Brexit, Briefly

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I put 55% on the British and the Japanese swapping islands.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 333 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 15 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just for the record, the EU referendum wasn't binding because binding referendums are unconstitutional in UK law.

Past parliaments can't overrule future ones, so since a referendum result is a past parliament instructing a future one to do a thing, the future parliament technically has the right to completely ignore it. Instead, we have to use the threat of democracy throwing out the government to enforce it instead.

We don't have many things that are 100% unconstitutional, being a country without a written constitution, but that is one of them.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 154 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/will_holmes πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 15 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Here is a good video on brexit that doesnt take any sides (that i am aware of) it was done before the referendum.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/baronmad πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 15 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

45% chance of Northern Ireland joining Ireland

Let's be realistic here. Even if Northern Ireland were to leave the UK to stay in the EU, it would sooner be an independent nation than join the Republic.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ressha πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 15 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Is the YT comment section full of Americans or do Brexiteers really speak like that?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MrAronymous πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 15 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

He didn't even take a side, why was YouTube so angry at him

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ObamaBiden2016 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 15 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Man, I know Grey is insanely popular on reddit and it may be considered blasphemous to criticise him, but there are some things he says that irk me or are just plain wrong.

Firstly, his massive beef with FPTP voting system. ok we get it, it's far from perfect, but what is? The advantage of our system which he never mentions in his videos is that more often than not, it creates a majority government. Which is more likely to get stuff done. Also we had a referendum on AV voting and opted to keep the system we had, showing that a) it works for us and b) the degree of democratic significance in it doesn't matter as much to the average British person as it does to some anglophiliac American.

Secondly, theres so many political intracasies he doesn't understand.

  • Theresa May was pro-remain, not leave as he states.
  • He claims the Torys were pro-referendum, officially neutral and secretely against. Absolutely not true. There were many that were vocal on both sides throughout the campaign.
  • There is absolutely zero chance Northern Ireland would rejoin the Republic of Ireland and to suggest that so non-chalantly is ignorant and disrespectful to their shared history.
  • London would never become a seperate city state. Nobody wants that.
  • A lot of businesses and politicians were for Brexit - it's not as black and white as he makes it out to be.
  • I think he underestimates how big of a poltical suicide it would be for the Government to turn round to the population after a 'Non-Brexit Brexit' and say "We've left the EU technically, but we still have to pay membership, immigration and have our laws dictated - you know, all those things that you actually care about." There would be a fucking outrage and the media would have a field day.

I like Greys videos for the most part but I think his tendencies to simplify things lead to factual inaccuracies. Also, he knows a lot about Britain hence all the videos, but sometimes I question if he really understands it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 56 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NahThenBabbi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 15 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

To be honest I think the 15% total brexit will happen and I only give a very small chance that Scotland leaves the UK.

