Bringing More Space To A Chic Kitchen Area | Design Inc | Abode

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there's a way to make an entrance my destiny it  was now a conspiracy of witches download today i'm sarah richardson this is  dedem this is dem's kitchen   and this is what d'dem's kitchen looks like  now thanks to some help from design inc i'm about to meet dedem who has a small narrow  kitchen let's hope she's wide open to some new   design ideas hello how are you and who are you  he's bailey oh my goodness oh you're adorable   okay so let's start with your kitchen you leave  you lead i follow any thoughts any wishes any   dreams about what this would look like in a new  incarnation how long of a show love marble love   painted cabinets love dark walnut black walnut  which is our dining table okay absolutely in love   with that i don't suppose you've been dreaming  about moving the stove somewhere other than middle   of the wall and the sink has seen better days  tell me about appliances actually stainless steel   could i want for anything more yes i'm dying  to have a gas cooked up and an electric oven   you know my husband and i have different ideas  in terms of what we want out of the kitchen so   coming to a compromise about that is going to be  a challenge and what does simon say pretty much   any scheme as long as it's well built together it  would be fine so who's going to make the decisions   it's all up to you okay oh you're so difficult  now what about the cozy room i call it our sofa of   shame you're sofa ashamed no shame in tossing this  relic we'll make this a room to be proud of might   have dreams be coming we're gonna try well this  even has bailey excited we need someone to help   us out who's just as pumped like jessica anyone  who really knows me knows me bit of a clutch   these are all of deedum's dimensions for her  kitchen washed away okay we can slow down a bit   in dedem's narrow galley kitchen storage is  very important so the plan is to include a   run of cabinets in a gas range along one wall and  to redo the existing cabinets on the other side   but before dem's dreams become reality we have to  tear up this very real kitchen vito's on the case   oh you guys are plugged in i've never seen anybody work so fast this all seems too good to be true in  fact to get to this point required a lot   of tough decision making and dem was not  completely at ease with those decisions i'm gonna just take a leap of faith i  think and just go with it i don't know   i'm willing to give it a shot for the time being  no pressure to perform here i kind of feel like   if your kitchen is on display from  the second you walk in the front door   there has to be some impact i was thinking about  could we do some color she's mentioning wood so   we could do some wood but i was wondering could we  do lacquer in a really dramatic color like could   we do like almost like the color of your shirt  like when i say i see it's more restaurant like   it's it's it's lined up like a subway car yeah and  but yet with a softness and color palette texture   i love that and and i think it's really  appropriate to the space and it's going to be   fantastic cafe restaurant like small like yeah and  can we roll that cafe part into that sun room back   room so let's start with colors let's get some  sample boards let's take a look at the floor plan   we're good to go okay sounds good chocolate  sounds like a delicious starting point   now to get some measurements giving you  some high fives and val's right on time   that is a fantastic color they call it clove  dust i call it mocha i'm just trying to max it   out i mean basically it's going to end up being  galley lay the sink across from the stove the   microwave across from the fridge and we'll have  some nice counter space in between here we wanted   to put a wine rack we want to keep it tight we  don't want to do extra deep counters standard   25 and a half deep and then we thought this one  should just be floating center to the wall yep so i just quickly did up a couple of boards along  the lines of what would be sort of a soft cafe ole   mocha okay i do like this backsplash i wonder  whether dem will find it a little contemporary   well that's the thing about it and the thing about  d-dem and simon is that simon's a little bit more   contemporary and she's a little bit more classic  so this is a much more contemporary design yet   natural materials so imagine if clove dust is your  base imperator gold is your counter and then move   up to a light creamy tone for the main cabinetry  and she's going to come back from her trip and say   what she did say it's all up to you okay now  it's up to jessica to find that floating cabinet   story while trying to steer  clear of any bumps along the way we have this great kitchen wall with no upper  cabinetry what i'd like to do is make a long one   okay floating on the shelf  for great display i've got   one just up at the front size to 50dems wall it'll  be perfect thanks so much you were really helpful just a few details left to discuss but we've  pulled together all of the elements we want to   propose to dem for her kitchen we're gonna hit  her with the whole thing okay we're probably   gonna completely overwhelm her but at least  we'll be ready and say okay it's your sofa   these are pillows these are drapes now it's  up to jessica to pitch our ideas and there's   a lot to get through we had this done up for you  and it's a really beautiful sort of mocha color   and then have it sort of a lighter creamy color  on the top would be really spectacular this is a   fantastic sample of what we were sort of thinking  of for your countertop potential sink for you   with a side spray and a soap pump this  sofa would be perfect for that back room   that would be in this done in this material  so this bench this is where we thought   a little bit of snakeskin makeup in or not  i guess today we'll have to think about it   and what does simon say looks good