Bright Boho Apartment 🧑 || The Sims 4 Speed Build

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hello again everyone welcome back to my channel and welcome back to another speed build video in The Sims 4. hope you're all having the most amazing day ever so far and thank you so much for joining me here today today we are renovating or redecorating Penny pizzazz's apartment which is one three one two Twenty One Chic street now I cannot take credit for this floor plan at all it's actually by originally the one that I found anyway I have no doubt that there are other creators that have done a very similar floor plan but this is the one that I actually took inspiration from at pazarene and she's another SIMS YouTuber so absolute shout out to her for this amazing floor plan but essentially what we're actually doing today is we are turning this into kind of like a mismatched cluttered boho chic kind of vibe it seems that it's been a while since I've actually done a design like this on the channel and I just thought it would be kind of cool to do so we do start on the kitchen area here as you can see we do have like an open kitchen living dining space and I just thought that worked really really well with this apartment I've actually turned to this apartment into a two-bedroom apartment before as well so I was in the middle of doing this sort of thinking to myself how on Earth did I manage to do that so it just goes to show how versatile some of these apartments are but anyway yeah working on the kitchen area here we do change the color scheme I think nearer the end when we're just finishing off the kitchen area and I just I just have this burst of inspiration and I'm like I need to go for like more of an orange turquoise Vibe so that's what I ended up doing for the for the kitchen but I actually really really like it the counters and cabinets are from Jungle adventure and I just think everything works superbly well together now one thing I did end up doing with this apartment is when I was taking the screenshots for the thumbnail I started rejigging some of the furniture in the living space just so it make it look a little bit more full for the thumbnail shot because it just wasn't looking quite right at least for for my taste and my sort of style and this is what I was talking about so this is uh this is actually me having a test with the cooker and the fridge being blue which I don't dislike I don't dislike it whatsoever but it just wasn't I don't know it wasn't really speaking to me and then I do also change the Swatch of the cabinets and counters as well I just think it works super super well and I'm actually I'm sure I'm not the only one here but I am struggling at the moment because we're waiting for The Sims 4 horse ranch to be released I'm kind of struggling with builds and what I want to build and what I feel inspired to build and so I figured it seems like at least for me it's been a little while since I've done an apartment build so I figured we could just have a play around with this today and I actually really really enjoyed this it gave me sort of this burst of inspiration and I really enjoyed the entire so you'll have to let me know what you think of this one in the comments down below but yes um so I actually ended up cluttering up the counters quite a bit as well um because I when I was like I dropped down into that I don't know if anyone else does this with the camera I'll like drop down into the build to see what it's going to look like in screenshots or to see how it's sort of looking because it's really difficult to sort of gauge that when you're sort of looking at in a bird's eye view sort of way and so I'll dip in and dip out it's just something that I do as part of the build process and it's something that I've always done but yeah this is where we change the color of the cabinets but I'll sort of dip in and just make sure that everything is looking as I want it to and I also use these tiles from Jungle Adventure as well because it seems like again it's been a while since I've used these I what was the last time I used these tiles it's been a while it's been it's been it's been a long time I did also use quite a lot of clutter items from various kits as well so I feel like I should apologize for that because I'm still not entirely sure how the community as a whole feels about kids I'm I'm very much if they're great for bite size bite-sized excuse me pieces of content and things that if you want in your game you can have them and if you don't want them in your game then you don't have to have them but for me they're they're perfect for clutter and just like personalizing your Sims spaces and just making them feel a little bit more real a little bit more alive but anyway that's that's that if you don't have many of the kits then you might be missing a few Decor pieces but nothing that's going to slow you down in the long term with this apartment I do also pull out this like little tablet with the keyboard from um one of the kits I'm struggling with the names because we still can't filter by kit we can only filter by kits so I do struggle with with pieces and where they're actually from and what the Kit's name is so I'm so sorry I genuinely I think it was the one that Plum Bella worked on but the the title is escaping me at this moment in time but anyway we move on to the living space here and I do pull out this really really cute chair from the high school years pack because it had that perfect boho theme and I thought it worked really really well my favorite rug from growing together has made another appearance in another one of my builds are we surprised I'm absolutely not surprised I've spoken about this rug many times on the channel and told you guys how much I adore this rug the colors the texture the site everything is just perfect everything about that rug is utterly perfect and I will not stop using it it is my favorite rug until of course if and when another one takes its place but I do also use this two-seater sofa from I believe it's from the book milk kit please correct me if I'm wrong but I just thought it worked really really well in this space and then I start pulling out various items and just trying to work out what seemed boho themed what was going to fit with the apartment itself the TV unit's actually from Tiny living it's a TV unit that I often Overlook and don't often use but I figured because of this space I mean I could have put just a normal Telly on a normal TV stand but I just thought this was a really good opportunity for for me to use some different items and just try some different things that's definitely what I was trying to do with this apartment now I also add this like kind of makeshifty wooden like the vertical wooden columns on the back of the TV stand I just think it adds a little bit of something to the space because it was looking a little bit empty at least in my opinion and then this is one of the things that I do end up changing off camera is the seat here because oh yeah okay so I actually switched them around and then I switched them back off camera and then I replace this seat with the one from the Paranormal stuff pack because it tied in really nicely with like the pops of turquoise I end up putting in throughout the sort of the space and I just thought it worked a lot better now I also add this tiny little Wardrobe from the high school years pack I if I've got the space to do it I like adding them in hallways that your Sims can change into whatever clothes they want to if they're going out or if they're coming in from a long day maybe they want to put their comfy clothes on like I often do in real life when I come in from work you'd best believe my comfy clothes are coming on my makeup's coming off my hair is going in a messy bun that is just how that works for me I digress anyway so this is the one and only bathroom it's a really really good size I used a lot of items from the growing together pack so I use the sink and the shower tub combination as well I just thought that worked really really well and I also paired it with the mirror from Tiny living and my usual cabinet from I believe it's from Parenthood above the toilet why I do this I'm not entirely sure it's something that I've done and will continue to do because it just seems like the right thing to do and I often also forget that we can actually now add clutter to the top of the toilet so it's something that I sometimes I'll do when I remember that we can actually do that now but I forgot to do that in this build then we move on to the bedroom I actually really really like how this bedroom came out I use this bed from high school years which I think works really really well along with this rug from growing together but in a different Swatch because I thought it complemented the bed really really well and this bedside table is also from high school years as well we do use quite a few items from that pack because if you actually look quite closely a lot of those items are kind of boho themed uh use this plant from cottage living it's not a plant I use very often because it's got like a weird shading effect sometimes inside but I thought it worked really well where the windows met in the corner there and then we just add some more clutter pieces and that is pretty much it for this build super short and sweet today but if you'd like to download this apartment it's available on the gallery right now my origin ideas Rachel pet tray files as always are linked down in the description box below you can get them for free from Sim file share but thank you so much everyone for joining me here today as always thank you all so much I love you all so much you all take care and I will see you next time bye [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: RachelPedd
Views: 999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sims 4 speed build, the sims 4 speed build, sims 4 family house build, sims 4 family house, sims 4 build, the sims 4 family home, the sims 4 family house, the sims 4 build, sims 4 family home, sims 4 house building, sims 4 save file, the sims 4 house building, the sims 4 house, sims 4 single mom, the sims 4 tiny house, sims 4 loft, the sims 4 100 baby challenge, sims 4 huge family home, sims 4 large family home, sims 4, family home, rachelpedd, sims apartment, san myshuno
Id: m90DBwWq1Ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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