Breaking the Spirit of Lodebar | Associate Pastor Chad Erickson

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still catch myself trying to call your phone all the hopes and dreams we used to talk about they're still alive in me and i just hope i'll make you proud now i'm your legacy and it's your love still holding me together [Music] [Music] get up get up [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] i can't believe come on church family singers with us is [Applause] [Music] [Music] he is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] like you so less of me and more of you [Music] you saw the glory it belongs to you and i decrease [Music] as you increase jesus my desire is to be unseen so let my heart be not on earth but in the kingdom and it's worth so let my heart being your name the only one who stays the same for all you've done and all you do so giving faithful and so true for my heart belongs to you so less of me [Music] and more you [Music] thank now [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] resurrection i see mental health restored don't you tell me he can't do it don't you tell me he can do it [Music] don't you tell me [Music] finally free don't you tell me he can do it to tell me [Music] resurrection i see mental health restored don't you tell me he can't do it i've seen families return [Music] lisa [Music] he will renew your strength say wait on the lord wait on the lord he will renew your strength [Applause] say wait on the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm trusting your [Music] your promises [Applause] [Music] lay that way on the lord shall renew knew their strength they shall mount up upon wings like an eagle and they'll soar they shall walk not get weary they shall run [Music] so so praise the lord [Music] again [Music] is [Music] salvation in his blood [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] yes [Music] set free all glory to him there's no mysteries [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] it's all on you everything i need everything i could ask for [Music] i'm praying god come and turn this thing around gotta turn it around gotta turn it around gotta turn it [Music] it around everything so god turn it around god turn it around got turn it [Music] is in around name the name of jesus breakthrough will come come in the day the name of jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] and it changes everything [Music] jesus christ oh [Music] [Music] [Music] is is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] believe it this morning believing today is [Music] is [Music] [Music] away [Music] [Music] the name of jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] turn it around [Music] if you believe he's working on our behalf church won't you love him thank you jesus thank you jesus you're turning again if you believe that clap your hands to the lord this morning i feel it's presence in this place god we know that you're up to something in this place right oh we praise you we i can think of no better time not only in the service but in the week than the first day of the week to call upon the name of the lord over every single need now that we have god's attention and that we have praised him and worshiped him him for a few moments we have his full undivided attention this place to be able to call upon that name and to ask and say god would you touch this situation would you touch that situation if you have a need could you just show that across this place church family would you look across the audience and see that every hand represents a need in this house today that every every hand that's represented is a place where god can step in and do what only god can do and i believe today that as we uh not only raise our hands and and make that known to the church body and make it known to god today but we believe that there's names that's been turned in online and they're going to scroll across the bottom of the screen today as we begin to pray but just a few that i would like to make mention of from the pulpit today sister boyette's mother is in her 90s and she is very very sick this morning and she needs god to touch her so i pray that uh that you would call her name today brother carl salyer sister brenda aikens sister jeanette carpenter all of these we've been praying over for some time but i believe that god is up to something amen i believe that god is doing something you say well it seems like we keep calling their names yep and we're going to keep calling their names because god is up to something and so i wish that you would with me right now could we lift both hands to heaven and we're going to call upon the name that's above every name god i pray right now for brother carl salar that you know god what's going on in his body i pray for sister jeanette carpenter god and she's had complications of open heart surgery that you would continue to heal that you would continue to do what only you can do god god i pray for sister brenda atkins right now god and she's recovering god from coving and she is progressing god because you and you alone god she said the other day as we stood by that bed that she's recovering in that she said god's not done with me because you're still up to something in her life god i pray right now for every hand that was lifted that signified a need a god that signified it a maybe a financial need maybe a a physical need or a spiritual or emotional need today in this house god i pray over sister voyage mother god who's uh god is seasoned in age today that is sick in her body i pray right now that she would send a ministering angel of healing in his hands to touch her right now god i pray over this church today i pray over every person that's watching by the world wide web that needs to touch from you those that are sick in their bodies god we know that the the the variant of the virus is is making its way through northern parts of our country and there's churches that are not congregated today because of the virus i pray over them today that maybe they're watching by the world wide web that they would feel your comfort god they would feel your power god they would feel the healing virtue of who you are right in their room right in their living room wherever they sit today come on church for just another moment could we just call out oh he hears the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous come on could we pray fervently for a moment almighty god of heaven o author and finisher of our faith o king of kings and lord of lords we call upon the name of jesus in the name of jesus sickness has to flee today oh i thank you lord for hearing and answering our prayers could we shout amen right now come on so be it amen in the name of jesus amen and amen thank you for praying with me today would you you can be seated in the house we have a few announcements that we want to make and our ushers are going to make their way here in just a moment but before they do we move on to the service we are extremely honored uh to have all of our guests here today first apostolic church could we give them a nice warm welcome today we thank you for being with us we know there are so many other churches in blount county that you could have attended today and we thank you for choosing to be here with us and we're excited to see what god is going to do in this house today and uh not only are our special guests that are maybe you're from out of town maybe you're from in town and you're just looking for a church but today i think uh the award goes uh to us a special uh man here um for traveling the furthest and that is our missionary from russia for the mark stumbo and this is brother luke stumbo's father [Applause] and i want him to come here for a moment and to greet you and and to tell you maybe a little bit about what's going on over in russia and we're just so honored and privileged to have him today give brother stumbo a big hand as he comes right now to greet us praise the lord praise the lord church or as we say in russia slava bogal you don't have to say that don't worry so happy to be here in maryville tennessee and to be with the church family i appreciate this church so much and we have such a long history with the maryvale congregation and your wonderful pastor pastor carpenter and family um just an honor to be here my wife was here a few weeks ago and we normally do not travel separately but uh by a unique situation we've had to come out of the country to reapply for visas unexpectedly so we've had to leave and come and and so but we're thankful for an opportunity to come here maryville and i think you know why we chose here of course because luke uh is here ministering in music and we appreciate um him giving up his bed for me amen so but we felt so thankful for this church and your love and your kindness you've shown to our family you've tremendous you've been a tremendous blessing to us through the years brother carpenter first came to russia i think in 2005 and he looked over the work and and he said you know brother stumble we'd like to join with you to help you and he has and this church you know has been a blessing to us and purchasing property and an automobile and all these things it has just helped the work of god to go forward and we're thankful that this church has been a part of that um you know we also appreciate the erickson family so much for helping luke and assisting him and as i just met brother nolan and his wife's new wife lovely wife and you know something the last time we was in america it was in june of 219 and we went back to russia and not knowing all the things that was going to transpire and uh but during 2020 2020 the early part we got that message from the embassy in moscow this was the last flight out of the country if you wanted to leave you needed to go now because all the borders were starting to close up because as you know coveted but we felt it was our burden was to stay with the work and we stayed there and labored with the people and we're thankful we did because we needed to be there for