How to lay bricks for beginner

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alright guys hope we're all doing well in this video we're gonna learn how to build a brick pyramid you need to break laid I'm gonna start doing more of these tutorials I did a lab stream yesterday it was a catastrophe so I thought I'd clean everything up and do a video for you instead I will be doing more live streams than a lot going to saw what trick for them was to come this week without further ado let's get cracking obviously we're gonna need some mortar and this ratio is for sound to 1 cement so just for parts of sound to 1 cement you still a little bit of that concentrated fab and you should be good got some bricks here as well I'm ready to go some of the cadet of tools next obviously we're gonna need some tools to get you started but the good news is it's not gonna cost you a fortune right so you need a trowel this is the marshal tone Philadelphia pattern got a boat level here got a twelve hundred mill level spirit level just a soft brush and you can't have got care brush there as well so that's not costly this is a jointer a footprint jointer this one's 19 mill I think yep and this is just a small pointer from Marshall turn you got a 4 inch pointed earth right let's get cracking we're going to put out Wally a line right where I was gonna go it should be generally two four six hundred mill away from your materials and your board do not I'm saying there's like a Lyonya with your materials in your board you should be give you a nice best to working and you always want to be in between your materials and your wall start off by just running us line across a hill out that some flop and we're gonna do a pyramid that is the brick length of five bricks another tip for you is gonna tape like this called the brick mitt dead under when you stare tonight tells you the size of each brick one and a half C one brick there two and so on we want fire bricks all gonna marker point it like this and then I'm going to take a tape measure and fire bricks is 1 meter 150 mils one me to 150 and have you gone to the brick sizes like this one brick just have a look over at the actual measurement to it's two to five and so on just to register it in your brain for bricks ain't Nanta that's a popular one we're just gonna spread lettuce scraping the right side back down on the line so we're twisting back and turning our trouble so as I'm moving back it's two motions in one so we're moving back and were just in there trouble like that and then picking up because we can't go further the floor were just picking up for now the tip of that trouble yeah back on wow that just keep repeating the process as we going along and wants a nice table launch yet top the wrong wheel that tall blonds don't we're continuing all the way down the line until you come to your endpoint our um brick right no one got to that they're just cut it off so you know your own brick it's in there cut that off and then we're gonna throw our bed now now someone with fur in our bed we don't really go down just a nice gentle furrow and the way I home travel is okay we're parallel to the mortal and there I just come over to wait 45 30 degrees and it's just a gentle tapping motion and then directly down that line with it to preview trouble like this parallel wait 45 the reason we do it like that is saw that most of the mortar gets pushed this way like a wave because you want to keep everything from dropping down that side because that's the cavity side this so you don't want anymore today Nia so like this gentle for her and Assam body get that first break we're gonna bother it when you're placing first brick just rest it on the bed immortal first and then you just gently want to apply even pressure throughout the break you can hold it like this you'll find your own where you can put your fingers on but as long as you're not just pushing in one direction or on one end of the bricks or on either side so it's like a force all donut equal force all doing the brick you can you can give it a little wiggle and we can do as you as you pushing it down just cut this March off Buffalo PD travel unless now that you know so you can keep an eye on the bed as you're going down because you can tell a lot from you your bed how square your bricks going down alright so keep going down now this we're looking for a 10 mil don't alright for now but what I want to tell you more about this in a bit will not get to the gauge in off this floor for that a bit that's that's a first brick down know what I want you to do now is take your t-ball level and then we're gonna put it I'm gonna level it both where's this now so when you bought level in the center of brick give it a clean the center of the brick and we need to go down this way because the bubbles touching that line so we're just going to gentle tap until it's in the middle that's right there and we're gonna check the width now with where's rather than plumb this individual brick which is difficult sometimes with rough heads with rough faces we're going to do it on the top - same thing two fingers just a gentle tap and that's right now so we know that brick perfect that way and this way so that's right set perfect when we push out this brick onto that we'll obviously going to move this and we don't want to come away from our a measurement line so we're going to have to just give it a little support there and then when we push this brick down just give a little wiggle like that to compress the joint and then we're going to push it down and we want this Irish of the brick to match up with what we know is perfect which is this brick so we match this straight line to this one and we should be good so gently pushing down going down playing pressure you can just check give yourself a reference point cutting like that a couple of steps if you need and then you're looking down this line as well and then we can keep a reference keep checking for our reference line the pencil line remember so give it a cut like that cut that off and that's looking pretty good again we don't need to support this this this back break this down because we've got a brick in place so again don't flick the couple of Wiggles and then pressing down to the iris Jeremy again cutting see him again just repeat in the process now last brick same again even it caught excess back on the board all right now we're ready to level our bricks so what you want to do when you're leveling your first course or leveling at any bricks for that matter you want to clean the tops of your bricks because you don't own any bits of martyr on there it's going to give you a false reading concern with your level keep that NASA clean and we're going in the center of the bricks right in the center and then just give it a couple of taps don't engage break which we know is right it's not geared yet but we know that bricks right so we're always working from that and correcting these ones to that one so pressure needs to go down a little bit couple of taps she's gonna cut that again for our reference and then scrip get that back on the board now we're going to arrange it in our engine is is basically creating a straight line from one point to another so we're just a pointer to point B so we know that bricks right okay with what we'll do is we'll just see if we can level this across that's right so that's perfect and it's on that line it might need to come out a little bit so that's that's sorted and that's on the line that pencil line this one is so what we're going to do is use a straight line to range those points in just give us the blue taps one sit right at the top of the brick so you can clip is clearly see there we go that's all those bricks ranged into these points a and B that sorted so just again spreading this time when were on this course we can use a bit more of a the mid portion of our travel because we've