Brave Sunday | Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess - Dr Caroline Leaf |

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so nice to see you I can't see the lights on my eyes but I can see heads look at that brains a lot of brains going on here looks just what it looks like inside a brain what I'm very happy to be here with you and I I love to talk about this concept and this all this this research that I've been doing for nearly 40 years now and still doing research still trying to understand how the mind brain Body Connection works but I can honestly tell you that the mind is seriously the most powerful thing you are 90 to 99 mind without your mind nothing else functions you pretty much I should say actually say you're 100 mind you are your mind there's a huge debate in the scientific circles and there has been for many years and also philosophers for thousands of years have talked about the concept of the mind and the physical and what are they what's the connection and how they're related and I lost 50 60 years the mind and the Brain have almost been seen as one thing so when people talk about the mind they think you're talking about the brain or they talk about the brain and the mind interchangeably and they talk as though the brain is producing the mind and that may sound logical that may be how you've been thinking about the mind and the Brain but actually the mind is not the brain the Mind drives the brain and the Brain responds to the mind and this is so critical because mind is considered to be understanding mind is considered to be the hard question of science the easy question of science is you know how does the brain work and how do neurons work and how do all those things inside the brain and the body work that's considered the easy question of science because we have tools to discover how they work and we've discovered a lot in the last obviously 40 50 60 years but when it comes to the mind it's a little bit more Elusive and becomes a little bit more difficult to study from a scientific or using scientific tools but actually I don't agree with that at all the mind is not the hard question of science the mind is the most obvious question the most obvious answer because the mind is you think about that for a moment you sitting here you're alive you are processing what I'm saying you have a life you're going to have you're going out of here into back into your life your family there's mothers fathers uncles aren't you you work you do stuff you're responding to life you're alive you're living you're a thinking feeling choosing being that is mind mind is actually a very ancient word that is used for spirit and soul so and it's a very Dynamic word and we can see it all the time we can see the result of mind right here now the fact that I'm talking to you and able to talk about 38 years of research squashed into whatever it is 35 40 minutes is my mind working to deliver the stuff that my mind has learned to understand are you getting what I'm saying it's your mind that experiences the love you've felt if you're a mom and your kids were giving you little gifts this morning it's the your mind that is in your relationships your mind that's in your work when I get all excited about my research that my mind my ability to talk to you is my mind now I'm stressing this because it's your mind that is what you are using to experience absolutely every single thing in life your mind takes every experience and puts it into the brain because your mind needs the complex physical substrate that the brain is in order for the mind to be able to express itself so the mind is how we process life and then that gets put into the brain in the form of energy now energies what runs your computer energy is what runs your body energy is what runs your heart energy is basically the source of life and as we know God is the source of life so therefore energy is coming from God Consciousness or godness or whatever you want to say however you want to to phrase it so all jokes 32A talks about the spirit of life is in us that Spirit of life is our mind so our mind is how we are processing things and we all process things differently so you're hearing the same conversation but you are absorbing this differently you are processing this differently according to how you uniquely think feel and choose so what's amazing is about a thousand of you that are listening to me now and you I am saying one message but there's a thousand different interpretations going on of what I'm saying because you're seeing this in your own unique way you're experiencing this in your own unique way now everything from the moment you open your eyes till the moment you go to sleep is being processed and we're going to see lots of pictures on the screen in a moment is being processed by your mind into your brain and your body and then it shows up in your life in how you function so experience mind processes puts it in the brain and in the combination of the mind brain and body or how you then show up how do you show up you show up with your emotions how are you feeling you show up with your behaviors what you say and what you do you show up with your bodily Sensations your body responds to how you are feeling and what you're saying and doing and you have a perspective how you're looking at life in the moment so let's say that you're showing up now your emotions or maybe anticipation excitement interest confusion whatever bunch of emotions your body's sitting maybe a little bit sort of tense because you're leaning in to try and understand what I'm saying and how this how this relates to your life so that's your body your behaviors are you concentrating some of your making notes you're looking you and paying attention and your perspective is something like okay well this could help me this guy let me see how I can apply this to my life so there's an example of how we show up but now let's say that you're showing up with feeling extreme depression and having panic attacks and your body is in your GI system's packing up and you've got cardiovascular issues and your shoulders are tense and you're