Bricks Builder - What's It Like As An Elementor User Trying Out Bricks

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as someone who is very passionate about web design i'm always keeping my eye out for dope websites and anytime i find one i put it into a collection that i could use as inspiration for future projects and has been one of those websites in my collection i really love this website there's something just so clean about it the way the white space is utilized the new and modern typography it's clean it's minimal it's a style that i really like now the only thing is this is not the actual site this is now the difference between these two websites is that one of them is the actual real site and the other one is one i created on bricks last night what's up everyone i'm jeffrey at lightbox i'm an avid elementor user last night i wanted to geek out and run an experiment and test out bricks and what i did was i recreated the homepage with bricks and i wanted to share this experience with you all to let you see what is it like for somebody who uses elementor almost on a daily basis trying out bricks for the first time i've had my eye on bricks for a while now i purchased it earlier last year i saw it as something that had a whole lot of potential and then i saw what thomas was doing the founder and creator of bricks i saw the direction he was taking it in and my confidence grew in it way back then i saw that bricks is something to keep an eye out for this is something that's probably more than likely going to blossom into a solid platform now last year when i got it and it was still in the early stages like 1.2 1.3 versions i would go in and i would test it i'll play around with it but i have to admit i didn't really have that much time to put into it because i do have a busy schedule running an agency and stuff like that and it felt a bit confused too when i went in and i tried it out in the earlier stages it was to me it felt like it was going to be a really big learning curve i tried you know building some sections testing it out but then a few weeks ago the 1.5 beta was released and it had a lot of dope features in it so i went back in to test it out and this is after not testing it out for a while and i had a completely different experience this time this time things went a bit differently where you know last year uh testing it out it was a bit confusing it felt like a big learning curve this time jumping into the 1.5 even though it was a beta it was enjoyable it was pleasurable i was like finding it a whole lot easier to use so last night i geeked out i stayed up late i got the bags under the eyes but it's all good because i had a lot of fun and what i did was i ran this experiment i wanted to build a high quality page go through in detail and see what that experience was like the way that i approached this experiment was to use the same process that i use when i'm building elements or websites so i went step for step the same way i would as i would do for elementor website and that starts in the back end so i started off with the settings and what i did was i went through each one of the settings try to understand it uh see what needed to be set and i liked it i mean my first reaction to this was it was pretty easy to understand it wasn't over complicated there was a few things i really had to take a look at a couple things i saw would like to test and some of them that i saw i'm just gonna have to do a bit more research the one thing i really did like about the settings was that it had a minimalistic feel to it like it still had a good amount of settings very interesting stuff but it wasn't overwhelming it wasn't too much over complicated it felt very minimal and i like that because i'm a bit of a minimalist and i like to keep things minimal and clean and i can see that's what the settings did then my next step was to do the usual wordpress stuff you know add pages build a menu uh set up my home page settings next up now this is where i ran into a bit of a hiccup right here the next step i always do is to set up my globals i want to set up most importantly my global colors and my global fonts are typography because by setting up my typography styles and my colors i'm able to keep everything consistent and that is one thing i love about elementor i love the way that elementor implements global styles and how easy and fast it is to use now after a little bit of time i had to learn and dig in and play around with it but i was able to set up the global colors and they work the global colors are okay i feel that it's a lot easier inside elementor to choose your global colors but they're still there and they still work now the one part and the challenge i did have is the global typography the global font styles i could not find it i mean i did find a way to add global styles in a way as far as like setting up your h tags your body text and there's a lot of different options for global styles a lot which is a great thing like for every single widget there was options for globals but the way i use my typography is a bit different i don't like to use typography based on h tags or title tags or header tags i use my typography styles based on the design sometimes my sub headers are very small sometimes my h3s are very big and coming from elementor where it's very easy to set up and basically just add a title you click on the global you choose your uh font style that you set up that is so clean and fast i'm very used to doing it that way so that was where my bottleneck came in and i found that building out the page i had to set every single font style which took a bit more time now i know there's got to be a way to do it i know there's a workaround you know i heard of automatic css i want to check that out and you know i know there's still a lot to learn so i might be missing it i might actually be in there i have to do my research this is just the first time really getting to use it i