Break Out Command - Autodesk Inventor Drawing Tutorial | Autodesk Inventor 2021 IN DEPTH

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hey everybody it's alex with engineering applied in this video i'll be giving you an overview of the breakout command found within an autodesk inventor drawing file if you want more easy to understand and practical content like this made by an experienced engineer like myself make sure you like this video subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications so you don't miss out on any helpful content like this in the future if you're looking for a specific function check the description for time stamps and if you don't find what you're looking for in this video make sure you check out my other videos in my autodesk inventor series playlist because i know you'll find exactly what you need there let's get started okay everybody so here we are in our drawing file and the first thing we need to do to work with the breakout command is we need to create a base view so what i'll do is i'll go to the base view command here in the create portion of the ribbon and i'll go ahead and select this assembly i went ahead and prepared ahead of time so in this particular case we have an electrical enclosure with a printed circuit board assembly on the inside and what we want to do is we want to create a breakout view so we can see the usb connectors that are mounted to the board itself without having to create a custom view representation to achieve this so what we'll do is go ahead and drop a couple base views here so we'll just create some projections all right that looks good and we'll go ahead and right click and hit ok and then now let's go ahead and start setting up our breakout view now the first thing we need to do is we need to go ahead and create a sketch in our view of interest in which we want to create the breakout in so let's go ahead and start creating the sketch on this base view here by going to the top and going to the sketch tab clicking on start sketch and then selecting the base view here which is our view of interest once we do that you can see we get our vertical and our horizontal axis that's overlaid on top of this view that's just letting us know that we're currently sketching in this particular drawing view this is really important because when you're creating a breakout you want to make sure that you're dropping the sketch on the correct view so that it can reference that geometry when you create the breakout okay so now let's go ahead and just create a rectangular shape so i'm going to keep this pretty simple so i'm just going to draw a rectangle that sort of comes out a little bit past the usb connector and um just envelops the rest of the part here so we'll go ahead and drop that there all right that looks good we'll hit ok and finish sketch so now we have this sketch that's kind of floating on top of the view don't worry this will go away once we execute the breakout command so now let's go back to our place views tab and now let's go to the modify section of the ribbon so when we're in the modify section of the ribbon we click on breakout we select our view in which we want to create this breakout on so we'll select this base view here in the middle and once we do that it automatically pre-selects that closed profile that we're using for this breakout so once we're here we can actually redesignate a profile so for whatever reason if we have multiple sketches on the same view we can come up here to the boundary section select this boundary profile selector and as you can see here it's currently active because there's a blue fill inside of the box and then we can go ahead and designate the closed profile of interest but like i said since there's only the single closed profile within that drawing view it will pre-select that for us when we hit breakout moving down we have our depth section and within this section we can essentially set our start and end criteria for the breakout okay so the overall depth in which this breakout is occurring within that drawing view of interest okay so starting in the left side of this area we have our selector okay so this is our selection filter that corresponds to the variant of our depth selection within this drop down menu okay and we'll step through each one of these options accordingly but we'll start with the from point option and then of course below it you have your parameter field so this is where we would enter a depth value for example for the from point option and we'll look at that when the time comes so starting with from point you can use this in a couple different ways one way you can use this is that we can activate the selection filter and then we can go ahead and click on just anything that occurs on this particular side of the drawing view okay so if we're looking at the front of the enclosure as we are in this view and we select this edge for example we can set a depth to go beyond or behind that edge in which we create that breakout from so as you can see here i have a number two entered into this box okay that corresponds to two inches because my default units i'm working with are in inches okay so with that entered and we click ok as you can see there it cuts in to the enclosure but we can't really see the depth from this view so let's go ahead and project an isometric view off of this broken out base view okay so let's go ahead and pull this up to the top right hand corner and there we go now we have our isometric view that's projected off of this base view with the breakout okay and as you can see here we've cut into our part and if you imagine if we're looking at this front side of the enclosure like we are in this view and we just use that rectangular shape and then cut into the part with it this is exactly what we would see however we're losing the two usb connectors that we want to see within this particular projection so what we can do is we can go over to our model browser and i'm just going to expand the drop down for the actual assembly itself so this is all of the model data for the assembly and i'll go down to the printed circuit board assembly section in the model browser i'll right click on that and go to section participation and set that to none okay so essentially that is overriding that breakout for this particular part on its own okay so the printed circuit board assembly will remain intact while everything else will take on that breakout so this is exactly what we want however i do notice that there are a couple fasteners that are still showing or at least this one here in the corner so let's get rid of that so let's find out which one that is so when i hover over this one here in the model browser this one is uh lighting up red in the base view so that's the one i want to hide so i'll right click on that go to section participation and go to section this time and when i do that it will section out that fastener so that i don't see it now let's go ahead and go back into the breakout that we just created and instead of undoing this operation and redoing it over and over again we'll just edit the various parameters in the original breakout so that you can see the before and after much quicker so to do that we'll go into the model browser and just double click on breakout you can also right click and then go to edit breakout as well but i usually just like to double click on this and then as you can see here we're back in our breakout command window now let's go ahead and set this depth value to something smaller i'll go ahead and