Brandon Marshall Responds to Fred Taylor | Talks 4 Percent Offer & Pivot | ITS UP THERE PODCAST

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there was eight people in a two-bedroom Hotel in Atlanta the thing that used to drive me five in the morning was my sisters just had a kid at 15. pops was a legend in the streets that well went dry so the families drowned it was personal only us from the ghetto can understand how important was it for you to go pro you know everything that you carry at 5 a.m workout carrying bags on your back before the sun comes up throwing up doing all of that everything goes into this one day I'm looking at this moment like my name don't get called who am I what I got when they left your show were they intentionally trying to tank I am athlete the way it happened I do believe I'm only having this conversation because of you I know what you want to be I only want to say black Joe Rogan because I feel like I put you in a box what I offer I thought was more than fair whatever you put in you get out it doesn't make sense for you to put in 25 000 and get 25 I was investing a hundred and fifty thousand dollars every two weeks you offered him four percent what does he get out of that what do you think is fair I asked him in 10 years will we see IAA and pivot doing something together do you think so first generation millionaires money supposed to float down but our money flow up so what is that doing to us this is crazy if I lose it all I'm okay yeah I didn't had it all [Music] where you have to have the experience to be on the podcast we go from actors rappers entrepreneurs Scholars athletes today we got a legend not only in media but in the NFL we got Brandon Marshall how's it going my brother what's up Channel you know it vibrations man you know you my people family for sure you know I was telling um a couple of people man you were one of the first people that I really got some game from you know what I mean when I pulled down on you I remember being a puppy you know I poor down on you like bro I love what you doing I just wanna Shadow you for a second right and you Embrace that right that was so important yeah so so important I think people out there need to know that there are black men in position that welcome us as we on our Journeys you know what I'm saying and I want to thank you for that yeah no that's that's that's love man I mean I mean it's twofold for me one you know I'm just farther along the journey right so there's people I'm looking up to and I'm trying to get Knowledge from right so I'm in the same position so when whenever someone's looking at me saying yo uh can you shout can can I Shadow you uh can you help me can you can you uh open up the doors for me you know I think about me being that same position asking you know a Steve Stout right yo like I would love to Shadow you it's the same language right right so how can I say no you know what I'm saying and expect a yes but you'll be surprised you'll be surprised right because in this industry especially with the way that some people like to paint your character right you wouldn't expect for someone to come from my background because I'm I'm big homie for real right so when I reach out you would think that there'll be a wall there especially if you just go off of what's being said but I want to clarify right not only for my listeners but for the young creator that they're all black men in position that will embrace you that's right and don't listen to them saying yo he don't want to mess with nobody he won't do this so he won't do that right right because there are people who are you would think are far gone that'll say now I see you and I see what you're doing come on come on hurry up before they shut the door right right you know and there's uh phases to it man and just like I said you can't expect a yes if you telling somebody no so the perfect picture should be who are you following are you learning from but also who are you pouring into yes Lord like if you doing that then you're gonna keep growing and there's and you can't get discouraged when you reach out to people right like it took me you know three years to get Steve Stout to even see the DM and you are who you are right and and I played in New York I've been in this office before and it's okay why because Steve Stout is building a billion dollar business his second billion dollar business I feel like or third yeah he's on his third or fourth lap around I'm saying so like you got to be patient yes you know like my first interview Rick Ross it took me seven months to get Rick Ross to say yes because he's busy so don't take it as disrespect just take it as like man they in a different realm exactly right so sometimes it takes time and sometimes before you can even get to a Steve stout or Rick Ross you may need to go you know at that second tier right right someone to tap into their attention yeah maybe you can't get to the billionaires yes Lord let's go to the millionaire yes Lord he got a little bit more time yes right his team is a little bit more small yes whoa whoa hold on I'll go by long all of my interviews with everyone that you love it's available on it's up that podcast add free as well as the show with just me while I talk directly to the culture plenty more perks I see you there let's get back to the show this good game right here and and I tell you what Steve Harvey said he would be amazed he will come out and people to say to him some some random guy right he gave a whole scenario man I ran into a guy just give you this quick story I ran into a guy God told me hey Steve get with me I'm the next big thing right and that language doesn't resonate right so he's speaking to Steve and Steve's like what do you mean you're the next big thing you're like can I get 15 minutes of your time just I promise it'll change your life Steve is like I'm already me bro right respectfully to your your passion respectfully to your position right but I'm me already so the language we have to communicate in is very different than that right so he comes and says something like that and Steve's like yo I don't have time right now man but keep pushing keep try to give him some words the little dude say also you don't want to make twenty Thirty forty thousand extra a day right you don't want to see another 20 me and Steve told him hey you made 20 million yet this be the problem right expectations manage expectations there you go right and he comes and says I got you want to make an extra 20 million why he don't got 20 000. wow and he thinks that that language translates both if he could have got to Steve Harvey's manager to Steve Harvey's assistant to Steve Harvey's wardrobe person what a great idea a great mindset and passion behind that he may could have put himself in position to be alley-oop to a Steve Harvey right right but just that going straight to him like that was just the language is so important bro it takes me back to Kevin Hart the Super Bowl every February so we're in La past Super Bowl and um we're at SiriusXM now what I'm trying to build this path that I'm on is similar to Kevin Hart yes I mean production and what he's doing unbelievable yes so boom more importantly relationship too yeah I mean he got reached yes so we're at series xm's headquarters this huge event everybody's there CEOs sxm you got you know all these Legends I mean it's a whole thing we did this we did this interview and as soon as we got off the interview I walked up to him and I'm going getting back to the language and I'm like yo I know this is a big ask but I need a mentor will will you consider mentoring me um if I can get an hour of your time to show you what I'm building and if this is something that aligns with what you know right you believe your expertise and you have the time right well you consider mentoring me yes I said can I get your assistance number he took my phone said my sister's number here you take my my number and it goes back to the language I could have went up because I got 20 million right you know I get I made my I made my 20 million I got I got 20 000. you could talk like that I could have came up to him yeah yeah you want to make another 20 million heart you know you need to be tapping into sports you wanted you could have went like you it would have been like who is this I know