wasn't able to figure it out quite yet but i definitely will be soon now after i set up my globals i always start off with my header and footer templates for this experiment i only did the header i didn't do the footer i got a bit lazy on that one but i did the header and that's where a lot of my time was spent at because it was my first time really getting in and using the builder in a in a real situation a serious situation now i played around with the brix builder before but i never really used it in a situation where i was going in and making things very detailed when i was replicating a design down to the pixel and i probably could have gone a lot faster but i was geeking out i was just learning and having fun with it now setting up the templates i found was really easy and straightforward took me a little bit of time to like find things like you know display conditions and things like that but the things that make elementor so powerful uh which are the display conditions inside uh with the page templates like headers footers articles things like that it's also all there inside bricks and then after i built the header i went and built the rest of the page now this whole experiment took me about three hours it did take some time and well a lot of my time was going in trying to figure stuff out it was the initial setup trying to set up the globals that took a bit of time because i was going through the settings not just the settings in the back end but the settings in the builder and that part right there i see there's just so much in there there's a lot to learn i know i'm just scratching the surface and as somebody who is like having fun with this i wanted to dig in more but i had to keep stopping myself like now we just got to build this page let's move forward now my experience what was it like building out this high fidelity page with bricks well my overall experience was it was enjoyable like it was pleasing it was fun to use i really liked it it was a huge difference between the first time i tried it out last year to right now with the 1.5 version now it did take me some time to figure things out of course and it's only natural i'm learning a new tool there are things like hovers now this might sound silly i couldn't figure out hovers for a little while i tried so hard to figure things out without googling it or going to the docs and things like that and i just didn't see any options for hovers and when i built my header i actually wrote some css to make the menus change on hover because i couldn't figure it out it was only about halfway down the page when i decided okay let me google it and try to see it's a whole other option just for hovers on the top of the builder and when i found that i saw not only does it have hovers but it has other pseudo elements it is so as a front-end developer it's exciting you know like those kind of things excite me like i got all these different options now for pseudo elements so it's different options for we have with elementor elementor has options are very useful that i use in the design side where i'm finding i'm getting a lot more options for the development side on on bricks now navigating through the widgets in their settings that part took a little bit of time but it wasn't so bad a lot of it was the same i just had to get used to where to find it at that was it and by the time i was halfway through the page i found that i was getting a lot faster at finding out where to get to my type and like change my font styles where to go to my backgrounds where i need to add gradients those kind of things that i normally use the paddings the margins and stuff like that i got a lot faster with it and i do believe that this is because of my experience with elementor and using the page builders one thing i see is understanding flex is going to be very important for anybody starting to learn bricks you got to understand it understand the flex settings how it works and just be able to wrap your head around flex and the whole principles behind it now if you're using elementor containers right now and you really are good with the containers the transition is going to be really easy and if you're a developer and you know css and you know how to do css flexbox well that's going to be easy but i feel that if somebody is still using sections and columns doesn't know css and really hasn't been utilizing flex this is going to be a learning curve and this is why i've been torn with the whole elementor containers i feel that using containers is great it slims down the web page there's a lot more you could do but it's not stable yet and that part hurts and i know a lot of us are waiting for that it was really fun using bricks and their flex and having everything just work so if elementor could do that and i hope they can i pray that the next elemental release comes out with a stable containers it is going to be awesome because using con using flex on bricks was a great experience because everything just worked i mean i did run across some bugs here and there with other parts but flex worked for me and all the situations i used on this experiment another part that was really different and i saw was going to take some getting used to was using containers blocks and divs and again the inner front end developer in me was just rejoicing on this i loved it it was awesome but this does add a different dynamic to how we build the web page because you know before we have sections and columns with elementor and then you go with containers and inner containers well with this we got more options we got the containers blocks and divs and you got to get an understanding of it you got to know your html css and just get an understanding of in what situations should i use which one like you know if i'm going to build this section right here what would be best for the section should i use a block or div or container now i found when i built my page that i didn't use any containers at all