the congregation and then finally the borders just opened up about three months ago and was able to travel out and that's why i'm here today but you know what i saw i saw as i traveled back and you've seen it as well confusion and uncertainty on the faces of many people amen as they face the future but one thing we know for sure is that we as the church and the children of god amen we don't have uncertainty in our path or in our future amen this world may be shaken but the church is not shaken amen this world may have uncertainty about what's going to happen in the future but we know what's going to happen in the future highly that god is on the throne that the church has promised revival the church has promised healing the church's promise victory hallelujah yes the world may be shaken but the only thing we're shaking about church is the shaking power of the holy ghost working in our services working in our lives and working in other nations praise god and so thank the lord for this church and others that are helping us in the work there in russia amen thankful for the churches that are being established in that country thank god for the bible college and you're all a part of that so god bless you in the service amen god bless you and the work of the lord you're doing here in maryville and all over the world amen praise god come on give a big hand to brother stumbo our missionary to russia been so honored and privileged to be with him before and they're doing a great great work i can't help but see um kind of maybe some similarities and what god is doing and we've not only been privileged to have the name he's here for quite some time from the philippines our missionaries but we had last week brother robinson was here and he told us about the great things going on in turkey and uh we didn't know he was coming um he just happened to be here and then all of a sudden we we kind of knew through brother luke that that brother stumble is going to be here but i think god may be just reminding us or keeping it keep it in the front of our minds that it's bigger than us amen that missions is the heartbeat of what we do and what we're about to do here in this service today we want our ushers to make their way at this time i want you to stand your feet and we're going to give unto the lord i want to remind you as the ushers are coming there are some events coming up here at first apostolic church that you need to make plans for that you won't be able to uh just show up holes out of the back of that we're going to have thousands of people that will come through you'll be able to connect with them and minister to them you can sign up for that and sign your trunk up at the events tab at first also the battlecry tour concert that's going to be here you can go through and click on that tab on the events tab and be able to get your tickets for that and national youth convention is on there as well all of our strong tower students or any of you that may be wanting to attend you can go on there and find all the information about the events coming up there at our website at first if you have an offering could you lift it to the lord and let's pray over today god we love you we thank you so much for the opportunity to give we thank you for what you're doing right here on the soil of maryville and blount county but we thank you also for what you're doing in russia and in turkey and lebanon and all the places in the philippines that we see represented and we've heard about over the past few months god i pray that you would help us today god that you would bless us that we may bless others today god we come to you today with tithes and offerings god and we honor you and we bless your name right now in this service in giving in jesus name we pray let's march out of the right side of our pew and back into life and give unto the lord his tithes and offerings today [Music] [Music] we will stand on the rock of our salvation [Music] we will not be shaken we will not trust be the god of our salvation [Music] we set our hope on jesus christ our cornerstone in him we safely rest his love unbreakable we build our faith on jesus your name and not alone it's been our firm foundation our courage we will not i be you'll never fail me on you i can depend i know your plan is perfect i'm glad you called me friends you've been my help in crisis you are the one i call i'm standing on your promise you are the lord [Music] [Music] is [Music] we [Music] we've got a strong and mighty god no problem too big he's a mighty god hallelujah [Music] stronger [Applause] [Music] is is [Music] [Music] we will [Music] i was a wretch i remember who i was i was lost [Music] you made a way across the great [Music] freed my soul for the first time [Music] thank you jesus you jesus you have saved my life [Music] you took my place you were buried for three days but then you walked right out again [Music] for i have been transformed [Music] thank you [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] through [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] into glorious [Music] this morning thank you thank you [Music] why don't you keep those hands together oh we've come to praise him this morning anybody thankful for the name of jesus this morning thank you jesus thank you jesus thankful for your blood hey [Music] [Music] [Music] that goes [Music] tell the [Music] and world [Music] there is power in the name of jesus [Music] okay [Music] me [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] and if you're thankful for the name of jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is jesus [Music] hallelujah [Music] there is a hallelujah oh we thank you for your name [Music] jesus and victory is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] anybody thankful for the name of jesus won't you give him [Music] [Music] come on continue to worship him in this house continue to praise you in this place if you're not already standing stand your feet come on just give him vocal worship and vocal praise in this place hallelujah the enemies defeated come on do you believe that today by the power of the name of jesus by the authority that is in the name above every other name the enemy is defeated clap your hands unto the lord and just love him oh thank you jesus for your name amen and amen thank you sanctuary choir are we blessed with the very best amen i'll say it again are we blessed with the very best today amen amen and amen turn me in your bibles to first samuel chapter 16 if you're not already standing please stand for the word first samuel chapter 16 and verse 10 and uh so thankful to be in the house of the lord i i was pulling in this morning and i was uh bringing my my daughter paris and i told paris i said so paris i don't know this is this is fall break i don't know if anybody's gonna be here today or not but the church done showed up and i'm glad we did amen giving our god praise on the first day of the week this is the week of our uh academy's spring break and so i know that there are many uh who have either left to go on vacation or they might be headed headed that way maybe tomorrow and spending the week and just having some good time with the family and to that i say we'll pray that everyone has a very safe trip pastor and sister carpenter first lady carpenter they are ministering today and i failed i failed to ask them where uh but but i know they're ministering today and they have been texting this morning and letting us know that they are praying uh for us and that we'll have just a wonderful service and i believe that god is already here amen i give our missionary stumble honor isn't it awesome to have missionaries stop by and spend time with us here at first apostolic inn and why not because we believe that the missionaries are absolute superheroes let's just be honest for people to absolutely put their life on hold here in the states and to make a declaration that as for me and my family we're going to go overseas where we don't know anybody don't even know the language hardly know the culture said go out into all the world preach this gospel baptism here first apostolic will i want to begin this this morning with first samuel chapter 16 and verse 10. bible simply says again jesse made seven of his sons pass before samuel and samuel said unto jesse the lord hath not chosen these in samuel said unto jesse are here all thy children and jesse said there remaineth yet the youngest and behold he keepeth the sheep samuel said unto jesse this is interesting right here he said send and fetch him for we will not sit down till he come thither [Music] and then one more uh verse in your hearing second samuel the next book of samuel chapter four verse four this just just one scripture says in jonathan saul's son had a son that was lame of his feet he was five years old when the tidings came when the news came of saul and jonathan out of jezreel saul and jonathan had both been slain and his nurse took him up and fled and it came to pass as she made haste to flee that he fell and became lame and his name was mephibosheth i just believe that somebody here this morning is living in a place where you do not want to live [Music] not talking physical i'm not talking about your home the roof that you live under but i believe there's people that are here in a church this size and a congregation this size people are living spiritually in a place we're going to learn about a city called lotibar but you're living in a place that you will do about anything to get out of that place i'm going to preach this for a few minutes a message entitled breaking the spirit of lord a bar here we just lift up our hands let's pray together father we love you and we're so thankful lord god that we can come into your house and worship your name and exalt your name i'm so thankful that my brothers and my sisters are here today lord because i don't know what i would do without the family of god i i don't know if i could survive i don't believe that i could survive lord if it wasn't for my family here at the church i i thank you lord god