Breaking Flaky Carabiners that have been in a cave only 10 years!

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oh oh gosh games are so aggressive on gear i just got a box of goodies of stuff that was found deep in a cave and we are going to break test all of them to find out here let's see if we can just do the episode really fast no it didn't break yet uh so we're gonna put in the brake test machine and uh see what they break up i have never seen a carabiner look like this hi i'm ryan jinx and welcome to my lab where we are going to break test some of the gnarliest cave gear i personally have ever seen hunter campbell has been projecting a cave in the southern tip of antarctica and they've been pulling this gear out and it was super gross and dirty before they sent it to me but now we have i think 14 samples that we're going to break test today and we're going to get right into it but first let me show you the instagram post that i did just two hours ago and the comments in it are hilarious i just asked people what they thought these specific things would break at because they look like croissants some of my favorite comments were sammy k is a solid 12 pounds right there and then a bunch of people think it's going to break anywhere between 12 kilonewtons and full strength some people don't think it's gonna break above one and joey avalanche i honestly thought that was a piece of wood at first glance push corrage in 1995 said try pulling it with your hands you might be the first person to break a carabiner with hands two pack runs four twenty gigahertz burkheal glue said wood whip ivan lawrence do a side-by-side break with an actual weak old croissant and i like what el mano loco said uh he thinks that there's still a solid core in this carabiner that top looks really really really bad but inside is being protected by this outer layer we're going to find out i i personally wouldn't want to be using these especially because the gates they like kind of open and then stay open and that you lose i mean more than half your strength right there so in the cave that hunter kampa pulled these out of it has silica in the mud aka liquid sandpaper and so it's super rough on all the gear including their personal gear will to just wear it down really quickly but aluminum or non-stainless steel just corrodes really fast it gets rusty it goes bad and even aluminum as we can see here is a problem so our first test is these two quick draws that are 10 years in the cave they are trango brand their breaking strength is 22 kilonewtons and we are going to pull it just the way they are right now and whatever breaks first we will then break the second item now hunter thinks that the dog bone might be fine it hasn't seen any uv light and we don't know if just being wet for 10 years is a problem but the carabiners well besides what's obviously a problem what i think is that the gates because they don't work well and i don't think the notch is going to grab the gate i actually think they're going to break really really low and in that case uh you're in best-case scenario you're going to get 7 kilonewtons with an open gate on a carabiner instead of the 22 that it's rated for and uh i still don't even know how much this exfoliation of the the aluminum is going to affect this [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm hmm [Music] so nine kilonewtons and 12 kilonewtons and it's interesting that this broke before this now you can see here this pin is intact and you can still see that there is a lip here for it to grab and but on this one when it broke lower you can see that that pin just wouldn't grab the notch and it broke but then in our second test kind of did the exact same thing when it was like 9 i think 12 and 15. and you can see here the the metal is still pretty solid on the inside and the outside is the part that's corroding but it just shocked me that it broke the same i can't believe that these dog bones weren't stronger considering they're rated for 22 kilonewtons and they had no uv light now of course i don't know if they were old before they even went in but um still i'm quite shocked maybe the sand gets inside the fibers and just micro cuts them who knows put that in the comments below let's get to the next one now samples three and four are pretty bad they don't have the croissant thing going for them nearly as much as the first two and these are metallus quick draws at a 22 kilonewton mbs and we are going to try to keep the gates as closed as much as possible and we are going to pull and find out if the carabiner breaks before the dog bones the dog bones do feel like they're in pretty good shape i would assume i'm going to get full strength out of these and if i had to guess these carabiners are going to break maybe at 50 percent [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] so [Music] hmm [Music] so i feel like i'm putting mummies back together when i put these carabiners trying to shape them you can see that the the pin came off this back side here yes there's a lot of metal when you're looking inside of this thing but there are some areas that are pretty important that are pretty thin and these dog bones actually perform better than the last samples up to 15 kilonewtons and i was shocked how low one of these broke but technically if you're just repelling they're still they're still not breaking at what you're repelling at um i definitely uh wouldn't want to use these if i didn't have to samples five six and seven are kong bonati oval old style carabiners and this one's super interesting because it's rated in kilograms 2 250 kilograms of force in order to break it in this orientation now it's interesting that these have more of like pitting happening more than the croissant thing even though this one gate has a lot of croissantness uh croissantness is an official scientific award by the way and yeah it looks like it was more chipped away by hammer than it was just flaking apart so yeah these are i wouldn't i wouldn't necessarily trust these [Music] well for 22 kilonewtons we got i think 16 12 and nine yeah it's lower than i thought but they're just not as corroded the same you can see a lot of solid metal is in there i think i wonder how much of it has to do with that's probably what it is yeah i noticed it it'll snap when the gate opens up and then when the spine fully stretches apart and finishes they all have this part of the graph here before i show you samples eight and nine check out cave exploration society they're giving five percent off if you use the how not to affiliate link in the description below that really helps me out i try to get you guys discounts and i appreciate hunter for