with  him actually he accessorizes really well how did the meeting go the meeting  went really well actually uh   here is the package that i gave to them with  the quote for the kitchen i left it with them   to decide on so keep our fingers crossed that  everything's going to go according to plan   sarah yes can we talk about d-dem sure  again i thought we just talked about it   we did and then i just got off the phone  with her they particularly did not like the   to the mocha cabinetry they do not want  floating they don't cabinetry okay they are   open to getting a microwave now they want  an even bigger sink now they're wondering   if the uppers should not also be mocha perfect  perfect yes yes and concerned about the depth   of the sofa and do not want that snakeskin  i think sure i'm the right designer for them dem said she'd leave all the decisions  to us our plan was to present everything   to her when she returned from a two-week vacation   it turns out she's not keen on most of our ideas  our plan has gone to the dog what do you think   oh yeah and then there's this this is really  really just not appropriate for a counter for a   kitchen especially very porous and so it will end  up staining so anyway what's ended up happening   is uh upon further discussion we decided to  give them some other alternatives which would   be the imperator dark or the imperator light  my concern on this is we are wasting time   i care about your health  choosing the counters is not   the number one priority right now because  counters don't have to be bought and selected   until this cabinetry goes in it's been three  weeks now they're they're saying that gridlock this is just the part that really makes me  nervous is when you have to push a client   into spending a certain amount of money um which  doesn't come easily anyway and uh you both have   timelines are a little bit different it's gonna  bother me now for the next day i really will   we need a lot of answers so we're bringing  everything to be done including the kitchen sink   how are you guys hi hi bailey what we really have  to decide is out of these two colors which one do   you prefer i think what i like about that one  is the fact that it's a little lighter you see   i normally like colors that are sort of changeable  i mean the reasoning i guess behind the clove dust   versus the ferret brown is the clove dust can read  more green and other times it'll read more brown   whereas when we move to this brown it's just  brown it's just brown actually i i love that   i think we're only good yay  is it too early for champagne   jaden loves the glove dust but i'm gonna hold  off on the bubbly until she's seen the kitchen that's a big stink don't  tell me what you're thinking   it's huge that's out of the kitchen  jessica thinks that you know it's   gonna look very original and stunning and  simon who is the primary user of the sink   you know thinks that it's going to be really  functional i'm willing to give it a shot for   the time being for the time being now let's  join our demolished kitchen already in progress this is rather therapeutic come on  out of the construction zone bailey   i'm quite amazed that everything  came down on like what   it's nice to see things moving i'm gonna take  particular satisfaction and watching those country   kitchen tiles go oh because they have been debated  my existence really because we were gonna work   them into the design actually sarah really likes  them i'm with d'dem i can't stand those tiles   in the meantime jimmy's here to start the wiring  and jessica's trying out her newfound math skills   i just want to measure and make  sure it's dead center yep for sure   and these are all in centimeters how many  centimeters you put 77.6 our gables are 3.2   do you have a camera in your face when  you're trying to do math and convert   it's not pressure at all wait a minute new  numbers 80 90. it's 72 over and then you're   right it's 87. wait a second what happens if  we're just a smidge then we have to move it   you know when you're a kid you're like why am i  doing this math i'm not going to use it anyway   yeah great phew no brain cells harmed  in the installation of the new outlets   only a knuckle you see that thinking about  every day every day i give a piece of blood away   piece of skin this one was for jessica time  marches on and dem's new kitchen cabinets   have arrived now is the time to decide on new  countertops understandably dam's not too sure it's hard to visualize paint colors without  knowing the countertops and the backsplash   precisely the time for designer  to help clients make up their mind   when you see things coming bit by bit  it can freak the client out all the time   not seeing what they see in their mind's eye you  know being able to kind of buy into something   has been um hard but you know they're designers  they know their stuff and you know leap of faith we want dinem's kitchen to be unique but getting  her to buy into our vision hasn't been easy   with cabinets and appliances chosen  we need her to commit to a counter   and a very expensive one preferably  in marble and waffling's not allowed wow does that look like you yeah is there's a lot of movement on it you know you  get a little oil spot here you're not going to   notice it right how do you feel about that  gorgeous but this is the input of the door   no i feel about this it  doesn't have any of the whites   this i like much better this is nice it's a  different direction it's much cooler my guess   is that uh that husband of yours might like the  fact that it looks a little bit like concrete i mean it's a beautiful slab of lagus is this  would this still be number one choice but which   is numero uno i'm feeling that the blue vanessa  is the perfect hybrid because it has some of the   properties of the lagos blue but it also has  a more interesting kind of structure to it   you know he has been pining over concrete  for like the longest time so yeah i think   that