Brewing Pliny the Elder Clone from MoreBeer Tasting Review

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cheers and welman bitter reality Brewing yes it's the taste test for plyy The Elder and Drew yeah Drew's excited it's it's big it's a big beer big ibus big ABV big everything and it was courtesy of more beer I have their little more beer sheet here we're going to go over the dry hops real quick but before I do I'm let Drew read that is that it was original gravity was 1.75 my efficiencies were low that's fine was a big beer first time on the system not a big deal but the final gravity went down to 1.016 it was expected to hit 1.012 but 1.016 and I was like man this is going to be a sweet beer I don't like it I like it dry then the 5 oz of dry hopping for 5 days which I'm going to let Drew tell you what they were uh that would be 3 oz of Columbus 1 o of Centennial and 1 oz of s Co that caused a lot of hop creep which was a good thing basically the oils restart the fermentation and break down some of the non- fermentables into fermentables so it finished at 1.010 talking perfect nice and dry for an IPA you're usually not going to get under that for an IPA but nice and dry and I was like yes that was right at the I think late in the fourth day early on the fifth day I noticed it dropped down to that so I was excited so that means that we're sitting at 8.7 ABV oh my God yeah theoretical hops supposedly you can't taste anything beyond 100 ibus theoretical The Hop IBU is around 100 183 ibus so it's almost a 200 IBU which would be like a pallet recer so and this is Rush Russian River Brewing but it's sold by more beer as a beer kit so yeah I mean you're were pretty close on 8.7 since the estimated was eight so that's not bad yeah eight I saw you know my estimated it was 8.5 until my uh hop creep pushed it down and got me a whole 8.7 so yeah not too bad I think last time we did this it wasn't a beer kit and I want to say we were around the eight somewhere it was it was still high and I was like man this would be better if we could lower it down so I could drink more of it so I know this is going to seem like forever for us but it's going to seem like a fraction of a second for you I'm going to go pour the beers cheers yes pling the Elder I poured this first the heads come down a little bit poured his second still got nice head on it it has got almost no Haze it's just yellow I mean I don't really see any Haze and I think that's from more of the caramel it was a little bit of caramel I believe it was 40l if I remember right so yeah here goes the taste test I'm going to let Drew start like I said I've already had some sitting at 8.7 smells great it's a big beer for the first one oh yeah the aroma you can smell it from here you're like hops some it's like the Hop aroma God it's hard not to drink I smell Citrus little floral maybe some Pine it's all of it all of it it's all of it it's good the pine is nice and it doesn't taste too bitter that's the thing that blows my mind is it's like 183 IBU but close to the pet record does not taste anywhere close to that no it's it's very compliment it's like balanced and that if you go on Russian Rivers Brewing sight they that's all they talk about it's balanced and it's a big beer but it's very balanced and I used a common uh actually I use the people who make pallet recer I use their Brewing Salt profile for a West Coast IPA so Green Flash I can't remember what it is green flash yep okay yep they have a West Coast IPA they still sell just not over here in the east coast it's good it is I already asked him like did you want a gallon to go and he's like oh let me try it first yeah's be like I got to get a gallon I don't know how what to say other than it's just it's got everything you want in it so yeah I mean and it plays on the tongue you got all these different flavors and bitterness balanced out it's a big beer and you usually perceive higher abvs as sweet and this is the first beer of the day so I haven't had anything light before this even I think the sweetness comes through in a way that makes it just taste kind of like that juicy flavor very juicy but the bitter I think helps balance it which I'm I'm getting a little residual sweet it tastes like you juicy yes you get the juicy the bitter is balancing that sweet because of the high ABV so it's it's kind of it's balanced I mean it's balanced and I'm kind of getting tired of caramel malts but I have no issue with this one I'm yeah this is a good beer and veto the Cali yeast that you recommend it dead on did a great job impressed seller science thank you thank you more beer made sure to wear my more beer shirt yeah I don't have anything else to say other than it's a solid beer yeah I had two of them last night I was like I tried one I was that's all I was going to have and I was I went back and actually I poured half a glass that's a nice thing with the Kegerator well I'm with you I choose a lower ABV yeah if you could do a lower ABV you can drink more and that's the big thing with having your own keg of beer you go back and you go you know I don't need a whole another glass but I'd like a little sip so you can pour yourself a half glass a 4 oz a 6 oun you don't have to pour a whole another pint but you know if you want a second pint it's there as long as you haven't drank it all and this just like the last one this one's we're going to blow through this cake fast I know we will so cheers don't forget I forgot in the beginning like subscribe keep sharing almost forgot please definitely appreciate the support it's huge thank you very much thank you thank more beer and like I said I'll put the link down below to the kit and any other kits they have they have over 250 kits and that's different kits so if you're talking extract dry liquid and this technically it's closer to 750 but yeah yeah great great beer kit thank you cheers
Channel: Bitter Reality Brewing
Views: 1,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morebeer, morebeer!, homebrewing, Pliny the Elder, best beer kit, top beer kit, all grain beer kit, home brewing kit, beer kit, extract kit, #1 beer kit, home brew beer kit, Double IPA, Double IPA Kit, Imperial IPA Kit, Imperial IPA, Russian River Brewing, craft beer, how to brew beer, pliny the elder, russian river, beer review, how to make beer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 59sec (359 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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