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I think our members are doing a good job of selecting within their herds for the better cattle eliminating those that aren't going to work for themselves we're customers and putting the best foot forward for the Bronte breed hello and welcome to the American rancher I'm Pam Minich this week our show features bran V and we're gonna see these cattle at work in various operations in Texas and Kansas bran V are a remarkably versatile and Hardy breed with a proven ability to deliver fertility longevity and docility on today's program we're gonna look particularly at the tremendous maternal ability of these cattle bran v excel in commercial programs and have a track record of both grading and yielding well it finished we'll meet a number of Stockman that know these cattle at key stages of beef production and will get their thoughts on the breed a little later we'll visit with grow safe systems which is bringing cattlemen the technology of measured feed efficiency we've got a good program for you we're glad you joined us stay tuned we'll be back with our bran V story you welcome back to the American Rancher Ron V cattle have been recognized for a number of positive traits on both the maternal and kharka sides of beef production on today's show we're gonna look into the versatility of the bran V female and the exceptional value that she brings to commercial Ranchers bran V found their way to the u.s. from the Swiss Alps where they are known for being Hardy dual-purpose mountain cattle Ron V cows will typically weigh 1100 to 1400 pounds and mature Bulls 1800 to 2500 pounds high butterfat feed efficient bran V if I the maternal and carcass antagonism as well as the marbling and muscling antagonism found in so many breeds Ron V are a moderate framed highly adaptable breed they consistently gain grade and yield while also possess great mothering characteristics bran V are a uniquely splendid package of carcass and maternal ability I can retain ownership on all my home race cams clear through the feed yard and here a few years ago I got to looking at the brown buy deal so I went and bought me a couple of quarter blood bromby bulls trying to introduce a little bran by genetics into my calves and I liked it real good and then getting back anywhere from forty to eighty dollars a head premium on them calves in this cattle deal you you have got to squeeze every nickel you can squeeze out of their calf or you're not going to make it and I just like the idea the bran weighs bronze Bachelor is a commercial cattle producer who backgrounds and feeds cattle outside Ashland Kansas over the past few years Franz has developed a commercial cow herd of bran V and bran V cross females which he breathed to gardener Angus bulls the calves as you might expect are quite good I've got some brown v cows and I'm in the process of trying to find more brow becouse where I get to 100% Brumbies I like the disposition the cows or I call them old man cows because they're easy to handle and I like the way the cows milk our conception rates good and the longevity of them cows adjust the they seem to just go on forever Franz likes what the Braun V cows delivered to his operation they are functional with good maternal traits and the calves bring premiums as they go up the production chain i buy all my Bulls off gardeners right down the road here you know anything I'm after is that dollar that bottom line you know and like I said we've been getting about the least I think we've gotten this $40 premium and the most about $80 premium by hanging them on the rail and you can't you can't get that unless you you got some genetics or you know Ronde are documented to be a maternal breed by meat animal Research Center data which found Braun V cross females to excel in early puberty and high fertility when compared to other breeds their data also showed Braun V cross females to have one of the highest 200-day calf weight per cow exposed of all breeds while having one of the lowest average mature cow weights of continental breeds examined personally myself I've just got this idea that I want all brown bay cows you know for somebody in the like I having a commercial cow business I can't see that you could find a better cow than than an Angus Bravo a hat 50-50 put back in your herd Randy Olson is a commercial Rancher from southeast Kansas that likes the multiple positive results that bran Vee has brought to his family's operation randy says he considers the bran be cross angus female to be this generations equivalent of the black Baldy cow the cattle have made us money and have done really well for us and that's the thing that with the brøndby cattle it impressed me is the carcass traits but we've got the maternal traits they're too good mothers to breed back the tremendous utters the teats on cows you know after she kept them out that are little and they're just a phenomenal mama I'm running the bran V Angus cross is what I'm really shooting for and I tell them a lot of the guys I know and asked me about him I said to me they're the modern black Baldy cow because if we there you get to rent us a hybrid vigor and the cross you get the breed back the good mothers the tremendous udder and stuff but you don't get into eye problems and the other problems that you run into some of the other deals they're real good cattle I you know we've messed with several them breeds down through the years and that's the probably the one of the big things that I just sure want to make sure we keep in our cow herd is the broadly influence Bob and Marilyn bring craze registered Braun V cattle in the Kansas Flint Hills near Piedmont genuine maternal quality in the pasture as well as consistently measurable feed yard performance in terms of yield and grade our facts about the breed the things that we really liked about them were the maternal characteristics utter quality fertility the longevity of the