Floyd I know I know right Jay I know right right yeah yeah even though you are you respectfully your little football money yeah yeah but respectfully but the language is so important it's humility Fat Joe said something critical man like he's a boss right you said he's a big homie for sure he said the problem with some of us we don't know when to play second oh we that's powerful you know what I'm saying and you got to be able to like even me and Pac-Man on our show yeah like yeah I started this but there's some rooms we go into together now and I'm like oh you lead yes oh you won you the dog yes and then when we get in certain rooms he'll look at me like B you got it and you know what you always to me on that before I met you and and we're not gonna rush into the the the I'm athlete break up [ __ ] but I know people are here looking and they seen the Fred Taylor interview that just dropped right so we're driving that was a good interview by the way shout out I keep telling you that Joe Rogan I don't even want to I only want to say black Joe Rogan because I feel like I put you in a box you know months ago not months ago damn it was about over a year ago when I really start tapping in with you the reason why was because of how you communicate right there's an art in science to communication people don't know and how you get into a question even like what you just did he just keeping y'all coming in I'm gonna get to that breakup I'm gonna get to that you stay right here I know what you want right right right right right right and that's science but so no I watched it and uh you know what I'm saying bro I think you just you're doing an amazing job and that's why I'm here because I want to be a part of that Journey you know what I'm saying I want when when you when you get that 500 million dollar contract I want to be able to like me I was part of the process I seen him building this by himself on the road a one-man band and I think that you know first of all thank you for that bro like I was just telling him man it's so it's so interesting to move through this game and be received that way because it's unanimous it's it's almost and that's why you hear me now like because you somebody I talked to outside of this Fame [ __ ] that we running into right I'll try to holler at you on something like hold up throw that out the window what is this about you know and so as I'm being received it almost feels fake not from you because you were early and we build but it almost feels like from the outside everybody's unanimously saying no you're doing something different you're doing something different and I've never been in that situation you know coming from the street coming from like very humble beginnings no one's ever really been looking at me saying no no bro that's super important I've always felt what I was doing important for my family my children my mother right what I'm doing holding them up so it's important to me but to start getting it from the outside is like yeah whoa that's right you know what I'm saying because it's reach It's You Know You Reach people that you know we can't you know I'm saying your language is different right my language right you understand so there's a there's a whole audience that watch you and follow you just because of who you are where you come from your experiences and your language so language so important there ain't too many I can't say that but for you to have this type of platform right and had to went through the experiences that you've gone through and be able to articulate yourself the way you do where you spit and gain and you're keeping it real but you still authentic that's a big deal that's hard to do I don't think you understand that yeah you know what I'm saying ain't too many people being able to be in this room and be in that room and still be themselves right and I do think that's a that's that's a journey that I'm on and you you do that as well um I want to dive into your NFL career a little bit because with you um you know getting prepared or just driving over here I was listening to the drink Champs when y'all first went on drink Champs and every time you speak about when you went pro or went to the NFL I feel something I feel like it meant a lot for you yeah I feel like you carried it in a way where only us from the ghetto can understand yeah even even some people outside of that would say he's he's too serious about it like he's putting too much on this but we say no no no this is everything and I've always felt like I mean this ain't something I hear I feel this when you talk about it how important was it for you to go pro yeah so hell bro like a couple months before draft draft night my mom you know there's there was eight people in a two-bedroom Hotel in Atlanta off of Wesley Chapel man okay eight people man so when you talk about carrying something that's bigger than just like the sport or just the fun of it or the money of it it was personal you know I mean I think that's why I made a lot of mistakes because there was so much emotion in my money yes right it was so personal and I didn't I didn't approach it from a business standpoint now I had a phenomenal career legendary career but when I look back on it I played with so much passion and so much rage and even anger at times bro because the thing that used to drive me five in the morning was yo my sister just had a kid at 15. you know now nephew he a senior now he's about to go off and do his thing out you know but I'm I'm changing his diaper on your support system the only yeah the only from that from a financial standpoint now yeah you know right for sure my people poured in right but we gonna pull in we got to pull that's right Paul yeah that's right it's the other part they block us out that's right that's right so so yeah man um you know you know Pops Pops Pops was a legend in the streets um you know and and that that well went dry so you know and he changed his life so then everything kind of shifted on me and then when that happened like you know I took that as a as my number one priority my number one uh responsibility sure you know and that and that's a lot of weight and that's a problem with a lot of us too because you know I you know I love mental health as well right for sure but um you know I feel like a lot of us struggle with this first generation millionaires um the first ones out that make it you got survivors remorse you know you and Wale was on our show I am athlete and he talked about our money flows the wrong way in our community yes dips out yes money is supposed to flow down yes but our money flow up so what is that doing to us like what you said your money's flowing up to your mom right to this person that person yeah when your money should be going down to your kids your kids well that's good game you understand so there's a lot of weight on us bro that's good game if they don't soak that up my name ain't what it is that's super good game right there right yeah your money should flow down not up what happens is we find ourselves in like a um a savior position you know like a lifeguard position right the family's drowning and now we just received us one of those you know and we gotta throw it in there to help people who introduced us to the world yeah right right that's a hell of a thing yeah and where we come from it ain't just and you know this it ain't just your mom it ain't just your brother and sister it's your neighbor that you've been next to for 15 20 years like family they family yeah go next door we need we we out of sugar go to miss Betty's house they looked out what they looked out sure your mom ain't home yet baby come over here come get a plate yes you hungry so what happens when Miss Betty She fall on hard times I'm saying you're a savior to the hood right man and then and then you got the people that ain't in that little that little tribe where we come from but they they watched you they've been there yeah and this is where they really get sticky and the problem come in yeah oh oh but I know you I you know and a lot of people don't know how to navigate through that like how to say no no is a complete sentence a hell of a complete sentence and no it's okay yes no yes and it's important that we know Noah is okay but we come from wanting to save our people that's another problem it's like we we