BREAKING NEWS: Vivek Ramaswamy And Ro Khanna Have Spirited Debate In New Hampshire

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staff or St at the state department staff at the Homeland Security First of all we need people there more than eight years to understand what's going on in Ukraine and China I'll tell you something I I have humility I've been on the armed services committee I I've been there seven years I learned so much so much for the civil servants and they're not making the millions and billions of dollars in Silicon Valley that some of my constituents are they're doing this because they love the country and I just want people doubt I just want to stand up for them because it's I know it's popular in terms of demonizing them and not demonizing really important I'm not demonizing anybody because then you end over to the false debate the question is can a bureaucracy comprised of good people still be wasteful at a scale that leaves Americans holding the bag and I do not think it's the job of our federal government to provide employment opportunity for millions they should actually fill the open jobs in the private sector reduce the size of that Federal bureaucracy by 75% and I think everybody's going to be better off and that's not a slight against anybody because silic Valley it was one of my favorite leaders in Silicon Valley said good leaders take me recruit great people great leaders take people and make them great what we need is presidents who will inspire the federal federal Workforce and I think they can we when we've had great presidents like John F Kennedy and FDR and Barack Obama they SE that talent and they've inspired them and and they are capable of great things for the next topic you guys wanted to get into was climate uh I'm going to start with you Mr swam uh there was a recent poll from Yale and George Mason by the way that found that Republican views on climate are shifting and now one out of three Republicans think that climate change should be declared a National Emergency are they right or wrong I'm not one of those three republics I disagree so so I I believe facts matter here okay are Global surface temperatures going up yes they are is that likely owed to some man-made causes likely however this is not an existential risk for Humanity and to the contrary eight times as many people are going to die this year of cold temperatures rather than warm ones in the 1970s the warning of climate change was an Ice Age look at the cover of news today they warn the other direction you want to think about the climate disaster related death rate the number of people who dies from tornadoes heat waves and so on down by 98% over the last century why owing to fossil fuels the Earth is more covered by Green surface area coverage today than it was a half century or a century ago why because carbon dioxide is plant food so what we have to do is confront the facts and ask ourselves are the climate change policies hurting us more than climate change itself and I think they are and so my view is that yes we should ask what advances human Prosperity human flourishing don't ask what minimizes our impact on the climate ask what impacts human Prosperity even in the face of a lot of changing circumstances including the climate itself and that means using more of all americanmade energy including fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas and I will not apologize for that are we facing a National Emergency we are human flishing requires a livable planet that's the the premise of of human flouring we need a planet I originally when we were going to have this conversation I was going to come in with all these scientific facts and then one of the Young Folks on my team said bro you don't have to convince people in New Hampshire that climate change is real that it's an existential threat you all know you saw the floods in New Hampshire in Vermont this is not anecdotal by the way I heard you say anecdotal data the the American Scientific has shown from computer modeling that this is extreme weather events are the cause of uh increasing temperatures you know what it'll do to New Hampshire you know what they'll do to tourism here you think New Hampshire skiing is going to be around you know what it'll do to Dairy farming and productivity you know what it'll do to your electricity builds people in saw what it did in Mai I mean we don't have to convince the American people that climate change is a major threat if you're data person re Deo to report $14 trillion but here's what I don't understand first of all we have the record oil production right now under President uh Biden that's just a fact so what policies are we talking about that have impacted adversely we've got record actually production because the IRA hasn't even started to be implemented and let me just finish with this one point all I'm saying is we can disagree but maybe we can disagree you probably won more POS fuel infrastructure then I do I want to stop the export of our oil but can you at least acknowledge this that we should be open in a n trillion dollar energy Market to Innovation and if we can come up with new technology that is cleaner and and that is uh better why not and why would we want all of that to go to China look I'm open to some forms of nuclear but you keep saying nuclear nuclear nuclear the intergovernmental panel of climate change says it could be about 20% and most of it right now is not economical so what what here's I guess my question why do you have a problem with America also leading in solar in wind in in in in clean forms of energy why would I do I think I think that I think that there's an opportunity here for Innovation I love Innovation we've had innovation within oil production natural gas and fracking horizontal drilling was a great source of American innovation