Brian Carn - How to be effective in the kingdom of God

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in the rezidentura quickly let's go to Genesis chapter 1 if you will I was in the back and the Lord just start showing this stuffing make sure your cell phone on the night because I might call some of y'all I'm serious I was in the back and I I told on I said y'all know just seen a number come before me and so keep your phone on but you know keep it keep it on vibrate I might call you and tell you what the Lord told me to tell you all right now look at somebody and say God is up to something I want you to hear man I want you to have it good tonight because as I told you that if a man is truly a prophet if he really carries that mantle upon his life and he's really a prophet in you got to remember something now just because you have the gift of prophecy don't mean your prophet just because you prophesy don't mean you're a prophet there were three different realms of the prophetic you have the spirit of prophecy you have the gift of prophecy and you have the office of the Prophet okay the gift of prophecy is a gift that you're born with remember God - Apollo told Timothy stir up the gift that is in thee which was given thee by the laying on of hands but if you pay attention you notice that that gift was not only in him it was also in his mother y'all remember right yeah I believe you had a mother named Eunice and a grandmother named Lois so that gift came down the bloodline say man so you have the gift of prophecy but then you have the spirit of prophecy but because there's a prophetic anointing on my life and I'm ministering you tonight the power of God can begin to move in the service and the atmosphere can become conducive for anything to take place and the spirit of prophecy will come in the room and you will begin to prophesy just like King Saul prophesied when he got around the prophetic but just because you prophesied don't mean you're a prophet the office of the Prophet is totally different now remember Ephesians 4 an 11-2 class he gave some apostles you did hear some right so that mean everybody is saying they one can't be one y'all quiet you're mad at me what's wrong shot hit me tonight okay he gave some somebody shout some all right now some now the apostle of the church is the farm of the church you understand the thumb can operate or your farmers your only finger that can touch every single on your hand so the Apostle is the governor of the church he brings order he brings structure he brings foundation of an apostle is a builder he can't see in one place the apostle the prophet and the evangelists are traveling gilsu but the pastor and the teacher of stationery Gibson if a man is an apostle he dances to the beat of a different drum he's different he's not like everybody else I'm very disappointed with people who are calling their self apostles now but they have no power they have no deliverance the poverty cleanser that I have tried them who say that they are apostles of her and have found him to be liars or if you aren't apostles you have to operate in the Apostolic anointing you have to preach what the Apostles preacher and your testimony have to be that you have seen the Lord your quieted here if you've not had a visitation from the Lord Jesus Christ you cannot be in a posture we see every apostle in the Bible who walk with Jesus talk with Jesus or her except for one name the Bible declares he was born out of due season he didn't have the opportunity to walk with Jesus like the other apostles but on the road to Damascus a light shined out of heaven and said saw some whopper are y'all with me here so he gave some apostles somebody shouts out hey but then he gave some prophets now the Prophet is the index finger of the church he he comes to point to you get in your face tell you that God ain't gonna give you a new house until you stop shacking in the house you got your quiet here that's what the Prophet comes to while y'all a shout no more what's wrong with you yeah the Prophet comes to tell you like Isaiah with the Hezekiah and said set your house in order for you should die and not live a ha I am very disappointed with these chilly back professor who had an opportunity to talk to the president and they get in the White House er and get up then compromiser cuz they won't doors open aha I told some atter of the day they came to me the other day and they say prophet karna if you keep on preaching like that AHA they gonna close a doors on you I got discouraged for about three seconds and then I heard the Holy Ghost say I am the door y'all ain't talking back to video I don't care what door you closer if God open it up you can't close it up y'all ain't talking back to me you can shut the door your church up and I'll set up a tip next to I'm Oh good-o Reviver meet you somebody say hallelujah I'm very disappointed y'all out with robbers who have the opportunity to stand and heart talk to presidential and they get their in compromise on all because they want to be somebody they want to be recognized they want to be seen you have to understand that if a man is going to be a prophet he has to be willing to be different he can't be concerned about people liking him a beatnik Minnesota as I'm not a psycho if you're a prophet you don't hang with everybody you got to walk by yourself you're gonna be misunderstood or you're gonna be despised and rejected or don't nobody want to hear you when you telling them to come out of this sinner and come out of they messer God is mad with America you sitting up here Thomas