BREAKING NEWS: Trump Delivers First Speech Since DOJ Indictment Over Classified Documents

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have a record crowd here today so that's a building that's not exactly brand new it looks like but the crowd is record and that's a long time and thank you very much and to the Fire Marshals and fire department and police and everybody else involved a lot of people outside that couldn't get in I want to thank everybody and also to Chairman Schaefer for the tremendous leadership over the past four years thank you to the great state of Georgia we love Georgia we love Georgia great place great place keep America great again he just it's a great state we're also thrilled to be joined by the nrcc chairman Congressman Richard Hudson where is Richard he's around here someplace he is fantastic hello Richard oh there he is we're going to his state in a couple of minutes you know we're going to be here and we're going to North Carolina and that'll be great but Richard congratulations on a great job in addition today I'm honored to receive the endorsements of some really incredible people Patriots I would call them Georgia Patriots including Representatives Mike Collins where's Mike where's Mike thank you Mike great person thank you very much and also Andrew Clyde and Marjorie Taylor green thank you for those endorsements [Applause] thank you very much for those endorsements and we love you people that's a great group of Patriots and speaking of Patriots and I met his father I love his father too his father was really the man that gave him those genes according according to the world but I think the mother probably had an even bigger impact Bert Jones lieutenant governor Bert Jones and uh it comes from a Incredible family but Bert's done a fantastic job and he's going places he's going I've been saying that for a long time and I've so far I've been right he's doing very popular and doing a great job as lieutenant governor Public Service commissioner the first person in this state to endorse me Bubba McDonald where's Bubba very thank you baba and I like your jacket Bubba I also uh want to thank very much he's always been there a real powerful strong person and a man who loves your state and loves our country state senator Brandon Beach thank you Brandon thank you Brenda he's a great guy for seven years we've been engaged in an epic struggle to rescue our country from the Sinister forces women who hate it they hate our country and who want to destroy it can be no other reason these forces are far stronger than Russia China North Korea and Iran all put together think of that from within is worse than from without because the Right leader in America if you have that leader you can have no problems with those countries we had no problems we got it all straightened out they understood would have never ever had the problem with Russia Ukraine China right now is looking like they're going to do something and they would have never even talked about it right now however they're putting us in the most dangerous position in the history of our country and that's to a large extent because of the kind of Weaponry we're talking that we're talking about together we stand up to the globalists we stand up to marxists we stand up to the Rhinos you know the rhinos are pretty bad because with the Rhinos you don't exactly know where they're coming from the others you know but with the Rhinos sometimes you find out and we got to stand up to the Rhinos Communists and environmental extremists you know you have environmental extremists too we stand up to the open borders Fanatics the radical left Democrats they're Lawless partisan prosecutors the prosecutors every time I fly over a blue State I get a subpoena we want him before the grand jury and we stand up to the fake news media which is seriously bad and on November 5th 2024 we're going to stand up to the corrupt political establishment we're going to evict a totally corrupt President Joe Biden from the White House and we're going to finish the job that we started the most successful presidency thank you thank you and I think as everybody in this absolutely packed house knows I've put everything on the line and I will never yield I never yield I will never be deterred I will never stop fighting for you I didn't need this I had a great life uh people said would you do it again the answer is yes because we're going to make America great again we had it there and then bad things happened bad things happened with an election right declared bad bad things happened but we're going to make it uh great like never before I really believe that with your vote we will take back our country from these fascists and Thugs and we will absolutely make America great again from the beginning our America First agenda threat to the rotten it's rich and Powerful at your expense erasing our borders cheating on elections exporting our jobs and squandering our blood and treasure on endless Foreign Wars we were out of all our Wars everybody said when I got elected remember oh his personality you're going to have wars you're going to be fighting the whole world and it just worked out the actually it was my personality that didn't want to make people fight it was sort of reverse first time in 70 years that this has happened we started no Wars we finished some we defeated the Isis caliphate 100 percent and many other things we've rebuilt our military of course they gave a lot of it away didn't they huh they gave a lot of our military away to Afghanistan if you can even believe it Afghanistan is now one of the largest exporters of Military Arms they sell the things that we gave to them 85 billion dollars we lost 13 soldiers many very horrifically wounded and we left many Americans behind they moved out the military first now it was supposed to be the opposite you move out the military last they've launched one hoax and Witch Hunt after another to try and stop our movement and thwart the will of the American people every time you have not even believable Witch Hunt Witch Hunt scam hoax it's called election interference and they're doing the best they can with it because who the hell would vote for them with the policies that they have of open borders and no voter ID as the Durham report which just came out proved they spied in my campaign think of it can you imagine if it was the other way around they spied on my campaign and we caught them they forged false evidence to get illegal surveillance warrants the FBI offered one million dollars for a fictitious dossier written by a foreign spy to try to frame me for treason that was now they're trying to do it again these people don't stop and they're bad and we have to get rid of them we have to get rid of them first they put our country through hell and they knew it was all a lie the entire time they knew it was a lie remember it's not me they're going after it's somebody else and that person will not be able to withstand the fire if it's not me you know it'll be somebody else then knock it it would stand that far because that fire doesn't stop just with me that fire is going to go on against any conservative any Republican anybody other than them because they want the power but they actually want to destroy our country I believe that because there could be no other reason but I know them all and they uh in many cases even admit it they come up they say how do you take it we take it and we fight back like nobody's ever fought before think of it think of it we had Russia Russia Russia right total fake all came out now fake it was all made up by Hillary Clinton the dossier was by Clinton and others a Democratic party DNC so we had Russia Russia Russia Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine the no collusion Mueller Witch Hunt they found after two and a half years there was no collusion impeachment hoax number one perfect phone call impeachment hoax number two the illegal censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop from Hell remember the laptop from hell remember that when the 51 intelligence officials falsely said that it was Russian disinformation everybody knew that wasn't true they knew it wasn't true that's become a big Scandal that was another form of cheating on the election a lot of the great pollsters we have a couple of them here tonight they said that the I mean you look at what they said about it 17 point difference it's uh incredible but the 51 intelligence agents lied now the Marxist left is once