bricklaying on my own again

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right what are we doing today more trench uh so yesterday you know it was just quite easy it was a long straight wall easy to get the numbers down um got will Bearer today to work out of it's going to work out of a whe Bearer uh Works quite well when you're doing trench as long as the ground's all right which it is um and I've got my laser level out the house uh I made a video on this plot uh and it was called setting out a house or something like that I'll leave a link up there somewhere uh so I've got my laser level back out I did stick a laser around the bottom course and got it in with a laser and then built up to gauge so technically I should be pretty good but I get a bit OCD with my laser level when I'm doing Subs so I'm going to go around again with a laser and build um my Corners I'm going to I'm going to go around and Dot all the corners I can on today with a laser I'm going to find out my under side of beam that's the height that the beam sit on USB under side of beam yeah just going to have a look all right there was an underside of pin over there but it's been moved so I'm not sure what I've got up to the underside of beam they usually give you a height to work to some groundwork firms stick a pin in every corner and you just level across measure down and that'll tell you what you got to do some give you one and you set set your laser to it and build your Corners with your laser which is what I personally prefer to do anyway so I haven't got a anid of beam so I don't know what the height is but I know that I've got another couple courses of trench but what I am going to do so I can just crack on is I'm going to check the corners quickly and make sure I'm pretty good and then dot one and run just go around I'll get quite a few down doing it that way see how we get on [Music] for any of you that are watching that don't know what this is it is a rotary level it self levels itself it's a self-leveling rotary level from topcon I believe it's the best make out there for rotary levels see that is slightly off you want to try and get it somewhere sort of close as long as you're somewhere close and it ain't too far out that will just readjust itself to level and start spinning with a red laser then your receiver will pick it up but if it is too far out of level this itself then it won't be able to go all the way which it has so look there's a laser in there spinning uh and that will just pick it once you get to the height of that laser and that will be within .5 mil uh all the way around for about uh I think these are 50 m it'll be within5 mil or something like that I'm just going to go around and check me corners let's have a look right so that's now picked that up so this point here I'll be able to just check that the other Corners are the same as this one good good now these walls are usually a little bit low where you've pulled a line through yeah it's a little bit low but low was good especially with trench that's 5 mil low that corner so we're all pretty good at the minute um I'll just dot one on put a laser on it dot one on put a laser on it run it in right we're going to get this all set out now uh it is qu 2 so I'll show you what we're doing right let's get the drawing out uh so we want the that's the first floor plan we do not want that ground floor plan this is what we want right so if you look at it like this it is basically this way around like that cuz you've got your dog leg there so you got dog leg over there we want this wall here let just show me the single skin all right I'm going to have to have a quick chat with Mark foran to make sure that I can build that out of trench to start which you should be because it is deep and you don't want 100 Mil skin that deep so all right so I've just spoke to Mark I'm just going to make the center of the 100 Mil wall the center of the trench wall uh there there and there so we're just going to get that set out now we have got 3 m 740 mil I'm going to add I'm I'm going to add the 303 to the 740 3 m 740 + 303 4 M and 43 right so we're hooking it on the outside of the wall like so and then we want 4 M and 43 4 M and 43 is there right and then we've got 100 Mil so that is where the wall is going to go so now we need to go Center which is the then the width of a trench is 300 so if you go 150 that way 300 that way wall ties adjust Inlet that is our trench there right transfer over to there right now I've got that Mark and that Mark I'm going to trans I'm going to get my level transfer it down get my level transfer it down just ping a line through right so we transfer this [Music] down all right transfer this one down right and then [Music] pins Hammer so the line is on the left side of the pin so just what I'm doing is just going to go in at a slight angle like that now I am going to just double check all this just to make sure check it twice build it once and all that malaky I've just heard the Digger start so I'm off over to the mixer get cracking on let's get stuck in [Music] [Music] for all [Music] well that's annoying there's been a change plan I spoke to mark and um they're getting the floors done Tuesday next week so I'm going to finish up here and get started on the sced the back Breakers um and they're going to backfill this next Monday let it go off I'll be on the screed today and tomorrow I'll probably have pretty much everything that is screwable done tomorrow uh and then we are done for the week I'm going to go see if I can scrape a buckets worth out of the mixer cuz I'm going over to do the screeds I want to load out for a bit first I don't want to knock a gauge up let it sit there for half an hour 45 minutes while I'm loading screeds out I'd rather get loaded and get a nice fresh one over it's all about timing with mck [Applause] lovely jely that should do it best Hy bucket on the market that [Music] there quite a lot of people saying why aren't you pering them these are interlocking trench blocks they interlock there's no need it actually says it on the manufacturer's guide you do not have to per these blocks they Interlock in the middle then you put a bit of muck in that hole and that is it locked in 260 will do my favorite [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] all right just done a few screets I mainly want to say how neat and tidy is this scaffold M what fck a bit of work I wouldn't mind being the hot carrier loading out on here it's a bit decent bit of scaffold matl even got a disabled ramp L really neat and tidy [Music]
Channel: Charlie Collison
Views: 63,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DqNddvvNnJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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