Branches of Philosophy - Logic (What is Logic?) (See link below for more video lectures in Logic)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] in this whiteboard edition I will briefly address the question what is logic logic is one of the major branches of philosophy which is commonly understood as the science or study of correct processes of thinking or reasoning broadly construed logic therefore is that specific branch of philosophy that studies the processes of correct thinking etymologically speaking the term logic is derived from the Greek word logos which is often translated in English as word discourse or reason but in the Greek tradition of understanding the nature of reality the term reason was commonly appropriated and for the ancient Greek thinkers logos as reason could mean two things namely first that which refers to human reason which seeks to attain an objective or universal understanding of the nature of reality and second that which refers to universal intelligence or rational divine intelligence indeed that universal ruling force that governs the cosmos when understood in the second sense logos then means the light giving principle which enables human persons to understand the nature dynamics and mysteries of the universe when understood in the first sense that is as human reason logos connotes study that is the rationality of the human mind which seeks to attain an objective or universal understanding of the nature of reality thus when we employ the term logos in our attempt to make sense of or study something then we are dealing with a term logos in the first sense for example when we define the term psychology from the vantage point of its etymology then we may say that psychology come from the two Greek words namely psyche which means mind and logos which means study thus etymologically speaking psychology is defined as the study of the mind indeed it is in this context that logic is again defined as the study of the correct processes of thinking or reasoning more specifically when we study the correct processes of thinking or reasoning we are necessarily dealing with arguments hence in logic we will be primarily dealing with the principles that govern the validity of arguments that is whether a certain conclusion follows from the given premises or assumptions let us consider these examples if it rains today then the road is wet it rains today therefore the road is wet all men are mortal Socrates is a man therefore Socrates is mortal the professor will be absent if and only if she is sick the professor is sick therefore she will be absent these arguments are obviously valid arguments because of their conclusions necessarily follow from the premises again if the premises are true then the conclusion must be true for the argument to be valid however there are more complicated arguments whose validity cannot be determined by simply looking at them these arguments require a thorough analysis before we can say that they are indeed valid or not this is precisely what concerns us in logic and this is what the rest of the discussions in logic would like to address that's it for now thanks for visiting us today for another whiteboard discussion here at filo notes full transcript of this video is available at Fila notes comm and to keep you updated of our newest videos simply click here and subscribe and tap the bell for notifications thanks take care [Music]
Channel: PHILO-notes
Views: 82,387
Rating: 4.867816 out of 5
Keywords: Logos, Word, Discourse, Reason, Human Reason, Universal Intelligence, Rational Divine Intelligence, Light-giving Principle, Study, Validity of Arguments
Id: oVgVz175Rdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 14sec (314 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 23 2018
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