Bridgerton Makeup breakdown

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Bridgerton has been setting the trend with  many things, especially the characters'   unique makeup. And if you are always wondering  why the Bridgerton cast always looks so good,   this video is here to show you the entire  magic behind the pretty Regency-era faces!  The makeup in Bridgerton was all specially done,  but some fascinating details also went into them   behind the scenes. And there are many crazy  secrets behind the scenes, too, that makeup   was used to cover, and you won’t believe how  mind-blowing they are as we get to all of that   in a bit! Glowing up in Bridgerton became even  more popular after fans saw Penelope and Colin's   transformation. However, this makeover has been a  part of the show since the first season, starting   with Eloise. Like other main characters of the  show, Eloise sometimes got up as early as 4:30 am   to get her makeup done, which doesn’t only apply  to her face. Although Bridgerton's characters are   all covered up, some parts of their bodies can  still be seen. And for Claudia Jessie, who plays   Eloise, there’s a huge paisley print tattoo on her  back, as revealed by one of the makeup artists on   the show, Sophie Brown. So, most of the time, the  character would have to dress up in a dress with a   slightly lower back, and makeup is always used to  cover up the tattoo on Claudia’s back completely.   And you can bet that it’s not an easy process  because lots of makeup was needed to blend with   her skin. The tattoo on Claudia’s back can also  be seen while she was in a portrait challenge   with her costar, Luke Newton. But the insane  thing about this show is that the back tattoo   wasn’t the only thing that had to be made up,  as they also applied makeup to a private area of   another character, which you wouldn’t see coming. Despite the many unique makeups Bridgerton fans   have seen over the years, they are also surprised  to see the changes that Colin and Penelope went   through for their season. For Colin, one of the  most critical touch-ups he needed was to take   him from looking like a boy to a grown-up man. As  the third son in the family, Colin wasn’t seen as   a real man, which was obvious from how Marina  treated and talked to him. And for his season,   the makeup artist wanted viewers to know he  was finally ready to be like every other grown   man in the Regency era by taking a wife. More  specifically, they wanted Colin to look like a   Marlboro man who gets a darker tone and gives the  desirable look of a cowboy or pirate. The makeup   team didn’t depend on using beauty-enhancing  products to achieve this inviting look. Instead,   they started by changing the kinds of  clothes he used to wear. In previous seasons,   Colin had always worn a shirt with frills around  the neck, which wasn’t as appealing as his new   look. However, a surprising change happened  when the frills were removed and the collars   were structured, which cast shadows and gave  the effect of contouring Colin’s strong jaw. So,   Luke Newton already had that feature, which the  ruffled shirt was covering, and rather than adding   a contour to his face, the makeup team figured the  collar would do the work, and it turned out just   okay. Before his sudden glow, he had been going  through the changes in his looks since season 2,   making sure he wasn’t just a boy but one with  traveling experience and excellent opinions.  Also, Colin was always too stuffy with layered  shirts and coats, and some of this has been   removed to make Colin show off his chest. When  fans started getting sneak peeks at Colin,   they wondered what was added or removed from  his look to give him the glow-up because it   wasn’t just about the makeup products. However,  one important thing is the hairstyle. It might   not have changed much from the past, but the  makeup artist Erika Ökvist ensured that he   would get a more angular haircut. This shows  how Bridgerton manipulated the necessary tools   around them to make a man look astonishing  rather than focusing on beautifying products,   which wouldn’t have turned out as well. Unlike Colin, who had a makeover to look   more mature, Pen’s glow-up during her season was  to find a husband, as the makeup was intentionally   done so she could attract a gentleman to marry  her. And the makeover goes beyond applying   blushes and contours. The changes Pen made from  the previous seasons can be seen in her eyes   as they sparkle and are easily noticed. Although  this could have been achieved using contact lenses   behind the scenes, the aim is for it to bring  men’s attention to her sparkling eyes. Then, her   lips also had a significant change, making them  even glossier to attract kisses. Funny enough,   every glow on Pen expresses her willingness  to be taken seriously by the perfect suitor   because even her hair gets made into kiss  curls to show she’s ready to be kissed.  