um god it's gonna bless a nation when he said it from Manley with another man it's an abomination and we try to make right with God said is roller the Papa declares our that judgment shall begin in the house of the Lord but we got too many preachers or who won't preach on homosexuality cuz it's in the praise team cuz it's in the choir but gods get rid of the race ever some real professor who don't call it like it is or never cry louder - Pandora I need somebody to jump on your feet up and show glow be seated he gave some apostles some problem Oh God has nothing to say to America but second Chronicles 7:14 that's all he's saying if my people hear that's all God is sinning that's what God is saying to this backslidden Church that's what God is saying to this church aha that got money but don't have no power to this church that drive nice causal but no power no deliverance er if you had as much power as you had money think about how many people would be healed aha think about how many fool could be set free God's calling this church aha back to a place of repentance er if my people he wasn't talking to the drug dealer he wasn't talking to the prostitute er but he was talking to the apostle he was talking to the pastor he was talking to his Angela sir he said mad people which are called by my name you got to humble yourself look at you arrogant reaches of ya arrogant you're proud as a peacock ain't nobody tell you nothing of God's get rid of the break these preachers are he gonna bring you back to your knees or God said I hate arrogance oh gods get ready to humble you that's why I'm telling God whatever's in my life that ain't right get it out of me I don't wanna preach to others up and be a castaway I don't want to come to church and die and go to hell I want to be holy I wanna be ride jump on your feet you got a humble yourself Lucas I'm a - I harbor yourself why your leash arm come on somebody say humble yourself humble yourself humble yourself little spirit of pride it's a sneaky SH pivotal it's a conniving shivudu ride robber 6:16 declares sixteen dozen Lord hater seven are an abomination he said he hates a proud look that just killed 75 percent of all preachers on you come to church and look prouder you don't shout true you got the mic you don't praise God - you got the Michael I'm sick of you preaches I don't praise God less you got the Michael when is the last time your church seen you dancer when is the last time your church seen you praise God of disappearing our arrogance of that is creeping across the body of Christ he hates a proud look God spoke to me one day he said son pride it's like a stealth jet I say what do you mean he said it's like a self chatter well I'm a church I don't know it no self Judaism it's a military term it's a warfare term that if they get ready to come in or if they go Steph that mean it can't be detected by the radar that's what pride doesn't it sneaks in your life and you don't even recognize it Stan rod is that you a cake nobody tell you nothing riders that's pivotal that got you where you can't submit to Authority what is that spirit up will you sit a bigot man who we talking to I'm talking to you with your proud self a rider is that she pivotal they got you when somebody tagged you something you catch on our attitude er ain't no need in getting an attitude if you're a real childhood goner you don't get mad when you hear a word like this you go to search in your heart you gonna send in Carter get right out of me get this mess out of me there was a man in the Bible by the name of Lucifer you remember him God told me he said proud of is the only spirit that can stand in my presence we saw it happen in Lucifer he's sitting right there in the presence of God or rather let you preacher rather let you prophesy rather let you sing on the praise team are proud of that you sing in the choir this were prior to do and some of you don't recognize him that pride is a pivotal they capture that you can even get up you won't even pray you don't even see Carter you don't call on him you want to know why cuz you think you don't need God some of you in here when is the last time you got on your face ER and got on the altar and told Carter to lick you over dinner rod is that slim enough that won't let you pray but there's about 500 people in here today never send man of Carter your God whatever's hit me that ain't like Karla I gotta get it out of minute later cuz God resists the proud but he gives grace to the humble shake three people and say harmful yourself by yourself how about yourself this ain't my message out my people call by my name snap somebody say humble yourself you ain't say that with power come on say humble yourself humble yourself that's what God is saying to America humble yourself humble yourself proverbs 8:13 say the fear of the Lord is to hate evil pride and arrogance humble yourself preachers how about yourself huh like you can't open the door for yourself why only shout no more humble yourself then he said when you get little humbling yourself I need you to get a prayer life the sad thing about church it we're so good at doing Church most of us in here today you don't have to tell me I just know most of us in here tonight didn't pray for one out and he said to the disciples could not you wait with me but for why now but we sit home and watch TV y'all quiet we stay on social media Instagram and Facebook and Twitter and the enemy is slowly pulling us away from the presence of God Lord said to me one time he said son the enemy is doing the church you may have heard me say before like