that we have praying people praying brothers and sisters lord i'm thankful we have praying saints of god who lift one another up and lord who lift me up god i pray today lord god that i can minister to each one of them that we could see our need for each other in our need to live for you with everything we are in jesus name we pray and everyone shout him in you may be seated in the fear of the lord this morning david was the first king of israel to take a throne from a previous king we we understand you know the history of israel you understand that saul being the first king it should have been in royalty what should have happened it should have went from saul to his son jonathan to jonathan's offspring and it should have kept on going down the line of saul but we understand that there was a time there was a moment when saul refused to obey the word of god and god took his anointing from saul and placed it on a young man probably my favorite psalmist my favorite singer my favorite songwriter my favorite worshiper put it on a young man named david and so when david became king and took the throne nobody really knew what the reaction would be because this was the first succession to the throne and so therefore they didn't know if david would take on uh what other pagan kings would do and and what other pagan kings would do is they would kill off the family of any of the previous royalty because they understood if we don't kill off those that are from the previous royalty there could be a day when they rise up and try to take the throne back and so it was it was very common that uh in kingdoms and and of course not so much in israel because they had never had a king or never had a succession to the throne but in many kingdoms uh the israelites understood what the rule was for the new king and so uh it was it was a scary time for the family of saul so uh we have saul's grandson and and we kind of read this a little bit about him mephibosheth and mephibosheth uh he had a nurse in this nurse at the age when he was five years old this nurse had enough sense to say i better hide the son of jonathan so he doesn't get killed by this new king and by david because we know that that saul hated david there was a there was a lot of tension between saul and david we we understand that saul would would look and would search out for david trying to kill him and trying to kill his men and so i'm sure there was a lot of fear going on in the household of saul but as this nurse as this nanny is taking mephibosheth as he's she's taking this this young boy this five-year-old boy wraps him up maybe in a blanket and starts running as fast as she can i don't know the details the bible doesn't share the details but we do understand that she dropped him and because she dropped him the bible says he was lame upon his feet i'm sure it was a very traumatizing experience i i i don't i don't understand how you can drop a child and you could somehow maim them for life but this was before modern day medicine uh they were in a hurry she was going and trying to find a place to hide so a good chance is that the bones inside the feet of mephibosheth never healed they didn't they didn't heal correctly maybe maybe uh the broken bones because they were not reset uh the feet and the ankle bones and maybe uh maybe the shin bone maybe something was in a way that both of this poor child's feet were lame and i realized that in a crowd and let me preach this for a moment but i realized that in a crowd this size is probably many adults here represented today that had traumatizing childhoods and i i'm not here today my intention is not to bring up hurt it's not to bring up past pain but but the facts are facts and history bears witness that hurt people can easily allow themselves to live offended so this whole message this whole you're gonna see as i weave my way through this message and through these great stories of these great people you're gonna hear this over and over again because here it is i believe that the greatest way that a person can find themselves in a backslidden state is to become offended i would venture to say that if we were to go and get the vase that is in the event center or in the connect center the vase that is filled with little sheets of paper of names of prodigals if we were to go and start pulling those names out one by one i would venture to say brother schnitzer that a vast majority of those names of those people are not here today not because they didn't believe the doctrine and even many of them not because they didn't believe on separation from the world and standards of holiness the vast majority were offended and they never allowed themselves to get over the offense can somebody say amen you right now could probably think of friends and think of of people that have previously sat the same pew that you sit on and isn't it funny that that and it's it's not funny i guess that's just a term i'll use but but isn't it sad to say that some of the things that people got offended about were so trivial i'm talking trivial and we do laugh at the statement that well i don't go to church no more because the preacher didn't shake my hand y'all that's that's really that's some people's excuse that somebody didn't shake their hand when they wanted their hands shook and so they went to find somewhere else where where they could find somebody to shake their hand when they wanted their hands shook listen and i know i know it's humorous but it's true people people will get offended for the craziest reasons somebody will say something to them and not mean a thing by it and they'll take it out of they'll take it out of context they'll go home and talk about it to their wife or talk about their husband well he's he said that brother so-and-so was was the best cameraman and i guess he was trying to let me know that i'm not good at the camera or they were telling me that that brother so-and-so or sister so-and-so does this better and that was not even the intention somebody was trying to give somebody a compliment but at the same time there was offense and now in the mind of a person and listen i i i don't know about you but i i've got um if you've done real colors with us and the majority of you have i i'm gold green and the green inside of me is is is what causes things in my mind just to roll over i can i can play out a scenario that i can win or i could lose i could play i could play stuff out in my mind am i the only one okay i'm well if i'm the only one let me tell you what happens things go on in my mind things that are said things that might be in a text message come on somebody you could really take a text message wrong get an email from somebody and it's not worded exactly like you thought it should be worded and there's a fence there and you can start thinking well i my my my is that how he really feels right and you can play these things out in your mind and if we're not careful we could live a life of offense and it can start from a child and when i begin mephibosheth when i begin to preach about him you're going to understand that from a young child a five-year-old child this kid has been living and hiding for decades when david finally invites him into the kingdom he's already a grown man he's grown up to realize here i've been living i maim i don't look like the other kids i can't run and play sports like the other kids i can't walk to school like the other kids i've got stuff wrong with me that other kids they don't even think about and so he's allowed this bitterness to get inside of him and he's allowed himself to be bitter so in our text we read his nurse drops him and now he relives this traumatizing childhood event and here he is in a place called lotibar matter of fact look with me in second samuel chapter nine in verse one let's kind of read through the story because i believe that every person can learn from the mistakes of others the bible says in verse 1 david said is there yet any that is left of the house of saul that i may show him kindness for jonathan's sake we remember he loved jonathan and jonathan loved david it was it was a craziest relationship because saul jonathan's father hated david and even jonathan understood that david was next in line jonathan even understood he was best friends with david and he knew it's not me i'm not the next king dave is the next king yet they loved one another's souls and so david he's like i i want to do something for the kindness that jonathan had showed me in in verse 2 says and there was of the house of saul a servant whose name was zeba and when they had called him unto david the king said unto him art thou zeba and he said thy servant is he and the king said is there not yet any of the house of saul that i may show kindness the kindness of god unto him and ziva said unto the king jonathan hath yet a son which is lame on his feet and the king said unto him where is he and zeva said unto the king behold he is in the house of micah the son of emil in lota bar now here here's what i want to play on today because lota bar means no pasture it means no word and it means no communication i want you to think about this this is where mephibosheth has been living he's been living where there is no communication where there is no word and where there is no pasture that means it's a dry desert place it's a place spiritually where i never want to find myself again because i've been there before i know what it feels like to say lord please bring the rain yet feel so dry and so barren i've been in the place before where i'm like god i just want to feel you god i just want to know that you're here i want to know that you're alive you don't have to work miracles through me you don't have to work signs through me you don't have to do anything miraculous in my life all i want is to know that you are here i'm in a dry place i'm in a desert place i'm in a hopeless place and i don't know if you've ever been there before but i've been in those places before where i'm just saying god if i could get a prayer beyond the ceiling of this home and here we have