BRILLIANT 🤯 Dollar Tree DIY Crafts using STICKERS

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next time you are Dollar Tree head on over to their sticker aisle they have tons of selections different styles different colors and for every holiday I have a ton already at home so we're going to start using some of these with one of these circles that I found at the Dollar Tree several months back I already used one of them but I'm going to remove one more and we are going to then take everything from it including the Staples we're just going to sand it down just a little bit the edges and roughen up the front to make sure it'll adhere to the vinyl we're going to wipe it well and then we're going to use some of Dollar Tree vinyls you can find year round in different colors and even textures we're going to take a pink one that I have at home and I'm going to cover it up now you can paint it also or you can paint it with one coat and then cover with vinyl this pink vinyl is pretty light so you can see the design underneath so I did have to put three layers of vinyl very simple just remove the back place it on top remove any bubbles and then sand down the edges you can also cut it with an exactor knife but I have found that sanding it in a downward motion really removes that vinyl and it Smooths down the edges so I'm just going to add the third one and do the same thing these beautiful stickers have a rounded look to them I love using these they have a very feminine kind of chic style and I'm just going to pick one that I think will look really well and it already has a little sticky pad to the back you can always add a little bit of hot glue which I will in next projects but for this one it'll stick just perfectly to the vinyl we're going to place the remaining stickers right onto the little packaging again and now we're going to bring in this yarn I found this recently at Walmart this huge roll was under $9 I thought it was a great deal I'm going to roll it around one of these scrapers cuz we're going to create a little tassel then I'm going to take another piece of the yarn thread it through underneath kind of like in between the uh yarn and then we're just going to TI it in the knot once you have it tied in a knot then we're going to take another piece of yarn and we're going to tie it leaving it about maybe an inch from the top and that way we're going to create a nice shape of a tassel then we're going to open up all the little circles just the little ones on the bottom and then cut everything so that each of them have the same length that's it now we're going to take the remaining yarn from the top and we're going to thread it through a wood bead I have these at home but you can find them at Dollar Tree as well as Amazon and Walmart I push the bead all the way to the top of the tassel and then we are going to place it on the back of the wood round we're going to hot glue it in place but I decided to add more tape this is just by preference I think the hot glue would have been sufficient but just to make sure I did add some tape now we're going to thread more beads to the top portion but you see these here now this came from the original piece that I used I'm just going to remove those cuz they have different shapes I'm going to add one more larger bead and I thought it was so cute I'm going to start with the largest one thread the yarn through and then move on to the medium size and then the two small ones this is going to create that nice cone look I don't want it to be too too tight so I'm just going to wiggle it around until I see what I want and then we're just going to tie it in the knot on the top and that's it such an easy craft this would be great hanging on a door handle or even just placing it on a console table what do you think of this one let me [Music] know course this next Dollar Tree DIY craft I'm going to start with this beautiful pink jar now if you don't have a pink jar you can use any one you find at Dollar Tree I'm also going to use a piece of doll that I already had at home this foam is is from Dollar Tree and I'm just going to start cutting it in a round shape wide enough so that it fits to the top of the jar but not too small where it's going to fall through once I had the shape I am going to poke the doll right through the foam and then place it inside the jar and then just kind of tightening down and really wedging that foam inside I secured everything with hot glue that way it's not going to move on me now I'm going to take a foam ball you can find these at Dollar Tree they come two in a pack I'm going to poke it right onto the the opposite side of the Dow once I had it where I poked it then I'm going to remove it and I'm going to add hot glue and place it right back on again this is just going to allow it to really stick together I'm going to take some reindeer Moss from Dollar Tree and we're going to cover the entire Ball by simply adding hot glue and then adding the Moss just take your time be careful not to get burned and then just cover the entire thing [Music] once you have it covered just pack it in nice and sweet and then we're going to find some florals now these I had at home these are from previous Seasons from Dollar Tree I'm just going to cut them and I'm going to start placing them at first I thought I would add different types of flowers so I'm going to show you the entire process but I actually ended up removing these but again I just wanted show you so these are the ones that I'm actually going to stick with but these are a beautiful curl tone they really pull with that pink jar I think it's gorgeous I'm just going to cut them and just start placing them inside the foam this is when I decided to just remove them I grabbed another Pig with the same flower tones and I'm just going to start again continuing to add them here and there I'm not worried about it being completely covered cuz I do like the way that Moss kind of looks I'm going to take some Jud string and I'm just going to wrap it around four of my fingers I'm going to tie it in the center with another piece of jit string and then we're going to create a very country kind of style bow fluff it up a little bit and just tie it around the neck of the bottom of the doll this beautiful sticker set is from Dollar Tree I already had it on hand I'm going to use this one right here I think it's gorgeous it has the pink undertones that really pull from the entire design and it has two stickies in the back and we're just going to place it right in the front I'm going to add some Greenery leaves these are just from the pics that I had on hand I'm just hug gluing them to where the bow ends and that way it's just going to cover up any glue and the foam from the jar look how gorgeous this is it's one of my favorites but let me know what you [Music] think for this next Dollar Tree sticker DIY craft I'm going to take this beautiful craft paper now this came out of a book that I got I believe it was Hobby Lobby or Michaels and I'm just going to fold it that way so we're going to turn it around into like a diamond shape and we're going to fold the bottom corner all the way to where it goes about 2 in past the midsection I'm going to use my scraper to really fold it very tightly and then I am going to take the sides and I am going to fold it inwards making sure the bottom aligns and making sure that the corner goes just past that middle section same thing with the other side we're going to create an envelope fold it make sure it aligns and then it goes past the middle section just like that we're going to do the same thing to the top we're going to bring it down we're going to fold it and then use the scraper