Brave Movie Commentary (SCOTTISH EDITION)

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what's up everyone my name is will che and welcome back to the channel you're probably wondering what is this that's over me right now i mean watching brave i'm allowed to do this as i said welcome back to another movie commentary where we will be watching brave now i know you're wondering how it took you four months to watch a scottish film i don't know i didn't even cross my minds but the comment section and everyone's been saying that i need to watch brave and brave heart um which i will do braveheart at some point as well um because actually i've never really seen it um so yeah that will be happening at some point in the future so leave them in the comments but thank you so much for the support like especially recently it's been crazy like we just hit 7 000 subscribers as well which like that's a lot of people it's a lot of people to think about like thank you so much it's been mind-blowing but before we go right into the video i need to do it if you are new around here and you do enjoy the content and like what you see please hit that subscribe button it only takes two seconds not even that and it's completely free as it helps us on our way to ten thousand subscribers which i've ever had one day would be absolutely crazy it'd be crazy and also my social media links will be in the description down below as well that's where you can keep up to date with me and also my patreon account in the description as well we can see the full infractions to this movie and also the previous and upcoming movies on this channel so any support on that would be greatly appreciated as well but apart from everyone let's get right into brave actually stop before we get right into this here's a quick scotch dialogue from me to you pack yourself in stop and drink your coffee it's the wee things that matter missed hope you enjoy this is brave this is the first disney we've done on this channel i don't even know that's crazy if it is no i will try not to be biased in this movie but how stunning is that honestly i'm going to gobble her up when i find her i don't i don't know if it's a scottish thing scottish thing right but i cannot say girl girl like scottish people cannot say the word girl i don't know why it's just so hard so apologies close close you'll get there you'll get there wasps are they are wisps will they honestly i don't even know they gotta be so cool if they were what the that is a scary ass bear others see fate is moving together like a cloth it's the one thing we search for demon bear mordu became legend you messed up boy the princess the classic bagpipes who doesn't love a bagpipe actually they're so underappreciated yes they can be hard sometimes but they can be great i swear doodle she doesn't need doodle goddammit there's a day when i don't have to be a princess well she's going good god damn cool girl damn she's more brave than me okay can you see what it's so nice has never been seen since boys you're not don't just play with your haggis well i've never tried haggis i i don't think i want to i bet you taste great but oh they've all accepted their sons as tutors for your betrothal what dad how crap would that be man like arranged marriage like oh i just couldn't do it you've been preparing me for my whole life i won't go through with this you can't make me married mother sisters marriage do you know like i like how she's not your style stereotypical princess like she doesn't she does what she wants to do not this love stuff it's not fair it's marriage it's not the end of the world how you think that i blame you stubbornness it's entirely from your side of the family she's just like my mom no offense eileen and i'm meredith speak to me what would you say i don't want to get married i want to stay single in the wind as i ride through the glen do you expect us to do call off the gathering unfair even i had reservations when i faced betrothal i think i could make you understand if you would just listen listen they're not gonna listen any money [Music] give us a turn connections remember to smile never mind fantastic yep good good talk good talk [Music] oh oh the poor man your majesty i present my air and scion i present where's this guy eyes where's his eyes i present my only son oh my god he would kill me talk about anti-climactic what [Music] oh no no no that's too far that's too far nah nah like let me stand on lego let like no way nipple twisters are the worst [Music] oh he must be dead he must be dead [Music] i really want to go to the halloween games like they're actually they're legit you know that like all the games there are serious and they still happen to this day like i would love to go to one of the games like it'd be so fun [Applause] that was like me when i played football that is that would score you for life i don't even yeah yes it's true people do not wear underwear when they work out most of the time [Music] okay surely the mum must admit like that was sick but like that was that was awesome oh damn oh i feel quite bad for you know oh you know it's serious when the horse nah nah yeah you just do not do that if the horse disagrees everything is half off business is booming she must be so rich i feel that get i want a spell to change my mum that will change my fate never do that please like your mom is perfect just the way she is so yeah never never do that oh angus a key you don't want it i wouldn't take it it's got jam in it if you like