set this to half an inch and then we'll click ok and as you can see there the depth decreases to half an inch okay so it um just recedes a little bit and it's measured off of that front edge now going back into breakout once again let's go ahead and try something different so we'll set this to zero and i'll use this selection filter to pick up a different entity in a view that's not the base view in which this breakout is occurring so this is a really powerful tool because we can actually reference various geometry and use those as endpoints for the depth okay so for example let's say we wanted to go right up until this edge here that goes just beyond this usb connector i can left-click on that edge and you can see there it's highlighted in light blue meaning that it will go up to that point and i have a zero here so there's a zero offset okay so now let's go ahead and click ok and as you can see there that breakout goes right up until the edge that i selected now let's say for example you want to continue referencing that edge but you want to apply an offset in addition to that reference so all you have to do is go back into the breakout command window and then type in an offset value so let's say for example we want to go an eighth of an inch off of that edge i'll type in .125 and then click ok and as you can see i get that offset from the original edge that was selected now let's go ahead and start taking a look at the two sketch option found in the depth section to utilize this option the first thing we need to do is we need to have a sketch in place to reference as a stopping point for the breakout so the first thing we need to do is we need to go up to the sketch tab start sketch and then we'll go ahead and click on this view now that we've clicked on that view let's go ahead and create this sketch so i'll use the line tool and i'll just create a vertical line that coincides with this line between the top cover and the bottom cover okay so i'll just pull this out this way and that looks good and we'll just draw this all the way over to this area just past the usb connector because i still want to be able to see this connector in my view once i create the breakout so i'll drop that there and then i'll create another vertical line that just stems directly off of that and we'll finish the sketch so now that we have our sketch in place let's go ahead and go back to our breakout and we'll set this to to sketch and then we'll designate that sketch okay so once we clicked on that sketch we can click ok and as you can see here i've cut through my top cover but i've preserved the detail of the bottom cover we're back in our breakout command window so let's go ahead and take a look at the two hole option so simply put all this does is it references a whole feature in your model to act as a stopping point for the breakout we'll make sure our selection filter is active and it is because there's a blue fill inside of that box so let's go ahead and select our whole feature of interest so let's go ahead and pick up this hole here on the side of the enclosure and when i left click on that you'll notice we can click ok now so we'll go ahead and click ok and as you can see there the breakout stops at the holes center line so let's go ahead and try that again with a different one so we'll go back into breakout go to to whole and let's select this back one here so when we select the hole in the back of the enclosure and click ok as you can see there that breakout goes until the center point of this particular hole feature next we have our through part option so the three part option allows us to select individual components or parts within our assembly to create the breakout with so for example let's say we want to cut only through the top part of this enclosure but leave the bottom cover intact all we have to do is make sure our selection filter is active and then select the part that you want to create the breakout with so in this case i want to only remove material from the top cover so i select the top cover and click ok and when i do that as you can see there that rectangular profile cuts all the way through my top cover but everything else is preserved you can also select multiple components with the three part option so let's try that so this time we'll select the top cover and the bottom cover and we'll click ok and as you can see there the entire top cover in this rectangular region that was drawn here in that sketch has been removed in addition to that bottom cover okay so let's see from another angle okay so we don't have any more of that bottom cover in that space next we have our show hidden edges option found within the display section so simply put when this is active we can see all of the hidden lines within our view that we're creating the breakout with so let's say for example we wanted to reference a whole feature from this view without actually needing to access it in this view above so let's say we wanted to access this hole here so i can just go ahead and hover over that whole feature here left-click with the two-hole option selected and then i can click ok and then as you can see there we use the hidden edges option to locate a feature that was used as a reference point to set the depth of the breakout now the final option found within our breakout command window is the section all parts option so when we activate this option and click ok it will override any section participation settings we've previously set in the model browser so as you may recall earlier in the video i set my printed circuit board assembly to none within the section participation section okay so essentially what that was doing was regardless of what my breakout was doing it was preserving the printed circuit board assembly so as you can see there it's only cutting away the top cover and the bottom cover and it's leaving the printed circuit board assembly right where it is however when i go into my breakout command and i use the section all parts option it overrides that setting and it sections it anyways that's all for this segment of the autodesk emitter drawing creation module where i gave you an overview of the breakout command i really hope that you found this tutorial to be helpful and that you put what you've learned in the practice so you can continue developing your skills as you work your way through these lessons also before you watch the next video in the series make sure you subscribe to my channel and turn on notifications to stay up to date on future content that will help you create the future you want for yourself and of course don't hesitate to leave a comment or reach out via my website contact page and let me know if there's anything else you'd like to learn about or see on this channel i really appreciate you choosing to stop by and learn with me and i'll see you again soon [Music] you
Channel: Engineering Applied
Views: 513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: autodesk inventor 2021 tutorial, autodesk inventor tutorial for beginners, inventor tutorial 2021, inventor professional 2021 tutorial, inventor 2021, autodesk inventor 2021, inventor 2021 tutorial, autodesk inventor, autodesk inventor tutorial, inventor, autocad 2021, how to create break out views in autodesk inventor 2021, break out tool autodesk inventor 2021, break out command autodesk inventor 2021, break out function in autodesk inventor 2021, break out view, broken view
Id: GSejJZ4kbbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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