Beer Review # 2282 Russian River Brewing Pliny The Elder 2016

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okay there you are he thinks about me r38 I think so let's go see what's in it for you today guys hey God lookie lookie lookie here look who we got here Pliny the Elder people flocked to get just beer and and and do their best to trade to get their hands on this beer does I sent to me by night thanks again Nate my brother 470 mean the beer mail packet you did awesome mirror so far I don't think he sent me a bad beer I mean he's a like Rico and Brandon that ain't even Greg that sent me these world-class beers all of them really hate beers guy said some of them are Tim's so that and this but I reviewed your spear twice before I thank God that said to me and I'm pretty sure it's been 10 beer both times so this is a 2016 review of planting the elder I mean following on this beer guys it really really yes this is probably their their flagship beer and Russian River so and this is a plant II the elder the younger is only available as far as I know on tap back to brewery so yeah they're out of Santa Rosa California I could kick myself in the butt because I went through Santa Rosa California when I was out there but the couple that was with me they drink Miller Lite and they weren't interested and going there make that mistake again if I get back out there so what shame on me that's the way I look at that I should have stopped there and I should have sent them on their merry little freakin way they didn't want to come in so like I said I won't make that mistake again about getting back out to California especially out there to Santa Rosa so let's see what just brings to the table got a feeling I know what it's going to end up being a lot of a lot of breweries have stepped up to the plate now there are a lot of them on the East Coast and some on the west coast that do these outstanding world class 10 plus beers and this is probably one of them like I said a lot of people are trying to get their hands on this beer used to be anyway with all the breweries stepping up to the plate in and tweaking the recipes and getting better and better at what they do there are a lot a lot of beers out there that that are ten beers and I might the West Coast style beers I really do I like that up in your face super hoppy tiny pineapple grapefruit ii tropical fruit nuts i love this kind of beers this is a 8% ER so it's not too awfully big but it is a damn well-made beer and I've had several different offerings from Russian River and they've all been pretty fricken tasty so they brew out there definitely knows how to brew a damn good beer so let's get on with this and I don't want to be at 20 30 minute video I'm trying to keep keep down and keep the black back on so much so commercial description there's a big long one in here I don't know if I should read it up and wanted they say the IBUs here alright there are 100 Pliny the Elder was a Roman naturalist scholar historian traveler officer and writer although not considered your most important work planning and its contemporaries created your botanical name for hops lupus select areas meaning wolf among scrubs I've set to time grew wild among willows much like a wolf in the forest later the current botanical name humorless Lucas was adopted plan he died in 79 AD while observing the eruption of Mount Vesuvius he was immortalized by a nephew planning the younger who can Canyon his uncle's legacy by documenting much of what he observed during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius finally the elder the beer is brewed with 40% more malt over twice the amount of hops that's compared to our rainy hoppy IPA so that is all of that in a nutshell so while I get to cap off of this I will tell you that's is considered a double IPA the cuisine is barbecue and the cheeses are pepper Monterey pepper jack shot movie with Kevin switched on the more pungent cheese as gorgonzola burger and the meat is gang grill meat and salmon and the glass for a snifter tulip oversized wine glass I got my favorite snifter and it says you can't sell it because it's the neighbor center but you will regret that don't do that don't let me slap you don't sell your beers especially their happy azor double IPAs guys not quite a finger of head very clear this is definitely a filtered beer a nice amber color to it let's get a notes on it okay wait let's do it oh yeah yeah very citrusy piney great fruity pineapple-y tropical fruit notes mango maybe some lighter fruit notes in there maybe some peaches or apples or apricots lot of stuff going on in there spirit guys very very well done Wow I can't wait I'm doing it all myself it's time period by carrot Nate oh yeah that's outstanding that's wonderful well I would love to see them do an unfiltered version of this just leave all that pulp and everything in there of course we don't need a lot of big floating coagulated stuff in the bottom of it but in God's a treehouse and Trillium and several other one it's known how to produce those beers that look just like orange juice when you pull it out of the can or bottle and stone is figured that out to their their enjoyed box series they're doing some unfiltered versions of that too so wow I would love to have enough filtered version of this and that would be my only suggesting they got that Russia River let's do an unfiltered version of Pliny the Elder and see how they nice all right thread out of the pretty guys we're gonna let it warm up got her habit thanks to a free and before we run away I might try to get the rest of that in there I don't think it's kind of clouded up any cuz like I said it's a pill compare not gas for our runway only got two openers left we're here in November Thanksgivings coming up christmas is coming up i'm not going to reorder any more openers until the last two we're going so got some shirts got all sizes may not have the whole thing I got enlarges in the black but I think I've got large as in the white so if you're interested in the open air or a t-shirt or both just let me know and we'll get you fixed up miss upon us and I'll be right back alright guys I'm back on this a little bit this is a awesome beer I mean it's a world class people are clamoring to get your hands all the people that don't have this beer distributed to their area are willing to trade do jump through hoops Sam go ahead jelly beans to get their hands on especially if they've never had it before I've had people ask me when I sit in the frigerator you gotta use trays and all the stuff it is a beer to try especially if you've never had it before just to see how good the spurious it is it is an outstanding gasps and like I said earlier I would like to see them doing that filtered versions to be honest with you guys I used to think this was a top-notch that and heady topper and some of those were as good as he gets