to really make sure those creases are nicely folded open everything up and now we're going to cut those middle sections where both folds met we're going to cut that off because we want those Corners not to be so bulky so I'm going to do the same thing on all four [Applause] sides and now that they're cut it's going to fold very nicely and it's not going to be so bulky on the sides now we want to trim some of these edges here so these are just the two sides we're going to trim some of the top we're going to go from the corner to where it meets the top portion of the envelope and we're going to cut that off again we're just cleaning off edges and sides that way it's going to fold nice and pretty I did the same thing on the other side and now when you fold it it's just going to look nice and clean and very neat now we want to remove that middle portion so once I have it folded I'm just going to Mark with my pencil and we're going to remove that portion again just to clean it off you can use an exacto knife but scissors work really well now that it's folded it's looking so nice all right so now we're we going to take some double-sided tape I get this at uh on Amazon but you can find at Dollar Tree as well I'm just going to fold it onto itself and the two-sided tape it's going to hold it in place so just add tape wherever you need it making sure that it's not going to glue to the inside of the envelope just the outside just like that once again we're going to clean up some of these edges just make them nice and neat we're going to remove some of the sides of this and we're just going to cut it again with the scissors now it's time to add something on the inside now I wanted to add maybe like a letter or something to it but I decided to just go ahead and grab one of these doilies recently I did a Christmas video and it had doilies and I had some left over I'm going to cut one of the smaller ones in half and then cut off one of the sides to make it nice and flat so it fits inside this is just so that we can add something in the inside but by all means you can add a letter you can add anything you want to the inside you can even add florals which I think would be gorgeous I'm going to use the same double-sided tape just to secure the doilies in place and it looks so Chic I love it all right so now we're going to bring in this beautiful sticker set from Dollar Tree it has just so many designs this would be great for scrapbooking or even card making so I'm going to take the one that says hearts and I'm going to place it right there in the center of the envelope looking gorgeous holy moly all right so now we're going to poke it whole to the top with my whole puncher and we're going to take some of this Lacy ribbon from Dollar Tree we are going to make a very simple bowl like and we're going to keep it pretty simple once I have it in the shape and size that I want I'm just going to cut off the ends and then we're going to thread more ribbon right through the hole make a very simple knot in the top and then we're going to H glue the bow right underneath the little hole that way it'll be nice and simple and so sweet and beautiful this is one of my favorites I love the craft paper and that heart sticker is stunning it has a metallic golden look love love love what do you think of this one [Music] for the next Dollar Tree sticker DIY craft I'm going to take another craft paper from another book we're going to start cutting it okay so I want to cut them in 2 and 1/2 Ines wide now the first one I don't know why I cut it into three inches so just just cut it in two and a half it makes for a much better size bookmark but you can do it whatever you want we're going to make some bookmarks I love making bookmarks because they're easy versatile and are great for giftgiving and actually as party favors so once I cut them all into two and a half in wide I did cut them into 8 in long and then I marked where I wanted to cut on the edges at the top just to angle them for the first bookmark I'm going to take these flower stickers they are gorgeous they'll be great for spring in summer and I'm just going to start placing different colors different sizes in different places now if they overlap the edges you could either leave like that but I decided to cut them and clean it up really well I'm going to take this beautiful j string it's like a Baker's twine actually I'm just going to tie it again around my fingers and then we're going to make a very simple bow fluff it up and then we are going to place more string right through the hole that we punched in the top and hot glue the little bow right in front so cute all right for the next one we're going to flip it over and we're going to use the dark side these stickers are gorgeous I've used it in the P they have this beautiful flower arrangement one we're going to place it right towards the bottom left corner of the bookmark now I had a butterfly left over it had a metallic finish I tilted it to the top and isn't that gorgeous oh my all right I'm going to take some of this white Jud string from Amazon I'm going to make another very simple bow wrap it around scrunch it in the middle tie it with more j string and then we are going to thread more string through the hole tie it in the knot and then hot glue the bow right underneath so simple so easy and so beautiful for the third bookmark we're going to make a fun one we're going to take this beautiful sticker set we are going to place the little Banner we're going to cut it in half and we're going to tilt them one to each side and it's going to look so cute then we're going to take the be happy sticker place it in the middle and then some flower ones through the [Music] bottom for this one we're going to take some black j string we're going to do the same thing my friends we're just going to roll it around tie it in the center with some jut string cut off any exes again punch a hole to the top thread more j string through it make a knot and then hot glue the bow we're going to keep them pretty simple but also similar to each other I mentioned earlier this will make a great party favor I think it would great a fantastic party favor you can personalize them in the back how fun for the last one this one is perfect for those guys in your lives we are going to just make it very simple on the dark side again this beautiful sticker has a farmhouse look that's all we're going to put on it we're going to take some black j string some white j string as well as some natural tone Jud string and we are going to thread it through the hole we're not even going to make a bow friends we're just going to tie it in the knot keep it simple and very kind of like mainly you know and then we're just going to again cut off any excess from the Jud string and that's it these bookmarks are gorgeous you can gift them as a set or you can gift them individually or keep them for yourself whatever you want definitely one of my favorites but what do you think let me know down in the [Music] comments my friends I have another video here for you with tons more of Dollar Tree DIY craft inspiration check it out I'll see you later and have a blessed day bye you'll be back another day I can see us breaking down the B
Channel: DIY Beauty On Purpose
Views: 157,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crafts, diy crafts, diy crafts for home decor, diy crafts to do at home, diy crafts to make and sell, paper Crafts, dollar Tree crafts, dollar Tree hacks, dollar Tree diy, easy crafts, sticker crafts, crafts using stickers, diy beauty on purpose
Id: 4EwDtJpjYXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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