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yo Jesus [Music] [Music] good morning guys welcome back to the Vlog good morning guys welcome back to the Vlog look that's what's up oh good morning guys welcome back to the Vlog look what's arrived man look at that it's finally arrived mate that is awesome in there look at the artwork on that the colors I can't emphasize enough the colors are amazing let's have a look into your look I've got you just in the neck of time guys look at that ass that isn't it I love the colors love the colors PWS rides mate this is so awesome guys so awesome it um left five o'clock last night left PWS a blending way I think they are if I got you as early as I possibly could and we made it we made it it's still on the back of the truck let's have a look around it before they start assembling it so we've got Henry dancers and Sons amusement parks fun fair amazing let's have a look around this side wow mate wow there's not a lot to see is there let's have a look around the back no nothing you can't see anything nothing at all but it's all lash mate all brand new another brand spanking you ride to match this thing like oh oh my oh absolutely amazing look at the ticket box that's amazing absolutely amazing let's have a look from this side look at that man that is so wicked so so amazing like I always say it's amazing it just folds up like that in it one track massive ride like this blows my mind every time look at that colors match up perfect don't he that's amazing so well thought out honestly I can't unfault him for that guys it's a pretty cold morning here this morning it's absolutely freezing and it's a bit windy but um but at least it's not raining so that's a good thing right okay it's now three o'clock right the last time I spoke to was nine o'clock this morning and this is still not moved Harry has gone to get top scan no top scan it's out of makeover and it's supposed to be coming in today so I I just feel I don't know what to say I'm hoping that it comes here it's going here the twist twist is going yeah as you can see there left behind me they folded away the uh the runaway train so I'm just waiting I'm just waiting I don't know I don't know what else to say look at this though the wacky Gold Mine mate looking brilliant most of the framework now at the top it's almost done in there it's looking really really good what's up past three now guys and I don't know how much longer I can stay here it's absolutely freezing it's blowing the Gale and uh yeah I'm cold man I'm freezing it's almost four o'clock now guys I'm actually up on top of the uh the wacky gold mine have a look at this we can see at the top here look see that ice in there nice I just want to see it assembled man come on day two it didn't turn up until nine o'clock last night from what I can gather but have a look at this nine o'clock yanto's back say hello yanto hello oh good man oh good great job you back look at this top scan she's back that's how I can run the back look at that and it's got glitter in it I don't know what can I zoom in there look at that when the when the Sun hits it up yeah you can't really see very well I don't know whether you can see it in the camera when I send it it pops mate it's got all glitter in the paint but look at that look at the colors the lights are not all fitted yet the bulbs the bulbs are not in but look at that that looks amazing mate really nice two different color pink so it's like a purple and a pink at the top you've got gold in there as well and the backs of some of them green and there's a blue as well I do believe yeah there's a blue there look oh I don't have blue that is nice and then there's a red like a magenta color and that's amazing doesn't it absolutely amazing it's had all new lights fitted under there this is going to be really is gonna be something else look at this Immaculate mate oh painted up blush really really nice if we come back around the front as you can see the seats now been painted yellow that's the original color is the yellow and somewhere along the line it was they were painted black it looked amazing done it looks a hundred times better than it did but if we look up under here like look at that that's lashing it lastly done amazing absolute amazing job I've said that through the park and see how they go in with the uh with the twist yeah all day I'm sure yesterday guys I'm sure I left you able I think it was about past four or something like that and there was still no sign of them coming back so I went and I'm glad I did because they didn't get back till apparently nine nine thirty I think they said as we come up through the park then you see they've moved the runaway train it was by you wasn't there and they've also moved the twist it's going somewhere by there as you can see they've hitched up the runaway train must be a move down to the bottom of the park and then this is going to be positioned and set up I can't wait I hope you appreciate this two days in the making two days more or less you know but yeah it's gonna be worth it I know I love it man a couple of celebrities here including the