mephibosheth and he's been in this place and it's not his fault he's been dropped he's been crippled but he finds himself in this dry lonely place a place where the fallen go a place where the wronged go a place for those who have been hurt it's where they can feel pity it's an easy place to live it's an easy place to justify feeling sorry for yourself oh come on i want to appreciate somebody today i i knew this wouldn't be an easy message because nobody nobody ever wants to admit they're in a dry place we're apostolic y'all we come in here in our suits we come in here and and we want everybody to think that everything's going so well in the family and everything's going so well in the marriage come on somebody you got the tithe is perfect you're wearing that beautiful long dress and you've got the hair all curled up and you walk in here into everybody else it looks like you're living in a beautiful prosperous place but you could go home and you can say god i feel nothing god i'm in lorna bar god there's a spirit upon me that it's it's way too easy for me to justify feeling sorry for myself and that's what happens when you're offended because when you're offended it's not your fault and so there it's very easy to feel pity it's it's very easy to go and just get into a place and say you know what i i'm just gonna quit you know what i'm just gonna i'm gonna stop i'm gonna get out of ministry uh you know i don't even know if i'm gonna go to church on sunday nights i'm just gonna show up on sunday morning i'm gonna pay homage to my god and then you know i don't even think anybody cares and you start this pity party nobody cares nobody notices and i've got to believe that there came a point in the life of this young man where it finally hit him that if david wanted him dead he would have been dead we're talking decades later if david really wanted him dead but the problem was he had been living in lota bar for too long he had been dropped it wasn't his fault he was crippled and here he is living in a place that he cannot seem to find his way out of listen to the words of jesus in luke chapter 17 because some of you i feel a little resistance but jesus said then said he jesus unto his disciples it is impossible but that offenses will come you better you better have your shield up you better have your sword out because offenses are going to come but here is what we got to look at if we're all offended obviously we all have a choice whether we will live offended or the whether we say you know what like a duck shaking the water off it's back and you're looking at me and some of you are like on brother erickson but you don't understand what happened to me you don't know what was said to me you don't know what was done to me how they treated me and believe me i don't know but i do know as i read about david that there was some crazy stuff that was done to david i'd i may not know you're i mean i know your story but i do realize it and i don't want to get ahead of myself but here we have a king who had mercy upon this young boy named mephibosheth and said you know what i know what it feels like to be left out of things i know what it feels like to be forgotten find me this young man in here and here's what david does david says bring him to me so here we have mephibosheth and he shows up in the palace and david says unto him fear not this is verse 7 fear not for i will surely show thee kindness for jonathan thy father's sake and will restore thee all the land of saul thy father and thou shall watch us right here david says to this young man thou shalt eat bread at my table continually now this is a young man and i know i'm a little play on words here but this is a young man who's living in a place where there's no word he's living in a place where he's not felt anything he's not been taught anything he has no word in his life yet the king says and we know this is what we eat right here the king says i want you to come to my table and continually sit at my table the rest of your days i'm gonna feed you the word that you need to be fed young man for your father's sake and here here david is in in another version because this is this is what he says back this is what mephibosheth says back he looks at david he bows himself to the ground verse 8 and says what is thy servant that thou shalt look upon such a dead dog as i and this is what another version says it says who am i that you would pay attention to a stray dog like me i've got no family here i don't have a bloodline here all my family has been destroyed i'm the only one left i'm the only offspring of jonathan left i'm nothing but a stray dog and this is what was really happening he was full of shame shame that he did not become what he should have became shame that he was no longer in the royal lineage of the kingdom he was feeling shame because of the way he looked the way that he couldn't walk like everyone else could walk he didn't look like everybody else looked he wasn't mobile like everybody else was mobile he felt nothing but shame and do you want to know what mephibosheth means it means the voice of shame so here the voice of shame is living in a place called lotobar where he has nothing it's empty it's lifeless there's no communication there's no friends he has nothing he has put himself and stayed in a location where he cannot get help until david says look at me he says i am offering you something he said i'm gonna give you everything that your grandfather saw ever owned all the property that the first king of israel ever owned i hope we understand that there was a lot of property there was a listen he said i'm gonna give you a servant you're not going to work you're going to sit at my table i'm going to give you a servant and all of his sons and family members are going to work the fields for you all the grains are going to come in all the income is going to come in all you got to do is sit at my table and eat of the word and everything is going to be done for you and you know what my mephibosheth says all he can look at david and say was why why come on man the king is offering you something here that's going to absolutely change your life you're coming from that right there and he's offering you the kingdom i would venture to say that that saul had as much land as david had and so here he is saying i'm going to give you half of the kingdom i'm going to show favor to you and here we have a young man that simply says why why does david feel compelled to show favor to the forgotten will it's very easy mephibosheth because david knows exactly how it feels to be forgotten you know the story uh probably the most famous story of david other than goliath was when the prophet samuel came to the house of jesse david's father and he said i i'm looking to worship with you and your sons that's what he said because he didn't want to get in trouble with king saul he said i'm looking to come and sacrifice i'm looking to come worship with you and your sons he said make sure all of your sons are in the house at such and such time i'm gonna show up and we are gonna sacrifice we are gonna worship together and so sure enough here's jesse and here is seven sons as they stand and as they reverence i'm sure as samuel came in i'm sure they probably bowed before the prophet and gave reverence to the prophet and as they began to walk in from the prophet the prophet said to jesse he said i i'm not here just to sacrifice but god has given me a command to anoint the next king of israel can you brother fuller can you imagine jesse as he thought to himself lineage is going to be royalty it's going to be one of my sons that's going to be the next king of this great nation and so what did he do he found his eldest son and he took him by the shoulders and he brought him before the prophet and he said oh prophet it must be him because he's tall because he's of great stature because he's the eldest he has the most wisdom in the family and saul or in samuel said oh he's not the one and he passed by the next one and samuel said he is not the one and they pass the next one and the next one and i got to believe that somewhere along the way samuel begin to think to himself maybe i've missed the word of god maybe it was one of them and i just missed it and so the bible says in first samuel 16 and 10 it says again they did it again jesse made seven of his sons to pass before samuel he said linebacker boys were going back through the line again and samuel said unto jesse the lord hath not chosen these and samuel said unto jesse are here all thy children and he said there remaineth jesse said there remaineth yet the youngest and behold he keepeth the sheep in samuel said unto jesse sin and fetch him for we will not sit down till he come thither how in the world does david not become offended in verse 5 of chapter 16 when all of the sons of jesse are invited to sacrifice and to worship with the prophet let me tell you something this i don't know if you caught this before but something jumped out at the pages with me it's so ironic that the master of worship i'm talking about the inventor of our modern day worship i'm talking about the man who built instruments for a kingdom to worship his god with i'm talking about a man who brought the dance before the lord and taught his people how to worship god with praising and worship god with lifted hands and clapping of hands he taught his people how to come into the house of god and give praise continually i find it ironic that he was the only one not invited to the worship service i mean if we're going to have a worship service make sure the guitarist is there i mean if we're gonna sing kumbaya let's get in the key of g let's go give me a guitar and we're gonna sing together here we're gonna have a worship service in david's own house and he's not even invited i don't know about you that would offend me here i am out watching daddy's sheep while my older brothers who by the way ain't as spiritual as a tick on a dog but there they are they're going to go worship and here i am i'm out here i'm out here writing songs