irritable and withdrawn and just not enjoying life and you look at and your perspective is it life sucks okay two different ways that you can show up and that's and there's an infinite number of ways that we can show up but when we the how we show up is in these four different categories of our emotions our behaviors our bodily Sensations and our perspectives those are four signals that your deep intelligence spiritual part of your mind that is connected to the source of life that is God is constantly working to advise you and guide you on the experiences that you've wired in that are affecting how you function so how does your internal intelligent non-conscious spiritual part of you talk to you through your signals how does the spirit of God talk to you by connecting Spirit to Spirit and then showing through your signals how you show up so in other words what you saying doing feeling and the way you're looking at life are prompts directly from your spirit connected to the spirit of God telling you to pay attention to these signals because how you show up has a because of behind it you don't just show up you show up because of experiences in your life so if your experiences as a mother are all just incredibly positive and it's always good and bad in every in every situation but if the overarching is positive then you showing up today in a very happy positive way and those signals are all going to be on the on the positive side but let's say that you're a mother that has had a lot of terrible experiences and and has had been whatever all kinds of negative stuff then and then all you alone all which is very it can be a very hard day for a lot of mothers then that's not going to be that person they're going to show up differently if you've been abused you're going to show up differently if you have a trauma some kind of existing trauma that you've never dealt with if you're battling with finances if you're battling with what is going on in your marriage and work whatever you are going through is experienced by your mind built into your brain and your body and will be evident in how you show up so what we need to do is to constantly look at how we're showing up and then evaluate well if I'm showing up in this way where is this coming from what's the because of now those fourth ways that we can show up are called signals okay the emotions behaviors perspectives and Body Sensations and they don't just float around I mean such they don't just they don't just happen they are coming from a source and that source is a thought and that thought is the experience that you your mind built into your brain so life's experiences are built into the brain by the mind and they become thoughts inside of the brain and a thought looks like a tree that's why I always use the analogy of trees and trees have a root system trunk and branches and that is what thoughts have too thoughts have the source which is which are the roots the origin story what happened and all that detail and all the detail of that experience are the memories so the roots of the equivalent of the memories of the detail of the experience does it make sense it's the root story in all the details of the root story because not just one thing it's all I'm not just saying one word I'm saying a lot of words so the root of this experience it would be this is a healthy thought tree so the roots there there would be lots of roots and they would be all the different words I'm saying in the the different concepts that I'm saying and you're building roots to capture all those Concepts and then you are processing through your tree trunk and the branches are how you understand what I'm saying but there's multiple roots and multiple branches inside this thought tree so inside every thought tree these multiple roots and branches are memories so we have Source memories and then we have how we interpret memories of how we interpret the information and that sounds complex but it's not that complex it's kind of logical if you think of how a tree grows you throw the seed in the ground so that's the start of this experience it grows into the roots and then it grows into the trunk and it grows into the branches let's have what happens to you the source is this as the experience starts like as I started speaking that's the seed as I'm speaking the roots are growing and as I'm as the roots are growing at the same time you're processing through the trunk and growing the branches and then that influences how you were going to talk about this how you show up is how you will talk about this and feel Etc after this conversation okay now I've laid taken elaborate attempt to lay a foundation for you to understand that when the scriptures talk about to bring all thoughts into captivity to love because Christ Jesus God is love okay that means that you're supposed to be doing what I just said a few moments ago which is you should constantly be observing how your four signals how you show up because that will then take you to the thought so you can capture the thought and then what are you supposed to do with the thoughts you are supposed to renew it which means reconceptualize it which means if it's negative and impacting you and and your life and your loved ones and whatever in your own mental and physical health that you then need to work around renewing or reconceptualizing deconstructing and reconstructing you've got to do something with it otherwise that negativity is going to keep you chained and it's going to keep you caught and it's going to make you all those signals get worse and amplify those signals and then instead of depression and anxiety working for you because they're actually pretty good they they are signals making you very aware they're not bad things but if they slip into the if you don't deal with them they get Amplified they get too big and then they work against you instead of for you and that goes for every emotion all emotions are there they're not bad all emotions are good they're all working for you and not against you if you're managing them how do you manage emotions and behaviors and your bodily Sensations and