Brindleton Mansion Pt. 1 (Exterior) || The Sims 4: Speed Build

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[Music] hi guys it's similar here so welcome to another speed build and today I am finally sharing that mansion build with you guys the one I've been talking about unfortunately I am separated into two parts I don't like to do that actually I've never done that on my channel so hopefully you guys don't mind but this took me a very very long time to build it took me over 11 hours to complete and I honestly didn't think it took me that long I thought it came together really quickly but I think because I split it over so many different days and so many different like building sessions it felt like it went really quickly cuz I'd spend an hour here an hour there and I thought that this build took like maybe six hours no like twice as long but anyway so that's why it is in two parts and I didn't want to cut that much out of it so I decided to leave a lot of it in I think I only cut out some like a little bit of landscaping and then for the interior I did some like the hallways I didn't really don't think it's very much but um anything that it was like repetitive is what I cut out but I wanted you guys to see the whole process and the whole thing come together because I am so happy with the way it turned out I think it's probably one of my best build if not my best build because um yeah it's just really cool I mean it's probably not what you would think of as a mansion it doesn't have like a whole heap of bedrooms it has four bedrooms but I mean that's still quite a bit of bedrooms you could have more really because there is a basement which I haven't done a basement in forever so I'm really happy was able to fit one in here but there's also this like extra wing that I imagine it used to be a garage and they've converted it now to a gym but if you would like to have that as an extra bedroom that would be like the perfect place to you can probably even split that up and did like two or three bedrooms I'm not even kidding there's so much space um but anyway so I do hope you guys like this build I know I've been talking about it a lot so hopefully I don't disappoint I think it's really cool oh there's also so this is the exterior of the build so everything will be completed exterior wise like even all of the outside furnishings so for the exterior there is a basketball court which I thought would be so cool and that is very like rich house to me I mean sometimes I think more of tennis courts but since we don't have tennis in the game I've seen people make tennis courts and they look awesome but I wanted it to be useful and since we do have basketball in the game I made a basketball court so I thought that was really cool and then there's also a little hangout areas there's a barbecue area that also has a bar and a swimming pool there's a gazebo there's a couple fountains there's a little play area for the kids so there's some monkey bars and sandbox and for the sandbox some of you guys may have seen me do that before I've done it and some of my other builds but it's basically I take one of the shortest like fences and make a rectangle and then I put sand it's like with the terrain paint on the inside and then just put toys in it so it kind of looks like a sandbox you can't dig in it or build sand castles or anything but I think it looks kind of cool and then um oh but if you haven't seen these seasons expansion pack and you don't want to be spoiled on the trail if you haven't seen the seasons trailer my god I cannot talk if you haven't seen that door as well then just look muted for a second but we get swing sets and our swing set would be so cool in the backyard be so nice I can't wait to add them but there's plenty of room if you would like to add one if you decide to download this into your game the link will be in the description for the entire build if you would like to see the whole build furnished before I sit share the second half of this video which will be the entire interior yeah then you can check it out there but what else do I have on the exterior oh yeah I have a couple of massage chairs so since I decided to make like an exercise wing I imagine that the like at least the parents of his family are very into like athletics because they have a whole basketball court and and they have a whole home gym so outside of the home gym I decided to put some massage tables and then there's also hot tub so that's pretty cool I thought about making another basement area for like a spa so that's something you could add I decided not to because I didn't really have a great place to put a staircase to the downstairs or make it like a staircase to another basement area and then it didn't really make sense to have a spa off of the regular basement area you'll see you'll see what I mean when I do the interior but the regular basement area is like right it's close to like the regular staircase to the upstairs you will get will get to it next part but um for this part let's worry about the exterior so as you guys can see the shape is coming together I decided to go for the very traditional beachy kind of see colors so lots of light blues and whites especially for the exterior and lots of some Gray's too so the the the roof tiles are gray there's some like stone accents and then the all the book the paper for the walls are all blue and white so I think that looks really pretty and I was originally thinking about going for more of like a darker color scheme but I decided not to in the end I do like the way those look and I would like to build another brindle tin bay house that's a large one like this maybe not a mansion but a bigger build and go for a darker color scheme maybe on so if you're familiar with brendensen bay this is the 64 by 64 a lot and then to the left of the lot if you looking as a front there's a tiny little beach lot and then there's a couple other Lots behind the road and then there's another larger lot way off to the left does that make sense I hope it does maybe for that lot because I haven't built on that lot yet maybe I'll do a darker color scheme I think that'd be kinda cool let me know if you guys are interested in that but I kind of want to