making melodies i'm out here tuning up a harp watching daddy's sheep while i'm praising the god but i'm praising my god and here is a young man who refused to be offended because what if david would have been offended what if he would have took offense to not being invited to see samuel can you imagine what that would have done i'll tell you one thing there would have been no bloodline leading to christ jesus the savior the messiah there would have been the root and offspring of david because david would have been pounding back in the field david would have been out here watching some sheep and saying you know what i'm just going to create my own little bar i'm going to sit out here and feel sorry when the servant came to say hey the prophet wants to see you david could have said you know what you know what you go tell that prophet and you go tell daddy that i'm out here working and somebody's got to be out here working you go you go back and you go back and tell him that i've got some sheep i got to take care of apparently because i wasn't invited the first time through but that's not what david did david just said all right if the if the prophet wants to see me i'm coming to see the prophet and here we have david as before his own brethren samuel pours out the horn of oil upon his head and anoints him to be the next king and he lived happily ever after oh no brother after his dad sent him back to the sheep are you kidding me you just watched the prophet anoint your son to be the next king of the there wasn't seven other guys you could have sent to the sheep i mean if it's me y'all i don't know i'm just i'm just thinking out loud if it was me i would have been saying oh david my favorite son we're gonna have a kingdom in a little while and i would have been sick but no that's not what happened because when you have a servant's heart david was probably like dad i gotta get back to the sheep i've got old i've got oil running down my face i've got oil running down my garments it's dripping into my sandals but i've got to go back to my sheep because he had a job and he was a worker and he was a servant of his father and he said daddy i don't care what position i'm promised i don't care what position i'm anointed for i've got a job out in the field i'm not going back to lota bar i'm going back to work for the kingdom of god didn't get offended oh how many of us would have got offended when we would have got a promotion to be the next king and sent back out to the sheep oh god but but here we have here but here this is what's interesting and i guess you know it may have been david or it may have just been his father who did not value him the way god valued him i i don't know i don't know but i do know that that old king saul was being tormented by a spirit and one of his servants said you know what you ought to do is you want to find somebody who who is crafty and who's who's a great musician and who could come into your palace and into your throne room and and they can play a harp and they can they can soothe your mind and it can cause this spirit this this evil spirit that is attacking you it could cause the spirit to leave you and so saul said well do you know such a man and first samuel 16 17. we we see we see uh where where there was a servant and this is very interesting to me because there's a servant in verse 18 that said behold i have seen a son of jesse the bethlehemite that is cunning and plain oh look at this this is this is mind-blowing he's a mighty valiant man he's a man of war and prudent in matters and he's a comely person and the lord is with him now listen dad sends him back out the field to watch a bunch of dumb sheep and there are servants that take notice of david and they're like we know this one guy he's a warrior did y'all see that i've always visualized david as being you know not not not soft or weak but just the young teenager just a young lad out watching his dead sheep that's kind of how i've always viewed him but that's not how he was viewed by this servant the servant said hey he's valiant valiant means fearless it means courageous this servant said i know this young man named david he's a man of war he's prudent in matters he's wise he's got common sense and he said he's even a comely person he's saying king he's even a good looking man and you're not going to be ashamed of him being in your palace you're not going to be ashamed of him being in your throne room this guy has it all he's talented he's good looking he's a warrior he's smart he's wise he's confident he has common sense and i still think to myself how did david not get offended when his dad sent him out to watch the sheep because we don't read in the bible where the other seven brothers of david had any of these characteristics but here a young man just understood if i can wait it out i might be forgotten i might be left behind when everybody else is doing the things that i would really prefer to do but if i just do what i know is right and what i know is right is i've learned how to worship brother nami he got out in the field by himself he wasn't having a pity party the young man learned how to worship he learned how to worship before there was such thing as worship do we understand that but i chased before before there was bands and orchestras and choirs david came up with that you don't find that in the word of god before you hear of people making instruments but you don't think and hear about people using them to worship god but david's out in the field not having a pity party he's out in the field he's making instruments he's playing instruments he's writing songs you can look at the book of psalms and see even a lot of the material he wrote while he was yet a young man in the field but here we have david and i'm moving quickly but here we have david as he is an audience with the king and he uses his talent to sue the king and the king saw value in david now let me tell you something let me preach for a moment your earthly father may not see value in you and i don't know what messes up a young person a child more than a father that doesn't see value in them let me preach our fathers for a moment i don't know we we have a christian school here and we have issues within our christian school and a lot of our issues go back to children that either don't have a father or they don't have a father figure that cares enough to see value within them other things taking their time don't care anything about their kids don't care to take their vacation we don't have time for vacation take my kids somewhere to have fun don't have time to have fun with my kids and they're absentee fathers and i don't want to speak of jesse in a way that the bible does not call him but all i know is it seems like jesse didn't value david like the servant value david and jesse didn't value david like the king valued david and i know that there's people here and we've been overlooked maybe by family members we've been overlooked maybe by classmates or peers we've been overlooked when those that were talented rose up to the top maybe you weren't among them and you might have a little bit of bitterness you might have a little offense within you but let me tell you something if you just stay where god has placed you and you to stay in a place and don't feel sorry for yourself don't give up on ministry come on young person if you allow god to train you up in the wilderness he will allow you to get into the king's throne room and you'll do stuff you never dreamed of doing you'll be put in position you never dreamed of being put into but won't you see today in the word of god that it wasn't david looking to get in the throne room of saul it was saul telling somebody go get david you want your ministry let me tell me we've got to preach a strong tower for a minute you want your ministry to flourish allow the king to send somebody after you don't kick doors open i preach this all the time because i see it all the time i'll tell you what if they're not going to give me a frontline microphone they can forget me taking a loft microphone i see this i i see this happening well if i don't get a if i don't get a mic in the choir i'm just not going to sing i'm just going to stand up there and just move my lips i see that and i think to myself come on get out of ludabar i've seen i've seen it and i'm just gonna kind of go through i've seen it with young preachers well i see that they sure preach him or they don't preach me like they preach him get out of loader bar and go find some sheep to watch i wish they would give me some bible slaters to teach i wish i wish that they would give me somebody somebody to mentor my god david wasn't busting down doors looking for places to minister oh lord i just i listen i've been at a music conference this week i could preach right here for a minute so sick and tired of people looking for an audience to minister to y'all david played before the lord when there was nobody there to listen and he wasn't just practicing he had an audience of one he didn't need an audience of 500. he didn't need national youth convention stage neyc stage oh there's 35 000 people i want to sing on this day david wasn't looking for that he was forgotten back in a field with a bunch of dumb sheep but he did every day the same thing he kept on doing what he knew to do he kept on saying father if you want me to watch your sheep i'll watch a sheep i'll protect them if a bear comes i'll protect them with my life if a lion comes to steal a sheep out of the fold i'll protect the sheep with my life but at the same time i'll continue to worship god he was forgotten and david i believe probably was even in a lonely place but he refused to be offended so there he was in the palace living happily ever after oh no no because war broke out the philistines so you know where david went back to the sheep because that's what he did here he goes back to the sheep all his brethren matter of fact all the young men of the kingdom got invited to fight alongside the king we're going to go and we're going to fight the people we hate