perspectives well that's by observing them you can't you can't just keep going through bumblings through life and just falling into patterns and thinking this is just who I am we need to live lives of observation we need to live lives of standing back and saying hey how did I just react to my husband well how did I just react to that email or how did I just React to what that person you know that person parked in my parking space at church well how did I just react when someone kind of you know gave me a weird look you need to be observing because that's what we we find we have these patterns of getting worked up about certain things that is a thought that is coming from an experience and if it is not healthy it's damaging physically damaging your brain and your body so unmanaged toxic thoughts in other words if you don't capture those observe like I'm describing and bring the thought into captivity capture that thought and manage that thought which is the whole renewing of the Mind process you are increasing physical damage in your brain and your body and that and in the gravitational fields of your mind and I'll explain that in a moment and therefore what you are doing is you are increasing your vulnerability to Disease by 35 to 98 percent so therefore when we don't live a life of continuously renewing our mind and continuously capturing our thoughts and continuously doing these things we're supposed to do we're going to be increasing our vulnerability and getting terribly frustrated now I'm not saying that you that you are supposed to never suffer absolutely not you need now listen I'm not saying something bad I'm saying something good suffering is part of the human experience you need to understand and experience all the emotions Jesus did demonstrate that in the Garden of Gethsemane mental health is understanding that suffering is a real thing that being said or or worried or terribly grieved by seeing terrible things around you or grieving something that's gone wrong or feeling depressed because of what's going on in the world around you that is not a mental illness that is a normal reaction a normal needed human reaction part of your Humanity to the adverse circumstances going on around you but we currently live under a model of a what that we call the biomedic biomedical neural reductionistic model and that my mind that mouthful basically is the fact that we are told that any emotion you have is if it's not positive if it's negative it is a symptom of a disease that is not science it has been disproved it never actually was proved the research studies that have been done for all the past 40 years with that kind of philosophy have been re-re replicated and they have been shown to not say what they were saying in other words they've been disproved by top scientists around the world in other words the current psychiatric model that says that if you depressed or anxious or up and down with your moods or having hallucinations or whatever you have a brain disease or a chemical imbalance or something like that that there's something wrong with you as an individual that you've broken that you're a broken brain that has been disproved but that is the message that most people 95 of people believe in the current in our current Zeitgeist and that is very unfortunate because it's not accurate from a spiritual or scientific perspective which is why I have spent the past 38 years doing what I do and why I still do the research and why I create the tools that I have which each other books and I have an app called the neurocycle app where it's literally me giving you therapy helping you to learn how to recognize the signals and find the thought and deconstruct their thought and reconstruct their thought etc etc so let's have a look at some slides to make this concept unpack this Concepts a little bit more slowly and make it a little bit more easy to understand so first of all you're going to see a brain on this you see a brain up there so this early morning doesn't affect your breakfast I hope so you are not your brain but this annoys your brain like a computer a brain we often use that analogy your brain is way more more complex than a computer we use our mind and our brain together to create the computer so that brings us to the concept of AI which I'll just throw in very briefly over here artificial intelligence which is where they're trying to digitize the brain where they're trying to say okay well what we can do is we can see how the brain functions on its most basic level which is the neuron and we can take that neuron and if we can work out how it computes things we can then multiply that and we can create a computer that can do what the human brain can do and eventually we can have computers that are more intelligent than humans I'm sure you're aware of this chat button GPT phone all these things and artificial intelligence and it's it's very much it's all over the place in in all kinds in all our technological systems so it's not a bad thing at all AI is not a bad thing but the what they thinking the thinking behind it is that they're saying that you they can basically imitate the human brain and therefore make computers that are more intelligent than us now that will never happen and let me tell you why that that is impossible because what they're doing is they're looking at that brain as though it is generating you your Humanity so they're taking the brain as the ultimate source but if you die your brain disintegrates if I had this brain in my hand right now we could look at it all day long it would never generate anything no thought no creativity no art no poetry no relationship nothing no meaning so therefore it is a beautiful complex organ but it needs to be activated by something external and what is it it's the mind your mind makes your brain work your mind makes your heart work your mind makes your lungs work your mind makes your stomach work your mind makes your GI system work your mind makes everything about you as a human work so you are not just your brain your brain Oh no you're just your body your mind is embodied in the brain and the body it makes the