Brennan Lee Mulligan Character Sheet Tour - Level 20 Multiclass Masterpiece - D&D Beyond

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welcome back to d and d beyond and i promised that we had an exciting guest today and did i lie i did not please welcome the one and only brandon lee mulligan to the stream hi how you doing ah i'm doing great how you doing amy it's great to see you it's very good to see you and i know uh we of course hung eagerly on every second of battle for beyond last fall but we didn't get the pleasure of uh you know bugging you in chat during it so we've we're finding fun new ways to get you involved over here thank you incredible could not be more excited uh an opportunity to get people hyped for this sunday for an amazing stream and a great cause and raising and raising money and also to deeply nerd out over the mechanics of a 20th level character build so that's very exciting so with that amazing segue this sunday march 20th if you're watching this right now on twitch if you're catching this on youtube in time or if it's in the past go back and figure out how to support it because you missed something great i feel pretty confident saying that sunday march 20th from two to five pacific dnd beyond is going to be hosting streaming for survivors a level 21 shot that is going to benefit the huevo rape crisis center in canada an incredible cause uh very dear to my heart i was lucky enough to roll with them last year and had a wonderful time um and i'm hoping everyone you can start donating now and hint uh nothing is stopping you you could just do that right now there are some amazing things that are going to be available if you do support that cause they're going to be some fun ways to affect that game and you are just going to have i think a really good time with a bunch of very interesting characters including the one we're going to take a look at today so you're going to want oh i did forget to they're on screen but because they're all red it is going to be led by dave walters you know him you love him you know you got to be there for level 20 d and d with b dave and norah ibrahim charlene bayer from hueva you want one and only brennan lee mulligan sateen phoenix and robbie damond what a table what is what a squad what a squad unbelievable um so yeah i could not be more excited this is my i think like fifth fourth or fifth uh uh one shot for charity run by b dave b dave walters the king of level 21 shots the undisputed uh he's he's incredible at it uh and not a lot of opportunities out here to play level 20 characters i don't know if most folks know that uh most campaigns with the best of intentions do not get all the way to 20th level you know so the the the the real tier four is that you have managed to keep a campaign going uh that long without somebody moving or uh you know all of the various natural hazards that are the true enemy of dnd games right the the highest challenge rating is not in the monster manual it is getting a job or having children and we all know that that those or moving you move to another city what are we gonna do i have a 13 year long home game that started with us all like cohabitating and now we live in three different cities so you know that's you gotta you gotta you gotta strap in you gotta you gotta put you know put the work in as they say may i ask what level the 13 year campaign is at right now so it's still 3.5 um they are split between 19th and 18th level um so if we keep it going for another year or two we could all get to 20th level the hard way from level one from level one pcs over a decade and a half uh so yikes you know well that's that's a lot of adventuring um they're they're facing up this yeah oh go for it yesterday yeah no no they're facing off against one of their big bads this saturday so before our awesome charity stream on sunday the day before that i will be playing zero cameras d well cameras because of zoom but not streamed d and they will be facing off against a great and terrible villain uh the master logician who is a gnomish tyrant with a light bulb for a head so you know that's going to be intense you're just going to be a dnd adrenaline machine all weekend i'm very excited all weekend let's do it and that will be a great fit for the character that you have rolled up i have uh had the pleasure of an advanced sneak peek at this character so let's take a look at pentaville five long foot brennan who is plentiful interval five long foot so you know he goes by five it's a little bit easier than pental is a knight uh he is a sorcerer he is an assassin um he's sort of an alanis morissette song come to life you know there's a lot of things there's a lot going on there um uh uh so uh five as he goes by he's uh he's a rabbit man i have heron gone but you know rabbit's fine and he's um a deeply proficient uh adventurer hero and uh he loves to fight the good fight but not necessarily in in classic terms he's uh he's actually it's kind of an assassin a sort of emphasis on assassin even though that's not bar level what he sort of does the most but you know um pentavoll is uh [Music] it's a sort of like motley assemblage of classes so the the the recurring theme of him is