Logic (Studying Arguments) Part 1

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ladies and gentlemen welcome to this video series on logic this video series is intended to be quick simple and effective quick we take the time for learning and we reduce it from months into minutes simple it's just to teach the basics to give you a basic understanding it doesn't have a lot of special effects or high-quality entertainment just to give you a good understanding of what logic is and you'll be able to know how to use it effectively effectively in learning what is necessary what will help you in your day-to-day life for example calculus you know a truck driver who's a professional truck driver may never use calculus on his day to day life but he may have took six months in school to learn calculus in his course you're going to learn the stuff that you're going to use on your day to day life and we're going to try to reduce things that you probably will never use okay now in this video too you're going to learn what is logic what is an argument what is a premise and what is a conclusion okay logic what is logic logic is the science used to evaluate an argument if you want to win arguments if you do not want to be deceived by bad arguments you want to be able to recognize a good argument from a bad argument and you want to be an expert at it you're going to need to know what logic is it's simple to learn it's quite enjoyable to learn and you're going to love learning about arguments the science used to evaluate an argument you'll be an expert at evaluating arguments now what is an argument many people may think that an argument is one person yelling at another person however this idea is incorrect it doesn't matter if this person is yelling at this person saying in my opinion you're just a lazy bum you don't take out the garbage enough and you don't walk the dog enough and this person says this one oh yeah well I'd like to warn you to stop yelling at me okay that's not an argument this person is just giving this person their opinion and this person is warning this person they may be doing so in a loud tone but it doesn't mean they're in an argument what an argument actually is is words that are intended to prove a point now it doesn't matter how loud you say it how soft you say it if you use your words with the intention to prove something then you are you have given an argument for instance if this person says honey you don't take out the garbage enough because the garbage piles up I put a video camera in the kitchen and monitored the trash how long it goes out average time to take out the garbage is once every 24 hours and the garbage has not been taken out in 48 hours therefore you did not take out the garbage enough now she would have put forth an argument because her words that she gave are intended to prove the point that the husband does not take out the garbage enough that is an argument okay so an argument are words that are used to prove a point if somebody's using words to communicate something with the intention of proving a point that is now an argument okay next we're going to learn what a premise is okay so we learned what logic is it's the science of evaluating arguments and arguments or words that are used to prove a point and now we're going to go into premise and conclusion follow me here now premises premise is evidence in the argument evidence to prove the point so an argument can be broken down into two pieces so all these words that are used to prove the point can be dissected and taken apart and can be put into two categories that is the categories of the premise and the conclusion so you have all they argue the words in the argument you can dissect them and separate them into two categories the premises and the conclusion that's your first step in evaluating an argument the first step in the science of evaluating the argument so the first step find out separate the argument from premise and conclusion okay so the premises is the evidence that is used to prove the point now the point is the conclusion so the conclusion you don't take out the garbage enough the premises videotape the garbage being taken out national averages says once every 24 hours etc etc so you get closer and closer and and BAM the conclusion is the point so premises is the evidence that is used the reasons to conclude you know the conclusion okay so you've learned what logic is logic is the science of evaluating an argument an argument is a group of words that are communicated with the intention to prove a point now in these group of words you can dissect and separate into two categories the premises and the conclusion ok there's usually only one conclusion and several premises so there's one point and several reasons that that's the point so the first step is identifying these two things in the argument now one way to identify these things is to look for key words or indicators so if you want to separate and dissect an argument look for the premises look for the key words or the premise indicators like because as sensing that so because for instance honey you do not take out the garbage enough because the garbage is piling up because it's been more than two days and the garbage has not been taken out because I've been watching you on a video camera because the national average garbage being taken out is 20 every 24 hours etc etc so every time you see the word because you know that a premise is probably going to follow next or since I know that you do not take out the garbage enough since it's piling up I know you don't take it enough because because or since the national average is once every 24 hours or seeing that so keep your eye out for these key words premise key words that will help you dissect the argument so because for this reason since seeing that as and there are other premise indicators as well and you will learn all this in due time just don't worry about it it all come together here shortly next are the conclusion indicators when dissecting the argument you'll look for premise and conclusion that's the first step conclusion indicators are words like therefore where for so on thus and hence for instance the garbage is piling up you haven't taken out in 24 hours I've been watching you on video camera therefore you do not take out the garbage enough or the carpets is piling up video cameras see you don't take out the garbage so you do not take out the garbage enough so if you see one of these words you probably know that a conclusion is coming next okay so let's use it on this so say you're trying to get to this point in an argument evidence number one evidence number two evidence number three therefore boom the conclusion okay or you can look at the premise as a reason reason number one reason number two reason number three therefore boom conclusion let's try with so there's this reason this reason this reason so boom conclusion you do not tail to garbage you know so separating premises from conclusion watch for the key words will help you dissect the argument repetition is good for learning okay we've learned logic is what this whole video series is going to be about logic logic is the science that is used to evaluate arguments and you watch this video series you're going to be a expert at evaluating arguments it's going to come after a while just natural to you so it's the science of evaluating arguments an argument is a group of words that is intended to prove a point now an argument is contains a premises and a conclusion now what is the premise yes that's right a premise is evidence or reasons for the conclusion or the point that you're trying to prove the conclusion is the point you're trying to prove and the premises is the reasons to conclude that point okay we're going to be closing now start in the next video one last a note is why is it so important to learn logic well for several reasons there are many benefits in studying logic but one of the main reasons is it will provide you with a defense against deception lies and errors that attack the foundations of truth thank you so much and we'll see in the next video
Channel: speakbigtruth
Views: 26,099
Rating: 4.9180632 out of 5
Keywords: Logic, Premises, Conclusion, Argument, Proposition, Statement, Ad Hominem, Logical Fallacy, Fallacy, Fallacious, Consequence, Antecedent, Appeal to force, Appeal to, Authority, Definition, Language, Laws of logic, Bandwagon, Begging the question, Induction, Deductive, Inductive, Cogent, Invalid, Strong, Sound, Syllogism, Inference, Cause, Cognitive, Disjunction, Empirical, Equivocation, Modus, Ponens, Tollens, Term, Straw Man, Red Herring, Condition
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2017
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