit i just liked him because he was all like fluffy and cute also from pets at home i got them some food i just got them a massive bag i think this is this is the 4kg bag of royal canaan kitten food this is what they were weaned on we've got a couple of bags like little bags from the breeder that came in their kitten pack and i just got the same one for them i do love royal canaan i just think it's one of those brands where you know that your cat is getting everything that they need all the nutrients everything and the kibbles are like a really nice little size for their little kitten teeth also doll can you see this like phoenix has literally chewed through the bag already he just can't help himself so i've had to move that into the garage and for their litter i've been using the sani cat diamonds this is the lavender scented one they also have a aloe vera scented one and they have an unscented one as well but again this is the one that the breeder used so she just recommended this this is quite expensive compared to your average litter but it is amazing you literally get no older at all like you cannot smell their wheat at all it is amazing stuff it's like silica gel litter which i don't know why i thought this but i always thought silica gel was toxic for cats so i like thoroughly researched this because i was like what you can get silica gel litter apparently it's totally fine obviously but yeah they really really like this as well i did get them a litter tray from pets at home um which i won't bother showing you because it's downstairs but i got them one that's like covered but i haven't put the cover on yet just because i want to get them used to using it it is one of the big litter trees i did get a couple of little litter trees but i just moved them into their bigger one i think they're ready for it they can get into it fine but this is amazing litter i would highly highly recommend checking this out it's really really unbelievable i can't smell lavender even though it's lavender scented but it just it doesn't leave any like um dustiness or anything it's just so so good okay moving on to home sense i wasn't even planning on getting them cat stuff in home sense i was just in for a browse but i saw that they had some stuff and i just couldn't resist so i got them one of these chew toys they love these they're so good because they're teething at the moment they love these like balls that they can hold and just chew on these things this was 3.99 for 9.99 i got them this like ball play thing which they love this is more of like a test in their intelligence type of toy but they will literally sit and play with this for ages and like try and get the balls out they climb through the top all the time bless them i feel so bad like honeys you're never going to get the balls out but keeps their brain ticking you know for 4.99 i got them this cat tunnel which i actually thought was bigger but they love it nonetheless i i just think this is great it's like make this sort of scrunchy sound they take their toys inside this they love like play fighting inside this running through it they absolutely love it i also got them a cat brush i don't remember where i got this from i think it might have been pets at home actually um but this is just a little one for now obviously they're maine coons their fur is really gonna grow so i'm gonna have to get them some more grooming tools but at the moment the brush is fine i just give them a brush every other day like every third day and i give them treats afterwards so they've got the whole like positive association thing and it's working out well so far especially with oscar he loves a little brush so i got a couple of bits from the range i literally can hear the bells i got them two little litter trees which i've washed out they use these for like three days before i moved them into their bigger litter tree i just i don't know why i did that to be honest they were fine in these but i just kind of didn't want them to get used to them because i wanted to move them into their bigger one but these are great for when they're a kitten they're literally like 2.99 but they're in their 30 quid one now which has a lid like i said but we haven't put the lid on just yet so when they were with the breeder they had little collars on so that she could tell them all apart because there was literally like i don't know like six kittens or something so phoenix was orange color oscar was green color and i saw these colors in the range and they're all super cute i'm going to show you them but i have decided not to have collars on them so i am just going to return these but i want to show you them because they're super cute i just i like their fluffy necks and i took phoenix's collar off oscar had already got his off so i'm just not going to bother but this is super cute it's like dalmatian print it's got a little bell i don't know how annoying the bell would be but i did think it was cute and then there's this little blue spotty one as well which i really liked and also i'm so sad that i'm not gonna use these but i got these for like christmas time how cute would they have been wearing these little ones with the balls i still i'm tempted to keep these for christmas but i don't know if they'll tolerate a collar once they haven't had one on however i do want to try them with a harness at some point so i can take them for walks because maine coons if you don't know guys they have a real sort of dog-like personality they love going for walks and things they love water oh my god oscar had his first little bath the other day he had an accident bless him so i put him in the bath he loved it like i have never seen a cat love water like that it's actually crazy they're so different to most cats it's actually mad then i've got another one of these play toys this one's from zoo plus zoo plus is actually really good for toys and this is from the breeder though again it came in their kitten pack and then i just picked up a few of these in sainsbury's these little mice the other day and i know that they like their other little mice so hopefully they'll like these too but yeah