Brains Before Beauty in MasterChef Canada | S01 E07 | Full Episode | MasterChef World

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on MasterChef Canada welcome to the iconic Distillery District the home Cooks catered an exclusive Art Gallery event I'm the captain of this ship I don't want to go down with nothing in the end Daniel's blue team crumbled and faced a demanding pressure test the only thing tropical about this it's a typhoon hit it that in a shocking outcome sent Josh home tonight an emotional Mystery Box inspires passionate cooking it's not like I left a job I left my life and the remaining home Cooks Face the toughest Elimination Challenge yet you continue to raise the bus as they battle for a spot in the top ten how do you want to try it thank you [Music] now we have 11 people have a 1 in 11 chance of winning a hundred thousand dollars plus the title it's crazy failure is not an option really I went all out quit my job and I really really need to win this one bad day and bye bye apron welcome back everyone there are 11 of you left each with a chance of winning in the title of MasterChef Canada it's time for your Mystery Box challenge this next Mystery Box challenge presents a golden opportunity win this mystery box and you gain control of the competition lose and someone else will have your fate in their hands I don't want to go home so if I win this then I'm automatically safe from elimination 11 of you stand before us right now by the end of the day there will be at least one less home cook in this competition those of you left standing will be the top 10 finalists in MasterChef Canada top 10 Canada is huge are you kidding me top 10 MasterChef Canada yeah it's a big deal Eric what would you like to see under that box beside a first aid kit I have like so much to prove the judges are really watching me now I didn't finish the last mission box they think I'm careless I cut my finger ready I have the mystery box in my fingertips something crazy is gonna happen on a can of three one this Mystery Box could have absolutely anything inside two I'm hoping to see my kid but the box is too small three left I left the mystery box and there's mini Eric [Laughter] oh look how cute I am oh hey it's the Prima ballerina I was not expecting to see him underneath this mystery box I'm proud of that 16 year old in the picture because he was Fearless I came out in a community where people don't come out in thank you why are you crying just reminds me of my boys they look a little bit like me it's been a while so I miss them a little bit sorry it's not like I left the job I left my life I left my world that's all I know is my boy the story [Music] Tamara what's going through your mind just remembering my dad he was uh really big into food and The Culinary world and that's what I'm going to channel for for today for sure they're wonderful emotions you should embrace it I'm gonna put it into the food today it's a great strategy [Music] take a good look at your younger self what was that dish that triggered your passion for cooking so long ago we want you a photograph to inspire an irresistibly original dish that tells us something about you be smart be Innovative and cook from your heart but don't spend too much time walking down memory lane you only have 60 Minutes to make you a dish you have full access to the equipment room but only five minutes in the pantry [Music] your 60 Minute starts now [Music] the dish I'm making today is osubuko deal shank it really reminds me of growing up on the farm butchering our own Meats anybody grab Rosemary I grabbed lavender by accident it reminds me of us pretend cooking in our backyard and picking little baby mangoes for me one of my earliest childhood memories it uh is my mother making creme caramel and my brothers and I would run around grab teaspoons and scrape that little bit of caramel that was left in the bottom yeah but what's YouTube peanut butter and banana wrap the banana in bread and sear it probably a peanut to parfait with it some type of a jelly [Music] I'm making a take on chopped liver what's my dad's favorite Jewish dish he would be so proud of me today he would be just ecstatic that I was here very emotional day [Music] I'm gonna do a braised goat on a roasted garlic mash with a crispy kale but my dad loves to go so I think he'll dig this dish so I hope when he's watching this he'll be like oh and I like it I like it bossy move son I'm just going to be doing it in a pressure cooker it's gonna be pretty interesting I can tell you I wouldn't be using a pressure cooker you can't see touch and taste the cooking process and that's high risk when you've got 60 Minutes to do a dish so I'm making chassis which is pretty much barbecue pork and soup noodles and then I'm gonna make a pork broth with some spinach [Music] I'm making curry shrimp Roti sliced avocados in a pepper Chutney definitely reminds me of my twin sister you have 