the number five he has five different character classes he is a sorcerer ranger rogue fighter paladin um search for fighter razor rogan sorcerer fighter ranger roger did exactly thank you um he's he doesn't he's not high enough level to have a subclass and fighter but he's subclass assassin and rogue subclass gloom stalker and ranger subclass devotion in paladin and subclass wild magic and sorcerer um he is uh busted to bits he's a busted to bits character um i had another charity stream that i did with uh b dave walters dm and i've done a couple instances of for world builders which is pat rothfuss's charity and world built that one i play a character called moss brow um that put up 208 points of damage in a single round um and i and over playing him over multiple sessions i was kicking myself because there are some flaws in his build i really could have done better than 280 points and thus was born pentable what you have to understand is this i love storytelling what you have to say is this i love storytelling and role playing i love storytelling and roleplaying b-dave comes at you and b-dave doesn't you know like yes the world of kairos is a very rich setting that b-dave has created but we're not doing a bunch of like character creation sessions we're not you know this is this is a chair it's a one shot it's a one shot so b dave just so the brief you get is not like a four page like welcome to the lore of your village where your first level pc starts it's your 20th level you have a an artifact a rare magic item and an uncommon magic item so amy i'm so defensive right now amy i put the question to you given that that the brief is so broad and that we are just meant to create a level 20 character of any variation you know you have to find creative parameters because because otherwise it's too it's too fast like just make a character a level 20 character based on what what are my prompts so you have to set your own prompts and for me if i don't have that you know if it's a one shot and there's not a big thrust of the campaign my prompts tend to be mechanical and so [Music] i said can i break the record for single round damage for amount of damage in a single round with that as my little my little thing my little like like oh maybe i'll try to do that um this is a this character is bad you should not play this character to all the kids at home i know it seems hard it's not what i'm saying every table is what i would say not right for every table but what i also mean to say is even mechanically this character is not good in a campaign but this character will not last more than four hours this is a character like there are a bunch of sub-optimal choices in this character because the character was not designed things that are optimal over a campaign are not necessarily optimal in a single session so i find that interesting so there were a lot i actually had a different build of this character that only had four classes and was in my opinion a much more powerful character but the character was not optimized for what i wanted the character to be able to do so we actually made the character significantly worse in order to make the character better if that makes sense or better or better uh he's a rabbit he's got a magic sword uh where should we start where do you what do you want to look what should we talk about first should we talk about more more story stuff about him or should we talk about uh um some of the some of like the first choices that got made that like were the it were the genesis of the character yeah let's let's look at a couple of the core things that you were like if i'm doing this i'm gonna need this this and this to start with maybe uh harengan are relatively new a lot of folks won't have rolled one up yet why was this a good choice for this guy okay so the reason heron gone became the the choice here essentially if we go to look at their features uh there are relatively new race this is like this is like uh wild beyond the witch light right it's where we first get these right so we look at their abilities um there first of all you get to determine where their abilities go right they get a plus two to one and a plus one to another that is wild that is really good that's better that's almost better than variant humans right getting a plus two to one and a plus one to another so right away you have this incredible flexibility in terms of their build with the staff they want to go to um proficiency uh leparone senses a proficiency perception skills very fun lucky footwork is a great ability when you fail a deck saving throw you can use your reaction to roll a g4 add to save potentially turning the failure into success you can't use this reaction if you're prone or your speed is zero a lovely little ribbon ability right that's very rarely going to like be what your characters build is about but uh what a lovely little piece of flavor i'll add a d4 to my dexterity save that sounds delightful i'll take that that's useful in all kinds of situations small question what's a ribbon ability a ribbon ability is an ability normally it's referred to in character classes but a ribbon ability is something that doesn't play towards the core of the