Bradley Wiggins A Year in Yellow BSkyB

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Oh cut off bit remote in it which is great as well because it means no one can find you and we live on a dead-end road here so we don't get all the local cyclists riding by nosing in the windows and stuff I was always a bit of a loner and always drifted off before I got me shed down the bottom the garden I go down there get away from it all I grew up in Kilburn in London no one ever became doctors or anything from our schools and things yeah so to be at the Olympics at 20 was like massive for me and really how many Olympic medals have you won three golds couple of bronzes in the silver got 228 and it was like I saw getting a bit sick of it to be honest it was low right so let's just go on the road now and I finished fourth in the tour so that then gave me the ticket then for like bloody oh now the next seven eight years this is it they're gonna try and win the Tour what would you rather win this year the Tour de France running the gold both yeah I'm greedy how would you describe the Torah Francis on three weeks long average six hours a day when you boy race up melons racing down mountains at sixty miles an hour I've seen speeds of 70 miles another british cyclist David Miller here described it as romantic steeped in folklore of mythology yeah I haven't got that vocabulary to explain it either it's bloody hard if that's what you mean yours is tragic because people can be winning but then they lose it all or crash out fight on and break their bones but get on their bike to finish it yeah it's bloody our dear my memorizer that starts to talk wants to finish the tour in Paris to see the Eiffel Tower it's like legendary thing grow up wanting to ride around the shuns of easy I can't think what it'd be like to ride on two Shawn's ELISA a yellow jersey you ever allow yourself to think that occasionally yeah then obviously the challenge of doing the Olympics ten days later it's going to be the difference between being a good white road and being a great bike it's a day British Cycling has long awaited a new homegrown professional team to take on the world ambition of course is to get the first ever British winner of the Tour de France do the man to do it I don't understand too much like a politician but we'll do everything we can to be as good as we can in July at the helm is Dave Brailsford the man who masterminded Britain's eight golds at the Beijing Olympics we're going out there with some you know with some really big goals and lofty goals and and we're serious about it but it is a big moment in time cycling I don't like clutter I don't like things to distract me I don't like too much on the wall and I like white wine I like to be able to see everything all mapped out so if you know as if you're in your little helicopter above everything and look at everything and after all all the team out all different departments and I can see it or when I can see it all then I can I can take you all in and I like to be able to see all and that's why I brought constantly on my on my white board he's sort of more than the boss because I've been through three Olympic cycles with Dave and he's always been like a bigger brother really we've been out on the piste together you know in untold times how do you get on with them we don't we Bradley yeah um we kind of yeah we over the years we've been out but nice islands together and had a lot of fun them together but I wouldn't say I'm particularly close not a big brother you've always get on with but a big brother nonetheless Susan Shaw and sort of thing oh I bribed a lot yeah but I'm not close to anybody I don't have friends no there are my friends you come and no but I don't how many friends anyway to be honest if I'm honest about it you know I'm pretty lonely and not opening I'm not lonely but I mean I'm a loner so do clash okay yeah massively at times yeah not necessary to each other's faces it's more between a go-between like Shane son never I'm so yeah this is where I live and been here about 10 years top of the wheels wheels above a bike shop yeah I like the simple things and I think that's for tributes to you know my style of coaching as well so it's about doing the simple things well you've got an OBE yeah other buggers efforts how did you come to this place well as much as he hate me saying this but you know all of a sudden the guys you know born from earn and peanuts to a decent living and I think he became a little bit of a rock star she's practically look at his face he for fun loads but you need a hurt but it should be I'd let myself go quite a bit after finishing fourth in the tour put a lot of weight on was drinking quite heavily the people I'd put round me at brothers that the team kind of I kind of manipulated him I'm really bad for that the team around him will nurse 24/7 eyes doing this he's doing that he always just peed on a mountain in girona he saw his best he's ever been best he's ever been he got the tour he couldn't pull a foreskin off rice pudding was wicked tense tonight I've been it three-quarters lost to the band he's trying to beat here we call Brad in from meat and said at this rate gonna lose your job and then he just turned around in front of David myself and said well I want you to coach me I just thought of this is a nightmare perhaps difficult carry to the best of times but the team wasn't traveling well we'd had 12 months experience and it was a bad experience to be honest and I said okay I tell what would take the bull by the horns he's like the father I'd I say father I'd never had because the grandfather sort of brought me out bit since I've been racing he's been like a father figure to me really you know I love him like a son but at the end of the