Brayton the Bully (S1 Ep 10)

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hi my name is brayton smith better known as brayton the bully and it's time for everyone to hear my side of the story so i always had it pretty rough at home but nonetheless i used to be a happy kid but then i started looking older than the rest of my classmates and the whole school started treating me like a monster i was sad i was angry and that's when i became the school bully all the kids were scared of me even the teachers were scared of me the only person that wasn't scared of me was this kid named desmond desmond was my only friend because he took a lot of my crap off for sure was good until this kid was teasing me and desmond started laughing with him so do you know what i did i put a pencil on my shoulder where i come from if you put a pistol on your shoulder and the other person knocks it off that means they wanna fight desmond knocked the pencil off my shoulder and i told him i was gonna beat him up after school while i waited for him to show up desmond never came out to school well i didn't care because the next time i seen him i was gonna beat him up so desmond had the guts to knock the pistol off my shoulder but he didn't show up to a fight and the rule is if you don't show up to the fight then you're going to get beat up on sight i seen him sitting down during recess like nothing was wrong i walked up and told his friend to start recording because it was about to go down he was digging in his book bag like i wasn't even there so that's when i said are you ready and when he looked up i punched him in the face i was giving him the business and he caught into a ball like a little baby then all of a sudden these teachers started pulling me off of him i got suspended from school when i got home my dad told me to go to desmos house to apologize but instead of apologizing i recorded a diss track in the booth getting loose always being tough better light these bars cause if not imma beat you up then i got that song played on the radio the same day my suspension was over so everyone knew i was coming back to school you should have seen desmond's face when he first seen me he was scared and i told him i was gonna make his life real miserable for the rest of our time in school so i told desmond that i was gonna make his life real miserable and i meant that the next day we were playing football in gym class and i could see on desmond's face that he was nervous i forced our gym teacher to make sure that desmond and i were matched up together dazzler tried to talk to the teacher about changing the person he was going against but the teacher was too scared of me to change him i was so ready to crack desmond when i heard the whistle oh i started running up to him but he started running like a little girl my only mission was to tackle him smooth to the ground the gym teacher seen what i was trying to do but he was too scared to say something there was just something in me that just really wanted to tackle desmond so i tried to tackle him any chance i got man i didn't care if it was a timeout or if he was tiny shoe or if he didn't even have the ball i was just trying to tackle him but then this school bell rung and the class was over i seen him stop and i thought oh yeah here's my chance and i tackled him smooth to the ground i walked over him and went to my next class so listen to me and you better listen to me closely i get so mad sometimes because people call me crazy when i'm not even the craziest person i know do you want to know who's crazy my brother lathan he's my oldest brother and he's in high school but one day he told me to bring him to my school when we got to school he told me to wait behind the wall and then he waited by the stairs for somebody to come and who shows up desmond and lathan tripped him it was a little funny so i laughed but i really wanted latin to go back to his own school but desmond kept on talking and got lathan all route up and then left and smacked him from that point later just started going crazy he was screaming and beating people up and taking people's lunch money i was like sheesh i thought i was bad but later that day he got stuck in the jungle gym and who shows up desmond that's when being the stupid kid he is asking him if he needed help when he should've just kept on walking later told him that he didn't need help when he really did need help so then he was mad at everybody and y'all call me crazy no he's crazy and that's why i'm mad all the time so let me tell you when i really started having problems with desmond i was dating this girl and i really liked her but for some reason i just had this feeling that she like desmond so do you know what i did i act like i didn't go to school one day so i could spy on them and it turns out i was right they were over there talking and laughing and it was just making me mad and then all of a sudden they kissed i walked over to desmond and i punched him in the face i thought he learned to not mess with me after i beat him up the first time but i guess not so the next day i made sure that we got paired up for our science project he tried to get another partner so i gave him the face he changed his mind real quick to punish him for kissing my girl i made him do all the work he came up with the idea he came up with the presentation all i did was stand there and call them names then when it was our turn to do the presentation i made him do it by himself while i did some push-ups guess what happened next i stood up like i did everything and i got all the credit and that was only the beginning for what i had planned for desmond so i remember this time we got a new student him and desmond started being friends and