guys listen so we have the you know the LW mics the ones that you see on all the streamers obviously and they just have not I don't know what the [ __ ] he didn't know what he was doing they're all mad at you dude face you were the guy from last time in the Vegas they're mad mad at Lu I promise they're mad at you it's okay um he has a different camera this time I told him not to zoom so I he's going to do better um we have a road mic right now we don't have a l mic but bear with us Jacob right over there Jacob's right over there's doing his best to exit that's a guest appearance there Safari right there hi guys can they hear us that's my bi yes they can hear us that's my biological son thank you all right Dana I'm here with Taylor and is 2 this is my son can they hear us they can definitely hear us oh then wait why don't we just run with this mic we're doing that right now oh that's good hey guys what's up S fari here this is my son Bradley Martin actually it's funny today someone was like oh is that Sarah Safari like where's your assistant Bradley where's your assistant I was like yeah dude I'm [ __ ] we're gambling oh I was talking about hey that would be the greatest [ __ ] dat of all time awes I promise so I'm taking 5,000 taking 5,000 from Steve I'm going to pay him back on camera man my work okay you cut you want to cut it yeah that was nice yeah sh was good with the cuts she lost me 1,00 what is the goal wait what is the goal tell them what the goal is right now the goal is to win 500,000 and pay off his marker pay off Dan marker that's [ __ ] so the pressure is how long did you play till yeah there's like four in there do a stuff you're an addict bro no I L sat there like a support system like a sad girlfriend you want to come in or you I'll go in I'll go you [Music] come on come on that's a [ __ ] come [Music] on they went to eat at you see that split yes that's big that was good guys let me hold your winnings wins we got to pay we were paying back danger finally I'm almost paid back for the podcast I just need 50 more of these all right guys dude it's in a bank account don't worry I promise oh my God come on oh I hate this okay yeah bra this you'll know now if you should hit or not I have to hit well let go eight oh this is [Music] brutal of course that's just how it has to go here back go all right guys oh man Chad I'm probably the worst Gambler known to ever okay you're really drinking now tast Lem I'm the worst gambling know man your yeah yeah yeah yeah that's yours [Music] okay that's good you want a seven yes the [ __ ] perfect take a four amazing did you fix these all right guys right there in between Steve and the cord the brand new corduck right I was like I was looking at it I was like they change the it's like for certain things the okay okay okay okay let's go just take a 10 move let go let go that's TI two that's TI too come on we don't mind 12 okay yeah 17 all right all right all right small small he won yeah no but for him for him I was feeling all right it's like a team game it's a team yeah yeah it's a team game right here all right guys okay yeah two hands 2K each oh ni okay I'll take an ace 10 here give with a [ __ ] 10 10 I'll take a six no oh supposed to yes only thing you don't see is seven seven be you already got a 17 beat but right now unless he just wants to push you want to split it oh oh yeah split it this is how it gets going let's see a couple twos come on come on okay 19 19 we got 19 all around just oh my God 18 18 that's good okay cool wow yes yes let's go I told you yeah no thank you that was all you m wait wait sorry yeah y don't tell Dana these hands are this good right now oh [ __ ] door love damn that's nice let's go oh my God come on oh my God 7 17 oh my God Jesus Christ nice beautiful come on right this 12 please 17 M dud this is great let's go I hate to see Brad happy why what is it it's crazy want to see me mad all the time all right guys s the mics I'll take a king did you fix these Jacob yeah we're using these this working chat we're good W's if we're good oh my God W's if we're good right now oh yeah hit that 17 okay don't have a 10 don't have a 10 okay we're good we're great we're great yes damn this is all right we're going to oh this feels good tast these bag so then you can get you have that tree was awesome imine if we real money all right let's go oh feels good she feels good down all right guys I'm profit five profit 10 let's see let me see you can't see the card okay we're good the mics are good dude Jacob fixed it I think it's one left ear one right ear here I'll I'll knock off one of these can you fix it further I'm going to knock off my marker as well what's the left ear right ear thing what is that who does that how's that happen not got full [ __ ] it all right so now this is all profit guys we we're rolling with three four five n Grand profit let her cut it guys you hear Brad is left here Steve is right here please fix is it we're working on what all right so the first step of this mission's complete pay off both our markers and be free rolling we're trying to pay that off for real you would never dude if you went 100 Grand you would never pay it off I'll pay it off no way you wouldn't I don't care it's this is fake money right now this just there just chips it's not real dude no this is real no this is real dude this is this is bigger than all of us oh dude this is Jack no no [ __ ] it Jack Daniels was great yeah that that was a lot of fun oh you're doing side I was just tired man Dem dud okay I should have did to [ __ ] [ __ ] this is good there we go Steve there we go come on you know it's better not to look actually does not look yes four grand hand guys God damn hold on I got to talk to chat for a minute I got to take a I take a break all right you're good you're good yeah you sit out you got to stay out until the next just for a little bit yeah yeah just for a little bit let them go let them go let them play should we keep play this yeah let them play that let them play that one okay chat take turns take turns are not going CH okay chat dude I lost [ __ ] I lost all the money drei gave me yesterday I'm going to give you a, and you have to play Stay you have to play no I don't want to take your money shut the [ __ ] up I'm not going to say what you did shut up just play go sit over there are you drunk right now no dude this is the rarest ever and it's cuz it's on camera no this is insane I no no this is insane yo he owes me 50 more of these for podcast money and he'll probably dude no no no your money there I'm going to I'm going to wake up tomorrow morning you're going be like yo Sarah sell me for that thousand chip I gave you no I would never do that 100% I would never do that Chad listen should I tell you guys should I tell her to give me my [ __ ] money back or not so I'm going to I'm just going do what chat says look I'm neon I'm neon I'm Neon right now one more I'm neon should I should I be like give me the money back I don't care just 14 chat should I keep this or on should I get the money back or not oh my God yes Lanny okay no that's you guys stop with the L train [ __ ] it's just stupid no I might say something stupid I really you cannot lose I got to not say something stupid you know it's 10.2 now pay it back take it back oh okay one if I you get that up to 12 right you guys decide right now chat but you know what that's going to us one or two one or two I need to see one or two one or twos one or twos oh yeah I do one or TW go crazy come on beasty it's pretty 5050 n you're good that's your you're good you do that even though you're rich even though she's rich don't don't I can't say anything I I can't I got to stop bro I you're [ __ ] is dangerous dude go over there go over there come on you have to gamble okay you have to gamble you're back oh is that you right there yeah no that's D that's still oh he's fucking's a real one he's a real one she said it f you're playing here too right yeah as soon as this stand over you're back in this is so great let's see a small boy come on he's double correct yeah for sure we'll take a six we won't be mad about it these T might oh no oh yes what is that 18 18 oh my God it's okay it's okay you go back in there let me take that no take it take it take it I want to I gotta I got to do the chat thing real quick do the chat grow your brand brother we got we got we got to talk to the chat guys we need this hand we have two drunk bad is the best show chat this fanny pack which fanny pack $11 steal the weekend actually Wonder hold on hold on hold on do you want to see it I feel no I want to be in as much adversity as possible during this oh so close let's just let's just see some five that's cool too I guess yeah that's sick that's not sick all right so oh God damn it oh wait wait wait wait wait all right let's run it wait wait wait no he wasn't saying wait to no you're good you're good you guys are good you guys are good last shot for Steve six 5 six I'll take a three take a seven oh my God you might have just fell in my sword though that's what teammates do oh we that's we got it we got it you're good damn eight I feel like I should stay on oh God hey that's okay that's okay what was the next car oh it doesn't matter you would have broke no don't matter did you jump in yet no I'm about to you want to get in can I Mo here should I go all in on the first one yeah that's what you got just do that just go all in one hand well you want to split it hundreds yeah dos do hundreds all right guys can you give her hundreds Sarah is audio better chat call Sam Steve don't read any hurtful things out loud yeah yeah yeah yeah oh my God there's W audio way better did Jacob do it Jacob's a [ __ ] man bro no let's go they hate me Jacob's the guy no do you know the muffin man who the last one um better than last time last time call Sam tell that's what they're saying Steve call Brad call Brad what the [ __ ] what happened in Brazil what happened in Brazil explain that cuz if they didn't see your podcast they don't know they're all like your [ __ ] explain that again no the podcast is deleted podcast deleted yeah I'm not I'm not um I was arrested now I'm here damn that short and sweet [ __ ] it short and sweet he doesn't want to talk about it cuz it was did they play with your butt no no okay good solid cuz you were in jail oh my God all right yeah you look like far quad sorry I don't I there that was Instant Karma no no no Steve my spirit animal call Steve let's go wild Steve yes give Sam the mic Sam's not here dude no she is here in Sam you're not Sam maybe they think so Sam L script that scripted so stupid turn down the exposure they can't see no they no they're trolling you say I've been adjusting it so they can see so they're trolling you I don't look at all these small cards what kind this is a six grand hand dude Lord farquad is [ __ ] up dude this is a six grand hand I'm so I this is a six grand hand is a six grand hand okay Lord farquad is really a six grand hand bus this is six grand hand please bus come on yes oh my God oh my God Let's GO SMS good it's a six grand ham when it's bigger than us it doesn't the gods are in our favor damn that's huge damn oh and I got a 20 nice I have I have hundreds oh wait keep that please yeah keep that up keep that keep that I was going to give you these back give him his yellow chip back back Sarah's a beast let's go we need um W Sarah I think we try to get as much as possible and get to a point to where we can do 5 to 10 10K hands each hand you know [ __ ] yeah let's go okay a slow build but a strong build slow but strong cuz right now I'm moving up to three 3K hands that's all right good don't be face yes this is fire right now I'll take an ace I'll take an eight that 17 17 a I'll take a nine I'm going to be selfish about it that's not a nine wait you not go play not yet no no he's he's playing the spot it's good that's just a hit correct all right good oh no it's all right it's bued I'll take a I hit you guys want me to hit yeah yo Jacob Jacob where's Jacob I'll take a for this I take a seven can you can you post on Snapchat yeah get a little like a little story you did I sh did you put like a link I yeah link it you just wanted to post that one photo like go over there yeah continue POS no just keep posting link this link the Brad and Steve show oh my God so lame we fixed it dude it's not small yes come on please win the double please the dou come on come on come on Sarah's in his [ __ ] yes yes [ __ ] yeah Steve I ow do too oh this is just crazy actually need that this is like what's is printing over here right now I paid off my debts at least I paid off my debts pry I hate feeling like I owe someone chips no you're good you're good you're good you're good four [Music] four nice [ __ ] great come on nice oh man damn bus bus bus bus bus bus bus yes 10 B test yes oh my god dude this is crazy right now got stay C sorry sorry sorry I got this all this is good this is good I'm up 26,000 let's go but the thing or 25,000 keep keep this going keep we just need four and he's probably up like 50 so we just need 400 Grand to go close close come on nice doubles there there was a couple dou yeah definitely cut it definitely cut it definitely cut it some good little Cuts yeah yeah she's solid she's good dude Tipsy Brad is so nice dude shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up oh I'm [ __ ] great I'm great no this is you need to sit there for the rest of the whatever's happening is just keep it keep it going keep going going to get in right now no I don't even want to flow up yeah I'll wait I'll wait you got confident with that one yeah he why are you high cut why you do that thin to win okay thin to win all right yeah thin to win Works thin to win th to Wi th wi it's not pre-recorded chat you guys are insane I'm going to read chat while they [ __ ] do the Dirty Work you're not even responding to chat no I am bro money laundering OG that's not what's happening that's crazy it's legitimate come on give me a shot chat I'm reading you guys right now give me a shot two doubles Come on talk to me chat come on three doubles this is a w script don't get L script with me guys don't say l script that's actually so rude why did you pre-record Brad can't do it w Sarah okay damn good [ __ ] Taylor keep it going keep it going yo we need viewbots they said that's fun I know a few people you can hit up yo stop stop stop that's funny I'll take a four 15's cool