Bradley Martyn Exposes The TRUTH About N3on's Career..

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you're like my therapist for today you have a little bit of time on your hands yeah give him the mic unmod woo yeah by the way my chat like you know how bad it was before it's like 20 times worse like they they want what they want and like they won't stop until they get it I think that's part of your problem yeah good all right chat all right enough of that bro enough of that a damn I missed you bro man I think it's part of your problem what you worrying so much about what the internet thinks you got to do like I wanted to do a stream with my but I can't even link myin cuz like my community would kill me they they would literally all just disown me why though I think they care a little too much like they were somehow mad that I was linking you I don't even know what you did me yeah for what I don't know like chat wait chat what filmed the video of ital or some maybe I don't know bro it's like who gives a dude that is true the internet they're just bro I don't know bro they like recently they just been in my head so much like I I just can't live like my normal life because of them it's crazy bro yeah but that's the problem how do you fix it just he dissed Sam no he didn't don't never talk about Sam ever yeah and like CH she's not God bro like someone could say their opinion on her bro man weird kids but that's the problem this is the problem what like right now you see them look they don't even care they're just telling me to unmod some kid they just want him unmodded they you care too much about what they think you know what yeah you little ass kids it's not like it's not them it's just like they're watching your life and if you just you're going to give them power every time you talk every time and it's good to engage with them and interact with them obviously but you give them power to do and to like sort of pull you certain ways that maybe I don't know maybe you necessarily don't want to be pulled but you do it so then have you seen like like my sh recently like went to jail and stuff yeah I thought I thought you were dead for a little bit huh they said you were dead who said I you said I was dead in Dubai Dubai who the fck said that that was like a rumor that people said I don't know it was on the internet yeah I saw I saw like clipped up run back Japan nah bro I don't know it was just I like my life this past like month like two months has been like crazy bro like like everything you said what were you telling me in Japan you were like you set the standard so high for yourself to where like it's like at some point you just you can't dude I mean I've been doing this for 14 years you don't you can't keep up the same thing it's impossible whether you're like a fitness person or a YouTuber or a streamer like you can't always go one up one up like the Logan Paul like look what happened to that guy you would kept going harder and harder and harder you P the dead body you thought it was amazing everyone attacking for did you just compare me to that the no I'm just saying like you can't there's no you can't constantly one up yourself you have to change you have to evolve you have to do something different it can't just be like crazier and crazier and crazier and CRA it's not sustainable you think the main problem me is like I still act how I've acted for years and it's no like Evolution like no like yeah you think that's a big problem like I'm still like the same old like you got to grow up I'm not saying you got to grow up be some old man or some and like talk differently or whatever but like I don't know if it's so much growing up in the sense of like be a different person do different things try different things like like I'm at a box I can't say don't stream but I'm I'm boxing some um some little that's dope the chat already knows but it's going to be like a really but you're actually trying to box like like for real like not like before when you were boxing you look like a boxing no not you trying to be funny not even trying to be funny like you AB look bad no like you really look like a week boxing before so you're actually boxing not like pretending boxing like a little kid like you box that one little kid and he [ __ ] I was trying on my mother's life you yeah I know I was trying like you're actually boxing yeah I've been actually boxing I just Leon you tell him I've been trying right you've been trying like I was trying but I'm not saying he's like a professional boxer but like he's trying okay so I mean if you think you're such a good boxer let me find you an opponent at 260 let me see you fight and I'll put my entire you've been trying to do that forever so if I find you an O an opponent you'll box it's got to make sense okay cuz now price is high like you know I love you but now I want to see you get your ass beat and that yeah huh I I'd rather do m i not boxing oh okay makes sense makes sense chat's weird bro but so this is the thing it's you got to you got to learn to step away from like having to satisfy this yeah but you know the weird part if I'm not if the chat's not satisfied I'm not satisfied if that's a problem cuz remember remember we're going to do