have we have some weird complex going on where we want to be the biggest sometimes we'll overextend just to remain the biggest you know just to show y'all keep looking at me like this I'm over extend you know like um and and I I can even ask you this right and I'll get into this a little bit I asked Fred Taylor yesterday when they left your show were they intentionally trying to tank I am athlete do you believe with the departure in that way because again you found yourself in a situation where you had to overextend right here are two guys that we've we've built this thing in this way and all of a sudden they're gone to alleviate that pressure or just to maintain in the audience eyesight I feel like that you were scrambling right did you find yourself overextending at that time one and two do you think that they were trying to Tank the show with the departure the way it happened uh I do believe you know well I know yeah it is what it is but it's okay yeah um and still to this day right like I walk into you know uh some type of network I'm sitting down with some type of brand um oh no they just said an athlete somebody oh well you need to do this first or Nah let me tell you so you know that's the reality and that's what make it hard is that you know all right it is what it is and good luck y'all doing a phenomenal job you know let me figure out what I'm gonna do here I'm gonna pick up the pieces I know but so it's like you know still to this day yeah you understand so yeah but I would never move like that okay I would never move like that okay so your question do I think it was intentional yes um but it's okay yes two you asked about you know did I overextend yes absolutely and that was the biggest lesson and when I was driving in here I was like I'm only having this conversation because of you right this doesn't do me any good exactly I'm done with this yes but I'm doing this because of you right you understand because I know what you gonna be yes and I know this is a big part of the conversation and you can't there's no way you can sit down with me and don't have this and not ask me this question no way right okay so usually when I'm sitting down with somebody if they if I know this can come up I won't do the interview right because it's a waste of time why am I still thinking like why am I focused on the past like there's too much happening right now today 100 you understand so um but the but the thing I thought about driving in was like man what can I say you know that that someone can take from this you gotta compete against only you because when you start over extending you make mistakes and you get injured you make mistakes you bro I made three major mistakes okay let's talk when they left right and now I'm I'm sure yes but what I could have did is and I had people around me yeah yeah that's right I was there I told you calm down right you're okay yeah I'm like you like yeah but don't bro they just it's I'm [ __ ] I'm like I'm telling you bro you're you we throw to two in the morning right yeah but continue I need you to get that point off you yeah yeah for sure my therapist no you're amazing you got this I'm like but the way it's like you're okay you know what I'm saying but I need the fans to know I need your audience to know that's how much you cared about them oh yeah for sure this wasn't about be Marshall no this was about letting them down because they were watching yeah and again to remain be Marshall in the eyes of y'all I need to not fumble this ball because they've planned out something it wasn't but it wasn't even fumbling the ball right what people don't understand so they made they move in January for six seven months you talk about paperwork was going back and forth I invested over two hundred thousand dollars in attorney fees the people who came in to put these contracts these offer sheets together first these contracts together first the same people that work on Bravo network the same this the same the same teams um hey can can you consult for me 200k 200k bro you know how you know what it is you're 450 an hour yes so now I'm doing this with Ocho I'm doing so that's that's that's a whole that's a hope that's a different negotiation right right that's a a that's his own process yes I'm doing this with Channing I'm doing this with Fred oh okay all at once it's a lot of work yes a lot of work back and forth back and forth back and forth well this that but I think the audience when they left like that the audience was on eggshells because they pop up over there with an interview right and Chad's on the interview and Chad your your relationship with Chad is good you know we know y'all work with each other and y'all are fine but he pops up over there because this is not a beef thing this is I know them too this is kind of a and I tell you I talked to Fred about a couple things I'm like their shots being took right and at first he was like well not really and I and I'm like nah bro and we we finally got to a point where it's like yo there's a competitive there's some competitive Spirit there that we don't address you know front-facing right and because I spoke about what what uh Shady was was talking about with the get on the bus and and RC says no need to ride the bus when you're family and he spoke to that but he had to admit like yo that was kind of like a shot you know that's competitive shot type [ __ ] oh whoa whoa hold on I go by alone all of my interviews with everyone that you love it's available on it's up there podcast add free as well as the show with just me while I talk directly to the culture plenty more perks I see you there let's get back to the show and I'm just wondering but let's get back to the owners but but you got to understand that like you know you know what's my tour call they'll probably do this two tour yes right a little petty yes but but the thing behind that is it's like you know I wanted to go on the road right um first because I know others will do it right start doing it the others start coming right right so we on we're in we're in Pittsburgh y'all killing it too yeah we in Pittsburgh and we literally on the team bus right one of the team bus but this is where the family the friends and some of the media is at right this is my first time seeing them in public they pull up boom they hop out and bro come on the bus and we sit there me Shady a few others like no need for this right say what he say you know what I'm saying so it's like do you feel compelled do you feel like because I wouldn't let him ignore the fact that there's a competitive spirit in between athletes who are now in media now how they handle that could be different super competitive yeah super competitive but I'm not competing no more okay remember I said like all of this this whole breakup conversation I don't want to have this conversation no more 100 no more right but I'm doing it for you in the platform right and then also the biggest lesson I learned over the last 10 months bro when I'm going this way and then I got somebody over here and they I don't know which way they go I don't know what they building over there like I'm building out a platform and I've always said that from day one how do I bring others along we're gonna get into that develop more shows I don't know what they doing they might be doing one show they made me do multiple shows I'm trying to go live you're doing a lot I'm doing a lot bro yeah I'm doing radio yes and so when I start paying attention over here and like let me do this oh that that you make big mistakes and some mistakes you can't bounce back from right so the biggest lesson I've learned is like man no matter what it feels like even if somebody did you wrong or you feel like they did you wrong a breakup happens run your race yeah keep your eyes keep your eyes on your lane yeah because when you do that you make mistakes I'm telling you yeah and you said you made three mistakes do you do you want to speak about one of those or a couple of those or yeah one of the mistakes I you know one of the mistakes I made was I brought the kid from the note Boys on Steve would do it Steve he talked about that I brought Steve we'll do it on the show because you know I was hurt right I was hurt because we talked about building built in Black we talked about you know uh uplifting each other that's what