class's design so for example um a ribbon ability is that paladins are immune to disease right no one no one's ever looked at number one if an ability doesn't tie into divine smite that's the you know there's a couple abilities and these are arguable but i think that you could say the core ability of a paladin is divine smite in the way that meta magic is the core feature of sorcerers right now you can get a little bit sort of you could say like well wait a minute isn't spell casting the core ability of sorcerer that's correct like obviously that's the thing but the thing that makes sorcerer sorcerers is metamagic right um so for our so ribbon ability refers to something that not only is not central to kind of the balance considerations of the class but is also sort of like it sounds it's like a ribbon on a present it's like this is not this is not the gift but it is delightful right um so immunity disease is like that so that that lucky footwork or the the the rabbits the herring guns ability to avoid uh certain dex effects is great but it's not necessarily what i would say is gonna like make or break the character let's talk about let's talk about the ability that really made this the deal breaker here hair trigger amazing pun first of all you add your proficiency bonuses to your initiative roles now there are many broken things about this character perhaps the most broken is the plus 17 to initiative this was if there was one thing that jumped at you out at you from this sheet it should perhaps be the section under initiative which is higher than your armor class that's a great point and amy you raise a great point the the initiative is higher than the armor class um the initiative is high is higher than any of my other skills it's the highest skill i have as my initiative higher than any of my savings throws let's double check this oh significantly higher than my attack bonus right um significant other if you weren't wielding a few of your doodads uh it would probably be beating most of your stats at this point oh oh yes 100 oh yes it is definitely higher than any of my natural ability scores far and away far away um i think the only bigger there's the only two bigger numbers are my speed and hit points on the character sheet right um so you know uh that's that's that's that's that's a lot so that plus 17 initiative right is a combination uh now how do we get there because my dexterity is only plus three so um so only three of that 17 is coming from dexterity which for most characters their initiative is solely dexterity so you take away the dexterity that gets you to 14. uh heron gone adds the proficiency buttons to 20 plus six so we go from 14 to eight um uh now we're at eight uh alert feet is adding plus five to that so that's one of the feat selections um that leaves you with three three is coming from the gloom stalker ranger feature uh which is dread ambusher right which is adding the wisdom the wisdom bonus to that as well um so so this is a highly vigilant so in other words what's sort of fun for me right and i know that there's a lot of people who don't necessarily start with the mechanics first totally fine what i have often found about starting with the story if you start to get an idea for your character is that you sometimes get backed into weird positions in terms of like how do i put this you go like okay i have a perfect vision for this fantasy character and then you're taking class selections and you're going like well i want druid spells but i don't necessarily think wild shape is right for my character to have and you end up with these weird things of having to accommodate the mechanics so especially for one shots one of the things i like to do is set a mechanical objective like most damage in a single round and then write the character around all the goofy stuff i chose where i go like i guess this assassin paladin is a rabbit and you're like make that makes sense um and it actually makes for fun stuff so one of the things we know about this rabbit is no character has ever been cageier than this rabbit this rabbit is ready for combat to pop off at all times plus 17 to initiative he's going first right so who you know which fit seems very fitting with this like it's almost very fun to think about a palette a but again he's he's mostly i think i think his highest class levels are sorcerer and then ranger so this guy's all over the place you know what does he like um uh so that so that was the main feature of hair and gone where i went that's gotta go in now we can talk about why we optimized for initiative but yes initiative was the consideration for choosing here excellent so yes if the goal was most damage in a single round um and you found these ways to make sure that you were super initiative heavy and for folks like listening carefully i i love having these conversations partly because i do a mixed approach to character creation myself where i'll have an idea or i'll have a class i want to try and then i'll sort of go in fits and starts each way and anytime i get stuck i kind of try the other angle to see if that unlocks something um so you can i just to underline it you can hear brennan talking through this sort of like