day I still got to be able to give him a bell around the ear all every now and then like I would my own son yeah I mean if I told him to come over here on Christmas Eve cuz I needed him here for a training session on Christmas morning he would beer and sleep in a sleeping bag in me garage or something that's the kind of person he is okay really win it well when's this film coming out next year I actually think he's missed his chance if Brad was ever gonna win the tour it was last year Bradley Wiggins has it that crashing last year Brad Wiggins should have been just drinking champagne approaching Sean's Lisa and unfortunately first of all it's the collarbone lookit I'm not ashamed to admit our flippin lost the plot big style and I was climbing the walls it was bad pour myself a whiskey shot as you do when he rang me bless him it was only about 20 minutes later Bella speaks to Bradley on the phone and she goes Bradley Wiggins has crashed well said yeah I know he did you she didn't associate me with being the same person who's on the Tony that's so she processes it in her heads cuz then if you say to her who's Bradley Wiggins she'll go well it's daddy two different people sawed off well he is really I think he is how would you describe Bradley well which Bradley Bradley the cyclist Oh Bradley my husband both but my husband is brilliant right is is proper God considerate patient kind billion with the kids really appreciative of me in the family he's God I wish I could have him all the time but I can't of him all the time because then there's this cyclist and he's a bit of her what am I allowed to slow it's a bit of a was a bit yeah he's selfish it's like he's a train going through everything else is around him is scattered regardless of childbirth boozing house whether I'm sick or not anything and that's he's not doing it out of because he is cruel or selfish he's doing it just because he can see because that is where he's going basically so yeah everything we do out here is all towards July you know all the rows it's like scale lecture extract for cyclists here as you were training alone hmm which is how I prefer it actually because then I'm in my own little world and there's no distraction it's when I work best is when I'm on my own I might be thinking about the kids or what they're getting up to the moment or only five days to go and I get to go home Bradley is definitely hard to figure out from my experience racing with them he's tends to be more insular he doesn't have the charisma of a rider who will lead a team he's not someone who will get up and say all right guys we ought to do this and I need you tomorrow and if I if you're there for me I'll win and how would you describe Bradley precise very calculated um professional he's a funny one Brad like he's you know he sees me real shy I lose the team leader leader one even natural leader not really no I mean the first year was diabolical bloody useless really and just not leading it at all and it's not something that comes easy to me all them guys are looking to me and I find it difficult to give a kind of big speech about this guy guys let's do this just do that and the only way I can do it is to perform on the bike from you won't win the Tour de France you're probably enough to defend the yellow jersey and you can only do it by practicing it so we need to be in let yellow jersey in previous races somewhere down here so then you'd start drawing a picture over here to go here if winning races in a number of days in yellow jersey and then in the yellow jersey you gotta go do the media you gotta go to the podium and all those things i really pissed Bradley off you know they will so actually the way to get him to not let it piss him off when he gets to the tour is he's done it a lot and it becomes Parvez routine is that they build it better they use orbit blew away yeah to jour way also jamia what's the headline on their front where we didn't sends a message its massive it's a lovely thing to have on your Palmyra's you know and for me it's probably my biggest victory sofia a sad fate we'll see was there any bad Murphy okay it was pandemonium at the top of Cole vs. for the minute I'm finished you know to be on the podium at that point you still haven't sunk in what what you've just achieved you know and you expected to answer all these questions to the world's press the sort of one-liners come out you know he's peaked too early you can't win Perry nice and the tour in the same year to continue working hard you just got to treat the press like that's stupid they don't really know what they're talking about continue that at that progressions and was July really oh and a lot of the time I can't really say what I think cuz I just get in trouble you got to give all the kind of key messages and all this sort of stuff it's certainly all I'm tryin yeah so you end up just like a robot really then you go grab right now now I better go out yet well let you get all the right cheese he's a guy that you can feel that you know but don't don't really know it's difficult because as a journalist you're not supposed to be friends with with people but often with an athlete Raider you established some kind of connection and I found that quite difficult with him for reasons I'm not really too clear on he can be quite rude sometimes he can be very prickly he's been described to me as quite a shy person him like a lot of shy people who find themselves in our public spotlight he has obviously ways of coping with that there is something about me that's not quite all there I'm a bit of a hermit at heart and I like being shut off from the world really and not able to get hold of but I think that also that's what makes me the athlete I am you know this is the one place where numb sort