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Ah Holy shite okay okay four thousand dollar hand oh no that's it number one number one oh wow number one we [ __ ] called it 17 18 20. no no I can't how much what is it Elliot 17. okay I will take that 18 ah [ __ ] she pulls a 15 against the [ __ ] eight damn it I mean the three see this would have been great for you you can split them and I got a blackjack hey give me I need a seven two all right uh you're gonna beat me by one it's not [ __ ] crazy all right this is a five balls I have a 5k backup ammunition all right please give it to him congrats Steven thank you I knew I was [ __ ] all easy wins for me that I can't [ __ ] win just like the other night four or five three six six ball should have been easy wins I should be up 100 right now April I know we gotta work on it all right oh perfect that might help all right what crazy [ __ ] are you gonna flip right now all right it's all right that's scary 19. still crazy all right so now we're doing a seven bulge 80. [Applause] wow nice dude push I'll take a push oh [ __ ] she got the push on me she beat me and gave me the push I hate this [ __ ] game huge forty thousand the question is do I keep playing when you get greedy you get your ass [ __ ] beat so I got about 30 seconds to make a decision uh you should quit I should play no no I mean you would you would say quit I'm up too we just quit the whole thing fourteen fourteen thousand yeah you couldn't no I'm not saying that no way I gotta I gotta play this whole thing out thank you um 65 000 I'm out hey will you give me some uh give me some uh you know give me some give me give me some hundreds and some uh you know what I mean no you're right here there you go thank you so much turning the sun into a sex degenerative tonight [Music] give him that seven eight there you go 18 for the push nine seven five I was getting lucky one more seven oh my God how about that [ __ ] all right now [Music] all right we're winning a [ __ ] billion dollars all right hit me oh my God [Music] we're up three four yeah they've saved my life all right come on see right here I'll get a six six yeah do you like your space um give me 30. 13. one more seven unbelievable just building the suspense no you're supposed to but I never do you have a hand she'll hit you with a [ __ ] six or some stupid card and then you have no hands you'd be like me right now [Music] [Applause] low carbs yeah nothing beats up can I get a 19 on it those small ones oh my God the payout's crazy sounds like what do you mean thank you foreign TV he's got a bust that was good enough [Music] actually I would have lost if I didn't hit that huh yeah what's up talk to the chat one time Dana dude again wait Tyler wait one sec [Applause] what the [ __ ] are you saying you India all right serious yo Elliott okay um when he said yeah song I said Steven awesome foreign said Dana please give Steve ten thousand so he can bet it on one hand there you go oh there we go 33 shout out you gotta thank that guy bro who wants to see a 20 banger foreign match it one time I'll cut this one yeah and after 10. let's go Master ten let's go shoot oh sorry bust it out come on goodbye so Steve it's gonna take that six you got a [ __ ] 21. and I take the three I still got dog [ __ ] he probably gets a 10 in the next cards we are getting our [ __ ] well I'm getting my ass whooped excuse me yeah no it was the first um oh very cool okay everything is very rare right now I can't hit any of these [ __ ] double down I need it right here I'm getting this doubled down I'm [ __ ] I'm gonna be here all night I know this is the second yes [ __ ] no would you have six we're just getting a bad run right now there's as many people telling me to take my hat off because it's bad luck as they're saying tell 90 to go [ __ ] them it's true I would never say that about me it's nothing left on how my hat is bad luck and for you to [ __ ] off I said when you walked into it's the first time I remember that's true it's very true you know what happened just so you guys know I had to go see the [ __ ] skin doctor now to burn a bunch of [ __ ] pre-cancerous [ __ ] off my head it looked like it looked like [ __ ] Jim Carrey and uh yeah fire impartial bill newly exclusive with her thank you [ __ ] you got the nine I got the double he's got the a show I need to do for a blackjack he doesn't have one no come on because it's true I was interested in [ __ ] rocket