it made me mad because i didn't want desmond to have no friends so during recess i walked up to him so i could you know do what i do but the new kid has some heart because he stepped up to me since he was new i tried to give him one last chance but he didn't back down so i decided to be him up but it turns out that he was a little bit strong desmond started being a little punk and hiding behind him and during class i seen him talking about something then after school when i was working out on the jungle gym the new kid walked up to me and said not the bissell off and you know i was gonna let him use my thing against me so i knocked the pencil off he took off his shirt and i'm not gonna lie that bull was big so i ran away and that was the first time i ever did that and it was all desmond's fault two days later the new kid got transferred to another school and i was so happy because the next day was desmond's birthday and i wanted to ruin it for him so with the new kid being going there was nobody standing in my way wait until you see what i did to him so i remember when we were having a little birthday party in class for desmond i was so mad because i didn't want him to have no special day so i ruined everything we did when we were singing happy birthday i made the class sing my name instead of his i popped all of his balloons i ate all his birthday sugar cookies and then i ate his birthday mick chicken desmond was so mad and he stood up and said ah that's it i can't stand you brayton i don't like you you're so mean you're nothing butter but a bully for the first time ever i really felt like a bully so later on i went to his house and bought him a new mick ticket then we stood outside and talked like the old days i'm not going live it felt good to have my friend back but then he brought up the fight and called my pencil stupid and where i come from you never did you spent the pizzle and just like that our first it was over again that [ __ ] was not stupid you're stupid we're not friends no more and i bullied them for the rest of the year so desmond started telling everybody about this dream he had of him beating me up so like i said i finally stood up to britain look who it is ugly egghead your mama what do you say to me i said your mama oh you just got yourself beat up yeah that's what you think brayton swung at me and i dipped it then i hit him with a two-piece oh my goodness i got him and then he tried to tackle me oh you think you can bust brain and get away with it i moved out the way and when he turned around i pushed him in the face i was like okay and i stole his bike then later that day he showed up to my house with his daddy he came up to me asking for his bike and i said what bike like debo from friday i was so happy he showed up to my house because i didn't even want him dreaming of beating me up so as he was talking i started cracking my knuckles and i punched him in the face oh i knocked him the heck out i punched him so hard his dad didn't want no piece of me but i still wasn't satisfied i still wasn't done being mean to desmond so anytime we had to do some school work i copied off a desmond and when our teacher would notice that our work was the same i will give him the look and make him take all the blame but then one day he tried to get clever he had two answer she's and was writing the wrong answers in one that i could see for a while i let him think i ain't noticed when he was done i said give me that other answer she tell me how he tried to act dumb so i started counting down and just like that that little scaredy cat gave me the right answers he was so mad you should've seen his face and i was just laughing at him later on we had to find partners for our science project and desmond chose somebody else i was supposed to be his only partner and since he played me i figured out how to get them back i spied on them while they were practicing their presentation and i stole their idea the next day i made sure that i went up first so who wants to present first i do i do okay britain go ahead desmond got so mad and that's when i knew that we were gonna fight real soon so during recess the next day i seen desmond taking a nap me being me i tied the shoes together when the bell rung and he started walking he fell smooth to the ground everybody started laughing at him including me ha ha got you then he started looking at me like he wanted to do something then he said those words knock the pencil off oh you wanna fight me all i gotta say is meet me at the park after school so we went to the park and the first thing this punk did was start talking about his feelings and guess what i didn't care about his feelings he got mad that i wasn't listening and he punched me in my face huh you should've seen his face when he seen that his punch didn't hurt me then i put him in a headlock but he got out that really pissed me off so i tried to punch him in the face but he moved i tried to get him but he kept on moving so then he started doing all these dance moves around me and i got tired i'm not gonna lie i thought it was over i couldn't believe that he won without even hitting me but then he reached out his hand and pulled me up yeah we talked things out a little bit but in the back of my mind i was thinking this ain't over little boy
Channel: Desmond Dennis
Views: 2,700,327
Rating: 4.8730321 out of 5
Keywords: childhood, comedy, Desmond dennis, for you, funny, high school, narrative, school, school life, singing, stories, story time, brothers, siblings, pranks, pranking, home pranks, story, brayton the bully, the school bully, the high school bully
Id: f0PqU98Gt5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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