Fighting the spirit of rejection and why you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself | Pastor T

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I would approach a lady and they tell me I am a womanizers and I would ask myself is there a photo that shows just how womanizers look like? I would ask myself how do womanizers look like? they want you to sympathize with them my mum died and I was raised by my uncle and my uncle mistreated us I am doing a show this is has you know at times when I decided to kill it I just do it let's do this show and you always give me tough topics about these tough topics isn't it? you are welcome, are we permitted to say that you look amazing sure and you look amazing too thank you so much welcome is myself this show but they say because in this generation we celebrate our kids you belonged to mum are saying if you tell me I look nice but when my wife tells me that I look nice even if you tell me I don't look good but she told me otherwise, I know I look amazing and her voice really affirms me if my wife tells me I don't look good and you tell me otherwise, I will start weighing to figure out who is telling me the truth your report card has been taken, your parent doesn't care what you scored you are your mothers child men are listened to more in the bar because without being fought or opposed when he is on top of those drinks that is when he speaks out his points and his friends are listening to him you even in the office you take someone on a date and they ask you what exactly did you see in me you left all the others just for me she grew up in an environment he asks you for an ID and you give him, he asks you where are you going to you try to explain to him but he starts harassing you if you try to respond he says you are despising him because you are driving and you think he is not educated it's not like you have despised them and a gateman told me that and I told him you are like my dad maybe my dad did not even manage to get to your level people don't value him and he feels the kind of work he is doing is for people who never went to school and the reason why I am here is because did not go to school it seems he is looking down upon me you have been put in an office you have no idea that you are secluded but we on the outside keep asking what is wrong with so and so why is he bitter I have only asked for the Gmail password but he responded so rudely pastor I was born that way or I just feel I was born this way and you are in your mum is being beaten at times you talk and the kid kicks it's like they have recognized your voice people who are used to shouting and make your wife to miscarry because the system is like delete this child can grow, in fact they always say some kids are so reserved it's like they don't want to talk to people, they are always hiding they hear a voice they sense danger and they would coil in there you an easily connect with a child who doesn't talk often but you just have a way with them this is a boy and you have even started shopping for colour blue stuffs and you say I don't want to go for a gender scan because God has done it for me he has kicked like a boy a girl and that is how you find that at some level these tomboys or these boys who behave like girls if you dig deep you might want to ask them how many boys or girls are you in your family you will find that he is the 5th born or he is the 2nd born and the first born was a boy or the first born was a girl and he took those traits affects this child at times you might get pregnant and you are so bitter you ask yourself how can I be pregnant but you are like I can't terminate it in there sure something can happen and you tell yourself there is something like incest, kids being born out of incest or something happened with someone you never anticipated but you decided to keep the pregnancy, nd people say your dad was a military man before he died you would find and that is where the challenge comes in that child is brought to the church for deliverance he is possessed yes pastor this child is possessed, this one has a spirit of rejection or depression but if you dig deeper from the beginning it is the parent who has instilled that mindset and the kid has taken that very path in the book of Judges he was a son of a prostitute the dad slept with a prostitute and a child was born you know the bible has real stories the kids of the real wife sent away this other kid so that he does not inherit anything and the bible says come, you are our own at times guys will just tell you man you have to accept no one loves you at your home and he was told that was invited by the and they will tell you Lyn you can do this I grew up in the slums we would hear that there is a job in Westlands and we just sleep because our perception tells us that is a place for the rich kids we knew we just belong to the slums and that is where we ca work so ideally we cannot be employed in Westlands if you are invited to such a place maybe for an event you end up embarrassing yourself, you eat so much and people will just know where you come from because it's a perception and attitude by refusing people to define you by refusing to be given an identity by the society the next battle is when he went and met with his friends or associates and that is what I call or even those guys who smoke weed, take alcohol they have guys who approve them and ask them to accept they are drunkards deep down you don't love alcohol but you find yourself into it has already told you to accept it, they have approved it you got into this space that is flooded people must have called you to ask why did you quit the other side and you are here do you know how tough it is here people are coming up with