blood flow through your veins it makes your genes express it makes you making eight hundred thousand to a million Souls every second and the quality of those cells and the actual ability to make those cells is dependent on your mind the moment you die you do not make eight hundred thousand two million cells every second and what do those eight hundred thousand two million cells make those cells make up all the organs of your body and all the systems of your body Etc so you are constantly from the moment that you will conceive multiple so going through cell division and you still are and those cells make up your physical structure and the quality of those cells is determined by your mind and that's why if you did no more cell division no more cells no more body you're getting this so therefore we have humongous and incredible um complexity in the brain because the brain has to be it has to be the the structured in such a way that it can handle this very very powerful mind because this powerful mind that we have has three levels and the first level is the deepest level we call the non-conscious n-o-n the non-conscious mind and that's the part of you that is your spiritual part it's the most complex the most intelligent operates 24 7 and is connected directly to the source of the highest level of intelligence okay so we know what that is okay so that's God so that is your non-conscious mind and you constantly that that's made the made in God's image part of you and that is the part of you that you want to be constantly tuning into because that's where wisdom resides now the only way you can tune into wisdom is which is which I call the wise mind is by standing back and observing the messy mind the second signals okay and when you do that you're then going to tune into what's going on inside the mind and the Brain now in the brain what we what happens in the brain is that the experiences that we have get built into the brain as I mentioned so the brain changes so you when we talk about the changes in the brain we can't just look at the neuron which is that which is the thing that looks like a tree as well we have to go inside the neuron and we have to look at what's the structures inside the neuron and we have to go into inside that part and the deeper you go the closer you get to what we call basically levels of energy so to make this more simple let's look at another slide okay the next slide is this energy that I'm talking about so this is a real human who's alive connected to very Advanced Brain technology and if we connected all of you up to the same technology we would also see this yellow orange kind of like fire going through your brain and what you're looking at here is the mind in all its levels the the deepest and unconscious part of your mind that most intelligent spiritual part that operates 24 7 that drives you also the subconscious which is the just aware level it's the bridge between the non-conscious mind and then the third level is the conscious mind so conscious conscious mind is awake when you're awake the subconscious is only awake when you're awake and the non-conscious is awake 24 7. also right now you're awake so all three parts of Mind are in action this person is awake so all three parts of the Mind are being seen reflected in the brain so this person is being told to do something answer questions read something talk about this talk about that and as they are talking and they've been showing things they're having experiences and they're responding so the brain that's all mind stuff so whatever they are experiencing is now being seen in the brain their response is being seen in the brain in the form of this color and this fiery color is basically energy it's different types of energy electromagnetic energy its electrochemical energy its genetic energy and its Quantum energy and all of that it's like waves of energy all of you would have different patterns of this in your brain if you were if we had you linked up now to this the same equipment why am I telling you this in so much detail because I want you to see the power of your mind because Watch What Happens Next as you listening to me now and these waves are going through these waves like the sea build and collapse build and collapse build and collapse at various different speeds and you start growing things now what you see on the screen is as the thought as the energy wave collapse and that energy is is your thoughts is that mind putting information into the brain in these in these patterns of thoughts and so as the wave collapses it causes genetic expression which means it makes a protein and the protein grabs the information in the form of a special kind of vibration which is I'm not going to go into all the signs of that but there's all these things called aromatic rings and what River so we can see from science that as a person is building information they taking my words you can hear words you can see me you can see images but this is becoming a vibrational aromatic type ring inside a protein inside a branch so all that waffely waffely science stuff look at the pictures again look at this thing growing again you are growing my words into your brain and changing your brain structure at 400 billion actions per second okay and you don't only do this with my words you're doing this all day long so 95 of what you are building into your brain with your mind in this way and these things that you see over there are these trees this is a analogy of what you see in there they look like trees in fact the next slide we're going to show you you'll see what it actually there's an image like let's show the glial cells that makes gonna find you another picture that looks okay so that they that's what it looks if you look at just keep it at the neuron Mech there we go okay so that's what those squiggly things that we're growing they grow into this kind of structure now the purple things the cell body and the thing that looks like a Christmas tree is this over is this part over here it's this whole thing the roots and the tree trunk and the branches and that's where your thoughts with all their