all right well i must be kind of on my feet at all times so what else would that mean how else would that affect how i play and it's sort of you're you're starting to reverse engineer you said uh what would this guy be like what would he you know working backwards from that vision uh as if you are trying to reconstruct the ancient records of this champion and figure out how he must have been doing what he like you know how did they build the pyramids how did this champion work um yes so i love that um what's the next element why do we need that initiative how's that going to make us so dangerous so here's what it comes down to okay um this character is a combination of the two the two features that create this character right are divine smite and assassinate right that is that is the damage multiplier right so this is a character who primarily is sort of a murderer for justice they are a [Music] good aligned paladin who's mostly not looking for a fair fight um they uh uh so to to clue people in the key features of this class are represented in their first five character levels which is divine smite at second level of paladin and then um at the third level of rogue you choose the subclass assassin so i'll just read these features real quick um divine smite when you hit with a melee weapon attack you can expend one spell slot to deal 2d8 extra radiant damage to the target plus 1 d8 for each spell level higher than first right um to a max of 5 d8 you get an additional plus d8 against undead or fiends right um if you go then go to your rogue features um at third level get assassinate you have advantage on attack roles against any creature that hasn't taken a turn in the combat yet and any hit you score against a creature that is surprised is a critical hit so this character is built around trying to get the surprise round right trying to get the surprise down to try to pop off before anybody knows he's there the spell selection for this character across both the ranger class and sorcerer class from gloom stalker he's got pass without trace which means with the expertise he's rolling i think a plus 25 to stealth right um uh with pass without trace active so trying to get to this place um the main spells that uh that pentable is going to try to have active before combat jumps off are pass without trace to get into position you know he's found some fiend or undead that that is a threat to all the fine rabbit folk of kairos um and he rolls up with a pass without trace and also critically two spells that are not concentration which are mirror image and blink you will notice pentavolt for a melee combatant does not have the best hit points at 145 like okay but for 20th level not a tank right and his armor class at um at 16 is pretty low so mirror image and blink is how this dude stays out of trouble so the idea of him appearing in multiples and mostly not being in this material plane on his enemy's turn is a big part of the survival strategy right very rabbit like too the idea of like well if you're in a fight the best way to take a hit is not to take it at all right and what he's just gone into a magical rabbit hole he's a real bugs bunny murderer who should be able to put up 400 plus damage in round one um so assassinate is if you get that surprise round off it is advantage on everything and auto crits when you hit um divine smite so powering those and again he has seven levels of sorcerers to get all these high level spell slots to power those divine smites so now we get into where these other goofy kind of classes come up right because there's gloom stalker for ranger and then there's the two levels of fighter um additionally remembering that once he's in position he drops the pass without trace to throw haste on which is going to give him an extra weapon attack so in that first surprise round on average he's going to have an initiative of 27 or 28 right in that surprise round he should be able to get the drop on the person meaning that the person is both surprised and has not acted yet and he should be able to hit them six times in that first round um which is attack extra attack with the fifth level of ranger action surge from fighter for two more attacks gloom stalker throws an extra attack in the first round of combat which also some extra d8 damage and then haste is giving you that extra sword attack so there's either he will have bonus action cast haste or he will bonus action convert sorcery points to be able to drop a max level smite on all six attacks assuming he hits huh i know i know i'm going on a lot this is exhausting even to me um but this is what this is this is the price you have to pay um so um what this should look like because he also has the sword of zeriel as his artifact let's talk about those items um oh sure yeah let's do it a brief diversion because you've got uh and this is perpetua specific instructions you picked up some items uh which are getting you some very fun uh features what's the sort of stereo sword of cereal is an artifact that is the best item in finishing dungeons and dragons um it is unbelievable um you can when you attune to it um you can speak read and write celestial you have resistance to necrotic and radiant