BREAKING NEWS: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Explodes At Stacey Plaskett, Accuses Her Of 'Defamation'

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thank you Mr chairman and I'd like to yield my time to representative Massey I thank the gentleman from North Dakota wow the irony and cognitive dissonance from the other side of the aisle it's deafening you could cut it with a knife they are at the same time denying that censorship is occurring but suggesting that there's more material that needs to be censored this is a hearing on censorship that began with an effort with a formal motion from the other side of the aisle to censor Mr Kennedy they do not want him to speak yet that is the topic of this hearing they have kept him from speaking a collusion between the government and private organizations Mr Kennedy and your opening statement you introduced us to this word Mal information can you tell us more about this made-up word what it means and some of the things that you've said or tried to say that you've been censored for that's been characterized as Mal information yes Congressman as and if if or leave I'd like to just respond please briefly uh some of the uh what I would call defamations that have been uh just applied to me by the ranking member I'm happy to talk to you about my opinions on these issues what you have stated and tried to associate me with uh through killed by Associated simply inaccurate virtually everything every statement that you just made about me is inaccurate I have never advised black Americans not to receive vaccines at one point you say I'm anti-vaxx and that's a bad thing the other thing the other moment you point out that all my children are facts I've I'm fully compliant with the vaccine to schedule myself except for covid I I took flu vaccines for 20 years straight I have never been to anti-vaxx I have never told anybody I have never told the public avoid vaccination you try to associate me a moment ago with a replacement Theory which is racist no I did not say you I belongs time belongs to the Delaware I denounced that theory it is racist and I have never endorsed it or at any association with it our film on a medical plan Bill Buxton who is the black CDC official who ultimately exposed the Tuskegee experiment tried for years and years to appeal to to CDC to stop it for 40 years finally he got relief by walking into my uncle's office in the building next door heading out earrings and ended the experiment I remember that very well to say that that I I brought a I created a film that encourages blacks not to get adequate Medical Care is just completely abhorrent if they don't use my it's the witness's time do not censor the witness I'm not censoring the witness I'm not censoring the winds it is the my time and I've given it to the witness do not censor him I'm not censoring him if the views that you and others have applied to me I've attributed to me if they were actually true I can see why I shouldn't be able to testify here today those are not true these are defamations and malignancies that are used to censor me to prevent people from listening to the actual things that I'm saying and I think ranking remember that we should have a real conversation rather than an exchange of ad hominem attacks
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 1,409,018
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Id: isgcQcDb0O4
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Length: 3min 52sec (232 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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