memories are stored and you have trillions upon trillions upon trillions of memories because you've had trillions upon trillions upon trillions of experiences so your brain is filled with those trees and not only are they in your brain as these trees as they form in your in your brain as these tree-like structures that's what they look like in the brain okay so it's just and those things that were growing look like that in the brain this is the analogy of that same thing you have trillions of these you're forming them all day long and you will keep growing them till the end of your life and they basically your experiences okay so those things are constantly in action in your brain now you can control them so here's the thing you can't control what's happened to you because your stories are always part of you good and bad but you can control what they look like inside of you so when we talk about capturing a thought I'm talking about capturing those things that we're growing and that look like these trees and observing them and seeing okay well these signals are attached to this thought this is what I'm thinking about myself the the branch this is how I'm seeing myself or since the situation where does this come from go to the source the roots and then that's what you want to fix up you want to put plant food on the roots you want to reconceptualize renew the roots and then the tree can grow out more healthy so your story never goes away but you can you'll always remember what happened to you but you can change what it looks like inside of you inside your brain and we're going to talk about the body and the mind in a moment and therefore how it plays out into your future in other words whatever you've had happen to you whatever is happening to you whatever will happen to you will wire into your brain will affect how you show up early childhood trauma all the aces all those things childhood trauma adult trauma adolescent trauma will grow in your brain will grow in your body will grow in your mind in three places in your brain they look like trees in your mind they look like waves and because your mind is this gravitational field all around you and through your mind and your through your brain and your body it's these fields and waves of energy and also they will they also build into your cells every single cell of your body has a memory of this talk that I'm giving you of every experience you have also goes into your body so every experience is embodied by the Mind into the brainless trees as changes in the cytoskeleton of your cell specifically called the microtubules and also in the rotational fields of your mind if you didn't understand that understand this every experience it builds gets built in three places your brain your mind and your body every experience but they are constantly open to being changed so therefore whatever you've gone through does not have to determine your future you do not have to live trying to cope with a trauma by turning to things like whatever alcohol or drugs or whatever that those addictions are not diseases they simply coping mechanisms they're relationships they are try they are ways of trying to avoid or not not knowing how to deal with the source so what we have to do is create systems within ourselves within our environments our communities that makes it safe for people to tell their stories to recognize the signals track it back to these trees talk through how it's affected their life find that Source get that source reconceptualized so that you can that you change what it looks like inside your brain and changes the impact that it has in the future that is what healing is and that is what Jesus demonstrated in the Garden of Gethsemane the best mental health model is the model that Jesus demonstrated in the garden when Jesus went into the garden Jesus was facing the issue we cannot avoid you can't drug or medicate your issues away they are like volcanoes they will explode no matter how much you try and suppress they will eventually explode and the hot lava will go all over your life we have to deal with our stuff we have to be comfortable being uncomfortable we have to embrace all the emotions of life that go with what we have gone through in order to process and deal with it and it's a hugely complex thing this is not something that artificial intelligence can do because artificial intelligence only has been able to simulate one neuron you have a hundred eighty to 100 billion neurons in your in your brain and and that's just the neurons they haven't even talked about the power of inside the neuron if you go inside the neuron there's a whole different a whole different thing going on so artificial intelligence will never be an issue it's just very useful and we can use it to our advantage that it will never take over our intelligence because there's an infinite intelligence inside every single one of us the power inside one neuron is more than what we can even compute and what they've done with AIS they've all they've done is they've taken the external power of one neuron and they've sort of come close to that they haven't even got all the neurons firing together they don't even understand that they haven't even gone inside the neuron so there's no threats of AI it's just something that we need to know how to manage and teach our kids about but I don't want to don't want to go into that too much now I want to help you understand this this basic concept okay so wrapping this and tying this all together you have an ability to deal with stuff you have an ability to step back from the messiness of your mind tell yourself it's okay to be a mess look at the messiness in the safety of knowing that you are amazing and that the core of who you are you're wired for love we see that in our science and then do the work of processing reconceptualizing it so it's Embrace process and reconceptualize which means bring the thought into captivity and renew it now because we such complex beings and because we've had so many complex things happen to us this is an ongoing thing so mental health is not something that is anything new it isn't