an amphibian I said Lord what in the world is that you know a frog is an amphibian it can adjust to any temperature I said okay what that mean he said if you want to cook a frog if you put him in hot boiling water he'll jump out but if you put him in the water cold and slowly turn up the heat because he can adjust to the temperature he's being cooked and he don't know it I say well what they got to do with us he say that's what the devil did to you things that used to bother you don't bother you no more when you first got saved it if it was too much cussing you turn it off Oh y'all quieted hear ya you turn on the TV they were cussing too much you turn it off if it was too much flesh you turn it off for her he was in a room with people huh never sitting up gossiping and backbiting you get up out of the room but now you sitting there talk with him I watch anything on television they use profanity and Curson they don't bother you no more because slowly you'll becoming numb to what you used to hate it's because you've lost your prayer life you've lost your dedication I heard a preacher on television just the other day he said he was preaching this grace message you know they preach and his big grace message now and I ain't trying to bother nobody do whatever you believe low to do but he was preaching this grace messenger and he got on television and he said you ain't got the pre naman he say Jesus prayed for you I said the devil is a liar Luke 18 the Klan's of men are always supreme and to Satan out of 1st Thessalonians 5 declares a raid without ceasing up he didn't say if you pray he said but when you play you know what's wrong with us huh you want to know why you got mess in your life huh cuz you don't pray he said I'm brainless you enter into temptation I can tell people who spend time with God I can tell in your life I can tell where you live because when you spend time with and you have fellowship with him have you commune with him your desire is to always do those things that please the father but some of you inhibit pain you don't pray you don't faster God spoke to me the other day he said China if Jesus had to pray who was perfect who did no sinner who never did know even if he had to pray how much more you got the brain you wanna know why I pray I was talking to somebody and they say you act like you hold him you praying all the time like you holy I said I'm not praying because I'm holding I'm praying them cuz I got stuff in my life that I need God to break up all for me I'm praying them cuz I got demons on my back oh I'm praying them cuz there's a war going on in my members of when I would do good evil is always president I'm praying her cuz I got less in my life that if I don't pray I got demons from my daddy and demons from my grandfather generational curses are get the devil water to bring upon my life but if I pray I can beat the devil I got to pray shake your neighbor and say I get it right shake somebody real harder come on shake em real come on play with it shake them shake them I don't care they get mad at you shake them in a way and tell them it's brand time is brand time it's turn off the TV it's time to turn off your phone and it's time to seek God Oh like you never saw them before Missouri ain't seen nothing of New York City ain't seen nothing I don't care what nobody say it's the rounds of Carter coming up on the children of disobedience but if mad people which are called by my name humble yourself rare seek my Faisal and dad from your wicked ways I need you to run the three people and tell them is prayer time time for you to pray you got to pray because the devil is after your children you gotta pray cuz their demons out for your family you got to pray cuz their service has been assigned to your house and unless you pray you can't keep it ever back you got to pray because they're demons assigned to your ministry let me tell you something you can't find nothing else to pray for me every morning I wake up I repeat the wandering of my mind I pitted my mind don't leave me come on don't work like your mind don't walk away from you you can run down the street and forget where you're going them you can pick up the phone and forget who you about to call but I was here 26 and I'll keep you in perfect peace if you keep your mind on stayed home in I've not given you a spirit of fear but power love and a sound madam I got to pray I got to pray so that I don't enter into temptation I got to pray because there's a war going on in my members of I got to seek the face of Carter because I told Carter the only way I'ma be like healing is I got to spend time with him I got to have fellowship I got to have chameleon or some of you in here you wonder why you backbiting and bitter you wonder why you want to know why cuz you don't pray he said pray lest you enter into temptation see prayer is intimacy with God but there's a law in distributor that if you don't talk to God you automatically begin to talk to the devil so the reason you bitter and the reason you back biter and the reason you feel a mass malice ax is cuz you've been talking to the devil and that's what the devil he ism but gods get better to raise up or people that'll say listen here I'll cut off whoever I got to cut off I'll let go whoever I got let go but the next time you see me I'm not to walk in a room with God I never walked in them I'm about to get so full of power that when I walk in a room my shadow it's gonna cause demons to tremble over there I fear deliberate in here I'm back to Walker in such an unknown enough get my spitter it's gonna be anointed