BRICK LAYING (Part 1) Mike Haduck

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hi I'm Mike haddock and today I'm going to start a series on how I do brickwork we're just finishing up with this building and I've been around brickwork all my life I was 13 14 years old in the 1960s if I dad to be taking me on brick jobs in the late 80s I was working on big 18 t buildings with the Union out in Jersey and if you ever took a cruise ship down to Key West Florida I lead a lot of the brick on mallory square so I've been around brickwork a lot I work with a lot of different Mason's we use a lot of different techniques but in this video I'm going to show you my old-school techniques and towards the middle of the videos in this series we're going to have a guest Mason who work with the Union down in Philly he has some new techniques will show that a lot of his stuff I'm showing his old school I'm going to show you how I drop the lines how he laid it all out dry at the beginning how I figure where my pieces are going to be I'm just gonna have to put the insulation on in the wall ties we're going to go through a lot of different things put the limestone band around we went down and got the limestone band and then at the end I take you to old buildings gonna show you why what did and what the difference is between new school and old school everything they do in modern isn't actually perfect it's a cheap way of doing things they can explain that about the brick what's the mint I use so just the beginning of the series part 1 here we go now what we got is the old brick that they used and new brick I'm color blind so they went on pictures brick it's a little bit different in sizes but it's as close as they can man this prick is like glass and don't absorb any water it's kind of hard to lay and want to floats all over and everything but they picked out the brick to match it and this building was built in the 1970s 1972 72 I was in the service when they completed it we're gonna take a look at what they do first thing you do on a brick job just go around and look what they did and then you'll know if you're what you're doing is right you get this 46 years ago 44 years ago I looked around it's a very good brick job you want to know what kind of cement they used why did I use a certain brick and you take it from there and you go no this is the front of the building that they're matching and we go over here we notice they got control joints up there we look at the what they did look at the bottom and I was talking to the guy who was the real brick salesman I looked how they did the joints bricks ain't perfect you know they float around so you get wide you get small joints to get white up here again they used a lime and Portland on this I'm gonna explain that at the end I know sometimes they see use n mortar but in Pennsylvania I'm going to show you why we don't use it and we're going to I just look at all the buildings in the way they did it and then basically we try to copy it best we can I'm going to start the brickwork on the building and right here on the corners I'm gonna drop a line so I made myself this little little contraption here see the line on it and drop my line that's I'm going to follow my brickwork so now we're looking at the top of the building there's that thing I put come all the way down here in the corner and put a blonde plumb-bob because i wanted to make sure so just to make sure it came out here and I measured that way and measured this way and I know my line is right now we're over here on the side of the building and we got to follow this brickwork up be real simple see I marked it and I made myself a story pole that story pole is going to go all the way to the top of the building and you see this band right here that it's a limestone band right there I have to be hit that height and match it and then next height I got a hit with an angle iron hot top so let me show you a little more about my story pole so what I did was I got this story pole they worked on like brick so your reason what he did that because they worked on one job one time where the basin came all the way up and followed this side to the other side he kept squishing them down and use one brick short we don't want that so what we're gonna do is go away over here like that into this way like bricks so I'll make numbers all the way up so I get to the top I'm going to be right evil so story pulls a big thing I'll show you a little more of it as I go the first thing I'm doing cleaning off brick ledge if you looked at my video how I do block work number or part for what I did all this block work I filled this four blocks deep down to the footer with concrete and then as we did the block work to submit to be falling on we clean it off but you'd still see the concrete here it's your regular clean it off and put a little wash on it because new school we're going to put a flashing it goes down over this and the bricks going to go on top of that and the insulation behind it so I'm going to explain it as I go so I've got all these big indentations like this I don't want that I put that flashing over they want it to be flush so the water gets underneath it I always wet at first because that's what I do what I want it to stick those in completion to like I felt all those holes in I just run in the sponge to flatten it out cuz when I put that flashing on the one the water getting underneath that flashing and if it does get underneath they wanted to come off a little bit like that so right on top of that we're putting like a vinyl see it you peel it off it's a flashing tell you what kind it is but that's what the brick salesmen recommend it this is the box of the flashing I show you made all this brick see that brick down there I laid it all out dry I'm gonna explain to you why later I'll dry right around the whole building I actually started at this corner and went that way and they went this way and then when I go all the way up here let's see where my brick is going to end up you want to use rulers fine but sure way not to make a mistake you see I'm short so what I gotta do is I gotta stretch this whole bottom out make it a little one maybe 1/32 of an inch all the way up to make that up when I get over here I'm looking at my door I want to see where I ended up so I got two choices here yeah here's where the door ends I could push the brick this way so I can get my halves in there you see that as I push the brick that way like this you see where it's going to end up thing is laying it out dry is the smartest thing you could ever do the old-timers are always making there and over here I'm going to be close to 1/2 again see what I mean Xie just got to keep learning to adjust in brickwork I built the lead here you see the line right here is all the way up I'm gonna follow that line all the way up there so I built that little lead on this side now I'm gonna go down to the other side and build the lead down here building this leave before the styrofoam gotta come out six inches so I get my first brick get it in there I'm not too worried about Heights now it's gonna get it putting it in backwards how's that backwards that's my first brick this second brick dad level on it the dollar store it works Danny on accurate that's my first thing when I get my little wall tie here shove it in there I'm gonna tie this line to it follow that line all the way to the top lay in my corner in to worry I'm trying to bend down here to see what yeah they will he's running to TEPCO I just got the lumber Boston Joe quite on the set here boys put this line down here play light gonna follow that line all the way to the top we're finished in that corner and we got this all laid out down to here let's see what a brickwork ends up there like that come over