getting worse um it's always been a problem from the beginning of time it's just different in every generation mental sorry mental illness the management of mental health has got worse so that's why we are seeing a lot of increases in suicide and so on because we're not teaching our kids how to manage technology you're not teaching ourselves how to manage technology we're not teaching ourselves how to manage things like AI we're not teaching ourselves how to process our emotions we're just being told if you said there's something wrong with you if you emotionally there's something wrong with you you can't just take a technique and and use a little trick and try and get rid of a bad thought you have to you can't just say that's a bad thought let's get a new good new thought you can't just swap it negative thought for a positive thought it doesn't work like that you can't just take a scripture and use it as a Band-Aid you have to get in the garden and you have to face your stuff you have to sweat through you have to scream out to God you have to get worse before you get better you go for surgery you get cut up to get healed it's worse before it's better you're trained to be a pro athlete you're going to get sore before you get good okay so we understand that with those things when it comes to the mind we just want to get quick fix I feel bad there's something wrong with me no there isn't something wrong with you there is something wrong with what you've gone through there's a huge difference what is your story and that story is in your brain and yes it has changed your brain and yes that changing your brain has also changed your body and the longer it's there the more you are increasing your vulnerability to disease as I said so one in two people for example in this country are lonely and the three percent in Canada pretty much Global globally and you get loneliness itself is an experience that is processed by into the brain with these images as you saw them and basically are changing how the brain is functioned and so when people are lonely their chances of getting dementia have increased hugely their crotons are getting cardiovascular disease the chance of getting autoimmune diseases all kinds of diseases are associated with loneliness all kinds of diseases are associated with trauma Early Childhood experiences we have established the link between chronic unmanaged stress and physical ill health but to think that one in two people are lonely in this country and that those one in two people are susceptible to getting dementia why let's have a look at why let me explain these many different explanations I can give you but I'll just give you one simple one can you bring up the microtubules okay we're going to see a picture of these little tube things okay and these two things are inside the neuron neurons are in the brain neurons are those three things in the brain if we go inside the neuron we're going to get structures that are incredibly important when it comes to memory and thought and all that kind of stuff and they look like little railway tracks that are rolled up so those things that you're looking at there are called microtubules the ones that are unwinding you can see the little beads those little beads are called tubulin they're protein inside those are the vibrations of memory so memory is inside a little bead and the beads all wind up and they are all put together in these little rows inside the in the brain they are stored inside the brain in a very specific way and then they look a little different inside the body okay so what we want is the Mark is the bottom one where you see it's all rolled up nicely that is a good healthy mind a person who's managing their mind that's someone who's saying it's okay to be a mess I'm it's okay that I'm depressed I'm depressed because of it's I'm sad because of I'm doing this because of oh gosh I'm irritable sorry for snapping let me change that that's someone who's going to have rolled up tubulin someone who's actually saying I'm so sad I'm crying I'm on my knees I'm in the garden I'm getting feeling worse I'm dealing with this but I'm you are not denying it you are going through it but I'm moving forward I'm progressing forward it's now worse because now I'm on the cross but hey wait I will rise again with the wound in my hands okay that is a rolled up tubulin okay that looks like that in the brain when Jesus sweated blood it showed us the direct physiological link with with mind okay so we see all of that evidence they don't have time to unpack that anymore but you've got to get in the garden you've got to go through the pain it's okay you do not have a brain disease or a chemical imbalance Etc you've got to feel it to heal it okay and you will rise with the wound in your hand experiment if the volcano will eventually stop exploding and you'll have a dormant volcano you'll still see the volcano you'll still see the wound because you can't change what's happened to you but you can change what it looks like inside of you and how it plays out into your future so what about the ones that are unrolling well those tubulin are where I am suppressing trying to take a drug to suppress every trying to think that there's something wrong with you if you feel an emotion trying to deny that that's happened not looking at your signals rushing through life just getting in these habits of just constantly not dealing with your stuff you're going to unroll your tubulin and when that unrolls because they these things form and reform form and reform and that and unhealthy that your mind the more your mind the less your mind is managed the more those unroll the more that you setting yourself up for the dementias and that's just one of the things those affect your heart every part of every system of your body is affected by those little things unrolling and your mind is the thing that deals with them when we talk about bringing thoughts into captivity you're talking right down to inside the neuron right down to the level of the DNA let's look at something that I did in my recent research where we looked right down inside the DNA and when