proposals and thy are bold and now to the spiritual let's go but before I got married I would approach a lady and they tell me I am a womanizers and I would ask myself is there a photo that shows just how womanizers look like? I would ask myself how do womanizers look like or a lady would tell you, you are so full of yourself and I wondered is there a description of how people who are full of themselves look like and I wondered I realized there is so much accusation someone would tell you, you are so full of yourself or you are a snitch but after hanging out with you them they will be like I never wanted to get close to you because I thought you are full of pride a curse is not something you are given a curse is someone seated and they say you will never succeed I said you will never succeed and they die having spoken those words upon you some words were said with a person this one here was cursed by the dad begins to it's just people who sit down and accuse you 5 people can just sit down and start accusing you negatively and wherever you are you begin to feel discouraged at times you wake up not that you have no money or you have been locked out you feel that you have no vigour for life you try to figure out if it could be depression but it's not it would last for a while then you bounce back and now that we are getting into the electioneering period sure they are always sad our money yes our money or it's there is bitterness and all that you always hear so this is where we speak in Kikuyu or English but in the spirit realm today someone might meet you and tell you just how amazing you look and at times someone would meet you and ask you, didn't you have something else to wear and the whole day you will feel so insecure and a negative energy Jesus said and words can condition you without you permission they will frame you in a certain way it's like they are talking in a way and you will find they have created has started vomiting you because now and that is how but when you listened to the juniors that is something people have never understood I am Anthony, I did not call myself but God did and placed me in a certain office at times I might say something but that's not me but the office it's not me and my weaknesses but the office and in that hour if the person who is in that office is immature that's why you hear that a pastor cursed someone and that curse actually comes to pass even in the natural but the CEO has spoken if that is a child and is not matured that is why you will find in the village the elders can sit down and say something has given them when it comes to accusations when it comes to rejection it's not battle from the outside but just within the question is it is how you have built yourself that you can deal with it someone will come here on set and say they have a spirit of rejection and it's not him who said that and you a will tell yourself it's not that all those people have rejected them for nothing they hate you but the first person to fight that battle is not those who hate you, you can't change their perception so that this hate doesn't come to affect you now it's you to work on yourself at some point just like Jesus you have to ask yourself or I an just surrounded by friends who don't know me Jesus asked hey guys and people are so confident when they tell you of how people view you Lyn people say you are a snitch that is what people say about me but now how do you view me as my friends you must audit your circle because that is the same one that is slowly killing you I have a very personal story you eat the remains that is something that comes you must know someone's background because you might think this is a grown up they know what they are doing you tell yourself you find yourself having jumped from one pan to another pan so instead of healing you make things worse and it's like you are being compared you feel this person has a bad attitude I always tell them we are heading this way but they view things differently but you have to ask yourself what really formed this mindset to view things this way and not the other way has no confidence and they don't see themselves amounting to anything they want you to sympathize with them my mum died and I was raised by my uncle and our uncle mistreated us they surround themselves with sympathizers you must come to that place people would bring me their music and tell me man I am an orphan and this is my job I used to tell them I don't want support you because I am sympathizing but because you have something in you you have a talent let me come and tell you sympathy has a limit but talent will keep going someone is supposed to sympathize with me because of what I have gone through your parents died there was a kid who was born of king in the bible called Mephibosheth it's in 2nd Samuel 9 Mephibosheth was Jonathans child and Jonathan was the son of Soul was the first King and according to the Monarchy Jonathan was supposed to be the next king Mephibosheth was grands one to Saul he was born and raised in the palace and he got to enjoy life Saul and Jonathan went to war and they were killed who was handling tried to escape on a horse and in the process he fell and broke his legs he took him to a place called Lo Debar in Hebrew Lo Debar means he has been taken to Lo Debar so you can see that combination was enough he did not have the privileges and David was now in power but David had a covenant with Jonathan so he asked is there someone from Saul's family so that I can show them favour they brought Zipar but he said no, he was told there was someone else but he was crippled he still had royal blood he asked David so it means the situation in life gave him the attitude of he asked David did not see a dog David