of you know untouchable as it were really there's quite a lot of white pictures in here the IR got given a lot of stuff over the years and have accumulated stuff that I've been given or some of the ones that people are really like you know Robin Miller all we want to see now whether they are Bill Ayers was the stage the Georgia frog what was it you liked about Rob Miller I could empathize with him a little bit in his character everyone said he was strange and weird difficult to deal with I like that about him that he was his own man really and dingo but anyone else or what anyone thought you don't need disappear in retreat and it be difficult to get older I've had a couple of emails off in the last couple of years and talking about the tour and stuff and he's a lovely guy and he just likes his privacy really and I think cooking I can empathize with that I was at the dinner where he bent for that shirt and it reflects very well-known because there is this paradox about him that he has got this real sense of cycling history and yet his all approach to this tour especially has been very methodical calculating so there's paradox of that the romantic on one side and the the computer the machine on the other side okay so what we're looking at then Tim I think we can just do sort of a general review of that little bit of downtime over Christmas and then 23 17 21 and 29 through the race last week sim what's your official title I would Tim I'm head of performance support he fixes a computer the Brian James is that go ahead of James Bond film waking up all the ideas and the gadgets and all that sort of stuff don't you basic you can you can measure the power being produced by Ryder essentially you end up with a power curve so where is Bradley on that curve at the moment I think that's what we're just about to look at really so many of you consider tip with your if you didn't interrupt us he exactly his average power was 440 or 441 watts yeah over half an hour he is now better than any time during last year yeah over a 30 minute period over 30 minutes yeah to shine the tools not only 30 minutes what I think I think I'm done killed into that one yeah I love that he's coachable yeah I think it went bred on the one hand sometimes he says not interested I'll just do what I'm told and but but actually I think he uses the numbers quite a lot the numbers don't lie and the good thing is nor does Brad he's actually doesn't lie to us anymore he'll just turn around ring up and say look I left the house I got out there I was sitting 400 watts I couldn't reduce anything else was decided calling today numbers alone aren't the answer road racing is very hard to explain and define you only really know about it when you've done it the sky experience if you like has been about achieving a balance between the number crunching and the old-school fact that in road racing you have to get on your bike and suffer for five hours a day it's nice innit what yeah why have your street ya got there everything in the lab titania you're probably simulate this on a indoor bike machine with a video and and all the grades and all this and that B's like I said it's not the same as actually being out here I'm vining and feeling and potholes and see with a speed humps on this setting Elia changed bikes now it's very bleep yeah it is yeah and this is what France is like quiet not much going on in general but once a year to refrance comes to sound for the day it's the biggest thing that's ever happened and people love it so first pylon a talk we should have gone just ban their brandy to the Y so we might reckon go can do that yeah so we don't should come down here forget what I said about this guy any typically friends look at so I've seen from lol oh there's two bradleys on the bus is the life and soul of the party then you have the real serious side I think you know the kid there has got still probably a lot of anger from his childhood from what happened with Gary and you know how that relationship ended up which is a shame when I first come across Bradley he was two weeks old I remember holding him in my arms and looking at him you knew his dad God did that's right what do you want me to say about Gary Wow I mean what can we say about Gary all bike riders who are successful need to have the single-mindedness but most of us have some sort of line and which point you say well hold on missus this is enough now but Gary didn't over like it let's just say Gary's a wall bastard I wouldn't say Gary was a great person he get a few drinks into him like most dogs easy no they want to knock down trees and party and fight and get up and drink and have a drink with a bloke that you've keep yet the night before and that's why it works you know and Gary was one of them guys he's pretty rough Don and really he started to get success in the end I think it went to his head a little bit and he he abandoned Bradley he left us so we had nowhere to live so he came back to me Nan's my husband bought him his first bite when his about three years old from Selfridges it was a red runny and had stabilizers on it one Bradley said he said I don't want it with them things on it he didn't even know what they was called my husband said if I take him off your fall no I won't leave went on and on and on in the end he took him off he said gone any said if you fall off don't come crying to me he just got on it and round and round and he went down on that um path downstairs he loved sighing him why do you think that was it's in the genes in that Simon no Brad alright how are ya she doesn't like being on camera does boring but I think any of my look do I started doing well as a junior the results just been cycling weekly they used to get back to Australia somehow so he went back through some