but now that I've had some of the trillion beers and some of the treehouse beers and some of the other unfiltered beers I think those beers are just a smidge better than what I have here don't get me wrong I still think it's a 10 beer but I think those beers are just a notch above so that being said this is a 2016 review the plan of the elder it far as I'm concerned is still an outstanding world-class beer wonderful aroma I mean it is this top-notch guys there's no doubt about it it has a you guys that are ahead Brewers anybody that's associated with Russian River but still an unfiltered version of this to see him I see how that goes over I'd be my two cents worth just a suggestion by Jeff just as good as it always is guys say if they brush him off some beers they really really do Nate thanks again my brother for sending all the wonderful marriage that you sent me we got some bigger beers in there that he sent me that it's not gonna be quite as timely I don't try to say so time with it needs to be done immediately some of the other stuff you sent me is different ballets beers and I think I've done already done one other the quandary beers and they've done several different versions of that so we may do one of those here pretty quick I'm not sure yet but I wanted to get the IPAs that he sent me out of the fridge because a lot of times with all the beers that are sent to me some of these get pushed back in the back and and I don't want people emailing me or texted me saying hey I sent you these beers or what happened i hain't seen the review on it so I don't want that to happen so I'm more trying to get to them in a timely manner so we're gonna lose a lot of these ABV beers that are lower in IPAs and double IPAs before the hops page so we're gonna try to do but like I said I'm gonna try to stick in some darker beers or or some barrel-aged beers in between there but we're going to concentrate a lot on the IPAs and and then lower any BB beers before they set in the fridge 2 3 4 or 5 months I don't want that to happen so well this being said guys is still a 10 I don't think it's quite as good as what Trillium is doing with the unfiltered versions that they do and treehouse and several others that are doing these unfiltered beer xored that look like grapefruit juice or orange juice and in the bias so I'm really really part of that and it used to be quite so much and you didn't use to see them quite as much as you're saying Maseo SS have no except they don't have to do they don't have to look up the filtering machine and comforter al a bunch of that to get a nice clear beer and I don't do that here when I brew my own beers I use a primary and a secondary when i rack it from the primary to the secondary usually I leave all that junk in the bottom of the bucket and writes all that out and and once it's s in the secondary oh I don't bottle anymore where I used to and I'll rock it to the keg and take it from there and use them as up pretty damn clear so of course when they're the bigger brewery is that they're not going from one tank to the other usually the primary or a secondary it'll go to the to the bright tank and and they'll pull off of that and leave all that [ __ ] in the bottom basically the same process that I use and these are filtered beers I don't know how they do that I'm not I'm not I've not experienced that I've not been able to reproduce that of course I haven't done anything where I just left it in a primary everything that do goes from a primary to a secondary when we leave all that stuff out of there so and this I just don't know how to do that yeah I'm not experienced enough as a home brewer to be able to do that so I said 10 it's 100 for me guys it's very tasty maybe already start giving those trillium bears in the treehouse beers that are built 'red that I think have just a little more taste than this but y'all give it 11 let's get on with it here you got my braids we'll go over to peer advocate Bacchus says 100 world class no doubt and over to red mirror a mirror says overall 100 and 100 and a style no doubt very excellent beer and they've been doing this for quite a while and they got a down pat so but loved across and Pliny the Younger but I'm not in California near Santa Rosa to be able to go in and try that so I don't know if they're doing any kind of growlers like carton dia and they're putting the wax on it and the beer it's gonna keep for for a little bit anyway a couple of weeks a month or so but once you pop that top on that growler you got to drink it pretty quick and I don't know I don't know how that's done so if they did buddy's got the chance to do growlers and like I said a lot of them don't do that wax seal and all that stuff on no carton does on some of their stuff so being interesting I've never had plenty the younger so I'd like to taste that for our final check-in we'll run em down intact and I don't have to perhaps of that 4.57 I don't I don't think I've seen anything with that big of a number on it before I mean now that's pretty damn good never seen a five I don't think I've seen anything bigger than a four and a half percent on excellent numbers from those guys this is a world-class outstanding beer and I got a feeling I'm 14 long he's gonna start seeing some of those other ones like Trillium a treehouse that are doing these unfiltered beers get this kind of raining so well I'm very impressed with what they do I get you can tell that I've been talking about them but I'm I'm getting more and more into those style of beers and that unfiltered version so it is very tasty when you pour something like that from those guys into a glass and it looks like orange juice or grapefruit juice how do I do like this I'm not pallid and everything is got up to that stage where I do enjoy those style beers so that's how we need to talk about on this one like I said this is probably run longer than I wanted to 90 thanks again my brother for sending me this just as outstanding as it was the first two times I had it yourself I do appreciate it sir if you've had this from Russian River this is planning the elder this is a 2016 ring review let me know what you think guys coming back tomorrow we'll do some case you have afraid see there
Channel: Gregsbeerreviews
Views: 3,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: India Pale Ale, Beer, Ale, Budweiser, Anheuser-Busch, craft beer, Porter, Pub, Mobile, Device, Review, Reviews, Alcoholic, Beverage, Drink, Metal, Wasted, Bottle, Drinks, food, beer run, stout, drinking, drink, kolsch, lager, pilsner, IPA, coors, miller, fridge, gregsbeerreviews, mrgregpuckett, English Porter, beer review, Russian Imperial Stout, Belgian Dubbel, Bock, Hops, Brown Ale, Beer Mail, Pale Ale, Saison, Barleywine, Gose, beer reviewer
Id: cnp_7RWE96o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 05 2016
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