too when are we go to Australia that's the question oh [ __ ] all right as long as that a 19 18 come on my god let's go take hands it's okay yeah oh got take that dude The Vibes are crazy right now I'm doing two hands do you guys want to drink or anything oh two hands [ __ ] up the vibe like that yeah uh no sugar just keep the energy 27s are you kidding me you want anything four five okay uh yeah no sugar no sugar come on nice we got a fight wow nice oh my God I'm going to pull a t wait what do you guys want me to do you're playing big hands it might be it might be for the greater good for you to hit that you're welcome wow wow damn um it wouldn't matter but you saved [Music] me wow this is beautiful aming it's not even mine that's amazing Dana what' you start with [ __ ] I started with 10 but I paid that off he's crushing crush he's going crazy yo what the [ __ ] you guys making me uncomfortable no no it's good we're good we're it's good it's really good we doing really great keep it up keep it up keep no pressure no pressure no pressure good give me a 10 another 13 you need a 10 [Music] there I should have doubled that I know I was thinking about [ __ ] this is team sport right now team sport Chad talk to me 10 what is that 20 well that's not good I was going to hit I that's okay that's okay they got to win some they have to win some they have to win some that was a good save yeah they said you're a clone dude you got cloned you didn't leave Brazil no I'm still in Brazil right now imagine you're you're like locked up in Brazil right now and you're a clone oh dude this is so beautiful amazing yeah that's [ __ ] even money yeah Cherry check it Cherry check no good call that's okay okay damn I think I'm going to cash out I'm notash wait no no I'll play a little bit more no no I'm at 23 all right it's not let's let's see where the shoe goes and if it's keeps going the direction it is let's start pressing a little bit yeah what are you at 10 20 10 20 30 35 37 23 I mean r 60 Grand wow oh wow we do have to we have to press we we do but also could be a slow it just depends how long we want the fight to be yeah go 12 hour session do that again God I'll die I can't believe how long he played last night or today in this now that makes sense what you doing yeah you're fine go for it all right [Music] guys let's go o small card small card big off give me an 8 n come on not even try I know let's go miss that bro it's a six grand hand he said the view body went through you guys are funny dude this is [ __ ] crazy I feel like because I feel like Daniel was gaming so much and we just got all the good luck right now and we have we have a we have a mission that's bigger than us for a really good person and I feel like it's going to work out in our favor I think me and Sarah W up the I you can't oh my God oh my God come on no way oh [ __ ] that would have been insane what you me do St Parton me that's tough I'll just I've already got a duve here that's the thing Parton me wants do what are you saying what are you say I don't know gut with the gut don't do it yeah I said don't wait what what should I do all right so far I got like 30 grand TL's got like 45 Grand so we are 80 grand just uh 420 grand left to go oh my God that's okay that's okay can I [Applause] Y dude this is crazy thank you Rod yeah you got that [ __ ] hell yeah you should keep gambling you should break it I paid no I paid my de stock walking out with I was down by a th000 of my own money so Beast can't do that let's go down 20K your own you five no what that yes big face where you going F1 for a little bit what with Marty and what want to come in I told you about this you're going to [ __ ] you were at the UFC thing all right get out of here get out of here El El Sarah Sarah's leaving us you really to say El s bye guys goodbye okay we love you all right bye see you bye no that's a double right know when you're back okay I'll you yeah see come on no W's W Sarah don't say no no stop that [ __ ] W sers come on guys nice it's for the greater good guys you got to remember this is [ __ ] crazy this is insane all right we're pressing a little now right yeah press a little we for 3,000 but 6,000 yeah yeah yeah yeah 3,000 each couple doubles couple of doubles give me y that's a tough the everyone's loving your drink Alex yeah bro [ __ ] yeah I'm doing one hand look at that oh you guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] are nice yeah God she would have busted damn damn it all right okay the book says hit yeah it's a 5050 right God damn it guys we let the team down right there guys no no it's all good we're doing good I mean I'm kind of standing I'm at I didn't move it all my Sho at 27 27,000 it's tough when our goal is 500 Grand but it's live guys keep going dude we're only losers quit yes there's no such thing as losers and gambling there's quitters and winners all right I'll reach out dude I'll be [ __ ] locked in I'm locked [Music] in all right I'm following your lead think you said max besty you [ __ ] no no no no this is strategic [ __ ] right here guys come on no Max back guys yes come on nice yo show them the tat real quick come here come here come here come here show them the T real quick they want to see the T tiny it's crazy cuz it's real oh my God literally on your [ __ ] body forever God damn it yeah I I can give it to you but call Brad I'm here dude how do you call BR here come on guys come on come on I know you I know I know know I just got to figure it out all right flip it call br br is the best what is that that's 21 every time I jump to 3,000 dude what the [ __ ] yeah see Ste no I see that yeah okay okay Chad come on Yo On's yo chat come on ones if if we're able to get that back twos if you guys think it's never happening and that is one two 3 4 5 5 1 2 5 6 5 6 $600,000 come on wait no about six five 5 S no the goal is to pay the 500 and then that's light work for Dana we'll let him deal with the purples yeah okay okay On's come on chat what is it all right we have room to work here okay I think the odds are good the odds are good the odds are good yes that's okay oh oh oh now now I'm going down a little bit yeah same okay I'm going to do one hand same I do a 4K hand on hold on Match my teammate here go ahead they keep saying Max bet come on just what is that nice nice good good good good that's big you guys [ __ ] needed that dude up to five you're going up that was CRA you went up need a double there's not going to be a double that we will cook with that come on let's think about it for a second what are you thinking I love clean bus what you think clean I love clean bus no oh big just a thinking through that that's next level [ __ ] wow bro he's a good gambling he's lit he's lit let's go all right damn this is beautiful right now oh this is a gorgeous oh my God yes seven flip it seven flip it 10 yes oh my god let's go dude the gos win 500 Grand we're on track I mean holy [ __ ] I'm at 30 36 46 damn let's go let's go y he got to be hyped right now he got to be really hyped right now I can't lie get to 100 at the shoe yeah he's got me hyped yeah let's go let's go dude he's got me [ __ ] the shoe take 25 each and make the first step okay he's good make 25 each dude this would be the like this would be the most legendary gambling run of the time how you guys start $5,000 to BU of yellows the last one damn so what are you you're crazy cut is crazy let him what the [ __ ] all right one or two uh I'm stor one one three yeah 3,000 we got to feel out the deck right I love that 68 13's not great it's okay he needed that oh that was painful have a seven have seven okay damn let's not we can't we can't get upset about getting punched in the mouth one time yeah you're right oh that's Beau this happens right there yes beautiful beautiful oh my [ __ ] God come on don't play oh one oh yeah [Applause] oh oh no oh dude that hurt me we need a bu that was B what it's 5K pre loss you guys are tripping don't say that [ __ ] we need good we need Good Vibes in the chat only W's 3 four let me see W's in the chat right now come on guys only W's only W's please please please oh dude that hurt please only W's only I want tell I don't want to toe I don't want to toe okay hold on back down 2000 only W's good energy come on guys chat yes go go go go no only W's if you if you put l I swear I'm going to [ __ ] ban you I'm going to ban you I'm going to ban you I swear to God I'm going to ban you please only W's if I see I'll B you B you if you [ __ ] do hell dude you need a good energy no they're they're just doing they're trying to troll me now yes don't be trolls guys don't be [ __ ] trolls we need to okay this is I got to pee [ __ ] he your pants Brad no [ __ ] I got I know [ __ ] more yes that's oh man please this one yeah come on please take right after stay 16 [Music] yeah [ __ ] beautiful beautiful okay I'm going here hold this hold s in the cut it's so funny I just got to keep going St in the cut small that's all right just bust sing that [Applause] distress [Music] [Music] a how much are you up now I'm up like 30 nice [Music] just flip [Applause] [Music] it dude best gambling [ __ ] partner ever lot of ball left lot of ball left yeah we need a hot deck and just raise the stakes I mean I'm at 34 four it looks like you're cooking dude everybody's so stupid let me see everyone's like you doing blow in the bathroom it's crazy dude you guys are probably no [ __ ] no can't do blow dude no way man you got to pick your battles you know Steve got other battles going on I'm not going to this is not a brag I'm just letting you know where I'm at we're at 50 right now wow that's nice 56 5 oh low this [Music] time are you telling them yeah communicating with them yeah speaking it come on baby Good Vibes let's go I'll take a 10 come on something something just five not not a whole lot going not a whole lot going I'm standable it's okay it 13 that 16 what is that hit a [ __ ] T dude that you know we got to start with one that's the problem yeah right I'm one three can yes dude this is this is [ __ ] oh you sniped in an extra one [Laughter] nice yeah God come on oh yes we do it again no that would have been crazy oh dude that's huge do I hit this 18 soft 18 I think you yeah depends what oh my God jeez bro you're a kitty how damn it that's what a yeah you would if I didn't hit that's okay new 4k four [Music] [Applause] five R ripping those be no no way it's a tough one yeah I feel like Dan would split those but big not we're not D yeah that's we got know are that's tough that's tough oh that's yeah yeah bro yeah dude wow that is that was H best had oh my god dude I was dude no so I'm glad you said we're not Dana Dana ended up you dude these hands come on stop dude these [ __ ] I'm like sweating I don't [Music] know wow yeah it all I might go two Cher said no nice shot oh my God same thing here oh no no no got oh dude beautiful wow 10 no way boom no way dude this is holy [ __ ] just gave over dude we're going to win 500,000 [ __ ] three yes let's [ __ ] check it check it oh that's filthy I'll take a six wow what the [ __ ] bro oh damn too excited that's my fault got too excited about my own cards what God I can't believe you call this [ __ ] yeah I matching you kind of but with two hands come on come on come on how about a four how about a four yes oh my [ __ ] this is a big one oh got come on come on 10,000 come on just the bus bus bus bus come on oh [ __ ] [ __ ] y you're crushing yo he's going crazy over here I know holy [ __ ] I know he's going nuts this is beautiful man how about another four this is Art how about another four oh my go God this is art oh my God that's tough holy [ __ ] that's come on please oh my God they [ __ ] you there it's okay it's like the last has never even happen it's okay yeah oh man this is insane what [ __ ] run yeah so we're up from 5,000 yeah well no 10 I went in 10 he went in 10 this is dude we're on a goal to try to win my God I wish it was like 200,000 oh you would have yeah cuz like right now it be like we're 50% like yeah dude it's a crazy climb but now we're like 15% 600,000 we need to get to 500,000 only five we're wiping out the greens letting Dana deal with the pers do we get to 500,000 Chad you guys we're trying to W 500 Grand and not keep a dollar and give it to the big man what do you guys think right now yes or no we're trying to give it to the big man he deserves it man yes or no yes or no yes or no Dana deserves this of course yes no don't take don't don't come here with that no energy you [ __ ] losers I don't want to see yeses man only yeses only yeses yes that's what I like to see dude let's s y let me get a [ __ ] let's go oh let's go he's getting turn yeah you s get a little zat I got I got him I got him I want to take yours you gave me a whole one gentlemen gentle small first one feel it out only yes I'll do let's go I love that idea feel her out come on something to play with something to play with give it to him come on flip it we'll take a 10 what is that 19 you got it you got to win it oh my God wo okay you feel so dumb when you stare at the cards you're like hey what is that to yes or no yes or no I got to start winning was in yatas hilarious check it no just bust make it easy I don't want to stress that's all right I haven't I haven't won like a single double it's all right when it when it's crch time and we have that last 100,000 that's when your doubles are going to come I'm kind of losing a lot now are you losing I'm at 20 where you get feel like I have to up it orop where's Wing Stop what's that I might have to up here me do one all right yeah nice oh my God flip it yes that's a big too it's a big yeah I think I just got to keep keep at that and just go on a wind streak right now that's it come on give me a six we need a switch I feel I should hit one of these it's going to be come on that's okay but please don't [ __ ] up this hand again I did it again I it again I'll never do that again seve all right I'm doing two three to get me back cuz now we're not even up that much that's how you get up that's how you get up just give me a 10 okay oh wait oh how do we do that yeah uhoh trouble in Paradise we just trouble in Paradise we just hit it that's fine all right right yeah okay sorry I was zinging no it's my fault you always bling shirt there's the 10 it's okay just seven just a seven oh okay so you guys want to reshuffle or play the same shoe what do you want to do probably same shoe but