old Diaries and found me Nan's number which hadn't changed and he rang her up one day the blue yes she was doing right at that time he had a steady job as a removals man he'd remarried yet like a kid I actually went to met him as well but soon found out I didn't really like the person I took him to a few dinners and things and he got blind drunk bringing up the past you know I wish I hadn't done it you know he's like if I could make up for all that 18 years I would you know and all this I was like looking after a big kid so I just thought lost contact well I didn't learn just ignored him basing that was it was we never spoke again you know so that was ten years ago now I got a phone call from a bloke never knew this bloke from Adam just rang me up said listen I believe you're the man to talk to regarding Garry Wiggins I need someone to get a message to his son what happened to Gary I believed he'd had a bit of a kickin well it's still unclear but as far as I know he got murdered a couple of years ago and there's still an ongoing case without your sisters trying to bring justice to him and the people that did it but he was involved a lot of bad people and bad crowds and then he had went to a party house party and something happened and he got struck over the head and he kind of body got dumped somewhere he was living in a hostel and they found in the hostel on his in his room this scrapbook you know of all pictures of Bradley you know that he had you know yes and I'll be had to do this from afar like you know yes very sad in it I don't know ever that's supposed to make me feel better or I'll bless him you know blessed little socks or whatever but did you go to the funeral no I didn't because again you know I didn't feel like it was me dad really I wasn't emotionally attached to him in any way if anything it made me laugh a bit the misery and play you know by then I had my own wife my own children you know he wasn't there for me I ain't going flying out to Australian back in three or four days I've got the world in three weeks time I don't regret it to this day not going to be honest so that was that you you go too deep you say blow down chain I've got two riders telling me I'm gonna say slow down oh I lose face oh please papa then I know about them about you well I'm the leader I can't show any weakness huh I'm riding in front of him and this PR major tells us what how hard he's working beyond me no she gets here he's mutt we're new started yet these moaning it was like Pete's delivery boy Bernie there's a sort got to put up with on a daily basis but you know just water off a duck's mom you talk to him at all I'm talking to the visible unless you know the more you say the more you gentleman you say the wrong thing the eight yeah this is big session today hard session it's quite a big day John these are the days that determine whether you're good or great are you able to describe the experience of what it's like going up one of those clients the best way of describing is if someone's holding your head underwater in a swimming pool he is kind of pop all you're hearing is kind of like a dull hissing sound so the further you go up the climb the airs getting thinner and thinner obviously you're making more and more effort and you just can't take anymore all you want to do just pull the plug and you can come on add up now head up just concentrate on the bike come on come on let's go over the top come on come on all the way mate come on I may take it home now come on good lad good lad to put it into perspective Tim rode up there the other day he's in pretty good shape for a normal bloke in about 47 48 minutes he's just ridden up the same distance in what 31 30 minutes not like Tim's gonna come out win the Tour of Britain tomorrow but he's still in pretty good Nick have a look at him you know you know does the finder ever find his own else yes bloody odd that yeah if we trained as athletes no one in this group would get to push me to that degree where I get the best each day on myself so we use the motorbike to really pull you out and use like a couple of just okay to go the motorbike drop me you know when you get in the tour you become the motorbike and they can't hang on to you so flies and we should be flowing I'll tell me get to the door should I stay upright numbers looking good tissues this going this one yeah it's compared to last year yeah miles head it's a pretty good team that's all yeah yeah we're gonna have a good team we have picked it yeah daddy you know tell me what the team is John I've got my thoughts I don't know the team you could let me know be good you know continue on one of the selectors be good to be good to get an insight from you but see you down there good day boys when we met at the beginning of the year you wondered if last year might have been his chance to win the tour how do you think now crashing might well catch him now if I'm now looking at the physical capabilities of our boy now to where he was last year I'll say that we've made gains and that means the rest of the field they're gonna have to step up to match him maybe we have missed our chance commercially but Yama Gaviria no Lopresti show show completed Iike I may be yourself vibrating inside here was word okay never drank at Mesa symphony see Cassio danke voltar scandal question when I don't know Monsieur Jacques Rogge am poker this fuzzy toady said I give up a bank what hope is one ago one again yeah so bloody good innit yeah from Kilburn yeah which is why keep sailing press conferences you know tonight kids from Kilburn don't win the Tour de France you know he had to be from these exotic climbs or parrot nice Italy Spain you know all these places really when you were reading them as a kid you known and so to be up there