the podcast and then because of my Twitter Community I literally said no like no I can't do Vitality like on it like yeah you you that's what I'm saying that's the problem it's the psycho you allow them to do to you the the wrong thing for you just cuz they wanted it you just did it you going to cycle you're like but I get it there's a balance there you absolutely need to interact with chat you absolutely need to like consider what they're saying you actually got you got to talk to them like like that's why you have an audience but sometimes your actions are just like chat says it okay chat says it no it's like you're you're living through that instead of living through this and letting them see you did I used to do that or no you always did that like even when I first met you yeah locked in chat like the most you're the most in my opinion out of any streamer out of anyone I've ever ever interacted in this in this content creation space you're the most dependent on your audience like and what they want you to do like you're almost like a like a Sim you're basically a computer character in it's in a video game and you have no real actions of your own you just like follow they're like walk to the right and then you go to the right damn that's how you were when I first met you that's still how I am though to a degree what the damn yeah I'm like like you know those memes where it's like the strings and I'm at the bottom and the chat's just playing with me yeah it's like not you it's them BR it's pretty funny dude that's yeah is that true chat and I just asked my what the Bro oh my God bro yo exactly yo bro yo bro this is bad bro oh my God bro a puppet this how do I fix it you you created an audience of Puppet Masters it's funny dude it's so I could laugh at it but it's kind of it's [ __ ] yeah you're just laughing at me you up a little bit yeah they just they think it's they think it's funny I'm sure yeah they do cuz you're you're like gassing them up you guys have no control over my life at all at all such a whatsoever but that's the thing bro it's like it's also part of your success you just got to find a different balance with it I know I do got to find a balance but I don't know bro you know like before this I took a one week break like I've just been like I don't know and these people are still staying they want to see me still it's crazy like by now that bro I'm so inconsistent I thought all these people would leave but I've just been like kind of lost that's why I actually like I really wanted to talk to you like I've just been lost like what do I do like the chat runs me the content like I don't know what the to do I mean what do you want to do you still I don't know how I don't even I haven't watched your thing in a while but like are you still dating the chick and yeah yeah yeah okay but it's like off stream thing now like I don't even bring her on stream really fair that's cool yeah yeah damn that's that age not how I thought it was going to age what me and her yeah like but off stream oh yeah yeah yeah what you thought what did you think was going to happen like be honest I thought the she wasn't going to be on stream she's going to be like peace yeah I mean like I'll bring her on like maybe once like every month or something no like once a month or once every like Mon and a half but it's like when I ask her like for example I went to Hawaii I got pressed out Hawaii I don't want to talk about it but um yeah like I brought like I brought her on for like 10 seconds like oh okay so she's not like the main thing of your content hell no but that's that's a step that's and she's still there that's cool I can't wait Chad should I bring her back yes or no or is she mid let me know that's exactly what I'm saying I mean I just got to know what they think yeah n no one thought I was going to age like this bro no I thought I I thought if it was done and she wasn't on all the time I thought she was going to PE so that's cool yes no we good yeah you know it is cool that's just damn I I do I do like doing like [ __ ] bro I used to do so much girl content like like now it's like do you think you alienated yourself a little bit what does that word mean that means like um you made people not want to make content with you oh like other like like isolated yourself or just girls or whatever yeah honestly yeah I got I don't know a lot of people hate me like Kai was saying he was going to jump me and like yeah Kai wouldn't do that I know it's cuz I said a up thing a year and a half ago I said um I don't know if I should repeat it but proba not don't take it out of context but I said his mom looked like Harriet Tubman and it was up and I regret what I said and I apologize so many times to him but I mean obviously it's family so he doesn't play so I get it bro I get it but I was I really wanted to apologize to his face but just never what about when you you do can you do desktop streams I don't like them bro like I like being uping around and doing bro like yeah it's just you got to figure out something else like not a different lane cuz obviously streaming are Lane but like you got to figure out like different yeah boxing like I'm going to lock in boxing like really lock in like I want to be