Freddie Freeman gives in-depth tutorial on how to hit off a tee

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here we are with one of if not the best hitter in the National League you may think that's too strong for you but if you would have not gotten hurt I'm calling you for an MVP so I think you're almost feared hitters in the game and I want to talk about a really cool moment via Park California and her dad Fred Freeman after work yeah we'd come over to the baseball field and what did you have ready I would have the field set up ready to go so in high school you would have six periods and my sixth period would be baseball so we do that was a class you know if you have PE or you did sport that's what it did so when we would finish baseball practice everybody would leave and I would actually stay and I would set the whole field up we had a key to the field because I was always there so I would be sitting there waiting on a bucket waiting for my dad and have the old screen set up ready to go and he was finished work and drive over and we would hit buckets all day long your dad's a righty and Lefty he's a riot put a little something on it he used to but let me just say this your I don't want to say a pull hitter because you go the other way well but when you pull it you destroy it but you did not work on that growing up no I did not so I we would hit three buckets a full bucket it's about 40 balls so he would throw about a hundred 120 pitches a day to me and we would do the first bucket would be ulti opposite field alright the second bucket would be up the middle and if the I hit it to the outfield so that's nope nope wrong the third bucket was wherever he pitched it I never worked on hitting to pull side it would but if he threw one inside then I would pull it but most of the time my dad would still throw that ball away because you know that's just your a more complete hitter if you can hit the ball to the opposite field sure now 70% of strikes in college and pro baseball or on the outer part of the plate so if you cannot hit a fastball away you need to do something else you got to throw it or consider you know a different location here but um yeah so what you do really well and this is about you but I really love how you explode on the ball away you don't just hit little flip shot everybody does that every now and then but you have the ability to shoot the ball out of the park line drive you we shoot the ball out line drive down the line and then you can also pull it so if I'm pitching and shoe you're dangerous because you can hit the ball works pitch so we are in the cage working off the tee I want to learn what you do because I think you do it the best okay and I want to hear about it so what I do before I get going throughout the day I hit off the tee I will hit between 15 to 25 pitches just off the tee and that is always if you can can't really tell but you can tell by the play I always set the first eight to ten right on the outside corner okay now we'll hit it back there the next eight to ten pitches I'll put it like right here almost down the middle but still on the right okay that is it I don't I do not put the ball the tee anywhere in the inside corner okay and when I do get to midseason and I like where I'm at I will sometimes put put it right here and still hit the ball to the opposite field okay now you know even on the inside pitch because it makes me stay inside the ball it forces me just keep inside and stay up through the line of the point okay one thing I noticed when you adjusted this T is when you were on the outside part of the plate you were behind back here and when you're on the inside to a lefty yep you're out in front is that done on purpose it is on purpose you do not want to hit an outside pitch up there because you will not have any power behind the ball because if you if you think about it you want to hit it back here that's where your that's where your power zone is okay so if you're hitting an outside pitch out here you see my front of the bar I'm reaching for it all my all my strength is gone okay so you want to hit the ball in the back the back of the part so that's what I try to do so if you hit the ball out front especially if it's down you're susceptible to either a roll it over just a little slap just sometimes with two strikes and you're it's a changeup that you want trying to just foul it off and that's what you try and do just kind of just flick the wrist but most of the time if you're reaching if you're not catching it in your power zone back here you're not going to hit anything for an extra-base hit excellent okay so let me see you take some swings are you ready are you warm I guess we'll find out okay you might want to move I might hate you so the old key to this for me is I don't want to hit the ball on the ground and I don't want to hit the top of the cage okay I want to hit it in the middle of the side net or it in the top left-hand corner top left-hand corner usually that's a good one okay yeah okay this is a you know personal dream of mine you know this is like putting balls on the tee for George Brown no fired up right now on the tee for Freddie Freeman that's a whole favor yeah well we'll talk about that later yeah so all you want to do and just try and pick nice you just swing and hit at the shortstop