cow the way they can just go out and have a calf that calf is right up and nursing survivability of the baby calves is just phenomenal so that's that's the thing we like is they take care of those calves we don't have to marilyn brink serves as president of the Braun V Association of America and knows the cattle have what commercial cattlemen need today from raising them herself Marilyn says interest in Braun V forms once people get informed about them the broadly cattle are a truly economically viable breed and that's why we have them that's what we can promote to our customers you don't need a specialty market for them there's lots of feed Lots who are searching out brøndby calves the brawny cattle have the ability to increase marbling without increasing external fat and that's so important when you look at price of grain price of land all of your prices of input dr. Harold Garner has built an accomplished career as a veterinarian and professor of veterinary medicine as well as numerous research and successful development endeavors related to vaccines and antiserum dr. garner is also a livestock producer who knows and has owned bromby influenced cattle the first ones I bought about two truckloads gentleman's Erie and they did well that you ever Angus cross and we buy some in October and then on through to March or April and probably average about you know a hundred days or more and we try to get a gain on with 250 to 300 pounds and they stay right in there from the calf standpoint buying them you know the background them for yearlings and going to feed yard they grow well they have good bone and substance what else can you say about kettle mr. brink wants to sell me some more cares while I'm in the market bran beacouse have been documented repeatedly for their ability to remain productive in cow herds for 10 years or more certain stay ability comparisons between angus and bran be sired replacement females within common Midwestern herds have shown that by percentage nearly twice as many bran be cows remained in herds after 10 years of production Broadman cattle do work they've they've got a good place in today's commercial cow herd I think it's a fair statement to say that a bran-new female just can't hardly be beaten in the mothering category not enough people know what the broad me can do when they do find that out they become believers and hybrid vigor plays a very important economic role for any commercial cattleman so the the brøndby bull on a black cow herd just creates the most awesome female genetic security and steers really will do well in the feedlot when we come back we'll visit Ron V operations in Texas where these cattle face environmental demands that are challenging and will see the adaptability of these cows in action with a big calf at their side this is the American Rancher stay with us welcome back to the American Rancher ronbie cattle are making a name for themselves in American ranching due to good traits such as adaptability and longevity in Texas John and Loretta Hall our beef producers who recognize the value of bran V years ago and have been advocates of them ever since rhombic battled these heifers of other than cattle that we've developed over 20 25 years is has made our goals and our targets easier we definitely are Marcus breed we're definitely an efficient feeder breed there's no doubt about it that we can feed efficiently as good as anybody out there what is amazing about these cattle is they can do that and they can still be so maternal so further because we're on a ranch and we have to make our living off of this ranch and we have to make our living out of these cows they've got to do what we say they'll do John Hall is a longtime commercial and registered beef producer from the ranch country about Hedley Texas John and his wife Loretta have introduced many cows men to bran V as well as raise their own in both commercial and registered ventures bran bees are absolutely awesome mamas they're good carcass cattle but they are really really really maternal cows they're just they give lots of milk they take good care of their babies wean big old calves they're just they fit the bill we expect our cows to cab in a 45-day calving period and we've done that about nine years in a row they're fertile we don't have a lot of trouble getting the bread the first time don't have a lot of trouble getting them bread the second for the second calf and that's the hardest cast against the second one all of our cows are in country that look like this big open country brushy they have to work out here or they don't work at all what started me with bromby was I had gone I bought a couple bulls from John and Loretta and I got I saw a penny heifers they had and those heifers had a book that was so wide it made my calves look like there was stepchildren and I said you know I just make sense if I can wean a calf that's got that kind of muscle and that kind of meat and hey man that's what I want to do so that's what started me looking at bromby then we started working with DNA and looking at the palatability of the calves that we're raising and the feed efficiency and then some of these cows I'd hear that and some of the calves in the back their feed efficiency numbers outstanding bromby cattle or docile we demanded in I heard we demanded in our program and it's been an easy to pick the cattle that have worked for us in our program that are easy to handle we can work on the horse back we can working with dogs we can work on foot foot we can suck them around with a cape wagon they'll roam in big pastures they'll work in little paddocks they're very adaptable cattle the Braun V adder is a model for the beef producing cow and the milk flow keeps calves growing with their ruggedness and typical docile disposition Braun V adapt well to tropical areas grasslands and high altitude ranges the natural dark pigmentation around the eyes makes pinkeye unlikely Todd and Kira