Breaking Down My Favorite GENESIS Song

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Yes, Ripples is perfect. But I think music professor The Daily Doug makes a great case for Firth of Fifth to be even more perfect :-) Dr. Doug basically says Banks' complex composition is on the same level of Mozart.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/Colonel_Magog 📅︎︎ Apr 09 2023 🗫︎ replies

You can skip ahead to 4:00 which is when he actually starts talking about the song.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/mwgrover 📅︎︎ Apr 08 2023 🗫︎ replies

He’s right, you know. Ripples is the perfect song, including the instrumental section.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/No_Refrigerator4584 📅︎︎ Apr 08 2023 🗫︎ replies

I have loved this song since I was 20 and now, as an older woman, the lyrics really speak to me

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Nearby_Geologist8682 📅︎︎ Apr 09 2023 🗫︎ replies

I kinda wish he spoke about the instrumental part

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/fathom_b 📅︎︎ Apr 08 2023 🗫︎ replies

Pity he didn’t talk about the drums or the instrumental bit though….

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/bret_234 📅︎︎ Apr 09 2023 🗫︎ replies

I love beato’s channel and vids, but this is not his best work. He is jet lagged and not highly prepared or focussed. So, he trouble articulating his thoughts and goes off on unrelated tangents, and doesn’t really do a full analysis of the song.

Too bad.

But his videos are usually exfellent

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/GoodFnHam 📅︎︎ Apr 09 2023 🗫︎ replies

Oh, no! Ripples has been Beatified! :(

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ferniecanto 📅︎︎ Apr 09 2023 🗫︎ replies