saw the royal blood and he told him no he said from today I have restored your dad's wealth, you will manage it because this is a Kings child and we can't remove that yes you are a crippled and you have been rejected, you have been put in a corner you have built walls you have built walls and you are all alone and his track record speaks for itself, everyone still talks about when Kibaki ruled there is no single day the news papers said the crippled president it's His Excellency the President Mwai Kibaki has said then he sees people have never understood these visions the wheat was about family was that the authority in Egypt will bow so he got a vision about him having a family and the bowing of the authority in Egypt that would kill the seed was rejection nothing else would kill that seed gave him a job the brothers undressed him and he was sold to go to the markets in the Egypt he was sold and was taken to Potiphar then Potiphar's wife starts hitting on him he was rejected at home and he is now being accused in this new place then when he was in prison everyone forgets him even those he helped the King asked who can implement this proposal were it not for Joseph maybe he would have suffered because he would feel no one loves me and I am useless but here it's like the Boss wife is showing me love the only thing he would have become slavery would have not ended, he would still be a slave boyfriend meaning he would have the privileges but still a slave you have not dealt with this rejection, there is a place you will go to and get false comfort and that will make you trade your destiny we have guys suck in relationships they know it's not benefiting them in any way but they still cling to that someone would tell you I am doing this because I went through this and that the Bible says when he gave the king that proposal in Egypt the king gave him his ring that was a signature in the ancient days, king would remove their ring, deep in the ink and sign it the king gave him the ring but told him the only thing I have hindered you from is my throne Joseph was the one running the government when they came to him they acknowledged their mistakes and told him we know you are now rich and you can do anything you wish to on us it was because of rejection that he was sold and not killed I now feel like preaching let's get deeper, it was because of rejection that he was sold and not killed and they put him in but Judah intervened Judah means praise in the spiritual language Praise doesn't meaning things being okay but knowing that your life is in the hands of God and not man were called this was Abrahams generation the mistake that Abraham and Haggai did caused Joseph's salvation so God can use other people's mistakes to have a rejected person get saved imagine the people you healed the people you fed the people you raised from the dead, the people you were with for 3 years you find yourself before Pilate, he had no favorism though he said this man has done no worn g but the people say no each year we set free a thief back to the society he asked the people to chose between Jesus and Barnabas imagine everyone said Barnabas should be released life is hard they chose to release someone who as a criminal but have their saviour crucified and Jesus had o undergo the 39 lashes of war and these 39 lashes were being given by something called it was a whip that had 9 tails and it was spiced up by metals so one stripe would rip your skin so he was rejected and was stripped, they used to say it's better they give you less strokes because you might die if you were given more they would ensure you are given only 39 strokes because they believed the 40th lash would kill you, the lashes were given to criminals for them to make a confession the 39 lashes were like the electric chair you were lashed in the open, you are tied and you were naked ignore what we see in the movies, he was naked and was lashed by very heavy built men even when he was on the cross, he was still tortured by one of the guys he was crucified with but he looked above and said the moment you start knowing that because you would never get to where you are supposed to be if you got into a comfort zone early at some point you had to face rejection and one day guys will look at you and wonder at times you feel like going back to your boss to thank them for terminating you otherwise you wouldn't have thought about business it's true you would have never thought of it but within that one month you have gotten a breakthrough in business we also have the common question, why me I was trying to understand the journey of pain and people who went through pain in the bible I told myself do you remember the pirates in Somalia I think there was a time they attacked a ship that was heading to Sudan the ship had tankers carrying goods worth KSh 1 billion when they attacked that vessel it was a huge deal to them, calls were being made to Dubai and Saudi Arabia disguised themselves like cargo ship the pirates hijacked them but they could not find anything it did not make headlines, no calls were made, they released it because it was a useless vessel I learn that there are people he knows when he attacks them, their generation and those who would have benefited from them has been affected sometimes our destinies are known before even start to manifest it's called the familiar spirit you find that when you were growing up people just see wealth and greatness, sometimes that exposes you to danger like when Jesus was born there was a decree that all male kids get killed meaning there was an anticipation the devil starts with you so you are attacked and guy who were supposed to support you don't support you and you just wonder and ask yourself why am I