Brendon Urie plays Detroit: Become Human (Part 1)

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okay oh it's opening guys I think I fixed it oh my god I think it did it looks again Julie a full year dude whoa hello welcome to the Detroit experience Tillerson I'm an Android and I'll be your hostess before we begin let's make some adjustments to optimize your experience oh god yes please english subtitle small no you guys probably need to read this so we'll do medium please adjust your screen settings okay uh we needed a little brighter huh you guys oh yeah you can't even see the [ __ ] that I can see okay hmm that works for you right that's barely visible we'll just do one do like this just in case all right cool thank you thank you your profile look okay oh god no casual bro 100% casual to lose a character Wow okay so this is like life or death type [ __ ] do I've only played five minutes of this game on my playstation in my house and that is not enough so you are now ready to begin Detroit remember this is not just a story it's Kristen Bell is our future okay damn this is already so dope dude like I'm in it 20:38 that's not that far but there really took 18 years ago 18 years away oh my god pilots fan thanks again holy hell let's go sixteen all right ho all right so really it helps to investigate like literally everything as you're walking through oh I see he's the mouse I'm using mouse and keyboard banana one mana thank you so much this is a very handsome fellow Anika what's up thanks for the 13 months what's your favorite game ever this is technically my second time playing but really this is the first a million thanks forget to the sub so nice oh cool okay nice well calm down you know can I investigate some stuff please oh whoops okay oops good night 12 well I still have time to investigate after I talk to him hopefully captain Alan my name is Connor it's not too loud for you guys right who's gonna make a small adjustment for me just so I can crank up the noise a little bit um yeah that should be that should be fine just do that the graphics are incredible so far it already shot down to game play smooth awesome if it falls mariondemers think the bits um let's see do you know its name does it matter I need information to determine the best approach has it experienced an emotional shock please listen saving that kid is all that matters right so I think you deal with this [ __ ] Android now okay I'll take care of it okay that wasn't okay why are you so attractive I'm very attractive in this game oof hey hold on I got a UH just some stuff there we go probability of success see good alright let's look around understand what happened sir suppose this room yeah [ __ ] crooked cupcake thanks for gifting that sub sub I Daniel huh [Music] alright got his name we're gonna try to be friendly with him and be on his side alright that's probably the best tactic here you know anything in distress droid or otherwise make them feel like they're heard Daniel I believe you I know you don't want to hurt her Daniel Daniel please put whatever-her-name-is down right humanizing no one's gonna turn the [ __ ] stove off yes I will you're responsible cops come on [Music] if this game looks incredible absolutely incredible delicious YUM hmm YUM [Music] let's hit 61% dude we need to look for more stuff damn dude straight through huh damn okay give me that gun so this is really all about looking for the clues we only have 64 percent by the way probability I want to get that up to the 80s come on should I take it no it's evidence bro right oh yeah then what it says I'm forbidden what I mean no just needs to look at it okay can I look at more stuff okay oh Jesus wolf ruff it's the dad okay we just started Brendon what up right there who sent him flying back you read that iPad that's it 66% come on it email me thank you for months oh I see it's gonna be replaced so he was in distress oh okay we're in the 70s now not bad often beneficial okay cool can we get can we get a higher probability though still I mean I guess we're going outside now huh look for something else panic try today to accost sign now or should I keep looking what other stuff is there other clues like we should keep looking man 70 in the 70s that's not good enough you defined like every blue give me all the clues I mean dude what what more can I find out about this guy he just he loves this little girl obviously he's like he's it seems like he's just in distress dude like he's being replaced and he [ __ ] wants to protect the girl why they kill the [ __ ] why did he kill I mean I thought this house was bigger where else am I supposed to look dude we look somewhere else I mean there's no other rooms right but we only have 70 something percent we check both tablets hmm is there more stuff over by the dad's corpse dude yes we need to get out there bro yeah once it's outside all right here we go don't come any closer I'll jump jeez hi Daniel my name is Carter [Music] I've come to get you out of this can I talk to him I'm an Android just like you I know how you're feeling oh shoot that was bad I needed to reassure the girl I bet because he cares about the girl and if I show that I care about the girl it's like I know you and Emma were very close you think she'd betrayed you but she's done nothing wrong she lied to me oh no oh that's what's happening oh my god dude no no else with expense they were going to replace you and you became upset I get your motive bro that's what happened no one just ups and does it bro it's probable cause listen I know it's not your fault these emotions are feeling or just errors dude this game looks amazing its whole word increasing boo you know no dude I know okay sure enough sure enough got it got you bro we don't need them either I don't need them there look at me Daniel hey Daniel look at me I'm right here for you bro I'm right here hold her tight hold onto her tight all right you have to trust me Daniel let the hostage go and I promise you everything will be fine ooh we're doing pretty good pretty good and I want a car when I'm outside the city I'll let her go damn I just sacrificed myself bro let's go Jesus Wow Wow wait mission successful even though I died no way brah okay I don't remember this intro I obviously didn't play that much then bro this game on a percent that's what I'd actually do dude little girl you know who Android or psycho adult with a gun bro I'm no negotiator I'm throwing my [ __ ] body on that grenade dude there's no way oh that was tense dude I'm like my hands are kind of shaky I'm not even kidding holy [ __ ] did this game all