Sure, but "Supper's Ready" is perfecter

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/AxednAnswered 📅︎︎ Apr 09 2023 🗫︎ replies
what's up everyone I'm back from London it's actually good to be back I uh like having the stuff I need when I want to make a live stream like an internet connection uh wait a second did it just come back on what just happened there we go looks like it's working now I just said that oh my God I just jinxed the whole thing that's hilarious I said I would did you guys catch that I just said it's great to be home because we uh it's good to have a good internet connection and then boom the internet just went down what is up with that that's again that's completely impossible uh whatever whatever it's working now uh we're talking about some Genesis today uh I'm really glad I had a great trip to England I got some more stuff to uh to put out from there you guys saw my Abbey Road video which was really fun you know there's a couple some people were talking about me stepping over uh um when I was talking to uh to Merrick about um mirac about uh as we're as we're talking I was kind of jumping in a little bit we had a very limited what's up pipes we had a very limited window they had a session at 11 and we started right at 10 and I wanted to make sure that I got through everything so I was like let's do this you know and uh because we had to set up I well I got a tour of the whole studio first we couldn't shoot anywhere else other than Studio two otherwise I would have gone up to Studio three and uh but some of the really great things were the the the the actual Studio construction that people don't talk about they talk about all these other things I want to hear about the microphones the studio construction there's so much history out there about the Beatles and and Radiohead and Pink Floyd and everybody's recorded there but but I want to talk about physically how big is the room and these are important important things uh so we're gonna do a Genesis analysis here of a song that I've never learned until right now okay I just learned it even though I've been listening to it for 45 years I never thought about it until I wrote it down I never thought I just never thought about it and I was like okay I've got to write this down um so I'm gonna do a quick pitch be out of bundle for sale all of my educational products for 99 bucks that's a 436 dollar savings from what I would normally sell all four of them for that's my uh beatta book interactive which has hundreds of audio examples uh in the book dozens of video lectures and um and videos to to clarify really important Theory Concepts and 500 page PDF textbook that goes with it but with everything has examples that you can hear so it's much much better uh my beat ear training has 80 video lessons and hundreds of interactive training modules and that also has a theory component to it that comes with it my beginner guitar course that's what it is it's a beginner guitar course it's for complete beginners 28 lessons on that and then my quick lessons Pro guitar course that's more of an advanced course got five hours of content in that okay so we're talking about the song ripples I always come back to this record because it just it blows my mind I'm gonna put the chords on here um and uh I'm gonna play it for you I'm gonna start start at the top and we're gonna talk about this because there's things in here as I'm trying to do a breakdown of it I was thinking like how do you actually talk about what is going on here so check this out let's start from the top [Music] wise [Music] okay uh there's no base that comes in here except for there's like a [Music] where it goes uh C uh when he says um looks strange looks strange that part looks strange looks strange looks strange there's a really cool bass lick that happens there let's talk let's talk about what's going on here this is one weird weird progression that that on first viewing you're you're like okay I understand what this first thing is here this e major seven chord you know uh oh say that's four to one in the key of B and then you have like a add nine over e or a over e to e that would be a four to one in the key of E and then you have uh [Music] then you have the uh if we're still in if you go here [Music] later on he adds they add that G sharp in the bass and it becomes like a G sharp minor seven on the next phrase when the bass actually come in but it's really kind of a B major chord there and then it goes to D Minor six so how does B major and D Minor six work together now this song is written by Mike Rutherford and Tony Banks this is Phil Collins singing But Phil did not write any of this songs this is I this is such a guitar and piano song which is what's so amazing on it and obviously um uh the um that the 12 string work on this is um is just unbelievable so um the this particular but I mean there's a lot of open strings that are in the song right so Steve Hackett is on is on sixth string and uh I think it's Steve's on sixth string and Mike Rutherford's on 12 string I'm not sure though uh but and it's impeccably recorded by David henschel produced it now so this is definitely though built I think around the guitar because there's so many open string chords in here like uh next on that part so you've got this e major seven [Music] more bar so that's a a I'm just saying a at nine over e it's really a over e for a second version a major chord to E then B major for the D Minor six then okay how is this D Minor six related to that B major chord though so we can say everything you say you're in B major here except for on the first two chords four chord one chord and then this is a four to one uh or a flat seven to four to to one that's what it sounds like to me the flat seven this is a over e right flat seven to one to four the one but this D Minor six so I started thinking about saying okay well what is it really if you think of a B major chord like this you have the D sharp F sharp and B there's your D Minor six chord related right to it there if you think you have a blues [Music] let's say you're in the key of B that sounds totally normal though now when you hear it you don't think oh that sounds like a blues like a blues turn down but that's how the voice leading let's listen to it again fascinating [Music] I hear that sixth in there that might makes a G sharp minor then [Music] foreign [Music] beautiful change yeah pre-chorus [Music] amazing okay so first of all this is played live you can hear the Slowdown to make the chorus dramatic right this pre-chorus is absolutely fascinating so I was thinking about this uh so it goes to D sharp diminished uh so after the um let's talk about the build up the second time around [Music] London [Music] um [Music] then the pre-chorus foreign okay so this is a diminished seven uh uh of of the E minor so D sharp diminished seven to a minor uh so we call these secondary diminished sevens but then you're like well Rick E minor is not the key of B major it's like yeah we've long left B major uh when we go to this this this chord here this e over D is really a third ver inversion e seven chord okay assistant think of this D [Music] um this e over d as a third inversion E7 chord so an E7 chord has root third fifth seventh e g sharp b d so if I take the E7 chord this and I put the D in the bass that's the same chord so so it's e g sharp b d just out of order with the flat seven in the bass what's great about this is that it these this learning this stuff really trains your ear to listen for inversions voice leading all these things and I'm basically making a combination of the piano and the guitar part together um so but then