I'm only up I'm only up 13 it's not let me do dude this guy is [ __ ] [Music] pry I'll do this one you want do two or one let do one if I get this one I'll cut you half of it we'll replenish slowly but truly this guy such a team player dude such a team is none of our money anyway it's none yeah right so it doesn't matter how we know this guy play we know he play football for sure 100% let's go he's a real one we don't hate 12s oh come on a I needed that just off 78 15 okay good good good dude Taylor is legendary that guy [ __ ] well it's not even our money it's it's not our money it's not our money oh beautiful look he allowed me to do the 3K and and get a 20 beautiful we might be able to play that's a double uh I will all right I guess that's good yes yes oh [ __ ] let's go oh sorry got to chat sorry sorry chat sorry I get so engaged in this [ __ ] I'm like you in that chat I got to read the chat I got to read chat they'll be mad if we're not you know got to read it chat I'm sorry so sorry I apologize it's my fault guys [ __ ] talk to me chat talk to me talk to me what do what do we want to tell what do we want to talk about talk to me I'll say whatever no no no no no no Max bet no Max bet you guys are crazy okay that's all right B to L don't El Brad me don't don't [ __ ] do that come on don't do that W Brad's only W Steve W Taylor let's go who's gambling with what's what's going on Come on talk to me what do you guys want to know I'm I got to come back guys yeah I really didn't do nothing that shoe I lost little Dar we're locked in guys we're locked in guys come on let we're locked in we're locked in% right now you understand how crazy this is 5 this dude is [ __ ] printing we got to keep this going we just wanted to go to bed tonight n dude we got we got work to do Taylor's you bring me Good Luck I cut one VG I wait let's C do it let's s do it let's C up C up what is this um tequila soda lme yeah healthy healthy this good dude you're good they said call gorlock two piece or three piece I'm doing I don't have her number just one hand I'm doing 3,000 I'm going tell Sig send your number we're going to FaceTime her right now we got to we got to get a we need to get a reaction on the kiss the Steve kiss we need to I'm going to FaceTime her right now just get that oh my God don't do it to us okay we'll take that we'll take that all day I'm getting the number right now guys yeah I like that I was going to do [Music] that so you have a number no okay I'm going to get it yes I know I'm asking I'm going get it get it just flip that that's nice we're focused chat we're focused guys but I'm reading chat too no we need we need a we need a cameo dude come on Cherry I'll take a four five you guys are so [Music] stupid [Music] no this Brad sip your pink pink Drink you [ __ ] I got to read chat dude chat's part of this is you guys are part of the Vibes right now the boys got this 100% are you kidding me I trust 100% I trust call neon huh I'm going to call neon I'm going to call neon real Qui blackjacks Ace yes yes yes something small this be my first double if I win those yo neon neon neon we're gambling we're gambling right now we need good chat hold on here chat they say call you hold on they said call you we need we're live we need good energy we need good energy right now neon give us good energy I will good luck you promise you promise yeah W's only right I want you to win a lot of money right okay we're winning we're winning all right give you money when I see you all right bye come on stay I'm not touching any more 12 a should have touched the 12 [Music] we at D you guys are so [ __ ] it's fine seven W's Only You [ __ ] 17,000 oh you you're fully paid off though yeah fully paid off FL and [ __ ] it by going one hand a couple of good boys yeah oh check that just check it it's a team sport right here check that's okay that's okay that's okay keep it small GB shoe yeah it huh I said you did well while I was going make some good decision thank you ma'am please this is a double no 13 [Music] 18 come on 19 really too once I got the 19 D I'm not smoking cigarettes these are [ __ ] these are Steves dude oh God we need a heater I mean I'm only up at 13 I mean I'm at 13 that's good yo yo go over there so you can get this yeah I feel like I got to I got you chat I got you guys feel like I got to play little [Music] good yeah I'm trying to think what I should do a win man it's only option borrowing 50 and doing 5K hands could be the move 5 10K hands only needs one hot deck yeah I mean that the last two shoes weren't great but this one I'm doing starting off three even though I'm low two you need two or three three I need I need I need to get back okay we're locked in we're locked in 5 six oh do this angle Better or Worse chat what you eight or nine 10 nice all right B worse no this angle's better no this angle's good guys this s better that double no no no they want the other side they want the other side yeah sorry sorry oh God so close yeah yeah finish the hand we'll go to the other side got you guys don't be doing this [ __ ] all night boys come on pick a side you [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm trying to get back it's not going good you're not zooming right no okay he's not zooming now I zoomed a little bit just to get cards cuz it was acoss no no don't Zoom don't Zoom they hate it they hate zooming I'm going Zoom back in yeah they make them so mad when you zoom man I got you guys got you guys than like a director right now let's go dude I love this let's go oh my God you guys are just filthy I'll take a nine this is so opposite of [ __ ] last night God there's a nine were you in here again before we came no okay okay good come on yes dude this is that's 2 5K hands for me in a row I think I just got to keep it going are you you doing that yeah sorry sorry no you're great we just got to keep winning dude that's really all you have to do just get better cards wow dude holy [ __ ] dude you're [ __ ] brilliant right dude this guy knows how to play this [ __ ] 10 all right God damn [Music] no no zooming no Zoom going to get mad at I'm just but I win these we're back nice I think they want Selena too dude huge huge 17 11 oh my god oh 21 oh my God I wasn't even thinking how that was 21 okay well that's 2 p oh it's a push oh man that's a [ __ ] that was a tough right there yeah tough hand je it's good it's not going so good here we're getting it we're getting it we're getting it we're getting it make it easy oh my God I don't even want to see cuz I'm right [ __ ] what is that 13 13 19 yeah come on have something small I'm still in the game if she has something small yes I'm still in the game these are three these are this is a big hand that was yeah that was six grand this is six grand he a 5 grand he's doing up it's a marathon I know I know I know but that got me that helped we back don't press too hard yeah I'm at 18 don't press too hard you at 10 20 30 40 50 you're staying kind of in the 50s I know but that's good that's good just waitting for that one through you have a couple of doubles and splits yeah guys this is nuts I don't know if Sarah's coming back I we I told her to hurry up but stop reading chat I got to read chat they're playing the game The Vibes are good right now a little bit of a [Applause] battle tell us the amount their betting yeah they're betting like two 2K minimum a hand 2K 2K minimum to looks like five yeah 2K to 5K 2 2,000 to 5 ,000 a hand going this is a [ __ ] team sport right now guys I need everyone [ __ ] good energy right here message Brad that is the message good energy only good energy only this is my 3K hands or two three six five this is my this is my deck Yep this is our deck this Our Deck just bu don't make it scary don't make it scary let's go let's go nice nice nice nice 3K 3K no we're not going to F1 dude F1 is right here in this room this is [ __ ] Aces that's just a hit correct yeah oh oh God oh my God you need a come on nice oh that's good enough man two three oh what 19 what do I have mother 20 19 that's good that was a that was a hell of a deal that's [ __ ] I feel like we I do I mean look at all the small cards I mean they're all Aces but I'm feeling come on eight [ __ ] hit there's been so many small cards there so many it's like I I almost feel like it's a 10 yeah I really do 10 I mean I got an eight I got an eight or no um you're good oh yeah but if she doesn't have a 10 she'll I don't know I got to hit cuz I'm not I [ __ ] up too many hands doing goofy [ __ ] [Applause] oh my God fine that's fine I mean that one it's fine actually saved you right I'm reading the chat the whole time guys chat the whole time he said we want Selena I I really feel this hand now I really do let's get a double oh my God no not a five there's no way I'm going to get it okay we'll take that 16 [ __ ] [ __ ] dude so many small cards Dude El so many just what's the next card get it in a second it's 5,000 boom Oh four no come on come on what is that 18 [ __ ] [ __ ] ass that's a big L [ __ ] dude it's like the tens are coming for everyone though that's the thing not just us when they come I'll have smaller bullets for them I like that [ __ ] [ __ ] no way I get oh nice come on oh oh my god dude this oh that one hurts that one hurts it's all right lost I'm pushing every time it's all good it's all [Applause] good nice nice nice there's the tense there's the tense oh nice all right guys we got the stiff finger yeah they want Selena they want Selena in here really bad Brad's thinking about calories is working out right now dude I'm not taking my hat off stop [ __ ] spamming that you guys are such [ __ ] insane you guys are so mean dude Selena's here dude they said Selena outfit of the day fit check yes now it was 10 nice good good nice oh that's [ __ ] big good [ __ ] Steve let's [Music] go guys I'm not playing right now cuz I I can't [ __ ] this Vibe up right now all right now I'm at like when it gets all [ __ ] up let's go yeah come over here a little so you can get her I'm going to do what he does get five get five Stacks no we can't call Brad dude I'm [ __ ] here I'm [ __ ] sitting right here you can't call me dude hello I think they're talking about Brad senior Fu you're [ __ ] up you're [ __ ] Brad senior his name is migal dude oh was he yeah oh snake guy Michael not your dad yeah yeah yeah he went by but Guido his no name was Guido dude he wanted people to call him Guido my dad's name was David kunds something yeah they want they want that's a very Spanish name dude this is nuts guys my dad's middle name was [ __ ] Lally Guido Guido yes so Italian so [ __ ] Italian I didn't know that was an actual name I thought it was like a derogatory way to yeah for Italians yes this is literally his [ __ ] middle name I wish I had my wallet I'd show you his [ __ ] name is actually Bo up it's crazy it's like his [ __ ] last name is so Italian come on 78 yes holy [ __ ] this is madness 7 Madness we both have 19 19 yeah we're printing right now 16 they said call Brad's Dad yeah call your dad up oh call him real quick oh he didn't answer it was ringing I don't know what was happening just kept ringing dude did you know it trips me out my dad he left the cards he yes but he yes he did gamble a lot before he went he also died when he was 38 4 years away from me dude yes weird so weird 4 me yeah he 38 20 yeah I'm up it by one trips me out that's going to be a weird year for me come on [Music] no now no 25k one hand this is a slow battle that's beautiful this is great I'm just securing the win here just all around oh God this is so I'm so proud of you guys right now you s this no you don't no I'm just going to stay I'm just going to oh come on don't what is that 19 cameraman they love you right keep up keep whatever you're doing up keep it up they said W not too high W's bro okay that's what we like to see that's what we like to see take a 10 of diamonds 10 Chad don't don't don't be feds about the cards don't be feds about the cards come on yeah they gave you some W's they're love do keep it up keep it up keep it up keep it up yeah I'm coming back bro they're great or good I know chat I know about the cards don't worry don't worry don't come on we need this one thank the exposure ACC is good it's not too yeah it looks good to me they seem to like it looks good you whatever you're doing just do it 18 oh okay call Brad Lina wait oh my God I'm being a nuisance [Music] nice what is that 17 [Music] 17 Hest we'll just take a seven nope we'll take a bus dude this will go down as the most legendary gambling story in the history of the world do good I'm doing good doing great you [ __ ] you started bro mhm see you started [ __ ] cooking for real you looking sweet over [Music] there oh my [Music] God it's bus seven seven good none of this shit's pre-recorded guys stop that [ __ ] you guys are crazy this is [ __ ] live as [ __ ] super We Live 36 I at like 37 we did have production meetings though production meetings yeah yeah whenever we come to gamble yeah imagine second time we've ever met production meeting production meetings you're doing good dude you're doing good on you're crushing it right now do right now I stayed stationary there I didn't really do a whole lot no but that doesn't matter though as long as that's there all right this is my stacking pretty healthy Taylor stack pretty healthy we got this Cherry I'm on the chat I'm on the chat show us the date and time on your phone okay guys pre-recorded guys he's changing the date changing the date this is it this is the time time and date time and date changing the date you guys are wild five come on L script guys are so stupid blurry face oh so close I want that I need that all right get a good shot of it get a good shot of it no blurry got it yep all right got it again my it I don't think it was where it all started [ __ ] you guys guys are funny CGI you guys are so stupid shut the [ __ ] up oh my God all right lots of 13s 13s all around wow 4 13s that's what we're dealing with 513 16 it's not a good was pretty concerned [Music] time 17 I'm not liking this this yeah one that's I feel like one 45 that's T I'll take a double 12 mhm [Music] oh 22 that worked out good yeah good that you didn't H I love the the pre-record come on [ __ ] dude double [Music] yes dude this is pretty nuts C have hundreds pleas [Applause] all right flip it have a seven Stay Stay Stay yeah just have just have a seven T seven oh that's hard that was rough