I got a kitten vlog - new kitten haul

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[Music] hello everyone welcome back or welcome to my channel if you are new here my name is tamara and as you can tell by the title today is very very special and i'm so excited i'm going to be picking up my new baby kitten i've been looking for a kin to adopt for months now and i finally found the perfect little boy he's so cute and i'm just there are no words to describe how excited i am today the funny thing though is i am a dog person so it's a little weird that i'm getting a cat but i'm still so so excited because i love all animals so much and i'm so excited to have a new little family member running around the house i'm so so happy today you guys i don't truly know words to describe i did just get home and i did some shopping i bought like the essentials um i am very new to this so i'm not so sure what like to buy it's all very confusing the last time i had a kitten was when i was seven years old so i was not the one responsible for anything i was just playing and cuddling with the kid that was my job so i'm gonna do like a mini haul and show you what i got real quick and then we can go ahead and get in the car and drive and go get him okay so obviously the first thing i bought was a cute little bed for him to um sleep in and just kind of hang out and i bought these cute little mice for him to play with and this collar but i do think the color is a little too big for him he's eight weeks old so i i'm pretty sure this is too big and then i got him a litter box with some litter of course and a scooper and i also got these like little um pet wipes so you can use them after like they've eaten or um gone to the bathroom or if they have any like like eye boogers or anything i also got him this like mat that goes in front of the litter box so that if he has like any um remaining like litter on his paws or whatever he could like scratch on it and yeah i'm not so sure he's gonna use this but you know just in case and of course his little food and water bowls um and i also got another map for his like eating area just in case he gets messy or anything like that we can always just like pick this up and watch it and put it back down and last but not least i got him some treats i didn't get too much food or treats or anything like that just because i'm not so sure what he likes yet and the owners are gonna give me like um some starter food to go so i'm gonna see what he's into and kind of slowly figure that out and i also have to research what's like like healthiest for him and stuff so yeah that is pretty much everything that i bought for him so far i think the rest is just gonna have to be like as we go i'll collect like the little things that he needs um i'm not so sure what all those things will be but like i said i'm still doing like some research and figuring it out it'll be like a learning process but he will definitely be the most pampered little boy i'm so excited quick little backstory though the current owners live very far away it's literally like three hours by car and i'm i'm not about to do that so i know this girl that's also gonna adopt a cat and she lives really really close to my house and so she said that when she goes and picks up her kitten that she'll also bring me my kitten and i can go pick him up from her house and she lives like 30 minutes away from me so that's a lot easier and she just texted me a little picture of both of them like sleeping in their crate i'm not so sure you can see actually i'll put it up on the screen but oh my god my heart is melting but yeah enough chatting i just got a text that they're home now so i can go and pick up my little baby oh my god i'm gonna be so cringy i'm sorry i'm gonna be like baby talking a lot and it's just gonna happen ignore it i i'm sorry there's not much i can do for you okay bye i'll see you guys when i have the kitten one hour later look at it he's so cute you guys look at his little face hi baby he's a little scared right now because he's confused such a good little boy but okay let's put him back in the little carrier i forgot to show you guys but i also bought like a little um travel bag for him so that way i can have him right next to me he can watch oh i'm so sorry baby i'm so sorry bubba we're on our way home i feel so bad and i'll talk to you guys when we're home all right you guys it is now the next day i got i was so bad at filming yesterday i just got so overwhelmed and i was just paying all of my attention to him and oh my god he was so cute he did so well he's now napping on the couch wait let me show you he's so cute this is like his little spot now whenever he wants to nap he just runs over here and he keeps taking off his collar but that's my fault it's too big for him and i couldn't find a smaller size but he's doing so well and he really loves behind the ear scratches and look at all cute little baby he's doing so so well um yesterday i was a little like stressed out because he wouldn't poop uh he spent like hours running around the house and kind of like discovering everything i put down his like water in food bowl and thank god like he figured that out pretty quick like he whenever he would get thirsty he would run over to his little corner and drink some water i'm not gonna free feed him i'm gonna have like a schedule but just for the first couple of days i'm gonna have food like ready for him to go eat whenever he wants just because he's still kind of adjusting you know and learning everything um so i don't want him to like ever feel hungry not find food but i'm gonna start like implementing like a schedule um soon uh and he always has water and thank god like yesterday yesterday after he had like his first meal i was like