you say okay go then it goes um if this E minor um let's say it's related to the to the key of C and that's the it's the three chord this would be a uh in the key of C E minor seven would be the three chord so this is diminish seven to three to three minor and then diminished seven or three to to C you're like well how does that relate okay so this D sharp diminished repeats every four Frets so really D sharp diminished seventh the same as C diminished seventh and C diminished seven to C major is a very common uh deceptive resolution it's a diminished seven of one so this chord are the same notes just spelled differently right [Music] it's all perfect voice leading but then you're like then you go C to D over C D over C is a D7 chord okay so you're going to C to D well then you're like okay Rick well maybe this is actually in G okay because this chord would be the four chord in G this would be the V chord in G D seven but D7 over C but then then it goes to B sus4 to B there this is just an amazing it's it's there's all these borrowed chords in here I mean I could analyze this pre-chorus in the key of G as well if it was in the key of G it'd be uh diminished seven of six going to Demi uh diminished seventh uh kind of commission of of the root okay this is really complicated but the the the but the um but the voice leading and the voice leading part of it is the most important when you hear it when I it's when I go that or go [Music] it sounds like blues again and this is why I harp on this ear training stuff these are the things that I um in my ear training course this is more of really what the third and fourth chapters on the ear training course eventually get into is to to start recognizing minor six chords uh these diminished seventh to one progressions like that and get getting to hear those uh hearing hearing the voice leading what what those inner lines are and how they're related to one another when when I start going like this and I go foreign [Music] when I start doing that and you say well that's part of a G7 chord too that D Minor six if I put a g in the bass it becomes a G7 chords these chords are all interrelated they're just fragments of of other chords but if you develop your ear you can hear these things and figure them out instantly when I went to figure this out I figured it out and you know it took me longer to write it out than figure it out but I've literally never thought about it I never realized that there was that 2 4 bar right in the in the third measure where it goes uh the two before bar and then back to four for it never occurred to me I've been listening to this song since 1976 like millions of times right and I never never occurred to me I was because I don't think like that when I want to learn a song If I want to play along with it then I have to actually think about it and it's kind of like you have to learn how to turn the switch on and off in your brain to do these things right you you have your you have your ear that's that you use for improvising okay if I hear that chord right I hear D Dorian [Music] so I hear that D Dorian sound when I hear that chord but I'm not analyzing this um I'm analyzing it when I need to do it okay let's get let's continue on here we'll talk about the chorus I love this love that low d low C I mean they slow down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so since I just learned this I'm actually listening to it just figuring it out as it's going by is the uh I'm not even I don't have the chart I'd have to pull up the chart in front of me I'm just playing it by ear right now okay so now I've pulled up the chart because I don't see the chart that you guys are seeing on the screen okay so now I'm looking at it right so I'm like okay so we got the way which is beautiful it's so it's one or one major seven to do a two major over one or this could be uh a uh a third inversion B7 chord but I just hear it as one I hear it really is four in the key of E to five then it goes to one then it goes secondary dominant to lead right back to the four so that's a five seven a four but it goes to but then it's a deceptive Cadence right [Music] now why does that work that E7 that works because this this F sharp it's there's like basically you have an a major over F sharp there so [Music] then your F-sharp May uh sus4 to F sharp major then back to a major seven what's interesting here is this line movement so you got [Music] then there's a uh uh that's really [Music] let's listen to that [Music] it's the last time beautiful [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] again [Music] I love that [Music] [Applause] [Music] face [Music] that happens you know what it gets below seems not a very long [Music] Angels love it [Music] gracefully decline songs [Music] sweet ie face amazing perfect Melody flows down there [Music] okay let's go back to the chorus here right so this is an interesting thing here about these inversions let me take this thing off the screen it's really really kind of uh gets in the way here so um I thought about this a lot this particular move [Music] you've heard this a million times in songs from the 70s I thought about um uh when I did the breakdown the Phil Collins um um what was the song foreign [Music] what is it um this is my jet lag kicking in the um what's the one that I did that was um I'll think of it here um but in the 70s everybody used this particular chord progression I would always call it one to two major over one in the Against All Odds there we go thank you Daniel Against All Odds I would always call it one to two over one Pat Metheny used it in in so many songs Genesis uh I mean like every song the police thing if you think of um um uh truth it's everybody the first record it's like if you same Keto [Music] you know the um do you guys know that one [Music] foreign [Music] progression and now it just doesn't get used at all um Sally asked Rick grateful for your efforts what's the price of your package and how do I get one so if you go to click on the link here Sally the um um my biato book my ear training course everything I make all my educational things are all part of the um aren't for 99 so everything that I've built all my educational courses are there this is a way to support the channel um and learn these things yourself because it's interesting so my biano book goes over the theory of how these chord progressions are related right so how to analyze them and the ear training course is is how to recognize what you're hearing right so they're completely interrelated ear training and music theory are the same thing the thing about my beata book it gets much further in depth with explaining these things like about this um how these chord progressions would be you and when you when you hear me [Music] when I play it like that it's it's it I mean the song doesn't sound at all like a blues but I explain how these uh you know that what the theory is between these turnarounds like that you know I was thinking about this is like uh that same turnaround Eddie Van Halen uses in eruption in the in the uh hammering part right he uses that uh that exact same Blues turn around and Freddie Mercury uses it in um in when I did my breakdown on Bohemian Rhapsody he uses it in that one main part and these songs sound nothing alike I should just make that video where I complete where I combine these things and show how these moves are made and they're so similar and um and they're so similar yet they don't sound anything alike because it's all about the voice leading of this that's the thing it's like it's you've got to be able to listen to what the inner voices of the chords are doing and that