here that's where it's gonna end up over here I got this little space here's my line see that line my chocolate drop that chalk line all the way down so now I'm gonna go over here and I got to fix that so I got this big 2-inch space so what am I gonna do there let me take a break right here break it in half lay it this way wait this way keep this for a spacer just like that gotta get it down to where I want actually I got to get it up so now I put some cement in there and follow my line right there see it I got to lift this brick up to catch that it's going to be my little spacer and I feel that what cocking and then over here that's where that's going to be you can get the Sol yet later that in there like that so my lead that way I can lay this next brick right there cuz that's the center and then that's going to be my little expansion so I'm going to cut it right there just like that beautiful and put this in yeah that breaks gonna go right down here like that even with that that's what I want follow those joints works a little much a little stiff but you know what I got a bill this bill delicious stays to get a little better when you build the leads so that's that they continue on my way up put my last brick line all right even with the top of that dad on right even with the top of that keeping a space the whole idea is you don't want to go into here we're going to stick on this part of the wall this is a facade and I'm going to explain that as we're going used to be years ago that actually built buildings out of brick well they don't really do that anymore they put facades on and explain that oh this is what I'm gonna do with my brick and mark it right there this brick is easy to cut you don't know I'm taking it on a job the brick is easy to cut this is pretty simple look at that perfect so put my brick in there like that see that and start this one from here this thing right here is what they call hope you could see it a weep hole goes in here like this any water it gets behind it weeps trees straw a type of things so wait on the bottom first boom boom this grip goes right against it like that that's why we poles I'm going to be saying a lot about brickwork and we're at the back of the building they wanted us to finish the front first this is okay but we got a got to run it all around and find our our distance and everything but this is why do you want to start them back of the building because you got to practice get on a new job you get them to brick he got his practice and all the new guys that come in a job you always sent up to the back of the building to practice they built those old cathedrals and those churches and everything in the old days always start at the back of the building just like everything else and ending it you get good at it oh so to show you before I talk about the holes in the brick it's in the up and Scandinavian Denmark and Sweden I want to show you those guys held a lay in the brick and then we'll go from there now this is from my video it's called bricklayers and and Tudor houses of Denmark Mike attic and when I was over there playing music I caught these guys laying brick I want you to notice the trawl and how he's laying them I think everybody has to lay brick a certain way and use a certain trawl and some certain tools and it's just not true a lot of different ways to do it I also want you to notice you don't see any holes in these bricks I don't know if they allow it over there or not but it's just a different way of doing it and there's no right or wrong way to do brickwork in my opinion as long as it works so that's the point I want to make I'm gonna make a little comment on using this brick because we're running out of time on this video I got a long way to go this brick is almost like a glass the only absorption is like three to four percent of water so when you're laying it that's a minute staying wet it's not sucking it in another thing as it has holes in it now everybody's going to tell you you have to when you lay your brick you have to fill them holes and you could try what does you want to fill them holes in I see guys trying to do a real proper like that and then they're doing this that's not to put them down because you want to do it as proper as you can put your brick in some masons use their trowel bang it down like this the guys will shake it into place it don't matter here's the point I'm trying to stay here's a goal here's a some old bricks I got this is actually a brick that we ripped out of the doorway out of this building every time you get another brick it's going to be a different size can ever match them up you see the different size this way - pretty good this way no way oh this is why a lot of times the guys don't go into the brick jobs is because everything changes and it doesn't work out all the time but they have put holes in the bricks and you only recently put holes in these bricks it's because it takes less material to make the brick it's one of the reasons the second one is when you shipping the brick it's less weight you go back to the old school guys like this right here they'd have little indentations in that would be what locks your brick in but this brick absorbs water so it's easy but the question is can you really fill all them holes in every brick I ever took out of every building like this see it the fault the holes are never fully complete they're never fully filled in it's almost impossible to do it and I remember one of the old-timers telling me Mike if Brick Association wanted that brick to not absorb water or hold it they want to put holes in them but see they keep making things less expensive and cheap rigid so just a little point I'm going to go more and more on is the video tell you the way I see it old school so that's it here's one thing I want to mention you see behind the brick we have a finger space because when you're laying your brick right you want to be able to have a finger space behind them so when you look down here to here's another thing I want to point out you can see the cement comes away from the brick goes against the insulation they make you use a special glue to put this insulation and can't use steel nails I don't know I think it's a joke but so that's the end of part one it was just about getting everything ready like I keep preaching every time you work for a different contractor make sure a contractor you're going to tell you to do it different everybody does a little different I like my old-school ways some guys like you're gonna see guys gonna come in with a laser which is pretty neat I never did that uh brickwork is kind of a slowly dying trade back in 87 I remember in the Union the guy said at our union meeting he said listening goes I don't know what's going to happen with this Union years to come because all the architects are building out of steel and glass and masonary to get away from brick tour more onto the stick cots don't think no but it's a I've done it for a lot of years and I do it my way everybody doesn't another way so just the end of part one we're going to continue with a lot of different things on part 2 part 3 part 4 and so on
Channel: Mike Haduck Masonry
Views: 657,378
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Keywords: How to lay brick, brick, brick laying, laying brick with cement, buying brick, brick mason, how to lay out a brick job, brick work, mike haduck, MIke Haduck, brick joints, how to patch up brick joints, brick rulers, brick building, brick garage, the fine art of brickwork, learn to lay brick, bricklaying and masonry, mike haddock, mike haduck masonry, diy brick laying, brick laying part 1, bricklaying part 1
Id: VC06DfVrUJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 16 2016
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