we talked about right all the time on her show right behind the scenes cameras off that's what we talked about right and then you leave and you're doing it and and I'm and I do business with everybody right but that's not what it is over there right you know and the people that is over there they you know and they they were drunk that's what I'm saying they're they're an extension of the pivot too so it's all one right so when when you see a Steve Wood do it act like that and then you already are in that situation where they've damn near tank tried to tank what was the best show athlete has ever put out and it's almost like you were in this Place well you had to figure out what it was so when when they when they left you know you know because Ocho could have left as well um you know we sat down and he was like well what's next right let's figure it out um is it going to be just us two are we going to add you know you know another person or another two people you know what is the vision right so let's finish this season and let's figure out what this show is going to be so we spent the first six seven months of this year figuring out so people like well you got DJ WIlliams on you got Shady on you got Pac-Man on you got Auntie on you got all these people on it's like tryouts right right so they they did they thing and they knew what it was or he had their plan in place yeah now I'm blindsided I had to figure that out and that takes time and then now you gotta get along with everybody well Shady what you got going on what's your schedule right right so um yeah the the first six seven months of this year was figuring out what was next you know who was going to sit with us right so it was a lot of work right now what what does Steve will do what would you say you did wrong in there was it the approach was it the conversation was it behind the scenes I should have pulled his coattail no no no no no no I I I definitely feel like that conversation needed to be had like you know that that that's the whole that was the whole point of it and let's address you playing with culture let's let the audience know for those that may not know what happened okay so man this is months ago long time ago but basically you have uh what's the kid's name six nine takashi6966 Takashi 69 Steve will do it right do this little skit where they bring in the uh fake dirt the fake dirt the dirt looking like yeah but perkio like that's his name perkia yeah I man I think everybody was looking at it like man it's a cool thing like you know he came out he looked like dirt he ended up meat and dirt you know his platform taking off that's what only made it cool to me is that Dirk embraced him because don't embrace you [ __ ] like Drake sent to cease and desist to his game right right cut it out yeah right right yeah but Dirk embraced them that's what made it more like I yeah kind of we see we see the vision he put him in a video and everything that's right that's right so young kid innocent and then you bring in that type of like do you understand what's happening yeah and this is dead people let's be clear we're playing with people who are not only gangsters right King Vaughn was a gangster that's right not only that you're dealing with someone that's now resting in pieces not here anymore you take and you grab a look alike of someone in an efforts to disrespect a man you go grab the look-alike that's right and you put a jacket on them to say R.I.P set up by people like Steve Wood and this is the same dude if you look at the interview you got Trump pictures behind them that's what I'm saying so for me it's like you don't play with culture because this is where all this new media and what your platforms about my platform is about is like man we finally have our own platform where we can tell a story our stories the way we want to tell our stories right right we're at the Forefront of this right you know we Gatekeepers of the culture right you know you can't do that but these are the people like we connected to you know what I'm saying so like it was a mistake um because that was not my Lane you know but but I could have took care of that because I should have been the person that had that conversation but again that's again but there were some you being loyal to your audience correct it was some things behind the scenes where it just it was like it was just too disruptive you're like what what you doing like why yeah you know like just stay your lane like you view so you view the way right despite these little boy talk yeah we talking business I've been in those calls with with w and me with you yeah I've been on the call with with gold puff with you right so I know how you viewed in that Ram they can't snatch that from you the only thing that can put a blemish on that is your voice out of your mouth something you've done they can't affect how these people view you because you you too Charming you're too you got too much with you you know um also and we just we having conversation this ain't I don't do the podcast you know question you know we bounce around we just talk this is more like just a conversation I want you that's that's why you're gonna get that 500 minutes um but I want to go back to to be it meaning so much because we'll get a little more into IA but and also shout out pack Shady the whole Squad y'all killing it as well um but going pro what it meaning so much when I was headed over here looking at some stuff they said they don't draft night you tell me if this is true or not they said draft night uh you you have invited a lot of people over they got the you thought you were going to be drafted you were not drafted on that date and you reacted very disappointed is that did that happen yeah um so I went back home Pittsburgh and you know the whole family was there friends everybody was talking about right Auntie you know our neighbor right yeah yeah yeah yeah uh but everybody was there and uh yeah man I ain't get drafted bro like you know everything that you carrying those that we call them Matt drills 5 a.m workouts and you know carrying bags on your back uh before the sun comes up 100 yards beer crawling 200 yards throwing up doing all of that like you know everything goes into this one day and then your name don't get called like that's tough and that's part of the problem that's why you see a lot of athletes struggle um whether in transition or when they don't make it is because their identity is made up in a sport you know what I mean so like I'm looking at this moment like man if I don't my name don't get called who am I what I got so me and my brother man we went upstairs and you know in the bathroom and we just sat there and cried together you know I felt that in my heart when I read when I read this I said man I can only imagine because again my brain works funny so that conversation lends me to how you speak about it's meant way too much which lended itself to some of my mistakes I was so personally involved we got to learn how to uh observe and not absorb you see what I'm saying and sometimes that gets hard and I want people to also know that the conversation that we do have about I am athlete the breakup and Fred Taylor and Channing and all this this isn't messy [ __ ] this is about information you got young guys like me on the come up that looks at NFL guys like yo we know if nothing else y'all already done ran into some money so we feel like how y'all end up in this we know Joe but because because Channing Crowder he's from Atlanta he grew up just like you grew up right Fred Taylor from the month he grew up just the way you grew up maybe even in tougher right it's the mark this Belle Glade right okay I'm from Pittsburgh East Liberty the poorest county in Pennsylvania right you know my dad was him right right that's in US meaning meaning listen to me meaning that we come from tribe Community I just talked about Miss Patty exactly right so what does that mean we look no word is born where we come from sure how we operate sure and if it ain't it's a problem a super problem we don't sit down when you sat down when was you like yo let's put this on paper right you got anything on paper yeah you understand you look me in my eyes exactly and we went that's what it is so that's the problem like content good but the business ain't right right why yo I'm