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what is going on everyone we're here today at the braille house for a type of video that you have never seen before we are doing a live game of skate with our friends all the way far far far far away i'm talking like 12 hour flight far away the hop king team what is going on you guys let's go and uh it's gonna be an epic game today because we're playing a game of skateboard rail team versus hop king and we're gonna see who is gonna walk away the absolute champion of uh i don't even know what what is the what is the prize here just like honor glory honor honor is priceless uh so the rules are very simple we're playing a game of skateboard we're gonna alternate sets only one person on defense gets to defend that trick so it can be anyone that you guys choose gets to defend so yeah it's gonna be a lot of uh uh you know chris and you know mostly me mostly me i'm gonna you know i'm gonna put the team on my back and do every triple flip variation i know which is one and uh we'll just see what happens so before we get this game going before we start the roshambo we're gonna go ahead and let the hopking team introduce themselves and let you know what they're about you're right mate how's it going i'm alex takuna i know this guy [Music] jimmy griffin pleasure to uh be talking with you guys and skating with you guys today what's good for you i'm tommy tommy coolbridge nice to meet you boys yes cheese it's mirko nice to see that that's my name is marcos let's get it [Applause] what we're saying on last right everyone gets to go yeah to make it more interesting is that everyone gets two goals or one i think everyone gets one i think let's give everyone one go yeah so go ahead and uh pick a team captain who will do the honorary roshambo this is how i'll contribute this this is you this is how i'll contribute i can't play the game of skate this is all i gotta dance the latency though this might not i don't know it's gonna it's great we're on the best fight good in the big zero latency do you do it on go what no we're going we're going west coast california rules one two shoot are you are you okay with that me when you're ready always ready i've never lost a game in my life josh that puts the pressure i'm on your account i'll listen all right go [Applause] look i'm not gonna lie after he said i've never lost that put that okay all right all right all right and now that i just figured out we we're not going first i'm going to invent a new rule and that rule is you must call your trick before you do it sounds good let's do this all right what's up first i love the front show i do it like him you want me to go yeah sure i'll do it this way oh dude he's [Applause] three flip glow you got three flip oh yeah [Applause] yep all right chris you can go ahead and set i'm trying to think full cap flip front side foot how about like a hard flip yeah hard flip hard flick [Music] beautiful hardflip this one's the game cruise oh [Music] dude these guys are so good hey where's my boy see you again [Applause] oh and it's my set dang it that was going to be my set um half cap flip i was thinking the same thing right now [Applause] it's okay no letters it's me right now this is me no letters yet you know misses don't matter until there's letters on the board no i got them right where i want them i'm gonna try a campflip do that we need that no we don't [Music] all right that was beautiful i'm gonna i'm gonna give it a shot oh [Applause] they're saying good job [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh i'm sorry all right let's go baby let's go the kid maybe we should do five letters [Music] all right well that is our first letter now now now all right well i already know y'all are gonna do some crazy tricks so let's just jump right into it late back flip flip yeah we how about we rep each other you all call that redo because we do yeah [Applause] they actually they said redo double hill flip yeah yeah no biggie i got that damn son that's what i'm talking about all right guys i'm gonna try it that's a script like i don't even know what to say that was crazy that's a screen hey i tried let's see right here for the love there it is i gotta practice that one all right that is a k for the braille team hop king is currently in the lead with zip uh it's actually your set as well oh really yes yeah i'll try and i'll try dolly gazelle spin backside [Applause] [Music] i don't think i've ever seen him miss a nollie gazelle ever like i'm not kidding uh yeah heel flip yeah let's go one more we got toes i i know i know a guy and he currently has a uh sprained rib i'm pretty bad at that every trick all right my set just send the triple flip no yeah warm up more nightmare flip oh i'll do nightmare flip next i'll do double flip right now [Applause] we'll see if i land it but i got it yeah it's almost high i bet you guys had no idea you were gonna get smoked this bad huh uh glow you're up switch front big all right this is seriously crazy i'm sorry for trying this i really am the classic feather flip that's the true feather clip i've been trying to tell y'all for years that was so sick [Applause] the game is halfway over but we're gonna mount a massive comeback right now just wait all right [Applause] i'm just doing an ignorant play style right now i'm going to replace that i'm going to do monster flip no backflip that's i'm not it's already said i'm not doing it it's too late it's too late [Applause] well done dan you gotta do that was ignorant indeed [Music] i guess i'll try it i don't know i'm not going to land [Music] i don't know maybe if my legs were longer it'd work too all right make you feel better yeah it made me feel a lot what should we do all right try and switch pressure flip let's try that wow [Applause] ah [Applause] [Music] no skunk baby that's a win let's do switch hard flip we got glow we got mcnug yeah chris got this all day all right i'm gonna go a nightmare [Music] [Music] my soul just went and flew over and is now behind you guys i'm going to do your latest yeah yeah yeah late backslide show this one's the ak [Applause] that was really good uh does anybody else want to try it besides me oh my vision though i did it and then i fell off that was it though this is a this is a live stream switch burial flip that's you got you all right 540 flip [Laughter] oh yeah there is chaos in the air today fakie 180 disco flip okay so the board's it's like a fakie barrel hill disco flips [Applause] let's go just do another hoop keep momentum guns no but we gotta land hard tricks that's the rule you're going off of it's a strategy okay uh he's setting switch tricks [Music] i was so oh that's gonna be dope [Applause] [Music] is that cool i'm going to do the trick that glow tried the the fakie disco flip and hope that my soul is not dead i think i'm going to try merlin twist switch that's my warm-up trick why was that so good that looked like cgi bro straight up casual casual thing look at space like enough [Applause] switch front [Applause] threshold uh i'm going to try lollian would heal reba nollie inward heel revert oh all right all right yeah i stole my set that's what i was going to do next everyone has one try [Applause] okay [Applause] hey that was fun though you guys are super good insane i think what we need to do this was like a good video [Music] okay we need to do some we need to do some training and i think what we need to do is is stop right here and now assess ourselves and then we'll get the full team all in one day and then what we'll do is play everything counts all right you guys that was a lot of fun as you can see we kicked some serious they were out there shredding they don't even know what hit them so leave it in those comments below what was your favorite trick and uh what should we do as the victors of this game i don't even know i'm about to go celebrate there's some videos right there go ahead and check them out subscribe like leave those comments below and make sure you guys show hopkins some love go ahead and check them out link is in that description below and we'll see you next time
Channel: Braille Skateboarding
Views: 69,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skate, skateboard, skater, skateboarding, skateboarder, skateboarders, skating, sk8, sk8ing, learn to skateboard, how to skateboard, secrets of skateboarding, aaron, kyro, braille, how to skate, braille skateboarding, aaron kyro, hopking, jamie griffin, jamie griffin skate
Id: JR6yxirc-Tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 08 2022
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