like going to get beat up who me yeah like I don't think so I think I'll be good have you actually been sparring no all right well start doing that I but I have like I have like three months until I fight but you should start you should start I'll be good bro I'll be good like you got to understand it's not about skill with when boxing it's about heart so I got heart no it's it's heart's an important thing but skill is also really important too specifically boxing it's like all skill based actually that's not true it's adrenaline based no that's that's adrenaline have you ever boxed anyone yes but I I'm not I haven't done boxing but the point is GG bro adrenaline last for on Brad's life I'm winning the fight bro on Brad's life I swear to God someone can literally shoot him in the head if I lose I swear to God I'm winning see I yeah maybe they're shooting people in the head maybe you got to like chill yeah chill a little bit Yeah because like that's what I think that's what when we say alienates that's what I think people like I this kid you know I'm like a I realize I'm like a like just hated like oh yeah uh by by the audience or by other creators just everyone bro but it's a it's a [ __ ] I do like I can't even blame them it's a I say like I I say a lot of dumb and do a lot of dumb [ __ ] but like it's never like with like a bad intent when did you feel the best doing all this when did it feel the best when did I feel the best that's a good question bro I felt the best honestly me and sneo when we were doing our and then like around like I would say like even when I was in Vegas for the first time when I first met you at your gym yeah um like like moments like that like when I was like coming up yeah it was so fun it was so you were coming up before that no but like really coming up and like really doing big yeah good times bro I miss it Japan was so fun yeah Japan was a lot of fun so great I missed I don't know me and sneaker were just a great dude but like you're right like my chat like they say I can't do sneo s it's just like it's bro but that's just but that that's part of the problem is like you just do it like people tell me all the time like uh why do you talk like I'll see comments like why do you talk to this person this person like I don't give a man yeah I'm like I'm I don't give a [ __ ] just do it cuz I want to do it I have to be that way you have to start doing things cuz you want to do it not cuz they want you to do it yeah like you might make some people be like oh you but was like at the end of the day like who gives a like really who cares like if you want to do it it's fun it's a good idea who cares Dam like you're in a you're in a position cuz you put yourself here like you can't just do everything they want you to do like it sucks cuz like you want to obviously make them happy you want them to like enjoy your content but if at some point you're just not enjoying it like you're going to end up not doing it right I think that's exactly what happened I was no no no no you got a spot on like I listen to them so much to where like I do what they say now and it's not what I enjoy so I hate it yeah damn and and then like and then what and then eventually just done at some point you're just like this I I'll do something else so if you just do you like yeah some people might be like you you suck this sucks that guy sucks that guy did this why you doing that who gives a man damn like it doesn't matter some of them fall off you get new ones cuz there something else new you do like you can't do the same thing forever and you also can't do what only they want you to do and you can't just go okay cuz they said it all I'll do it it's dumb like you you grow it's interesting cuz like obviously you're young you're growing up like you're becoming more of a man and being being a man is that you're not doing stuff cuz it makes other people happy you do it because it makes yourself happy or makes you feel accomplished like you're going towards something I think I'm a people pleaser it's not good yeah but that's fine but it's like you also like you you'll lose your ability to please people like if you're not happy yourself you know what I'm saying like if you're not if you're not happy like at some point you can't make someone else happy like in this is a perfect example at some point you're just like yo I don't like doing this anymore you're not even going to turn the camera on you're not even going to start you know what crazy that's how I felt for the past week exactly I didn't want to do it I was like this damn I I still push myself but it's all about happiness man have you ever had a moment in your career you're like this I don't want to do it oh my God God so many times man yeah there I had a moment where um I was on like my come up come up I was like going viral I was just talking about this I talked about this a few times but I talked about this last time in the Pod um and uh there was this other Fitness guy who was like he was just lying about me and I was just like I had to deal with that sort of nonsense for the very first time ever in my career where like a whole audience to kind of turn on you and I had just hit like a million subscribers on YouTube and then I lost 