is what he would pick it wouldn't be like  anything anything yeah that's what i like about it   i really like it we're down to two choices i  like this one too but which one do you like   better it's so hard i just think that simon  would be thrilled you could make his day by   choosing something that looks a little bit like  concrete but is far more beautiful than concrete   the other one is them that's a decision  we're going with the blue venezia i bought you some food i figure if i keep  you fed you'll stay here until it's done gee what was in that pizza look at that it looks  great and they like it they really like it yeah   phew so what's the problem everything is plum  but the walls are not that's our only issue   turns out it's not our only issue sarah yes  have you seen the email from dem no okay so uh   she took simon up to the marble suppliers to look  at the big fabulous slab of blue venezia that   we had chosen that we all agreed on that we all  agreed on and he totally dislikes all the options   huh in the email it says he's concerned about  the bluish-gray vein uh when it's honed because   the slab is polished and so on and so forth but  also p.s remember you're in a warehouse full of   slabs under fluorescent lighting it's like  cheering on a bathing suit under fluorescent   lighting nothing looks good you know it's horrible  that's the biggest warehouse i've ever been to   400 different types of granite and marble  there's nothing in that warehouse that he likes   we're talking about almost four thousand dollars  definitely in counter tops and i can't afford to   have them be installed and then here we don't like  them and we feel that you're responsible for them   they're going with something in a neutral palette  no matter what they select i can make it work in   this kitchen but i'm not taking responsibility  anymore so i met they can they have to choose   their own candidate on a brighter note the  appliances have arrived the very big appliances the movers whom i've never met before i was very  impressed with them because they clearly moved   these appliances daily i think one of them  had said that they this was like the third   fridge they had moved that day well those fridges  are 500 pounds thank you so much have a great   afternoon they were mighty strong guys there's  more good news let me introduce you to d dem's   backsplash have i seen it before yes you have  oh yay that's all right and it gets even better   we've settled on the counter yes the blue venezia  it is we're coming down to the wire the painting's   being finished and jessica was able to talk to  dem into the floating shelf let's hope it fits perfect bailey thinks so too we've come a long way on d-dam's  kitchen now for the final push   d-dab's kitchen counter delivery and  installation installation good morning andrea is right what a morning it is  along with the sink the blue vanity   counter has arrived and is being installed  jessica has managed to stay in one piece   have i mentioned i've had  three hours sleep take two and we still have a lot to do before we can  call this job finished but can you believe all   the people in here it's all coming together  typical designing tight spaces lots of men   everything was supposed to be completed in  three days but now it's being completed today   and so this morning these lovely fellas uh  put up the backsplash jim is on his back   installing the hook up for the  water and the faucet right now add the rest of the design ink team and we should  have dedem's kitchen pulled together in no time   this morning the backsplash has gone in we now  just need to wipe down the whole entire kitchen   the sofa is coming in we've got to clean  up the back room and bring in the carpet   well it's small so we'll fan out and  everybody can take a square foot or two this is the most stylish side  spray i think i've ever seen when you have a kitchen that is so visible  from the living room and the dining room   it's really important to make sure that it is  striking and it has a powerful impact but also   plays well into all the other elements that were  here existing the color palette that we used in   this kitchen is a first for us we've never  uh we've never had a client actually willing   to go quite as dark as this i spend many nights  kind of wondering is this all going to work but   it does back sitting area is it's such a big  improvement that was where dem said she had her   sofa of shame and i think it is the tiniest room  that often ends up showcasing the best potential   and that's vinyl no ostriches were  hurt in the making of this vinyl   we didn't want to just have  ho-hum run-of-the-mill appliances   we wanted true professional style restaurant  chic appliances you know they are on display   from every other vantage point in this entire  main floor so that was really important we decided that we really wanted the best  of everything when it came to the details so   the most beautiful backsplash the most unique  counters and i'm gonna say unique because i'd   never seen them before none of us had ever seen  them before and i think they were unique in the   fact that they were the only counter that we could  all finally agree on it has everything that i love   about natural stone so couldn't be happier i  think that what we've showcased here is that   by going with a really dramatic dark color you  actually can visually expand the space and i think   that this kitchen reads as being so much larger  than it was before i realized that you know even   though this is not the largest living space it  certainly is big enough to hold a real good party   you
Channel: Abode
Views: 86,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: home and garden, Abode, Abode channel, home renovation, renovation, home and garden channel, home and garden tv shows, home design ideas, garden design ideas
Id: Gpt9qHY42Do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 29 2021
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