I also think that the relation between UK and the EU is not going to be good. That's my prediction anyway, who knows what will happen.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/YaLoDeciaMiAbuela πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 15 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Shit, Free City State of London sounds awesome as fuck, but it's unlikely to happen.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Thebackup30 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 15 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies
Brexit! The British exit from the European Union. It's a thing that's happening – or maybe not. Or maybe the United Kingdom is falling apart. There's a lot going on, so let's talk about Brexit, briefly. First: How'd we get here? In the UK, voters for UKIPβ€”the UK Independence Partyβ€” grew in number over the last few elections. Now, because the United Kingdom uses a terrible first-past-the-post voting system, UKIP, rather than getting a proportional number of seats in Parliament, largely drained votes from the Conservative Party. So, in the 2015 election, Conservatives promised to hold an in-or-out referendum on the EU if they won, presumably to try and sway UKIP voters to their side. The Conservatives did win, in what was, by the way, the most unrepresentative election in UK historyβ€” β€”thanks again First Past the Post, click here for more detailsβ€” and the promised referendum was scheduled. With huge voter turnout, Brexit won 52 to 48. So what happens next? Well, the EU has a law called Article 50 saying countries can exit. Basically it's a "press here to leave" button. But the Conservative Prime Minister who promised upon Brexit victory to press it immediately, instead resigned immediately, leaving the UK politically doing nothing. There was talk of a second Brexitβ€” "No-but-seriously-it-might-actually-happen-if-you-vote-for-it-this-one-is-legally-binding-Referendum", or re-electing Parliament. But then the new UK Prime Minister was appointed and she said that wouldn't happen. Presumably the UK Parliament now needs to pass a "Yes we are really pressing the Brexit button law", but they seem to be in no rush. Meanwhile the EU wants the UK to get on with it, but the UK wants to pre-decide all the details of what an independent UK's relationship with the EU would look like, but the EU doesn't want to talk until the UK actually leaves. Not surprising because talking before gives negotiating advantage to the UK, and talking after to the EU, and since the EU can't force the UK to press the button, there's a sort of negotiating stalemate. Finally, because there's really no procedure for anything, the only correct answer to "What happens next?" is... "Who knows!" We are standing in a fog with naught but speculation, so... Speculation time! Acting as a Brexit bookie, I'm putting 15% odds on the chance of Maximum Brexit occurring, where the UK is a fully independent nation, with total control over her trade deals and immigration and laws. The UK is to the EU as Brazil is to the EU: just another country. If that probability seems low, what with the new pro-Brexit Prime Minister, and with the required going against the will of the people and all, here's my reasoning why. Speculation the 1st: The Conservatives didn't want the UK to really leave the EU. Though they campaigned for the referendum, they were officially neutral on the issue, and, I suspect, privately against. If you think the Conservatives are the more business friendly party, the UK leaving the EU would be bad news for many businesses that prefer larger economic blocs – like banks. Pre-2015 election, the Conservatives probably thought citizens wouldn't really vote for Brexit, so they could safely gamble to sway UKIP voters, but again – surprise! – 52 to 48. Even the new prime minister, who's all "Brexit means Brexit", was against it before she got her current job. Speculation the 2nd: Some Brexiteers didn't really want to win either. The Brexit campaign admitted after winning, they have zero plans what to do, which sounds a lot like "We never planned to win." The leadership of UKIP resigned – an odd choice on what should be a theoretical crowning moment of glory, and after the Conservative Prime Minister resigned, the most prominent Brexiteers didn't want to take the job. Funny, that. Also interesting to note: the referendum was set up to have zero legal power, something all the parties agreed on before hand. It was essentially an opinion poll, though not at all marketed that way to voters. All this is to speculate the majority of people in power do not want Brexit to happen. To be clear, while governments could just totally ignore the vote and still be technically correct, there's no way that doesn't look horrifically undemocratic. But, while Brexit was sold on the idea of a stronger independent Britain, the international markets and national economy have strongly disagreed, and the geography of the vote have indicated it might not be the whole of Britain leaving. After the vote, Scotland immediately said that if the UK leaves the EU, Scotland isn't coming. She voted to stay, so she will. If maximum Brexit occurs, I put 97% odds on Scotland leaving the UK and staying with the EU. Add to that, if Scotland leaves, I give 45% odds of Northern Ireland leaving as well, rejoining Ireland Ireland. And, crazy as it sounds, if Scotland and Northern Ireland leave, I'll actually put 5% odds on London leaving England and becoming an independent city-state in the EU, which would be kind of awesome, because who doesn't love city-states? This would leave England and Wales on their own, and of course while it's possible they'd do just fine – there are plenty of comparable independent nations – the international markets have already said "do not want" to just the UK leaving as a whole, so I wouldn't bet on it being a rosy future, and it's probably not something many Brexit voters would have picked were it on the referendum. But even ignoring the breakup of the Union, when thinking about the likelihood of Maximum Brexit, on one side are the majority of people who voted for it, and on the other side are the businesses and the politicians, even, I speculate, many who pretend to be for it. The politics of power here is why I give such low odds to maximum Brexit, and why I give 30% odds to the second option: literally, nothing happens. The UK government plays the stalling game forever, pretending to move forward while doing nothing. This politically tumultuous time becomes a trivia fact for a future video about how the UK has been in the process of "leaving" the EU for a hundred years, like when countries sometimes discover they're technically still at war because there's an old declaration they forgot to annul. It's not a great outcome, because governments and businesses and people don't like uncertainty, but never underestimate the human ability to procrastinate on paperwork. Even Miss "Brexit means Brexit" is also Miss "Mustn't be too hasty" about actually pressing the Article 50 button. But the last option I think is the most likely: 55% odds on a non-Brexit Brexit. The European Union has many asterisks and layers to her membership. The UK could leave the European Union, slide over into the European Economic Area, and be technically correct that she's left the EU. Actually, before this whole brouhaha, the UK had arranged a deal with the EU to become more like an EEA member, that was dropped once the referendum started, but that deal is lying on a table somewhere... (just saying) This would be the most pure compromise, leaving both sides... unhappy. Nothing Brexit voters actually cared about would change: Immigration, EU membership fees and binding EU laws, all this would remain the same. The only thing different would be the UK giving up all her representatives in the EU Parliament, so she would have zero influence on EU law she would still have to follow, which is not something pro-EU voters probably wanted either. But nonetheless, I give the greatest odds of this happening because nothing would change for businesses, making them happy, and for politicians it's a face-saving maneuver to have "listened to the people" and to "leave" while doing neither and possibly avoiding the breakup of the United Kingdom. Who wants to be prime minister during that? In conclusion: None of these outcomes are clean wins. The first is very probably the end of the United Kingdom, and goes against what seems to be economic self-interest – but maybe not, who knows? – and the other to go against, like, the idea of democracy. The UK stands at a path that splits into many futures. Maybe the EU burns herself to the ground due to all her problems, and "Wales-gland" rises from the ashes a mighty phoenix. Maybe the UK gets the worst of everything; maybe literally nothing changes. Which leads where? Which is the best? It's impossible to know. The UK can only stand in the fog, speculate, and pick a path. Good luck, United Kingdom, whatever you choose to do. This video is brought to you in part by Squarespace. Do you want to make a website explaining to the UK government in detail what they need to do about Brexit and why? Then Squarespace is the place to go. No one lets you build a website faster and easier than them. You don't need to know how to use complicated HTML code, you can just use their drag and drop tools and make it happen. It's what i use to run my websites and I'm a big fan. They take out all the hard parts of making a website and just leave the fun parts for you. You can get a 10% discount at Squarespace when you go to to let them know that you came from this channel. Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen. Place your bets.
Channel: CGP Grey
Views: 5,010,484
Rating: 4.7956123 out of 5
Keywords: cgpgrey, education, brexit
Id: m3_I2rfApYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 20sec (380 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2016
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