jam you're weird no offense no offense but i'm not hurt well you're home now so that's the end of it honestly what really she gave in that easily she really does care about her more than anything a decision still has to be made okay never mind i i swear i always do that speak too soon suddenly i'm not so well uh how do you feel about the marriage now merida i'll have your answer i mean if you can't hold it you gotta do what you gotta do love sheer and utter love oh pure queen at least she's kept her dignity which turned mom into a beer we've got to get out of the castle i need your help my desserts for two three weeks not yet a year yep sounds good to me [Music] they actually control this castle the three musketeers they're too good little many cubs they're gonna be many cubs it's too early it's just too early i believe it i found it have a lovely day oh she's gonna be pissed when she comes back why doesn't the witch just tell them like why all this riddle ridden with us for doing that ah come on now come on it always has to be so complicated did you get this water it has worms oh that's a hard life peanut butter only the brave dirt oh she just couldn't resist could she [Music] hey let's go this must be the most bonding they've done in like 20 years or whatever eight years god man it's actually quite a sad moment as well mom is that you we've already done it and it's messed up everything i would not trust the west hall anymore whoever they were they've been gone for a long long time i need to lower the volumes on these earphones goddammit one split like the tapestry that was quite a cool sequence i cannot even lie more dude well that's just going a bit crazy what the hell mend the bond torn by pride the witch gave us the answer the tapestry [Applause] ah mirror the what have you done what have you done i always just took the marriage at this point i have been in conference with the queen is that so that saved your life stopping an arrow as you ran to dingwall's aid hi and i'll never forget it he in bravery and friendship and it lives to this day [Applause] bravo bravo phenomenal speech break tradition follow our heart she's changing in our own time i could bring a tear tug do you feel the same way it's just no fair marking is back for 100 coin there's no internet but yet is that even a language [Music] the tapestry little shooter problem [Music] oh no no no it's never simple it's all right i'm all right it's nothing but i'll not risk losing you too just listen to me listen is the main part in this movie if you kick if you take anything away from this movie listen oh no baby cubs [Music] ah i don't like this socks [Music] oh i hate this i actually hate this man oh she must be the most strongest princess what [Music] [Music] go on did he just say thanks oh i bet you he didn't even mean to like yeah i mean it wasn't him in that bear's body wasn't it so that makes sense that makes sense oh i just i just got the worst chills possible that would suck so much man not like obviously not your mum i mean that would suck your mom turning into a bear but like just like losing your mom oh man brave people i i'm not one of them oh my god look over here you're back you changed we both have i like that i'll leave that [Music] i love them man it's so funny you only have to be brave enough to see it look how beautiful that looks oh man scotland is so good well everyone that was disney's brave and i mean i'm trying not to be biased here but scotland is so good like you just it just makes you proud to be scottish like oh man like i've been to places like that um i still need to do so much more in scotland but like it's just so beautiful and i love all the mythical things we have and but let's talk about the movie again soundtrack this movie was this movie was just this movie was just good wasn't it like i mean the main message is you have to listen that was clear night and day you have to listen um to the people around you to your loved ones um yeah listen to what they're going for and especially in these times as well you have to listen in these times because you never know what people are going through um but yeah the movie was i can't believe it's been like years since i've seen it man like i was just so good i loved i loved all the culture stuff i loved i loved the message as i said like oh so there's so many interesting characters like it was kind of it's not really what i expected from like a pixar movie um to be honest like it's so it was so like not you know to be fair it was so non-stale typical of like your standard princess where like there's a princess and a prince and like true love true love's kissing everything like that she was just she just wanted to be her own person she didn't really want to be a princess um it sounded like well no we know she didn't want to be a princess she didn't want to be anything like her mother anything like her but what i loved is that throughout the movie you could see that the more time they actually spent together the more time they understood each other which as i said that's exactly what the message is about um i loved how meredith accepted that this is tradition and she has to follow by the rules at the end and then the mother came in and abolished all that which i did not see that coming at all i don't remember that i did not see that coming um and that was just sweet that was just sweet um it really just it just showed the whole arc of they too and how he just comes together um like we both can be happy if you just