if you hungry for his presence up if you want is glory if you want God to restore your prayer life jump on your feet and shall go don't sit I know I told you to go to Genesis 1 right go there now again if a man is a prophet he dance to the beat of a different drummer he says things that don't make sense when he says it it looks like a lie until it comes to pass matter of fact I want to give you a revelation today and look at somebody say truth come on sit for hours say truth before time seems like a lot truth before time seems like a lot now remember truth operates in eternity truth is not bound by time okay what do you mean Isaiah prophesizing says and I said chapter 7 verse 14 a virgin shall conceive a son now they already think he's crazy because he walked around time other virgins gonna have a baby they say something wrong with that man did around the 22nd 23rd chapter God says Isaiah walk around the city naked for two years I'm in the book church as a sign to the Egyptians he was gonna strip them naked not they already think he crazy cuz he said a virgin will have a baby not a really think he crazy cuz he walking around naked time I God told them to do it so at the time what he said seemed like a lie cuz for years that word never came to pass but one day time caught up with truth are you at that so when a prophet or a man of God speaks something over your life when he says it it seems like a lie I lay hands on you and prophesy and declare thus saith the Lord your son gonna be a preacher but your son in jail right now and I said your son is a preacher he's a man of God preaching all over the world and you look at me and say hey you miss it brother my son in jail he must have a jail ministry but it showed me around the world what I said seems like a lot but soonerlater time is gonna catch up with the truth if you witness I'm with you so Genesis 1:26 says something we're profound and if you give me about 15 minutes I'm gonna get to my point there's a glow we're gonna hit this place tonight somebody shout undeniable glory so I'm a speed through this quick but Genesis 1:26 s I'm profound and God said let us make man in our own image after our likeness that's what revival say let them have what dominion over the fish of the sea the files of the abakada the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the face of the earth then such abhava say okay Genesis 1:26 let us make man in our own image that's verse 26 verse 27 declares so God created man in his own image you got that alright look at me God talking God say hey let's make a man and let's make him look like me verse 20 said 27 after he says it he does it the man is created go to Genesis chapter 2 I'm going somewhere somebody in here I promise you after tonight your steering wheel is going to turn into your altar while you ride in your car the Holy Ghost is gonna begin to visit you somebody by how shall I live my whole side some of you're gonna try to go to bed and the Holy Ghost is gonna pull you to the side of your bedroom how ain't nothing like trying to mind your own business and the whole ego Taylor come spend time with me that's some good stuff Annie oh that's some good stuff 126 hey let us make man verse 27 he created the man Genesis chapter 2 verse 7 says and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground hold on 26 let's make a man 27 he created the man Genesis 2 and 7 he forms a man hold on 26 let's make a man 27 he creates a man the man now Genesis 2 and 7 he forms a man now some theologians suggests that chapter 2 is a over view or a slowing down of Genesis 1 but let me give you my view if he said let us make man in our own image that means that whatever man he made in Genesis 1 had to look just like him well what is God see you can't understand who that man is - you know who God is what is God st. John 4:24 Oh God is H y'all quiet they that worship Him must worship Him and what and then what is the spirit what is the spirit when we hear the word spirit most of us think of Casper the Friendly Ghost but let me let let let me help in a similar spirit here st. John 6:63 declares it is the spirit that quickeneth and the flesh profiteth nothing for the words that I speak unto you they are what spirit and life God is a spirit a spirit is nothing but a word what you mean is a word john 1 in 1 in the beginning was the the word was with god and the word that's all God is he's a word if God is a word and I made in His image and likeness guess what I am up and if I'm a word I need to be careful of the words I speak cuz robbers 18 declare death in life is in the power of my tongue you got me okay okay what do you mean you got to get this everything in this room right now is a word you're sitting on a word right now pew you're wearing a word clothes you breathe a word air everything is a word hold on here if you sang in Genesis one he made a word man what is he doing in Genesis 2 he gives the word a body you're catching when you get home he phones a man he takes that spirit and put it inside of a body because spirits are illegal on earth if they don't have a body y'all should read your Bible sometimes you know that right spirits in the body Genesis one is a spirit man Genesis 2 is the flesh man so that spirit and body but then he breathed into him the breath of life and man became a what living soul I read one translation it said man came to be that's so deep to me that is so deep he came to be because every commandment in the Bible God gave us is a big command he didn't say do strong he said he does they do holy he said you're not called human