30 minutes left you know you know what's going on I'm making some home gnocchi and I have some breaded reminds me of my mom Fatina we call them like Reddit view that's one of our Staples as we were kids I wish I had a mom like that I eat instant noodles that's how I rate good old mac and cheese mac and cheese yeah that was a staple at home was it growing up my mom raised me a single mom we didn't have a lot of money I ate a lot of mac and cheese so yeah today I'm making a sassy one so how are you going to be elevating your Mac and Cheese I'm gonna pay homage to my roots and show how far I've come since then what have you got in there bay leaf I've got bay leaf it's a touch of tarragon salt pepper and some bacon that's smart thank you got some good flavor there thank you just check on the seasoning huh absolutely hey Mike this looks delicious potatoes wow [Music] those are incredible thank you very nice what are you making here ah so I've got a braised goat wow I just took the pressure cooker off now have you ever used a pressure cooker before uh yeah just once or twice wow you think this is a little tough if I were you I would uh throw it back once yep that worries me all right thanks Jeff thanks for the heads up there [Music] 20 minutes left you have 20 minutes left do you have any flour uh yes some right there right there all right now this is a typical Chinese Kitchen and then I see you know pressure cooker is not used a lot Chinese good things what's in the broth my grandpa always does pork and spinach broth well I never had pork in Spanish pasta that's a very unusual combination for a Chinese Frost it always does it and I love it make sure you have my Chopsticks ready okay thank you I'm putting the liver um through the chinois so that way it's not grainy and so when it comes out it's a nice smooth Pate instead of grainy liver pieces apple is going to the onions to give a bit of sweetness to chopped liver you got it okay and I'm finishing off with a Sherry vinegar and some sherry wine wow and the pork uh yeah I like it lots of alcohol it's not the how much do you think yes yes what are you making here I am making curry shrimp with Roti have you cooked with shrimp before yes [Music] delicious wow that is hot time check 10 minutes remaining I gotta get some color in here I gotta get my gnocchi in and into the pan there's a few things that could go really wrong here how is Pinos gnocchi prefer a bit more sauce but on that I think he's doing well I can't wait for you guys to try burritos dish it looks like a very small portion so I hope I'm going first Casa I'm just cutting and then I gotta boil it oh man yeah I got a lot to do in a little bit of time five minutes left you have five minutes remaining come on uncooked uh I'm okay because it is fairly simple it all comes together and then it's just really a couple of bit of blow torching after that I'm really comfortable but oh that was close one minute the home Cooks have just moments to spare in a mystery box inspired by their childhood photos finishing touches should be going on the plate wiping down and final checking eight seven six five four three two one heads up all right I'm really happy with how my dish turned out I'm actually if one's like super proud and just super confident with my dish the judges will now take one last look at the dishes before selecting the three best for tasting it looks good I actually see myself ordering that in a restaurant the winner of this Mystery Box will receive a huge advantage in the upcoming elimination challenge that will determine who makes it into the top 10 of MasterChef Canada they should call me for the top three because the sauce is super tasty and the goat is nice and tender today you are inspired by your childhood memories and there were some great results the first dish we want to see was made by a home cook who wanted to honor their background they made the kind of hearty comfort food that leaves people wanting more Pinot please bring your dish up it's a tribute to my mom my memory as a kid and it looks perfect and I'm sure it tastes even better you know tell me what the dish is growing up we had so many of your cutlets watch my mom mcniaki she made everything from scratch for Italian where we've made a lot of pastas and that was one of my favorite things watching her make the deal scallopini lightly breaded pan fried [Music] nicely cooked peas a real scallopini seasoned to the tea well done Pinot thank you very much [Music] are we gonna be starting sweet I wish I had your mother too thank you very much [Music] the second person who made it into the top three showcased perfectly cooked protein with Gorgeous aromatic sides [Music] Marita please bring your plate up while I cook this dish I put a lot of love into it I really thought of my family Curry and seafood is what I grew up on and it reminded me of my sister because she cooks like a Trinidadian Grandma also like my mom