listen um but yeah no it was so good i mean i don't even need to talk about the scenery and stuff because i mean i'm just going to be biased like i wonder if i i don't i don't know if that's based off an actual place i'm pretty probably is because i mean there are places in scotland that look like that um but i wonder if it's based off anything like even the story um and like the castles and stuff like that would be cool to find out if they're um if it's based off anywhere um i know the voice actors that play well play all of them like the dads merida the mom i know they're they're i know i've heard their voices before so if you could let me know who is voiced by them that would be great because i swear i've heard their voices before yeah i just can't believe that's my first disney movie um damn it's too cool it took quite a while four months or something since we started this channel um so yeah i mean i hope you all liked it um and if you did like these disney movies let me know because i'd be happily to do more disney movies as well um i mean i've probably seen a few of them there um but i i'm not really since i started this channel i i've not i've realized i've not watched i i never really watched movies at all like for the last couple of years um so it's great i'm getting back into it now right after i finished um like studying film it was um and just seeing a whole different perspective um because like i mean like i've learned that in most films now each film has a message um which is what i really try to look at like what is the message in this movie like what's the goal like to feel at the end of it um and the way i felt at the end of brave was just pure satisfaction to be honest an appreciation appreciation of who i have around me um like i have my mom my dad and some people aren't lucky enough to have that um so just pure appreciation and also appreciation that scotland is the best country in the world just saying um no but seriously um yeah no it was such a good movie like the scoring it was quite good as well it wasn't it wasn't like you're like what i've seen on this channel previously with like some of it like being amazing um but it was just it was just great celtic bagpipes um like i love all that stuff if you did not know um but you know it was all it was just genuinely it was really well done it was good it was good i couldn't i couldn't name a fault the only no the only thought i have is the witch what the hell like can all she do is bears like seriously like and what is with maybe maybe she meant that maybe the witch meant to make it a riddle to try and bring them closer maybe i don't know i don't know um yeah that was brave everyone um let me know what you did what you thought about it um let me know if you yes let me know what you thought about it if you change anything in it um what you think of a scotland movie i i know it's been i can't believe it took this long for me to do a scottish movie um your prop all of you are probably going to comment braveheart um which i i haven't seen yet but i will do braveheart at some point don't worry um yes i know what you're thinking as well have you ever seen briefly okay i have seen very far it was in high school like i saw half of braveheart um but yeah the only thing i know is freedom of course um but yeah i will do braveheart at some point let me know what you think let me know what your favorite disney movie is let me know what your favorite disney movie if as and is it brave um but yeah that will do it for this everyone um but yeah that will yeah as usual if you did enjoy as i've said please subscribe and leave a comment and like below um it really does help the channel grow and i like i i look at every comment like especially within the first two days like i try to get back and look at every single comment so yeah any of that would be greatly appreciated as usual my links will be in the description down below as well as my twitch and patreon account where you can see the fuel line for actions to this movie and also the previous and upcoming movies and hopefully tv tv series that i'll be starting very soon um so yeah that'll be the links down below as well but everyone that was the movie commentary brave um thank you so much for watching and thank you so much for the support in general especially recently as well on this channel it's um it's been incredible to see like actually the day i'm recording this i just had 7 000 subscribers which like that's a lot that's a lot of people that's a lot of people um so yeah thank you so much i i know i say it all the time but i will forever be forever grateful for the support you've all showed me especially recently like it's been it's been crazy um and we're on the way to 10 000 subscribers which i'll probably cry when i heard that but anyway thank you all so much for watching as usual wherever you are in the world i hope you have a lovely day or night wherever you are and as always i will see you all next time adios or see it later
Channel: Welchy
Views: 248,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brave, Brave MOVIE REACTION, Disney Pixar Reaction, Scotland, Brave MOVIE REACTION (FIRST TIME WATCHING), Disney Animation, Animation, BTS, Pewdiepie, Google search, Youtube Recommended, Toy Story Reaction, Merida, Brave Merida, Pixar, Pixar Reaction
Id: gwsmg5UpeNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 43sec (1783 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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