doings you call human cuz you were created to be but you so busy trying to do all your ketchup when you get home that you can't be but when you be what he called you to be then you can do what he calls unit I'm gone somewhere now notice what man he gave Dominion to Genesis 1 let us make man on him and let them have dominion Genesis 2 he forms a man but don't get that man nothing but the man in Genesis one he gave dominion so notice what man he gave Dominion - he didn't give Dominion to your flesh he gave two million to your spirit well why are you trying to fight stuff in the flesh that can only be dealt with in the all y'all gonna pitch it for the weapons of our warfare or not tell somebody this thing is spiritual this thing come on you ain't say that right come on tell them this thing is pivotal that demon coming against your marriage is spiritual that demon coming against your ministry is spiritual that sickness attacking your body it's spiritual and you sitting up trying to deal with something the natural that can only be dead within the Scimitar we wrestle not against flesh and blood but principalities powers of spiritual wickedness in high places are the rulers of darkness of this world slap your neighbor and say this thing is pivotal this thing that is happening in our country I don't care who the president is I don't care what party gets in power this ain't no party problem this is a sin problem proverbs 14:34 declares that righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach unto any people until you deal with the spirit of that thing gonna keep coming back on and I need to help somebody in here cuz you wonder why something or keep happening in your life or you don't never do with the spirit er you just deal with the personal so you get rid of the person and the Spirit shows up in somebody else cuz you don't deal with the spirit er but I've been sent by the Holy Ghost to get all the way to the root of that matter and command every demon drop in your life it got to go in the name of Jesus uh somebody shouted gotta go this thing is spiritual so now you gotta recognize that when the enemy is after you when he's trying to destroy you the devil is not just trying to possess a person but there are demons assigned to every region you remember mark the 5th chapter when the demon came out of the man he said I don't mind coming out but don't make me leave the country don't make me leave the grave see they're demons a sign of heart to certain cities there's a demon of homosexuality a signer Atlanta and San Francisco there's a demon of murder in Chicago there's a demon of lust and greed in Nevada are you hearing me there are demons hanging over certain cities that's why some of y'all ain't go through stuff until you move to a certain city until you got in a certain neighborhood until you get to a certain house of because it was a demon hanging over that region and I don't care what you do until you deal with that principality it's gonna keep coming against you you got to stop coming to church and pattycake and garden you know what we need in church we need people who don't want a preacher but wanna pray y'all ain't say nothin here everybody want a preacher but don't nobody wanna pray don't nobody want to come to church and get on your face up let me tell you something there are attacks that have come against this ministry it wasn't natural it was spiritual because the man of God stood up and declared holiness and righteousness and there were demons a sign you're quiet in here you don't you dare think that witches don't come in - sir you got which is a matter of fact you got some of them in here right now but I break you power Oh total there and it's had no weapon no they talking to me farm against this house shall prosper shake some batter come on tell somebody a spiritualist spiritualist spiritual yeah y'all sit down I'm almost done they'll set up assigned to regions you got to do with the spirit because uh that's where your Dominion is that's where your authority ears that's why I feel sorry for people who don't believe in speaking in tongues as the Spirit of God give every engine will cut utterance cuz the Bible declares oh that when you don't know what to pray the spirit itself maketh intercession of and groanings which cannot be uttered there are times I don't know what to pray I don't know the right words to say but I know how to get on my knees and say lol Abajo shelter by marciano a bundle of our video show y'all they talkin back to me in here shake your neighbor and say don't you mess with me I speak in tongues on you don't you mess with me I'll go to pray in a and when I pray game is begin the triple when I pray cancer dries up ur don't make me pray on you this thing is spiritual I'm almost done y'all this is a spiritualist a spiritual not only are demons after regions after persons way demons are after spirits are after houses when I see your house I'm not telling my Cho address but I'm telling everything that came out of your loins you know the house of Karn the house of Smith house of Jacob the house of David the house of his a car you mickr am i making sit here there are demons assigned to your house what do you mean you wonder why everybody in your family keep dealing with the same issue what is thankee creeping up where is it coming from yeah your daughter's is unhappy now you unhappy your mama was unhappy your grandma unhappy y'all quiet it's okay but imma get that develop all for you tonight you sitting up wonderful team in a called divorce renting your family you wonder why you can't stay married