there [Applause] sorry light see oh God nice 18 okay 17 oh my God three to my hand come on you imagine that's good you flip [Music] it what is it oh yeah thing all right I got to take a piss but I'm at 25 take your mic off no I'm good he's good W piss in the chat come on guys W [ __ ] piss yeah yeah he's going to I'll cut it this time you cut it this yeah okay all right this is my stack we got our what so one two three 4 [Applause] five yeah and then 53 and what 30 and all right 30 and 53 30,000 53,000 W piss if I just times my money by 10 we paid off for the [Music] okay they said you stole a chip no 100% they I'm not stealing nothing n this is this is bigger this is bigger than me man you guys doing the Lord's work right now it's so crazy oh come on let's get a good start let's get a good start that's a great start good nice it's all right the black deck is nice another one where is Dan he's probably asleep huh no he's he's at F1 oh okay I'll take a five I'll take a five five four nice seven two in a row two 20s in a row I said Brad read my name that [Music] tin [ __ ] dude [Music] four five8 18 all right say lose two G or four G no I'm not using Firefox anymore Chad don't ever bring that up again oh beautiful hands Google Chrome [Music] Wow have to 10 just have a 10 14 10 oh trying to win D's money back that's what they're trying to do right now one hand have one more this [Music] look I've already had thee dude a or something big face big face big face yeah that's so above me Ace okay say say say 10 oh man give me a face give me a face oh I can't yeah oh my God [ __ ] hold on food oh my God you want some no no I'm going 36 break break come here come here guys oh my God these are my [ __ ] favorite oh my god dude I don't know which one bonus though yeah yeah Chad I need to know I need to know right now please if was going to dog me for this I know you guys are going to make fun of me for this but I like boneless wings dude I like boness wings do you like boness wings too is that a l or a w should I have bone in I can't have bone in cuz it's so messy man one they said I'm a [ __ ] [ __ ] dude God damn it dude I knew it I knew I was going to get roasted for this [ __ ] guys listen shut up oh these are good hot 21 oh my God not bad but I know yeah your chicken nuggets dude oh my God they're so good honey or lemon pepper bonus yeah y they said bonus was an L though I swear it's a w you guys like drumsticks or flats I like Flats I like drumsticks I I just like boneless though for real I can't even lie uh yes please they're going to make fun of me dude I know they're going to make fun of me uh water those are chicken nugets I know I know but they're so good chicken nugets are so good yo Chad chicken ns are good don't [ __ ] blame me like they're not good don't say like H he don't need Bon I don't want to get my fingers all [ __ ] up you guys are [ __ ] mean dude favorite food oh my god do a fit check give her a fit check fit check okay what you got what you got oh you got the Yeezys on okay I got the Yeezys on jeans American angle and then the top I think it's from Zara damn that's super minimal mhm I'm a simple G damn what about the what about the what about the jewelry though oh jewelry all time piece trading this one's from JK Jewelers I've had this on my wrist for 3 years straight that's fine you and Steve both got that right me and stepen have matching permo bracelets they're real gold yeah what's this this is a it's my one of my Rolex Rolex probably one of my favorites and then this this is just [ __ ] crazy engagement ring that's a little different that's yeah that that one's buil different the ring is buil different FP okay I'm [ __ ] fat as [ __ ] I'm I'm really an actual I'm so I don't care all right now we just need double splits what is it you going to beat that 100 thres yeah I know bro so good yeah boom boneless I don't even care bro boness is the best [Music] ever oh I don't care yes really a bones guy forever yes dude they all these small cards Dude am I like neon if I just like let chat like dictate my life should I go pee or not here no chat tell me what to do oh my God that's amazing thank you so much that was [ __ ] thank you very much thank you oh my God she was so clou with that water she I didn't even tell her she just I should have won that she just knew it four five yes you guys are [ __ ] crazy chat should Brad eat another Wing yes they said some [ __ ] crazy [ __ ] in the chat all right that was a healthy hand oh my god oh [ __ ] this is [Applause] it Y which one's this what did you order this is good oh my God must there too oh go back to the table they said go back to the table oh my God this is the best one [Music] okay chicken Fri rice face I don't know oh Sarah guys this is nil Neil yeah to see got chicken bring it here 10 10 10 yes you order it don't [ __ ] us just flip it just flip a 10 H just flip a 10 n n so what guess your cut is good yeah that definitely helps that was a good one a good one I'm at 33 52 okay you get one extra I want to do right here mhm 53 fcking greatness actually your wow we're winning what's up Bry I'm up 30 33 33 yeah but we're trying to get to 500 sorry you just running the ball here going two I got three I'll do I'm just feeling it come on get you a four couple 17s going to war 17s no I lose by [Music] it come nice [ __ ] work BR nice work why not hoping a night too why not [Music] you so this [Music] one okay it's all good FP the [Music] T oh no way got [Music] it she got to go on to [Applause] [Music] run nice that's a great hit small small 15 oh I should okay yeah two de 18 17 this is the one that matters though [Music] 6799 all right broke even there nice 2 12s love that [Applause] 13 that was lucky okay [Music] a split right okay yeah it is it is a split right yes [Music] def [Music] two big face big face big face yes AK in that was huge dude we just need to go on a run that's it that's all that's all we have to do win more than you lose oh I guess I'll go all right I guess I'll go again I'll do it one more time but that's it that's it I'm going to do do it one more time oh I I knew you're going to be nasty that's what happens this is seven seven big are you kidding me that was just be one more time that was gross I know sometimes I feel like staying but I don't want being the end I don't want to mess it all up and I've done that twice actually guys sneak want no CH yeah that's um 30 33 [Music] 37 who is this you seen this guy before H the Magic Dragon I haven't dude funny I don't know he's like he was like America's Got town or something like that I went down a weird wormhole Magan like a comedian magician got this little dog what happen drinks oh Snapchat yes we do boys hungry got to [Music] eat start three 17 [Music] 12 [Music] 78 13 14 14 [Music] okay does this one go to two the same except like I said [Music] 10 [Music] oh God back yeah dude this is [Music] nut kind of gravy yeah it's very easy especially with the auto cuz the other way like all right not liking this like three or something hate [Music] that yeah you got be [Music] careful Pizza how was that I'm back baby 12 2 18s all right we need a seven everyone wins I'll take I'll take dude I'll take that all day oh [Music] damn how you feeling six nice [Music] oh I 6K hand [Music] 6K what is that you said you walk in there as a sign it cancel yeah one hand nice all [Music] these oh nice nice nice I was going to hit that Cher's [ __ ] us chat I'm leaving it out there I'm leaving a 4K 4K hand out there on a frush deck which is oh dude Z me up I'm going to drink goes yeah we're done with those yeah thank you all right guys we lapsed had order some more Wings Stevie hitting crazy side bets no I guess so Bots coming back online it's no Bots dude we actually don't do that oh they meant viewbots yeah oh no it's just dude it's like we're going to be here battling forever yeah it's like want cut you want to cut Brad yeah I got it I'm keeping my 4K out there right there I'm keeping the 4K took out out 10 right yeah 5,000 4,000 56 78 8,000 on the war Brad I'm at 2% just so you know 2% what battery yeah so I'm going to switch in a second yeah just switch just we're going to f we're going to f guys we're going to f guys we're going to switch a battery right after this [Music] hand I'm back I ate I took a little eat break come on 14 what is that that's 20 oh my God it's it really it's a [ __ ] bomb I'm doing one 5K hand out yeah I'm doing one 5K hand Run f guys we should be live then no are you kidding me this one's a blood bath so many small I'm doing it even though it's in my last five I [Music] just [ __ ] done dude went from 35 to 5 we're back up right Brad huh we're back up yeah we're great we're great we're great yeah chill [ __ ] dude why did I do that oh now I should have done the [ __ ] [Music] T you take that though [Music] 10 [Music] 10 under it this has been a [Music] rule yeah just flip it a seven or [Music] [Music] eight chat one sec is that [Music] double dude it's this tough it's tough but you know what we did we weathered that what happened H it was that was not a it was not a great I'm not yeah I'm at 10 I just saw the stream like say leave the table leave the table we got to see one of these green chip sleeve we got to get we got to the threshold of 100 first when we're going to do that still profit though yeah iose you guys are at $100 no we are get close I think I was around 60 and Steve is like right around 40 right around there yeah he's chilling you Parker you what is your name Parker no no his name actually is Parker legally that looks like I Parker always all right new shoe new attitude would love to see it okay that's what we want to talk that's three what is that is that good no it's not [ __ ] all right this is all my money yes yes that was big [ __ ] come yes come on bro there we [Music] go are you kidding meab Jesus [ __ ] that was not cool five six how an eight though I'll double with three dou dou for this yep 10 yes [ __ ] yeah coming back so quick I know right I'm coming back I'll take a [Music] three I'll check it check it oh oh [Music] no nice bro oh can we have the bartender please [Music] yeah 1 the minute I put a little more on there EXC say give Selena the mic it's so funny beautiful yeah two heads come onon great let's go let got bus bus bus yes [ __ ] that dude that's beautiful we love that we love that we love that let's go got to bring the energy back come it back come it back come it back I'll take a seven eight two oh my God [ __ ] [ __ ] all right yeah yeah one can I have a tequila soda come on let's go no it's not new that's good new we need that new [ __ ] new table no no no not not new table I love this how's it feel looking at your net wor to do you guys even like gambling I love it I love it dude it's well it's not a weak celebration we're trying to win 500,000 probably's not even betting bro I'm I'm I'm like I don't want should I jump in here you want me to jump in here I didn't want to [ __ ] the Vibes up no yeah I want to [ __ ] it up dude I thought I was like doing the chat I was doing like a service you know when you were uh playing first started that's when things were going wild I I know it was crazy maybe I should jump in go ahead stupid first deal of the shoe chat what do you guys say play no we're not playing poker no you're already at me all right that's good five 15 21 one sec do two hands that's three three a pop to get back 10 10 I love you guys oh God you guys keep me honest man oh no 20 yes [Music] okay he said I'm bad love said don't jump in they said go all in Ace nine 16 oh my [Music] god8 888 Jesus [Music] [ __ ] I'm doing it I'm back at 10 I need this win I need this win have [Music] 67 12 [ __ ] yeah that's crazy yeah that's nuts that's a crazy hand yes Buster nice big Buster nice that was big yeah crazy I'll take a 10 please Queen me this is dying don't that beautiful come on 8 9 89 8 9 89 we like it we don't even care 89 come on no yes yes yes Dam D crazy oh [ __ ] [Music] damn it's good bro I'm coming back bro chat I'm reading chat guys chill the [ __ ] out all right Jesus guys are [ __ ] [ __ ] all right man I tell you what all right check that [ __ ] [ __ ] you scared the chat no I'm not scared of chat dude just got to read it otherwise I hate you you know peace all right it's win one it's bu win one WI six what is that 13 20 20 what is that 20 you that's yeah can you run that back one time no okay not it's okay that's all right hey that that's okay that's okay who ordered that you want yeah I'm chug it can we have another one of these please thank you we're good I mean nice thank you 10 20 30 40 50 you can't break that I see we stay at you at I'm at 20 21 oh we're way closer than we think yeah I love that I love that I love that if we get 30 more 20% there he's it dude way closer than we think funny as [ __ ] guys we're trying to we're trying to win Dan money back right now my coming and you're losing over and over like I don't think I have like the liquidity here to kind of withstand that your hands oh dude I can't 10 for 10 call it a day yeah all right I guess that's fine too I'm doing a 4K hand I'm doing it I shouldn't be yeah three little five a little five God seven seven seven seven just 10 oh my the [ __ ] H [Music] dude no come on that's beautiful it's good hell yeah you going to overlook that the corner right there I I need yeah I need it here we go [Music] oh the side bets are [Music] wild come on nice a really nice seven yeah the one of those oh is it better [ __ ] f up son yeah we're doing good I mean no we're not doing oh 16 are you kidding me [Music] 12 you got it [Music] died even last trip oh my god oh there's no way I got two t took Jesus [ __ ] B kind of which I was missing you want one more uh sure CH we can't switch tables this is the table this is the table stay here split those right yeah all right couple of sevens [Music] yeah oh I was going to you always hit the 12 bro no I'm not again all right d a couple 12 I hit in GE oh dude so bad I was doing good up and down I know up and down up and down you ready all right we're going to come with some puding right now you getting there no we're going back to the bch table we're we're going to go little 10K get in there you going to get in there I don't want to [ __ ] up there bro I know I know I know I'm doing one big head to start to get me back we're going to I just wear the first hand I know I'm got to do it yeah I'm about do it I'm