BREATHTAKING Farm Pioneering Organics in Croatia!

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So this is Zrno, the oldest organic farm in Croatia, situated one hour away from Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, in a small village called Habjanovac. Its area is about 20 hectares of land under different types of crops and under different types of crop production and management. The goal of our farm is to deliver products that are made from the very raw ingredients from the field all the way to the final product. There's a bakery on site on the farm. A sourdough bakery that makes like 20 kinds of pastry, 12 kinds of bread, There's a processing unit that makes different kind of fermented products, and of course there's the the field production, the grain production, vegetable production. In addition to that we have a farm-to-table restaurant in Zagreb the capital that sort of works as a point of synergy for all of those different production types, and a place where all the different farm's products come together to form a unique experience for the guests and customers. this system gives us an opportunity to have end-to-end control throughout all those modes of production resulting in a great final product. There is also the chain of all organic food stores Bio & Bio. In addition to that there's Planetopija which is a book publisher with a unique bookstore in the center of Zagreb with an eco gift shop within its retail space. And there's also Makronova, the education institute specializing in educating people about healthy lifestyles, sustainability, ecology, and so on. It was basically from this goal of educating people about sustainability, ecology, healthy lifestyles, that all the other activities, including the stores, and ultimately the Zrno farm, and the production on its premises, stems from. We are definitely committed to staying true to the Organic Standards, staying true to the vegan standard, and especially staying true to the local production in small batches. One of the challenges for our field production is the fact that we have both the biointensive system and the mechanized more regular sort of organic production. So we basically use both systems at the same time to fulfill the demand that we have on the market, the only challenges is that we have to actually manage both systems at the same time, which is something that we are still developing the right formula to do and it's something that we hope to figure out in the next season. There are 26 people working on the farm right now in different sort of segments of the production, in multiple shifts, and with the addition of seasonal workers, obviously, in the summer season. We really believe that the human component in producing all of these products is something worth preserving, and engaging the local community in making food for the future. We got the Greens Harvester about a year and a half ago right as we started our bio intensive garden. We really see the Greens Harvester as a symbol of the type of excellent products and innovation in the market gardening and in the bio-intensive space. Our main motivation is a strong belief that a healthy individual is a prerequisite for a healthy society. By producing food in the way that we do, locally, organically, in small batches... we believe that we are producing food that is of excellent value for the individual, and we believe that in that way, in some terms directly and sometimes indirectly, we are promoting the development of a healthy society. I think that is our primary motivation that gets us up in the morning and gets us through the day. I think farming can be a highly satisfying work. Obviously it's incredibly demanding, both physically and mentally, because we are always dealing with complex systems in farming, there are no shortcuts, but in some way that mimics the way nature is, and if we can overcome those challenges there's an immense amount of satisfaction waiting for anyone who pulls through.
Channel: Farmers Friend
Views: 175,675
Rating: 4.9676976 out of 5
Id: aRxymTETvXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 0sec (360 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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