queen a little Royal Highness yeah they're just waiting for the build won't be too much longer your Royal Highness okay we've got Harry out now they're all lining it up getting it ready we're almost there ready to set it up [Music] just turning it round take some driving test mate sometimes this bit can take hours literally because you know it's all about position in there thank you now guys some people criticize the the ground up here on the top of the park I mean the rest of the park was tarmac a few years back and it cost hundreds of thousands of pounds literally did but this is still an ongoing project up here they're still not finished you know it's not going to be tarmac until you know the Iraqi coal mine's finished and you know they're happy with everything and so that's the reason that the ground up here haven't been done yet but Rome wasn't built in a day and let's remember what this park was like before they took over we'll surrendous guys right here it's been good [Applause] okay gearbox [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll be pulled out now so I pulled the vanish to go a little bit higher next time look how high that is now we're gonna drop that right to the floor now and stick it on the jacks on the sides [Music] [Music] the Hardy can see mine all right Bradley we're out here now you just need a bit of spin under there look at this foreign [Music] a lot mod I love it that is stunning [Music] over there off oh [Music] you gotta keep it hard [Music] [Music] [Music] look at that mate that's what it isn't it thank you guys [Music] around 40 for you [Music] [Music] clad can drive mind that's tight [Music] another saying this side [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] in the midst of all of it means it always amazes me how it all packs together who designs these things I just don't know so clever so clever how it all just fits in this section there and then just then just pulls out very very very amazing pwsa nice mate I love it absolutely love it I think it's stunning is there any grease Andy anywhere knocking around easy thank you [Music] oh yeah what [Music] he's like oh well you're welcome back again looks like [Music] this is where you get fell open oh we might do at the end [Music] where are we going this way yeah makes me amazing so I broke my arms time for the steps thank you it's busy busier steps just say thousands of people are gonna walk up them steps [Music] I'm gonna send it to that meat absolutely beautiful stunning [Music] Jordan oh my God [Music] [Music] [Music] he's doing that on purpose two minutes [Music] push the arm around that off folks keep going not again whoa perfect Perfect Mate [Music] oh I missed that then you pull it up and do it again a lot mate sweeter than that because relationship two four together now come together make it easy together arm again and again and again and again he's in [Music] hello [Music] again [Music] right YouTube there's a lot of manual labor in this room in comparison to the uh the Dodger you know a lot of physical lifting we're glad front what's up show you the other side now same thing again straight to One Clip we like it you're gonna go like okay Oppo now you Brad and again tell you what that was good a little bit of rain have we keep going [Music] get it up there rapper four five six wrong side they're like ant and death they got to be the right way around thank you [Music] foreign Lush good reviews [Music] oh geez Mac [Applause] y's start using your brain all right covers it in nicely there doesn't it very nice foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] really finishes it off doesn't it stunning look at that mate [Music] let's have a look in here in the p-box right gee what is me look at that that is snazzy isn't it there's a control panel wow that is absolutely stunning there I really can't get my eardrum to the something else got that in there some drawers another draw for you keys nice nice we're gonna spare cap there that's Andy and this is all the uh Ola cabins wow mate that is something else I love this this is I tell you what you know what it's got It's got Windows everywhere look that's nice and then you come over here look at that Sizzler baby absolutely stunning I love it well guys what did you think about that is this amazing look at that what an amazing bit of Kit and what I love about this it's so old school looking in it you know with a crown at the top of that absolutely amazing absolutely I absolutely love it it's stunning absolutely stunning PWS wow you've done an amazing job of this and well I know hanny's over the moon but guys thank you so much for joining me don't get lots of squashed can we speak more soon bye vlog [Music] s [Music] [Music] believe me I need you
Channel: The Dudgies
Views: 42,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #barryisland, #barryislandpleasurepark, #PWSRIDES, #SIZZLER, #RIDEBUILD, #wales, #fairground, #ridenews
Id: LH3p1qJvQFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 27sec (1887 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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