they've got some other stuff as well but that is the majority of it hopefully they'll be awake now should we go and see if they're awake and i'll give you a little update on them how they've settled in and stuff hi boys you enjoying your cat tree yeah you love it hi gorgeous boy gorgeous boy so here we have oscar hi baby he is the more timid of the two so the first night that we got there well the first day that we got them we kept them in the living room just so that they would get used to their surroundings and everything and they settled in so so well like they're so placid so lovely when they're not going crazy at playtime but yeah so we kept them in the living room for the first day didn't we and then they got used to that we let them look around like the house and stuff like downstairs the next day but yeah then we let them explore upstairs after a few days and they've really settled in well phoenix settled in okay they're having their daft half hour phoenix settled in so much quicker than oscar he was just like a duck to water he was totally fine oscar was also fine but he i think he was a little bit more anxious like he was the one who would follow phoenix around um and he was a little bit more sort of cautious this is phoenix he's the slightly braver one oscar's behind the camera right now and i just feel like he's gonna knock it over i've got a little weird tripod situation going on um but yeah phoenix settled in really quickly oscar was a bit more cautious and he needed a lot of reassurance bless him he really needed like a lot of love and cuddles and reassurance they've both been absolutely fine with their food and using the litter tray and everything apart from the first full day after we got them oscar had a little accident he weed in his bed and then he weed on the sofa but it was after he'd used his litter tray so i'm just thinking it was probably an anxiety thing are you coming back he chirps as well and it's just the cutest thing i don't know if you heard that probably not but he had like a little bit of wee on his legs and he was trying to wash it off so i thought you know what hi they said that maine coons love a bath so i thought let's test this out i put a little bit of water at the bottom of the bath popped him in it and he absolutely loved it it was the weirdest thing are you gonna go up your tree that is like the best thing ever they love their bed up there like their cat tree is their favorite thing ever and obviously it's all like sizable so he's got straight in his bed it's great for like sharpening their clothes but also because they're having a climb up it it like really helps with strengthening their muscles and building their bones and stuff so yeah can you see them up there being crazy little cats yeah it's like their favorite thing ever but yeah after his bath he was totally fine he does do this little suckling thing when he's going to sleep oscar which again i think he just needs a lot of like comfort and love whereas phoenix is much more independent and it's happy to just chill do his own thing whatever hi am i talking about you i love them so much they're so little right now but maine coons are like the largest cat breed they're literally gonna grow up to be so big their mum and dad were the breeders family pets and they were like the mum was big their dad was huge and i loved his men like he had this huge mane i can't wait for their mains to start growing in they start growing in when they're about 10 months old i just can't wait for it they're so cute though they just play together all the time they sleep together it's so cute and yeah this cat tree was are you going to sleep in your little hammock um this cat tree was so easy to build as well this is from the same place as their scratch and barrel it's from katri king it was gifted to me which i'm so happy about because it is literally their favorite thing ever i'm gonna link it down below along with their scratching barrel hey i've got you i got yeah oh my little boob do you want to be down i just want to show you everyone look isn't he a babe he's a babe we love him he's like get off me i want to go and play but yeah they are literally the best thing ever look he's playing with his little thing i was are you gonna play with your balls as it were he loves playing with this little ball toy honestly they both do they'll sit and play with it for ages they are literally the cutest little things love them they do get a little bit frustrated with it though trying to get the balls out phoenix wants to say hi now he's comfortably cuddle he purrs nearly every time you pick him up he's not doing it right now but he usually does it's so cute but yeah um let me know if you'd like to see these little lads on my channel some more and yeah that was my little kitten vlog i am a happy happy girl oh my god have you seen his little like spotty tummy it's just the best thing in the world isn't it the cutest little thing is i put me down i'm in the middle of playing thank you anyway i hope you enjoyed that video guys leave me a comment let me know if you did let me know if you'd like to see these little boys on my channel some more and yeah i really enjoyed filming this if you want to see more from them be sure to come and follow me over on instagram because they will be on my stories constantly i hope you enjoyed this video guys be sure to give it a cheeky little thumbs up as always if you did and i shall catch you next week bye
Channel: KatesBeautyStation
Views: 23,539
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Keywords: katesbeautystation, Kates beauty station, bringing home my new kitten, Maine Coon, Maine Coon kittens, kittens first day at home, kittens settling in to new home, bringing home a kitten, bringing home kittens, bringing home a new kitten, kitten haul, kitten haul uk, kitten haul pets at home, kitten haul 2021, kitten supplies haul, kitten essentials haul, kitten shopping haul, kitten supplies haul uk, aesthetic kitten haul, pet haul, pet haul 2021, kitten vlog
Id: bSVq6bpmpKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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