the avocado I guess is designed to cool everything down a bit yes nice and creamy it works this is to date the best dish I've had it's really it's incredible you can have this in a restaurant anywhere I want the recipe yes thank you I think I should do this the right way on the road to you right yes it's nicely done no Forks Allowed no Forks allowed that's right thank you [Music] oh I'm in love thank you Chef it's such a big compliment the third dish was exactly what we have been waiting for from this home cook it shows where they're from and what they have learned and we hope it's the beginning of more great things from this person please step forward Eric this is absolutely the dish that I'm most proud of it represents my background shows my skill and it it honors my grandpa fantastically hey Rick what's the inspiration this is a classic dish my grandpa always made for me and he's mostly my inspiration it's a chassis which is Chinese barbecue pork soup noodles grandpa taught you well it did all this from scratch in one hour yeah [Music] thank you Jose Jose [Music] it's the kind of broth that my mother would say would warm the cockles of your heart this you learn from your grandfather you say yeah barbecue progress pieces when you see your grandfather next I'd like you to tell him that he should be very very proud of his grandson thank you so much Chef well done thank you Chef thank you we need a moment to consult it's great to see to see fresh flavors everything just hit that Mark was balanced with technique I would put them both dishes as equal so we all agree [Music] three outstanding dishes inspired by your childhood memories I want to be Canada's first Master Chef every dish that I put out helps me progress to that but only one can win this Mystery Box challenge I know this is the top dish it has a flavor it has a technical difficulty and it has the Innovation the winner of this challenge the cook that right now has the competitive Advantage I know I did really well is it good enough to win I think so is Eric what thank you so much chefs that won the most important challenge in this competition yet so I'm pretty stoked Eric for winning the mystery box you will receive a huge advantage in the upcoming Elimination Challenge please follow us into the MasterChef Canada pantry little disappointed wasn't me obviously I really wanted to win but then I look at Eric and um he's a great cook as the winner of the mystery box Eric now has the other Home Cook's face in his hands as he gets to choose the ingredient or style of cooking that everyone must use Eric congratulations thank you Chef you get a huge advantage in the upcoming elimination challenge you won't be cooking today and it means you are now in the top 10. thank you congratulations thank you Chef usually this involver is showing you three very special ingredients but today there's only one an Alberta beef cow wow a big culinary Trend today is nose to tail eating that means using every part of the animal the brain the most difficult to work with if undercooked totally mushy and inedible the tongue the challenge here is removing the skin bone marrow one of my personal favorite the tomahawk steak bone in ribeye every Chef would like to get their hands on this but sometimes simple things can be tricky the flank steak if you cut this piece of meat when it's still hot it will bleed everywhere let it rest kidneys easy to mess up oxtails you'll find in many many different cultures the wonderful thing about oxtails is that they absorb flavor liver slice it thin classic liver and onions sweet breads it's overcooked can turn bitter beef cheeks my favorite moist tender and succulent when cooked to perfection your second Advantage gives you an extraordinary level of control you get to decide which cuts each of your fellow competitors will have to cook with today awesome so Eric what are you thinking I definitely know which two I want to send home they're getting the beef tongue and brains for sure these match each home Cook's name with the part of the kale you're going to be choosing for them 10 very important decisions that will determine who will be joining you in the top 10 of MasterChef Canada [Music] because Eric won the Mystery Box challenge he will not be cooking and is safe from elimination oh goody that means Eric is now in the top 10 of MasterChef Canada in the pantry we gave Eric some important strategic choices to make there are 10 different proteins in the pantry they vary in size they vary in flavor and they vary in the trouble which they can cause you in the kitchen they all come from one animal and Alberta cow you're going to be cooking nose to tail today nose to tail I have no idea what that means if it was lips and I know I'd be making hot dogs Eric has decided which part of the cow you will be working with today Eric chose very carefully I'm slightly nervous I've hung out with Erica bit so I'm sure he knows about my