70,000 what the hell yeah like overnight because of what this person had said Fu you do I didn't do anything oh I didn't do anything but it was what someone just said oh and I just had to deal with the consequences and I remember thinking for like the next year I was like damn I hate this I I like I did all this and it's like I could have saved a baby from a burning building or saved some grandma or some [ __ ] it's like I could have anything like the most righteous and the minute somethingone could just lie about you like this you just like everyone's perspective can you switch this was years ago like no one remember remember this now but I remember being like yo this I don't I don't even want to do this anymore cuz these these people don't give a f about me do matter how much right these people don't give a [ __ ] about me they they they is it there's a there's a there's few people in there that sure really do if there was a if there was a yes or no like PLL right now would you want to see like live right now neon get like punched in the face they're going to say yes 100% well that's cuz people like that like yeah but that's up like if you care about me you wouldn't say like like do like that no cuz I want to see you get punched in the face huh well I like you what the but it' be funny that's yeah but I to get hurt yeah but you can't ask questions like that do I want to see you get like really badly Hurt No but getting punched would be funny all right that's funny though that's yeah until my nose is like bleeding and I'm like that's but then that's like then like that we got him you know it's funny y it's funny that's what you can't ask them questions like that cuz they're going to say yeah I want to see the smoke they want to see it so chat do you want to see me get punched in the face honestly bro I feel like that's the day I'll change like when someone let me just punch you in the face then you just knock you out Cole right now on camera you know what you could do I just kidding no I can't hit you bro no no no I have a really good idea bro you know you choke you want to go viral you want you know you choke someone out until they out yeah damn you're like black now wearing diamonds and [ __ ] dude the hell what the what happened to you bro no I'm just chilling yo yeah Chad look at it yo damn yeah you're funny damn wait so you still live by yourself yeah yeah you sure yeah okay interesting you still with that girl yeah wow you want to look in you want to check the rooms or something no no no it's cool it's cool it's cool it's cool damn I haven't even talked to Sarah either I don't know what what she's doing but I had some I have a question do you know why sky Bri and Nick and them hate me so much they hate you yeah I'm trying to uh chat what did I do cuz I remember when we went to zoo he was like randomly like talking my boy did you say something I don't know what I said I'm actually confused so I just started talking back but should we call him and ask him I ask him okay yeah you ask him act like I'm not here yo act like you're not here yo no I don't want to do that cuz that feels like deceptive you obviously yeah all just just call them I know cuz I actually want to know cuz I thought we were friends but then like I don't know I got defensive I started talking back like it was bad but well that's then that's probably why they don't like you no no no no I was talking after he said that like after he was talking oh in person yeah yeah but I think something I don't maybe you said something no I didn't I would remember like chat's even saying like I didn't do mean I got one sec one sec oh man let me see this a flood warning is in your area nice out here you called him a cuck oh yeah you probably did that oh I remember what I said I said we're both cucks how was that bad bro Brad I I don't give I don't care well he's not a cuck though it's not like he watch I mean I was joking I said we're both cucks I'm not a cuck either obviously like yeah I was saying that's a little more personal all right bro well ask him right now that [ __ ] is dancing bro diamonds are dancing stupid such a weird thing to say what they're saying the the the cck thing but I wasn't like you're a cuck I was like we're both cucks I was like I I it was like this I was dapping him up I was like my fellow cuck that's the same thing bro bro man Chad this world is too soft for me bro I see it now you need someone like Brad He's Just Like Old and doesn't give a bro old yeah yeah uh David an answer it's a joke no I know it's it's I mean that's not I don't think that's that's not that important I have a real question where do you see me in like three two years well I mean if you keep making content that's a good thing mhm I think that's the key just not not quitting you might have to evolve your content whether it be like I wouldn't stop streaming because I think it's probably one of the one of the the coolest forms of content that that filters into all the other types of content like clips and YouTube videos so it's like you're kind of doing those things already they're all saying I'm going to be dead nah weird like don't even wish that on me bro I feel like I have evil eye on me too do you know what that is what's