donating these but it takes a lot to make an episode like this since we're trying to make the edits better and tighter so please donate at paypal or patreon and the link will be in the description below so samples eight and nine the gates don't quite open very good but they do operate no actually they're terrible it's just they're not as pitted as the other stuff and they definitely don't have a croissant thing going for them but these are just black diamond carabiners that have an 18 kilonewton mbs r7 with the gate open a fun fact is these have only been under the ground for three years instead of 10 like the previous samples wow it flew all the way out here gnarly 17 and 20 kilonewtons is way more impressive considering i thought these were going to be worse but as you can see the metal inside is mostly there except when it comes to this nose as soon as that nose breaks the gate's no longer engaged for our 10th sample we have omega's oldest carabiner here and the twist lock on the gate doesn't move at all this has been underground for 10 years i cannot read the mbs because it's completely disintegrated and when i open the gate it stays open would not whip [Music] holy crap wow i guess cave goo makes him stronger 28 kilonewtons would consider whipping if it was my only option i do think the corrosion on the outside of this is what protects the inside but i'm not a metal or just that is amazing our 11th sample is omega pacific's middle aged locker here and this had a ton of ooze a lot of the carabiners collect ooze over time as part of their corrosion process read the comments below hit a thumbs up on any comment that has a lot of value so it ends up being bumped as the top um there's a lot of people that'll contribute a lot of information about why all this happens down below this is the carabiner that kyle was snorting the ooze off of to test for psychotropic compounds kyle is still tripping his sack off only recommended for those seeking hero doses i thought that was really funny what hunter wrote about that photo uh but yeah this was super oozy super gooey but it doesn't have the flakes like the other stuff the gate seems to work just fine but the twisting action isn't there it's just seized shut i didn't see the thing that bends right there so it was a complete break all at the same time that's an interesting little mark on the graph let's go to the next one [Music] and we got our strongest one yet at 29.68 now this one did lock and as you can see inside it basically completely broke the nose and then broke the spine our 13 sample is a little groovy a giant groove in this hanger from the liquid sandpaper that's in this cave those caves in antarctica this is not a zinc plated hanger this is a stainless steel hanger from fix and it was attached with stainless steel quick link and it's just caves are so gnarly on this stuff but the quick link rubbing back and forth i think from being on a hand line wore through this because the silica and the mud and so um what has it been since 2004 is what the note said so about 17 years i bet you if it wasn't for that groove this would break at full strength um because it doesn't feel like anything is corroding into the metal it feels like it's all a surface issue but that groove's an issue [Music] 20 is impressive and so is our little hanger adapter uh it usually breaks around 30 plus technically but or even more i've actually had these things break above 40 but it broke 20 and for our 14th test we have a treasure they found that's been underground for about 10 years and this is a fifi hook for when you're aid climbing it's attached to you and you can clip into things temporarily and it looks really corroded but i don't know what a normal fifi hook breaks at other than the one that i straightened out oh my gosh i guess i do know how strong a fifi hook is i took a not a factor two maybe a fact or two on this fifi hook i was top stepping and slipped and just shock loaded my feet and went stupid and straightened out uh but that's that just triggered memory sorry about that let's just find out how strong this guy is [Music] it broke there where the metal is thinnest imagine that and that is the metal inside of the surface corrosion [Music] well that technically should be around 20 kilonewtons and it wasn't crazy well after those tests i have to vacuum my test bed now i've got flaky aluminum everywhere i hope i i hope it's not poisonous anyways uh i'm shocked they didn't break lower i bet everybody on instagram is going to be shocked they didn't break lower but you don't put that much force on when you're repelling so if you were in a bind and a pickle yeah these ones could have been used i can't say that about all old but i want to know what you think people are going to probably leave a lot of interesting comments below on why stuff is doing what it's doing including the goo so you're gonna learn just as much from the comments as you are from this video let me know if you like this style because we're trying to compress everything tighter and still include the context and the results and the backstory so thank you hunter campbell for hooking us up with all that yucky stuff and uh head over to john fjornie's cave exploration society because uh even if you climb he's got a ton of static ropes climbing gear in there it's but it's they are cavers and it's a non-profit that helps them go do cave expeditions that's the way they raise money is by selling gear and they were so nice to give us an affiliate link and you a discount of five percent so if you watched all the way through and this really helped you out and you've binge watched all the other videos please spot us 20 bucks this video took five hours just to film and about 12 hours to edit but a hundred percent of the donations go back in this channel and i'm even using a microphone i want to make these episodes exactly the way you want to see them speaking of episodes we've got a couple more that you can go check out and we'll see in the next video
Channel: HowNOT2
Views: 18,756
Rating: 4.9646797 out of 5
Keywords: Highline, highlining, highlines, slackline, slacklining, slacklines, ryan jenks, how not to highline, hownottohighline, highliner, slackliner, tutorial, how to, rope, webbing, weblocks, rigging, rig, balance community, extreme, SlackSnap, Dynamometer, slow motion, break test, bolt buster, boltbuster, break tests, stunts, world record, slo mo, Slacktivity, climbing, science, mythbusters, carabiner, daredevil, rope swing, rope jump, jackass, alex honnold, big wall, gear, climb, rappel, spacenet, cams, anchors
Id: wynF9Yvx4ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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