Pen has been one of the characters fans have  seen transform from the earliest season of   Bridgerton. Initially, her makeup made her  look young and innocent, which was achieved   by a pink makeup palette applied in a rounded  way to make her pass off as a teenager. Then,   Pen’s face became lifted, molded, and glazed for  her mature look, giving her this elite look and   making her pass as a grown woman ready to get  things done. However, it wasn’t hard to achieve   this as the makeup artist mentioned that they  wanted Pen’s face to look flawless and found   the right golden palette to make that possible. Interestingly, Pen's hideous gloves were all   changed. In so many ways, these subtle changes  gave Pen a different aura that ordinary beauty   products wouldn’t have achieved as she looked  more undressed than usual based in the Regency   era and being able to show off like that  is very attractive. The costume designer,   John Glaser, spoke about how this made Penelope  look more appealing, saying, “We tried,   because of what her character is doing, to show  as much skin as possible. That’s why a lot of her   sleeves and gloves are transparent. Even her small  gloves are just hints; hints of jewelry, hints of   gloves, so we see her skin and body shape.” Apart from the changes to her wardrobe color,   Penelope also had some clothing adjustments that  now make her stand out in the crowd. Her clothes   no longer fall on her body, but the waist is now  so drawn out that it’s hard for any Bridgerton   gentleman not to notice her flattering figure.  But before we talk about the ridiculous moment   makeover extended to other hidden parts of the  body in Bridgerton, you should know that the   Old Hollywood inspired Pen’s makeup. As many  fans already know, Bridgerton could care less   about following all the Regency era rules  regarding clothing, makeup, and hairstyles,   and the same energy was applied when it came to  dressing up Pen for her season. The makeup artist,   Erika, said Pen’s transformation was influenced by  1950s movie stars like Rita Hayworth and Marilyn   Monroe. And this inspiration came about after  Erika studied Nicola Coughlan’s face and figured   the looks of Old Hollywood would look fantastic. With Pen’s makeup’s uniqueness, fans have   consistently argued that she changed her hair  color, which was wrong. Although many changes   happened with the character, one thing that  remained the same was her hair color. Although it   wasn't rare for hair to be powdered in the Regency  era, Pen didn’t touch her hair in that regard,   as the only touch-up she had was changing her  hairstyle by loosening the curls and dropping   her hair. Erika even made a shocking revelation by  saying that the same wig Pen had on for season one   was used for season 2 and her glow-up season.  However, most viewers didn’t notice that Pen   started changing her hairstyle in season 2  as her hair was softer and the tight curls   began fading. And that was trying to tell fans  about how her hairstyle could be one of the big   factors in changing her looks before her season. Another iconic makeup in the show was done on   Francesca Bridgerton, who was barely a part of  the previous seasons. So, even though Hannah   Dodd took over from Ruby Stokes, many fans didn’t  notice that the character also had a glow-up. She   was always in the background and blending with the  other Bridgertons, but from season 3, Francesca's   face started passing a different message: a grown  and bright lady ready to explore the world. But   her looks were also inspired by sources you would  find really interesting. John spoke about this,   saying, “Francesca is a Bridgerton. She looks  like a princess. We went right to Grace Kelly   and based her look on elegance and mystery.  For us, it was Grace Kelly mixed with Daphne   Bridgerton a little bit.” Many fans can  agree to the fact that they can see Daphne   through Francesca based on the makeup alone. To make Francesca look like Daphne, some physical   traits were passed down to her, which isn’t  unusual since they are family. So, Francesca   repeated some of Daphne’s presentation outfits and  used similar colors to how Daphne would rock hers.   But then, Francesca still formed her own identity  through her makeup by remaining mysterious,   as the designers were careful not to spoil her  story by foreshadowing it through her looks.  For Daphne, the character had to stick with  subtle and reserved makeup in season 1 while   wearing bangs similar to the Regency-era style.  But in season 2, she became bolder with a more   refined eye makeup and modern hairstyle  to show she was no longer inexperienced.  While other characters were getting all these  changes to their faces, hair, and outfits,   Jonathan Bailey, who portrays Anthony, had makeup  in a different place. During one of his spicy   scenes in season 2, it was reported that Anthony  had makeup repeatedly applied to his bottoms to   make them look even more appealing to the camera.  