science Believe Me Maybe go ahead backwards maybe it's you [ __ ] off ten nice there you go give me one too please oh no no no you definitely gonna give me one damn I took it hey Zach Zach all right I need the six come on Zach five yes okay okay I was gonna say give me a [ __ ] break here dude the Joker's [ __ ] huh you're joking why amazing oh yeah Zac Brownsburg I already I already I already said I already called you out zacharomsburg steiny works for the casino they're paying him foreign give me give me 50. all right all right here we go [ __ ] double down he splits blackjacks I did some crazy [ __ ] my brother come on come on Todd there we go come on Todd two of them no time oh my God I can't [ __ ] push me on two twenties for a hundred thousand dollars yeah exactly when's the last time I had a [ __ ] hand who cut this this is [ __ ] crazy Steve gets the double Todd has the nine I got the [ __ ] Six Feet Again [ __ ] do you think the ace on the on the [ __ ] 11-4 the worst card you could get you know what's gonna happen to me here comes the ten there's a four three right of nine either way [ __ ] [ __ ] now I'm gonna get the [ __ ] what I needed here here this one for a [ __ ] Double Down pushed on three [ __ ] 20s come on don't do it Todd [ __ ] let's go here we go again don't [ __ ] me Todd don't [ __ ] me on this one come on Todd Todd's gonna give me a ten and two four oh this is a massive name this is a 200 000 hand right or more but yeah let's see what we get here 866 for the [ __ ] 20. again that is [ __ ] mental yeah I need one of those pamphlets for when the fun stops there's Steve with a 20 now now he's got a 10 show and I get the [ __ ] 15 again all right oh that's awesome there's a [ __ ] 10. all right oh yeah here we go six I'm trying not to be green what are you gonna do you're still getting 20. still getting crazy [ __ ] again oh my God I got another [ __ ] 15. let's get some little ones because we've had a bunch of 10s [Music] Steiny's hiding in the corner laughing at you both oh Steve nice oh nice guy next to me is my son that's my son he said let the guy next to you cut uh you're out right you're good well you're done three cards he's one out did you quit yeah you won 600 bucks he came up I jumped back in I'm down [ __ ] uh 250. yeah 100 yeah yeah I appreciate that's why they sit here all [ __ ] night bro I preach to everybody else and here I am oh they're all over steining the Chad wants to [ __ ] go to war I'll do it right now I think I'm lying go ahead get in there [ __ ] idiots grow some thick skin is the greatest nice dude 19 are you [ __ ] kid okay so we can live with that yeah there we go don't call him to come back oh my God five four we love that nice history give me that seven six seven eight all right I'll take the six that's gone yes you maniac what are you trying to make me do it too many times come on man get me out of here you gotta help Steve on the come up you should have already been out of here the last Shuffle there are those unpaid markers I don't understand Steve's in the hole and blew a million dollars you gotta give him some money back no let's go oh oh Sonny stop reading it now my feelings were hurt no it got you positive foreign [ __ ] hand s foreign [Music] or [ __ ] eight right now okay there you go I thought he was gonna flip six seven eight and then the ten he flipped the four and a six just to [ __ ] with us give me 50. oh my god oh please yes just give me something give me something that ain't something I need a six or a five and not a ten oh my [ __ ] god six five yeah another 10. [Music] yeah that's what I need right he takes the [ __ ] he gets the hit would you push disgusting disgusting [Music] disgusting all right that was the fastest break in the history of breaks not that we don't love you much 17 again [ __ ] it let's do it let's do it again yeah yeah all day double oh [ __ ] yeah it took by 10. that's interesting we've got guys been [ __ ] murdering me with parents left and right you know what I'm getting here that was a big win for me I needed that bad [Music] April is not in a good mood tonight I don't know what the [ __ ] I did April how's it going over there it's good bro talk to me it's all positive man it's like it's the weirdest sounds six seven race [ __ ] [ __ ] again again I push on a 20. should have had [ __ ] 34 of them yeah now I'm gonna get some dog shift 17. even about 16. yeah that was a 5k hand which is a lot I love you you got to