that you don't know evil eye is like when there's just like thousands of people that are just like like manifesting bad for you in life like I Chad do you get what I'm saying I feel like I have that crazy bro and you got to like go do some spiritual I don't know yeah some Spirit work I don't know man am I like a broken record no you're reading they said that and you read that no no no no but this is this is the this is the thing what do you mean this is the this is the root of your problems yeah like we're having a conversation and you're you're like this is like that yeah man like don't get me wrong that you want to talk to them but like make it make it real yeah like growing up a little bit what the is that what that's a picture Arnold who's that painting Arnold who's Arnold who's Arnold is that your son Arnold schwarzeneger who whoa who whoa whoa whoa what did you just say Arnold Schwarzenegger bro that that's his name dude what the wait is that normal that's his name you never you don't know who Arnold is have you pronounce his last name Schwarzenegger Schwarzenegger no Schwarzenegger dude that's not a funny bro like these dudes are shaking their head like that's his last name bro I see it now bro I'm just a kid bro this is bad it's okay but like this bad bro that's his real name Arnold Schwarzenegger yeah you didn't know that who's the girl I don't know probably some model chick he was taking pictures I mean yeah some chicks he was taking pictures with that's when he was younger he knows everything bro it's like a dictionary bro yeah yeah how the do you know everything how do you know that motherfucker's you know that Arnold Terminator he's famous as the Terminator bro what bro I had no childhood bro that's insane no bro he's never watched movies wow that's weird theck maybe that's your problem what I just need to be it like just I need to go back be a normal ass Human dude watch some movies watch the Terminator that's what you like what are you do in your free time I play video games play my dogs okay normal I go out and eat dinner and stuff go out yeah not really I don't even know what I do in my free time bro it's actually what do you actually do in your free time what do I do in my free time jcv what let me ask jcv you're with me every second what do I do in my free time stay in your room stay in your room it's crazy ah [ __ ] your room and do what you just send your phone like this honestly bro it's more like this and I'm just scrolling through Tik Tok and just looking out what people are saying about you not even me just like just about the world like I'm just like a I'm a nerd bro I'm a loser bro I'm just I just so funny so JC what are you doing in your free time beat your okay sleep yeah I don't know bro I don't know I do you actually do that's no I swear to God I'm just usually in my room just chilling just like Twitter and yeah I mean I don't know I don't I don't even want to say everything that I do but it's just I not but what what do you not want to say what what do you not want to say that you do nah I don't do anything bad I just I just chill man I just chill lazy they all think I'm lazy how do you fix laziness bro oh man that's tough choices making more decisive choices you have any shrooms yeah actually yeah I mean you probably don't want to take it's a little late to take some mushrooms bro I think that's what I need bro I mean if you're going to do that do that in a way that's like you know not on camera like do it do it like meaningfully don't just take a bunch of mushrooms and show up on stream like cuz you want that's like real life like trying to process things not it helps you think yeah wow but you don't you don't just take a t of get on camera like yeah that's true that's what's weird bro I got I got high one time on stream and it was like the worst thing ever bro yeah it's not the it's definitely not the move worst thing ever bro marijuana High yeah yeah that [ __ ] I have me anxious as can't do that smoking weed bro I don't smoke bro don't smoke weird yeah bro I I just want to just come and talk to you about all this bro cuz you you know like you're with like you're with me a lot when I was you know first coming up and Sh like you've seen like the way I act and a lot of stuff so you know I think you're just I think you're just hyper fixing on what what you know your chat thinks of you and it's just that's okay and that's cool but you got to like what's next for you not just for you because of them but but it's not just like like if I do something they don't want like for example like talking to someone it's not just like three people in the chat it's like the whole chat spent who cares actually who cares all of them so you're going to live your life because like they are like controlling you then that's what sneo told me yeah well that's true Dam and like ultimately like like again you're not going to be happy and you're also just doing a bunch of that these people want you to do that like is not genuine of you and like the more you're genuine the more you're like who you are they be like oh this guy's cool I like this I like that maybe at first they're like why are you doing this but it's like who gives a then they come around be like oh