starting this platform You Wanna Rock With Me yeah no say no problem okay jump in my golf cart boom yo you rocking with me yeah I'm gonna sell the show we're gonna sell this show that was the vision from the jump to sell the show and that's important that we stay there for a second yeah because when you create something with that in mind that's different than creating something with keeping it in mind so I say that to say the ownership talk yeah in a show that we're gonna sell is already a slippery conversation but it but but here's what happens though you're right but as we as I start this conversation with some people on my team we like this but Fred when we put literally put Reggie Bush I'm talking to Showtime Viacom talking to this investor that investor we like you I was the only one really doing Television right doing broadcasting yeah yeah Fred never did this before Channing doing radio just in Miami well we believe in you but we don't believe in them that's how it is too no I I gave them my word would you explore Reggie Bush here not saying Reggie Bush was going to do it or not but no I gave Fred Taylor my word got to stand on that yeah Channing I believe in Channing Crowder right what I look like going back to them saying hey guys uh I did a deal um but things change I'm gonna move on I'm gonna cut you a little check right now but you're not gonna be a part of it yeah yeah yeah no yeah so I took so long to get the first deal because then nobody believe and that's so important right so like and then when we finally broke through you know then Steven Espinoza from Showtime right a guy who put me on eight years ago Inside the NFL first well Active Athlete doing right full-time broadcasting he stood on the table said no I believe in him no he this is the guy we want to represent Inside the NFL right but he like man I ain't believe he said you y'all taught me something I would never put those those type of names together and those guys together yeah that's deep yeah that's deep you know um with this whole thing man I I I'm learning from y'all going you know going through that if nothing else we know that when y'all run into the money y'all get exposed to a level of structure business-wise whether that be you running through all the money and blew it and then you come back and all you got is information no money almost like Antonio Walker right or you go and you save your money make the right Investments and you end up like Magic Johnson so you got money and information right or you you end up like a b Marshall right you transition or or or you you you do like a Kanye where Kanye uh is in debt 50 million then he turned he flipped it back into a billion and I say that because everybody that you named was conservative right like when you got Antoine Walker over here that's that story but then you name Magic Johnson right and okay and the way you explained it was save your money and boom now you flipping into what Magic Johnson is no sometimes you gotta be a Trailblazer yeah you got to be an entrepreneur you got to take chances to get what you want but see on the other side I would say they are Trailblazers especially like a Magic Johnson like what athlete do we see with that level of business so in even to take those risks from that aspect because most athletes oh let that money sit in the bank and get that little percentage the safe business right that's right you know so this dude he'll hey invest Shaq whoa whoa hold on I go by long all of my interviews with everyone that you love it's available on it's up there podcast add free as well as the show with just me while I talk directly to the culture plenty more perks I see you there let's get back to the show right or you you end up like a b Marshall right you don't transition or or or you you you do like a Kanye where Kanye uh is in debt 50 million then he turned he flip it back into a billion and I say that because everybody that you name was conservative right like when you got Antoine Walker over here that's that story but then you name Magic Johnson right and okay and the way you explained it was save your money and boom now you flip it into what Magic Johnson is no sometimes you gotta be a Trailblazer yeah you got to be an entrepreneur newer you've got to take chances to get what you want but see on the other side I would say they are Trailblazers especially like a Magic Johnson like what athlete do we see with that level of business so in even to take those risks from that aspect because most athletes oh let their money sit in the bank and get that little percentage the safe bets right that's right you know so this dude here hey invest Shaq you know invest invest JV there JV there JV here right and so just we think that with money and this could be naive as us coming from the street but we think with money with going pro with the NFL or NBA there's a level of business you're exposed to or structure that should not lend itself to four athletes not being able to get the business together right that's that's good now we getting somewhere we picking peeling back the layers Magic Johnson played there was a another 13-14 guys on his team right if you go watch the uh Magic Johnson uh interview with Shannon Sharpe on Club Shay Shay he talked about this he said when they wanted to go out and they wanted to go do this and that I was going to hang out with Mr bus the billionaire yeah right so that's the thing yeah you you might be in that world but you might not be in that world meaning that when you walk in to the to the Giants or the Jets or the Yankees or the or the Lakers uh facility you know a lot of times we stay in the locker room a lot of times we just on the field or on the court when you go up to the management office and sit there and ask the difference hey can I Shadow you that's what magic was doing that's how magic got the difference right yes even Braun LeBron y'all think that moves LeBron and math and all those guys in Rich Paul making you think they just did it like yeah they use this leverage his platform his game his name yes to get in the room but they taking notes yes and it's about decision right so not every athlete's doing that and that's what made it hard that's what made it hard for me at times because you know I do have some information I am one of those guys and so like how do you work with other people in different spaces right because I might come in I'm like yo we're gonna put this JV together I want to put this SPV you know now you can go this these athletes here can invest 50 000 to a million but it's easier because now we don't have as many people in the cap tables on the back end our team can control it easier so if I start speaking like that too you're gonna be like you're taking advantage of it yeah yeah no brush in the book yes and this is what I I honestly after speaking with Fred Taylor yesterday I'm almost like all right there's a disconnect right it seems like based on how I feel in the conversation it seems like that they are worried about a podcast and then you're worried about a platform yeah both start with P but it's totally different they're worrying about a podcast you're worrying about a platform which in my opinion the platform space would be more than one show it'll be like a umbrella of just [ __ ] happening right where we can have maybe a deal with Amazon got some over here with this for someone but they were interested in the show I think your expertise because he He also mentioned the fact that you probably read a lot of entrepreneur books and you got this entrepreneur I went to Harvard bro in 2014 in 2014 I'm not saying this I want nobody take this away take take when I'm buying this bro it's just and think that um you know think I'm better than anybody or not I'm not like I know that I think the the the number one thing that I hold is that I know what I don't know and then I know how to go get the information you know how to get the information Google yeah YouTube ask yeah sit in the room he's doing this she's doing this yes hey can I Shadow you yes right so 2014 bruh everything I'm doing now I spent three months at Harvard building out a case study see that's from that's the part I don't think they and they went back to the bims program yeah nah they don't get that business entertainment Media Sports Professor Anita Albert say so