'Breaking Baguettes': Hailey Hernandez, Alison Gibson make tartelettes with Top Chef | NBC Sports

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hello guys I'm Kevin Dandrea and I know nothing about diving hi I'm Haley Hernandez Olympic diver I'm Allison Gibson Olympic diver and we know nothing about French cuisine and today we're going to fix that we're going to make this amazing taret from fly poops this is breaking baguettes I'm Chef Kevin nrea owner of fops ptis in tin Texas contestant of Bravos Top Chef and member of academ culin the France I was born and raised in Marie in France and fell in love with cooking at an early age I've traveled the world working with Mission star chef and enjoying some of the world's best food this summer Paris will be the center of the universe at the Olympic Games today we are here at ghostline Kitchen in Austin to combine two of my favorite things Olympic sports and French cuisine this is breaking bagette [Music] making a big splash with today's guests but both of them do their best to not make one in the pool Alison Gibson is an NCAA champion and earn a trip to the Tokyo Olympics representing Team USA in 2021 Haley Hernandez is a six time senior national champion who also represented Team USA in [Music] Tokyo hello everyone welcome to Breaking baguette I'm here today with Alison Gibson and HZ uh we here today to talk about food uh competition and of course experience so in front of you you have all this like P Chola croissant taret um and all this amazing cheese so I don't know if you recognize some of them do you well I mean I know a chocolate croissant when I see so over here front of so front of you you have like some amazing French cheese uh which we imported here so this is some camo one of the s here you can have the briis some oati so this cheese is where I come I was born City I was born some extra cre Bri the Grier the gois and this one is the mimolet mimolet mimolet pretty good pretty good why is it orange because they put like a natural colorant in it for when they finish the cheese so it's very recognizable interesting interesting right and over here we have this little taret so that's what I'm making everything is nonprocessed as less as sweet as possible and we try to to make good food because I think and I have a question for you what it is like as an athlet to put like the balance of like good food good mental and just like be ready for competition how you balance all that stuff so for me a lot of it is what is my body telling me that I need and does it need fruit does it need some kind of protein does it need more water um and I kind of base off of that and I really try to do as much from the earth as possible so trying to avoid processed food it's really hard make America to do that I still eat processed food I will eat a peteris hamburger like I'll do it I'm a Petes fan too but but I do for the most part try to get from the earth so that's that's that's what about you Al no same thing you know um definitely trying to get all of our food groups in you know we listen to our bodies that's very crucial part you know I love my sweets I love dessert so I I like to take um an 8020 approach you know so definitely be able to have cheap meals and get my ice cream get my dessert in but you know sticking to a pretty good Clean Diet as well perfect well I can't wait to ask you all these question is burning my lips but uh I saw yesterday on your Instagram like he was making like a amazing dinner with a Creme Brule at the end so I was like oh interesting you're very familiar with French food up BR you um you know I wouldn't say I'm very familiar but I like trying different things and I think for me it it's all about experimentation ever since I was a kid like I would my parents used to cook like rice and beans like I like that was like what I ate and like cereal for dinner you know and so I got to a point when I was in Middle School I'm done I was like I was like I want some flavor and so that's what I did I started like trying to test different spices and things like that in the kitchen so yeah I I was like just like looking at different recipes and trying them out and it turned out really well so okay guys so now you're familiar with the name of this TV show uh is breaking baguettes so we going to grab the baguettes break in half our producer hide a question in it and we're going to read the question to each other so we have a tradition in France every time when we break the baguettes break the bread together that's mean we become instantly friends so after today we're going to becoming friends sounds good sounds great okay I start it's pretty solid huh it's nice H Hy tell everyone watching what buckes is and what is your favorite thing to get advoc oh my gosh this is great this is the most Tex thing so bies is a huge gas station um if you don't know everything is bigger in Texas so you it must go stop um you can get so much stuff there so honestly I think my favorite thing to get when I go to bies is a pulled pork sandwich or their fudge the fudge is very good I definitely join you on that like the P pork sandwich in B is always every time when I make my way to Houston I'm just like I'm stopping on The Bookies and I get myself a little treats so I definitely agree on that one good one