build on every lot in this world because it is probably my favorite world I really enjoy Brenda Brenda Bay and I love building in this style if you guys haven't noticed I've shared a lot of builds with this sort of like I guess it's a Hamptons style I don't know if it really is or not or if it's some sort of East Coast style I believe I've never really I've never been to the East Coast so I can't say I'm the farthest East I have ever been is Ohio well that's not true I have been to Florida but that was to change like flights so that account um so yeah I'm not too familiar with this style even though I really like to build it in the Sims and I like to look at pictures online especially on Pinterest I'm like they're so pretty and yeah so hopefully you guys don't get sick of me building these kinds of builds because I I don't know how many I've actually shared but I've built a lot but yeah I don't know what to exactly call them because I feel like they're like barn shaped pieces on the house and I I don't know if there's a technical name for it there probably is I'm definitely no architect but um speaking of architecture I felt like this roof needed some sort of I guess some sort of piece sticking out of the top I felt like it looked a little bit kind of flat and boring I decided to slant these few pieces of roofing up to make it look like it has a little bit more dimension to it but then later on I do go in and add some sort of little bits sticking out of it I do not know any technical terms and this come becoming very obvious um but I I do know the word for them and I can't think of it right now cuz I do that in a lot of speed builds I have all the words before I press record and then I press record and I don't remember anything and I don't have the time to pause it and look it up and then rerecord stuff so we're gonna keep going but I do add some decoration at to the roofing the tiles for the roof pieces don't exactly match but it doesn't bother me so I don't really care I was able to fit some in this area of the bill that some windows and I do make that part of the roof accessible and I create kind of like a little artist loft um and I did create a family for this house and I did record it so if you guys would like to see please let me know if now this upload them to the gallery but I created a mom and a dad and they're both active I believe because of like I was talking about all the sporting equipment and then I gave them different traits other than that but I wanted them to have like that in common I thought that'd be kind of cool and then I gave them a teenage daughter and she is the one that has the artist lock I thought she was really artistic if you didn't want to have that space for that and you wanted to have a butler or something I thought that'd make probably a nice little Butler suite because it's upstairs it's out of the way and they could have their own room technically so um that's a possibility but I liked it for an artist loft I think that would be so cool to have in a house and then they also have a son who is a child sim and for him I didn't really do anything too particular he has some like sciency stuff in his room so maybe he's a bit of a science geek maybe he's into I didn't just kind of imagine he was into school and kind of like building stuff and science projects and those kinds of things and then they do have a toddler who is a little toddler girl so she doesn't have too much of a personality I just gave her kind of a cutesy little pink and purple room is it too pink and purple I can't remember exactly what I did hmmm we'll have to see in the next part if you're also weird to say in the next part since I've never done a two-part video before it's kind of interesting but hopefully you guys don't mind I do prefer to share things all in one go cuz that's how I prefer to watch things but this was just not one that was gonna be really that good of a video I think because I would have had to cut so much out so that's just that's no fun I didn't want to do that and Plus um I didn't want to have to talk for like an hour straight or probably I don't know how much I could have cut it down to because I cut it it actually worked out really perfectly I put all of the files into my video editor and I like I edit it all and then I realized like it split perfectly down the middle at about 30 minutes but interior is a little bit longer so I'm gonna go through and try to cut some of that out but I was like oh well this is probably the best opportunity to do a two-part video since I pretty much did the entire exterior and then did the entire interior and yeah they're both about thirty minutes so that's pretty cool I think um but anyways so for this back part of the house I was gonna do kind of like a raised bed area I've seen some people do that it looks really cool when they do it I've never really done it successfully and I ended up not doing it here either I just make the porch a little bit larger and that's where I end up putting like the barbecue bar area which I think looks really cool and yeah I don't know but this is basically the structure of the house this is pretty much how it looks it did take me a really long time to figure what I was gonna do with the landscaping because I knew I wanted to have the basketball court like I was talking about I wouldn't have a pool and I wanted to have a gazebo and then other than that I was like I don't really know what to add to fill in this space so it did take me a while to mess off-camera but anyways at this point I had done the floor planning as you can see there's a little bit of furniture in there because I was trying to sort out which rooms were gonna be what cuz I didn't want to complete the exterior before I had the interior sorted out because I've made that mistake on a lot of bigger builds where I just kind of complete all of the landscaping and everything and then I go in and realize that the floor plan sucks and it's really difficult and I mean this floor plan is not perfect somebody could probably do it better but I think I did all right but these are the roof decorations that I was talking about so I just think it adds a little bit of dimension to it and I think it makes it look a little bit