someone is not managing their mind and when they are managing their mind so we're going to look at what we call telomeres telomeres we're going to see a picture now telomeres are the ends of chromosomes chromosomes are inside the DNA of your cell so a cell has a has a nucleus and the nucleus has the DNA and basically the DNA it has 23 sets of these chromosomes if I pull that if I took the yellow and I just pulled it like us like those like a spring we would see all the DNA unwinding with your genetic code okay so let's look at the little gold tips those gold tips are called telomeres when I spoke earlier on about how your cells are constantly dividing eight hundred thousand to a million every second that you are making okay because you're alive what's very involved in that process are your telomeres so your telomeres are very um are very important if they get short and weak then the cells that you make will not be healthy which means your body organs are not going to be so healthy which means your systems aren't going to be healthy which means you're not going to be healthy and that feeds back into your mental health and you kind of get this feedback loop going that's not great but if you managing your mind you are improving the health of your telomeres this is not the only thing you're improving all other kinds of things when you improve health of your telomeres you are improving the health of those little those little beads that you saw in the previous thing the tubulin in the mitochondria that those things that were rolled up and unrolling so healthy telomeres equals healthy little tubulin rolled up into those in mitochondria little tubes so all of them and that there's a whole lot of other things that are going on as well but I want to take this down to a very deep level that when you manage your mind when you you're affecting the telomere as well so let's look at it in a very simple way telomeres we can tell us about our age of our organs how healthy and how old our organs are that's called your biological age your chronological age is the actual age that you are okay so I'm 59 I turn 60 in a few months but my biological age is nearly 12 10 to 12 years younger than my chronological age because I am managing my mind okay and it's getting younger Benjamin Button going backwards I like that okay so the more you manage your mind my kids have labeled me Benjamin Button mom the more you control your mind the more you manage I wish I knew this when I was younger I'm far better at it now than I was when I was younger so I've been teaching my kids this from my the youngest my youngest patient has been a three-year-old my kids have grown up with us they're all adults now and so you I am bringing out a book actually this in in August this year and we're going to put up the slide if you guys want to pre-order it's how to help your children help their child clean up their mental mess so it's how to teach your kids and you can teach a two-year-old this is for three two to three through ten year olds and we'll have the Adolescent one coming out after that although they can they can use this book some of you may be familiar with this cleaning up your mental mess so this one's on pre-order and if you just take a photo of that scan the QR code we've got all kinds of pre-order bonuses for example I'm starting a private club where parents can can join the club and you can I mean it's a live zoom and I answer your questions and help you through the process of helping you help your children and then there's a private club for parents for yourself for at learning to be a parent for just adults we are help you manage your mental health through virtual Club situation so if you if you do the pre-order you get the first month free for the club and then there's a bunch of other stuff too but in here there's a whole bunch of characters and I don't have the toy here but we have created a little toy I've created a character called brainy so you can you can give your child um an image this is coloring books and everything to help a child from Young recognize hey Mom Mommy I feel sad or they come home school and they grumpy and in the corn in the corner they're not very verbal yet because they're maybe two or three you can hand them the brainy toy or you can have the coloring book available or you can have this book available and said you want to point to the picture because it's filled with pictures guidance for you guidance for how to tell your kids how to help your children and the pictures the children can just point to and then that's a connection point for you to start helping them process what they're going through helping them from Young to recognize signals and get to the root cause helping them from Young to bring authority to captivity and renew the mind you can teach this to a two-year-old in fact you this is something that is a skill that we learn it's something that you can do for the rest of your life so the concept that I've developed to do this is called the neuro cycle neuro any uro cycle and with the DNA that's the what the neurocycles called and so what we did you can take a screenshot of this sorry I said that all wrong that's what it looks like you can get the neurocycle on Google Play and iTunes everything I teach is scientific it's like a Therapy Program we've got a parent add-on being added to that so you'll be able to have the um like I have a a neural cycle for dealing with trauma and you're a cycle for dealing with parent guilt and you're at all kinds of stuff that's coming but currently there's the 63-day program I've developed I'm going to tell you about the 63 days in a moment and these decompression activities many neural Cycles so I pretty much I help you do the neurocycle daily over 63 days why 63 days well it doesn't take 21 days to form a habit it takes a minimum of 63 to 66 days this is part of the research I've been doing for 40 years and we're doing more and we do more research currently so people often will stop too soon and that's why people don't have sustainable change if you stop at day 21 or day 14 or day seven when you're working on something