actually I like it Dam I'm better to just start doing whatever I want bro that's what you should be doing I'm about to literally just like bring whoever I want talk damn that's what you need to be do and just say the not the chat but like I don't care what you guys think I don't give a damn it's not like you don't care what they think it's like this is just what you want to do you can't you can't take the sort of consequence of like oh they don't want me to do it I won't do it or they want me to do this so I got to do that like just do what you want to do like I'm not saying do things that like just to piss them off but like if you want to make content with someone just go do it you can't this like what like cuz like in third person Probably sounds like the dumbest ever yeah like from my perspective and from me doing it for so long it's like that's a sure way to to just hate what you're doing eventually at some point sooner or later than just not I think that's what it's become yeah damn and you're just unhappy and then again it all comes back to happiness if you're not happy doing anything you're not going to want us to keep doing it doesn't matter if it's stream you're working a job somewhere you're going to hate it and you're it's like it's a chore every time to do it it shouldn't feel like a chore or something that like you really cuz like this is such a blessing to be able to make money in a way that 99.9% of people just can't I am blessed I am blessed it's not missing facts they're agreeing with you yeah it's a blessing man no about no about like all [ __ ] you were saying yeah but I mean that like it's a it's like they're watching you cuz you know in some weird way you were chosen to do this this is why you're here so like lead in a good way and the good is going to come from like when you're happy damn and the sustainability is through your happiness otherwise you going be like I don't want to do this anymore you can't sustain it wow damn you really spoke some real sh bro this is not just the truth damn bro W Brad in the chat bro this is the trth you're saying it's a scripted talk bro no it's not bro I didn't know anybody any of my problems or anything I just text him I was like I need your advice can I come and he I can com I don't script I I can't script none of my content bro forever otherwi I couldn't you really just speaking facts bro W Brad n really W Brad bro we want entertainment they just I don't give a [ __ ] what you want actually no but like you can pick like you can go do things like it's you know it's the cool thing about chat is you can get ideas of content and you can be like oh this sounds fun and then go do it but like your interactions with other people like other streamers or other content creators if you're like if you're oh I can't do this with him cuz chat won't like it or I can't do that there cuz they won't like this it's like that's stupid like if it makes sense for what you're doing and it sounds fun then go do it just do what you want uh now they want to say that weirdos bro they also say a clip Farm like I do everything for a clip and I just want clips and what do you think about that you did that with the the Schwarzenegger thing no I actually don't know who that is I swear to God yeah but you got really excited about a last name that wasn't meaning that at all like wa so that Dam so they are right about that about the clip farming yeah I feel like everyone does that no you just said it again by the way just I said his last name didn't say the N word it's completely different facts they're all saying facts damn it's okay like that's also a part of you and your content like he just built in me like I don't even realize I'm doing it like yeah you grew up in it why is Antonio Brown calling me hey I know you have CTE bro but get off my phone I'm in the middle of a deep conversation all right AB yeah that's funny he's funny as on Twitter yeah I don't know what's wrong with him bro but he's like there's some chromosomes missing I don't know what going on he is funny though but yeah bro I don't know I kind of want to go to your gym and work out I don't know but I feel like I just need to I just need to get back on track and be happy really that's all it's about D you get this is insane I know let me answer who the are these people calling me what do you want bro I'm big of you [ __ ] oh God I'm a big F so weird dude so weird how did they get your number I don't know can you answer one thing though yeah how come I see so much hate on the internet like it's been like this for years so much hate and not one person in in person has pressed me about it like about not one person who oh you talking about me I'm talking about me what the no no just in general so I think that's that's that's the hate stuff lives on the internet doesn't liveing real life yeah like I'm going to be honest bro you you haters in the chat you guys are bro cuz no one has once come to my face and said like you you're a cornball I hate your content I cuz I don't think they genuinely kind of mean that like why would they be watching your stream if they really felt if like if I didn't genuinely didn't care about someone I think they're waiting I think they're lit waiting for something