that's been a source of prosperity to Americans and people around the world to whom we export natural gas but the real opponents to Innovation are the ones who are opposed to natural gas which absolutely I consider a clean form of energy I've developed five FDA approved medic I love Innovation so that's actually not accurate Ro I think it's a lot of the mistaken policies here's my issue with the climate change agenda it has nothing to do with the climate actually and I can prove that to you the same people who will howl about reducing carbon emissions scope three emissions caps in the United States say nothing as we're literally shifting those same projects to places like China Chevron is dropping projects that are literally being bought up by petrochina on the other side of the world last time I checked it was supposed to be global warming I'll give you one more fact because I have read the science on this train as a molecular biologist back in the dead so I'll tell you this even if you subscribe to the poe tenants of this movement methane leakage is 80 times worse for global warming than is a unit of carbon dioxide methane leakage is worse in China than it is here so not only is it net neutral it's arguably worse even if you subscribe to the tenants of this world bu and I do think it is hypocritical that many of the opponents of fossil fuels are also the biggest opponents of nuclear energy which is the greatest form of carbon free energy production known to man that comes back to the administrative State the nuclear Regulatory Commission since it was created we have not seen the creation or the construction of a new nuclear power plant in the US the only country in the world that has a Gen 4 nuclear reactor is actually China so this is hypocrisy all the way down and I think that we have to ask the question of what advances American flourishing and what advances American flourishing will advance human flourishing rather than measuring one metric of carbon emissions in the atmosphere very quickly you know the pressure and infrastructure bu actually gives a lot of money to develop nuclear technology and actually helps expedite the permitting if you read the bill which is a net waste as long as you have the nuclear Regulatory Commission that stops no it actually is it it it call for reform of the commission the problem isn't the regulator regulatory I mean it's easy it's easy to just say oh the problem bureaucrat the problem is the economics the problem is the economics and I guess my point is they're in a governmental panel of climate change President Biden myself there are a lot of people who believe in climate change who are open to nuclear and tomorrow if we had Fusion you know Elon Musk says we have Fusion it's called the sun why don't we just capture it if we had Fusion great we've been chasing that Holy Grail for 50 years I'm for let's develop all of the Alternatives and I don't see why that's I'm I'm not against developing alter getting in the way and just a back on the nuclear regulatory because I think this could be useful in Washington DC if you're able to take this fact back 3 to 5 years was the time it took to construct a new nuclear power plant before the nuclear atory commission that's how long it takes in places like Japan and France today after that body was created it's 25 to 40 years that is to say impossible in the United States of America that's not because you all elected congressmen who voted for that policy it's because somebody who was never elected decided that we don't want nuclear energy in the United States and so a lot of this agenda has nothing to do with the climate it is about flogging ourselves in what has become a modern cult apologizing for our modern way of life and as your next president I will not and I think that's what it's going to take to actually revive this country I already give you one all right I want to get to the future of America okay um there the last topic we wanted you guys wanted to address um what do you fantasize America looking like in 2050 by 2050 Texas will be the largest populated state in the country will be a majority minority uh country multiethnic um clearly obviously to we have two indian-americans uh on the stage American Indians probably be a better way of putting it um and say Harris and obviously alen the race the top National politics agents are the fastest growing segment population in the United States what obviously poiz what does the future of americ look like they believe the fish if you if you had your way I'm very hopeful about the future of America I'm hopeful when I see the young people I'm hopeful when I think of my own life story you know when I I was growing up in Buck County Pennsylvania uh my parents could not have met a staff member to a member of Congress today there are five South Asians in the United States Congress this is a country of progress but you know what I think we need over the next 10 20 years we need an American production Renaissance if we Revitalize our economy in this country if we bring back the new steel that's also going to have lower carbon footprint if we bring back the aluminum production if we bring new technology jobs to historically black colleges his institutes if we bring Economic Opportunity to every community so they can build wealth and people can live in places they love that can make us a preeminent economic leader in which everyone has a stake and I want for every American the chance this country gave the vacant eye that's it you know I came my parents weren't uh poor they were they were middle class my dad was an engineer my mom was a substitute school teacher but I could go to a dentist I could get health care I could go to a good public school I had to take out too many loans I got lucky I went to silicon valy and you know did did well have a good wife