again using the same corrupt doj and the same corrupt FBI and the attorney general and the Local District Attorneys to interfere in our elections at a level that our country and few countries have ever seen before they're cheating they're crooked they're corrupt these criminals cannot be rewarded they must be defeated you have to defeat them have to defeat them because in the end they're not coming after me they're coming after you and I'm just standing in their way here I am I'm standing in their way and I always will be thank you very much thank you very much the ridiculous and baseless indictment of Me by the Biden administration's weaponized Department of Injustice will go down is among the most horrific abuses of power in the history of our country many people have said that Democrats have even said it this vicious persecution is a travesty of Justice you're watching Joe Briden job I think of it Biden is trying to jail his leading political opponent an opponent that's beating him by a lot in the polls just like they do in stalinist Russia or communist China no different our country has gone very bad and think of it in three years three years ago we were energy independent we had no inflation we had low taxes we had low interest rates we had the greatest economy in history think of it I could stand up here all day long and just talk about all of the great success we had and now we have everything's the opposite inflation's killing our country energy is ridiculous and ridiculously how we're getting energy from Venezuela nobody can even believe it I never thought such a thing could happen to America as far as the joke of an indictment it's a horrible thing it's a horrible thing for this country I mean the only good thing about it is it's driven my poll numbers way up can you believe this well now it's driven up way up and uh somebody said the fundraising is through the roof that's less important but I will tell you it's really driven us right through the sky we're really winning big we're winning by every we're beating the hell out of the Republicans and we're beating the hell out of Joe Biden that's why they're doing it if I wasn't let me tell you if I wasn't there'd be no Witch Hunt there'd be no indictment if I was losing we're winning by a lot against the Democrats if I were losing you know they're the party of disinformation they say oh oh we want to run against Trump we want to run so badly against Trump we won the first time and that we did better the second time that we did the first time we won by many millions of more votes much better not even close we got the most votes ever in the history of our country and today we're more popular than we were in 2020 we're going to get numbers that are absolutely incredible federal law enforcement should never have been involved in this matter but they got involved and we just can't let that happen they got involved with Twitter they got involved with Facebook the pollsters say it made maybe a 17 point difference and then they say I lost we didn't lose we won by a lot but they say I lost by Twenty Thousand votes twenty thousand nuts you know we'd come here for rallies we'd come to other states for rallies but would come into Georgia for a rally with a 40 50 000 people they'd come in for a rally they'd have eight they couldn't fill up the circles and then you hear he clipped you at the end just clipped you didn't happen we won Alabama in a record number we won South Carolina in a record number those people that run at the professional say it's not possible to win Alabama in a record South Carolina in a record and lose Georgia just by a tiny little bit you know so you got to watch that you got to watch it we're all going to be watching it as president all of my documents fell under what is known as the presidential records act which is not at all a criminal act everything it's all judged by the presidential records act in this whole fake indictment they don't even once mention the presidential records act which is really the ruling Act which this case falls under 100 percent because they want to use something called the Espionage Act doesn't that sound terrible oh Espionage we got a box I got a box the Espionage the Espionage Act of 1917 I think was put in there about World War One boxes and by the way Biden's got 1850 boxes he's got boxes in Chinatown DC he's got boxes all over the place he doesn't know what the hell to do with him and he's fighting them on the boxes he doesn't want to give the boxes and then they say Trump is obstructioning he's obstructing now it's a sad uh sad day for the country you know I said last night I said that uh our country has tears because of what's Happening we have fake elections we have no borders we have inflation we have everything it's just going wrong there's never been anything like it in the history of our country we've never done like this and the division is so bad because what they do is so bad and our people are angry and they just keep doing it and sometimes you need strength you have to have strength more than just normal strength and we have to get a change because we're not going to have a country left remember I used to campaign and I'd say that we're going to end up being Venezuela on steroids and that's exactly what's happening to our country our country is going to hell I was going to change the name of our campaign to keep America great now that's not as good as Maga mag is Maga right Maga and keep America greatest KAG I don't think tag is never going to compete with Maga but we couldn't say keep America great because our country is not great we're left at all over the world we're no longer respected three years ago we were respected like our country has never been respected before they also don't mention the defining lawsuit that was brought against Bill Clinton and it was lost by the government the famous Sox case that says he can keep his documents they don't mention that these are Minor Details and that's the ruling law when I left office and was moving to Florida boxes were openly sitting on the White House sidewalk everybody was taking pictures of them this isn't somebody smuggling boxes out pictures of them you've all seated sitting with people from GSA and other people waiting to put them on a truck but they were literally sitting outside of the White House waiting for a truck to come then the truck come it was at for a long time and they put it in and they brought it down to Florida and they make it sound like it's a big if that's a spy operation or if that's something bad we did a very poor job I will tell you first thing you learn is don't put them on the sidewalk in front of the White House as a former president we were negotiating with the National Archives and Records Administration just as every other president has done and the next thing I knew Mar-A-Lago was rated by gun toting FBI agents we were negotiating [Applause] and again meanwhile Biden has troves of classified documents from his time as vice president which is much tougher actually it's actually a much tougher standard and even as a senator and the Senators are not allowed to bring classified documents and I heard a senator named Dick Durbin you ever hear what happens to be a Democrat he was beside himself he couldn't believe that Biden took classified documents as a senator it's a No-No a real no no can't do it I was amazed that I saw him I'm sure he changed his tune you know when he got the hell beat out of him when he went back into his beautiful marble clad office many abidance documents were in Chinatown and many of them were places that you don't want to have documents but I hear how wonderful he did think of it 1850 boxes he had mine is peanuts but you saw mine because they were on that sidewalk and they paid over a million dollars a year and they're still you know he was paid by China really because China makes a big payment to the area where he has the vast preponderance of documents and he makes about a million dollars a year paid by China and these documents were strewn all over the place and then he has document strewn on his garage floor where he has the now famous Corvette you know with that story his beautiful Corvette there was no security there they had a garage door that you could cut it with a scissor they didn't have Secret Service I have Secret Service all over Mar-A-Lago and mar-a-lago's strong and powerful it was built it was actually built by Marjorie Merriweather Post and EF Hutton remember when Eve Hutton