damage your charisma score becomes 20 unless it is already 20 or higher um you sprout a beautiful pair of feathered wings that grant you a flying speed of 90 feet and the ability to hover um for flavor i'm gonna ask b dave i don't actually want pentavale to have wings i would prefer him to uh just jump incredible distances and also be able to video game double jump off of the air if he needs to change direction mid flight you know what i mean if he needs to hover i want him to just pop up off of a double jump and just sort of float in the air for a second um uh true sight oh an incredible true sight is so good um you you cut through so much trickery it's so good your eyes become luminous pools of silver you can see in normal and magical darkness see invisible creatures and objects automatically detect visual illusions succeed on saving throws against them perceive the original form of a shape change or creature that is transformed by magic and see into the ethereal plane all within a range of 60 feet by the way being able to see into the ethereal plane when you cast blink a lot very useful right um so that you're not blinking into a bad situation that you otherwise wouldn't know about um a bunch of bunch of personality stuff happens it's very cool holy light fiends uh you can shed bright light the fiends will find disconcerting um they have disadvantage on attack roles made within the weapons radius of uh bright light incredible um uh then oh mine are beneficial properties i don't even know about that i'm more powerful than i thought thank you for going overs with me amy i'm gonna be a little bit more effective on sunday than i thought i would otherwise be um incredible um okay searing radiance the sword deals an extra nine this deals an extra 28 radiant damage to any creature it hits or 3d 10 if you're wielding the weapon with two hands pentavale who's optimized to deal damage is certainly building it with two hands um an evil creature that takes this radiant damage must succeed on a dc17 constitution savings or be blinded until the end of its next turn um sword of cereal is a uh uh it's a sentient lawful good item with an intelligence of 10 wisdom of 20 christmas 18. uh i love that this sword has a charisma of 18 but gives you a charisma of 20. good wingman this sword i love that the sword's like we're both very good but you're in charge um but you're in charge yes exactly um and then truth's here while holding the sword you gain advantage on all wisdom inside checks so talk about ribbon abilities right the sword is incredibly not it's not like it's probably busted just for like its damage capabilities um but it also uh gives you all this cool stuff true sight i love it true sight's one of those abilities that's like it's probably not featuring into optimizing your build it is incredible you always want that if you can get it it's just so good um no i'm curious are you gonna are you planning to take advantage of uh the the personality suggestions that come with the sort of cereal in any way yes so of these personality suggestions right personality trait i treat all beings even enemies with respect ideal charity face responsibility um bond i you know i must keep a written record of my beliefs or i have cherished memories of idol glenn um uh you know with all of these um uh what's sort of interesting about these suggested flaws and abilities is that there's an element of the sword which um it is it it affects an evil creature really intensely right because it sort of forces an alignment change if a good creature wields it it's sort of an interesting element of like of you being like i am charitable to all people i meet and i'm kind of respectful to all people i meet and it's you know so there would sort of be this weird thing where people were like like i guess steve is nicer than he used to be you know there's this weird thing of like if you were already a good person uh the effect the sword has on you is like just a little bit more palladini than you used to be right um uh i love that um so that charisma bonus is also of course people tracking the classes at home you are both a paladin and a sorcerer so not a bad thing to have not a bad thing to have um uh you know makes me gives you plus five on all of your spell dc's and um spell attack bonuses um and also right like uh there's a bunch of paladin abilities associated with charisma right there's like um turning turning attempts and other things like that there's like it's it's good it's quite quite quite good um so that item is uh busted to bits it's incredible um if we do this math out loud what each hit so a hit with this sword starts off doing 4d10 radian if i drop a smite into it amy let's if you want a dungeon master for a second here do you think do you think i'm fighting a fiend or an undead at this point or am i fighting a regular enemy do we want to do the math twice or once we could do it twice we could go through it both both ways let's let's do that let's just say the smites coming in are regular enemy our 5b8 radiant um there is a one-time 1v8 coming from bloomstalker um uh we can also assume that there is a one-time uh if i have an ally within five feet uh my sneak attack oh