Bridgerton Season 2 Inside the Pall-Mall Scene

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[Music] best way to describe it combination of croquet and golf because the mallets are a lot longer and more like a golf swing the players go in numerical order it's all drawn by lot they've got their own colored coded mallets sounds pretty simple but it's as much about strategy and sort of foxing your opponent as it is about purely getting through the wickets so the aim is to smash your ball through a series of numerically ordered wickets while trying to frustrate or delay your opponents the winner is the first player to pass through the hoop of the special raised end wicket see what we have to get it through at the end you see that like stick with that no we've got to get it through there oh i love that i think any of us are going to be able to do that right do we have to take our own colored balls that's not very dignified is it imagine i can't even i can't even get it between my legs okay my first thoughts are i suck at this but my second thoughts are i can't be the worst at it because i'll be really really annoyed gosh the mallets we realized were similar size to polo sticks so we actually managed to find a secondhand set of croquet sticks and we shaped them into the palm oil mallet style chris van dusen wanted it to be painted in a style that would be like they painted it when they were kids so it's sort of pastely colors they're quite clearly worn they've been used a lot i just feel like there's so much to it you know it's very involved it's a very cerebral game luke and i'm left-handed the traditional balls were actually made of boxwood and they were quite small and they were really hard and obviously for filming purposes we've had to sort them out for dog balls in action they look the same but they're a bit safer i came into it really cocky because i played a lot of hockey growing up um but it's hard it's really hard i blame the balls and mallets they give us they say right like a good player doesn't blame the equipment oh yeah it's usually shorter grass less windy you can't get this on phil initially we just sort of used some croquet hoops but they weren't britishly enough so we were trying to think what could we use that's already out there that we could sort of embellish and make into these wickets that they refer to or they're using in the script so we found these boot scrapes online painted them white numbered them and then that's how we got our hoops okay so we've got two units filming this afternoon both on the power mouse and we need number four gate twice so we've only got one so i'm just about a copy from a photograph another four onto this one so this is a bit of a heart attack good thing about masks so you can't see me sticking my tongue out yes i'm doing it [Music] there you go all done [Music] oh you're really good at this i'm really really good at it oh you little there's nothing it's just black yes [Laughter] sadly not yet i mean the day is young so we're at aubrey hall which is the family seat of the bridgetons we've got a team of florists here who have been working to create these fantastic floor displays that do change throughout the episode but this being bridgeton you know we had to add a bit of florals into it so we've put wisteria all across the front not purple this time white so we've gone from um an ordinary country house into a floral spectacular that is our bridgestone world i'm a philip korn i'm a i'm a florist so i've been given a color palette by the set deck with a color palette that kind of goes with the the bridgestone characters and that sort of thing so it's very soft colors but it also has to match the surroundings of the room and that kind of thing as well so and also the period kind of style of the flowers and the choice of stuff used and because this is a country place we've gone very kind of country looking with the flowers in this scene is to eat as much cake as possible to drink a lot more tea i might even take up some sugar because i've got i've got i've got quite a lot of it see apparently no milk i have no milk either basically i'm just going to eat my way through this scene here hi i'm lisa heathcote i'm the food stylist or home economist on budgeting which means that i do all the food that everybody eats and there's a lot of tea on budgeting so basically this season has been plenty of cakes plenty of biscuits and some of them are real and they're going to eat and then because we've got so many cakes and they're sort of sitting around for a long time we've got pretend cakes for a better word they're sort of icing and then i put ribbon on and things and then we can change them around so these are all for the palmau scene which we're going to see in the background so they're playing the palm allen front and then under the canopy is the t and basically i've used bright colors probably brighter than you would do normally just so you can actually sort of see it in the background otherwise it'll just all look brown in here we've got stuff pretty pretty and here and then you know all sorts of biscuits we're going to put biscuits so they can help biscuits so basically i do lots and then we decide where are we going what we can address and if we're going to use it in this scene or maybe we've got a drawing room scene a bit later on so i might just pop them in there a country tea playing pal mao there we have it i'm quite proud of that shot i think that's quite good it's not very dignified is it yeah it looks like a mad character choice oh my god [Laughter] [Music] it felt like a dream like i don't really remember it i don't know if i'd be able to recreate it i think i'd be worried oh you were pretty confident when you're in the makeup chair you said i could do that again yeah but this isn't that's not for the camera you're right brilliant you don't do that talk about that um no i i'd be worried that i wouldn't be able to recreate it all feels very blurry like in a dream yeah it was a beautiful moment and it really doesn't happen like that those sorts of moments never happened to me so it's quite um yeah it's quite special i'm yeah very jealous and also proud at the same time it's really nice to have everyone back together again like the ensemble scenes are my favorite to shoot because we do just get to like have fun and play around a bit we do look forward to these days i don't know if the crew digs or a bit of a nightmare maybe they do it's quite funny i don't know we should ask them is it annoying maybe you ask them and then you tell me [Music] i just like to make sure that everyone's inside everyone's doing really well with five and also just ready to go yeah exactly we have a good time right it's nice when you see on the cool sheet that you've got a load of cast in and but you do have to psych yourself up and sort of say right this is going to require a lot of energy today because that's a lot of laughing i just find these look hilarious so i we're just laughing at him nice to be outside as well yeah that's very true it's not a very interesting point no nevertheless true it is nasty outside we got such a great job if you can't even laugh doing this then you know [Music] what is your life frankly and it's a really funny cast and so everybody mucks about and has fun as well as doing their work i can't [Laughter] and the sharmas have just jumped straight into the middle of all of that so the trick is is to not dig it into the ground to sweep hover the ground because you're more likely to hit the ball having so much fun um everyone's really lovely it's quite surreal i guess and giving this amazing setting um so much balance so many laughs it's great everyone's just really really lovely i played uh yeah a few games of croquet in my time barbecues the you know glass of pims never fully sober i never palm out but i'm i'm loving it although the problem with power management i think lady danbury wants to be playing that's the truth you're not sitting there eating tea is she and with any luck we're going to bounce it off that tree will hit the crew and then it'll come back on and it'll go through the quidditch ring at the end that's the i don't know that's the plan [Music] it is actually really nice being able to watch a different story unfold and be and get to be a part of it but take a step back it's really lovely and also the pressure's off so i can just have fun show me one person in the world that can do this the pressure was so much on the first season of like just getting through the day every day and now i can come and just watch it all unfold and and be a part of it in a lovely way so i'm really enjoying it [Music] that's me great come back to season 3. [Music] you
Channel: Taddy Ariola
Views: 898,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3rDtaoJ9SBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2022
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