speaks people listen well they one of the greatest ads ever but they built it and it was built as the southern white house actually and Jimmy Carter gave it up he said it was too expensive to be borne by and I was I said thank you very much we have to get that thank you Jimmy thank you very much but that was actually built as a southern white house that's very powerful but we have great people secret Services all over the place and that's the way we like it but unlike me who had absolute declassification Authority as President Biden didn't have any Authority and he had no right to possess those documents none whatsoever yet nothing happened to Crooked Joe with all that many many many times what we have and you know uh there was an article recently that all presidents take documents out they bring them out all of them virtually every one of them in Fairly modern times if you look at Hillary Clinton set up a illegal private server in her basement specifically to break public disclosure laws and that would expose her and her family's finances she stored vast quantities of classified and sensitive information some of it leaking into Anthony Weiner you remember him computer Anthony Weiner that was a real Beauty but much of it went into Anthony Weiner's computer that's probably the last I'm not sure I think I'd rather have it on Hunter Biden's computer than Anthony Weiner's computer and when caught Hillary deleted an acid washed 33 000 emails in defiance of a congressional subpoena she already had the subpoena and her age smashed and destroyed iPhones with a hammer yet the FBI and doj protected her they did absolutely nothing in Hillary's case the FBI and doj largely did not issue subpoenas they did not use a grand jury they did not execute search warrants and Comey declared that there was no problem he said no reasonable prosecutor would ever bring a case like that she knocked out 33 thousand emails and Hillary wasn't indicted she should have been but she wasn't indicted she was protected by the Democrats Biden was not indicted and what he's done is terrible you know they like to say well what Trump did I mean actually I thought it was I was impressed I looked I looked so orderly and nice somehow somebody turned over one of the boxes did you see that I said I wonder who did that did the FBI do that because they also did something where they put documents all over the floors and they took pictures and they tried to pretend like I did it and then they had to apologize they did it remember that famous picture but the box that was turned over it had newspapers it had pictures it had clippings it had all sorts of things nobody saw any documents there only Donald Trump is indicted and they take one charge and they turn it into 36 charges you saw that everybody was amazed lawyers on television yes they're not usually the best lawyers but some are very good they're saying we've never seen anything like it they took one charge and they made it 36 different times and we have a thug who's in charge this is a political hit job Republicans are treated far differently at the justice department then Democrats these are the same people who cause the lowest learner catastrophe that's as deranged Jack you know you know I'm talking about Jack Smith what do you think his name used to be I don't know is anybody Jackson sounds so innocent he's deranged but he's the one that caused the lowest learner catastrophe with the IRS one of the worst things to happen in this country in many many years going after evangelicals and Christians and great Americans of faith and they had to pay up and they had to pay up dearly for it when they got caught and this is the same guy deranged Jack Smith and I watched him yesterday go up and talk he talked for about two and a half minutes he was shaking he was so scared he didn't want to be there because ultimately these are cowards they're cowards and he's a big Trump painter openly he's a trump hater and his wife is even more of a trump hater I wish her a lot of luck but he's he's a bad Trump hater and she's a Trumpeter and you shouldn't put people like that in and you know the people looking at Biden is a very nice man they looked at Mike Pence he had classified documents no problem he looked at Biden he has so many classified documents they don't know what to do and he's trying to prevent them from seeing it that's obstruction but we didn't do any obstruction this is a sick nest of people that needs to be cleaned out immediately get them out we now have two standards of Justice in our country the Democrat Communists one who jailed their opponents while they protect the murderers who prowl our cities day and night and other Brazen criminals I mean what's happening to your beautiful Atlanta is so horrible so horrible people are afraid to walk outside and no criminal is more protected than crooked Joe Biden you know I retired the word crooked from Hillary because Hillary doesn't matter anymore and we're using it on by because in history there's never been a president so corrupt and thing after thing Jamie Comer Jim Jordan the things that those committees are finding are incredible and nobody wants to do anything about it they wanted they they say we've caught them here five million here five million there 2 million here getting paid massive amounts of money to be on the board of an energy company and admitting he knows nothing about energy it's really very sad it's no coincidence they indicted me the very same day that it was revealed that the FBI hit explosive evidence that Joe Biden took a 5 million dollar illegal bribe from Ukraine right now we don't have any ammunition Ukraine has our ammunition all of it just about think of it I rebuilt our military we had so much ammunition we were stuffed to the gills as the expression goes with ammunition and now we have very little ammunition to protect ourselves and then you see that he's getting large amounts of money from Ukraine and then you wonder why are we doing this and by the way that war I'd have it negotiated at an end it's a horrible thing in 24 hours between zelinski and Putin 24 everyone says oh you don't mean that no I'd have that thing done in 24 hours right as they're closing on Hunter and Joe Biden there closing in right now they say let's do this let's go after Trump that'll take a lot of the publicity away we're too hot that's what they did next Hunter will probably be charged with some very minor offense so that the FBI and daoj can pretend that they're Fair they want to pretend they're Fair we got Hunter for jaywalking while they ignore the bribery money laundering and other massive crimes implicating crooked Joe Biden right here in Georgia you have a lunatic Marxist district attorney of Atlanta who they say is coming after me over a perfect phone call in fact this call was even more perfect than the call I made to president zielinski of Ukraine this one is actually more perfect where I'm complaining about the results of the election because I thought the election was I thought the results were ridiculous and so do many other people in this room and if you look at the numbers and if you look at the sheets which sadly judges don't want to do and a lot of people don't want to do but when you look at it you look at truth to vote when you look at other things with the stuffing of the ballot boxes when you look at some of the data that came out and these this election 2020 but elsewhere we have a long way to go in Georgia they tell you you don't but you do you have a very very long way to go I had every right to complain that the election in Georgia disaster I mean you had a recent election where Jody Heist Congressman very popular congressman ran and he was leading in virtually every poll where's Jody oh Jody stand up look at Jody whoa wow but Jody's a better person than me because I really complain like Al Jody says well we'll get them next time but you know what Jody that was a bad bad deal because you were leading in was it every single poll and leading by a lot and the only question was whether or not you would get 50 or 49 50 there'd be no runoff 49 there's a runoff and not only didn't he get 50 and the other person that you're running against Brad was very low on the polls and those polls that we have some of the pollsters here by the way they they still can't believe it but Jody uh ended up with a number what was your final number Jody yeah around 37 percent and the other gentleman got 51 right 51 no runoff [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and