okay when are you gonna poop the next morning i woke up and my mom told me that he had gone to the bathroom and it was all good and my mom actually didn't want to deal with like she told me before bringing him home she's like tamara i'm never gonna touch his poop and literally she picked up after his first poop and flushed it oh he's dreaming i think look he was like like i don't know he was like twitching a lot i don't know what that means but i like to assume that he's streaming um but i completely i'm not sure i i honestly have no idea but yeah he's doing such a good job and i'm so so happy uh but he's still like getting used to the stairs like yesterday he tumbled down the stairs and then after that he just kind of ran and hid under the couch for a few minutes but then he was fine now he just doesn't go near the stairs which is i think a problem that we need to work on and earlier this morning like two of my friends came over and said hi to him because they were just so excited and he did so well like he was so playful he likes you thank you [Music] [Music] he's anyways i'm gonna make myself an iced coffee and just kind of chill with him and study i do have a test coming up on tuesday which my mom was just like instantly tamara by the way i'm like already making it but my mom was already freaking out she was like you have an exam on tuesday and you're getting a cat like now she just knows i'm gonna be hella distracted like with him but i've been doing a pretty good job like i knew this is gonna happen so like i started preparing um last week and i got a lot of like work done so i don't have too much to do for my exam still um but i am i am very distracted i'm not gonna lie and like proof of me being distracted is that i haven't had my coffee yet and it is 2 33 p.m currently and this happened yesterday too like when i brought him home i was starving and i didn't eat till like five hours after i got home and i was like actually dying because i hadn't had breakfast either but i was just like full like just 101 was going towards him but yeah now it is finally time to unwind and have a coffee and just get some work done and i think another friend of mine is also gonna come over soon because she's also very excited to meet him but i think she's gonna bring like her work with her and we're just gonna both sit down and like chill and get some work done together which is also very motivating to me like i really love love sitting down with people and both of us like getting work done or even more than just two like if it's a group like a study group or something um that is just when i'm most productive i feel like which is really bad because i should not be dependent on other people to get my work done but i just i feel so much more motivated seeing other people doing their work i don't know what it is and here's my coffee all ready to be served i don't know why i said served it's literally for me but and since like i eyeball it every time it's always like a surprise what it's gonna taste like because i don't do measurements i just kind of like eyeball everything so 10 out of 10. i'm so glad that he just purred for the first time because he wasn't praying like earlier and i was a little stressed out about that i'm not gonna lie but i'm just so glad he had his first little purr okay little update i moved him and i put him like right next to me so that i can like keep an eye on him and give him little pets um and i'm just gonna get my work done like right here and we're just having a good time y'all yes i am wearing two glasses because i am um nearsighted so i need these for like far away and then these are blue light glasses to help me just be able to use my laptop for longer because i have really dry eyes and they get really red and irritated when i use like screens in general for too long like my phone or my computer or anything like that so these really really help with keeping my eyes just comfortable and not dry and not giving me headaches because i also get insane headaches from using my computer too much so this has really helped if you're like me and you're always on like your screens and especially now with like quarantine we're getting way too much screen time so this is something to definitely invest in they're very cheap i don't know why i said invest they're literally like 20 bucks but they really help like i must admit at first i thought it was like total bs and it's not gonna work and they're just a pair of glasses no way it's a whole marketing thing but honestly i don't know if it's placebo but they really work and i have not been getting as many headaches and my eyes don't dry out or don't get red by the end of the day and it's just great but yeah now we're just gonna chill and get some work done he's gonna sleep his little tiny butt off and i'm gonna just work my butt off i guess um i have an exam like i said on tuesday and i'm like a little bit behind i'm not gonna lie like i did prepare for it but like i there's still a lot that i need to get done um so yeah i'm gonna get started on that and i'll check in with you guys later one hour later because i get annoyed at myself for speaking that way but i just i can't help it he is fully awake now i'm trying to teach him not to play with my like fingers so that he doesn't learn to scratch um but he's just so cute i literally what does it mean when a cat licks you i want to know if that does he think that like i'm dirty or are my fingers food no no how could you say no to that no baby no scratching let's see hopefully it's good it's the same way that you show affection to your cat by petting it your cat may attempt to oh okay the way he plops on the floor is so funny but okay let's finish this your cat may attempt to return the same favor by licking you