right Connor died shoot I'm like a hundred plus one thing's yeah I believe that oh my god I believe it this is so cool no way I'm in the store no booty all these [ __ ] let's go bet that has just like six different endings that's crazy rebooted hello by me you can use my body however you wish there's a Daniel right there huh ah dude we'll take it if you'll just follow me will possible take the girl oh we're gonna have so much fun honey there it is it's a bit difficult getting it back and working order okay it was really messed up the car hit it stupid accident see that's for sure not true you got a guy's shady body language over here hope you don't mind these shirt stains all right there bud give it a name eat it take a little bath 400 register your name Cara okay I like that name is Cara hey dude let's go it's been a long time coming about a year but about a year y'all been telling me to play this game I'm sorry you y'all told me to play this movie huh what up derpy bear how you doing thanks for being here thank you for being a fan oh man guys this is gonna be so fun [Music] hi my name is Cara Triceratops 900 they give it two months you'd likely spelled it [Music] you son-of-a-bitch I'm in you son of a [ __ ] I'm in so it looks kind of nice dude this is so cinematic I love it [Music] music though right what's the longing in the androids eyes bro alright blaming all the androids all right hunter it the disconnect to the eight-months thank you so much hello well thank you David cage holy hell this is [ __ ] awesome oh hello there gorgeous what's that actor's name hold on thinks for the thousand bits Jesse Williams thank you who's Jesse ater gorgeous lovely the androids don't get tired running that's actually awesome water give me your wedding give me your woody oh just throwing your soda can at the Droid pick that up I mean [ __ ] he's not gonna do that you know PaintShop just keep going this way huh well there it is belly any paints I know this game is incredible I mean just look at it just looks gorgeous man oh I've been walking sorry house contender Cuddy identification verified cool I love his technology here is your order number eight four seven that right there be bear that's why I'm saying I love your firm payment hmm what have you confirmed payment like smooches payment confirmed please confirm payment mmm thank you Jim I'm sorry I haven't even got my mind right yeah in the future everything confirmed by kisses would you like to add tip hmm thank you all right let's keep walking oh wait no way that's cool on my own director brow brav so cool god dammit dude that's when you think games can't get any [ __ ] cooler No your package is being delivered please meet Roy outside and confirm by kisses where am i killing a bus stop not this way it is Jesse Williams I thought doesn't just look like right it is eyes keep going off you got the cough cough cough there's no run there's no sprint Android compartment Oh No what ever support moved to the vegetable damn that's love now in the hard copy of it always have to confirm my kisses with you Oh always have to confirm my ya Mirabelle please confirmed hit with tongue please tongue my armpit to confirm order gross yeah alright Marcus took the bus I mean that's the only option it gave us but yeah Gigi's see this is the Detroit that I've that I've driven through they kept it real it's only 18 years in the future I mean they're still gonna that's cork tail baby we right outside of Corktown you know DeeDee McQueen they give you the bits what's up Oh clot I'm caught I'm on one today y'all might need to get my oh I didn't even get the door rid Yemen Todd [ __ ] Todd you know I mean freaking Todd sister day Sakura thanks for getting that sub musics amazing everything the place is a mess you do the housework the washing you cook the meals and you take care of god dammit where the [ __ ] the brat gone now you know Alice oh that's Alice you look after her homework bath all that crap if that's not the same girl in the beginning yes Todd get started down here my register I think both the white girls look the same Oh y'all look like alright let's do our chores urgent tasks optional tasks collect trash but we can I pick this up oh yeah faster yeah yeah those pizza boxes fit in there fine I'm sure lager beer let this like tense time so we can do all the different endings yeah all right let's go clean coffee table you [ __ ] waise the student on a drug deal right now same place you know where it sounds like shady ass Vegas directions you know TV on taking out trash including myself it's game is gorgeous I keep saying and then I'll keep saying it hug me oh geez he's gotta get his fixed is he smoking crack I was a drug deal sake I'm sorry Todd oh I have to walk around to talk to this [ __ ] get out of here brother Wow the game I made a good start down here I'll head upstairs do what you have to do but stop bothering me okay Brighton no three Britain no three thinking fits her one sub maybe a pro thing even three one stuff we should that don't crack shame Cornish gamer thank you for getting that sub nice sorry I just got to know Madison case thanks for gifting it's very nice alright let's go upstairs wait said I head upstairs or does the want me to do more stuff down here is this why am I reading this no no no no no put this down how about that guess we're going upstairs man [ __ ] what up Jarvis Patti Todd's room gross well I can smell that room ventilate room Oh gotcha okay hidden the hang of it is there a prompt on this thing Oh MD this guy's like really in debt here wait we don't get to look at it the hell did you just look at and register with your little bot circle what the hell how come we can't see it that's messed up man wait why am i taking this oh yeah I'm tidying it Oh God has got a gun of course he does ooh we're unlocking actions and stuff oh shoot jerk come on No thank you for gets in the sub oh wait - Connor the Brian deck art [ __ ] you doing brother that's awesome we just cleaned that nasty ass you just took a dump in clean this mop the floor baby let's go look at us I got us cleaning this [ __ ] cleaned okay we clean the bathroom oh those were optional tasks all right let's go back down oh wait no we don't want to go into her room right or do we need to clean that oh whoops sorry okay I only need two minutes I didn't mean to why is she so afraid of me I thought like I came back like haven't I been here before doesn't she know me she doesn't want to talk to us listen wait take take what what does take okay back downstairs see what else we got to finish sure we're gonna get yelled