yeah books is a part of it too but there's so much more to it built bringing in Consultants everything I'm doing the only thing that's different about this case study or or I would say maybe even off track is because what came out of this case that it was content and commerce I've been doing this yes the content side I thought I was going to be on ESPN I thought I was going to be on FS1 right I thought I may be the next Michael Strahan right but then boom YouTube is here right tick tock is here's Instagram here I can get more reach than all those other shows by doing what we doing you you your show probably has more reach than any of any of these other shows on TV right 90 of them right you love you everywhere you're on YouTube you're on Tick Tock you're on Instagram and some of the people that might not even be liking they still see it so when you walk in the airport like I know you I know that seven yes oh yeah but do you follow me I don't follow you but I know you yes I can get a lot of that too yeah that's for sure that's good game and and and so Michael Strahan then put up put some good game down but I think when you talk right because they need to understand not them because again this is about information to the culture like this whole [ __ ] is information based how do we build a business how do we not because for me to get my 500 million I can't have a hiccup right I can't have a contract dispute I can't have a partner that we get into it and I yes you can yes you can that's startup that's like what you were saying he said oh reading books read the books on Startup um you don't think you think uh Steve Jobs Steve Jobs was out at Apple then came back he went to Pixar then came back and ran Apple I didn't know that that's the problem we look at each other we hold each other to a a higher standard that they not holding them the other they're not holding themselves see what I think I'm looking at is y'all right so I'm looking at you especially budding because in my opinion Button had the hundred million in his hand and you know you know ignoring this and this happened and it falls through you know and so in my opinion even though he saved himself Joe Budden made a hell of a move he saved himself with that patreon move because it had patreon not that if he hadn't took his audience and transferred his audience prior to uh those guys leaving he it would have looked totally different depending on the YouTube money what happened was he took thousands of customers from YouTube while the gang was still together transferred them behind the paywall who put the game the game together Joe this is the question I asked Fred Taylor and I'm gonna ask you the same question what is it worth for be Marshall to head grad on his golf cart drove over here and created what this is that we call I am athlete now I know we all sit down and talk I know we think like hey we just said what is that worth to you because the initiation process is so important right because everybody can sit around and talk everybody yeah we can do a show now it'll be easy to do now that's something we can do six hours a month so we shoot twice a month exactly you know we do two shows every two weeks and it takes about an hour and a half per show so now you're looking at six you know your contributions yeah but it's big it's on our own screen value but I have it on screen but that but that's the commitment right so much what do you feel like percentage-wise the creator of the idea the IP what does he get out of that yeah what do you what what do you think is fair um I mean what I offer I thought was more than fair and it was really you know initially yes we all said I'm gonna speak about the initial investment it was look if you put in whatever you put in you get out I thought season two was going to be a hundred and something 125 000 investment right right because I thought season two right I thought after season two we'll have a bigger deal and then then we'll sit down and because now you get you know a network coming and you got a linear deal or maybe an audio deal and so now we got to look at how that how it shapes out because not everybody gets paid the same Stephen A gets paid more than Molly Molly gets paid more than you know uh uh this person such a good conversation access to your value so so you can't you can't you can't say oh three years from now if we go do a deal with Showtime everybody gets paid the same no Ocho gets should get paid more than everybody yeah why because his social currency is better than everybody's yes right yes and then it'll probably be me then it'll probably be chanting and then it'll probably be Fred then it'll probably be Chef Nancy right so like you gotta understand you know what that value is so the goal was boom season two if you put in you know your percentage it was basically we we can all uh uh uh rev share equally okay right if you put in equally right right they passed and let me be let me let me be clear here because I because I because you know I I love speaking facts and yes in truth right Channing looked at it it was two offers you can be paid per show episode you can take a per show episode fee all coming out of my account right or you can invest and wait for the back end right Channing pass reg pass Fred said I you know I believe in in ownership I want to invest but you know didn't invest like it took him seven eight months once we broke through to come and say oh can we have that conversation yeah and that's that's where it got slippery because I even asked if it flopped would you took B Marshall a million dollars you think he would have brought you a million dollars I mean that's when things went left I asked him that question too yeah I said you know because I said you know what keep the money because now my investment went from like 125 000 or something or the projected uh budget was like 125 000 to shoot season two but then it ended up being like five six hundred thousand because now you got to think about we start doing NASCAR who's playing for the flights who's playing paying for right you know when we go to dinner who's paying for the production who's paying for everything right right we started doing other things um we did things live we were doing so much so the investment grew grew and so I said well it doesn't make sense for you to put in 25 000 and get 25 that doesn't make much sense nah and then you know we start talking about Sweat Equity and all these other things and I asked him that question I said if we didn't break through and it flopped would you be coming in my office saying yo bro here go 100 here go 200 000 go 300 000. yeah and I asked him then he said uh B no my face is clean everybody know my face is clean like I would I would have done that but I I stayed there why didn't you clarify and make sure you did the initial investment um I even brought up the meeting that he missed say yo bro they said they had a meeting and you missed the meeting he said that he did misdemeanor but we could have met again and he spoke to someone I think that was your lawyer that he said was a dog like was on top of [ __ ] so it was like I don't know and so he said that when y'all finally had the conversation that you offered him four percent do you want to clarify what that means what that says four percent of what or what what was he saying with that so the where we're sitting right now is House of athlete this is my baby that's my past yes from day one though from day one and also let me clarify this before you go because Fred on the show and and I didn't watch the drink chips interview before I spoke with Fred so I didn't see this but on the show Fred was saying that he didn't really um appreciate the integration with HOA mm-hmm right I even asked them did the gym hurt did the gym make him fill away right um and he they they they they didn't understand that integration if I already built like remember I go back to 2014. that's what I'm saying this video If this been my thing and I invite you in now how are you going to tell me here's the thing though I want to clarify because I didn't say this to Fred and I don't want to want it to come off as like I'm saying it now so I want to clarify why I'm saying this I watched the drink Champs interview and Channing Crowder and Fred Taylor acknowledged Time After Time House of