Renzo says it right there words otherwise work on your ear training it's what makes you a good musician what did you say Renzo he's right about that he says it's what makes you a good me just as Rick has said many times over it it's me what makes you a good musician what makes you a great musician is the ability to hear these things and play them because I mean that that's ultimately what it is you know somebody asked me Rick uh I I did a video with the guys from that pedal show I did a video with Lee anderton um and uh and they asked me about what I learned first and I said I learned to play by ear first I didn't know what the theory was until I started studying it once I started studying the theory then it just made it Con I then it was able to connect things that I heard that are really unrelated so when I hear um when I hear that licking eruption the tapping riff I recognize it as a Blues turnaround uh and when I hear the same thing in uh Bohemian Rhapsody I recognize it as a Blues turn on but it doesn't sound like that because of the way the chords are arpeggiated but it's exactly the same movement and then this thing here you hear that thing right there in this let's see if I can find it again [Music] it's interesting too because when I I always knew that was a diminished chord there a diminished seventh chord in the pre-chorus here um but I didn't think of it I didn't until I actually wrote the chart out just before this I wrote the chart here where's my where's my book that I wrote it in this is funny because I got um uh when you go on these trips like when I went to Abbey Road hold on I'm going to get it I'm gonna walk out of the screen and I'm gonna walk back the thing on the screen here is just this so I have my Abbey Road notebook that they gave me which is cool it's a cool little notebook I was like I'm gonna christen it by putting this my little chicken scratch in here that's what you're seeing on the screen is this okay so I just I said okay I'm gonna write I'm going to fill this thing up with songs that I teach on here um and somebody says is it fun anymore it's very fun it's so fun to be able to sit down and just go Zip Zip Zip Zip Zip okay there's the song then I want then I would listen to it and I watch it down I'll put it back on the screen here and I'm like okay yeah that's a lead sheet that I could throw on a gig if I was gonna play this song with somebody I could just quickly put it down and say okay one of the chords there when it goes that B major chord that B major but like uh that's actually what the uh so it's like a it's like um it's like [Music] I love that that's the first time that does it uh when it when it doesn't have a bass note under [Music] that's just and it's just it's all this whole song is just voice leading great voice leading it's obviously written between a piano player and guitar player but the ability to hear it and write it down is what my ear training course is that's it right there that's why you should get it click on the link and go buy it because ultimately that's the thing that that I want you guys to be able to do is to be able to take down songs like that write them down right this stuff is so genius because this really uh is sophisticated to the ear this is very very tough to get these things right unless you have a great ear and these are the things that I will teach you how to do I mean the Steve Hackett and Mike Rutherford Parts in the song are phenomenal get together and and um and uh uh and Tony Banks the way his keyboard part on the the little breaks that he does here that right here listen [Music] this is listen to those the 12 string and the sixth string I mean it's amazing David henschel the the recording of this is so good I really really want to actually I want to interview him because I just can't believe how good this record sounds as a uh uh as an audio file or a production file whatever you would call me I when people can capture the sound of an instrument and capture multiple instruments together and um capture them and get them to to interlock where they sound so perfect together that they just create this thing where you don't even know what to listen to and everything is clear and it just works together it's like the perfect Orchestra this just and and there's music a music file is that a music of file is that what I am I think I'm I'm I wouldn't say I'm an audio file maybe an audio file I think is a person that buys ten thousand dollar speakers to listen to stuff that was mixed on 600 speakers that's a that's actually a joke there but I always used to my friends that would spend ten thousand dollars on on your their stereos I'd be like why are you spending ten thousand dollars on a stair on on the stereo to listen to a record that I know is mixed on Yamaha and S10s I guarantee you that they weren't hearing all those things right and uh just be like ah so um there's a lot of songs on here that uh um this is this this has some of the the most sophisticated Genesis songs really I think that I think because after Peter Gabriel left uh before they settled on Phil Collins being their singer they had written a lot of these ideas right and they're and there are um it's just the three of them Steve Hackett and I mean I obviously Phil was in the band playing drums and everything but the the ideas there this is such an um musically sophisticated album which I think is wise somebody mentioned entangled on there doing that I did a breakdown of course of dance on a volcano as well off this I can't talk about this record enough somebody talked about Duke having some Duds on it Duke is a great record but it's not it's not even close to this wind and weathering killer record the Gabriel the earlier records amazing uh but I just keep coming back to this because this is such a good guitar record man so good amazing amazing so that's it uh for this I want to talk about this because this is a very very uh interesting song to train your ear and learn about the uh the analysis of How It's put together because this is really unlike I said Bohemian Rhapsody is unlike any other song you know this there's there's some songs that are just unlike any other song I can pretty much say that about every Joni Mitchell song you know songs like King of Pain by Sting the police uh you know songs like that just no one would come up with that song but sting you know it's just really brilliant or Fortress around your heart there's so many songs I think of I think of rush I think of all these bands that this would work on this stuff for for you know they sat down and they worked this stuff out for months right or else they just came up where Elton John would just come up with the stuff off the top of his head um so there cliff and Jessica Genesis and Phil Collins is what music must sound like in Heaven There you go sounds like heaven when I listen to it it just the the the Ethereal beauty of this is so amazing I I'd love to get David henschel if anyone knows him um love to get him um love to interview him um anyhow you guys are the best thank you so much remember get your Beatle bundle today 99 bucks click it right now click the link you need to know this stuff all right see you guys later have a great rest of your weekend take care
Channel: Rick Beato
Views: 291,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Beato Ear Training, Beato Book, Rick Beato, music education, pop music, Music theory, ear training, guitar theory, Rick Beato Music, Acoustic Guitar, Excuses, How to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 4sec (2224 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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