Brian Weiss: The Truth of Your Soul

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the soul is that enduring part of us that doesn't die at the death of the physical body that is immortal eternal that part of us that I and I I was saying to the group that we never die because we're never really born we existed before that and then we come into a physical body and at the end we move on now there are many layers and levels to that so we think of an individual soul but really is soul connected to maybe one / soul or an energy so there are different ways to conceptualize that but to me in the shorthand is that that's the immortal part of us the eternal part of its that's our real nature so then when you see quotes like from Teilhard de Chardin and other people say that we are not spiritual beings having we're not human beings having a spiritual experience but rather spiritual beings having a human experience that captures the nuance the essence of it and that has to be our soul so as people shift towards thinking of themselves understanding themselves more as a soul as an enduring spiritual essence or whatever you want to name it it's that part of us that's ageless timeless that existed before all these other concepts before the field before energies before words before thought so we can't really describe it in my way of thinking at a deeper level because we don't have the vocabulary for it so the shorthand is it's the enduring part of us the part that is forever the part that's always being reunited with the souls of loved ones either on the other side or back here in physical incarnations and to me that's the concept of the soul and as people understand then that nature in the nature of true mind deeper mind then value start changing because we start seeing that we shouldn't be attached to these things that were attached to everyday material things needs people's opinions being liked being rewarded when we free of ourselves of those kinds of connections in it attachments those needs we become more soulful because the soul doesn't need those things the soul just needs to understand about love in all its different manifestations and as we accomplish that that's why we're really here in this earth school so to me that's what the soul is and the more we understand that bad in our true nature which is the soul not the body not the brain then we become our authentic selves
Channel: Omega Institute for Holistic Studies
Views: 108,307
Rating: 4.9358001 out of 5
Keywords: 4186019703001, oversoul, body, birth, Death, brian weiss, soul, Human Nature, authenticity, past lives, nosync, timeless, youtube, Immortal, spirit, energy, eternal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 45sec (165 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2016
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