kittens especially will use licking as a way to ease anxiety the way a human might use hugs if your feline friend loves to lick you it probably means it would like some attention in return oh that's so cute i really hope that this is true but that's so cute what's up bubba you guys he has discovered plastic bags all the toys in the world and this is what he wants okay you guys it's time for his bath i put some water in the sink and his favorite toy just so that he can like you know get to know the area i want him to voluntarily like get in there i'm gonna be so patient and do my best to get him to come to the water on his own so that he's not scared of it um he did put his paw in earlier and he like shook it off he didn't like it too much but yeah see that but i think if i'm patient maybe i'm an optimist i really want him to get in here on his own um if not then i'm just gonna have to put him in and give him a shower but i really would prefer if he gets in here on his own so that he's not scared of it i'll update you guys in a minute all right you guys he is fresh out of the shower here are the battle marks the battle scars um it was a nightmare it was a complete nightmare but now he's like drying i like dried him with this towel i didn't want to use a blow dryer to not freak him out and now i have him next to my radiator so that he's warm and yeah i'm just gonna let him do his thing and i didn't wash his head i'm just gonna use like a pet wipe i have like some cat wipes that i'm gonna use on his ears and his head and his little face and he's drying the rest of his body but goddamn here's what my clothes look like after they were fully drenched like five minutes ago and at one point he climbed all the way and scratched his way to my back and now my back is covered in shampoo and cat water which is not ideal but hello guys um i don't want to be too loud because little guy is sleeping right next to me uh it is now the third day of having him home um he's the sweetest little boy he's adjusted perfectly he loves everyone he loves getting attention if he's not getting attention then he's begging for it um he'll like meow and come like cuddle up next to you and i feel like don't tell the rest of my family but i think they know but i feel like i'm his favorite because he keeps like coming to me whenever he gets scared or like you only fall asleep in my lap and it's just so so cute uh anyways we have discovered my room today uh he did a little like sniff tour of everything and now he's just chilling having a nap and i am gonna get some work done um my exam is tomorrow so i have to finish that uh yeah you guys he just woke up from his nap and he's in full-on play mode i'm like trying to redirect any like scratching or biting that he wants to do to my hand to like the toy cause he does a lot of this you see that that's fine because he's still a baby but if i get him used to scratching and biting my hands in like play mode then it's gonna teach him that it's okay to bite and scratch which we do not want so i'm redirecting his like see that that no just your toy but just your toy he's now fully attacking the teddy bear that you were just sleeping with him you were just cuddled up with him he really likes this teddy bear i don't know what it is i have this like teddy bear as decoration on my bed and he grabbed it put it right next to me and slept with it which is so cute i took the most like adorable picture and now he's fully attacking it i think it might be his new favorite toy i just want to show you a few new things that i got him and i also want to vlog taking him to his first vet visit which is like in an hour it's just like a general checkup on everything and he's going to get his first um vaccine it's supposed to protect him from like diseases and things that he can catch from food or stuff like that you're supposed to give kittens like once they're eight nine weeks old something like that um their first vaccine and he is now eight weeks old so it is time for his first vet visit all right so here are some new things that i got him i got him this dry shampoo because like we saw giving him a shower was hell so i'm not doing that ever again this is um a dry shampoo but it's not like human dry shampoo it's not like a spray this is a mousse so i'm supposed to cover him with this mousse and let it kind of soak into his fur and then wipe off the excess with a towel that's what the like lady at the pet store told me and i also got him some nail clippers we got his nails clipped the other day but of course i didn't do that um i tried so hard but his nails are black and i could not see where his vein was so i got someone else that has like two cats to do it for me he was nice enough to take his time even though stormy hated it and was fighting for dear life um he gave him a pretty hard time but yeah these work pretty great these are just a couple of new toys he loves this one because as you can see it's very loud and it has like little things that he can buy this is a baby toy actually it's like literally for babies but he loves it so much um and also this little thing that also makes a sound and has ribbons and he goes nuts with this thing and um i got him a harness because i just want to take him outside like we have this backyard and i just want him to take like little tiny walks or not walks but i just want him to go out for air like every other day and discover new smells and look at the birds and you know what i mean just it's like a new fun experience for him and this thing oh my god boy does he go crazy for this thing basically it is a tunnel but right now i like have it all like closed and tied together but when i open it it's a tunnel with like a little toy so whenever i don't have the time to play with him he