the most they hate god we hate them so there they go to fight against the philistines i can just see david going daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy please daddy daddy shirley surely surely i've got a sister that can go wash the sheep surely we can find somebody that can go watch it maybe somebody that's too old to go to battle why don't we send them to the sheep they can watch the sheep daddy daddy daddy let me go fight please dad come on somebody he was a man of war the servant said it he was a warrior he was a bear killer he was a lion killer he was saying dad put me in the game come on i just get me i want to go fight and daddy said no no i can see him out there listen i i might add a little bit to the story it's not going to take anything away from the story i promise but i can see david cry in tears saying come on it's not fair here i've been anointed to be the next king of this land i can't even go defend my nation here i am doing dad's business and and the bible keeps on saying he wasn't watching his sheep riley he always says he was watching his father's sheep doing work for somebody else it wasn't he wasn't making money this wasn't his sheep he was doing it for somebody else but i just believe oh my god i just believe somehow because he kept the attitude where he refused to live in the state and with the spirit of lodibar i believe god just kept on saying i'm gonna check you on through each one of these trials i put you through each one of these tests i'll put you through i'm just gonna keep on checking them off because you're passing the test with flying colors and his and his dad one day his dad one day sends a servant and says hey i need you to go watch the sheep and tell david to come see me and i can see david i can see david going oh thank you god he finally heard from you god and he's going to let me go fight alongside my brothers and he walks into the house and jesse his dad hands them a basket of cheese and bread i'm sure i could see david looking around like where's the sword you know where come come on daddy where is this so what is this i'm not hungry what is this i don't i don't need this right now i'm just wearing the sword i'm ready to go fighting the battle and jesse says i i just need you to go check on your brothers check out my brothers bring them bread and cheese he's like bring them bread and cheese okay all right bring the bread in bread and cheese okay all right god and i see here's another moment where a fence could have took place right here get that phone call and you're expecting that big invitation to do that thing that you've always wanted to do and they call you to get somebody else's number brother erickson i am the coordinator for the speakers of uh such-and-such conference and uh i wanted to call you today and you're like i wanted to call you today and i do you have brother carpenter's number that's what happened right there he was like i'm getting in the game and his daddy said i i need you to bring this bread and cheese to your brothers to to those guys that watched you get anointed to be king i need you to take this bread and cheese and i can see david as he's he's carrying a basket climbing up through trying to find trying to find his people no gps you know no apple maps i mean he's trying to find we know where where where my people at he's asking people have you seen the sons of jesse have you seen it and he's going around trying to find and finally he comes to his brothers and you know he's elated because here he is bringing them cheese and bread and they look at him and go what are you doing here where is it i got it right here because this this pulls my mind right here first samuel 17 eliav the eldest brother heard him when he speak unto the men and elijah's anger was kindled against david and said why camest thou down hither and with whom have you left those few sheep in the wilderness i well watch this right here i know thy pride what i know thy pride and the naughtiness of thine heart for thou art come down oh here we go thou art come down that thou mighty see the battle and david said okay the guy that should have been offended david said what have i now done he said is there not a cause he heard this giant ugly piece of philistine out there defying the name of his god and his brothers are worried about all you for the pride and you naughtiness of the heart i don't even know what that means blame it blame a kid for wanting to come out and see a battle oh who the horrible person and he looks back at him and says what number one he probably looked at him said what are y'all doing y'all hiding behind rocks and behind there's there's ten thousand of you there's only one of him what are you all doing i i is anybody else i mean i just i'm a thinker i told you that i'm a thinker has anybody else thought that you know what just send 25 guys and just rush the ants take over a worm that was 25 times their size i mean i mean all you got all you got to do is start swinging a blade you're going to catch them somebody's going to catch them somewhere here they all are oh coward down behind oh god what are we what are we going to do and here they are going off on poor david who's coming to bring them snacks and david says i can't stand what i'm hearing right now you all might be able to live with this talking bad about your church and talk about about your pastor oh god i should have went there i'm sorry i should not have went there david said david said you you might be able to take this i can't take this this is my god that they're talking about he is cursing he is cussing out my god and david said is there not a cause matter of fact if you read the story it's beautiful because david started chanting is there not a cause is there not a cause and the bible says that all the men around him started going is there not a cause is there not he started pumping up the team and i don't have time to go to the story we know he got him he defeated his giant but let me tell you something there there are people in this place today that because you're hanging out in lota bar you will never know what it feels like to defeat a giant in your life because you are going to be a type of person that every little offense oh daddy didn't choose me daddy didn't invite me daddy sent me with cheese and bread daddy didn't give me a sword ma where where where where and you're never gonna know what it feels like to be a david who steps out on a battlefield and says hey oh but i want to be the type of david that says the spirit of lotubar will not consume my mind listen i don't know who i'm preaching to but i know i'm preaching to myself i refuse to let that spirit overtake my mind in a way that i can't even do what god has told me to do because all i'm thinking about is what other people have done to me and said to me and said about me i don't care what you think about me if my god has me out watching sheep i'll watch sheep to the best of my ability you don't have to accept me you don't have to like me i don't care if you like the way i sing i really don't care if you like the way i pray i just want to do a work for god and i'm not going to let anybody offend me y'all i love david i love david because david is the perfect example matter of fact he was the type and shadow of jesus christ he was the he was the jesus christ type and shadow of the old testament even the son of god the flesh of god was rejected by those who should have respected him the most his own neighbors his own family friends the people that knew him the best what did they say well that's just the carpenter's son isn't it i believe they build tables for a living god jesus came in and now he came in he's like he's like i want to do some great miracles i'm coming home and i'm gonna do some awesome miracles here comes jesus i get to see him man he comes in and he's like all right here we go man i've been doing miracles here i've been doing miracles there i've been doing miracles everywhere i'm coming back home and i'm just i'm gonna bless some people we got some sick people we got some people about to die i'm just gonna walk in i don't even raise some people from the dead come on bring a funeral procession by me i'm gonna raise somebody from the dead and he walks into his own hometown and everybody brother young just looks at him and goes oh oh it's joseph's son is that the son of mary well there's a story behind that i tell you and the bible says he healed he healed a couple people because a couple of people have faith a couple of people might have heard about his great fame and his miracles and he healed a couple people but the bible simply says that he could not do any great thing but you know what that didn't stop him that didn't slow him down the man christ jesus i'm talking about the one that was tempted i'm talking about the one that hunger i'm talking i'm talking about the one that needed sleep and he got wore out i'm talking about that the man christ jesus he didn't let he was like a duck i said it earlier just let that water rolling off his back he said hey if you won't accept it because the only people that lost out were the people of the city god knows how many people had jacked up marriages up kids here jesus could have stepped into their life and made it all better and they said hmm we know who you are we've got your number jesus said ah okay i'll tell you what he he did the same thing he told his disciples he said man not not to dust off your shoes and go to the next town don't let it bother you because he had to teach his disciples that same thing don't let it bother you you're bringing the gospel of jesus christ into communities if they reject you they're not rejecting you jesus said they're rejecting me it's not that you're not bringing an awesome word it's not that you're not bringing miracle signs and wonders i mean come on somebody the very shadow of peter i see my shadow the very shadow of peter as he would walk by people people would be healed through the shadow if there's some people that say get off get off my front porch and jesus said don't