what is your favorite Olympic sport to watch so hm good question so I'm European okay so I'm gonna go with football sorry I'm not going to call it soccer yeah but football 100% like I'm a big huge fan of PSG okay so with mppe is over there yeah sadly is leaving for Real Madrid but like yeah uh football is my my go-to 100% so European of me right yeah okay guys so you dive into water a lot right what is the latest Obsession you've dived into I would say for me personally um just this clean eating kind of obsession where like I like sweets too similarly to Haley but it's like how can you eat sweets that are yeah I know it's I'm tempted um how do you eat sweets that are healthier right so how can you make a healthier version of something and so lately I fell I went to qar um for a competition and fell in love with dates there because they have dates in the Middle East they use dates in everything I recently discovered that you can instead of using sugar can use dates as a sweetener and so I've been like trying out different recipes with dates as the sweetener instead of traditional white sugar love it so that's been my recent Obsession some have been better than others but um it's been really fun so yeah I mean that's fun you say that because my uh favorite like little treat point of TV is a butter and dates yeah like I'm literally like dipping my dats in the peanut butter and I'm like this is at least healthy yeah right at least for me I guess my newest Obsession um I really getting into painting um which been a lot of fun arts and crafts um actually painting a lot of like fun drinks and things like that so maybe I'll have to try some food incorporating that into my painting definitely so unless like a buet of P chro there's a lot of like a little details you can get into it okay great well thank you so much that's very nice uh answer thank you you guys all right here we go what is the hardest French pastry to make H so I think the hardest French pastry to make is a laminated Brios so I don't know if you saw like this like beautiful Brios like in a in a bowl like that with a lot of stripes on it and so it's just like it's a BRI dough you laminate like a croissant and like when you rise in the oven it's just just like so we have like a Brios tastes like a croissant and it's just the most beautiful fion ever yeah I see your eyes yeah yeah that's exactly so we don't have it so it's like imagine like this amazing cant we have the taste of The Buttery Brio yeah but is the hardest one to do and it's the best so can you make it for us absolutely 100% let's make a deal it's a deal it's a deal we'll do it okay so is it true you have to wait 30 minutes after eating to go in the water no definitely not a lot of like controversial things just like is it actually really true or is just like the thing our parents was saying and it's just like completely wrong I was literally eating a granola bar in the water in the so I mean we're running around like crazy we're eating like you got things to do eat go practice okay okay so it's a false myth right for legal purposes I'll say there's a high it's highly unlikely High unlik something would happen drown if you eat within 30 minutes of getting in the water anyways after you guys all right all right let's see what we got here do you put do you put pineapple on pizza oh hell no oh no I'm a Big Pine a oh no no no no so no so I'm a big fan of pizza I make my pizza I have my pizza open at home and uh I'm a big fan of napolitan pizza so like the the side like is very hairy and hairy sorry I put I put I put H in yeah I put H in in some sent like never heard of a hair like like hair like hair the hair I say air I can say air air so the corner of my pizza is very air not h on the front and so the thing is just like in Italy you can absolutely not put pineapple on the pizza next one what is the weirdest question you get about being a diver oh my gosh I'm sure that's gonna be no okay this is hilarious this is my pet peeve this is my pet peeve for those of you who are watching I will say they say what sport do you do I say I'm a diver and they said what stroke do you swim or you you're a scuba diver and I'm like I was gonna say the same thing I was I'm sure people is like diver huh are you a scuba diver I'm I'm sure I'm sure that you get that a lot get I get it so often and I'm like the swimming part always gets me though because I'm like if I was a swimmer like I would say that I'm a swimmer but you know right like if I'm a swimmer I'm not gonna say I'm a diver I so I think it's so funny okay so yeah that makes sense no I totally agree I was literally gonna say that you'll go on a whole storytelling about your diving they'll ask you about diving they'll be like okay when's your next swim meet I'm like no we just went over this we just went over this to you about 15 minutes like what I'm doing I've started doing this thing where when people ask me I'll say I'm a diver and I immediately follow it up with like gymnastics into the water just literally that yes no no none ofone you didn't eat anything no I tell me like what should I I don't know so I really want you guys to I really want us to I really want you to try the cheese so do you like stinky cheese I don't know find out I'll find out we're going to find out should