yeah it's quite nice surely if you just said I'd have been in this position now and we spoke last December I say I wouldn't believed you but I'm here I took it that's for sure some of our older children I've done some research to find out about what mr. Wiggins has done to make him quite so special mr. Wiggins started racing at the age of 12 years old just a little bit older than me Bradley was presented with a CB by the Queen in 2009 he has also won the Tour de Romandie and last week when the criterion to Jeff in a race for the second year running you see they do their card and everybody has signed it thank you very much thank you very much taking the time to make this wonderful card I'm gonna solve you try to find a song that fitting in with what you're about stone you talk about climbing mountains we have a lot of mountains to climb on your bike good look from everybody how many of these have you covered this is my 22nd I think the main thing you have to appreciate with the Tour de France is that unlike most sports events it goes around an entire country from place to place a major sports event comes and just lands in your town for a day or two days and then moves on to the next little facet then a value depression Charlotte Olive husband's everyday cyclist may observe a three-dimensional history at lab tests and Libby al le fort usually so just a coded huge technician pure yeah prepay can we build an wananga a sewer unfairness of the creek middle-aged rocks koala legionaries lebar let's go to the horse ESA to Tebow cupramine oh [ __ ] you probably happy to do that is this an early chill is saying ready the car this is this anyway the best shape you learning as well are just very very confident where I'm at and all the numbers of the stuff we've done this week suggests I'm in the form of my life Oh it's nice to have your own thoughts and everything for you know like that it was there it was just mad you know it's just nice to come back to this room so reality almost yeah it's not really a reality down there you know what do you think about nothing to do with cycling I was like looking at this before we daughter go meet before went away you know and so then I just start thinking of stuff like that you know and it's a gold-medal more like you know just this little things are sticking some stickers on my arm and stuff the guy who founded the prologue described it as like in a Shakespearean play where you introduce the actors to the crowd yeah it sets the tone until the first major sort out which will come a week on Monday in the time trial that's your first big set piece if you like that that's the scene in the Shakespearean tragedy where the first murder first big murder happened so Macbeth it's like where he kills Duncan basically but the prologue all it does is set up that initial hierarchy so you can say in theory Bradley is the best you think Bradley will win I think he has a very good chance of winning but to do that these many things to go right you surely is the inside the time.he of sylvain Chavanel he is in first place Fabian Cancellara is on a life time 7:15 for the fifth time walk off with a yellow jersey for tomorrow's opening day of the Tour de France triumph absolute triumph it's the best second place he's ever had any deaf ears or told me you don't want Bradley to win that yellow jersey you want it to be on the shoulders of somebody who's strong enough to keep it for a little while so the race is stable and structured not winning the other jersey yesterday when she got to his hotel probably an hour earlier than he would have otherwise ament's this morning he can lie in bed and do nothing if you want so not getting out yellow jersey yesterday is a big result that first week is the most dangerous in the Tour de France oh there's crash up the road here it's very unpredictable you know I think you can do everything possible to be as physically the best you can be all the training all the months training that but one crash like last two new around the race babies done from this crash the problem is everybody knows that it's nervous and therefore the safest place to please at the front stay out of trouble therefore everybody tries to go to the front and then as a crash and that make said would be more nervous so they think I we've got to go to the front now so they take more risks to get to the front in his self-fulfilling who's fallen off who's lost time who's had a bad day a lot of damage being done in the peloton but big contenders Cadel Evans is safe Bradley Wiggins is safe it felt a bit fraud there was obviously a lot of crashes but it felt like Bradley was riding in quite an isolated manner yeah it felt like I didn't have a grip on it but I think I think the point is that Skye brought a team to the race that was designed for a specific purpose which was to look after Brandon the mountains this guys hide a lot of guys who are good enough to lead teams in their own right I mean you know guys like Richie Porte make Rogers Chris fruit that could all lead a team in their own right and he can't win the tool without that's what's gonna make the interest or I think whether they hold it together for over ten days you let me just to go Michael Rogers still breaking this field up and this Georgie good riders now out the back it wouldn't be possible for someone to win the Tour de France without having a team of committed guys who sacrifice their chances in the race for their leader Bradley Wiggins is now sitting in 3rd position comfortably as you like with his teammates in front of him a huge thing in cycling is that a wind if you're in someone's slipstream you can save up to 40% of energy behind them so you're doing 40% less work than the guy in front of you now it's up to the man born in Kenya in the