strengths and weaknesses are you have 90 minutes to make us a dish featuring the cut that Eric chose for you your 90 minute start now at the end of this challenge at least one home cook will be eliminated while the top two Cooks will be team captains in the next field challenge I go into the pantry and there I see it I see liver I just hate that smell like come on oh oxtail oh boy friends I thought I really had it bad with the kidneys until I touched the tongue it was so gross I have no clue why Eric who thinks I'm his competition I got a brain I want to see Kayla cook range I want to see if she has what it takes I made him cook dessert he gives me brains we're not even at all Eric gives me beef cheeks I I didn't even know you cooked with the cheeks of a cow I think he intended to be good to me I bet you he loves beef cheeks if I was cooking I would want to use the beef cheeks Eric gives me the Tomahawk Steak I think it's a gift I grew up on a farm and grew up cooking steaks so it's kind of in my blood Dale's probably gonna overthink this I don't think I'm going home on this today for sure and I would be very embarrassed if I did before just making sure that I went into my time wisely Eric gave me the flank steak which is probably like the easiest cut of me to cook normally I'd cook like chicken livers at home but like that's a big freaking piece of liver some people are actually butchering the meats Mike come on man he was cutting like Stakes of liver and you should never do that you know for me just like a Chinese swing we are famous for nose to tail I would eat everything I practically have eaten everything I would love to do the sweet bread what would you do to elevate it what I do in Hong Kong is actually I serve it with oyster so it's like a Chinese surf and turf yeah today I am making a beet salad and I'm serving it with a beef tongue I'm going to cook it in a pressure cooker I've made a bit of a broth here with some onions carrots celery Sherry and a little bit of beef broth I have no clue what tongue tastes like and I'm assuming because I tried to get this peel off I can't get it off so I think I have to cook it I was going to be working with the tongue it's going to take a while to cook lift it out peel it whilst it's hot because that's the best way the best chance to get that skin off I would take some of the poaching broths simmer it down add a little bit more of the fresh herbs and create a little bit of sauce and just serve it warm 45 minutes I'm gonna make a cheeky beef Stewie I don't have hours of time to do it so I'm going to use a pressure cooker so I'm making oxtail I'm going to make it a Jamaican style because that's the only way I've ever had it I've had the pleasure of going to Jamaica with my wife we've had it there if everything goes according to plan this dish will get me into the top ten you know the biggest thing about brains I think is probably cleaning them well so I've cleaned them and now I'm soaking them in some buttermilk Eric assigns me the brain it just fuels me to get through this challenge whenever you underestimate Kayla and you give her something difficult she really steps up to the bar and really proves herself I'm gonna kill are feeling the pressure in a not cooking I'm going to be immune from elimination I can't believe that I actually made top ten feels fantastic they have just 90 minutes to create a stunning dish using a variety of Alberta beef cuts no steel cooking nothing goes to waste not even the brain at the end of this challenge at least one home cook will be sent home that's all I can give you baby thank you that's fine I should breathe through this because I have the easiest cut out of everybody hello Chef Dale so Eric gave you the plum cut tell me how you're cooking it I made my own spice mixture here you did what's in the spice mix salt black pepper white pepper garlic powder uh Rosemary and Thyme fairly generic uh it's it's very generic but I don't like to mess with meat so I like to actually taste the flavor of meat and just enhance it a little bit and the cooked degree I am hoping for medium rare you're hoping for medium rare I'm hoping for medium rare and what's in the pan um it's going to be red wine raised leeks good luck with it and watch the time thank you so much keep an eye on that chop [Music] I'm making a marinated flank steak with chimichurri grilled corn salad I'm nervous that it's going to be under seasoned [Music] hello Merida hi chef how are you today what are you doing I am making a masala kidney what are you doing here I'm just testing out a piece to see how it Cooks that's a good idea it's all all Curry spices well with the kidneys I figured you know it needed something kind of strong you're looking more and more like a one-trick pony [Music] foreign [Music] you look nervous I am I've never cooked a beef tongue and I've never used a pressure cooker I don't know what it tastes like I don't know anything