athlete House of athlete was not a surprise if I'm going by that video there wasn't a surprise about HOA right my thing is with it being integrated what what happened but I want you to get back to the four percent but I wanted to clarify that they knew in my opinion about HOA I think that's what some of the fans believe so you also got to understand man like you know the pandemic hit as a bit like a lot of people lost everything they lost their entire businesses they lost families peop people lost you know their people yes you know people you know back back just about covet but also by Suicide yes you understand because it was tough time tough times so I think about being a business owner during that time you know I got 60 employees I'm up every night I'm the one that gotta like watch what cdc's putting out yeah but I'm taking it back a couple years though you know so like you gotta understand where I was at okay right I'm literally up at my dining room table with a bottle of Ducey thinking about like damn okay well how many people can we get in the building what we can do this and that boom boom boom so my Pivot was I am athlete from HOA to even when I talk to them makes sense I just invested 50 000 in equipment I just I had a social media team that was on payroll right I got a facility that's a studio potentially because we couldn't even use it no more because beside each other social distance yes and then I'm seeing Fred running I'm seeing Channing Channing comes over to the career I'm seeing all these Legends I'm like damn I'm watching ESPN I'm like man we get our production can be better than that they can't tell me that ain't worth nothing right so so that was the pivot right right so then we get we we go down the path all right so I'm gonna get to the four percent right so we go down the path oh my God what is all of this you know this is working I didn't took this this business this one little location from 12 000 recurring monthly to 150 in four months now I'm shut down the pandemic hit I was about to open up number two number three number five I seen them post everywhere yeah I've seen them then the pandemic hit so now I'm sitting here like all right I gotta put that on hold but I still got 60 70 employees how do I not laid them off still to this day not no no one was laid off due to covet no nothing and I think I was investing a hundred and fifty thousand dollars of every two weeks on payroll payroll still to this day with with our boy uh uh Wilder see this date yeah for sure because like I'm saying I'm like you okay don't not conservative right I'm gonna report uh what you you mean to tell me three hundred thousand dollars a month could potentially in three five years [Music] yeah a year annual yeah let's do it potentially be sitting on a billion dollar valuation in five years I'm willing to take that chance I didn't I got I traveled the world whoa hold on I go by long all of my interviews with everyone that you love it's available on it's up there podcast add free as well as the show with just me where I talk directly to the culture plenty more perks I see you there let's get back to the show yeah yeah yeah remember remember where I said I started yeah draft day yes my mom and them were sleeping in on Wesley Chapel the motel six bro everything extra at this point baby I'm used to that yeah ain't nothing yeah I'm yeah I'm educated I went to college my dad wasn't right my brothers and sisters I mean my cousins and my my neighbors yeah I come from that yeah I'm out I operate better in this yeah that's me you're trying to like I'm saying all that yeah because if I lose it all if I lose it all I'm okay yeah I didn't had it all yeah but also my hedge was I can still go back to ESPN or FS1 to go make a couple million dollars easily yeah right yeah so boom I'm trying to figure out what all this is I take three hundred thousand I invest in business planning what's my five year roadmap you do you understand this I brought in Boston Consulting Group that number the number two con and that was a discount this is money you can't see though no this is investing into what you bro you got to invest 300 000 for paperwork give me a business plan this is crazy uh what is all of this how I go from 12 11 950 a month to now 150 000 a month in this one location then I got this happening I'm not monetizing this I still haven't made any money off I am athlete everybody else eating I'm paying everybody else I ain't make no money what we say I call my brother I called my brother right because I'm trying to understand like how to really grow you know what I'm saying a lot is new to me we both grew up together I went to college he went to the streets he went to prison he's out now Smalls my brother love you I said bro shout out homie how you how you how how did you grow your Empire you know some sometimes the street dudes is is the street news is smarter than I'm coming for the 500. yeah he said bro all money in no money Out Nipsey RRP there you go that's what it was so that's why I get to that but 300 000 okay just to get a business plan my five-year road map but even and this is what they're doing now you got when I sit down and I'm like y'all want to raise 30 million on a x amount valuation this is how much of the company I'm giving up so you can scale and grow right like you've got to have everything in order 200 Pages they're studying I studied Joe I call you Joe Rogan I know his numbers me too okay it's in the case yes okay I'm studying the ringer yes we're starting all these people that did deals before because now you know what benchmarks are supposed to hit exactly so 300 000 to the number two consulting firm in the world to help me build up my five-year road map now what came out of that road map was this hey Brandon you invested today almost 11 million dollars that's House of athlete and I am athlete right so pre-money valuation off of the where you're at today you're sitting at 240 million so right now if I want to go out to the market and sell it 240 million okay because it's built off of five years right right then different multiples right so like if it's a house it's a software if it's a tech company if it's brick and mortar if it's retail if it's media it's different multiples you could be working off a 3X you could be working on that 5x 7x 10x Etc et cetera depending on the industry that's the language podcast [ __ ] don't know language so so so boom here's the valuation all right and here's the game plan so now what they're saying in this is like if you hit these goals over the next five years you're sitting on a 949 million dollar valuation B okay Coastal all right and and guess what 60 of that was made up of House of athlete not I am at their meeting right right that's just because that's recurring it's just a podcast I need the fans to understand that's what I'm saying I need the fans to understand let me throw it to you because I want to answer your question so that four percent is when I'm sitting down saying no bro like that little 80 000 like I get paid when I go speak you see me doing anything I'm getting paid 50 to 100 000 for an hour yeah mental health [ __ ] right so like you like fifty thousand I was on the call so I know that ain't kept right so like like that that this 25 000 50 000 is nothing so like keep your money just keep our face clean yeah look I'll give you four percent and then your Sweat Equity matters like all of us if it wasn't for all of us yeah I am Matthew when it popped the way it did but there's so much more to it and off the strength of all of that like I'm gonna give you four percent of a billion dollar company that's what that and that's what I think and and also you're gonna have your base so you're still gonna make your money you still gonna make your money so the money was look um rap share so here's the base everybody get paid this and then everybody basically comes down to like 25 rap share net profit right right so now everybody eating right simple and and see I think the conversation is and when I was talking to him was like well you well I love you boy because you got me really talking boy nah that's how we yeah I'm done after this I ain't talking about that's cool it's information bro look I'm telling you this young creators my whole fan base my whole everybody is information based they know