about wear the first hand I know it I know it [Music] for [Music] oh my god dude oh my God that's crazy come on yes yes nice good stuff good stuff chat what do you guys think right now how we looking how we looking he says Steve looks worried No never worri yeah no yes we're at the Red Rock I had no idea we won that yeah I thought we lost I thought we lost it I literally thought we lost that dude holy [ __ ] that was fun tast it Bak rot that sound double right 10 yes say less [Music] this oh for Less my bad CH if I do that again please check me I'm soorry okay did for no that's my [Music] fault all right that's good that damn oh oh man that is painful new one four big [Music] one 67 yes yes dude come on small big 16 [Music] yeah God damn it guys [Music] huh godamn I can't get over I know crazy how it just stalled there it it just stays and it kind [ __ ] oh my God [Music] God damn bro oh that's that's pretty pretty keep that's pretty good for you Steve that's electric brother good job yeah know but you got this 13 yes yeah oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that's crazy how that [Music] work good a hard fought yeah boom yes you guys dude let's go burn dog what's up Five [Music] Guys you me in the tech brother I oh yeah you yeah someone's got to do it to help us this is not our money we just need a like a hot Deb we need that first deck we had yeah we're not getting a hot deck it's just it's just back and forth back and forth back and forth that's aough [ __ ] [ __ ] come on it's way too back and forth right now yeah it's way too back and forth it's way too back and forth way too back and forth nice flip it yeah you flip it it's way too B and forth it's not oh my God 10 what's that oh Jesus I have to go big on this the cards just say it come on man there you go come on come [Music] on come on [Music] dude oh no oh no oh yes yes [ __ ] it's a huge hand me yeah holy [ __ ] and I got three oh [ __ ] those are the best wins God you needed that I still think I still think I got to go big on this I'm feeling it I really am guys yes yes okay it's great yes Wow Come on God okay we'll take that just a second F oh Jesus [ __ ] dude [ __ ] the [ __ ] you f damn dude [Music] [ __ ] a 10 oh that's great come on yes 10 okay okay we like that well I guess I'll [Music] go okay just just a 10 actually 14 what is that oh my God [Music] Jesus the car the air goes out of the room 4 oh my [Music] God nice that was I went on a little good run right there I'm back theyed all right please oh this is big big five let me get a five that's the five it's okay oh [Music] God 10 13 yes damn oh man that big ass hand [ __ ] [ __ ] beautiful that was you got over you got over the hump there it is let's go look now we're he's cooking now he's cooking that was a good we just need a few of those cuz look you got over it it's beautiful 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 73 83 93 103 holy [ __ ] 10 figes 109 six figures wow 109 20% way there bro I was down wire like [ __ ] two time or no more than two times you know what now should mention it I'm kidding yes please yeah this is all wow who cut it last time who cut it last time I did got ride the wave me know's I'm going to up the bat no I we always do so much better when playing two unless that's ex that's exactly where you want to be 13 and 14 come on all right this fight No 19 19 oh just a 10 for me then it's the 10 for me 14 oh that's good wow you're back to it that I'm back yeah yeah it's good we got to keep going like this for come on come on come [Music] on that's good okay whatever it's fine just doing one hand three okay six I didn't mean that next card is going to kill to theot all right 18 oh [Music] no yeah it's a small card his face oh no top of it right now you're on top of that damn you on the [ __ ] complete come up [ __ ] you stand yeah I'm standing what is that yes oh my God what a stay damn just a wild was insane Jesus ch right now no [Music] no that's 12 huh yeah oh nice yeah yeah yes nice dude that was a crazy stay [Laughter] damn come on let's go yes oh it's beautiful flipper flipper flip it flip that [ __ ] give me an eight [ __ ] give me a 10 and I'll take a a a dude I mean you might have made the biggest play of the game yeah that was C yeah straight 10 20 30 40 50 60 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 creeping we're creeping I I wish our goal was like 300,000 or something just 200,000 right the fact is 500 this is a [ __ ] battle dude that was a good we out two here BR keep going yeah I got I'm just evaporating s right now evaporating it's funny oh dude that was play of the game d he said oh you got start faster that's not how you do it okay starts 2K we're not mad about it crash St [Music] y there he [Music] is oh that come on nice [Music] beautiful sorry yell at you FP it together right now what's that mean man this is beautiful right [Music] now yes [Music] yes 14 16 18 nice [Music] a winner winner face yes [Music] nice God [Music] that yellow D I love gambling so much it's dude it's the best thing in the world sorry Cherry I'm I'm so decisive couple eights get an eight 13 [Music] 13 yeah you want one what a fight yeah what a fight come on dude nice come on that was a big [ __ ] Hand p 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 9 12 30 we're on track where mean we're doing it we're doing something you need to do that for the next 45 minutes that same shoe over and over and over again it's so possible this is crazy you like this right I got I got yes do we actually have 14,000 what do we have I mean BR you've been a good role player this whole day yeah yeah we got to play the whole you know chat all right that's double oh dice h [Music] I'm doing it do two 3K ads three oh my God why'd you do that to me oh hey that was that was crazy that was nice sure [Music] dude cards is the best thing in the [Music] world nice come on yes good i p a book [Music] [Music] okay yes oh yes what is that yes oh no no you're fine yeah no lost one I love how I'm stacking up these [ __ ] yeah little boys coming out of nowhere Hing always a 15 all right I got saved here it's all matters I got I got saved right there just bust sing up the stress just bust up stress [Music] we need some splits we need some doubles we need some black [Music] jacks why not yeah damn all right it's sess what we're at 20 30 40 50 55 58 up wow guys this is nuts I saw you think about it for a second I give it to BR do I not I did she give you a blue give her five stack she give you a take that one away take that one away take that away I'm sorry she can give you a blue for that you want blue or I'll do pretty I got to charge my [ __ ] phone I'll this we're doing tier one Steve I was just thinking that um it's up to you let's feel it out feel the first one out we ended that shoing a bad not that's kind of [Music] scares a close come on [Music] yes [Music] all right 78 it's all good you can bust either way come on give me holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] you should get over there I don't [Music] know wow bus bus bus bus bus bus oh God that [ __ ] sucked no what was that 6,000 damn oh oh what are the offs you want though all right 2 19s two splits yes 67 674 let's go dude how many dude n count of that one scary though cuz that happens you [ __ ] did the faces everywhere that was a tough swing Steve yeah what I do getting Cofe tur for blues getting superstitious on me this late right pay that thing even money I'll check it yeah what what a fight what a fight I'm keeping it out [Applause] there [Applause] [Music] oh all right guys come on just flipper flipper Cherry dice I think we took a little beating there yeah that was tough that was that was hard7 20 30 40 50 what you got 57 I'm still doing it we still [Applause] do if those splits would hit I know dude Brad you got to do it I got it re in put in the cup [Music] holder Brad jump in no let me get an opportunity make some oh okay come on yes oh hey good for you just bust let it be a push just bust it's bust I'll take that on 67 check that [ __ ] yes yes bust 12 15 21 is that 21 yes that one I got to do one big hand y I'm with you there's so many just one I'm just doing one big one yeah oh [Applause] sh look like it yes oh my god dude 10,000 you needed that that was a big boy wow wow wow Fu what do you got there nice two Black Jack come on yes go wow oh close all right we'll take that [ __ ] [Applause] dude I except for those splits yeah oh well that [Music] sucks 89 oh [ __ ] sorry I for to shoot my fault got too excited start counting 16 are you kidding me oh I me I didn't lose at [Music] six I need this last one all right could have ended worse 20 30 40 50 60 I'm at 60 50 60 70 75 8585 we really need a miracle like we need some hot decks this this is tough try to win 500 Grand betting $2 to $4,000 hands we both get over 100 we can start $10,000 hands yeah Brad you can do it [Music] I start we started with uh 10 each it's honestly insane this will either be 500,000 or will be zero it's so true insane let give Ace you start with 10 yeah so in your mind if you lose at all you only lost 10 no I I'm this is all profit yeah you lost at all you only lose 10 no I lose nothing that's nice check [Music] that 12 [Music] 21 go home okay what go home all right go s bye Selena bye I'm doing a big one [Music] [Music] here you came here right at the right time all right that that feels a little feels good yes damn crazy [ __ ] dude [Applause] damn I'm keeping it out there I'm doing it I'm keeping it out there the these are the plays we have to make if we [ __ ] we want to be great this a double gu two yes oh come come [Applause] on yes bro that's huge let go crazy you see these are 5K chips oh I didn't even notice that beautiful your M just died died PL it in what are those blue ones 2 was pretty quick craziest run ever of 10K Ste yeah we're actually doing it dead bro if we pull this off we're gambling Legends hold on where do we at let's we just want two big boys in a row should we pull back for a second no let's let's just count let's see where we're at take a breather take a breather I'm at 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 75 78,000 75 80 90 100 105 109 we're almost at 200 Grand dude we're getting there almost 40% of the way crazy hey we do this is way more of a reality than it was 2 hours yeah oh God damn dude we're breing moves [ __ ] ter hey you know it's going to be hard though when we do win it sorry chat pay bill God that's a big balance [ __ ] dude huge I wish it was 300,000 though for the rest of our lives the karma oh dude will be I owe him he's like brother you don't lie I'm with you yeah I'm with you I want him just to come back and be fresh like it just in here those crazy [ __ ] all right damn let's we have the biggest wait is is a fresh deck or no same deck it's a pretty good it's a pretty good deck I'm going go got six there [Music] but big goodness that's that's wow look at T 20 damn let go that's it's insane crazy game or no yeah that was six three three each yeah never if I would just hit other way though oh come on all right so that was 9k that's a big one so just do two and two just just take a take a breather that's tough yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Applause] was that 18 hey hey those losses are just as good as the wins we had yeah all right so I'm at 30 40 50 60 70 72 [Applause] one3 17 we're at 175 [Music] 1035 1035 1035 sorry don't forget about this little guy at the end of the day that's going to be the guy that makes the play that's right Chad what do we do we do single heads double heads what we do we do one hands two heads the beginning this this tough chat slipper bye Cherry Cher thank you [Music] Cherry 67 there we go all right good face yes go dude this is all right just I don't want to I don't want to hit but I got to hit God damn it that's like the fourth time all right seven come on 10 yes okay at least he was dude two threes 3 four all right we hate these all right flipper yeah just flipper 13 yes keep it at that I know I want to press so bad oh my God the [ __ ] up come on okay the one nobody saw coming up yeah upst of double do what is that damn bro that huge so big that was great I stayed 3 four beautiful nice nice don't do nothing just flip her say say say say I'll face no [ __ ] that was B special right there that [ __ ] what are you thinking thinking one or two how how's your shoe been for you not good nothing to do then go nuclear on one or yeah do a five on one 5,000 I'm going do I'm do two it's been this will make a sh this will make a come on Steve please 56 oh I'll stay and then I'm just going to hit this yes please don't what is that 19 oh man that was a 10K hand that was a 10K hand that shoe was going so well last hand [ __ ] dude last hand mhm Last Hand good hold on there one big one yeah oh [ __ ] deep okay please God split please God double come on oh my God come on come on [Applause] Steve come on come on bab oh my no oh that was that was really bad for me I'm at 30 40 that was very bad [ __ ] damn that was a 30k beat at the end 350,000 people that was very bad for me at the end 3 just get in one of these by shirt what they're doing right now just you know do a LP in Vegas CU you never get to do that well that was very bad I'm still doing good but yeah do good close so much money on this I wanted that so bad for I know starting off yep that's how I came back last time oh yeah well off they had it it's wild do years yeah freaking night so for 10 years I'm working down working STP flip it nine Jesus oh I believe in I believe in this deck y flipper nice come on take I take already won 10 grand back hit that flip that [ __ ] good for now you know show up show up to row somebody shows up I'll take the blank oh yeah a card and all that it's just until the com before the storm you what I'm talking [Applause] about come on oh my God oh my God this [Music] one oh this a p i a stick to Wood that's it's bu thanks yes dude that was huge for me good that's good one dude nice bro that was huge that insane I'm good it's all good come on come on [Applause] no some sixes six all right we don't hate it we don't hate that at all we actually we actually like this a lot love the opportunity we love the opportunity okay all right come on come come on 1 oh bro that's huge this one too dude huge I I broke ean's butt yeah still huge no dude I'm doing one hand just one five bigger this one yeah