at by [ __ ] Oh clean upstairs wait what did we not do it all okay Oh whoops miss something good deal hey guys no spoilers you know have some class okay isn't my first time playing this game don't be an [ __ ] and ruin it you know I mean eat [ __ ] just be a bro all right these that's right can change camera angles I oh I'm sure we used to be friends before I was reset maybe we can be friends again oh that helped that helped mm you should tell me about yourself what you like to do where you like to go your favorite foods that would really help me yeah your father said you chose my name Cara it's nice how did you choose it okay I can see you want some space three-strikes male get out of there all they cold eggs are the bits it's a dope ask for it huh okay what did you just give me key Oh for the treasure thing this is like Alice treasure on it or something you can I lose young [Music] oh well knows that her mom before they loved her cue game II am Perez laggy as sammich for the bits thanks gaming empress that's what he used to look like thanks what up oh no what the hell is that Alice oh oh oh I see what happened okay dykes Seraphina belly thank you for getting the sub thank you so much oh my god this is [ __ ] hard holy hell so that's what Alice wanted to show me well thanks for jogging my memory you little legend holy fart I guess they're not jogging my memory just making me aware of the past Todd's the absolute worst and now we know friggin Todd it absolutely makes sense piece of gargling Alec kids do I know what you're thinking you think your dad's a little life huh [ __ ] loser can't get a job you said it not me don't you think I tried to make things work Oh God but whatever I do when someone comes along I want a water torture this [ __ ] so bad yo put her the [ __ ] down here but a kiss [ __ ] hands is what you're about to do apologize more mother [ __ ] got to go off on this dude it's not love you [ __ ] a man I'm out of coffee all right I'm protecting Alice with all my [ __ ] fiber of every soul in my being it didn't make any sense she's mine ain't letting Todd near her dude paetynn Hornbacher thank you so much for the six months what oh that's some like head game manipulative pimp type [ __ ] bro beat you and then nurse you back to health like [ __ ] Union dude needs to go talk to some professionals sit in the care unit for god knows how long ooh automatic doors in this mansion okay that's my house Oh deposit package oh no I'm definitely picking up for somebody so maggiore there's no way I don't anything package collected take care of Carl walk Carl upstairs where's Carl Oh yep ruff Carl was Coral awake Carl haha Gigi's hmm shut up like walk him upstairs I gotta pick this dude up and walk him upstairs all right it makes way more sense no guys ooh what a lovely way to be woken up there's a nice classical music being played what is it like a Haydn quartet or something you mean playing I like they're getting tats that's totally a generational thing it's 10:00 a.m. the weather is partly cloudy 54 degrees 80% humidity with a strong possibility of afternoon showers it sounds like a good day to spend in bed uh sorrowful mess of your name Shelley 7456 thank you for the prime sub Oh our Seles thank you that lease is a difference between you and me right markers oh I have to come around this get anything show me your arm please Carl no Carl thank you I just opened my eyes and I'm already gritting my teeth I'm supposed to hold it oh just your fragile machine they break down so quickly all this effort to keep them going that's crazy do they got Lance Henriksen to be in this [ __ ] I mean they got a lot of actors okay this is Jason Williams Lance Henriksen those two big ones right here that's crazy I got you bro I'm gonna pick you up oh whoops Brad claps thanks editor want some yeah this game is awesome anything special on the agenda today yes there's the opening of your retrospective at an art the gallery director left four messages asking to confirm your attendance me I haven't decided yet we'll see about that later okay what am I supposed to walk him out here just your usual fan mail I've already answered hmm any news from the Leo knows Leo I can call him if you like no no I don't bother I'm starving well your breakfast is ready bacon and eggs that's the way you like them thank you sounds good let's do that sir breakfast hmm Thank You mockers television it's a cool idea instead of saying TV on using a word you never use the same television that's sick silver fan dude thank you for the tier 1 sub so for fondue sorry BB John BB thank you for the 9 months what up good vibes only a corals and finish my breakfast well you know I'm going to that grand piano bruh hmm hopeful you know I love hope [Music] [Music] Oh something's changed Rebecca the brilliant they give you the Tehran supper you know sometimes I think you have more humanity that's tough because it's delayed so I had to basically beatbox like one sixteenth note off of the baby it was [ __ ] me up in like the right doctors I was like history smart off of what I'm singing through you are I don't want to be calm gawrsh Rorschach 99th a smoother grunts unlike those who are different markers don't let anyone tell you who you should be damn right this dude's awesome let's go to the studio and I can coral a lot I wrote the song for the game what game Marcus Gigi's ooh always a painter love it oh he's an artist dude this is sick CJ t17 thank you for the four months I know me too finally pilots Phoenix the bits I know minor had to chord that last one so Sonia takes the bits so dude it's been a minute you know long time coming we had to do it I had to do it I'll just clean up then go ahead and paint and I'll just I'll tidy up over here studio sick dude awesome like it looks like one that would be in Venice and I mean I mean California not Italy but I guess y'all later but now that Venice California it looks like a spot that we actually played we did like a show and it was like someone's backyard basically [ __ ] cool I want a fire how you doing what's up are we ready straighten that out you clean anything else for your breath this game movie incredible and I want to become human now so what's your verdict Marcus yes there is something about it hmm or not something I can't GT 94 they give it a gifted sub well that's so nice I guess I like it the truth is I have nothing left to say anymore oh we need a that goes by it brings me closer to the end I'm just an old man clinging to his brush all broth come on Carl but enough about me let's see if you have any talent and give it a try you