ain't nothing going on but it's a spirit assigned to your house um you don't have money your mama never had money they're demons assigned to the house and until you deal with that pivotal it's gonna keep on reoccurring in your life but God told me he says son when you get in here tonight oh I want you to break every spirit that came down the bloodline that's been holding him back sit down I said whoa what do you mean say what do you mean Holy Ghost said to me he said son you see it all through the Bible I say what you mean you see it all through the Bible he's everybody loves to talk about Jacob and how Jacob was a trickster and I he was a supplanter he was a trickster he was us a planter yes he was oh he was that in every bit of it and everybody loves to talk about Jacob but I'm sick of y'all talking about Jacob and don't talk about his mama cuz he wasn't a trick his mama was a trick to y'all ain't said that idiot cuz ababa say she helped him trick y'all ain't talking to me now it was Jacob a trick not only was a mama tricking but he had an uncle named Laban who was a trick cuz his uncle told him if you work for seven years old I give you Rachel y'all quieted here but live so the mama's a trick the dead the uncle's a trick for hold on hold on here where did you get this old line conniving spitting from a he got it from his daddy Isaac oh who lied and said that his wife was his sister but Isaac counted from Abraham who said it his wife was his sister no cried in him this thing was in the bloodline and it was never dealt with him but every demon in your bloodline that's been holding you back it's got to come out tonight I'm not just come on Jacob I'm not just some of him how about Daisy David rejected by his father some suggest that he was rejected by his father because while the other boys was in the house David was outside the house rejected by his father opens the door for spirit of perversion of creeping his life now he's anointed but he got a luster problem quiet annoying it but he got issues unknown it but there's a spirit in his life that he can't get under control quiet game it was so full of lust that the only way they knew he was dead was they sent a young girl in there and when when a young girl went into Davis house and David didn't move they said the king is dead I'm in the book Church hey make it up I'm in the book David rejected by his father a spirit of lust creeps in his life he's a man after God's own heart but there's a war there's a struggle going on in his members that he can't seem to get the power over because of this spirited in his life no wonder why he has a son in Epsilon Oh whose treacherous and deceitful yeah no wonder why he got another son named em harder Amnon who rapes his daughter tavon no wonder why he got another son named Solomon with 700 wives and 300 concubines I hated all those strange women who turned his heart away from Ghana because this fear was in the bloodline and it wasn't never dealt with I say what are you saying he said China I don't want to just talk about David him I don't want to just talk about Isaac oh I don't want to just talk about Jacob he say but tell them tonight oh it's time for you to look at your house oh it's time for you to look at that spirit of your daughter fighting stuff at 15o that you didn't deal with to you as 28 oh you want to know why cuz that demon of God greeted that demon see you in the church that demon see you want to be set free so that devil saying I'm gonna do whatever I can to get its trauma I don't want them to get set free that's why you got to stop coming to church when you get ready and you got to be in the house of God because the house of Konnor is your only place of safety but I need you to shake your neighbor one more time and I want you to shake them real hard but I don't want you to play with it come on shake them shake them shake them shake them and say neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor every demon in your family never stronghold on your daddy's side ever demon on your mother's side that never gonna let you go tonight you're not gonna deal with your daddy demon so you're not gonna deal with your mama's strong hoser God's gonna set you free from every cuddle slap somebody say it gotta go tonight it gotta go yeah baby baby they shake thing I said slap somebody real hard and tell them it gotta go tonight here every demon every stronghold every spirit attached to my family it gotta go tonight I want the devil to know that whatever he planned to do to your life it's been canceled there's a team enough that's been assigned to your life that don't plan on hit you to your party that don't hit you to your 35 but the devil is a liar I command every demon of this wing to destroy you plead the blood or wherever stronghold and the cannot ever gonna let you go somebody scream
Channel: World Harvest Church Online Campus
Views: 466,734
Rating: 4.7237511 out of 5
Keywords: Rod Parsley (Person), World Harvest Church (Nonprofit Organization), Brian Carn, Brian Carn Live, Daystar (TV Network), God (Deity), Jesus Christ (Deity), Holy Spirit (Deity), Repentance (Quotation Subject), Pride (Quotation Subject), Humility (Quotation Subject), Humble, Apostle (Literature Subject), Paul The Apostle (Religious Leader), Prophet (Fictional Job Title), Prophetic, Kingship And Kingdom Of God, Acts Of The Apostles (Religious Text), Holiness, Repentance
Id: vLnNU22D8qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 58sec (2758 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2015
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