But then, that wasn’t the only way Anthony got his   makeup applied on set, as his glow-up was also a  big deal that made a total difference. Like Colin,   Anthony’s major makeover for season 2 started with  his hair. In season 1, he had a sideburn, which   tells the story of how he mirrored his father as  the head of the Bridgerton house. But in season 2,   he started to become a man of his own, which meant  that the sideburn had to go. Erika explained how   hair played an essential role in his makeover  saying, “His looks were a bit more pared back,   a little bit more no nonsense. We did that with  smaller sideburns that weren’t so in your face.”  Aside from the individual main characters who  need to stand out in every scene, makeup is   also applied to everyone on set, especially when  they need to shoot a larger scene with extras.   The insane thing about this is that they all have  to be made up at the same time to get ready for   such a thing, and they all need to have their own  distinct look to avoid everyone looking like they   came out from the same home. Now, during Anthony's  failed wedding scene, this had to be done because   the camera was getting the extra’s reactions, so  their makeup was really important. According to   Erika, her team is comprised of 22 people who  prepare makeup and necessary accessories for   the characters in an everyday Bridgerton scene.  But when it came to a large wedding ceremony,   the number of the assistants on set had to be  tripled to achieve a quicker result. Sometimes,   they have to work on 200 extra actors, and  every extra on set gets made up with their   hair and on their faces. So, they are always on  a strict timeline and must complete one person’s   entire look within an hour and a half. To make  this possible, they have a Bridgerton Crowd   department that ensures all extras are always  ready for their part. Sadly, this was hard   to do while filming season 2 due to the Covid  restrictions. So, they had limited extras in a   room at a time, which delayed their work rate. While catering to the crowd in the show,   hygiene is another factor makeup artist must take  seriously, as their beauty tools must be cleaned   at intervals. The hairstyle and makeup that any  extra needs to have on is already on a sheet board   as a form of instruction for the artist. And in that scene, there was a lot of   drama starting with the heartbroken Edwina  running out while Kate chases after her. So,   during her makeup, they didn’t just fit her into  a wedding dress and veil; instead, they made her   a hairstyle that could make the veil stay on her  head despite the drama. Also, Edwina had to cry,   which was also considered as they ensured  the use of beauty products that wouldn’t   wash away and ruin the experience and her looks  on the camera. Interestingly, the iconic makeup   on Charithra Chandran added to her confidence in  comfortably feeling and acting like Edwina, and it   took about 4 hours to prepare her for that scene. Makeup was definitely one of the hardest tasks   for Bridgerton crew members, and Adjoa Andoh  believes she made their job even harder because   she has low-cut hair, contrary to her character’s  full hair. So, to make her makeup really come out   like a regency-era woman, the actress had  to wear a 360 wig, which was very fitting   not just to Lady Danbury but also to Adjoa. However, the makeup team wouldn’t have had their   work so proudly spoken of without the help of the  lighting and camera departments. For Bridgerton,   the glow-up and beautiful faces are never hard  to notice because the lighting is strategically   placed to reflect the skills of the makeup  artist. Funnily enough, two different lighting   systems on the exact makeup could make it seem  like the characters had a change in their looks,   which really isn’t a fair way to tell a story.  So, makeup doesn’t end on the makeup chair as   it extends very well to how it translates with  light and the camera. And another fact is if a   look doesn’t give a satisfactory outcome on  the camera during filming, a retouch has to   be done until it looks like the message the  makeup team is trying to pass across. Also,   camera angle or reflection could totally alter  whatever glowup the makeup team has tried to put   together, and that’s why their work doesn’t end  till they see the final look through the lens.  To avoid unnecessary delay with makeup on the  Bridgerton set, tests are usually carried out   before the main filming to see what the  characters are supposed to look like. So,   this makes it easier to adjust the lighting  and camera to get the perfect picture.  To finalize the beautiful faces viewers see  on screen, the makeup artists have to get up   every day on set as early as 3:30 am until  9 pm, which was very hard. And sometimes,   some of the looks they’ve worked  so hard on had to be let go of,   which is all a part of the Bridgerton makeup  process. But despite always having an early   morning and a busy day, the Bridgerton cast has  been so delighted to work with the makeup team   because they make the start of their work  day better with their vibrant attitudes!
Channel: Bopping
Views: 459,354
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Keywords: netflix shows to binge watch, tiktok, tik tok video, best netflix shows, netflix movies, bopping
Id: JGrHQxO2eC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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