about it I'm hoping what's under here is absolutely amazing sounds like you might be going home I don't know Eric probably got me on this one to be quite honest well you still have time to turn this around good luck thank you looks like a little brain surgery going on have you ever cooked it before um I've never eaten it before tell me how you're preparing it what the plan is so what I did is I soaked it in buttermilk for about 20 minutes then I'm gonna deep fry it and dust it with a bit of salt buttermilk will help draw out that blood it also helps keep it nice and white so you've got to toss them in what before you fry them that has a little bit sounds like you know what you're doing you're doing brain nugget mmm you have 15 minutes left Julie has one of the easiest proteins to cook here and she's struggling with it she looks lost she's looking at things prodding poking it's as if she's doubting her every single move so be cutting my knee I'm not trying to send her home but she just gets frazzled by anything [Music] Dora is the one who is really struggling here she was standing around pacing up and down waiting for her cheeks to cook wait on my pressure cooker I'm freaking out right now she'd seem to have nothing else to work on cookie bastard cook I'm very concerned about Danielle she lost a lot of time on trying to peel the underside of the tongue which didn't need it one minute I have so much going on I think the steak is good enough to get me into the top ten finishing touches on those plates please [Music] nine seven six five four three two one heads up [Music] I decided to go a little on the rarest side compared compared to the medium rare side I don't know what the judges are going to say about it but I'm happy with it I'm making it in top 10. I'm not going anywhere I'm staying for sure foreign please bring up your dish I am not a one-trick pony I'm not ready to go home today can you tell me what it is an Indian inspired masala beef kidney with rice and some Dal we've cooked kidneys before never [Music] you managed to have the kidney come through quite well presentation looked very nice not a bad attempt for a first time with kidneys as good as this is I would have liked to seen something just outside of your comfort zone using Indian flavors and Indian spices [Music] I didn't think Scotch bonnets go with kidneys I don't think it's innovative Dale you're up next the dish today is spiced Omaha Steak with parsnip stuffed leeks and tri-color french fries [Music] Dale you told me you were going to cook this medium rare [Music] is raw it is blue Raw it registered 127 in three different places I don't care what it registered there's nothing magical here there's no source to dip the steak in there's no Jew it's it's uninspiring first of all come argue yeah nobody eats rib eye this thick rare [Music] emotionally and mentally this is the lowest I've been so far Julie please come up what do we have here steak with a chimichurri and then I did fried potato skins and then I did a corn and avocado salad so this you meant to cut through I guess but you didn't it's all one piece okay let me do the cutting for you well the meat's cooked very nicely you have some nice color there [Music] there's good qualities about it this is delicious but the star of the show here it's under seasoned when you first describe your cooking to us described how much passion you have I'm not sure we've seen that yet [Music] good Mike please bring up your dish I went so badly to get in the top ten you don't want to be number 11. liver and onions on a bed of cauliflower puree had you sliced the liver thin and then pan fried it it would have held up much better but I find the cauliflower puree very under-seasoned and wet thank you Mike it looks um oh my God look at that yeah why does it turn that color chef because you're not supposed to Fan it out it oxidizes how do you want to try it I know what it's going to taste like sorry chef please go back to your station oh [Music] Caleb please bring up your dish I am feeling really good everything on the dish is looking pretty damn good Kayla can you tell me all that's in your dish please crispy fried cow's brains with grilled polenta sauteed mushrooms and then a little bit of arugula [Music] sounds good personally I think you had the toughest ingredient to work with this is not a perfect dish the polenta is under seasoned the brains though are cooked to a tea thank you Chef you continue to raise the bus so what I am expecting is crispy calf brain with velvety smooth Center you know that's what I get Eric chose the brain especially for you because I think he thinks you like some you can tell him from me you're wrong you're wrong so there no she's not going to be in the bottom which is unfortunate brains [Music] please come up here with your plate beef tongue that was cooked in a beef and Cherry broth and I paired it with a roasted beet salad why didn't you integrate