got the room you see now and of course we're not putting a brick on the end here because we're doing a pyramid so we don't need to spread on these ends here just see scraping the right side so I've got a nice table lordship and generally we want no bricks to be seen you see they'll just get to make sure you've got enough on so you've got that nice here boy love it as many times as you want just a nice even to oblong shape and then same again for in our bed I've got a traveling parallel eight it's not so it's parallel and you're just coming out like you're not coming down or anything and you generally want about 30 degrees lift okay nothing more nothing steep and nothing too shallow so parallel hopefully five and then the tapping motion then what we're going to do now is when we're collecting our scraping this off now we won't want to keep her trouble pretty vertical we don't it angled in like that because it's gonna we don't it like this two angled because when we put a brick day there's going to be a void and we don't want Matt you see you want it nice and full so so what we'll do is to scrape it off and collect it keeping that like that so there's a bit of a you're working with gravity yeah so keep it nice and straight like that and then if you need to scrape your backside and go over it so it's perfect because it'll make your life easier cough do mean beep it out town now that so that there trouble he's not too angled in in the next brick now we're going half bond down we saw I'm looking straight in the mouth um on the middle of this brick to be right over this perp drawing to you and then we gently pushing down and then we're going to cut off as we go in for reference again what we're doing here now is we're looking for 10 mil joint we're going to gauge from the top of these bricks because we know about the level all we're doing with gauging is transfer this love a line of bricks you see the top of these bricks up to a different height so we're going to gauge off that because we know that's a level line now so gentle pressure and then cutting off to use this as reference now we can use that the bottom of this brick to match up with that line the top of this line or on to 10 mil joint so we're cutting off with the tip of our trouble until we get to a 10 mil then we can check that on our tape so we want 75 mil cuz the standard brick is 65 ml + 10 mil joint and then was probably needs to go down a notch there so I'll just give it a couple with the cotton D trouble and then that split up that's a 10 mil joint it's already for an ex brick you're supporting that so we can push that on and then we're pushing that iris stone to match this one gently scraping I just need to put a bit on you can get a bit tiny tip and scrape it on the top like that and then again pushing that down on that perp over that so I want the middle of this brick over this perp and gently pushing down scraping the excess and then I'll ask Rick of this course I don't need to bother it do it push onto that a couple of Wiggles compress the joint and then push down scrape it off so we get a level on again I'm gonna scrape a top banger level in the center again of the bricks we're going to tap this down these two our gauge point um we've got a nice solid hit on the level you'll feel it that's right there we've got some pressure on there now and then we'll just adjust these accordingly down to the level then we go and that's right okay now we can see we've got to scrape this excess off I can try and do that and then we're going to just touch that back because that's protruding a little bit you can always feel where your bricks a protruding an arc you see when you cut tonight you can see there it's not catching on anything so everything's okay now we're going to pull these get that bought level I'm good they're just touching off a bit we're good and then we're gonna range again range those points in a and B with a straight line which is in this case is that level sometimes it's a string one that's okay and we got that's correctly remember collecting vertical again with lime this purple with this underneath now because you can cite this through note I can see that curb down there and as I'm pushing down scraping there's a reference to see where I'm at without it I'm going from our gauge line which is the top of these bricks remember between ours level so what 150 now caused us 75 timetable push this on there that one don't need to bother a doer we're just gonna put long couple of Wiggles again Griffin out top always want to be diagonal never work with your mat catch a joint not that into a gauge brick and then level across to correct these two to the gauge brick now give it a scrape again and then call always font at the bottom Ranger point edge and then a tap off on our ng point be [Applause] an ex break gently push it down keeping that perp in line with this one remember and keep scraping your reference point the bottom of this pretty much you know with that bridge you'll see because if you're pushing down right there you keep referencing it you're gonna see that that's a wedge now so you don't want that right I wanna get this one okay two point two two five we're looking for that's right two two five three crosses Doug and then we'll level that cross do any gaps in the top level as you go when we range that like this you can do a diagonal wrench just to check everything on the first plane is bang-on that's so which is what I missed off the live stream over there yesterday so that's good that's all touching [Applause] now we're going to finish this pyramid I'm gonna joint it with this one it's nice and easy and these are relatively inexpensive this one's a foot print one but the do Marshall tone ones there's a lot of different brands out there and then we're just going to brush it off with a little soft paintbrush so basically I'll show you now what we use this so this one is sixteen mill that side 90 mm that side we're going to use the sixteen mill one here this is the knuckle of the jointer you need to get your finger or your thumb in it depends which side you're going from if you're going from the left to the right you can get you your thumb in there if you're going like I'm gonna do now you get your finger in there basically we need to push we push that way and then we come back like this work first ma'am steps first and then we're going to get a finger in the knuckle of jointer and push that so push your knight coming back what's your knight your back is that then you want to tuck them in now so just go over because you get a little bit of a flake they're coming over comm maces ears or something just want to tuck that in it's just nice and neat takes a bit more time but it doesn't make all the difference and then to finish I'm gonna take our soft brush and just give it a gentle gentle gentle brush people have said you can do it the sponge which you can I'm not really trying it properly at that saw but I just like to use a brush like that okay that sticks all the flaky bits off it's a nice little project to start off with but I understand it could be really difficult when you start to Brit Lane but you just got to stick with it and just take your time concentrate it on the brick you're on and don't move away from it unless that's right same with the course of brick don't move up until you know that course is perfect because you're always working to what your previously led so that's a little tip for you anyway thanks for watching guys I'll see you in the next one
Channel: stu crompton
Views: 647,838
Rating: 4.9022031 out of 5
Keywords: bricklaying, bricklayer, stu crompton bricklaying, stu crompton, stu crompton mason, how to lay bricks, bricky, masonary, laying bricks, lkaying blocks, construction, bricklaying video
Id: 9nvneEApl9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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