continent of Africa Chris Froome Team Sky what as written most people out-of-district evening and they'll die see come boys it's quite romantic isn't it this notion of the domestic your life sort of worker bees working for the Queen it doesn't feel romantic this is the Mumbai Cadel Evans article Wiggins we Conrad you know look at the phrase a wicked here as he tried to take the back way I love a Chris Froome Chris Froome a stealing all good job boys Zoey wing well I'm sorry yellow yes Bradley Wiggins arouses head to the crowd on top of a mountain in the middle of the oats on region advance he pulls on that the Myo Sean what's more important Phil is the team seemed to be ready as well they'll have Chris Froome was in fantastic you gotta love Batman Robin I'm a GP know how important will he be was until I said it he know he's invaluable I mean we saw I went at the Walter last year he's gonna be a big part of this jigsaw next couple of weeks so have you seen the yellow jersey I have seen the yellow jersey I would not touch it I'm glad that he wasn't there I want to saw it because it was sobbing I was really crying what's that and it's gonna upset of course not upset it's just because I grew up watching as well do them out so many tools no I'd Lee ever I've probably ever been on him I don't want to get in the way why did you decide to come this time because it was a rest day and it was just you asked me to so I did no yeah should I don't want to get in the way staff you can need to come and get in the way hmm could you be the only person who wants to talk to me that all right something up the weather or you know other than well then people over there I do say bodily weakens the law slightly in the goldfish bowl you know like the other day when we sat in that restaurant eating a new all off through window you know it's just it's not normal it's not reality it's just a bite race I mean you say that you are you're wearing the yellow jersey yeah and I realized what that means I'm a fan at heart that meant over there were coming right oh yeah mm-hmm it is a bubble she said earlier I think cameras coming around a village looking for us in that home she said we're not we might not be able to go home after the tour you know that don't you know like no we're going home I'm going I'm only a coffee in the morning for my own coffee machine yeah I'm gonna walk around naked around the house you know I'm okay not taking pictures in the garden Oh you know a Monday afternoon because all I've been looking forward to for the last couple of weeks is going home and taking Ben to this summer rugby camp in the afternoon on Monday afternoon cuz that's our reality today she can pour me a goldfish bowl of God vocal buckets on it yeah finally what would you say to him before he goes out on a stay the less you say the better no need to say anything this quite look at him he's a robot lovely he's a machine the only thing you can normally do is to totally happily to say too much you know he will wobble but he won't wobble in this this particular scenario today because he knows he's one of the best in the business of this so I just give him a pat on the back I say come on this what you good at dude spoke big moment in it really he might be done in the same British guy to win a title for defiance and first we don't want you new yellow Jia the through me beats Williams that's very interesting you know there's suddenly no dilemma with two leaders what if that happens all bets are off mate probably the most important time charm of his life it's looking good for HSA flow what a performance by Chris Froome this is above this for deep sky career don't walk come on sir embedding it in firmest on them 16 seconds up or through me the time of the day epic he's going to be creasy's Lee tonight as he wins the stage 35 seconds in front of anything is a show that you know is doing says attack me attack me with my tea we have this thing every time goes away I buy a very ostentatious very British teacup and this was Tikal bradley wiggins driving at the front now as he can of fractionate coming up behind in there you must they be Bradley at all times Rumi in the yellow jersey at the bow of a take a look over his shoulder Cadel Evans is a living to be at Germany AK car firming I think chaos cracking he's cracking he's cracked he cracked push push push push his tracks he's gone it's gone Evans is beginning to struggle on the back wheel of Bradley Wiggins wanted a sterling job of work being done by Chris Froome as he just sits at the front there I think he attacked upon I technically tomorrow would look at through that was really hammering it he's attacked through me of my hope you've got there okay rally for that well the witness has been left behind does prove know what he's doing without acceleration through me Bradley's her team we just got the word from the team management you put your own team leader into a spot of bother here young man going on to sit up and wait for it is told to go back as locate bradley wiggins he has gone was Chris Froome just did he just get carried away was he testing the wall well I don't really know to be honest what he was doing but there was clearly some misunderstandings and some not falling of orders well what is the truth about the team I mean are you really jealous strokes behind the scenes or novels managing such talent copies you know what we do well is we race as a team we've waste as a team well all year together and that's that why we're in this position now was for him attacking his leader yeah it was one of those moments when we were all watching the race and we just went like this what's he just done because it wasn't just the Froome acceleration it was the simultaneous em wobble by Wiggins the first one of this