BREAKING NEWS: Mark Levin Goes Nuclear On Democrats In Fiery CPAC 2024 Remarks: 'How Dare You!'

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to be here again this year thank you to Matt and mercy for having us again everybody knows that Mark and I love coming here and love being with you this year we're going to include in our conversation a gentleman by the name of Jonathan deal hen Jonathan if you can come out and join us please Jonathan's son Sagi is a hostage in Gaza he's one of the six American Israelis who's being held at the hands of the terrorist organization Hamas Jonathan thank you for being here thank you for having we're going to we're going to visit with Jonathan for a couple we're going to visit with Jonathan and he's going to share with us what is something I don't think any of us has ever had to relate to so let's jump in because we don't have a lot of time you moved to Israel when you were 18 I believe tell us tell us what made you move to Israel and then a little bit about your family well I grew up in Connecticut not terribly far from here in a small town and a small town that had a small Jewish Community but very together Community U made up in great part of Holocaust Survivors and my parents both were Holocaust Survivors and a very zionis community and in fact uh a fairly good number of Sons of Bloomfield Connecticut wound up um moving to Israel in their youth and in staying and helping to build the country um I also fell in love very quickly with this idea of of a kibutz a a Cooperative farm that um is really a very tight Community but also in using the terms that our Founding Father David Boran used made the Desert Bloom and so by 1981 82 I was already in Israel uh very quickly uh got drafted into the army and served for many years I served in reserve duty until fairly recently actually and by 1985 having lived on aot for several years met my woman who is going to be my wife and started having kids and so I've raised four now adult children uh on akubo and fortunately for me uh two of those grown kids uh after they got married decided to come back back and live on our kibutz kibutz near o which is on the border of Gaza about a mile my home was approximately a mile from the border fence with G of Gaza right in front of Han yunes which as we know from the news is a real anchor of the Hamas terrorist organization uh along the way uh I my day job for many many years was working on the farm as a the director or the head of our agricultural Machinery Department a kibuts if nothing else is a hyperproductive agricultural farm that as I said made the Desert Bloom we kind of invented Irrigation in in in in many respects and so it until October 7th was really a an idilic existence I was tight with this extended family about 400 a little over 400 people lived on the kibutz from in defense all the way up to senior citizens um supporting one another um in a way realizing the the the Zionist dream of both defending borders which we most certainly did and and also serving as part of the Bread Basket of Israel and along the way I I had other Horizons but still while being a member of the ktz went off to professional academics and today I'm a uh professor of history at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem I see and I remember when we spoke you described the kotz as a paradise a registered Botanical Garden if you will um October 7th changed that walk everybody here through what happened on that day you actually happened to be in the states for for a wedding in Baltimore which is not that far from where we are sitting tell us about that day well October 7th uh in fact yes I was on my way with my wife to a wedding in Baltimore heading towards an academic conference uh the next day and we were woken up very early by a friend of ours in Rhode Island who had seen the news that in our region of Israel along the border with Gaza and there was chaos was breaking out and she asked us what was going on I of course had no idea and immediately looked at our internal kibutz Communication System um which is on our cell phones you kind of hyper modern and um saw that um in fact people were crying out for help and that would have been around 12:30 in the 12:30 in the afternoon Israel time um I'm also a member of the kibot security team uh first responder team and so I was also seeing the communication between our civilian First Responders and had quickly seen that um as of 9:30 in the morning they weren't responding anymore I called home to my son s's home was unable to get into contact with either him or his wife his wife at that moment 7 months pregnant with two little girls uh I was able to get in contact with a son-in-law one of my my daughter's husband who at that very moment was exchanging fire with Hamas terrorists in and around their home um Sheltering in our attached bomb shelters with their two young boys and three guests who happened to be there and my ex-wife the mother of my kids who is one of the two women from from the kibuts who were able to escape captivity on that day and somehow heroically was able to crawl her way back through our fields to get to the family and she was bleeding out at the time but they were able to save her in eventually today she's she's fine thank goodness and yeah and and her story is is quite incredible because as as I understand they were being she was being taken off to Gaza an IDF helicopter am I am I right was a group a group of about 10 people were taken were being taken away U by Hamas terrorists women and children on a stolen kib's tractor with a wagon and they had