want me to paint okay paint but what I painting what anything you want give it a try okay what are we gonna paint it probably gives us options I'm sure find a subject to paint hmmm there's only three options here that is a perfect copy of reality but waters not about replicating the world it's about inter plugs onon one thank you for the eight months to knowing this is a good game already I'm in so impressive think I can do that it's not in my program I go on go try grab that canvas I painted that fast by the way it's still light out give me five minutes do something for me close your eyes close your eyes trust me okay try to imagine something that does God he's good looking at that you've never seen now concentrate come on how it makes you feel and let your hand drift across the canvas mmm you these graphics I'm saying dude I'm saying oh we're paint and painting deals go in all creative and [ __ ] let's go he looks intrigued [Music] okay artsy fartsy that's a bad Oh God who's this hey Dad Oh perfect [ __ ] spoiled son druggie son alright you look twitchy bro you don't look so good it's a coconut what happened to the money no no no I swear it's not that don't lie to me oh sorry the answer's no money why you know why yeah yeah I think I do know what you'd rather you rather take care of your plastic toy here than your own son okay all right tell me Dad what's what's it God that I don't smarter talent more obedient wisdom empathy class taste a [ __ ] [ __ ] well he oh that's a no oh whoa whoa enough I don't care about anything's of yourself and your goddamn paintings you've never loved anyone Oh ever love me Dad what he's an artist that can't be further from the truth I love me he's left hard what what a piece of [ __ ] nice to see you son Oh God they're in a car run son Oh hit son but lightly teach son lesson leo Eddie what we going back to yet Detroit rules baby okay oh we're Connor again oh so we got reset of course what up Lopes exactly dude no androids allowed well why are we going in dude wait aren't we a cop why are we breaking the law oh god no one likes us how about that game am I right fellas ah ha ha ha hey let's [ __ ] mr. Krabs your brother lieutenant Anderson my name is Connor I'm the Android sent by cyber life I looked for you at the station but nobody knew where you were they said you were probably having a drink in your by Lopes was lucky to find you yeah it's funded my first time also you want you were assigned a case early this evening got a homicide involving a cyber life Android Oh in accordance with procedure the company has allocated a specialized model to assist Oh I've been assigned to him he'll Yates from Shawshank Redemption refers to gas or but throw your [ __ ] ass off the roof you trust your wife all right say goodbye to this [ __ ] I understand that some people are not comfortable in the presence of androids but I am perfectly comfortable now back off before I crush you like a nice beer can listen I think you should stop drinking and come with me it'll make life easier for both of us and I just leave [ __ ] you do you know want me around I don't want to be here [ __ ] it I'll buy your drink get on his good side man yeah see what do you say I like blind people drinks bartender the same again please see that Jim wonders a technology make it a double let me get good and hammered so I can go do my job like every movie every game I never show the effect like everybody's in bed by 3:00 p.m. taking naps I either spongebob [Music] you wait here my instructions are to accompany you to the crimes listen I don't give a [ __ ] about your instructions I told you to wait here so you shut the [ __ ] up and you wait here selecting priority what's the priority do I listen to angered okay I figure wait here okay wait for me hello fellow humans aha androids are not for me to be on this point it's with me oh let me in thanks dude what part is stay in the car didn't you understand contradicted my instructions lieutenant and I'm above you don't touch anything just stay out of my way got it got it affirmative Hank we're starting to think you weren't gonna show yeah that was the plan to lose a soul family yourself right now very funny just happened few months for a few months dude this thing is decomposed he has a record for theft okay I was called red ice there's the kitchen knife over here probably the murder weapon no fingerprints no the landlord said the front door was locked from the inside weird I did the motion I gotta get some air eating Club yeah that's a lead you rose let's say I am alive on the wall holy [ __ ] yo hey I'm playing as you right now Brian what's up ruff hey thank you so much thank you very much deck our games holy hell thank you for the raid what up Raiders appreciate it so far I'm blown away by your performance and this game bro it's absolutely blowing my mind thank you so much for popping in welcome everybody how are you you gorgeous Souls oh my goodness dude oh yeah we also get to the subdue thanks for that Rebecca the brilliant aches forget the subs you know we're gonna play this right now for that when makes the game's a car guys oh my god dude they're a legend assisted discord thank you for the 25 gifted Wow we really did that didn't we holy you guys are not Wow did oh my goodness he was awesome oof is that damage on it oof traces of way theorem oh that's in the trucks right or is that from the bot oh there's a knife missing okay let's do this oh yeah oh yeah so he theory was inside the Droid so he was hitting the Droid on the droid was trying to protect itself to use notional shock yeah I'm okay wolf yeah [Music] this is telling us Seraphina belly linking to the five gifted subs both there Veronica thanks that's your one stop dude oh my goodness what a megabyte Mary what's up how are you is your droid spying on you no is this dude paranoid obviously he's smoking that red ice and getting paranoid mmm Wow all right well wait it still wants us to read this why didn't we just read it it's weird my mutton it's weird eight out of ten there's two others on the body looks like each letter is perfect way to need no human rights like this grid this written in the victim's blood I would say so we're taking samples for analysis katie rose like if it's here one sub i'm a doll at 7:16 thank you so much shelling panda thanks in theory one self what's up y'all are you doing who this game is so badass I can't say it enough man it's like legit blowing my mind and the gameplay is so smooth it just looks gorgeous the content the actors it's insane it's like I'm sorry it took me so I'm like sorry and it