Brawlhalla Gauntlets Advanced Combo Guide

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yo what's good guys today we're going to be going through how to do ground to d light now on gauntlets and just some other cool combos just a preface this is all done on three decks more decks which is the lowest possible decks that you can have right now same as three decks cross and uh 3dxario so yeah let's get into it so quickly just to go over my controls i use wac to move space to jump j to light attack l to heavy attack and then shift to dash so i'll just show myself during the combo a few times so let's explain this combo a little bit i'm sure many of you are able to do the gc version um gc delay and there because all you have to do is chase dodge after after the delay right um however i'm sure many of you noticed that while i demonstrated the combo i pressed jump so if you don't jump you just get delayed chase dodge on light which i'm sure if any of you have tried this combo you get that many times um however the weird thing about this combo is the way that i have learned how to do it effectively and consistently is you have to abuse the buffer system in brawlhalla so i'm not sure how many of you know this but you cannot buffer a jump so if you see me jump a bit early it doesn't work but i can buffer a chase dodge you see this so what you have to do is abuse that system so we're going to get into that really fast and just a quick little side note there is a way to do this without this without this uh buffer method but it is extremely hard so the traditional method of doing this would be dlight jump chase dodging which i can i can't even do right right now because the the jump and oh my god the jump input is so hard to time uh as because of the reason i just said because you can't buffer it at all so this is similar to attempting to do a russian mafia but this is significantly more tight so let me just try and get one where i do it right i'm gonna do it a bit slow so as you can see the timing is so tight that i i got a dodge one of two and obviously you don't want your your combos to have dodged windows so let's get into how to do this different method since the goal is to have the combo be consistent as possible you want to have a buffer at some point just so that you have a few extra frames the way to do this is you have to dodge before you jump because you can buffer dodge this is a really weird mechanic in the game that i'm almost positive is unintended however it's in the game right now so you can't abuse it so there's some weird parameters for you to meet for this combo to work and this this weird buffer sequence thing to work you have to dodge during the four frames of buffer that you have you then have to release all directions and then jump all in four frames so this is me just demonstrating that um as you can see i got off the ground a little bit i'll show it again in slow motion with with the key presses and just one more time and just to demonstrate it with the nail really fast if you notice all you have to do once you get the jump chase dodge is press your light attack button because you you already released all your directions so that's one thing that's friendly about this this combo and as you can see i can't even get it consistent 100 of the time yet because it it really is a hard input to learn and and definitely a hard input to master so why is this useful you may ask and the reason is you get 12 extra damage just by hitting the nair mid combo because a lot of people do like d light dash jump there for example um so you just get 12 extra damage if you want to do that but also you get a lot earlier kills when you go for recovery so something a lot of people um maybe don't know is that you can do delay dash jump recovery the same as guns on on gauntlets and just for an example seven attack mordex kills six defense orion at 160 but he kills that same orion at 140 with the recovery so yeah i mean it's just something to keep in mind it's a combo that's very difficult to learn and i've been trying to master it for about a month at this point and i still can't get it entirely consistent um so try it out i mean maybe you'll maybe you'll be better at it than i am i definitely think it's entirely worth learning so yeah just some other stuff about gauntlets right now um you can do dlight dash from sarah true oops i messed it up from sarah true it's a very good option on the edge dlight dash jump ground pound is it works uh in around like a little bit past yellow range like 70 maybe it has two dodge windows which means they can't jump out of it so if you catch like them recovering off the ledge here you can attach some ground pound if they don't have a dodge um because it would be inescapable and yeah i mean just some stuff to think about with gauntlets i also think delight dash enlight or just the light chase dot gen light is really good as an option because not only does it do the most damage but it also like keeps your advantage state i think there's a i don't really know why but people have been doing dash jump there forever and i don't even think it's like that good because you never really want to be above your opponent with gauntlets because you don't have many options especially in neutral so i think doing a combination of dlight and light d light and air and like d lights there is really good to try to implement into your gameplay obviously there's still some uses for delight there which i'm sure you guys will be able to find but yeah that's that's gonna be all for this video thank you guys for watching hope you learned something and uh yeah check me out everywhere have a nice day goodbye
Channel: Boomie
Views: 295,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3vWyaRK8kZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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