then David Perdue was not losing by much he was losing the in the polls but he wasn't losing by much and on Election Day he was wiped out he lost by numbers that nobody ever thought possible very very unfair look we have to have honest elections we we just have to or you don't have you don't have a country you don't have a state you don't have a country you don't have anything remember there was a so-called water main break that never happened remember the water main break think of that the water main breaks we got a break let's get in there but that'll be coming up later as time goes by remember the tape then you have true the vote found that Georgia was one of the most egregious states in the nation thousands and thousands and thousands of tapes showing a thing called good old-fashioned right ballot stuffing good old-fashioned ballot stuffing in Atlanta people are afraid to walk to their local grocery store for a loaf of bread for fear of being assaulted or murdered and yet your local district attorney Fannie Willis is spending all of her energy all of her money all of her time trying to get Trump let's get Trump yeah you know you're setting or per capita Atlanta is about the most dangerous city in the country can you believe it and people are leaving in droves I loved Atlanta but they're leaving in droves because it's too unsafe and they spend all their money trying to everything this the not the number of lawyers they got murderers that don't even get talked about they get they have murderers that that nobody even cares about the numbers are astronomical beaten up that's horrible and they want to go into a phone call by the way you know one thing interesting about the phone call it was perfect I have a right to complain about the election would Marjorie Taylor agree where is Marjorie where's Marjorie Marjorie Taylor green is here she would say hello Marjorie she's a warrior oh there she is oh look at her how beautiful [Applause] you want to say something come on say something [Applause] [Music] I want to let you all know and this is something that you know this is something that I know president Trump is beating Joe Biden poll after poll after poll [Applause] seven points today and if he were to run against Kamala Harris he's up 11 points which is funny all right Georgia let's get the job done in 24 let's get president Trump across the line let's get him back in the white house for four more years thank you thank you I just wish he was a little bit more aggressive now she's great she loves the country she loves this state she loves her District she's uh incredible and she wins her District by incredible numbers in the past three years I remember one thing you know when we talk about this phone call it was perfect he was perfect I was complaining about the vote Jody's heard it 10 times but you know when you talk about the phone call I had many lawyers for the state and others on the other side right Bruce I had many lawyers on the other side listening and I'd lose them I said there were many people in the call now I'm supposed to be a very smart person number one I wouldn't do it anyway but I sure as hell wouldn't do it with like many people on the line but here's here's what happened so this only came up much later we talked they talked we talked I talked about how I thought the election was rigged how I thought it was terrible and everything else Brad rothensberg was on the line and a whole team and a whole team of lawyers here's the main look think of this the call was perfect but no of none of those lawyers they were state lawyers big ones the biggest ones they didn't say Sir what you said is inappropriate sir you must immediately take that back sir we cannot go any further with this call unless you take it back what you said is horrible we want to indict you for what you said sir it was just that no they just talked in fact we agreed to talk the next day because they knew I was not happy about an election that was rigged and you know when you had a couple of months later the two senators going up a lot of our supporters said we're not going to vote because they didn't feel good about what happened they knew they saw all those red hats and all those bandanas and all the all that stuff that's going in with make America great again America first they've never seen anything like it and they were lost by a whisker but but remember this on the call I say it now nobody complained it was a long time afterwards nobody said oh that was and if they were going to plan they have to complain against me they have to say why didn't you say that sir why did you say that you know they're so virgin there's such babies I'm sorry they couldn't stand no if they heard something wrong they would have had an obligation to tell me on the phone nobody said that you listen to the tape we just continue to conversation there was nothing that was said wrong I was complaining about an election that I think was rigged and the day that you're not allowed to comply to the proper Authority and the day that you're not allowed to complain an election then we are indeed communist China but just remember that for the reporters and the fake news you got a lot of fake news back there a lot of people back there a lot of people outside but for the fake news back there nobody complained about the call nobody said oh this is a terrible thing what you said sir is breaks my heart to hear this sir it breaks my heart now these are professionals they're very good actually what they do for a lot of other reasons perhaps but these are professionals these are lawyers these were people that would have spoken up even my people would have spoken upstairs sorry you're not allowed to say that or you shouldn't say that nobody spoke up there were many lawyers on the line of many people it's just ridiculous what's going on in the meantime Atlanta has the highest per capita rate of crime as I told you the highest just about the worst in the entire nation for people getting murdered and those people go free but they're looking for Trump because of a perfect phone call you have 71 percent if you think of it 71 percent right now increase from last year 71 percent increase in homicides in Atlanta and it now ranks among the highest murder rates anywhere in the nation and all they want to do is persecute Republicans and a person named Trump who did a great job as president I have to say but it's very much like the Attorney General of New York and the district attorney of Manhattan and everybody roll these legal pundits a lot of them are really good and that they're saying what a ridiculous indictment that was that was the craziest indictment they've ever seen there's no crime in fact they said if he lost he gets no jail think of this this is what they're doing and they're going to spend 200 million dollars on prosecuting a crime where there's no crime there was no crime nothing done there either but they just want to get Donald Trump the Attorney General of New York Leticia James she campaigned I will get Trump we're going to get him with it she doesn't even know me never met her never met the young lady we're gonna get her he's he said peek-a-boo James no that's not nice Bruce no but think of it she campaigned we are going to get Donald Trump if I win we're going to get him she knew nothing about me I have a great company I built an unbelievable company that's their problem we built a company that's really valuable but private you don't talk about it and uh unbelievable company and but they're going to get Donald Trump paid millions and millions and millions of dollars in taxes in New York Meg and that get me now these are sick people these are sick people our law enforcement has become weaponized at a level never seen before the stakes of this election could not be more Stark either we have a deep state or we have a democracy we're going to have one or the other and we're right at the Tipping Point right now we're way leaning toward deep state but deep State isn't strong enough it's really a communist country amongst this country deep State's not strong enough deep State now is a nice term compared to what we're doing either we have a failed country or we have a free and successful country and either they win or we win it's very simple they win or we win [Applause] now when I look at Atlanta when I see what happened to Atlanta over a very short period of time and then you know you have these people looking at this junk but when I look at what