last hand too okay come on three come on all right at least I don't have to sweat nothing this and double it is that a split is that a double that's what I want to [ __ ] hear bro Taylor that's what I want you got it bro you got it come on give me some fours give me some fours let's gock it's all good good this one right here good no no she needs the teds she needs them five 10 10 10 what is that yes oh nice great dam wow that's go bro that was insane 19 to good [ __ ] you didn't do that [Music] you wow now we going that was it tight color please okay sure yeah can I color these two two FES damn more [Music] those you're done with your job we are doing what we do we're doing pretty good this is what a yeah no I'll take that all right let's let's where we at you're at 140 14 I'm at 10 20 30 40 50 oh I'm not even that what what 10 20 30 40 50 I'm only at like 60 40 I thought I thought you crushed that shoe 60 no the end of the last shoe I lost 30 G oh oh that's right yeah get right this is 14 you will balance out yeah this this is all 140 143 I'm at like 63 so I mean we're in the 200 we're in the 200 oh bro what the [ __ ] 40% there 40% I'm kid I'm going to be a worthless father tomorrow who cut the last one I did he did oh you did you yeah do I got a no go go go we wait we wait dude that was nuts yeah damn bro they pay up your Mar so it's all it's all Prophet guys wow Dana White is the Lord and Savior no he is he's literally Batman and Jesus Christ at the same time if Batman had sex with Jesus Christ what the [ __ ] the baby be baby would be Dan seriously it makes sense sense he's a hybrid of Batman and Jesus dude it makes sense he's a god/ superhero but he doesn't have any superpowers he's just super rich super R and super fit and he got a lot you know what I'm saying so he's like a Batman Jesus Jesus hybrid I think he fights crime at night that's why he's not here right now he's busy fighting crime right now no's he's saying he's watching F1 but no he's he's he's fighting crime was that a crash yeah oh [ __ ] [ __ ] as it just go off the track all right what's the first move we're doing pretty damn good dude first move is fresh Z here do you have any more you have Zen in your pocket I do I oh my God $1 Zen a steal all right what's the first move cuz I don't know I feel like I should be betting more wa oh [ __ ] he really crashed I should bet half whatever you're betting we should I'll start with that's mlar too he just keeps spinning you going so damn fast Dam I'm down just 4K right out the [ __ ] right out and just believe in this deck we're trusting the deck before it's even dealt to us all right damn that's cool the shoe of our life right here that's not how you want to start it's all [Music] good that's nice that's good let go no no no no no see what we're doing all right four five 18 yeah six 16 16 wait a second I thought yeah six thank man' damn bro I'm doing it I don't care I'm rage betting [ __ ] come on eight oh my god dude so beautiful and a double and a double nice seven face down down I love that I love that [ __ ] [Music] come on against a six this is great let's get it let's get it yes dude that was mass we needed that I'm going 4 big big big [Music] I'm doing six R come on three flipper just flipper okay we're good we're good we're good that was a win got 10 get a couple of these come on four that's come on there you go SE there you go you get his seven I know every time he gets a seven okay 17 all right come on give me push give me a push God [ __ ] man that was R balc out kind of four nice couple sevens and we're L there go there [Applause] you please what is that 13 14 15 15 15 yes wow extra every Ace possible yeah extra Ace that's good so if you would to hit that what was one of your favorite that one yeah you got 18 got 12 13 20 oh my [Applause] god1 remember when I was with this stack but it was yellows and it was 10 these are five 5000 come on this is nice right [Music] here oh come on come on 6,000 let see let's see it no 15,000 dirty dirty dirty dirty dirty 30 all right we got to re-evaluate what do we do shff a shuffle okay oh man shoot [ __ ] dude you guys are really [ __ ] going at it l 10 what I lose what was I at 434 40 5 6 65 70 not true not true these little boys that's comeback stack right 7000 you guys really thinking about it oh my God Steve so where you at 130 uh I'm at 130 yeah I'm at 70 so we're still in the 200s it's not bad no let's get the 250 this next year got a bet we do yeah you got it we got a bet we we might have to bet yes I'm going 3K right out it's pretty good 19 no it's going to be a double that is not a double seven oh oh no dude that's great yeah dude that's a huge we'll take that can I have hundreds please I'm going to start destroying these side BS well I a two what is that okay yeah I would just flip her holy [ __ ] yeah flipper come on is that [Applause] 19 all right flip it [Music] oh damn I'm going two hands 3K [Applause] each Cherry welcome back Cherry I love you thank you come on let's go oh check it check it check it I 10,000 there no you're good you're good oh so close what is that 19 19 18 come on God damn I'm doing 1 m nice come on flip her just flip it flip it rip it 6 18 all right yeah you break even go in big or no what do you think what's big 5K come on is that split yep yeah 10 11 oh [ __ ] dude we need this you got it [Applause] dude [Applause] dou change 25 go ahead dude we need this we need this this is what we need four six what is that what is that 20 20 [ __ ] give me that okay you got saved there no you you got saved there sa thank god dude thank God the one hand that matter the one hand that matter is that good yeah I'll be a little risky risking it it's almost [Applause] gone got it oh okay least it broke even there I'm getting saved I'm getting saved over and over here CS are telling me get out of here R for your life me just to play more get shff it's 13 wow okay so I'm at the [Music] same dud what's going on with ch I forget we're even live cuz this is this is so serious guys this is no joke guys Steve why am dude we've been grinding [Applause] yeah that was a bad shoe come on nines nines something we don't hate it 1 yes oh no Hy sorry 16 that's a now face just give me a push give me a push yes we'll take that cuz now we're up 5K five hands and R out hey get come on let's go let's go you got it you got oh she's pulling the faces out she's getting nasty with the faces yes wait no no yes yes [ __ ] Jesus Christ Cherry you had me second guessing [Music] myself 16 15 he said stay the guy called car the yeah oh that next card better not be a six oh my God I can't [ __ ] helpt myself oh my God no can't [ __ ] myself I should I should have shut my mouth oh no seven seven s seven no all right Steve [ __ ] bad call we're doing good we doing good guys got it good luck bro I'll give you the good luck before anything happen for Dana I need it I need it come on that's a double that double yeah you got you got it you got this is yes okay no no what's that what's that you you you're you're bro that was insane [Applause] please let's do it let's do it right here a small d double yeah yeah that pisses me off so [ __ ] much God damn bro how about this one oh damn do we risk it all do we do it all on this big ass bat risk it for the biscuit we can double it all yeah yeah what do you think putting money down the four oh my God bro four seven yes oh my God say hello to my don't oh my God oh my God holy [ __ ] I put all my money up for that oh my God still down wow still down wow but up though holy that was CRA that was sweaty oh my god let's It Go Guys good [ __ ] good [ __ ] good [ __ ] good [ __ ] let let's go let's go that was so [ __ ] see that bro that was a huge hand that was insane yes dude that was nuts oh my God that was maker break right there enough adrenaline for like 3 or 4 days right that was makeer break right there all right what are we at other than that one hand that was a phenomenal I'm at 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 130 you got 114 114 5 hey say 250 bro that hand was nuts dude insane that was the most insane [ __ ] I literally put two two two $25,000 doubles so sick dude good [ __ ] bro I'm un believable can I have um andrs please that's kind of that was crazy you're a great sh how color yeah can I get a color too yeah yeah let's uh let's pull the Jets first oh my God a five biscuit out there yeah oh [ __ ] just ran it up I mean [ __ ] another 25,000 you go this is good dude just hit me dude that was the craziest [ __ ] 225,000 double insane come on [Music] three a actually damn do another 10K 5K hand nice nice wow that's [ __ ] your checks really nice dude that was the craziest [ __ ] ever insane God damn 500 piece felt good too there you go Steve got one [ __ ] stupid thanks bro King King King five of Hearts five of Hearts five of Hearts now for [Applause] oh what you got seven I'm going to I'm going to hit it oh [Applause] Ah that's was that one first time oh all right what 15's over and over it's hard that mean there's so many [ __ ] I know I'm going say yeah it didn't matter I'm going to be Savage like you did that one time just do it [ __ ] dude check it check it just check it damn this is a $10,000 hand [Music] [Music] [Music] oh what are we at what about okay what is that okay to many that's to many to many got to make got $2,000 dude that was the craziest [ __ ] ever ever $25,000 those were insane 65 10 20 25 100 110 12 130 140 I'm at 140 140 y this is 100 240 245 wow we're H dude do yo we're halfway are we we're around 250 I need to start pulling my weight a little bit I need to dude we have the the bartender 2 I don't think I can hold back I think I got to hot is that a double 97 oh okay 5,000 is can't about that one that's a good one can I have thousands please How it Go wow okay check it check it bro we're going crazy a face though oh okay that that yeah that was [Music] huge 14 20 that's 20 I don't know what to do right now how you doing really good I mean but I need to get my head above this to me doesn't exist it doesn't exist I'll take I'll take I thought you had okay where are we at 110 1105 I'm at 125 23 if I can get this back into that 130 then I'll start pressing again oh bro I'm just so scared about dipping into this [Music] 100 can I have um thousands and a and a 25 dude this is like can we have a bartender please [Music] yes I got one more hour in me okay left prob gone no yesterday I nice nice mind and I know she loves peanut butter patience is getting thin I know good [Applause] luck I come back for I'm doing something crazy right [Music] now let's go bro come on bab come on come on Steve flipper hey hey hey come on come on come on oh oh oh all right hold back let's get back where we going to [Music] be dude I I can't this is way too much it's frying [Applause] me I'm at 100 over yeah yeah be here grab the yellow let's play as if this doesn't exist all right that does not exist us let's go give me a six four ah oh oh can I have a tequila soda live and then a pig the pig drink get a water [Applause] please something no ma no water okay oh my God 20 m what do we [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] do do a big one you got it yes hug we're trying to break the contract how much damage it did this year we're trying to break the contract too many 21 oh holy [ __ ] you just did that you just did it there dead roaches out of here man what was that no no no there some yellows let's re up like you said one cuz that all right please we both have a 100 in the safe so let's play with this did you want that pouch or not is that you want oh yeah I love that actually not yes please that's who we were missing the whole time secret weapon dude this is nuts honestly you probably had stream unless you guys want to see this for fun there's no way they want you to do this yes you got it you got it oh 10 [Applause] [Applause] oh nice there it is there it is nice thank you so much I would love one can I get a water [Music] please need no wait no I didn't even look at the other card yes there it [Music] is I'm going 6K doing it dude [Music] [Applause] nice I'm keeping it all right we we don't hate twos we don't love them we love that we love that love that oh oh [ __ ] ah [Music] [Applause] 12 come on yes that was a good way to end it dude go we're doing something dude yeah is that the shoe is that the whole shoe yeah Breathing Room the dude checking in I'm up 23,000 nice 3 4 5 all we're back we're back CH audio good mic's good sorry guys sorry guys we had to get the mic back in there all right I got 120 I think we're at all right we're here we're at 243 I'm on chat Duty guys it's not bad 243,000 it's not bad from from from 10 each 10,000 each 243,000 from 10 each right now live this is a wild this is real streak but the fact that two people are going on it at once is nuts going insane so if you guys are new we're even halfway done they're basically trying to pay down some of this we're 50 we're 50 yeah yeah 50% 50% of basically Dana's [ __ ] marker that's which is very large this is insane okay we're here two them boys [ __ ] dude doing 6K long has been going on for are you almost 4 hours very nice I got three more batteries so we're good very nice very nice Jesus Christ wow that's a crazy P 260 old head yep no there what's 500,000 yeah 500 so you go 500,000 is the goal what is that all right at least I won [Music] that oh dude oh like that love that come [Music] on I feel like I should order ice cream just like cuz Dana would order ice cream he was sweating he order the keto ice cream sh down that that regular ice cream last night keto ice cream actually I'm going to get ice cream sounds so good man just I don't we I don't want to hit okay just flip it I'm going to get ice cream chat should I get vanilla or chocolate Chad you guys decide vanilla or chocolate let me know right now all right I'm towering it I'm towering it vanilla or chocolate let me know Steve come on bab I'm doubling it I wish cies yeah vanilla that's what I'm feeling this is huge let's go huge huge hand he's he's got it he's got it come on on all right push that's better atast smoked bro they said get a hot dog I ain't no [ __ ] hot dog what the [ __ ] you ain't catch me in a hot dog on stream bro hell no you just clip the [ __ ] out of that I'll be done bro God 20 call the dealer y tripping chat that was that that was good for you imagine getting ice cream by itself it's the best man we're