sorry no i don't get sneak attack i have absolutely made this character this is not a finesse weapon so i do not add my sneak attack which is fine it's a little bit unoptimal but it ends up you know the assassinate is worth it even if you're not using the sneak attack um uh we look at [Music] fighting style uh we haven't even talked about your tides of chaos giving you advantage on this if you uh desperately need it well so there's a lot of abilities like those those are all meant to come in later right like all those abilities are meant to come in because in this first round i should if i've gotten my surprise run had advantage on everything already right uh theoretically from from uh from the assassinate feature um so let's let's see here you know i think we have enough information you know i might be i might be missing some extra mustard i can put on this but essentially right um we're going to look at these six attacks going off each of those attacks are crits so it becomes 8d10 and then 10d8 radiant on each hit so uh if we look at that and then that that extra from from gloomstalker becomes 2d8 so the average there uh is going to be uh what is eight times 5.5 uh is you know what i'm gonna it sounds like four d4 but like four tens plus four on that yes it says yes um uh let me see here i'm actually gonna i know this is so funny to be on the stream doing math but hold on one second we're gonna go five eight yeah 44 and then um uh so that's and then 4.5 times 10. so this is assuming optimal conditions the person is surprised you are getting this first uh blow but they are not a fiend or undead so it's not activating some of your extra stuff um and you are throwing smites on every possible thing uh and so they throw the automatic crit is for every attack in this round every attack in this round um uh i believe let me double check uh this this will be a very sad day if it's not um uh assassinate uh yeah uh any any hit you score against a creature that is surprised is a critical hit so yeah all six of these attacks are gonna be critical um uh so we end up with that average damage being um uh uh so that's 93. okay if i hit on all six attacks which of course you know might not be but at this point i probably will have sacred weapon active so it'll be a plus 15 to hit on these attacks um if i hit with every one of those attacks and roll average damage it's 567 points of damage in that round in that first round which i believe enough to actually kill yourself stone dead um if you were i could kill three of me easy no no question no question if i ever find three of me it is a real quick draw scenario it's a bad look however if we all have mirror image that's going to be a really silly fight right um that's going to be really silly um uh but yeah so that's the that's the central engine of the character it's so so silly and again wildly sub-optimal for a lot of reasons adding what's this well what it really comes down to right is you know he sunk what is he he sunk seven levels into sorcerer which means that he can only cast fourth level first verse spells even though even though paladin even though he has the spell slots of an 11th level primary caster he can only get up to fourth level spells so he's running around with arc mages that can cast wish and stuff only really rocking fourth level spells but he has the hit points of those seven levels of sorcerer so this is a guy who's going to be up in the mix kind this is why he's not this is not a fair fight dude right like he does not have the hit points nor the resilience to really go toe-to-toe and his armor class because he's again optimizing for damage so he doesn't have a shield up you know there's nothing else like that um uh you know the other build i made that was similar to this uh moss brow could get his armor when he cast shield up to 31 right like this guy's got a bad it's a bad it's why we're relying on mirror image and blink frankly right it's like don't get hit in the first place um but i think the main things too are as an adventurer i would probably not play pentavale over a long campaign in an earlier build i got rid of those five levels of ranger and instead of being a third level paladin was a sixth level paladin which immediately you get a plus five to all your saving throws which is one of the if you're actually if you're actually playing a character in a weekly campaign having a plus five to all your savings so that's unbelievable and you give it to your allies in 10 feet it's extraordinary that that aura of protection is one of the best abilities in the game it's it's an unbelievable uh ability um but it did not you know i like i traded all of that away which is i'm telling you know to the kids at home foolish foolishly traded all the way for one extra attack in the first round of combat which you know silly silly you know not optimal uh fantastic well let's see we started going through the items and then we i i sort of got us out of there so so real quick butcher's bib is one i have never used before um that's gonna give you some optional rerolls for weapon damage uh although you'll have to use the second one and does your sword aerial do slashing damage it does oh so a critical hit