Brawlhalla | Most Comprehensive Bow Guide

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hey guys booming here coming at you with the bow gudge bows a weapon that excels that control your opponent both on the ground and in the air with greek and potential endzone control or bows week however is that getting consistent kills and regaining control of the stage Boas attributes from both sphere and Qatar so if you're liking either of those weapons pinking up bow could be a great option for you for legends you have seven options Ember azof koji diana Yumiko kiya ands arial bow has three archetypes glass cannon tanky and well-rounded four glass can you have three options ember Koji and Yumiko for tanks you haves Ariel and Kaia and Diana and Azoth are both great options as you want to play more well-rounded play style and that is a quick shot that catches both stocked and the jump at low percents and late stock can lead to an air a higher percent and light can lead to recovery and light can also stream them dare ground pound and sarah at low percents side light is a horizontal swing that's great at catching landings at low percents a stacked side light can lead to Emily so I'd light in 2d light is the best string for any boat player to learn sigh light - jump dere is also a great option delight is your long-range punish option on shipwreck - D light covers almost half the state do you light into dare you land in - ser alignments in there and delight and light are all true out low HP's out later HP's delight into recovery is your best option for not only kills but also racking up damage there is an upward swing that catches both stacked and above Narrows great for juggling but it doesn't have any strings that lead out of it on the edge guard there is a great way to get your chase dodge back in return of stage Sara's a swing that's a great approach from the air as well as a great edge guarding tool here's an example of how Sara can be used as an educating tool there is a diagonal bow shot which is a risky but rewarding move to hit on stage a low percents dare can lead to chased on snare and chased on stair although impractical at 0 HP grounded dare can lead to Emily recovery although impacts will be used on stage has a crazy hitbox as well as insane priority for recovery boat grant pond is the slowest grant found in the game but it also has the highest force with bow in general you want to play more of a reactive style because side light and light and D light are all great at punishing mistakes I briefly touched on it earlier but dash D LED is a great option because it regains you stage control if you hit it as well as being near unreactive all and knee run punishable the players that you're going to excel the most against when you're playing foe are floating players because an light is so safe and so good at punishing jumps however if your opponent isn't playing floaty side light like I said earlier it's great on the ground as well as D light with faux it's all about reacting to your opponent if their floaty punishing D light is gonna be very easy for them if they're playing grounded punishing and light is going to be very easy for them the main thing the main skill that you need to learn while you're playing bow is to react to how they're playing and choose your moves accordingly alright let's head over to some character specifics and the do note that most of these combos unless stated otherwise will not be true combos and will be strings with ember Sai light into çiçek is a great strength similarly D line in forensic is also a great stream while ember desync does cover a niche situation I wouldn't fish for it that much and it doesn't have much synergy with Bo's grounded moves however an unsuspecting opponent may get hit by it before we get into the strings Azoff can continue his momentum by dashing and he singing here's what it looks like normally sidelight entity stick is a great dodging read sideline into sides they cover the same roll d light into hole dense it gets great for catching spot dodges same goes for n light into n stick side leg hold side stick and side light dodged e cig are both good at catching small touches with the right positioning d light into ensign can be two dogs windows in general deseg oncogenes great for edge gardening is very difficult to punish with Dianna side like side safe inside like - side sake cover almost every single Dodge deal I intake is three dog frames and it also covers the spot dodge if you hold it a little in general d6 hitbox is deceptively small with Yumiko D sick and to end light is true do you light into n tickets okay but other than that is going to be all reads that you use Unicode 6-4 here's an example o also this character sucks for kaya her cigs have almost no synergy with bo moves so therefore just like you Miko you're gonna have to go for reads you saw n64 dojo deseg for dodging and side sector SWAT dodge for dodge down read and light in 2d SiC is a great option ons are real they like to swap dodge delight and like GC and Sega's solid and as far as side C goes I mean just use that I'll briefly go through my stance that I use on every character I use defense on ember speed on Azoff defense on Koji speed on diana a force on you Miko defaults on kya and speed on there you know that's gonna be all from me guys thank you guys so much for for watching this video let me know if you have any concerns or if you didn't like it or what you did or anything specific that you want me to change so let me know this is probably the most high effort video I've ever made so thank you guys so much for watching let me know the next weapon you want me to do in the comments peace out [Music] you
Channel: Boomie
Views: 199,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brawlhalla, Brawlhalla Guide, Brawlhalla Bow Guide, Boomie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 27 2018
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