been followed while driving again this is a mile no long no more than a mile they had been driving through one of the roads going towards Gaza and an Israeli Apache helicopter fired on them uh killed the terrorists but everyone else was thrown off the wagon uh deer friend of ours was killed Friendly Fire uh at that moment um my ex-wife uh played dead actually and um the rest of the hostages were taken all of them have been released since uh with the women and children that were released in late November early December uh but she you know heroically somehow or another while playing dead intermittently was able to crawl her way back so so walk us through Sagi was out there that morning and what did he see and and and tell us since then what's happened yes sag is my one of my two sons and Sagi woke up early that morning as he usually did on Saturdays and holidays to go work on one of his pet projects which is to refurbish old buses into usable objects and um he grew up alongside of me at the machine shop he was very good with his hands and he went off to our metal shop to refurbish four buses to to become uh mobile classrooms stem classrooms and he immediately saw at 6:30 in the morning a group of terrorists uh well armed um well trained moving through the kibuts he and some other people who were up early put out the alarm to everyone to shelter in place and for the security team to come out over the course of the next two hours what they realized were it was not just one group of terrorists it was around 200 heavily armed what they call themselves NBA Commandos Hamas Commandos accompanied by several hundred civilian looters some of them armed most of them not everything from Granny's to Little Children um for two hours or so our brave young and not so young men did what they could to defend the kibutz they were overwhelmed by about 8:30 all the time waiting for our army the IDF to arrive which never did it's a question that will have to be answered later on why why they weren't there um at around 8:30 Sagi went back to his home to ensure that his wife Avital and the two girls were safely inside of the bomb shelter locked in um he then exited again and continued engaging with terrorists in and around his home uh his whole home is shot up um full of grenade shrapnel miraculously his wife and daughters survived he was taken at around 9:30 uh in the morning on October 7th and uh has not been heard from since uh we have some some uh testimony of people who of the of the hundred 100 hostages that were released in late November about 40 of them were from my kibot women and and children some of them saw him and other people from the kibot in the tunnels under KH yunes so we know that as of late November he was alive but we also know that 40 of our community were murdered on October 7th and a total of 80 taken captive so that is the State of Affairs as of now uh on that same day our homes were destroyed those several hundred looters that I told you about they stole everything from my grandchild my grandkids tricycle um up to our largest farming tractors whatever they couldn't take with them they burned and so this paradise in the desert that um I lived on for the better part of 40 years and grew kids it I invested my life there it no longer exists really and um it some point may be rebuilt it's questionable whether anyone will actually want to return there it's uh it's a horrific horrific experience and Avital has since given birth to a very healthy baby girl um I actually saw a video of her in the hospital giving birth it was most difficult it was at the same time the joy of life and yet her own husband is not there to share this with her um we know that this is so so difficult for you and I have no doubt Mark and I pray every day for the release of the hostages and everybody in this room shares um shares in that prayer with you um in a moment thank you thank you in a moment I'm G to ask CPAC to put up on the screen a website that everyone should take note of and go to because each and every one of us in this room does have a role to play we can be ambassadors for these 136 Sagi plus the others uh and you can see photos up there now of of some uh it's well there's sagy right there um go to the website it gives you tools on how to reach out to your members of Congress we have to keep the the thought and prayers of these people Mark and I and others are wearing these these dog tags if you will that that say bring them home we encourage you also to go to the website and and buy these all the all the proceeds go to the families they need our support and what it does is it raises awareness because people will ask you what is it you're wearing and it gives you the opportunity to speak where these young men and women and not so young men and women can cannot have a voice tell us in the last couple minutes that you're with us here how in your head that these people can be ambassadors well of course it's it's a great suggestion to have people go uh to that website and there are many options I I feel blessed by being here and and feeling the partnership um in your from your community to ours um but even within partnership sometimes friends have to say unpleasant things to other friends and it's become sadly difficult for most of the hostage families as of late that seems as if our own government the Israeli government isn't prioritizing the lives of the hostages as it should within its General war effort I've lived on the border with Gaza since 1982 a live through rocket attacks mortar attacks sniper fire anti-tank fire you name it um no one needs