better so at this point I decided to add another porch on this side and that's the exit to the in-home gym and so this is where I put the hot tub it's just kind of like a relaxing area maybe after you've had a hard workout you can come out here and soak in the hot tub have a massage whatever you prefer to do so I thought that was really nice you could also turn at this portion of the house into like a mother-in-law suite I thought that would be really nice it was something I considered when trying to figure out what to do with this extra wing of the house I end up putting another living room and that wing I do like a formal living room and then like a like a family lounge room so that's in there as well as like the the stairway to the artist's loft there's also a laundry room and what else is on the bathroom and then there's the gym but there's like the gym area is really big and it's pretty empty cuz I didn't want to like overcrowded it with gym equipment but you could definitely split it up into like another bedroom if you need it like I was talking about but here I am sorting out the entryway I do this little fountain which I think looks really pretty and it took me a while to decide off camera how all this was can work out I did several different attempts so it was very time-consuming and figuring out how I wanted to do this I didn't know if I wanted to do a fence around the parameter of the house because there's already basically a fence surrounding the house anyways because there's already like a driveway on this lot and there's a big gate that leads into it so I didn't really know if I want to close it off but I decided to in the int because I imagine that if these sims are this wealthy and have this big of a house they probably want as much security as possible because technically the fence doesn't enclose around a lot it does lead to the beach so if there's a a wandering you know person on the beach they could just come up into your yard and that may not be ideal for 40 cents I don't know that's kind of what I was thinking anyways um and then right here I was trying to place a fence and I ended up having this horrible fence glitch again but I was able to solve it by exiting the game here in a little bit and then I come back in and yeah all of my fences were put back to normal so that's kind of interesting I've been having a little bit of glitches that I've noticed with my bills just pretty recently maybe in the past couple of weeks and the Finch finn's glitch is an old one but I've noticed it more than I have in the past so I think it's a kind of back and then another glitch that I've noticed is some of the trees get dark pretty quickly when I'm not very far away from them so that's a new one and it especially happens with the one brindle tin bay tree that are the one that came with cats and dogs that's the cottonwood tree I can just call some with the white bark that one if you get like hardly any distance away from it at all it turns like really dark like it's in the shadow so I don't know if that's my game or mic settings I not sure I doubt it because I've changed anything so let me know if you guys are having that glitch but now I'm starting with the landscaping and at first I do just white and green flowers but I do go back in and add some orange flowers which I thought was kind of fun and added a bit of contrast I mean hopefully you guys like it I feel like they probably do stand out a little bit but I think it's pretty and yeah I do I do like the way it turns out and so I decided over here I wanted to have like a little little hangout area and I end up putting just a couple of test tables over here because I thought about putting a dining table over here but I didn't think it made much sense to have another dining area when I already had one by the pool and there's already the barbecue area so I wasn't sure if I should have another like barbecue out here so I thought chess tables would work and I don't end up adding them till later on but you could switch them out for whatever you prefer to have in your sims yards or Gardens but anyways so now I'm just working on some more of the landscape being just kind of marking out the flowerbeds so it did take me a while to decide how I wanted to do that I wasn't sure if I should like kind of block in actual flowerbeds with them like fences and make them more like square rectangular shapes I decided to do these more organic looking flowerbeds instead I think it looks a lot nicer and I kind of do them in random places throughout the yard you'll notice it more on the screenshots because I can't remember how much of it I did cut out I show these like these first few ones because just to kind of give you an idea um but I mean it's like the same plants over and over and basically all the same design throughout the entire yard but I wanted them to kind of be more sporadic and not as super tidy but still still kind of tidy in a way I imagine they would have a gardener because it is a quite a big quite a big yard so I don't know but hopefully you guys do like that landscaping is one of my favorite things to do but anyways at this point is when I felt like I needed a little bit more color and I felt like this little pop of orange was really nice and I felt like even though the blue on the house is so light I felt like it was still a little bit contrasting it to the blue on the house so I don't know if that really works I mean I'm not a designer so but I think it looks cool anyhow so at this point I'm trying to decide how I want the fence to go around the yard and I decided to shrink this in a little bit because I knew I wanted to have those little square pieces that I made down by the basketball court and I wanted to have a little bit more side side yard on the other side of the fence to fit trees and stuff so that's why I brought it in a little it and just added another flowerbed over here and see I just skipped a little bit ahead but that's you know it's the same it's all the same and then I decided to separate the back yard from the front yard and put in those romantic garden gates which are so pretty and I love that the actual gate is black it has like the black iron railing I guess you would say and I think