get offended just knock the dust off your feet and keep on walking so what will we do i'm coming i'm coming too close what will we do when the spirit of lotobar tries to enter into our minds i just want to preach some application i i've preached about david i preached i i've i've preached stories about him with the opportunity to get offended but what about us what about when that spirit tries to jump upon us we can choose for the rest of our life and this is what's so sad because you and i both know that only the person that harbors hate only the person that won't forgive they're the only person that's suffering y'all because here's a sad thing everybody else goes on with their life everybody forgot about my feather chef everybody did he's living low to bar he's off he's sucking his thumb and this is this is what we have got we got to ask ourselves the question what will i do because jesus christ said it he said offense will come he didn't say it might come he said it will definitely be on your doorstep just wait it's coming and so we ask the question so will we suck our thumb and just say god for the rest of my life i'm just going to sit in a corner i'm giving up not not ministering anymore i i'm not nope nope no no no no no because that was said i'm done i'm it's over i'm out of here nope or do we do like jesus did do we do like david did do we do like mephibosheth did because here's the cool thing mephibosheth bellied up to the king's table he left lotobar behind and because he allowed himself to pull up into the king's table i want you to know something today the king's table hides a whole lot of mess a whole lot of shame that you might be feeling in your life if you'll believe if you'll pull your chair up into the king's table let me tell you something when you look at the person next to you the royal family member on the on your left and the royal family member on your right there is no difference between you and them because they can't see the very things that cause you shame why is that because you are sitting at the king's table you're speaking to the other royal family the king is speaking to you you feel the word you feel the communication you have the food you have everything you need to survive you're at the king's table this is what ii samuel 9 and 13 says it says so mephibosheth dwelt in jerusalem for he did eat continually at the king's table oh yeah as a side note and was lame on both his feet you know here's the deal i wish that us making up our mind to leave the wilderness of offense i wish that us just deciding to do that would automatically take care of our past but it doesn't church family it doesn't erase the fact that you're still lame on both your feet it can't take away the fact that your nanny dropped you when you were five years old it doesn't it's not going to take away those memories you have abusive relationships ugly divorces it's not going to take those things you will you're still lame on both feet but there's something about being at the king's table that you can say god i know there's things in my past let me tell you something there's not enough i'm sorry people are not going to be apologized to you enough to erase the fact that you're still lame on both feet i wish for the step i wish to god i wish it was that easy i wish it was so easy that that all you had to do was say god lord erase my memory god erase the bad experiences god erase from my mind what they said about me and god says no because then there wouldn't really be true repentance on your end and there wouldn't be true forgiveness on your end because if you couldn't remember the offense you would have nothing to forgive but god says i'm going to keep those things in your mind i'm going to keep them i'm going to keep them in your vision so that every time you see them you could say but i decided to forgive but i decided for that not to ruin my life i can't walk i can't even walk the fields that the king has given me i can't walk into the vineyards i can't enjoy the things that that others enjoy i can't do any of that however here i am at the king's table for i once was lost i once was in a place of desolation i once was in a place where i couldn't find water i once was in a place that was so dry i had no friends i had nobody to love me i was forgotten but i refused to stay there because here's the deal nobody can make that choice for us only we can make the choice whether we're willing to leave lambda only we can make that choice here it is today saints of god i pray right now matter of fact just right where you are close your eyes i feel the holy ghost i i feel there's somebody here today that's been struggling oh my god you've been struggling with thoughts going on in your mind and you don't want to be where you are you're struggling in a place called load a bar and i know i said it already but i know it's so easy to stay and load a bar because it's not your fault that you're there i know it's not it's so easy to feel sorry for yourself because everybody's forgotten yeah i know how this poor boy he was in the lineage to be the king he was going to be king after his father jonathan he was he was in line oh but somewhere along the way he finally made up in his mind i can't live here anymore [Music] you always bear with me just for a moment because i feel the holy ghost is speaking to somebody [Music] come on i just want to wait on the lord i feel very comfortable right now come on i just want to wait on the lord for a moment [Music] somebody in this place they've got some memories that are that are that are knocking at the door and i'm begging you don't don't don't resist don't resist those memories i know you've been i know you've been trying to keep them you you're calloused and you've been trying to even trying to keep them out of your mind but let me tell you something we're gonna have to deal with the fact that we're lame we're gonna have to deal with the fact that we're lame in order to get help because as long as we keep that hidden [Music] as long as we keep that and we can somehow justify the fact that we're in the place that we are we will never get to the place where we truly want to be oh the king's table hides so much shame i said the king's table hides so much shame don't i don't want you to hide it while you're living in lebanon i don't want you to hide it while you're in load a bar don't hide it when you're in the desert place i want you to hide it under the king's table because there's a difference because when it's hidden under the king's table the king is aware of the situation and the king is giving you what you need to survive but when you try to hide it and load a bar you have nothing you're going to die where you are but i've got good news because i told you earlier that the name of bibliship means the voice of shame but here's the good news when you read in the books of the chronicles the genealogy of saul you will not find the name mephibosheth listed as a as a son of jonathan because in the chronicles they list a different name for him they list the name mary bale i thought what i don't i don't get it what does mary bail what is that mary bale simply means to resist baal [Music] baal is a false god whose name means owner follow me so here we have the voice of shame becomes the resistor of the gods of this world that are trying to control and for the rest of time whenever the son of jonathan is brought up they use his new name they use the name mary bale because he did not allow his feet and his legs to identify him he said i'm going to resist the very spirit that tries to control me i wish there was somebody in this place i would you stand to your feet i wish you just lift up your hands right here and i wish somebody in this place if you feel that spirit now now i'm not i don't believe for a moment we have people that i don't think that there's bad people in the house i don't think there's people that don't love god i don't think there's people here today you wouldn't be here if that was the case but i do believe there's some people who are living in a place they don't want to live and i believe there's a spirit that wants to control your mind and you don't want it to control your mind matter of fact i want to open this altar today to anyone who's facing this spirit of lodibar in your life it's nothing to be ashamed of because i've already told you i faced this spirit i fought this spirit in my own life it's a it's a powerful spirit you're not alone in this place i don't want you to feel like you're an island like like you're the only one that's ever felt this i don't want you to feel the defeat of the spirit but i'm not gonna beg a person to come to this altar i'm gonna introduce you to the altar i'm gonna invite you to the altar but i'm not gonna beg you because here's the deal it's just an invitation and i can't imagine why a saint of god would ever not want to come to the king's table i don't understand why a saint of god would rather live in a desolate place where he needs everything when he could be in the house of god under the king's table and he could have everything that he'll ever need in his life come on when king david went looking for a family member from the house of jonathan that he wanted to bless it wasn't because he was looking for something in response come on somebody membership had nothing to offer the king but the king just said i want to bless you is there anybody that says king i just need you to bless me i don't deserve it i've got nothing to offer in reply or in response all i can say is that i'm sick and tired of living where i'm living i'm sick and tired of living with a hidden unfulfilled marriage i'm sick of being hidden in an abusive relationship i'm sick of being hidden in depression i'm sick of being hidden in sarcasm i'm sick and tired of being hidden in gossip in pride and self-pity i'm sick and tired of being hit with financial hardships hidden in addiction hidden in offense come on somebody right now and say god i'm ready to come to your table king of kings and lord of lords i want to sit at your table for