took me so long to get this game I mean obviously was on PC and I could have done a PlayStation setup but oh I'm so glad we're doing this now r6 290 pounds down 20 she got slipped on the beer woof so he got stabbed yeah boom boom right there woof woof he was stabbed damn TV and thank you so much the bits yeah straight out of it Triceratops 900 executed that's ugh tears stained ashes thinking be the true unsub y'all got some crazy wild awesome name's Ricky knives thank you all right we need one more piece of evidence dude hey lieutenant I think shoot I'm all ears it all started it gel in the kitchen suck it Shawn there are obvious signs of a struggle the question is what exactly happened here I think the victim attacked the Android with a baseball bat with the soy cut the nose oval Bambi 29 they gave you the tier 1 sub how are you what is that mean [Music] the Android step the victim so the Android was trying to defend itself right yes okay then what happened the victim fled to they live a long cryptid Krista thinking that your own sub appreciate you it was the Android doing the living room research on me all right that makes sense boom baby murdered the victim we missed a piece of evidence within a with the knife 28 stab wounds dude okay see lacy thanks forget to the sub you fickle your panel excellent your own southern you didn't see mass thank you so much for the bits it was damaged in this area somewhat cerium you call it blue blood blue blood it's the fluid that powers androids biochem calls it evaporates after a few hours and becomes invisible to the naked eye but I bet you can still see it can't you affirmative correct correct a be used to do thank you for the bass [ __ ] me do a 500 that one I don't know the minute here alright let's check it what's in the backyard Oh own guy doors lock from the inside Euler must have gone out this way there are no footprints apart from officer Collins sighs didn't shoes seven weeks francs could have faded no what does much mud know this type of soil went for tainted frames ah see we're on the same page bro for a long time [Music] wait whoa wait the front door was locked and he didn't go out the back is this [ __ ] still in the house no way bro look at the blue blood I just lied legit just got chills dude I just got so excited I let you have goose bumps on my arms a ladder was used this is so awesome man dude this game tho oh maybe not oh no no no no K we're gonna keep looking we're gonna keep looking it's blue blood everywhere there's no way dude oddvar oh what's up thank you much love to you preciate that thank you Raiders lovers oh wait what I need to go about still looking here who is he in the shower I know it'll be too easy all right got so excited just now ooh this religious they make it humanoid likeness [Music] well well let's got Chico here okay we already did this what I already checked these oh wait what does it say but something to climb oh let's use the chair am i doing yeah triceratops thanks for gifting that sub it's the fear of Vanya thank you very much I'm having a blast already we need to get up in this attic door hell yeah dude if he's up here what no way oh my god please don't jump out and scare me oh god why is he just standing there wait that's not hammering oh God hello hello feeling Meredith me too oh haha this is so dope okay let's keep looking through the movements creepy man you should tear-stained to ashes they give you the bits oh my god do this as soon I'm not here to hurt you bro I understand you were just defending yourself oh oh dude he's covered in blood wait it's been three weeks dude I was just defending myself he's still so freaked out I'm begging you um sure oh shoot you'd have to tell them right ja what am i doing my flights handling on the suits here oh no choice Luke lemon tart and give it a bits turn at the panic hey I'm here for the punch baby man I want to snitch that's all good oh man um there's a hell angel vero uh I just played differently you know honestly that's kind of what it was but you know we go back and forth haven't used it in a few months but at some point it'll come back I'm sure dude okay we're back on Cara friggin Todd looking snitches get stitches and end up in ditches dead but there ought to be a freakin snack yeah Lana's no penis I don't dude I've really don't like this dude he's such a Garbo humans ready yeah so mean to your daughter you schmuck up there pal J mill the dude thanks for the [ __ ] haha dude hype to have you here thank you so much sir food here we go then it's on sceeto present I did what I could should I pour them some water and on the light aha Madison case thanks for gifting that sub preciate you serve Allison Todd funny is it I lost my job because of androids you're not laughing then I need somebody to take care of this goddamn house hey did you not know I do my [ __ ] Android so how does this do have money to buy the Android it must be pretty expensive [Music] you need to get hit in the nose to help the life you dreamed of a I just need the water I'm sorry maybe you think this is easy bro i straight daughter it's my fault we live in this [ __ ] [ __ ] my fault you [ __ ] mother [Music] hey not cool dude Cara let's get it oh I want to smash his frickin mouth dude pick up that coat rack and just take his eyes good [ __ ] lesson yeah Cara attack jeez Oh God it was the last time oh no I can't move straight up to you this guy's the worst you know just busts his kneecaps man you know I feel that Nate but 1% never be a Todd y'all all right don't be don't be like fine I move in dude I need me to move my mouse to look over and play no games how you don't know Todd the floor away Todd can I run upstairs though oh wait wait wait we could go against the instructions oh dude no we're breaking the program oh mylanta y'all we did it rah I can do it I can do it oh hell yeah hell no dude reason with odd get out of here let's get a let's get let's get let's get let's get let's get let's get a listen let's go don't you be the girl I got you baby girl let me protect you with my life let's go you're mine little angel so you okay sweetheart oh god oh god let's go let's go oh no oh no oh no oh no hide in another room oh no oh no run oh no you got me get off me bro get off me zip yourself let's go let's go let's go one darlin we gotta run we gotta run let's go peepee let's go let's go [Music] [Music] oh my god we did it y'all Oh thought you Alice I got you I homie for life aw I didn't know how to props right got you may be homies forever panicked Roger think you can get to decide [Music] my god you guys why is this game the