bad to happen I don't know man I'm I'm not that dedicated to some that like it's it's not guaranteed why would I spend all my time on some that you know yeah if I knew you were going to go box someone I'd be like IID probably go if I was a hater I was saying it's Trend it's a trend to hate me yeah that is a trend of hate it's like but it's a trend of hate hate on any content creator like but you never they never pull up outside and say the same to you they're behind the screen saying whatever the they want who cares you got pressed by kids you're a cornball vital what about him um link Sarah it's Tren what's Tren Brad you're wasting your breath yeah they they bro they have no faith in me bro cuz I I get so many like advices and and I don't even listen bro but chat he's one person who I really listen to bro I really listen in you just got to do it man just do it it all starts within no one can fix me bro it's really just me yeah you've known that though yeah but it's like at what point you just you'll figure it out at some point for sure let's just hope it's not when you decid to be like this you can see me quitting I mean if you keep doing what you're doing yeah like you already got you already got shades of it right where you were like this you stop for time yeah damn yeah the worst thing is quitting you know getting less getting less views getting whatever you it's always up and down you told me a sh that's one thing Brad told me remember you're like it's never going to be like you're going to go down and then up and then like stagnant and then like it's impossible it's just how it is like I don't know bro there's no such thing is always up it's not life it's not realistic that is not Twitter comom ruined you yeah it's also Twitter Community bro these little bro it's a simps bro no it's not I feel like do you agree that I built a simp fan base I mean you you're not really tapped in anymore like that but like it's just bro to explain it bro it's just a bunch of simps just going at it bro yeah well I mean you built the whole this the the Sam relationship and like the yeah but I didn't teach to be a s I'm you kind of did like the whole like should we have her in content should we not like you it's like it's like you're all a simp is like in your opinion what is this him um someone who's down like extremely down bad and would do anything for a girl like so down bad you don't think you were doing anything like that hell no that's funny what I did yeah dude what dude it's pretty funny so give me an example they're saying I am yeah give me an example then like what's one thing I did like a simp I mean you sent for your audience you just gay bro you CU for your audience you do what they want you to do that's a s like in relationship to a girl right the guy does what the girl wants oh okay I'll get this for you whatever you need like at any point you do that for your audience you are a s I'm like a the first person to be a simp to Their audience yeah and it's like that's [ __ ] so you got to change it all right bro just saying you got to change it you got to do what you want to do because you want to do it the more you make those choices the more you're going to like grow and your audience will change a bit and some of the whatever people will fall off some more people will come on but that's a part of it cuz imagine you just there's no way you're doing this for the next 10 years the hell what else am I going to do no no meaning there's no way you're doing this the same thing oh and how you show up and how you're like on camera and how you there's no way that lasts the way that it's lasted yeah no it won't it won't I mean cuz I'm growing like I'm growing up like I'm becoming older like got a beard and [ __ ] I shaved it like I don't even want to show myself with a beard on stream it's just like I feel like it's not me but does does it connect hm does it connect no it's like a little Patrick yeah that's that's why oh that's doesn't connect it's like damn he looks good oh she say he looks good you should wear the beer the way you're doing it your content has to transform I mean it's Leon bro he's ugly so he doesn't even know beer do he got a good beer why do you not rock the beer bro I don't want to be a grownup though like I don't want to be a kid but I don't want to be like a like like you're grown bro you're 40 like I'm trying to be I'm trying to be like in the middle like you know a kid growing up yeah yeah what does that look like to you to you not the chat look at you looking at the chat look at me dummy all right dummy okay what does that look like to you what Me growing up yeah damn I don't even know you going to you want to ask the chat now what does it look like no you I'm turning it away okay what does it mean what does it what do you think like what does it mean I'm asking you [ __ ] know I'm man you got to think about that what does it mean for me to maybe like what does it mean for me to grow up maybe becoming a better person yeah um it's part of growing up stop acting so like crazy yeah been crazy every once in a while it's cool though still grown up everyone's still a little crazy H in the gym yeah that's I mean I'll always vouch for that D I don't even know what grown