all time i want to be fair oh god when i lay down in my bed at night i want to feel your presence lord when i rise in the morning i want to be sitting at your table and i want to feel your presence come on somebody i know i know i know there's situations that have been deformed i know i know i know there's situations where you are here today and you are brought up maybe by a single parent and they raised you the best they could i know there's hurts i know there's struggles i know the enemy wants to come in and mess with your mind then come on somebody break the spirit of lorda bar break the spirit of lord of hearts you're gonna have to lift up your voice as loud as you can and just cry out to god and say god i don't want to live here anymore god i don't want to be in this condition anymore god i'm sick of being ashamed i'm single on that pride control my life i'm sick and tired oh god of feeling ashamed [Music] come to the table the king is beckoning come to the table the king is asking how why don't you come to the table i've got land i've got vineyards i've got the rest of your life i want to bless you in things i want to put things in your life that's going to bless your family members it's going to bless your children from generation to generation but you've got to come to the table you got to come to the table you've got to leave load of heart behind [Music] everything changes darkness starts to triple at the light that grief when you walk into the room every heart starts [Applause] [Music] there but there's a future with the king oh there's a future with the king [Music] his thoughts are towards you he wants to give us an expected end oh come on he wants to give you an expectation he's not content with you living in london he's not content with you living there [Music] [Music] come on make the decision right here make the decision right here all right now come on [Music] come on i know i know i know i know oh i know the thoughts you're going through right here i know i know i know i know you got a breakthrough you got to break through it oh baal oh spirit of control you can't have my mind i'm going to resist you i'm gonna resist you you can't have me the king wants me the king wants my mind the king wants my heart the king wants my soul going he wants to get inside of you he wants his holy ghost to make a difference inside of you but you got to let it happen come on you got to let it happen [Music] paul why don't you buy something to pray for why don't you find something to pray for [Music] come on bring that spirit [Music] [Music] enough of you jesus [Music] come on keep on praying keep on praying come on this this is there's a spirit i got i feel two spears right now i feel a spirit of that you're responding to the word and you're saying i'm i'm tired i'm sick of it i i'm done with it it's not it's not producing anything there's no land for pasture that i can't plant anything i can't have any life it's not producing anything but then i also feel a spirit of people who have come and said now god i'm here what are you gonna do and i gotta preach to you not gonna do anything because it's not his choice it's your choice he's not gonna make you live at the king's table all he can do is be an opportunist and give you an opportunity to sit at his table but he's not going to force you to sit at his table you got to make a decision for yourself you got to stop stop praying god help me if you're not willing to get out a little bar stop praying god deliver me if you're not willing to get out of border bar you've got to first get out a little bar and they'll allow god to do things for you at the king's table get out of loader bar get out of the desert get out of the wilderness come to the king's house and receive of the king what he wants to bless you with come on one more time lift up your voices come on one more time just come on in prayer if you're not dealing with this church family i need you to pray for those that are because this is real this is a real thing this is not a made-up thing this is something that the church can struggle with if we don't face it down if we don't resist it come on church family come on let's pray for all those i pray against generational curses i i pray against generational curses that people would feel because their parents didn't do anything for god that they can't do anything for god and that they don't do anything for god i rebuke the thought that the children are not going to do anything for god i refute the generational curse that spirit of lord of our that wants to grab hold of the minds of the saints of god in jesus name tomorrow saints of god pray pray pray pray lord help us lord god help us to bring that spirit up help us to overcome we're at the king's table you're blessing us abundantly your blessing is abundantly you're giving us everything our father couldn't give us you're giving us everything our father jonathan could give nothing to myself but david said i'll give you everything your father should have given you and our god is our father and our natural father may not have given you what you should have got but your heavenly father is gonna give you what you need [Music] come to my table come on he's crying out to you come to my table sit at my table [Music] come on you gotta kill pride you gotta kill pride in your life i know i know that other people know about your situation come on it's obvious you've got two lean feet but you've got to get your pride out and you got to say todd but i'm still lord god i'm still going to come to the table [Music] here on i believe marriages can be healed right now i believe if somebody of a husband or a wife will get out of a loader bar and stop feeling sorry for themselves i know it wasn't your fault what happened in your marriage i know i know i know but you can't stay in lotabar just because it wasn't your fault doesn't give you the excuse to stay in lotabar get out break the spirit break the spirit heal marriages right now in jesus name lord every person that makes a decision to get out a lot of or heal their marriage or heal their marriage right now but i pray you put things back together oh god where they have separated where they've grown apart god i believe lord that you're gonna bring him back together oh yeah yeah yeah come on just for a moment let's stay right here come on god it's talking to somebody i don't know if you're listening or not but god is speaking to somebody right here whether you'll respond i don't know but god is speaking to the king has sent an invitation the king has sent a servant the king has sent a servant to come get you i am the king's servant this morning and i'm telling you the king wants you at the table he wants you at the table come on he wants you at the table oh god oh god come on come on come on come on [Music] come to the table come to the table come to the table yes come to the table oh the father's arms are open wide come on come to the table the father's arms are open wide yeah come on let's just stay right here right here right here [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah oh my god i love you jesus come on if you find yourself now seated at the table come on i just want you to receive come on receive the love the king wants to bestow upon your life come on let's receive it right here tony's about to pour blessings out upon you [Music] i believe the blessings in your life have grown stagnant because you're not in the right place but now that you're at the right place at the king's table there is food forevermore there is a life forevermore there's hope forevermore come on there's love there's peace there's joy come on i'm offering you right here the joy the lord is right here at the king's table get your joy back come on get your joy back let joy enter into your life again come on you've worn a frown for too long come on a smile oughta be on your face you've worn a frown for too long there will be something inside of you that every morning you wake up and say i'm so glad to be alive and i'm so glad to be at the table yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh thank you jesus thank you jesus come on just for one moment come on let the lord speak to you [Music] come on lift up your lift up your hands in a receiving posture not a worship posture not with your hands lift it like this but just open up your hands into receiving posture and come on receive from the law right now [Music] [Music] the king's servant has come to load a bar i've done all i can do i i've sweated out of my suit i've given everything i have god help us to see i don't want to be a statistic it's found in the jar in the prayer [Music] because that's where offended people end up offended people end up in the jar i don't want to find myself in the jar y'all i don't want to find your name in the charm three years from now god forbid i don't want to find anybody here i don't want to find your name in the jar set at the king's table we love you and we'll never stop we can't live without you jesus we love you [Music] we come on lift your hands up and worship this time come on position i'm gonna sing and sing shut up [Music] she [Music] without we [Music] can't get enough [Music] stop can't live without you jesus we love you [Music] jesus on love him one more time one more time just love him lord we love you more than just a song you're our king here our kingdom is looking to bless us and we're so thankful for it hear our king just looking to show favor to us and we're so thankful for it thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you jesus oh we thank you jesus hallelujah as we leave this place find somebody i know i know we're still kind of post coping i know with we're still in that in that state but i don't know some people might feel comfortable hugging one another
Channel: FACMaryville
Views: 1,163
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: HhMYSdGEd8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 36sec (8196 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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