if you don't push through in a specific way for 63 days at least you won't have sustainable change then you get to that point where you recognize hey this is where I want to be but I'm stuck here I know that's where I know what to do I know what's wrong I know where but you're stuck that's because you didn't go long enough so the neurocycles all of all of that inside the app and then also inside this book and then the children's version inside how to help your child clean up your mental mess as Max put up my Social Media stuff I also have a podcast we have 40 plus million people downloads on listening to a podcast because we I teach on these in a very very practical way so I know you're being bombarded now but I'm doing everything I can to help you understand because if I can get my biological age 10 to 12 years younger just through mind management and Achieve that it doesn't mean that I'm an Everton walk around with a smile on my face I have I allow myself to get upset I I acknowledge it's okay to be a mess but I don't stay there I manage it that's the key it's okay to be a mess why am I a mess and then fix it and that's what the neurocycle does it's a scientific step-by-step five-step process that you do it's really simple it incorp you can put all kinds of your scriptures your things that you can put everything that you understand into that we have 30 percent doctors and positions around the world using it and doing doing the neurocycle so in in conclusion Matt can you just put up the um telomere slide again I'm sure all of you would like to have your biological age younger than your chronological age okay and it's a sign also that you will feel a lot more mental peace and be much healthier Etc so what we did in our research is we showed we put people a Mac if you can put up the actually the head maps and I'm going to close with this you're going to see some images of inside a brain and you're going to see from one of our clinical trials from one of our one of our clients or I mean one of our subjects that's coming up now and at the beginning of the of the research day one they we did all these they told us their story we did all these psychological tests we looked in the brain we looked at the body we looked at what we call Psycho neurobiology mind brain body so I didn't just look at the the mind we look at all three levels so what's going on in your cortisol your homocysteine what's going on in your brain what's going on in your life and look at all of those because each of you are unique in the moment and what we found in day one of this okay so it's a lot to look at so just all each of those is is the image inside the brain the three rows are the different time periods that day one that this is a person in the this the top one is the person is one is a subject that went into the control they never got the nearest cycle the one down here they got the neurocycle so just look at the last row and you'll see the top one where they didn't get any mind management they got all the testing and evaluation but at three different time points but they didn't get any mind management they just carried on with whatever they were doing the one down the bottom got the neurocycle all the all the testing Stuff Plus the neurocycle so when we see the blue shade in the brain it's like a flat line it means a brain that has got a not enough energy and is non-functional so without mind management carrying on the same way your brain energy will reflect what you are how how you are functioning and how you are feeling and that's not good you want to change that this person down the bottom their brain initially was very was very blue they had very high inflammation and their telomeres they were in their mid-30s and their telomeres were showed that they had a biological age of someone in their 60s sickly personally biological age was 30 plus years older than their than their actual age and it was a sickly older so they were very ill they were very suicidal Etc 60 within 21 days of Mind management their brain started changing so the color we used in the last straw where you see that color it shows that the energy is coming stabilizing by the there's day 63 that person's telomeres had gone back to their they had gained 35 years of biological Health in nine weeks so their chronological and biological age matched within nine weeks of Mind management and their brain went from Blue to all the different colors showing that they were learning and managing so I mean I can tell you tons more but I'm out of time so I hope I've encouraged you I know it's been a lot but you are brilliant you you can if you can work your cell phone you really can't understand the stuff I often say that it is a lot listen again get the materials but just remember this you can't change what's happened to you but you can change what it looks like inside of you and how it plays out into your future thank you so much hey thank you for watching the Discovery Church YouTube channel don't stop here join the discovery online family every Sunday subscribe to this channel so you don't miss a single video or live stream event and share it with a friend you can also support the ministry by clicking the give button to help us continue to reach people around the world for Jesus Christ thank you again for watching go love God love each other and change the world
Channel: Discovery Church
Views: 107,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: God, Jesus, holy ghost, holy spirit, christianity, church, bakersfield church, bible, pastor, christian, gospel, preaching, word of God, prayer, salvation, bible verse, scripture, faith, born again, yeshua, religion, trinity, baptism, message on hope, message on depression, inspirational, heart brake, how to pray, healing, how to talk to God, Christian video, message on anger, sadness, joy, who is God, Christian short film, Pentecostal, Jason Hanash, Discovery Church, Discovery Church Bakersfield
Id: gm3gUHGRqoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 13sec (2773 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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