the tongue into the salad I don't know I was a little stumped honestly I've never planned on cooking time delicious thank you I think that you don't have any real confidence if you change that I think you'll do really well your turn what I made is oxtail I cooked it in the pressure cooker and I have some basmati rice I figured I'd go you know Jamaican with it [Music] how much time did you spend in Jamaica two weeks I finished makeup I wonder what would happen if you spent more time there because it's a very good dish thank you very much I'm happy to see that you are doing something other than Italian thank you very much Chef Dora you're up next oh God get on the top 10 ain't easy no one said it was crowd today oh I didn't know really what to do with cheeks so usually what I do with tough cuts of meat is I make stew I want to like it it just looks like barf it comes apart nicely [Music] foreign I've never cooked with sheep before it's disappointing it's hard to disappoint chef [Music] the color it's so unappetizing yeah totally under seasoned it is surprising how much seasoning you need when you are braising or stewing this one cut it actually look like somebody ate it already and we need a moment to discuss who will be leaving the MasterChef Canada kitchen I tell you there's only one dish for me for me I thought it was Innovative I thought it was creative I had no idea the liver would oxidized it's a tough one [Music] for today's Elimination Challenge Eric was presented with an entire Alberta beef cow there were two dishes that did impress the first dish was hearty and satisfying congratulations The Runaway West Elimination Challenge was Kayla thank you you're both safe from elimination and you'll be the team captains in our next Team Challenge [Music] unfortunately there were many more dishes that did not do justice to the beautiful Alberta beef parts that you were given and we've singled out the three worst please step forward Mike Dora Dale you don't make it past you getting your food call barf having one of the three worst dishes makes me feel ashamed and disappointed of myself Eric gave three of the easiest parts to the three of you and you annihilated them Mike please step forward uh that Claudia wouldn't even try it let's take your apron and yourself back to your station you're safe thank you chefs I apologize you've been given another chance the only reason I'm here is because two people screwed up their dishes more and it's obviously a great feeling Dora and Dale this is a really tough decision Dora you at least understood that your dish was not up to par Dale you on the other hand question our expertise and defend it a dish that failed in every regard this however is a competition based on skill not attitude we made our decision based on the worst dish and that belonged to Dora Dale please go back to your station [Music] Dora your son encouraged you to enter MasterChef Canada yep Devon J wanted the rest of the country to see what he already knows that you're a great home cook you've shown him that thank you very much excuse me for this opportunity and it was a great time thank you you did a great job thank you very much please come up here and say goodbye all right yeah uh I I am so proud of the food that I've cooked in this kitchen it's Leaps and Bounds from what I started off when I first started this journey here you should not be a plumber so much Mommy got her white apron the red team I'm most proud of myself for following my dream [Applause] Dora [Music] who's gonna win Master Chef Canada Marita is pretty dangerous keeper going spice Queen take care of you guys [Music] Dora the Destroyer has left the building peace out Deuce next time we brought you to this military base for a unique Mission come on guys this is it's true in an epic Team Challenge oh boy here they come we gotta get these barbecues filled with steaks the top 10 cook for 151 Canadian heroes come on you're too slow look at that line and back in the Master Chef Canada kitchen the gloves come on I'm not doing that this is what we're doing now you are so two-faced it's disgusting wow Kayla's now dead to me and there's no coming back from it [Music] thank you
Channel: MasterChef World
Views: 248,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #masterchef, Alvin Leung, MasterChef Australia, MasterChef Canada, MasterChef challenge, MasterChef pressure test, best dishes on masterchef, best masterchef dishes, cooking competition, cooking show, how to cook, master chef, master chef world, masterchef, masterchef best dishes, masterchef world, recipe, masterchef canada, masterchef canada season 1, masterchef canada season 1 episode 7, masterchef canada full episodes, masterchef canada season 1 full episode, eric chong
Id: OPP9MJbict4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 53sec (2453 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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