i didn't do it i use flex throughout the entire thing i try to utilize flex as much as i can and i use blocks almost the entire time and in some situations i use the div element it was fun to do and again it was a lot of playing around and having fun and experimenting with it but it does open up to a lot more flexibility when building out the page layout using flex and with that i could see why developers are going to love this you know it's crazy fast and it is a bit more developer focused but i also see that it could be useful for a non-developer as well because it does have that good ui it has the options we need to build clean pages and again this is just me this is just my first overall impressions and experience really using bricks now my goal for this video it's not to try to get people to jump ship or convince anybody to switch from elementor to bricks not at all i only wanted to share my experience of what it's like at the end of the day these are tools that's what they are the tools for website creators web designers web developers tools we use to build websites whether we're building them for our clients or if we're building them for ourselves for our own businesses they're tools and what matters most is how we use those tools to get the best end results and i believe that if you are creating websites for clients and you really want to get good at it there are other things we need to be focusing on when we are developing our skills because what's important is the end result how good is our website how is it maximizing your clients end result for their business on whatever the website is meant to do i only want to share my own personal experience because here's the thing nothing is perfect everything has pros and cons there's always areas to improve i choose to stay focused in the solution there's always a solution to everything and that's what i always look at the solution and how to get the best in results now you might be wondering am i leaving elementor or am i switching or jumping the answer is nah no way uh elementor has been part of my workflow my company's workflow my team's workflow we got a stack we got a process a system that we refined it took us years to get to this point to have something so refined where we're able to deliver awesome results for our clients it's a tool and it's a tool that works very well for us now what i am doing is i am adding bricks builder into our toolbox that is going to become one of the tools that we're going to be using along with elementor and we'll choose on the project where we use it now i made this decision very carefully and very strategically i'm very careful whenever i add something into my business's toolbox into our stack i want to keep that stack minimal i want to keep a clean ecosystem and i see bricks as something that's going to add a whole lot of value to my business so we're going to be using it i'm excited about it it's fun i've had my eye on it for a long time i was waiting for it to polish up it got things i'm really excited for things like the loop builder and there's other things in the works you know the nested elements there's just so much i want to have fun with and the last question and this is i feel probably the most important one inside this video should you be switching over to bricks from elementor and i want to share with you the best advice i got when i was at the beginning of my journey when i started off learning to become a web developer i had a mentor that came into my life and gave me some advice that changed everything it set me on a straight path and the path has set me on is what allowed me to build a successful company this would allow me to have the life that i have today and get to the level that i'm at and that is master one thing at a time after you've mastered it move on to the next so if you are using elementor right now you're in your early stages master it get really good at it before moving and jumping around because if you don't master what you're working on you're just going to end up bouncing around not getting good at anything so if you're asking yourself should i be leaving elementor for the new hot shiny toy that just came out and everybody's talking about and going to my answer is master what you're working on right now focus on what really matters be careful the shiny eye syndrome because new things are always popping up and if you are really good at elementor right now and you want to take it to the next level you want to find something else you want to try a different tool definitely bricks is one to check out i'm going to be using both of them going forward i'm going to have tutorials for both of them going forward because they're both very solid tools i like them both i like the people behind both of them so that is my first impression let me know what you think i know that was a lot right there i stayed up late last night i barely got any sleep i didn't even want to go to sleep all right i wanted to keep going and i had to like force myself to turn off the computer let me know what you think if you have been trying out bricks let us know your experience inside the comments and if you have any questions drop them in the comments be happy to get back to everyone i'll be back again soon all right thank you you
Channel: Jeffrey @ Lytbox
Views: 7,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elementor, bricks builder, bricks builder wordpress, bricks builder review, bricks page builder, bricks builder theme, wordpress page builder, bricks builder tutorial, bricks wordpress, getting started with bricks builder, bricks builder vs elementor, bricks builder review wordpress, bricks builder elementor, elementor pro, elementor wordpress tutorials, wordpress theme builder, bricks tutorial, brick builder, page builder, elementor wordpress, elementor tutorial
Id: bnvsYx9X7_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 18 2022
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