go you got to go They're bringing us another girl squash that did you win okay yeah squash that shoe we love you April I'm sorry but you are feeding the living [ __ ] out of us [Applause] oh yeah thank you [Applause] five and three thousand I'll call thirteen thousand one time so we're down seven a seven Ball but we won 25k on the Denver game so it's not that bad really here [Applause] okay my math Ain't So Good 18 17. yes I have a good feeling about this shoe I really do eight nine five six number nine let's go I don't know what the [ __ ] you give me whatever let's see where we end up stay first just not a nine two words come on yeah Steve again that's a five ball right now he's on fire oh my [ __ ] God how many times did that happen to us tonight that one puts me out you know that right so I have the 20 that we pushed on and now she flips a 966. anyway I'll stop complaining three times I'm out they [ __ ] pull me right back in that was the hand that put me out oh yeah yeah I don't know why I do this to myself let's go no I'm happy again all right should I double it what do you think let's do it who said it double Dana double Dana always listen to the internet don't [ __ ] me don't [ __ ] me guys actually if we win these These are these are really big if we can hit this yes thank you internet appreciate you guys hi what's that I don't know what that is but let me know clean shop damn it [ __ ] right there again why can I knock it out right there again I need to win one hand come on so you know this is gonna be this is gonna be some crazy double down or some nutty [ __ ] for me that I won't win no it's a [ __ ] 17 against the nine there we go Steve will get the 10. no push really get the three now no she's got a 19. to [ __ ] me on my last hand okay what a cry baby huh acting like a [ __ ] cry baby and I won there you go ten twenty Thirty forty thousand okay um that was good steiny everybody get on steiny again real quick April was [ __ ] murdering us baby [ __ ] winner up in here what do you got doing pretty good I just gotta go in this I just gotta go all right let's go let's turn it up real quick yes oh 19 let's go baby all right Shuffle all right let's take it what do you love can we color these yeah I'm super crazy yeah we're coloring all right so I made 25k sports betting yeah and then full oh you really came in here and changed the entire night on one shoot right that was one shoot here thank you made 20 000 there huh 20 000. you made 20. yeah plus sports betting so so all over the night you're up 70. no I'm up um 45 000 today that's pretty good dude how much you make I want a hundred a hundred thousand yeah [ __ ] she changed everything are you crazy here I'm pretty confident you're going back legit foreign I was down 300 000 and I won a hundred thousand tonight come on come on my girl give me give me one good answer [Applause] give me a split Blackjack double down 15. that's not fun but you got an eight nine seven under there yeah small one yeah he's gonna play some more two of The Greatest Hits on the double down ever for 25 each too right no she's got 20 now about the gambling Gods this is when the gambling Gods go [ __ ] you dummy you should have went home tomorrow 120 [Applause] 000 ham right there yeah [Music] excuse me yeah I was gonna say the first thing you're gambling you have to learn is you have to know when to quit you don't know when to quit you'll never win that was the craziest thing ever standard is quick here's 30k it's pretty wild 75 000 today it's a big day I wasn't gonna tell you I'm that guy so no don't worry about it foreign that's it and the stream made 75 grand today 25 on Denver game 50 on blackjack let's go now I have um
Channel: fronto
Views: 399,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: STEVE, STEVEWILLDOIT, STEVE WILL DO IT, CASINO, IRL, DANA WHITE, UFC, JOE ROGAN, moist critical, charlie, penguinz, steve, stevewilldoit, will, do it, steve will do it, sneako, shneako, fresh&fit, freshandfit, oneminutepodcast, crypto, redpill, andrew tate, tate, tristan tate, tatebrothers, tatespeech, brainwashed, hustlers university, copywriting, HU2.0, HU, free speech, cancel culture, bradley martyn, wneako, classic tate w, topg, gambling, adin ross, gambling stream, degenerate, nft, sports bet, parlay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 52sec (3832 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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