happened to Atlanta in terms of safety this was a great City at one point and now people are fleeing Atlanta and they're fleeing New York and they're fleeing Chicago on their fling Los Angeles they're fling democrat-run cities essentially San Francisco one of the greatest cities in the world and now it's seriously troubled at the end of the day either the Communists win and Destroy America or we destroy the Communists because that's what they are they may go by a different name fascists marxists never forget what the demented persecution of our movement is all about It's A demented persecution our enemies are desperate to stop us because they know that we we are the only ones who are going to be able to stop them we stopped them we had him stop called and they cheated like a bunch of dogs on the election I promise you this and I say it all the time we had a great 2016 but we did much better in 2020 I say it again and again because the fake news doesn't want to report that they never want to report it what happened in 2020 I said well I got millions more votes well I never thought of it that way sir let's get to another question if you put me back in the White House their rain will be over and America will be a free Nation again thank you I stand before you today as the only candidate who has what it takes to smash this corrupt system this is a corrupt system I mean they go after me nobody's ever been gone after like me I've had that from everybody sure this has never happened to anybody now they'll do it to other people if somebody else is doing what I'm doing but the other people are going to fold you know who they are they're going to fold very quickly we don't fold we don't fold our tent and go home and again we want to drain the swamp and I'm the only one that's going to do it nobody else is going to do it we know the competition we know it anyone else will be absolutely ripped to shreds these are sick sick Sinister people it's no wonder the swamp is getting truly desperate as they see us leading big pole after big pole after big Pole in this week's morning console poll just came out we lead the field by 34 points with trumpet 56. to sanctimonious at 22. Pence it seven Haley at three in the clarity campaign poll I don't know that poll but I love it it's a big deal actually a lot of people they interview we're up by 56 points Trump is at 69 the sanctimonious is at 13. Pence is at six but Pence has gone down since his last sadly because he's a nice person he's trying to get nasty though so we may have to fight a different way all of a sudden you notice that it's all of a sudden you get a little bit nasty Mike in the Emerson poll of Iowa we love Iowa look we got 28 billion dollars for the farmers from China think of it China gave us 28 billion dollars because they abused our Farmers throughout the country I got them to pay 28 billion for the farmers and I said there's no way we're losing Iowa I don't want to sound too confident because strange things happen in politics like you endorse people and then they run against you two days later strange things happen you endorse people you get them elected you get people that had no chance no chance they're dead their career is over you get involved you endorse them you do other things you get them up they win the election in a landslide and then they say we're looking forward to running against Trump oh that's nice now they're not looking so forward to it anymore but in the Emerson poll of Iowa we're leading by 42 points with Trump at 62 percent and we're leading crooked Joe Biden most crooked president of the history of our country by a lot in the recent Fabrizio swing state poll of Arizona Georgia Michigan Pennsylvania Wisconsin we're at almost 50 percent were leading Biden by five in the ABC Washington Post poll I'm up by seven points over Biden and a new poll from democracy Institute shows I'm the only candidate who beats crooked Joe that's hard to believe because frankly who the hell wouldn't beat him the country's going to hell you know they have an automatic constituency the Democrats it's not that easy but the Sanctus loses to him by a lot with each passing Day More Americans are joining our patriotic movement together we have achieved more than any person ever thought possible and this was from 2016. when I announced in 2015 everyone said oh what he has no experience and they were right about that actually the hell did I know I said where the hell is China and then I proceeded to take more money out of China's high than any president that is but we delivered the largest tax cuts and Regulatory Cuts in history more so than the Reagan tax cuts which were great we built the greatest economy in the history of the world we achieved energy Independence soon-to-be energy dominance for the first time in 64 years and gas prices were at one dollar and 87 cents a gallon we actually had them lower than that for a little while but I had to get them up we were going to lose the oil companies they were going so low they were getting Crea they were getting killed but now they want to give you all electric cars isn't that wonderful so you you feel does anybody want to drive for an hour and then wait four hours to get a recharge we'll end that first day in office I'll be ending all of that you want an electric car that's great but if you want other types of vehicles where you can actually drive for a long period of time that's good too you're going to be able to have your choice and if you want a gas stove or an electric stove you're going to have your choice and if you want to have a dishwasher that actually lets water come out you know I did that the people came to see me wonderful people whirlpool and some people they from Ohio I love Ohio we won Ohio so big those people are great in Ohio very much like you actually great people and they said sir China and South Korea are dumping washing machines they're dumping dryers they're dumping everything they're killing us we're going to probably go out of business I met with the chairman of the company and I said wow that's not good and I put a big fat tariff of 50 on all of that stuff and now they're one of the most thriving companies in the country they were going to go out that's one of the reasons they like me in Ohio but we saved it they were really they were doing it they were selling machines that weren't as good but they were selling machines machines for so little that was very unfair and I think they were doing it on purpose to drive them out you know what they do they drive them out of business then they quadruple the price and you have to buy their product because you have no choice I mean I can't believe they get away with this stuff but we don't get away with it with us we created the most secure Border in U.S history built hundreds of miles of border wall hundreds and hundreds of miles got Mexico to give us 28 000 soldiers free of charge said to the president I really like the president of Mexico a lot he's great he's a socialist but you can't have everything but we got a long way but I said to Mexico you have to you have to give us 28 000 soldiers on the border because you're letting a lot of people and they looked at me like is this guy crazy they said no we won't do that one of their representatives top person good man the state department left when I said it a woman was wonderful she said you know I've been trying to get things like that for 25 years sir it's not doable I said you want to bet bet you anything you want it's doable it's going to be easy it'll take me minutes it's not doable so I met with him came in I said we need 28 000 soldiers we want to have a policy of remain in Mexico we don't want them to come they're going to remain in Mexico until they get approved we did the all sorts of policies having to do with title 42 you're sick you can't come into our country all everything but I said you're going to have to do it he said no sir we're not going to be doing that I said here's what I'm doing I'm putting a 25 tariff on everything that's sold in Mexico that comes into our country on Monday morning was Friday and I'm signing it before your very eyes here I forget to sign it would you watch goes into effect on Monday morning this was on a Friday I said may I be excused for just a minute I'd like to make a phone call I wonder who he called he called my friend who was really a good person by the way and loves this country and he came back into the room within five minutes and he said sir would be our honor to