tour the first time he's looked well nerville was when his own teammate attacked you know he couldn't make it up really but his job it's derived for Bradley Wiggins jobs mob this is the very odd thing about cycling it's a team sport at the professional level but none of these guys come into cycling to be team players they're not team players there are there individuals with their own ambitions and eagles this is always going to be talked of rivalry and people trying to dramatize everything but if that's not how it is and I know that it's not the case and I know I'm not trying to attack prideful for the yellow jersey or anything like that so it to me it's almost just is for off a duck's back and surrounded by your incredibly talented bike riders including Chris Froome I mean we you know the guy you know it's capable of winning the Tour for sure otherwise he wouldn't be second overall in the Tour de France so people don't know a lot about Road Cycling it can be quite complicated suddenly people saying wool why can't Chris Froome win it Bradley he's got more experience each time feeling better Bradley's would more races as years but you know it's been through all of that other thing you know if you've got a bike some need to try and win this race you know you give back buddy and so Chris will ride for birth correct yeah so he'll sacrifice his own chances to try and support Bradley should the need arise atchoo ambitions when I started cycling as a kid only win Olympic gold and wear the yellow jersey in the to influence the program Regents Park as a kid and going up that hill out Crystal Palace on a Tuesday night after racing and thinking I was in the Tour de France and stuff why I struggled so much 2010 words it's not accepting this role of being a leader and whereas now I just thought if I want to win the Tour de France I got to take the responsibility and so I had the race really and I kind of really enjoyed the role nail serum on my own apartment Saavik salute olefins soup I got cause dogs eat an enormous a - since our co2 cotton da-led SIA Levante deportation mayor disco Buddhist capitalism there is chariot the Twittersphere you see it she actively doped up the Twitter faces I could not be doing people I and is easy to see I'm no sooner name on Twitter and write lesson rather than the off their their own life and apply themselves and work part of something and achieve sonic they got the cheek to say what you cheat see my own children right that's what I sort of do it for ultimately you know and and I want them to sort of be proud of me and look up to me when I'm older when they're in their twenties or whatever and I see won the Tour de France wanted but you tested positive for yeah what happened there you know I want to ever have to explain that to so to me that isn't it's just not worth doing it if that and the way the village is erupted at the moment because I'm doing well in Eccleston and I to go into that school and sit in front of all them children and they give me that card and that so then to go back to that school and months to come subsequently having been found for drugs a certain the other would not even go through that whole process before all that if there was a risk that I might actually get caught for doing it so simple don't do it that means more to me than this here this is just by trace it's nothing it's not life not reality you're making a lot of people happy with it he's got it these are all Spanish supporters here and it's Valverde of Spain who leads the tour to the summit but now all of a sudden look at the face here on this bed so I saw Chris Froome then accelerate and he's launched a little bit of lifting to the pace here these who ride together them excited together you too at all time it's okay can't Brad hang in there almost there Great Britain has never known at all the trials like this in its 19 idea history one kilometer is over to British sliders completely dominating the Tour de France they stay one at two - your skin Fe please don't touch that door if you die now oh ha ni guy yeah all right boy am I like a spring Pig yeah I'm good how are you nice and pretty good maybe that we are nearly there a long way away since second training in that shed in December who would say that the Tour de France in his 99th edition had become a personal battle between two British cycles wiggins knows now he is a matter of 53 kilometers away from being the first British winner of the Tour de France 1649 that's 11 seconds quicker than fruit remember little chicane II a nice line flow through it now it is a minute 15 of history in making history here come speaking superb you're 75 minutes of flattened yoga line come on Payne's credit Keynes it's a winning ride to win the Tour de France and run Wiggins alixus lips in anticipation at punches the sky the first real side we've had of emotion for bradley wiggins since we left the yes about three weeks ago i do want to say something about bradley because i feel like there was a little bit hard on him in a way coming into this tour i did wonder if the media responsibilities are constant attention that pressure might be the thing that defeated him I thought he might crack em under that and the opposite happened he is his thrive I know it could be a pain the pub's of ingress but I just wanted to just say thanks to everyone the last couple of weeks you know for putting up with me my mood swings it finds a way out there as he really just say thanks for anything there's no more challenges on this roof for him now just champagne on the streets of France we tell when you see brought up on that podium neither on today proud Brad man press it's not that I mean we got a normal guy but you know living with mom and you know was out for dinner with him last night