up is I think I'm like stuck in like the 15-year-old version of me is that possible I mean mentally yeah the internet is a weird thing where like because I think when you're on it you're you're so locked in with what you're doing it's like I was talking with the guys about this last night to were doing the B is like you you forget to kind of like slow down and go like where am I really at cuz it's go go go I have to go go go next uh if I don't make content what's going to happen how do I make money like this whole this cycle of where what your mind is doing to to you it doesn't give you time to like think about normal in your life and you you did start really young and you're still super young so it's like I I did none of this when I was your age I feel like I'm still so young to where I could fix it like fix myself F you can fix anything doesn't matter how old you are doesn't matter how young you are at any point in your life you could fix or change anything it might be harder like you know if you oh you have a physique goal and you're like 30 or 40 it's going to be a lot harder to reach that physique goal than when you're 19 or 20 but you can change or fix anything it's just like where do you put your energy towards yeah and if you actually want to do it but then that comes back to to like what is actually making you happy cuz you just start doing a bunch of you don't actually want to do you're not happy doing like you're not going to make those changes to be a better person doesn't mean you can't be crazy doesn't mean you can't do viral doesn't mean you can't like say crazy every once in a while whatever like it's a part of what you do but you got to find like a different flow with it all [Music] mhm damn yeah damn that's facts like otherwise just straight up like I know I keep say it but you're going to come to that point where you're like I don't want to do this anymore and I don't mean just streaming like what whatever like however you're showing yourself as a person on the internet you're going to be like I I don't like this I don't like the way it feels yeah and there's no sustainability in something like that otherwise it just they'll they'll eventually read it and be like uh I don't want to even watch this anymore yeah so do more [ __ ] you want to do try to learn new things grow I do got to just grow that's like the key thing grow and that encompasses all those things just like mentally physically content wise idea wise Concepts whatever damn damn I appreciate you bro yeah I really do bro chat someone that's always there for me bro always always looking out bro damn you really I got to I'm actually take your advice bro and like try to build on it and work yeah I mean you don't have a choice yeah I mean yeah that's true if I want to keep doing this I don't have a choice that's just life like in general too you can't just stay in one place and try and do the same always you're going to drive yourself crazy damn how' you read it exactly for what it is oh yeah just tell is that it's my assistant it's my he's um do you care if he's on camera no I don't put him on camera okay yeah don't put JCP make sure you don't show them um how did I read it exactly as it was yeah bro just cuz I I've I've I mean I'm I'm older I've been around long enough I've seen you from where you started I had a lot of the first conversations with you that is true so that is true I just say what I feel that's why damn all right bro well I don't want to take up too much of your time bro but what are you going to do now probably go to your gym bro it yeah you should train I'm just I'm going just train I guess I got to uh I'm I'm going to do stand up comedy today so I'm going to get the chat to pick out what I say and then stand up where I I don't know some place but um that's funny it's like I have like 10 minutes on the floor and then I can literally like what I'm going to write down whatever they say and I'm going to just say literally everything they tell me that's funny yeah I got to do different [ __ ] like that so that's cool that's a good idea Brad is speaking fact yeah know I know okay all right bro yeah am man whatever you need hit me up I appreciate you man I can get a hug can I get a hug bro yeah of course good brother great God man don't don't take things you know don't take things too much to heart just keep going have a conversation with all those people that like you know are like probably like well what the try and try and fix those things the best you can Dam all right man I'll text you bro yeah hit me all right appreciate your time brother M yeah I was like keep this [ __ ] all right where's Le oh that's your setup oh I forgot damn I forgot how this house is built I feel did you know I got a dog you have a dog yes bro I'll send you pictures later but
Channel: N3ON
Views: 32,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: n3on, n3on live, n3on stream, n3on kick, n3on livestream, neon, neon live, neon stream, neon livestream yesterday, neon kick stream, n3on kick stream, n3on livestream yesterday
Id: DR81VDldlkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 46sec (2446 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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