just like that excellent and what I know tonight I'm trying to exert a lot of energy I'm even if you came to watch BP right before a game all I'm trying to do is have a soft line drive okay in my head it's a soft line drive at the shortstop it makes me stay in sync with myself I don't want to get too out of out of whack because you know if you can stay in within yourself and up through the middle at the opposite field the adrenaline of the game is going to make you swing hard and that's why you get the office appeal home runs but all I'm trying to do is get a nice little easy line drive at shortstop perfect Manny Ramirez used to do that his first round is going the other way nice and easy and I thought this guy terrible yeah he's got no power nothing he's gonna be a disaster you're a pick I'm gonna be a few hitter but every every single ball I'm just trying to hit at the shortstop so it makes me stay inside the ball and for me if I stay inside the ball cuz I do have a little finished up with my swing yeah sitting inside the ball makes me backspin a lot more balls chest that's why I do not like to work on pulling because pulling you're gonna come right here and then you can have a person come up and out of it so that's why I just kind of let the hands react when it's in the game and in the game you're quick so it's easy to pull the ball in the game when you're quick yes you know it's all reaction time I got you know when it comes inside pitch for me my my strength is left-center and up the middle so that's what I like to work on and make sure that is secure and I can go out there and feel like I can hit a line drive left-field whenever I want the inside pitch you know if they throw it in there just hoping my hands get there quick enough that's all I'm working on fantastic just a nice little sauce I'm sure all right nice last one we're gonna do it a name shot a little bit I do off the middle yep right here and I'm still even though you moved it up the middle up to the middle of the plate you would think you hit up the middle all I'm still trying to do is stay inside the baseball and still turned hit it to the shortstop and you want a line drive line drive just like that only adjustment you made upper body the only adjustment it is is I stayed for me my tendencies when I get a little out of sync as I bend over at my waist okay I bend over and the only thing you can do when you bend over is come up and out of the out of your swing and that may creates rollovers or flares so the only thing I'm concentrating on when I'm doing this is make sure I stay upright with my upper body and if I stay upright I can get to anything I want to I notice that that was fantastic yeah obviously a chipper taught me this when I was coming up chipper uses this line as a hand mental thing you want to keep your hands on the line so you're just moving up through your bat stays in the zone as long as you can and that's it I have taken that with me since he told me that it's a good thing as most some hitters will cut their hint cut their swings off and that's not what you want to do is so you try and mentally keep your hands on this line the backpack I said that was the last one but I think I lied because I can't talk about that can I see one on the right you trust me tomorrow he wanted to do it I'll move it nice but so that's gonna burn you guys that's pretty much on the might be in danger zone vermilion danger zone I just might because I'm not warmed up but you might want to come back over here so all I'm trying to do is this let's say the L screen right here and then to the left okay you don't want it I don't want to pull it because you want to make your hands to the inside the inside the baseball and you're warmed up enough to take a nice easy swing this is your one because I don't want to get in trouble oh no no I'm warmed up I just you know when I get loose then I can really yeah do what I want with you guys well sometimes it takes a couple of mishaps to get going good so we'll see pull the rib cage I don't have no no I'm not gonna hurt myself I'm just excellent well inside part of the plate you shot a line drive up the middle that's outstanding that's all the sauce and the talk and walk in the wall hey I appreciate the time this was outstanding again if you were a young guy at home we watched this video this is fantastic yeah a lot of times people who came out of t-ball why would I hit off no big leaguer best in the game with the bat and he is in here working I'm the cage off the tee every day and let's not forget about Fred Freeman he's spending time with his son getting this guy ready thank you Dad last one did he have a good hook yeah he did throw me hooks okay but he can't yet mean fastball when he's younger thank you I like to sing a little to sing like I love the story a man congratulation thank you I didn't see you hit this year and stay healthy and see what you can do or share it thank you very much thanks Paul
Channel: Bally Sports South
Views: 1,133,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Atlanta Braves, Braves, Freddie Freeman, baseball, MLB, baseball drill, hitting drill, hitting tutorial, hitting off tee, baseball practice, Practice Like The Pros
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 14 2018
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