and just doing his stuff and maybe when he pulls up at home and has trouble getting into his own house you might understand you know hang on a second this isn't going to be normal for a while Team Sky bring them home here Bradley Wiggins Phil only needs to finish in the main field and get the same time as everybody else to win the Tour de France here this afternoon about five and it's time he'll be the first British winner he goes around beneath the flags moving safely up the nearside now is concentration he is the fastest road finisher in the world lead our soon-to-be whither the toward Rasmus is a second place behind Michael Rogers ed for poison are the okay off to burst on granny wine date back at come on where the Titanic if they crack they crack committee got me the whole way on it's a comedy you wanna you gotta keep it a little too easy but gets for frogs were great Rick around the front over some dreams come true and my mother over there she's now I started what the tune across sir thank you everyone geez ever say ten years ago so my hola Sita Sita mayucchi Samir it said hola soy yo son de la medicina Barneo see poem abuela shootin a fight already Devon so Sunday's a nine or ten mo this a transformation Beauvoir Villa peacefully know she owned a big attraction to Ava's son is an adult animal its phosphorus some Aguila uma you soon hello good evening Bradley Wiggins has won the tour de force it never has so many British Cycling plans gathered here to see the end of this famous race there are moments in sport when a nation asked where were you when in five days no less Bradley Wiggins he'll be competing him in his toe ride Olympics I never quite anticipated that it would be this this huge we've got police on the end of the lane check your news come out the lane because the media congregating down there people wanting photos and autographs and whatever and ready to ring the police and people follow me when I'm on the bike and it's strange that because it's what I've done every day for the last 15 years with no one batted an eyelid we went to the rips of champagne with all the chief execs this guy gets the airport first thing Ben says to me is dad I need a poo took him to the toilet and titties bound to smell dead white me asked and that was right back down to earth with a bang he was a child in me a little bit keep still thinking of sod the Olympics you know I want to go then win it but I don't want to be part of all the Lord Kony's bending moment but in terms of the support and that I'm really looking forward to because I think it's going to be an incredible event when Games gets underway what an incredible experience to be riding on the roads and buglet surrounded by hundreds of thousands of British fans it comes Bradley Wiggins Wiggins is going to go into the lake in cycling circles obviously people know em but outside of that was relatively unknown I left home six weeks ago and have come back and things have changed and it's looking like it's going to be gold today it's gold and gold for Brad he's called go every day has been mapped out by the coaches and whatever all the way up to now and I don't know what the next sort of week has just sort of going with the flow at the moment cuts on a jelly-like talking about pong chases the weirdest thing is there man how far it's gone out to different walks of life you know I've got an email from Elton John watched he was watching the whole thing in France loved it yeah we've got to go into this work was started was born in this very room not quite but that sounds good didn't do when we had nothing does it change much Allan burns this why not really know there's some of this stuff's been here since I was a kid no it hasn't it like that poor and all that and so I remember this is as exactly as it was when I was a kid so 30 odd years and like things like this look at that aperitif yeah she'd killed over she should some of that I bought about years ago when we come back from holiday supposed to be a little bit dusty sorry you found people acting differently with you over the last few days I'm overwhelmed after the adulation they give you and some of the things they say is that's hard to take you know maybe use the word legend a lot but they have certainly been saying that a lot to me you know and I don't feel like a legend you know and I'm still from fairly humble beginnings you know all this I casted to me a while ago it's not you're not going to change oh you're not gonna leave us now for some supermodel and all this and you know just take your site know know why we don't you know it's like so I am determined to remain as normal as possible you know and not because as I say it happens to people you know they get successful when they start believing the hype or differ and then your life changes a lot you know and power people perceive you and stuff good I've got you know great family I still come back to this you know I mean then would never let me do do that you know sort of turn up in a white roller and you know all that sort of stuff and so yeah this is Kelly no no this is [ __ ] but us bronze come on man oh I like this the best but don't tell anybody I said that yeah mmm you made me Tina please next on sky brand-new Boardwalk Empire here on Sky Atlantic Robbie Williams live take the crown from the o2 on Sky one HD followed by both bits of the James Corden interview we'll catch up with Freddie Flintoff from lords to the ring over on Sky 2 you
Channel: Edge Bob
Views: 781,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bradley, Wiggins, A, Year, in, Yellow, BSkyB
Id: rzmXvHHQzcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 53sec (4013 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 17 2012
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