he'll operate the diamond H ranch south of Childress Texas and raise some of the nation's best Braun V cattle the diamond H is home to the noted sire Ranger eleven are the hill family has a tremendous cow herd that ranges out on rough open country where they have to make a living under often difficult conditions Todd says that brøndby make the most sense when you consider the whole picture these bromby cattle have done a terrific job adapting to these harsh conditions we're pretty hard on : these cattle and if they don't put a live calf on the ground every 365 days if they don't lean a calf that's half of their body weight we're gonna get rid of them so to make it 10 years and make it the last four years and what you see around here says a whole lot not only about that cow but I think the breed in general the diamond H has a two-pronged breeding strategy the majority of the herd is registered and a portion of the herd that remains full-blood AI breeding is used extensively to bring in the finest genetics available the main focus is the production of purebred seed stock that will assist the astute commercial cattlemen to increase his profitability per animal the diamond H emphasis is pulled black and calving ease in a package that will perform fertility is everything to a cow calf operator if she doesn't breed you can forget it you're gonna lose money 100% of time you cannot feed an open cow so if you're going to make money they've got to breed every year over and over and over and these bromby cattle they're fertile quicker and they stay for longer than any breed I'm aware of I've got dozens of cattle over ten years old and I've got several that are 15 and 16 still still raising cattle still good calves still got a lot of punch in their bag they're still doing their job Scott Cooper has worked as a meat processor for more than 30 years and operates a custom packing business in Wellington Texas Scott has processed brøndby cattle from Todd Hill and notes that the cut ability of the carcasses are remarkably free of excess waste despite their considerable size I've no time for about two years and his beef just every time he's brought them in they've just been exceptional beef I'm you know normally anything gets up in weight the size that he brings them it's a lot of ways to love it just a lot of waste you put a thousand pounds on him this is gonna be fat I'm gonna throw it into a barrel trim it off because none of his edible his dressed weights are usually around a thousand nine hundred thousand that's the dress weight hanging in here anything normally gets that big it's usually too much fat but his we're always just the fat cover of him was you know just perfect almost know for being that big they got good fat cover like they should but they're just not fully fast and these bra me kind of love to raise kids looking they they're just good mamas and I think that's important too and and that's very much a part not just it my heard all bromby cattle are extremely maternal in nature feed comprises about 70% of all costs for cattle operations so how do cattle producers improve the feed efficiency of their herds and increase the profitability of their businesses with grow safe systems grow safe feed intake and behavior monitoring technology has been installed in dozens of major AG universities research centers and seedstock operations worldwide including the Noble Foundation in Oklahoma and we work pretty closely with girls safe it's been a really good relationship with them we're able to serve as a test location for some of their prototype equipment some of their software algorithms we're able to use and evaluate for them in a field situation the technology has provided the means to identify which animals require less feed for growth and maintenance the scientific term for this is residual feed intake better known as RFI RFI is also known as net feed intake or NFI the gross safe feed intake system is really powerful because it lets us measure feed intake of individual animals in a commercial environment and that lets us easily calculate feed efficiency for individuals instead of relying on calculations for a pen or for a herd here's how the system works to determine RFI agro safe system takes an accurate measurement of feed consumed by each animal during the feeding trial the weight of the feed and the weight of the animal as well as average daily gain is then used to calculate RFI and determine how efficient the animal is a really cool feature of the grow safe system for a researcher is just the sheer amount of data that it produces in a traditional feeding experiment we may only have three observations of an animal's body weight one weight on a shoot scale at the beginning of the experiment one may be in the middle and one at the end of the experiment with the grow safe beef system we may get sixty or seventy thousand observations of an animal's body weight and when we get that kind of data that allows us to use some more advanced statistical analysis techniques that just aren't available if you don't have that type of data improve feed efficiency reduce costs ensure animal health and well-being that's grow safe systems for more information visit we'd like to thank our guests and grow safe for a great show the Braun V Association of America is a quality group of beef producers that have developed a very commercially and economically viable breed that's delivering both maternal and carcass punch in one package for today's Rancher look into Braun v for more information log on to Braun beat org that's all the time we have today we invite you to visit our website the American rancher calm or check us out on Facebook I'm Pam Minich thanks for joining us and we'll see you down the road you
Channel: Superior Productions
Views: 14,314
Rating: 4.8431373 out of 5
Id: b-ZNm8RFMmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2013
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