give you 28 000 soldiers and we had the safest border in the history of our country by far and that means drugs and human trafficking which is mostly in women I hate to say human trafficking you know you think of it as an ancient crime it's not it's very the internet's made it bigger than it's ever been but we stopped we put that to a level that hasn't been seen in decades and drugs were down now they're 11 times more than coming in just three 11 times more they're pouring in fentanyl and we terminated another thing called Catch and Release we catch them in our country and then we release them in our country what a great policy Catch and Release we ended that think of it catch and release of democrat fair you catch him in the United States they could be the worst criminals you've ever seen and we release them in the United States I said what the hell kind of a policy is that so that ended also we did a great job but just as I promised I ended the disaster known as NAFTA the worst trade deal ever made and replace it with the usmca the best trade deal perhaps ever made and a massive victory for our farmers and for your Georgia Farmers and your manufacturers USMC you know how I know it's great because they want to renegotiate the deal Mexico and Canada they want to renegotiate the deal they're trying to renegotiate it with the Biden Administration and I just say to those in the Bible Administration all of whom are listening right now by the way don't do it don't do it they took advantage of us for years and years now we have a deal where frankly it's a much better deal for us than it is for them don't renegotiate the deal it's great though what we did is great isn't it nice where they want to renegotiate a deal for a change because these countries always rip us off we I used to look at some of the deals that were made they were so bad I said do these people like our country that are making these horrible deals I stood up to China like no Administration has ever done before and I made people aware that China was ripping us off nobody knew that they said oh China's so wonderful bringing hundreds of billions of dollars pouring into the treasury from China with taxes and tariffs when no other president had ever gotten 10 cents not 10 cents from China working with our secretary of agriculture Sonny Perdue from your state good man we negotiated more than 50 trade agreements to boost exports by billions and billions of dollars for the American Farmer we appointed nearly 300 federal judges and three great Supreme Court Justices gotten some great rulers no they would go crazy every time they saw me appointing a Supreme Court judge I fully rebuilt the U.S military we had more ammunition than at any time and as I said before now we have almost none I imposed a powerful travel ban to keep radical Islamic terrorists in radical jihadists the hell out of our country we took a lot of heat they said no let them come in oh really why do you want them to come in why do you want them to come in let them come in why tell me please tell me why and if you just take a look at those four years how did we do on that front we did great we accomplished all of this and More in just that short period of time and just imagine what we can accomplish in the next four years we can make our country greater than ever before we have some big obstacles one of the biggest obstacles I think is that we will have I believe 15 million people in our country from prisons and mental institutions and everything you know we gotta some rough ones some real rough ones we got to get them out we will do it we got to get them out here's just some of the Bold agenda I'll put into effect when we become the 47th president of the United States before I even arrive at the Oval Office shortly after I win the presidency I will have the horrible war between Russia and Ukraine settled and we'll do it quickly know them both very well we'll get it done fast would have never happened if I was President by the way all those people that are dead would be alive today all those cities that are burned and shot to the ground missiles going into every building knocking the hell out of them and then they say two people were hurt no many many people were killed the numbers are far worse than you hear about you see him knock out like 12 missiles going to buildings collapsing all over the place and they say two people were injured no no hundreds and even thousands of people were killed in those attacks individually and uh hundreds of thousands of people are being killed I'll get it done very quickly before I ever get to office you need the power of the Oval Office to be able to do it you need that but I'll get it done very quickly if it's still going on which is hard to believe it could continue it's a horrible horrible disgusting War I'm the only candidate who can make this promise I will prevent World War III I will prevent it and now people believe it too and without me it will happen and this won't be a conventional war with army tanks going back and forth shooting each other this will be nuclear war this will be obliteration perhaps obliteration of the entire world I will prevent it nobody else can say that I know all the players I deal with them and I dealt with them very successfully and they respected your president and they respected your country and now they don't have any respect for your president or your country to stop the marxists prosecutors who release rapists and murderers while persecuting conservatives I will direct a completely over told and this is so important so important it completely overhauled doj to investigate every radical D.A in America for their illegal racist in Reverse enforcement of the law I will immediately cancel every open borders policy of the Biden Administration you can come into our country but you have to come in Legally under Biden other countries are emptying out their prisons insane asylums and mental institutions and dumping everyone right here in the good old USA following the Eisenhower model people don't realize but Dwight Eisenhower is very very tough in this issue the toughest very very tough you don't think of them as being that way but he was very tough in this issue we will use all necessary State local Federal and Military resources to carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history when you look at the crime statistics and you see the crime tremendous amounts of crime are pouring into our country but we'll get the bad ones out very fast you know we'll be working with the local police they know every bad one and we're going to give the police back the respect and honor that they deserve I will ask every state and federal agency to identify every known or suspected gang member in America and every one of them that is here illegally will be picked up and will be sent back to the country from which they came and to further deter illegal immigration I will sign a day one executive executive order we're going to do an executive order day one so important ending automatic citizenship for children of illegal aliens under the Biden Administration illegal aliens are treated better than our vets okay not going to happen and because we're so open armed and stupid please come they come if you said you can't come they won't come that's why I was very successful I said no we're not going to allow you to come in and they really we really had it stopped nobody's ever seen anything like it I was talking to Brandon Judd had a border border patrol and Tom Holman an absolute classic Tom home and you see Tom Central Casting but these guys are total pros and we were talking recently and they can't believe what's happened but we could clog it up in about two weeks and really almost complete the job because we want people to come into our country but we want them to come in Legally we want to know who they are where they're from what problems do they bring are they murderers we'd rather not have you Sarah I'm sorry you murdered four people if you don't mind we'd rather not have you to save our economy from Joe Biden's inflation catastrophe and economic disaster I will deliver tax cuts energy price cuts and interest rates cuts the likes of which you have never seen before except in the Trump Administration actually we will pass the Trump reciprocal trade act which means if a foreign country charges tariffs or taxes on our products we will charge their products at the exact same rate it's called an eye for an eye now some of these these