halfway there it's not that bad LU on that one let me double it nope check it check it check it [ __ ] that's filthy that one feels bad oh that feels bad anyways hey that's that's a real negative attitude I know can't s it just sucks come on seven seven or 17 small cards 12 oh good oh good dude this great bro this is insane great no way yeah 18 holy [ __ ] small small small it's like just how could it there be more Smalls oh all that work God bro I bro all the car dude that was insane no but I'm saying all those cards are small all I I hate to be the guy to say bet your money but I I think oh wait never mind okay yeah [ __ ] dude all right I take going in right there I was going to go in right there I got to get pissed dude can I get ice cream can I do that I really want to get ice cream I really want ice cream so bad Turn ice so bad man all I want to do is eat three scoops of ice cream in in a bowl that's what I want [ __ ] I want so bad dud dude this [Music] is could you thank you amazing [ __ ] Red Rock's the best dude I [ __ ] love I [ __ ] love the Red Rock straight up such a beautiful place they're so good here dude God damn Steve's probably talking I don't know what he's doing chat what do you guys think about the stream so far to be honest W piss in the chat or what bro dude we're crushing it w piss W FL with with the mic too they probably all heard W Flo I'm just going crazy it's a long piss boy I'm going crazy the first hand that's what you need he's got he's got it he's got it come on come sure come on 16 16 17 no wa you got to forget about that 100,000 all [Applause] right oh you guys you hit [Music] okay wait [Music] oh we do have to forget about the 100,000 [Music] there go guys this is going nuts how many how many cigars you in right now not that many too easy just a barbarian with the way you grabbing those chips he's getting nuts on that thing huh a claw I'm doing it come on [ __ ] oh D had to [ __ ] up the whole deck you're good I'm going to bake up for it absolutely oh fu 17 15 I [ __ ] up the whole deck it's okay it's okay I wouldn't stress it we've been down [Music] before just flipper Cherry good Cherry 30 minutes 30 minutes something's got to give in the shoe let me do [Music] it come on 15 17 [ __ ] good you hear my voice how scared [Music] ibody yeah all right I'm ta it in the 100 yes I did oh just ice cream thank you K we'll go two scoops yeah it's just me it's just me is there other stuff you can put on it is it like really you want oh don't thank you is could they chop up some bananas I don't know if that's a thing we see a hot deck no just bananas just bananas bananas else we need just bananas and vanilla ice cream is that weird I don't care sounds amazing sounds great that's all I want counters you cut exactly you cut the it's like peanut butter cups exactly we're there we're there we're there you're doing it she's the one all right chocolate syrup oh I can't do that I can't do that I want to I can't do that come on [ __ ] been busting Chad said busting I know I'm excited I'm actually extremely excited for that let go let's go 10 was scary I'm raise it a th000 I'm do two 3,000 head I can't wait to eat that ice cream I believe it right this is the one right here get us back on track got it you got it you got it nice there it is 56 we one more oh okay at least I got this up B buddy w yeah 1500 there you go fu yeah oh that's [Music] good let's get a let's just get a push [Music] yeah all right [Music] guys The Willpower was real on the serup guys I really did want it no it didn't lose money they they put it in uh they put it in here in all right this is what we need this is a big hand big one yeah there it is bro good [ __ ] 12,000 that's great one that's a good [Music] one oh man this is oh my God a that's sexy you got it that's sexy double come on two three two three oh my oh my God bro this is huge okay that's don't be nasty yes oh my God huge huge wow wow wow wow bro that was gorgeous man beautiful Chad that was [ __ ] beautiful come on oh my God bro this is all right we're doing something we're doing some I'm follow you there but we're doing something we got to keep this up we keep this up [Music] the $5,000 hands over here and then four over here 10 15,000 4,000 come on push right re can't call Brad dude I'm here I'm here yeah exactly can't call Brad guys I'm here I'm doing one hand of four no two hands I'll do I'm going do three and three come on last hand last hand nice damn beautiful double that eight is that eight got you got it you got it oh no oh take push yes we'll take that wait wait oh I oh no I didn't know what the [ __ ] I was looking at I was like I'll take that I thought I won that thought you were being so no I thought I won that I was pumped up for why did I even think I won that okay well that went downhill very quick banana it's okay I thought I won that I mean we're at 100 200 230 240 250 see now now we're just at now we're stuck at 250,000 hold on0 20 30 40 42 I have 240 we're at 250 bro this is we broke the barrier yeah I have a we had the balls of Dana we would literally be in Striking Distance right now or zero you did have the balls for a second yeah you went hard I don't know what happened characteristic move me I apologize was not my best self there that was scary all right right now I'm doing I'm doing something kind of crazy there it is all right that was good all right I'm already winner all right whatever 18 18 I should hit that right 18 book says the book says you should Dana book says no oh that was that was insane hit wow that was stupid wow split those split those come on yes let good oh I might need you for two I have one you got another double coming anyway it's up to you you got bro come on come on oh no oh filthy oh my God bro okay wow okay thank you Taylor all right hold up let's get right [ __ ] that suck that sucked get a double oh man I play The Dana The Dana book or the real book whatever you want who we doing watch one of the inside I'm playing by The Dana book smart that's what oh [Music] yeah3 all right seven all right at least some on [Music] [Music] that all right whatever he needs the seven oh 21 nice one hand four [Music] car that was the H that was the beautiful oh no 18 all right yes [Music] two doubles right here all right [Music] Steve win this for us yes a good [ __ ] good [ __ ] that big this huge [Music] F 125 all right 125 played all [Music] day well I pulled them all out 120 125 130 135 up a little we're not far dude we're not we got that dude if anything we just pay off [ __ ] 400 Grand and just say hey Dana we love you buddy it's all or nothing to me all right same all right all or nothing hold on a second I got 23 minutes what what do you hey I have a flight 3:30 oh you have a flight come on what that damn you have a flight I my flight up 45 minutes yesterday holy [ __ ] okay he was here last [Music] night I told her [Music] damn you got 45 [Music] minutes that's nice this is [Music] good all right for that's plenty of time nice wow two 4K hands we just got to we have to H hot we only have 45 minutes six come on Cher come [Music] nice 20 that was great that was huge that's huge it's plus plus make it easy I don't distress 10 [Music] oh wow all right that was two huge hands for us I'm raising it so I'm at 10K right now I'm at 10K also [Music] yes I got it off here too yes I'm going to steady yes is that a double is is it's a Sav no no I'll just [Music] hit come on yes bro damn wow this some great [ __ ] play right now wow D TK heads you dude the Z cple of Threes couple of Threes I want to split it yeah yeah Ste nice come on let's go what is that 10 yes damn go dude we're doing work right now let's go whoa got go dude we're doing work yes okay pull back we check where you're at for sure dude yeah pull back uh Cherry before you Shuffle could you color these up and then color this up and then color this up oh they're up they're way up right now guys way [Music] up like way way up I think it started with 10 10 each right yeah 10,000 each they're up like that's insane [ __ ] 50 100 150 160 shut the [ __ ] 3 4 five 1705 180 I'm at 180 St [ __ ] serious $110,000 to $180,000 I'm at $180,000 that's up in 4 hours yeah and he's up how much I'm up 150 60 70 8035 what's 185 what top wow dude and they paid markers off right wait wait what did what did I even say I was up what did I just say I was up you said you you got 160 100 100 150 160 okay 3 4 five 17 165 1703 175 180 I'm up 180 what's called 173 180 no no no no don't call anybody Who you calling no I'm not calling I'm just doing a doing a math 3 353,000 holy [ __ ] 353 3 50 350 from 10,000 that's from 10,000 that's up bro yeah so we need 150 wait so no M $200,000 we need 120 $120,000 no$ 150,000 yeah need $150,000 I feel like after sh we pull back for a second and let come to rest how do you feel dude I feel like you're the NFL star this is yeah yeah yeah has nothing to do with this let's make this happen like a I feel like he's about to do like a break or some [ __ ] he's put the hands break how do you feel about that yeah let's have the dou but we're not we can't go small but yeah like two threes yeah still big yeah no cuz really it's if we go two3 it's $12,000 we're playing the hand dude we're going nuts we're up 350 is it crazy it's insane all right first thing get rid of the they don't exist put the chips in all right so all you're good I'm doing 50 100 I'm putting 100 150 away 160 away oh you sure no I'll take you [Music] money bro this is 14 14 yeah [Music] four 16 20 nice good [Music] hander good reps [Music] Cherry I'm [Music] ready come [Music] on oh dude this is too much dude [Music] that dude we it's so funny we're almost there it's honestly it seemed like an impossible task like there were people in the chat earlier being like there's no way you guys even come close to that we're still really away yeah far not that far we're not as far as we think not that far we see double I mean way like come [Music] on what is that I know I'm waiting for the ice cream guys I know everyone's like where's that [ __ ] ice cream fourk what everyone's like dos do what 10 50 100 150 160 oh [ __ ] it's never easy it's really nice it's not nice yeah Chad the goal was to pay off Dana's debt 500k yeah the purples he could deal with come on yeah Blues are 25,000 chat nice [Music] [ __ ] yeah that's we'll take that yeah no purples are five5 over here oh that was nice I can't right now over [Music] his but she was not good to me what 60 dude this is nuts what we're doing it's insane 117 [Music] no doing good is they said the lady's milking the cow for your ice cream you guys are funny man all right I'm doing a AK head two fours hear no I'm need you to oh man get that [Music] from [Music] come on face oh my God [Music] nice yeah mhm look bro give me he got it you got it now come on yes there it is huge that's huge that's go bro that was a crazy [Music] one [Music] [Music] good just let me beat a 19 and then yep nice thank you Cherry thank you Cherry dude nuts this is [Music] nuts I move slow [Music] [Music] okay hey you see the predicament I did in over here yeah mhm 19 18 come on don't do I we're on a time crun if we want Push right that's push oh sorry I'm doing 10K hand let's go Steve Steve we got strong start strong start not bad oh I say just flip it yeah just flip it flip it [Music] yeah come on 16 16 yes it is [Music] boys cross the way yeah another [Music] one we need doubles and splits at this it's the only way we going to actually do it we don't have much [Music] time [Music] just 5 six we don't want even want it yep flip it you flip it flip away 20 it's a $20,000 [Music] [Music] loss yellows are $1,000 chips chat you guys are talking about these these chips over here these are the markers for the money that's owed they're $100,000 talking about the green ones over [Music] there that's nice big take out [Music] yeah it [Music] SE oh no hey needed that I don't know what to do now [Music] [Music] got [Music] over here are you okay me tough right now oh [Music] wow oh my God she got the ice cream this is this is going to be such a great moment dude small let's let's go little come on come on I'll just hold it you sure yeah I'll hold it I'm just going to hold it oh my God yeah damn this is heavy as [ __ ] this is the heaviest little table ever it is what the hell why did you try to pick that up nothing I can't handle oh my God this is the heaviest table ever don't mess with it holy [ __ ] I'm not kidding this is one of the heaviest tables I just tried to picked that up one hand that's crazy make it small yeah all right anything uh yeah uh let me figure out no no I'm great does that does that make sense yeah okay yeah I don't know what to do now fuing you choices just spon I I I'm going to do thank you you're welcome oh my God this is incredible oh my God Chad the Banana's cut up shut up I'm not eating a banana like a dick you weirdos oh I I let me do this one yeah okay and if we if we win it we got it if we lose it we got to talk let me split it oh this is not is this a split no they say always always split run [Music] it oh my God this is so good dude oh this ice cream is so good holy [ __ ] [ __ ] oh 21 6 78 let's go on 18 okay wow [Music] small oh my god there it is oh bro these are the hands we need that's tough we don't need pushes on these [ __ ] hands give me a shot just give me a shot give me a double that's not a [Music] double Julie come on come on come on 18 dude this is so good ice cream out of 10 10 so good come on 12 F dude all this is not good she's 20s every time all right so we're at I'm at 160 [Music] 125 it's vanilla bean dude [ __ ] uh 150 310 310 310 so if we're serious about that we essentially have to start placing $25,000 hands here or 10 at least oh God it's so sweaty that's so scary that's insane it's all I need to see people like to see it who's going to cut the winning shoe $10,000 hands [ __ ] it's a lot of pressure dude I weo that you all right if I do it wrong I'm sorry no you're good been good luck the whole night goodby all right damn this is [ __ ] all right $10,000 hands come on come on like all right come on man we need these splits M [ __ ] that was so good dude the ice cream was good dude thing disappeared so good come on two my God two get a two come on no small one the bust ah [Music] $30,000 I know you can do one at 30 two at one it's good you can do one at 30 2 at 15 3 at 10 oh this is getting [ __ ] sweaty 25,000 [ __ ] this goes well 25 you said 2 15 all right let's go let's go oh my god oh come [Music] on come on Steve oh my God flip it flip it flip it eight eight what is that 18 18 okay all right I first 19 I have 19 I have 19 yeah oh oh my God have 19 I have 19 y you scary first SEC your your original reaction was like [ __ ] oh my God oh my God no no wait do that again run that back let pretend it didn't happen [ __ ] dude 750 okay ready come on let's go oh it's so sweaty so sweaty over bro was that crazy so sweaty oh [ __ ] I'm going 30 okay give me a four please God or 17 [ __ ] it oh let's go Steve come [Music] on S yep oh [Music] Jesus six n no no no no no no no no I'm down I'm down bad please 10 10 yes oh my God hey I've been getting blistered over here what do you at Steve [ __ ] dude 215 215 oh my God from $10,000 215 that's 10 20 what is that [Music] 9095 10 10 what you at 25 yeah you got 10 total so total 100 85 and 95 all right 310 is11 we need to win $310,000 from 10,000 each come on come on come on oh oh small small small nothing for $10,000 it's pretty insane man this is this is let's go oh [ __ ] dude 18 okay we lost L what' you get I got 18 all right so you won so it was a we we won 10 bad yeah God this is [ __ ] [Music] sweaty what do you 15 yeah oh this is an insane oh my God crazy come on o okay yes small small [ __ ] [ __ ] man no one's home [Music] oh Luck Good Luck Good Luck okay oh my God now all we have to do is win this yeah 15 15 sorry yeah that's big win come on 14 yes oh [ __ ] oh my God all right dude this is getting this pretty sweaty dude we are legends this is this is crazy as [ __ ] dude I had no idea this was going to happen tonight like no idea thank how all right I'm at 104 all right I'm at you're at 104 last too I'm at 125 135 145 155 165 175 185 195 200 210 220 230 240 250 you're the highest you've been what are you at4 okay you 356,000 300 so you're 6,000 higher than you've been yeah all right the highest we ever been holy [ __ ] dude can only go up from here right okay come come on we need the doubles here we need the doubles here please let me do it 10 is that a double yep yeah yeah yes there you go St yes oh so close so close Okay no all you have to do is when this that's one extra yeah one extra sorry come on put it together yes damn dude incredible dude this is [ __ ] [Music] insane from 10,000 is just [ __ ] insane man could you uh color this up yeah I no e count it up again I didn't have to borrow any more money than 10,000 that's it insane 100 I'm at 200 here 210 220 230 [ __ ] dude 240 250 260 265 315 39 or 119 we at 265 I can't even think 385,000 385,000 plus bro this is [ __ ] wild one good shoe he act like it's not there I know he said that's his safety okay Ste you want to Steve you want to cut it are you texing data don't T data did you Tex data yeah I Tex I was like dude we're almost back you have to stay dude here's the thing here here here's what you do you take [ __ ] you put our [ __ ] together you take 40 Grand and get a private jet we're not going to have it cuz we're going to pay this off all right ready 15 15 this is so [ __ ] crazy D I'm going to Zen this is insane Zen Fidelity right there wo wo wo wo wo W wo wo w w Wait wait wait all right $60,000 on the table let's get a double oh my god oh come on come on let's go let's go let's go oh my God dude we are nuts Taylor you're a God St Stay Stay we're staying no no yes yes yes yes holy [ __ ] all right up this is beautiful no cuz you hit black we need another one of those we don't need to count to know that we need another one 465 are we really at 465 cuz we need to you just went back 7 you went back all your bet he give me this you were 390 no no we were not 3 just you like 380 390 no just count all this actually 60 bro this is insane what the [ __ ] 35 whatever you're 385 [Music] 385 bro that's light that's light I think hold on no I say hold what are you at 125 130 I say that's it 145 I'm at okay I'm at 149 100 200 250 260 270 280 290 300 300,000 what was mine 145 450 yeah that's we're at $450,000 right now bro just that's it that's it what do you mean that's it we money back I know I know but just you guys are pretty much I'm just being I got to be the voice of reason here you guys are pretty much here you know what I'm saying like that's and when do you how long do you have to you have to I I I we need a few hands enough for one more hand I know of course everyone has enough for one more hand but this is so close dude this is so close like it's Steve I mean you've got way like you got twice as much money as me you're 9 no you're 95% no no bro I think this is it I think it's good that's huge dude yeah only 100 left like he he bro that's like that's it dude he's he's hype man that's insane that's a crate $10,000 to this is insane is like this is like a [ __ ] movie dude like 150 this is a movie you have 300 something 35 45 145 149 what you have 3 all right let's pay off 300 of that smart yeah yeah let's pay off 300 of that now we know we can't go back on it yeah yeah get that let's pay off 300 150 each this is let's pay off 300 of Dana you down low for a minute yeah that's run yeah SP all over the place you playing off 150 of it close too 300 total here's what Steve Steve I would just wait till we get there what CU if we down a couple all right let's go let's we just got to go all right let's go all right you ready Cherry Cherry you are you ready I'm ready Cherry sounds ready than us Cherry I hope you know that I know this is what are you doing 215 oh [ __ ] 15s again yeah $60,000 if you guys win this we're done if we win this if we win this we're done right yeah no you are you're at 450 if you went back 60 you're at 510 oh dude let's just win this hand and be done get the [ __ ] out of here yeah oh God I okay let's go just be cool do it give us a double okay come on [Music] yeah yes [Music] okay split yes dude give me a two give me a two oh my God stay Cherry one 18 18 win those are two wins three wins okay yes that's it that's it that's it that's it that's it that's it that's it wait wait you dou you wait no count this up count this up count this up put them all together count this up wait what is this that's got to be it he doubl they both doubled right you're up another 30 no count this right 15 15 bro this is [ __ ] crazy but we did it t What the we did it we did it good [ __ ] 95 okay no just give me 95 you this I give you all right 100 200 300 insane 325 335 345 what are you at uh this sorry sorry yeah let's get [Music] blue5 150 160 16 I have 1644 5 345 plus what did I have 300 it down that's three right 200 300 300 320 4 wait 3 wait no 300 310 320 345 345 and that's 165 345 plus 165 510 oh my God oh my God $6,000 this is crazy this is [ __ ] crazy you both started with 10K bro this is didn't say no no here here they said it they said they couldn't do it they said they could do it the whole time earlier 200 300 325 335 put it with Dana's money but we can't take it we can't take this down you can't pay off his Rim okay but you can pay this off and he can have this to pay it off when he gets here how much is in there I don't know that's his you tell cuz that might clear that this is insane it's probably Dana guess what me and Taylor just did bro Dana Taylor Taylor guess what me and Taylor we have 500,000 we just won 510 510 we just paid off your marker get the boom no swear he did bro I just batmann you with Taylor dud let [ __ ] go we Batman the [ __ ] out of you y 500 Grand we paid off your marker me and Taylor went to war bro we went to [ __ ] War 500,000 off 10,000 off 10 grand each 4 hours 4 hours 30 minutes that's it it's all it took we really [ __ ] [ __ ] pay off your mark dude no no no no no no no this is you dude we we went into this night I told you in the beginning we're going to pay off your marker of 500 Grand what did I tell you I said I promise you and what did we do dude this guy this guy was just dude this guy was dedicated we kept a it was a team effort Dana it was a team effort that guy was supposed to be on a plane flying home today yeah he said that dude 500 Grand it's waiting for you I I I'll love you both I'll love you both I'll see it a few all right all right later bu dude that's do that is insane dude we're legends that we did it have you ever done anything like that in your life dude we bait it wow dude Taylor best scambling buddy best person in the world oh my God insane I like M before weay down hold on question how how much is left though well let her count count all that together together [Music] together girl that was [ __ ] crazy as [ __ ] crazy never seen anything like that from 10,000 I just won Dana 345,000 that's half a million 9,500 hey we got to take a photo of these dude we just did it h we won Dana me and Taylor 500,000 that was insane we won him 500 ,000 500,000 8,000 that's [ __ ] we did it ah we paid off Dana's marker dude we just dat a Dana White to Dana White where at 5 hours that was that was the best thing ever to send me that video immediately dude we just paid off his marker all right that's it dude that's it well of it that's insane guys want keep 9k 95 yeah 9.5 that'll pay off this much when it gets here you got guys we'll each go home with 95 roll it roll it we each go home with 9 bro we won him 500,000 that is insane half a million dollar we just won him 500,000 holy [ __ ] that is the most insane [ __ ] of all time yeah it's crazy say Steve we'll do it we just won Dan of 500 Grand holy [ __ ] that was a that is crazy thank you for being the best gambling teammate ever I was down bad you helped me at you look at us there were multiple times when I had to do those splits yeah who helped me with the doubles dude you did there that was a crazy team there Team bro it was the FAA brothers are sick they're sick right now dude I've never I've never won that much money in my life we just paid off his marker dude that is insane half a million dollars and we're going to walk away with 10K yes we are oh my God oh my God that's hilarious oh my god oh that's too good shut the [ __ ] up let's go that so all right just keep this here just keep this here bro that's hilarious just keep this here what are the odd this [ __ ] dude what was what did we just pay off 500 500 dude what the [ __ ] bro it doesn't even make sense it [ __ ] don't make sense that was the most insane [ __ ] ever and then you top it off of that that's [ __ ] stupid oh my God that is insane [Music] bro that just didn't even make sense dude why Dana get this get this get what the [ __ ] just happened me and Taylor paid off 500 Grand and we had 10 grand left so we're like we're going to do one hand left we're going to do one hand and we hit a black jock in the last hand and now we both walk with 10 grand we're winners bro that was the most insane we just won 10 grand each that was [ __ ] crazy man I'm crazy dude look is going to do now right we're winners bro this is going to turn you both into [ __ ] monsters after this now you got no no no I'm never game on that dude we did this for you look look at that that whole stack that's for you buddy look let's [ __ ] go brother that is so hey that was the most insane [ __ ] of all time and we hit a blackjack The Last Hand crazy that was so [ __ ] hey you know why because when you do good [ __ ] in life good [ __ ] comes back to you that's why that's why we said we were going to win today cuz we're doing it for you dude you're the best person ever love you guys yeah we love you Dan you're both you're both absolutely [ __ ] nuts but I love you we'll see you soon lat buddy dude that's he's going to be sick when he comes back and he still owes 70,000 easy though bro we just made money we just made money after paying off half a million dollars in debt dude dude we're so sick that's how we end it boys that was the best thing holy [ __ ] that was the best thing I've ever done in my life hands down dude my brother just had a kid I bet this feels way better yo that's funny way better I bet this feels way better dude all right we're done I'm going to smoke a cigarette hold on let me let me get the stream ready bro I just paid Dana White's marker for 500 Grand with Taylor and we walked away with 10 grand bro I paid off 500 Grand yeah we did it we did it we're never be back here again oh this is your guys yeah thank you guys that was amazing that is the most insane thing that's ever happened and black here you go it's for you have a good day guys good man thank you tell [ __ ] off no you're good Mane yeah you're great man bro that was [ __ ] that doesn't even make sense it's not even like it's like you can't even [ __ ] make that up bro I just paid off 500 Grand this doesn't even make sense literally chat when we started that was like you guys are no way the dealers laughing at start get $500,000 with 10K each they [ __ ] did it and got some money at the end and walked away with 10K each started with 10K walked away with 10K and made $500,000 that's [ __ ] insane is that not the most insane thing that's ever happened I can't believe it this is unbel we l laugh what if we do this we did we [ __ ] did it this is top five best feelings I've ever had in my in my life oh my God that double but we never yeah that double was insane that was but that was good I had the I had the money to to back them [Music] up and you was insane about this turn oh go we only each borrowed $10,000 each 10,000 each and we paid off 500 Grand and walked away with 10 grand each yeah crazy I told him is that it we sign it out or are we you want to gamble some more some background or what no [ __ ] that dude I'm not gambling ever again yeah that's it dude know it's over we're done it's over we're retired we're done I'm retired I'm retired GL to see the retirement I like it dude are we ending I don't know dude we end I we wired I don't know what should we do what should we do Chad what should we do I I'm going to do I give 3 hour I'm going as soon as you pull that out too I'm going to put no no no no no no no no no no oh my God secet power no don't do that don't do that you're going to get a nasty headache don't do that don't do that oh don't do that Ste will do it come on right yeah no we got and we got to end we got to end we got to end we got to end we got to end bro we did that [ __ ] we got to end we're going to end we did we're [ __ ] ending I love you guys we'll see you soon uh we're going to stream this week by the way so make sure you guys tune in we'll be back in LA