coolest thing I'm so invested in this right now oh my goodness oh wow dude this is intense man believe me holy hell so much fun it's been a minute since we played a game this like mind-blowing I mean dude we did Far Cry 5 which is such a good game but this is some next-level type stuff I can't remember a game in recent years that I play this hit me like this then I want to play more intensive little drunk I know the chance for all those people who admire your work to meet you no one gives a damn about art all they care about is how much money they're gonna make out of it come on let's have a drink or the excitement of this whole thing has made me I can have a bourbon - oh yeah I D let's go let's go Coral Scotch neat as usual absolutely scotches neat okay yeah well he can kiss my ass I'm old enough to choose my own medication fair enough like this again go ahead and pour yourself one there Marcus did you leave the like a job to do no no I'm perfect I didn't know who's in there Leigh's business Carl man friends Android at 8941 Lafayette Avenue we've just returned home and found the lights on there may have been a break-in efficient oh that's so efficient Marcus no oh you want to come with you okay okay okay let's go oh god it's Leo isn't it Leo god damn it dude what are you doing the last hole you refused to help me so I'm helping myself it's crazy what some people pay for this [ __ ] don't touch him dude look they're all gonna be mine sooner or later anyway what just think of it as a down payment on my hair you're out of the will I'll just get him away from there get him out of here be reasonable this isn't gonna get you anywhere all you ever do is tell me to go away what's wrong dad not good enough you know Parfum talking Lee men think that's enough get out right now class manners intelligence Marcus respect don't lend yourself you hear me pick one don't defend yourself okay all right go ahead hit me what you waiting for think you're a man what's the matter too much of a [ __ ] stop gonna fight back you [ __ ] [ __ ] oh no it's gonna make me choose oh no my just can't do it let's go [ __ ] Elio what are we gonna do just a [ __ ] piece of plastic I don't want to hit him I don't want to hit him I'm gonna endure it I'm not like you bro not a little baby punk-ass I'm a sucker punch a jerk no no I in 3rd leave ok please don't call don't leave remember buckers don't let anybody tell you who you are no no dad whoa please this is all your fault this never would have happened if it weren't for you of course you can blame the [ __ ] oh come on man and humans are the worst but this game is you know those moments like in the Chris Nolan trilogy Batman trilogies we're like they're each given the detonators you know in dark night and like no one does that that's when humanity wins but like this [ __ ] it's just ah come on man androids have more humanity pins ah so sad how long were you in the Attic well they we already figured out 19 days why don't you even try to run away say something goddamnit coming in I need to go talk [ __ ] it I'm out of here yo tear-stained ashes they give you the thousand bit my favorite Co word okay oh I hope I don't [ __ ] this up dude wasting our time achieve nothing out of it could always try roughing up a little after all it's not human Android's don't feel pain you would only damage it and that wouldn't make it talk good call deviance also have a tendency to self-destruct when they're in stressful oh very smart ass what should we do then I can try questioning it we have to lose go ahead suspects all yours sick let's go l lay think of the bits alright and buddy sick parvis 87-84 the bits I know do I hope I do are you doing man but the probability of self-destruction is low that's what it's Saturday damn that's messed up and water you wanted to defend himself there's full abuse wait what was that oh it's just his PA of the other guys yeah oh man Harley I'll wait to reach optimal stretch stretch hmm stress for confession stretching oh I should use this name that damn it Jonathan the GTX forbids horse to do I'll suggested events did he beat you I detected instability in your program it can trigger an unpleasant feeling like fear in humans hmm you're accused of murder you know you're not allowed to endanger human life under any circumstances suggestion do you have anything to say in your defense your defense too low come on let's go let's go stress them out stress them out what do we need um threaten you don't seem to understand the situation you killed a human they'll tear you apart if you don't say something damn it to low no I'm gonna probe your memory if you won't talk I'm going to have to probe your memory no oh he's stressed now don't do that I have to now what what are they gonna do to me confirmed by kisses they're going to disassemble you to look for problems in your bio components oh that's dress you out didn't it you have no choice if they want to understand what happens is a view feelings bro I'm freaking you out why did you tell him you followed me someone snitched I was programmed to hunt deviants like you all that stresses and now just accomplished my mission then talk to me yeah I okay pressure it or probe it damn I don't know I think pressure it I don't know man I want to be on its side so bad I don't know I don't want to probe its memory though you know what I mean let's see let's see if we can get on its side that's gonna stress him out machine you were designed to obey so thing that's dressing up there we go tell me what happened okay then don't talk what do I care after all I'm not the one accused of murder oh don't make you suffer it won't stop tell me doesn't have to be that way it all depends on you ooh stressed what Oh too much stress damn it my bad 20 I have to lower it I didn't realize I'm sorry I'll just get it to the point where he blows up all right I'm just more stress in the [ __ ] pot let's just calm it down oh man I failed you I'm sorry chat fellas you wait can I test again no all right you DS gave it a shot you know I think I was lost in my own sauce oh no I was gonna blow up oh it's gonna blow up Oh we're all dead you don't understand if it self-destructs we won't get anything out of it I told you to shut your [ __ ] mouth Chris gonna move this [ __ ] or what I'm trying I can't let you do that leave it alone now I read you [ __ ] that's enough mind your own business Hank yo I said that's lieutenant Hank to you this guy's a [ __ ] prick yeah you're getting a te doll so we stay though Connor is just awesome it's chilling I'm fine everything is alright it's over now nobody's gonna