to explain to me or any of the other people from our communities how much Hamas needs to be destroyed that's agreed but if I could ask for your partnership in this to reach out to your Israeli Partners to emphasize to them that there cannot be a victory for any of us over Hamas without getting these 136 we hope Israeli hostages home alive and that means that as much action needs to be had to get them home alive as needs to happen for for the destruction of Hamas both things have to happen thank you we really appreciate you being here I don't perhaps technical difficulties the website is bring them home please go to it thank you very much so much our prayers are with [Applause] you oh that's extremely humbling and difficult imagine having your son kidnapped by these barbarians and yet coming here to talk about it to try and explain it it's a remarkable person that can do that I'd like to say a couple things first of all to our media you're doing a lot of damage to these people when you spew when you spew the propaganda of the Hamas Nazi terrorists you give them hope they quote you CNN they quote you New York Times They quotee The River To The Sea crowd we hear them quoting because they're English interpreters telling us what the Hamas leaders are saying you're giving Aid in Comfort to a bloodlust ideology that would just as soon burn our country down as burn their country down this is an ideology this is a fundamentalist islamist ideology and under their fundamentalist islamist ideology anybody who doesn't agree with them must be slaughtered including Muslims by the way we're slaughtering each other as I speak that's number one and Christians number two the Jewish ancestral H is there and the Christian ancestral hom is there Jesus was born there Jesus was murdered there the church Seer is there Bethlehem is there now majority controlled by the Palestinians Hebron is there where Abraham's buried the Patriarchs most of the matriarchs and the Palestinian says it's all theirs that's what river to the Sea means but I believe in river to the sea I believe River in the sea shouldn't have one damn Hamas Survivor period not one but I want to to move to America we are not here media to burn down our country we're not here media to end democracy you're doing a pretty damn good job of that we are here to defend our country to preserve our Constitution and preserve our Liberty that's what we conservatives do you want to talk about dictatorships let's talk about dictatorships when it's the last time Joe Biden ever spoke positively of the Constitution of the United States when is the last time he could actually site the Declaration of Independence when's the last time a liberal ever talked about individual liberty or property rights or god-given rights they're all there in the de Declaration of Independence they never talk about it ever because they don't believe in it that's why this is a battle between good and evil good and evil we're good they're evil you know why we want to we want to preserve our culture the American culture which combines all cultures into an American culture because it's the greatest culture on the face the Earth Americans aren't swarming into other countries people in other countries are swarming into America don't you get it it's because America is the greatest country on the face of the Earth the greatest culture on the face of the Earth and no matter what you call us your damnable lies mouthpieces for the Democrat Party mouthpieces for Hamas you're not going to change a damnn one of us now one of us we are not going to give up our ancestors fought for this country my ancestors fought for this country we talk about World War II we talk about Europe my ancestors shed blood in Europe my ancestors shed blood all through iima guad canal Guam I don't need lectures from some candy ass at CNN about how we defend our country I can tell you that we are not isolationists why cuz the enemy is not an isolationist we're not pacifists why because we're not stupid that's why we lived through World War II we were attacked when we were isol aist and pacifists and it cost us 450,000 American lives World War to and it cost other people millions millions of lives we're not funding our military instead we're funding something called climate change socialism we're not supporting our cops instead we're funding illegal aliens we're not securing the Border instead we're allowing anybody to flow into this country who's not been vetted and of course the enemy is going to send in spies and terrorists we now have new gangs we never heard of before that's not on us that's on you Democrats that's on your party and that's on your ideology they love to talk about a free press I wish we had one free press that Constitution you hate that first amendment that's what secures your damn ass and you hate the Constitution and the men who wrote it how dare you how dare you everything we have in this country everything we have in this country is a result of the Revolutionary War it's a result of the Constitutional Convention as a result of the Civil War we've had our problems we have fought through our problems Blood Sweat the biggest battle where we had the most casualties was this civil war to end slavery No Other Nation on the face of the Earth had a civil war to end slavery we did that and we're not going to be fooled that little state of Israel those people want to live they want to be free they want to be left alone God put those people there 5,000 years ago [Applause] there were no Palestinians there in fact the word Palestinian media was invented in 