whose father did well but we I had the basics why can't we do that in this country why can't we have child care at $10 a day Medicare for all free public College they say how are you going to pay for it reverse Reagan Trump Bush tax cuts put that money in giving working in Middle Class families a shot at the American dream that's how we bring this country together so I I think that I'm glad to hear that we also may share at least a longer run bright future for America even if we disagree about the paths that get us there we're taught to believe in both parties right now that we're this nation in Decline right that we're at the end of the ancient Roman Empire and all we have left is to fight over the scraps of a shrinking pie I don't think we have to be ancient ra the way I see this as a nation I say this as a young young person as a nation I think we're really just a little young right now actually going through our version of adolescence we're going through hard times I'm not going to come here and tell you it's morning in America it's not but it can be again I think we can still be a nation in our ascent and the way we're going to get there is by Reviving this thing we call Merit in the United States of America what is Merit each of us is god-given gifts they're not the same each of us on the stage the audience each of us has different god-given gifts but America is the country on Earth that allows you to achieve the maximum of your god-given potential without anybody standing in your way so what's my dream for 2050 that we'll tell our kids and our grandkids that the United States of America is still the nation where no matter who you are or where your parents came from or what your skin color is or how long your last name is in some of our cases that you still get ahead in this country with your own hard work your own commitment your own dedication and that you are free to speak your mind at every step of the way and yes that is the American dream what do you want polarized America to take away from this past hour so it's interesting I think we have celebrated our diversity and our differences for so long that we actually forgot all of the ways that we're really the same as Americans Bound by a common set of ideals right we we both have the same state of melanin up here on this stage so what is actually my answer to that question unless our diversity can be a beautiful thing but it only matters if there's something greater that unites us across that diversity without that we're just a bunch of two leged hire mammals walk in some Geographic space that we call a country do what our iPhones told us to do on a given day that's not America America is a vision of what that place can be ebus Unum means from many one and I believe those ideals still exist even though I disagree with my friend here on a lot of things I believe that in his heart and the people who he represents the people who voted for him even share those basic ideals in common we might disagree on corporate tax rates or whatever those are details but we agree on the basic rules of the road meritocracy Free Speech the pursuit of Excellence self-governance over aristocracy I think most of us in this country do I'm calling the bluff on the artificial myth of national division it those of you in the audience are not nearly as divided as the media in the back of this room would teach you to believe that you are we still share the ideals of the American Revolution in in common but now it's up to us to move just beyond celebrating diversity and differences to celebrate those ideals that unite us that is why I'm doing what I'm doing and I'm optimistic that we will succeed so thank you I you never Mell never criticized those who have the pen but but let let me uh let let me thank uh you re because you've lived up to your terms of keeping this as a civil uh conversation I think we need to more it was a risk for you to do this running and I appreciate your engaging James thank you I I guess where I would uh say is that I don't think it's history started with you or meacon I have the same aspiration but I also recognize the struggles of race and the struggles of people who have fought for that more perfect union if we were going to teach history properly in America and I one reason we should and some of you have heard me say this I would leave with a speech by Frederick Douglas called composite nation in 1869 Frederick Douglas after 20 years of being enslaved 20 years of being enslaved chooses not to speak out for black Americans he chooses to speak out for Chinese Americans in 1869 and he says I believe in the free air of America people can come from all different backgrounds all different Fates all different cultures and we will become a composite Nation since then we've had the internment of Japanese Americans we've had the Civil Rights Movement we've had hugget SN things where people like the and I weren't even allowed to be citizens we've had the our parents not being able to come here we've had profiling of Arab Americans after 2011 20 911 but we've continued to make progress and here's what I say to young people we have come too far to turn back we have come too far to turn back when I look at the young people in Congress Delia Ramirez Maxwell Frost Jasmine Crockett it gives me hope when I looked at this Young Generation it gives me hope our work is hard but our work is to vindicate Douglas's vision of becoming a cohesive multi-racial democracy and the more conversations like this that we have the better shot we haveen thank you very
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 50,594
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Id: clOJpox7xh0
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Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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