this ain't you see how we peeling it back Magic Johnson when he got a big you did it that's what this is for like and the young Creator sitting on the other side I'm telling you because I was him I was him watching so I know it's a young Creator on the other side like okay okay this makes sense okay okay okay okay and they get they we pulling into them with this right our mistakes is pouring into them to help the market that's right you see what I'm saying but I think the four percent conversation when I spoke to him I don't think he understood that that four minutes four percent of a billion dollar situation that we're headed into so not four percent of the podcast the podcast ain't a billion dollar evaluation and I think they Fame confused but then also the money too though the base was still there right right like I'm gonna throw I don't wanna put out nobody's business but I just throw out like this this number so you understand so let's take like uh a chatting Crowder for example so Channing Crowder he was the only he said you out for chanting 300 000. he did say that on my show he said I hope chatting don't get mad but Pete offered him 300 000. yes um so he said it so you were talking about the four percent listen listen all I would say is this is that look before any deals came in all right before any deals came in everything was I wasn't I was the only investor I'm still the sole investor right okay in Year One chanting made more money well I am athlete than he did doing what he was doing the last 10 years that's important year two with the Serious XM deal I looked at chatting as like the face of that and I said bro like if we hit our benchmarks and you do what I know you can do easily right you'll be making a million dollars a year and the question was if you're paying me this then how much are you making and I want to before you leave because I know you got someone we gotta talk about that because I need people to know you and we got we got a lot to tell we're gonna have to do another one you got to go because we got I got so much gain we can get into but Channing Crowder spoke about this and I did mention this on on this episode about he wants to know how much you're making and in efforts to get access to his value in my opinion that's a very slippery approach you don't as a wide receiver you don't go to the NFL team and say what are you bringing in based it on base that based on what I'm getting paid the way that the formula that you have to come up with to access your value has never been go to the company and see how much they make it's always the market yeah so you need to as a creative understand the market to understand your value so not what you're making from your deal in my opinion it should be what is the top podcast that's being paid or what are people doing this job being paid but but then also remember that that valuation that I talked about right the recommendation was if you to hit this billion dollar you gotta hit the benchmarks you got to hit the benchmarks but you should go raise 30 million dollars 30 to 40 million dollars they gave me a Range uh for and give up be willing to give up 13 of your company okay okay so we all play ball we're all millionaires hey guys here's the BCG number two consulting firm in the world they spent three months with me we did a deep dive into what this is to help us put the language behind it put a five-year road map in place all right everybody can invest it could be 50 000 it could be 50 million whatever it is that you want to invest in right so that's another option that's business it's just practice yes yeah yeah yeah you know simple uh uh uh you know simple business yes so but look man um I I think I I want to talk about partnership versus ownership right um a lot of the deals even in podcasting now I think they understand that that most people who are creative of the IP often times want to retain uh creative control and also ownership and so to get around that you put people in a position to participate as a partner but not own anything in a from an ownership perspective do you think that they understood partnership versus ownership and also was that clear if you're if you have equity in a company okay your owner right ownership your owner your owner so like look I don't know what they what they know or what they don't know um I I know I can speak for myself you know a lot of the work and one of the hardest things about the my transition going from playing to building a company full time is gathering the information learning I spent a lot of time on YouTube I spend a lot of time on Google yes I've been to Harvard yes I'm a part of some of those uh executive programs still to this day but you know I'm getting information everywhere okay so I bust my ass to learn right you know what I mean and and that's the biggest so and everybody need to do that yeah you know those books read those books Shadow yeah get a mentor all of that stuff is important yeah if you want to evolve and grow right so I can't speak on what they know what they don't know but what I know is like I feel confident in what I'm doing I feel confident that you know um no I have not even confident I'm doing it with integrity I'm doing it uh in a fair way you know now I'm I come from the world where it's like you what you what you put in you you get out for sure right I'm not just gonna give you anything we don't do that right but it's going to be fair yeah and I understand that and I also have checks and balances so I'm reaching out to people yo what do you think about this is this right is this the right way you did it before you know just how me and you talk I'm talking to Joe I'm talking to Nori right right so like there's other people all the smoke Matt Barnes so now everybody right right what do you how did you structure this what are you thinking here right Kevin Hart well you Mentor me right do you think do you think that um because I asked him this and he couldn't take it from me I said B Marshall was a dog on that field he like can't take it from he was a dog do you think Freddie T was a dog on the field oh Fred T was absolutely one of the best to ever do it and also you know like one of the best OG's you understand like he talked about y'all having a long-standing relationship like I asked him in 10 years will we see IAA and pivot doing something together do you think so yeah I mean you can never say no same thing he said that's wild yeah you got you got you got Jay-Z and Nas come back together and you know do some business yeah so I think you know you guys I mean 10 years I mean it'd be cool to see them up under the Ia platform and you know what's the evaluation what's the numbers yeah how much which I want to make yeah for sure it makes sense bring it here and numbers go crazy yeah for sure hey that was crazy man hey you're so [ __ ] up you're funny you do it in two yeah let's do it soon let's do it yeah let me ask you this um I messed you up with that one yeah yeah yeah it's it's yeah that's the show that's the show podcast B Marshall you know the vibration high on this side grab that information do something with it let's get it what's going on it's your boy big loon right now if you looked at this clip and you enjoyed it hit subscribe watch the next video we on the road to 100K subscribers on YouTube if you're a fan coming to patreon we got exclusive videos there and also the show will just me alone salute to the supporters verify your customers and know who's your viewers it's up there podcast let's get it yo what up this big noon this is this up there podcast
Channel: Its Up There Podcast
Views: 122,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: it's up there podcast brandon marshall, i am athlete breakup, the pivot, the pivot podcast, fred taylor, brandon marshall, the pivot michael beasley, it is what it is cam'ron brandon marshall, channing crowder, Cam’Ron & Mase Most Hilarious “PAUSE” Moments 😂 #camron #itiswhatitis, brandon marshall beef, joe budden podcast, nelk podcast, nelk boys, its up there podcast, joe budden akademiks, million dollaz worth of game, joe budden, brandon marshall fred taylor
Id: nZv3r0evPog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 11sec (4391 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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