just goes to this and this is a slinger that is for kids but he also loves this so much so i also got him this and now moving on to food this is his like little food basket um i also have his litter box liners because let me show you so this is his litter box but just to keep things clean i got these liners that whenever you want to switch out the litter you can just remove the entire like bag and tie it all together and that way the plastic never gets an urine or poop on it and it's always nice and fresh and it's just a lot cleaner this way and this is his little like kibble um he likes wet food and what food is a lot healthier for him at this age but i do mix in some um kibble i don't like reaching for the bag every time i'm gonna feed him so what i did is put some in this like tupperware and whenever i this is his wet food and so whenever i um put his wet food in his bowl i just grab this and sprinkle some on top of his wet food as you can see i'm running low on wet food i'm gonna go buy him some now um and these are oh my god his favorite favorite treats he goes crazy for this like he sees like there's no tomorrow he even like accidentally bit my finger last time because he thought he was still like finishing it but it was already gone and he thought my finger was the treat um but he goes crazy for this stuff so i only give it to him when like he's had a long day or we've had like people over or if i put him in like this little travel case for too long i give him a nice little treat and yeah that's pretty much it so now it is time to get in the car and drive over to the vet my appointment with the vet is in exactly 20 minutes so i'm gonna get him in this like little travel case and go okay so the vet appointment went well um i put him in his bag and he managed to squirm his way out of it and climb up on me while i'm driving because he was so scared and i feel bad so i parked for a little bit um just so that he can relax but yeah i don't know what to do because he figured out how to get out of his little bag but um he's a little spooked now i'm gonna give him a minute i'm gonna give him a minute to adjust and then put him back in and make sure it's extra secure so that he doesn't get like out of his bag on the highway or something okay it has been 15 minutes and i have another appointment i have to take my grandpa to get his covid vaccine and this little guy is not about to get in the bag anytime soon so i think i'm just gonna drive and try to be really careful um even though i'm very uncomfortable with this but it is a very short short drive um so yeah this is simply yeah okay great um i really hope we get home safe we're now at a red stop light and he's being so dramatic all right you guys we made it home i want to open the bag and give him a treat right away for being such a patient yeah bratty little boy here here hear you no no wait wait hold up hold up what up buddy he just wants to get out so bad okay maybe this wasn't the best idea maybe i shouldn't yeah okay there i just want him to associate like being in this bag means you'll get a treat means be patient this treat is basically like crack for cats you guys watch he knows he's about to get his food okay let's go make way buddy [Applause] [Music] oh my god look i'm just sitting there he's so cute he loves sitting with these two teddy bears like he'll climb up he'll ditch his bed which is so annoying and climb up and sleep with these two teddy bears all the time and he just does not sleep in his bed like i want him to sleep in his bed i got you this bad buddy it's a little annoying but i love him so he can sleep wherever he wants okay so update i just realized that i forgot to film like an outro to the whole vet situation um on the way back home as you guys saw he figured out how to get out of the bag i went to a parking space tried to put him back in he didn't want to go back in and i said i would just like let him hang out in the car freely but then literally one minute later i was like oh hell no i put him back in the bag and as i was on the highway he was like meowing a lot and then suddenly he goes still like he goes quiet and i look over and his little head was like out of out of the back and i was like how did you get out i guess he figured out how to open like the velcro and the zipper on his own and he got out while i was on the freeway going 120 kilometers per hour and i freaked out and he was freaking out because he saw like trucks and cars and he was in a car that was moving really fast and it was so stressful the second he got out of his like little bag he climbed right on top of my head and held on for dear life i felt like i was gonna get in an accident and like i was looking at myself in the like rear view mirror and there's just like a cat on my head while i was going 120 on the highway not an ideal situation you guys so i think i really need to get him a crate since he figured out how to get out of like that bag um so that needs to happen but thank god we got home safely i didn't get an accident i managed to get him off my head and just kind of like put him in a lock position right here and i was driving with my left arm and just like kind of holding him still right here and he was still like freaking out but okay anyways i just want to end this vlog with a little like final thoughts session on this whole experience of getting a new kitten and honestly a lot of the videos that i saw before getting him were like don't don't think that cats are low maintenance cats are very high maintenance it's very hard to have a cat but in my experience this is my experience in my opinion cats are very low maintenance like all you have to do is just feed them two three times a day and clean out their little box once a day just one time at the