1965 by Arafat the Jews used to be called the Palestinians the Palestinians are Palestine now all of a sudden they're the Palestinians they're Arabs that's what they are that's okay but they're Arabs and they had a Homeland it was called Jordan Jordan you want a second state there it is it's called Jordan that King has the nerve to come into our country stand next to our imbecile that's right he's an imbecile to stand next to him well look it's official now didn't the prosecutor say he's an imbecile yes didn't the Attorney General appoint the prosecutor yes I'm supposed to ignore in so many words okay he's an imbecile I got got it fine all right so and we all know he is but he's dangerous he's issuing executive orders against the Jewish indigenous peoples in Judea and Samaria since when does a president issue executive orders that extend outside of our country and are specifically targeting people like Jews what kind of a person does something like that or he's telling them they must have a a second two-state solution you know who does that an anti-semite does that what's what's with this two-state solution oh yes and you have to give up your home you have to give up little town called Shilo you ever heard of Shilo that's really where Judaism began before the city of David and before Jerusalem our first capital the first Cap all the tribes came together that's where they came together Biden says I don't care give it to the Palestinians I don't care give Jude and Samaria to the Palestinians the peaceful Palestinians where is the leader of the peaceful Palestinians will he please present himself so I can interview him I can tell you I can tell you his name is Zas and he is paying terrorists to kill Israelis under a program called pay to slay and I can also tell you that America First legal has sued the Biden Administration for violating the Taylor force act go ahead and tayor force was an American citizen a veteran a West Point graduate the peaceful abas Palestinians murdered him Donald Trump said that is enough of that he cut off funding to the PLO he cut off funding to unra that works with Hamas he cut off Iran and put his foot on their throat he cut them all off Iran was on its back Hamas was starving to death the PLO was in its little cage and then comes by in the arsonist lights up the whole damn Middle East sends our troops there for sitting ducks I don't even know why they're there right now Iran through its proxies murder three of our citizens and what's his response does he hit Iran no what did Reagan do when they hit one of our Freighters he destroyed half their Navy what did Trump do when he said that's enough he took out [Music] sulamani what do Biden do he wants to take out BB Netanyahu and he's attacking the Israelis this is serious and I understand this gentleman here nobody's suffering like him and he raises good questions about how this happened and it need they need to pursue it they need to figure it out and I don't blame him if that was my son I'd move heaven in Earth because these people are not just kidnappers they're torturers they're sadistic the rapists and I'll just say one last thing there was a report put out last week I couldn't even read it about what was done to these people at that Festival you the Devil Himself couldn't come up with ideas like this women were murdered with weapons St up their genital up their anus they were shot their breasts were cut off and they were playing catch with them they were Mass raping these young girls murdering them while they were raping them so I would say to the media in this country how come you're here and you're not over there reporting why is that some of you were over there and you're actually helping the Hamas on October I was just going to add somebody just got a surprise for it and the Associated Press just got sued for having some reporters embedded on October 7th so they knew what was happening witnesses to this genocide so I say this on the moral equivalency stuff name one IDF soldier who would ever ever even think about doing that to any human being they're not raised that way it's not a culture of death it's a culture of life and I want to say one final thing we're out of time most of you aren't Jewish most of you are Christians and as a Jew I can't thank you enough I cannot thank you enough you judeo-christian belief system is what founded this country whether the media likes it or not and it's that's why we have the freedoms we have that's why we have the the principles that we have that's why we have the Constitution that we have never forget it every person that comes to this country regardless of their Faith Christian Jew Muslim Buddhist Hindu or what have you you thank the people of Christianity who founded this nation or there were Jews and others but you think and I'll say one last thing you ever go to Arlington Cemetery it's crushing row after row after row after row after row of American Brave young men and women star David some others the crest the overwhelming majority of them are crosses the overwhelming majority of them are white the overwhelming majority of them men if I hear one more damn time about the white Christian privileged citizen you drag your asses over to Arlington Cemetery and you tell those people that thank you CAC
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 537,355
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Id: rVASRDrm5bY
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Length: 29min 21sec (1761 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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