see I stressed you out so [ __ ] Balinese I'm so sorry let it follow you out of the room it won't cause any trouble oh yeah we we stressed him out and now we're like it's all good buddy it's all good no man really best that lit up stressing him out my bad I'll do better next time there's always next time right right who he has now we a revamped a rebooted Marcus or are we unaware on a bus over probably Cara and Dallas [Music] follow me Alice all right in the life Oh into the Lions yeah you're gonna have to leave one toke over the line your this game I'm it's just I'm blown away graphics the gameplay the mechanics it's all phenomenal GG's it's just so good dude the content is game themes fill me my again thanks for not being a jerk no sir do you know if there's any other place we could spend the night I have no idea thank you all right okay bye goodnight all right Anthony cotton hey James even they gave you the bit alright that was our first big mess of inkmaster think of the bits word it's all good no worries man I'm sure there's gonna be more in the future hopefully we'll see you in the future thanks again you find shelter I mean looking at what's that a diner but I don't have any money do I can we see where I have mine there's no way I have money I'm an Android it's this place shop is closed she that I'm comfortable but safe Oh okay over here too let's see over here uncomfortable but safe I'll take a bad sleep for safety honestly after running away from that psycho where's Alice Alice doing okay baby girl we have nowhere to go I know someone who can help you whoa we can just transfer in information that's sick we need a place for tonight what's on the other City free motel free okay thank you let's look at this thing isn't here an abandoned house whoo at least we'd be out of the rain car I don't like this place no it's just for one night and what doesn't look great but we're gonna we'll keep looking we'll keep looking there's no way to like I don't have wire cutters don't do what good is that gonna do okay drug stores closed what is that a little what is that a diner 24 24 hours it won't let us sleep in their zone huh hmm oh is this another spot was it that's gross but can we sleep in there wait I can go in there oh cool okay oh no is that really the only spot asleep oh it is damn okay what is this Oh cutters wire cutters sick all right we got a tool wait can we get an even better place ooh we go in that house user Android I'm here rip it off here we go cool yes it's just a scratch be careful cool don't worry we're just having a look oh wait that's the one she said she didn't like right it scares her I know wait in Oh I know my game for us ha ha all right game crashed kiddies all right love to reopen it it was doing really well duh it was doing really well for having gone that long Jeff fail me yeah it happens it's all good y'all should yeah we're totally fine I'm gonna reopen it no worries just let my computer breathe for a second restart all this stuff [Music] like computers a deviant deviating from his program that was weird it just shut down did you guys see the message the popped up said like you can't like close program or just let it sit here I'll good I'm gonna be open it right now what a cool game dude it's too fun right back in it again bro ah I need that duel PC setup dude I need to I need to get my other PC out of storage I really do need to man thanks for hanging y'all dude it's so fun this game is insane I crashed I'm pregnant Amelia a few times oh that's good to know thanks for telling me I don't feel too bad then Nazi wild ass games phenomenal though honestly I haven't seen you for a while it's good to have you back I've just kicked me out you just closed my game are you Davey yeah sorry sorry sis is doing music oh my altes being a weird but y'all been new that you know she wanted to see us again she cute cute okay let's see if this right here let's grab those wire cutters wait let's I'm gonna look around here a little a little more hold on before we go in oh no do the same spot same exact spot if I scan it messes me up if it autosaved here and it just has a glitch then that's gonna suck you know when this keeps happening every time I continue the story cuz it just reopens the glitch Alice warned us she did say she didn't like it damn it bro [Music] cool mm-hmm happen again if it happens a third time sorry I'm gonna have to like switch games before until I figured out like before tomorrow first dream oh good sorry it's a bummer oh it is kind of like Jennifer Lori she does look a little bit like Jennifer Lawrence pulling crab sure to get your head right hey good point yeah I might have to keep my mind right for a second I'm gonna restart a pig launcher just to see if that doesn't either reset so far this game is just blowing my mind all over my face so cool dude thoroughly blown away by it all all right see this works there's a patch for PC that came out okay cool thanks Corey Knox appreciate that I'm going to have to check that out probably when it crashes again so oh good it's Danielle de likes the 13 months do we did it hi I'm new here thanks Danielle much less you are welcome thanks today I'd like to continue the game is that possible I see everything blinking so I know you're registering what I'm saying all right Gigi's ah she doesn't like me modded angel linked to the prime sub I saw it what a mute sushi hater I might have to skip chapters let's do that okay if this happens again I'm gonna skip chapters or go back a chapter I'm gonna have to do that fortunately Stanback Alice I'm strong oh okay cool all right now lay down on this glass I kid like eating and sleeping Carnell okay that's uncomfortable but strange this is dry yeah and you don't like that house so alright but you didn't like the house either dude I think the wire cutters were making me glitch right I crazy I just won't scan again it's every time I scan and turning left there's gonna do this you know like glitch me out hmm are you alright I just want to see if these wire cutters are actually glitch if that's like what it's just a scratch I don't think it is here we go don't worry everybody hold your breath across fingers hmm I'm gonna enjoy it I'm strong as hell though it's dry in there I I can't open it though huh kick it open dude you're you're a droid Oh doesn't like visitors they're nasty and they hurt Ralph I don't know what the humans did to you but she had nothing to do with it all humans won't hurt us but Ralph won't let them hurt him again no keep let me oh geez look I mean angry too if you're gonna be afraid of all we want is