on a 19 or 20 huh yes yes that's correct sounds extremely handy um also the fact that you're very very holy rabbit is running around with a permanently bloody butcher's bib you know what it what you know it's an interesting thing one might say hey the sword of zerial and the butcher's bib feel a little bit opposed sort of thematically what i would counter to that with is i like my butcher you know that's a friendly neighborhood job to have and you know if you need to go if you especially if you want to get ethically sourced meat you should have a relationship with your local butcher you know if you get it you have no idea where that comes from so in a sense you know um uh there the way i see it is that pentavale is maybe a little bit more blunt about the the things that adventurers tend to do look if we're being honest if we're truly and really being honest how many paladins are running around out here with truly figuratively blood-soaked hands quite a bit i'd say quite a bit i don't know if you know the the record for even the sort of sweetest bean d and d characters pretty murderous pretty murderous count there's not account there little body count there so you know i would say that if that probably people seeing pentaho with this sort of uh in my head the butcher's bib for him is a little bit less fiendish than pictured here and more just like probably like a very blood-soaked tunic from a lot of combat um uh uh i think that he is um would invite that comparison so you see this like gleaming glowing sword and then a very blood-soaked garment and him being like oh wow nice to meet you and it's like that's that's up to you to figure out what this guy's vibe is it's an unusual vibe for sure i love it also because it is very much if you see pentable it is too late uh so it's it is good that he carries some visual warning you know um yes for sure finally we have the gauntlets of ogre power on there uh which i think is just making you real strong a real beefy boy yeah absolutely those gauntlets morgan power are incredible i mean and the the real thing about those balanced world power is that they're an uncommon item i mean that's what's so so sort of strike staggering about them right is that they are like um not the rarest to find uh but yeah that's getting that strength up there to 19 um which you know there's there's a world where we sort of optimize pental's own ability scores to get them that high but the issue is that that dexterity and that wisdom are going towards initiative which as we've discussed it's so critical that pentable go first in combat right um so that's that's that's explains the choice of the gauntlets of ogre power um but yes yes oh no i was just curious i know obviously pinball is built for this one shot these things work together in a very specific way but if you had to try to imagine the journey he took that got him from level one out of the village to 20 levels across five classes best there is at what he does isn't very nice uh wielding the sort of zero what was that journey i think first i think that you can group a lot of this into i think you can group a lot of this uh into sort of three staggered areas right and i think the the staggered areas are that sorcerer and ranger rogue sorcerer is one part of the tripod unto itself the next is ranger rogue and fighter all kind of coming together and then the third on its own is sort of paladin right the way i think about this right is that according to to dnd beyond so so the first class that pentable took is actually sorcery that's his basis that's where his that's where his proficient saving throws come from like he's he's proficient in constitution and charisma um oh and by the way right uh he had his feats are alert and warcaster so that warcaster is for him to be able to hold on to that haste to not lose that haste right um uh looking at the initial thing that pentable is first as a child is he's a wild magic sorcerer like not brawny not terribly powerful right um and i think in like all things being equal that um pentable starts in that world of wild magic but doesn't get to seventh level there to begin with right i think pentabel is touched by chaos at an early early age i think wild magic is sort of there at the beginning and that he's immediately um because if you look at the amount of things within harengon that reference luck and then you look at the features from wild magic sorcerer that aren't referred to as being lucky but are referred to as you know tides of chaos right or this idea of like like what level they are starting at first level tides of chaos so immediately this is a kid who's touched by chaos and i think that the attitude at least amongst his community which is a community of rogues and thieves and scoundrels is that chaos is what uptight people refer to luck as right like that luck is chaos that when you are down and out when you are a scrappy small thing right chaos is always to your advantage if you're this like nomadic you know caravan traveling group of rabbit folk uh thieves chaos is always to your advantage because by the averages the odds are against you so you're always hoping for a wild swing so i see pentavel as being born maybe maybe