going through this and he will place you in the program of sympathy and rejection wow I am not even sure just how long we have gone maybe we can touch on the society side look at Kenyans life is hard, look at Kenyans on Twitter or Instagram in everything that happens people bring in very negative energy something in black and white, even when someone celebrates a baby bump it's a big issue people will be condemn you because of the photos when someone celebrates a little the rest will be asking why are you happy when we are here mourning it's like taking a selfie beside a coffin, people are mourning and you are there trying to trend at times success seems like an illegal thing because it feels like you can't leave us we must support each other the society won't embrace you with hugs the person you think might help you is fighting his battles and another wants someone to encourage them so the society won't embrace us, there was a cripple at the well of Bathsheba in bible when Jesus came he asked him you have been here for long, do you want to be healed he said there is no one to push me He told him take up you mat and go because no one will push you my message to Kenyans is no one will get you out of that trouble here you have to get up take your mat and go if you get an opportunity it's tough have you ever had so many wounds that you even forget you are bleeding the childhood traumas at times you wonder which one should you dress up first it's you not believing in yourself is not being shot or being murdered it is actually you will sit there like a zombie and tell yourself you have no strength, no capacity, you feel so incapacitated before purpose and destiny and you would tell yourself or I am just inciting myself when you invite yourself to a meeting and accept perhaps you are an orphan, your uncle snatched your small piece of land and he is the reason for your suffering maybe he even sold that piece of land that would make you some money or maybe you are going through hardships and you were raped at some point and you started feeling like not worth dating anyone maybe your husband left, you lost your job you don't need sympathy let's go he was told you will be taking over from Moses God only told him one thing but he told him he told him he said the Rastafarians lied to us that meditation is sitting alone in silence after smoking weed that is not meditation that tongue is the same word used in Greek the Bible says let that word be at the tip of your tongue you wake up and affirm that so when someone else comes with people will call it pride some will say you are full of yourself that you will not let people say what you are not someone comes to me and tells me pastor I have gone through so much just leave it to God this is the best way to leave it to God I grew up with my elder brother, he used to mistreat me I would report him to mum but she would just say okay, she never caned him but in my heart I knew I had reported this issue to someone who can handle it he was stronger than me and smart so there was no way I could deal with him but I knew of someone who would handle you report that person to God and ask Him to deal with them God is very fair even if you were raised by an abusive mum, even if you have abusive marks leave it to God, don't allow that bitterness to destroy you in that every time you want to do something to show off when Hanna was praying to God to giver a child so that Penina can see He knew it wasn't yet time when Hana said at that time she connected with the demand in heaven God was not looking for a childless woman to bless so that he settles family battles we have guys who work hard to make money so that they can brag to the haters that they can make it without them so it looks like your oppressor still have the last laugh so it will be like God blessed you so that you can go back and show off to your oppressors meaning you didn't believe me enough because you want to make money when a word is mentioned you still go back down and finally pray people will be amazed by what you have become or your good heart this thing is broken and the real you is now revealed carrying people carry yourself and said is like carrying a sack of rotten potatoes you are carrying both a load and the pungent smell the person you are carrying had no idea and this is what I will leave the audience with you have released the burden from your back we have discovered we have a generation that has no pastors there is a group of guys in the dark and people are asking who will reach out to them we managed to secure kids in this generation are bleeding, they come from broken homes, places full of chaos others have been introduced to lesbianism, gayism they will not change if we sit and fold our hands and tell them guys we need to talk you can sent me a message you can call or even sms in the dark I can see an Oprah Winfrey telling me I saw you and I was there also are all here at the screen you loved my outfit, if not we shall try again next time
Channel: Lynn Ngugi
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Keywords: TukoTalks, LynnNgugiShow, Tuko, Omanyala, Kenyacitizennews, LynnNgugilatestnews, CrazyKenner, Mwalimuchurchil, Terencecreative, tukotalkswithlynnngugi, kenya latest videos, latest news from kenya, kenya citizen news, Lynn Ngugi Show, Lynn, Lynn Ngugi, Ngugi, Show, Ngugi Show, lynn ngugi, lynn ngugi channel, tuko talks, lynn ngugi youtube channel, lynn ngugi latest news, tuko talks latest, tuko talks with lynn ngugi, tuko news, lynn ngugi podcast, pastor mwangi, kenyan pastor
Id: hSibOtt2Va0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 22sec (4282 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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