the whole thing just take a bite in it take a bite in it okay smell it first are you smell it no it's okay where B yeah you like it kind of tastes like what it smells like okay okay yeah stinky very good though Dam you open mine H okay and this is the T and it's like a shortbread cookie on the bottom Creamy Feeling on the inside and chocolate on the top it's so good yeah you like it and when you're going to get to the middle you're going to have like this little creaminess of the raspberry so I think after trying these tetes why we should make some yeah let's go to the kitchen and we are back in the kitchen with Alison and Ellie and right now we're going to make some tartlet and this amazing little product I make from folli poops and we have two flavor so alist you have the chocolate and hnut and you have the raspberry one so I think today the challenge is going to be like make it exactly like what it's supposed to be and I'm sure like you're a good competitor so we'll see and we're going to judge like if you are good at this challenge but I'm sure you will crush it so first of all so you going to have like a little bag in front of you so that's called a pouch and you're just going to press uh the top over here and you're going to put a little bit in the middle like that when it's like that you make sure like you put the tiip up and you press a little bit tiip up and you continue like that and after the goal is going to be to take this little thing cover it up with chocolates and and you're done perfect little garnish on the top and voila nice sounds good ni and for a raspberry one exactly the same thing but it's going to be a little bit different raspberry in the middle chocolate on the top and a little bit of drizzle of chocolate on the top just like that sounds good sounds good party okay guys so let's go 3 2 1 let's go is this a race I'm like oh my gosh I don't know what I'm doing I have to race now no it's not a race it's just like to make it nice you know I'm ready to compete anytime anywhere so bring it so in exactly like that so the best way to hold the pouch like that so you can just like you open your hands like that you put it exactly yeah you're doing perfectly it's easier than I thought it was going to be I think I'm picking it up pretty quickly so the first time when I look Ellie like grabbing the the pouch I was like oh wow like have you done that before I uh have you been baking before um a little bit little you feel very comfortable with it yeah definitely yes so Alie I heard you make a very good salmon tell me more about the salmon I do it's one of my go-to dinner recipes um I like to do uh honey orange glaze salmon in the oven okay um hand baked very easy you know throw it in throw it in get in the shower out sometimes a good and easy recipe that's what we want you know day nothing too difficult exactly and uh I heard um Alison your Creme Brule is pretty fantastic so tell me more about that um well I you know don't have a ton of experience with it it was actually it looked like a crem brulee but it was it was not oh you just name a fo it was a faux cramp brulee it was actually a non-baked cheesecake okay with a creme brulee topping so you told me you tricked your Instagram followers with saying like you make a French Creme Brule was not it was not but it was it was very good um and because it was like no bake the way it was made it was a little bit creamier and so yeah I really liked it cuz it was like it was nice and creamy so it actually reminded me a little bit of cream Brule like because you put the sugar on the top and you Bru yeah but it was also it was creamy it was good it was good yes but I'm sorry to let you down no no no don't worry don't worry wonderful Haley uh you're flying over this like uh I heard in your family someone is a pilot yes tell me more about it so my dad's actually a pilot um he flies for Southwest Airlines okay um and I love to fly as well I've always loved watching him fly and getting to travel with all these competitions and diates around the world um it's been amazing so you're in the front of the plane with your dad when uh um you know not all the time but I have been up there the cockpit is amazing incredible so many buttons so many things going on but just you know feeling free just like diving you know falling Free Falling we love that we love that getting up there being up there and being in high places I mean that's that that's the goal of every uh human you know just flying and be free yes exactly okay well it looks like he's getting a tight together the last one I am just kind of going through filling him up but the only problem is it's hard to figure out exactly how much to fill so I'm filling them a little too high and then I'm panicking a little bit so I can tell you're very generous on chocolate so right now I see Alis like overfilling the trail a little bit well this is GES that's how we call in French it's like you want to have like a lot of chocolate so Alison good point on that you're very G well okay I was like trying to fill in the you know what you're right I do like chocolate exactly I mean you make that one and that one you're going to yeah that's the hardest part and AE on the side like she's doing like the drizzle and she's uh definitely learning how to like press