he was born maybe his parents tried to bless him with some weird alchemical thing maybe he they were hiding out near a like elemental chaos rift maybe there was some blessing from the plane of limbo itself but everyone was like we want this you know i almost think about it like your child the child that you have born to you will be doomed or like there is some terrible fate that will befall your child and they ask for some favor or spell about being like well can we get multiple destinies can we i can get more than one so that he's doomed and also blessed and it's like well how would that work he'd almost have to have two souls and they're like great two souls sounds good we'll buy it and that there's some bizarre thing of like from the outset it's like first level of sorcerer the kid is tapped into some weird magic and then from there i think he keeps that first level of sorcerer and starts accumulating levels of rogue and ranger right it's rogue and it's ranger to survive like cunning action at second level of rogue um uh him and his family traveling in wilderness areas being sneaky and selfie so these paladin levels that come later they come at high levels at the beginning everything in his dna is stay sharp stay vigilant don't fight fair and and try to keep one step ahead of the game right um over that time he but what what always happens as you gain levels is you get tougher you get more resilient you know if he's a you know he gets his he gets assassin at third level of rogue he gets gloom stalker at third level of ranger now he's a seventh level character and he can survive a little bit more he can survive with like a town guard you can survive like a fair fight and that's when i think like the last two levels of ranger come in with extra attack and then i think two levels of fighter come in and then i think he finds the sword of zero and his charisma goes to 20 and suddenly magic is a good idea to invest in and then i think he starts alternating between levels of paladin and levels of sorcery once his charisma goes up all of a sudden it's like right i should have been doing spell casting this whole time this is actually quite helpful right you get mirror image he takes two more levels of sorcerer and gets mirror image and he's like this is brilliant i shouldn't have been even trying to dodge this whole time just make copies of yourself and i spent so much time jumping this is way easier way easier at heart he is a rogue and a ranger and a scoundrel right he started with that sorcerer thinks that's his origin he's always had that tap into wild magic and i think that explains why there are so many contradictions in him why is someone wheeling the sword of cereal and wearing a butcher's bed and you know with that little weird glint of like iridescent wild magic in his eye he'd be like well yeah i have celestial magic that's just part of the story right it's that idea of like oh there's a lot more going on here than meets the eye and that is how you take a bunch of numbers on a sheet that's my favorite thing about the i have a million favorite things about d but currently my favorite thing about d d is that every character has so much story baked in and the possibilities of what they can do and be and mean in context in action as they express themselves through the uh fights or negotiations or whatever else might be coming your way uh are what make them legends and i cannot wait for people to meet five in action in the game this sunday which by the way i am informed that during the time we have been streaming because you can already go and donate to wave all the rape presses center for streaming for survivors i believe y'all have already raised over a thousand dollars and the game isn't till sunday yeah way to go everyone in the chat whoa that game is at two o'clock pacific on sunday you definitely don't want to miss it uh and brennan thank you so much for being here we have a couple more minutes so we're gonna do uh take a few questions from chat i think um although please if there's anything that i left off of the sheet that you're like oh wait no we must talk about it let me know no we hit it all there's there's so many bizarre little odds and ends in here it's we we hit the major stuff for sure and the link to that is running through chat right now or it's in the description you are reading depending on where you're watching this video so you can poke around and see all of the the magic that makes five so incredibly fun
Channel: D&D Beyond
Views: 450,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 5e, Amy Dallen, Brennan Lee Mulligan, Brennan Lee Mulligan Interview, Build, Build Guide, Character Build, D&D, D&D Beyond, D&D Build, Dimension 20, DnD, Dungeon & Dragons, Dungeons and Dragons, Level 20, Level 20 Character, Rabbit Assassin, critical role, d&d adventure, d&d sourcebook, fifth edition, pentival longfoot, roleplaying games, rpg, Character sheet, Create character sheet, Build a character sheet, DnD character sheet, Make a dnd character sheet
Id: KUvrdiLk2Rs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 23sec (2903 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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