that's really pretty and over here I was gonna do like this little seating area in that octagonal piece that pokes out by the pool but I decided not to in the end and create a pathway to the beach so and then I put another gate over there but I just placed those gates that I was talking about you'll get a closer look at them in the screenshots but I think those are really pretty and I haven't used them in a long time and I just realized at that moment that I hadn't placed those one little white plants that we got with outdoor retreat I believe I only placed them in the front and not anywhere else so I go back through and add them throughout um just to kind of make it a little bit more um the same throughout I guess just to make it a little bit more seamless I guess you could say or what is the word I'm looking for cohesive yeah cohesive um but anyway so this is where those massage tables will be just in this nice little private area but you know hidden over by the trees super cute like that a lot and and then oh yeah I do an outdoor kind of greenhouse garden area we will definitely be able to fix this up once we get seasons because we will actually be getting glass roofs in an update so you could probably create some really cool greenhouse in this area if you decide to download this and and then you buy seasons as well so this is the basketball court area and I am so happy with the way this turned out I wasn't sure if I should use the same fence that I was using the whole time because I was kind of thinking it should probably be like a higher fence that way there's less chance of the basketball actually flying out into the beach but I figured it's not gonna do that because it's the sin so it doesn't really matter if it was real life I guess it would but I decided to keep it all the same that way there was a that wasn't like a you know weird random fence here in the back of his all the same throughout the entire build but I think it looks really nice and yeah I'm just really happy with the way this turned out in general and then I create a path over by the pool leading to it so it just kind of I think it flows really nicely and just yeah really happy with the way it looks in the end and there I skipped ahead on working out that path quick that I just mentioned because it took me a very long time to figure out how it should look and if I should have it kind of like curved towards it it was a whole big process so sorry that I cut it out but here I am creating the gazebo I do like to place the roof down on the ground and then kind of draw around it with the wall tool just to create the right size I I wouldn't be that hard to do otherwise but it's just a little bit easier for me so just to save a little bit of time and then yeah what do I do I do a little seating area inside the gazebo I thought about putting it like that little fire pit coffee table in there but I decided not to in the end because I end up putting another fire pit out here in one of the little hangout areas and I thought about making the pathway to the beach from the gazebo but like I said where they have that little octagonal piece jetting out from the pool that's where I end up doing it instead and Here I am trying to be very careful to place that gauge I don't know if you guys notice that but I went in like this very straight line with the gate trying to not hit any of the other fences but I didn't want it to glitch out on me again and have to exit out and come back into the game but yeah I was gonna do a seating area over here but ended up not keeping that one in the end and yeah and I end up moving the monkey bars and the sandbox over by the gazebo and have like a little playground area and then the other side of the gazebo is empty so if you would like to place other equipment over there you could probably place the slip-and-slide somewhere as well from that come with backyard stuff I think um I haven't played with that item too much when I first got that pack I did a little bit but it's just such a large object that I just never place it in any build but I think it could probably fit somewhere in this build if you would like but I decided to place this same fountain that I have in the front of the house over here just to kind of add a little bit of decoration and plus fountains are nice and they're pretty sounding so like to have those and then I did add a few trees around kind of randomly oh and then I add some lounge chairs next to the pool I thought those are really nice and now your Sims won't technically use these exactly like lounge chairs but I've been told from people who've downloaded my builds where I have kind of made those last chairs that the sins will still lay down or sit on the ottoman part so that's pretty cool they kind of work so if it bothers you that they can't really use them like lounge chairs and just delete the ottoman part but I think they look really cool hopefully we will get lounge chairs at some point maybe with seasons I haven't seen it so far if not maybe in the future we'll get some sort of tropical pack and we'll get lounge chairs I would really like to see a tropical pack that would be amazing I don't know what that would all come with it would get like another vacation world that would be I will I see we already at Selva Dorado which is tropical but it's like jungle a tropical I want more of like your white sandy beach tropical so we'll see what happens uh-huh but anyways so now I'm just decorating to the sandbox with toys I will I haven't played tests of sandbox at this point but I will play test it to make sure the Sims can play in all of the different items since I did create an entire family for this build I wanted to make sure that I made sure like that thing the toddlers could use everything that they were supposed to and the kids so usually when I play test I just make one adult and make sure they can at least get to every object so if it's like a kid's bed they can sit on it or a kid's chair they can sit on it in their room but that one I'll make sure the sandbox works before I upload this to the gallery and then I decided to put a fence around that green house area I thought about putting windows around the walls to make it more of a green house but I