politicians India is very high on tariffs and China is unbelievably High Brazil is high a lot of them are high and I go to some of the politicians we had a senator from a great state in Pennsylvania who no longer ran because I wouldn't give him the endorsement this guy fought me all the time I said let me ask you something to me I said let me ask you to me let me ask you this question if China's charging us 150 percent tariff and we're selling the same product and we judge them nothing would it be okay if we judge them 150 no sir that's not free trade okay how about they charge us 150 how about we charge them a hundred percent no sir how about 50 how about 10 no sir no sir no sir I said how stupid is this or is he representing them in some way and all I say is reciprocal trade if they charge us we charge them now what will happen a lot of them will just drop it and if they don't that's okay too because we'll charge them the same thing we'll take in billions and billions and hundreds of billions of dollars reciprocal trade I spoke to a couple of senators and then it's not their thing business is not their thing and I said uh I described the reciprocal trade they said okay let me get this straight so they charge us right yeah and they charge us and then we charge them the same thing right if they don't take it off yeah that's right you got my vote pretty simple isn't it it'll make a difference like you wouldn't believe and it also bring back a lot of money into our country a lot of jobs back into our country but will also probably be putting a border tax you know these countries come into raid our country they steal our country they're stealing it if you look at Germany with their cars they don't take our cars we take their cars and I did a lot of changes but we have to do something because they don't take our cars I asked Angela Merkel Angela how many Chevrolets you have in the middle of Berlin well I believe nothing I said you're right you have nothing how many mercedes-benzes and BMWs do we have it's like you can't even see without seeing them all over our highways they're very good cars but you know what they've got to be fair and they're not fair because they think we're stupid that's the only reason they think we're so stupid our leaders have been stupid for so many years we're giving away our country we have 36 trillion dollars in debt we can wipe out that debt by being smart and also by being energy dominant we will make so much money we make so much money and sell it to countries that don't have liquid gold under their feet we have more Liquid Gold I call it Liquid Gold because that's what it's better than go we have more Liquid Gold under our feet than any other country in the world nobody knows that I did something called Anwar in Alaska probably the biggest find ever I think it's bigger than Saudi Arabia but it's at least similar but could be bigger the first day in office by the way Reagan tried to get it he couldn't get it done other presidents tried to get it they couldn't get it done the first day in office they terminated it this was going to make Alaska into something like nobody's ever seen before but the biggest beneficiary would have been the United States of America we would have been selling that oil to Japan to China all over the world we would have been selling it and uh but we will get that back and we'll do things but nobody could get it approved friend of mine called he said I can't believe you got N word Ronald Reagan could not do it I will revoke China's most favored nation trade status can you believe it they get a most favorable because they say we're a growing country we're a developing Nation they call it we are a developing Nation so we need a big advantage over the Internet well we're a developing Nation also if you think we are developing we're developing in the wrong in the wrong way we're going in the wrong way that's how we're developing we're going to turn it around I will gain total independence from China and we'll work with China we'll have a great relation I had a great relationship with President XI until covet hit our Shores and that was just too much we actually made an incredible trade deal with China I don't even talk about it because covet was so bad what came out of Wuhan the Wuhan labs and I said that right from the beginning I never changed just like I was right about live golf was I right about live golf I was right I said you better make a deal you guys the golfers you better make a deal I was right I called that one exactly right didn't I because if they merge if you don't make a deal you're not going to get anything and a lot of guys got left out in the cold but I call this one much more importantly I called this one and I'll hold the Chinese Communist Party accountable for unleashing the China virus upon the world and unlike my competitor who I got elected by the way Rhonda sanctimonious who voted to gut Medicare and voted to gut Social Security three times and to raise the retirement age to 70. that's a big increase I will always protect Medicare and social security for our great nation you know it's one thing about a politician they can lie during a campaign but you know when a guy wanted to decapitate Medicare and Social Security and you earn those things you know you earn them for a long time you've earned them but when a guy wants to do it and then they run and they say no we're up you know we don't want to do it we're only kidding no we don't want to do it they always go back to doing it I see that with politicians it's sort of like when somebody's a never Trumper and then we win and they come and they just absolutely kiss my ass please please sir please I I I love you very much I love you so we give them a shot they always end up being a never trouble I don't know when they're bad that bad but the truth is with politicians and I did know politicians long before I actually officially ran for office because I dealt with a lot of politicians but when a politician has an idea to hurt Social Security make the age 70 hurt Medicare 100 they go back to it after the election hundred percent so you can vote for Ron to sanctimonious because he voted three times to destroy he also wants to put a national sales tax of 23 on all of our citizens and you don't want that that's very bad for people that don't have a lot of money you're going to be paying the same sales taxes rich people I don't think that's going to work too well but he wanted to do that and he fought hard to do it because he's a disciple of Paul Ryan and Paul Ryan is a disaster you can't let you don't want any Disciples of Paul Ryan I will immediately sign a new executive order to cut Federal funding for any school pushing critical race Theory transgender insanity and other inappropriate racial sexual or political content on our children and likewise I will immediately take care of this I will keep men out of women's sports and who believes I even have to say this can you imagine having to say this where did this country go where did our minds go they got blown up by drugs or something I will sign a law prohibiting child sexual mutilation in office now can you believe it sexual mutilation and one of the big things I hate to even say because it's so ridiculous can you imagine saying this 10 15 years ago I will give you back your parental rights parental rights who wouldn't have parental rights can you believe you have to even say this I will give you back your parental rights if they could have gone back 15 years and somebody heard that statement being made they say no no that's crazy to make a statement like that of course to have parental rights you can have your parental rights back in addition I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or mask mandate from kindergarten through college and as I announce this week to continue my long record of standing up to Big farmer I will establish a special presidential commission to investigate what is causing the decades-long increase in childhood diseases autoimmune disorders autism obesity infertility and other chronic health problems where is it all coming from where is it all coming from we started a big program but they ended it very quickly where is it all coming from to uphold our Second Amendment or I'll ask Congress to put a bill in my desk delivering National concealed carry reciprocity and I will protect innocent life just as I did before strong years Four Strong years bring back free speech in America that's what we have to do we're going