places when you need visitors are dangerous look visitor up ouch sorry buddy just saw your doppelganger though he's looking real good we're not going to do you any harm you have my word oh you must excuse Ralph okay I'm still finds it difficult to control themselves sometimes others even do things he regrets it's okay I've seen some hard times obviously he's just so scared the humans will get immediate and I'm sorry you can stay if you want Roth won't hurt you okay we'll just stay the night come on come come come on that was a bad choice okay sure Ralph you just give me the knife and you stay in that corner hey how was that door open you can make yourself at home here Rafa's gonna go into the other room he would like to stay with you he has things to do it's just for one night Alice will find a better place tomorrow shoot right this is a bad idea see where you can sleep sit down and I start a fire take her upstairs and lock one of the doors dude I mean come on like jam it so that he can't come in start a fire get some wood okay got it yeah we got passed it in didn't freeze their time right what is this that's just a cool guy matches find some paper there we go John's a baby when did some swings took it's a fire going you finna mean it's going to be beautiful it's gonna be great it's gotta be super hot ah crumple it up here we go big brain on Brett you go Ellis I still has the knife GG's so crazy yeah uh we chose to go in here okay I have to make her a bed right we can we go upstairs what is this Oh pillow nice new pillows oh and a blanket never mind a little blanket uh let's go serious can I not clean this off and like oh please been here fireplace just kidding yep you need to be warm haha [Laughter] something tells me we should've stayed in the car yikes guy's a psycho you can come to bed look Alice you didn't want to go in the car now now look it's not much I'm nesting with this like I mean I get a he's in distress but like Gary I'm gonna meditate okay oh they gonna meditate okay you go away it was a life like other girls Oh sweetie the girl maybe I did something wrong maybe it wasn't good enough honey you did nothing wrong that's why he was always so angry dude I just wanted us to be a family I just wanted him to love me why can we just be happy I'll never leave me right promise you'll never go Oh No okay I got you yes I got you didn't even give me an option screw you taught the jerk if it freaking jerk this girl dude I feel so bad she's just perpetually depressed but I have not seen her smile once you feel me he's only been in sad so I can I feel so bad little smooch confirmed bye kisses sweet dreams confirmed confirm with kisses SanDisk quick asking screw you Todd freaking Todd Oh little Alice so bad this game is incredible man so many layers hopefully Ralph you know lets us live know mark is we what I got shot what's happening I'm alive where am i you know you know for us and Oh No diagnosed oh shoot I have to analyze my faulty audio damn okay district missing an eye on mind plate corrupted mine plate okay cerium pump regulator my heart holy [ __ ] okay knew that left and right leg I don't have any legs lieutenant daya you ain't out now like replace legs crawl ruff we're going all my strokes to funk dude she's only a flesh wound what a scratch dude what well so like you're like so excited compatible and you're like here let's go I gotta take my old one off all yikes Oh everything sounds crazy - I just realized because my ear can put my audible component is out oh no dude why is Marcus a total badass this dude's gonna lead revolutions sheep fill me man's later class and charisma pretty [Music] an incompatible ladies damn it we gotta fun more she got problem crawling past your breath oh no these be compatible please be compatible please be compatible let's go stand up take it take that take that take that okay [Music] and this we need to find a heart some eyes or a mind plate add an audio piece right we need a new I new here a new heart I have any three more pieces wait I can't even and properly we can barely walked it was crazy whoa hazard visits very cool hey didn't you say no [ __ ] extra heart laying around somewhere GG's no I said gross Oh gross oh no copy how come there's no other ones like me they look like me other roids because I've seen multiples of Ralph I've seen I haven't seen a multiple of Cara though or have I I don't know man let's see I'm just noticing things I can't even scan because there's it I don't have the right compile of a mine plate I guess I'll have a brain this is nuts man please all its incompatible shoot incompatible [ __ ] is gonna be tough huh that's gonna take a minute to find it well do things just walking around Oh Beth okay where does that guy go okay here and I'm gonna look at your bod I mean look at your body who's this okay was that for my ear but he didn't put it move the sound whoa this is so cool Danah dude this game is awesome oh yeah oh my goodness please have a working height for me yes pull out pom pom pom pull out pom pom pull out and pull out a little coups wasn't looking sorry I need some water my bros I forget to hydrate and stretch y'all now can i scan please place place place yeah baby oh wait wait wait wait wait wait I need to find a pump regular here okay good come on Amelie um well it's gonna search all these guys hi-oh compatible let's go sorry dude I have to take this that's like right where I got shot then huh thank you sure this is nuts I know I have to try climbing out shoot Marcus just has the most gorgeous time climb the slope dude [Music] and from the ashes Marcus did rise from the cooks is it relates to a legendary status as the only one to survive death Marcus there listen by bagelman chance and they will be crowned King above all teacher awaits less Marcus [Music] [Music] hell yeah dude [Laughter] no doing we're just having a good ol time I'll have to hold it oh no no way and it just masks itself go away dude it's just camos itself this is sick bro this game knows no bow oh my god oh my god so cool dude this game is amazing and I'm a [ __ ] excited nerd oh look at that outfit though and with this new duster be laughs sweet very cool wow man do we look JIT were reborn oh man Marcus is ha not gonna lie
Channel: LA Devotee
Views: 104,179
Rating: 4.979125 out of 5
Keywords: brendonurie, patd, panicatthedisco, brendonurietwitch, Detroit: Become Human, game, gameplay, gaming
Id: O5lzArT8_iM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 13sec (8053 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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