kind of liked it all open and I thought it was really pretty and I end up putting a table in there as well with a few like gardening items on there which I thought was really cute and then so over here is where I end up doing the barbecue we're in grill area and then I end up merging this grill into the counter and it doesn't work like this unfortunately I did have to make a few adjustments I had to actually pull the barbecue out of the counter a little bit and then I end up holding the counter away from the barbecue or also so you'll see that in the screenshots I think it ends up looking just fine in the end but I definitely want to make sure that worked because what's the point of having the barbecue are out there if you can't even grill on it and then I also end up moving the sink do it ya know I end up keeping the sink where it is but I end up putting the bar that matches this whole set this whole set came with perfect patio and so I end up putting that under the staircase and it works just fine I had this to make drinks there's no issues there I've thought about putting it over where the sink is but then it kind of clipped through the wall and this didn't really fit properly and I thought I could cover it up on the interior because I have made the bars clip through the walls before and they still work and just covered up the other side of the wall I believe I did that in my vacation dream house if you guys seen that build and that worked just fine but decided not to for this one but I think I leave it here for now and so um yeah I end up changing it later on but I do really like the way this area turns out and I think it's a pretty cool hangout area you can grill up some food see everybody playing in the pool like this this build has good views I really I really like views in the sims it makes me like builds so much better when there's a great view that was one thing that I really loved about my vacation dream house was the views of the jungle so pretty and then anytime I build in San my you know and like any departments like I just did that summer breeze apartment has those large modern windows those are my favorite apartments to build them because you can just see the city so well and it's so pretty but this is a little hangout area on the top deck and so you can get down to the lower Jack from up here so there's that staircase and there's also two doors that lead in doors this door the big one that was right in front of those actually lead into like a social area off the upstairs which is kind of cool and then the other door leads into the teenager's bedroom so that's kind of nice she has a pretty cool place in the house I decided to make that her room because it was smaller than the other side of the house and I wanted the parents to have the bigger bedroom so they have like an ensuite and that kind of stuff so that's why she gets the door to the outside but here I am cluttering up this little table really cute little area for your sins to I don't know pot plans maybe they can use that more when seasons comes out I know I've mentioned that I don't want to give spoilers but this is like really difficult because I obsess about everything but um it's a plug your ears again but with the whole botany career I think it's gonna be a hobbyist skill or career not really sure but I imagine that when we get seasons you could exchange that table for whatever kind of activity items come with that and you could place it in that greenhouse so I was trying to keep that in mind while building I mean with the little bit that I knew at the time anyway so but here is work with a little fire pit area and just put some potted little potted plants around just to decorate it up a little bit very very cute and then what else do I do over here oh yeah a couple of trash cans can't forget those and then I add the massage tables over here and then a little umbrella put over them so there's some shade and I was gonna do a larger seating area right here but I decided not to I didn't think it was too necessary I kind of imagined this was a little more of a private area I mean not really I mean this is a family house but I did imagine it did not be like a really social hangout area maybe the hot tub is a little bit maybe I don't know what I'm talking too cooked but something that I did overhear once I start adding lights to the exterior there really like is I do those string lights from Oh what's it from toddler stuff pack the toddler stuff pack string lights I put it above the hot tub so cute I love those lights so much I use them anytime I can but now I'm letting lights to the exterior I go with some large street lights to brighten up the edges of the lots and I love this house at night it's so pretty and I try to place the lights in more realistic ways sometimes when I place outdoor Lighting's and random pots like that looks weird so I did use it's like the single bar light I do merge it into some of the potted plants on the like the windows the window boxes just to kind of make it a little bit more brighter on the exterior without having random lights around the house but um yeah that's about it I hope you guys like this build and I hope you guys do watch part two I mean I don't I've never split up a build before so I hope you guys don't mind that as well but I'm really excited to share the interior with you guys I'm really happy with this way or the way this bill turned out it's like I said it's probably my best build I've ever done I really like all of it so hope you guys like it too um anyways I hope you guys will enjoy the screen shots and thank you guys so much for watching and please leave any comments or suggestions you have and I'll talk to you guys soon bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: SimLicy
Views: 57,224
Rating: 4.9756231 out of 5
Keywords: #beautiful, #sims, #simlicy, #sims4, #builds, #building, #apartments, #simsbuilds, #restaraunts, #french, #Asian, #Italian, #cityliving, #gettogether, #popular, #funny, #parenthood, #family, #traditional, #suburban, #modern, #fantasy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 36sec (1956 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 01 2018
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