end of the day yes it's a lot of hard work at first like in the beginning when you're buying all the different things and figuring out how to like feed him all his like little um habits and you know that stuff i feel like once you get past that you're all good like a week or 10 days later you'll realize like it's so easy to have a cat because they're just so independent like they go to the bathroom on their own you don't need to let them out like a dog three times a day so you just have to feed them and clean their little box that's it but you know at the end of the day that's just my opinion um so yeah some people think that cats are high maintenance i think that they're pretty easy to handle in comparison like with other pets in general oh and also i really regret not filming him at the vet i got like really shy to ask um but he handled it pretty well like at first when i put him up on like the little um table they have for the pets he started like smelling a lot of different smells i think like all the different cats and dogs that have been on that table and he was just like going just smelling it and he was like i don't like it so he ran across the table and like climbed up on my shoulder and every like two minutes he would squirm out of like the vet's hand and come over to me and like climb over on my shoulder for like comfort which made me really really happy to be honest because it means like that he fully knows who i am and like fully trusts me you know and then when they were about to give him the vaccine they put like some food on the table and he was just so busy eating he didn't even like he felt that he meowed and then just continued eating they basically like squeezed his back or like like um pinched his back and then quickly just like shot him and he was all good he got like a little passport wait i have to show you guys it's so funny okay so this is his little um passport or it's not a passport because he can only go around in holland he can't leave holland with this but this is like his id if he wants to leave holland or like if i want to take him somewhere which is extremely unlikely i don't think i'm ever gonna travel with him um it's a different like passport but this is his like id and it has like all of his shots and like um like record basically wait let me show you okay so this is like the clinic that i took him to and here it says animal passport even though it's like a national passport and then this is like his information it says his name his birthday his sex and his like um that he's a mixed cat you know funny enough the the owners told me that he's half savannah half maine but the vet was like no there's definitely some british short hair in him and then here we have his like medical information so here it says like the date of his first visit to the vet and his weight at that time and then the like shot that they gave him and then there's like room for a bunch of other ones apparently he's supposed to get one every year after he passes his like kitten face so when he's a year old he starts getting yearly shots but right now he got his first and he's about to get his second in like two three weeks and then that's it until he is a year old and then at that point he starts getting like annual um or yearly shots also please check the prices in different areas because in the city where i live i called like five or six clinics and i was like how much do you charge for the like kitten vaccine and all of them were like 60 plus so one of them was like 59 euros the other was 66 euros and that was without a general checkup without his passport or like that little iv thing and then i checked to see the prices in a smaller area near me it was like a 10 minute drive and the prices were so much cheaper and it's a really nice clinic too like i wish i vlogged it but i got like socially anxious about vlogging it for the vaccine it was 35 and then for his papers and the general checkup it was another five euros so in total i paid 40 rather than 66 for just the shot um so yeah make sure that you check a couple of different clinics around you don't just go to the first nearest one they're not all the same i'm really really glad i decided to like vlog this whole experience because now i have this in like a video form as a memory to look back on and yeah if you're still watching thank you so much for hanging out make sure to like and subscribe i post videos or actually i've been gone for like a month off of youtube but that's because i had a lot of exams and so much going on that i just did not have the time to edit like i had a lot of pre-recorded videos but i had no time to edit editing takes like three days with me like it takes a long time for me to edit because i can't just sit there so make sure to hit that bell notification so that you get notified whenever i post a new video and if you'd like to check out my instagram it'll be linked down below thank you guys so so much for watching hopefully i'll see you next time bye you wanna say goodbye you wanna say goodbye buddy you
Channel: Tamara Mehhook
Views: 46,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lifestyle, vlog, how to, aesthetic, blogger, instagram, organize, tiktok, vlogger, makeup, skincare, customization, i got a kitten, i got a new kitten, new kitten vlog, i adopted a kitten, i got a kitten vlog, i got a new kitten vlog, i adopted a kitten vlog, kitten, kitten haul, kitten bath, kitten toys, pets, pet vlog, first vet visit for kitten, stormy, half maine coon half savanah kitten, british shorthair kitten, cat, cats, week vlog, week in my life
Id: Xofa2gbRP_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 37sec (1897 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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