to bring back Free Speech right now we're a country that doesn't know what's happening we're a country that hasn't been given free speech and when you watch the cover-up of the fake news media of crimes that are being had where Biden steals money and they don't want to have it this would have been the biggest story 20 25 years ago maybe much closer than that the things that they're revealing and are being revealed would have been Front Page News everybody would have wanted a fake Pulitzer Prize because a Pulitzer Prize deal is in fact how about this I'm suing the Pulitzer Foundation because they gave the Pulitzer Prize to reporters for their accurate and magnificent and beautiful reporting on Russia Russia Russia they were exactly wrong it was a hoax so therefore they should give back the Pulitzer prizes so let's see how that one turns out there they got a tough one there they gave out the Pulitzer Prize to people that wrote about Russia Russia for their wonderful reporting they were exactly wrong on their reporting so we'll see how that turns out finally to restore pride in our history and confidence in our future I will lead a massive year-long salute to America to celebrate the 250th anniversary of July 4th 1776. July 4th 1776 big big time [Music] yeah thank you thank you that's nice to hear that some people like to use other dates you don't mind I'm going to stick with that one is that okay this is what we must do to restore our country to Greatness the USA is a mess our economy is crashing inflation is out of control China Russia Iran North Korea have formed together and there are menacing and destructive Coalition and force our currency is crashing and will soon no longer be the world standard that's like losing a war it'll be the greatest defeat for our country in 200 years if that happens people don't know how big that is but it won't happen with me not even a chance just like Russia would never have happened with Ukraine and China would not even being having a thought about raiding Taiwan some Democrats said last week well how do we know and this wonderful announcer this wonderful pundit said well he was there four years we never heard anything about it they never talked about it I talked to Putin I talked to president XI President Putin I said we're not going to do it they never even brought it up now as soon as I leave that's they've got bombers flying over Taiwan Ukraine is one of the worst things anyone's ever seen it's just a mess what a shame what a shame what a shame all those lives I lost if you took the worst five presidents in the history of the United States and added them up they would not have done near the destruction to our country as Joe Biden and the Biden Administration have done that wouldn't it what they've done to our country we are a failing Nation we are a nation in Decline and now these radical left lunatics want to interfere with our elections by using law enforcement we're not going to let it happen it's totally corrupted we can't let it happen this is the final battle this is the most important election we've ever had with you at my side we will demolish the Communists the fascists the marxists the Deep state whatever you want to call them we will expel the war mongers from our government let's start a war every week else start a war we don't want Wars we can't afford Wars and we don't want death we want to keep people living whether it's here or other countries we don't want to kill people for no reason we will drive out the globalists we will cast out the Communists we will throw off the sick political class that hates our country and wants to destroy our country we will route the fake news media they don't want to talk about anything if the Democrats do something bad they don't they will not write it you know you can't have a scandal if the fake news won't talk about it they don't want to talk about it the job that they're doing in Congress is so amazing Jamie and Jim and all of the people together but the news doesn't want to pick it up these are the biggest scandals ever in the history of our country we're a president of the United States is being paid off and to try and deflect that he said let's try and arrest a president that served before him and had an unbelievable success record a record like really very few presidents if any have ever had Over a four-year period think of it and then we get 12 to 14 million more votes than we got the first time and they were saying that if you get the same 63 million votes sir you can't lose the pollsters are right there sitting right there you can't lose sir well we got millions and millions of more votes and they say we lost but we didn't lose you know that and this they use covet to cheat they use covet to cheat mail-in ballots by the way will always be dishonest Jimmy Carter uh very nice man he had a commission and his commission said the one thing please please never use mail-in ballots your elections will be fraudulent France went to paper ballots same-day voting voter ID [Applause] 36 million people voting recently by 10 o'clock in the evening the election was over you had a winner you had a loser and that was the end of it and they used to do mail-in ballots but they ended it because it was so corrupt it's going to be corrupt whether it's I would never say this about our mailman because we love our mailmen but whether it's the mailman or all the many people that touched those ballots they find them in rivers they find them in streams they find them all over the place many people got many ballots you all know the stories everyone knows and the Democrats know it's no good but France ended at many other countries ended it in Canada they do a different system they have paper ballots so we have to think about that because again you don't have borders you don't have Fair elections you don't have a country you don't have a country we'll expose the Rhinos we'll defeat Joe Biden and we will liberate America from these villains once and for all the silent majority is rising and under our leadership the Forgotten men and women will never be forgotten again they're never going to be forgotten again we said that in 2016. and you know in 2016 the Border was a big issue and I did such a good job that in 2020 we couldn't mention the Border because nobody thought about the Border because we had such a good border can you believe it I used to talk about the border the border the board everybody would fall asleep because we had the strongest border the most secure border that we've ever had in the history of our country and now it's worse than it's ever been this makes 2016 when I took over it looked like Child's Play and we're not going to let it happen we're not going to let millions of people come come into our country that shouldn't be here with your help your love and your prayers we will make America great again and I just want to thank the great people of Georgia you've been an incredible state for me and so many friends and I want to see you live and enjoy your state we don't want to see people murdered many a day we don't want to see it we want strength we want to pay great respect to our police we want to cherish our police and our firemen and all the people that make it safe not destroy their lives if they happen to do something that perhaps because they make mistakes and there's always some bad ones no matter what you do but we cannot let our country go to hell these cities are worse than War zones we have to let the police do the job that they know how to do and they know how to do it brilliantly but we have to cherish them we have to make them Heroes again we have to make them Heroes again so for Atlanta and from all of these cities all of these cities all over the country that are rotting away and becoming cesspools of murder we're going to do something that's going to be very strong and we're going to stop the crime wave because this crime wave will not let our country exist you can't lose these great cities these great powerful beautiful cities with Gorgeous buildings and all of the things and right down on the sidewalk everybody's being murdered and beat up and mugged we're not going to let it happen thank you very much everybody it's a great honor to be here thank you thank you
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 1,416,761
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Length: 83min 18sec (4998 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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