a little bit on the pouch and just like making like a teeny drizzle on the top it's perfect so that's too thick yeah so the thing is just like you press a little bit with just your finger and you're just doing you see like up like that and you and you let it just let it go you you're going have to press too hard so okay so we done it's perfect so now it's going to take a little bit of time to put in the freezer just for 3 minutes to get it set and uh we're going to come back after that here we are Moment of Truth oh no there you go guys too much chocolate at first I'm a little self-conscious and as I go I start realizing that hey it's about making it unique right if everything looked the same all the time it wouldn't be very fun it looks beautiful oop sorry it looks wonderful guys it's special it's very special it's a very chocolatey uh I love it you guys like did an amazing job so right now what I recommend you to do just like pop out from the bottom okay and after you have like your amazing little tolet yes ex they have they have like little hats exactly so they have like a a little chef hat yeah like exactly like this little see I was being creative just like a little chef hat on the top of the tolet yes I have a question for you tell me okay do these taste better room temperature or cold so it's really up to you me I sell it like a a fridge temperature but you can eat it room temperature and what I do as well I always carry some in the freezer and I it frozen so it's like you know like when you have like this sneakers like frozen bar and stuff it just tastes amazing and so you can really like me I prefer like fridge and and Frozen but room temperature works as well so very genuine question guys how do you think you did I mean I think I did great I got an Allison Twist on um on a classic and yeah I definitely got to recognize them like if I see them somewhere for sure yeah for sure you know if you see one with a little extra chocolate so maybe one day I hope I going to see them in bies huh yeah yes yeah bies if you hear us huh yeah and what about you it was great so much fun I think good on we've gotten better we got better as we went on definitely you can s like the little creativity over here this is like absolutely gorgeous you can see the little hat over here so you can see the little like a you know like a yeah I mean gorgeous so what I think right now like we should taste it yes so of course this is a competition so we're going to make you like rated out of 10 so we're going to swap and eat uh the other one tolet so give you give yourself a Tate from the orders and uh be real I think this is my best looking right oh no okay enjoy it [Music] cheers it's so delicious it's so good perfect combination of sweet and savory and fruity and chocolatey and it's a little cold so it's refreshing on this hot summer day it's so good oh that's good is good this is so creamy and it's so chocolatey I love chocolate so it's perfect perfect touch the chocolate the nuts creamy sweet I love it it's amazing out of 10 thinkink honestly yes honestly I I would give this like I would give this a 10 really I really like this I want more like I want I'm about to go to practice but I want more I want to eat the whole box right now like the all of it say in Synchro fashion scores a 10 as well yeah we got a score over here guys well I think like you guys did pretty great you did amazing thank you so much for being with me and take the time for sure to be here I think you Des like a middle today so I have like two gold medal amazing from broken baguettes so I'm very honored and happy to give you this metal there you go guys thank you so much it's an honor to give you like uh this amazing metal thank you so much and it was a pleasure today to cook with you and Alison and Alie thank you so much for watching Breaking baguettes see you later guys bye-bye like when do you get to cook in a kitchen with a professional chef right come on like that's crazy I watch these guys on TV all the time so when you're cooking it show a s of yourself like this beautiful tet was exactly have the same representation as they are very creative and very unique and that's what we want about cooking and that's what we want about this athlete to be unique and creative and they show that perfectly today good job Chef this is Chef Kevin host of NBC's breaking bagets when I'm not teaching Olympians to cook French food I am a contestant on Bravo stop Chef make sure to catch up on my season Top Chef on peacock now and watch the Paris Olympics this summer on NBC and peacock [Music]
Channel: NBC Sports
Views: 1,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: olympics, olympics 2024, olympics theme song, olympics for kids, olympics swimming, olympics 2024 qualifiers, olympics 2024 opening ceremony, olympics opening ceremony, olympics diving, olympics 2024 paris, paris olympics, paris olympics 2024, paris olympics 2024 trailer, paris olympics 2024 commercial, paris olympic build, nbc sports, nbc olympics, nbc, Breaking Baguettes, Hailey Hernandez, Alison Gibson, Kevin D'Andrea, Kévin D’Andrea, Top Chef
Id: 81tJH1NCoXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 14sec (1334 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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